Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mask of Kurk Wold

Unmasking the Wold
 Whether or not Wold is a relocated identity becomes a question only because the two and more share botanical science and art as covalents. Kurk and Kurt, also suppose a super positional character of the deep web that can be in more than one place at a time. Many places, many faces, each labeled a Kurk, to cover the bases, a Kirk Wold, and a Norwegian Kurk Wold, married to Petra Wold in the 1900 census, currently a farmer who develops  Seeds for Northern Climes, as well as the artist of Kinetic sculpture, Kurt Wold, known as the bicycle head banger. These and other writings diffused about the understate, as Wold's editor mentions, are not limited to Kurk, Kurt, Kirk.  Superpositional identities access precognitions of themselves, unknown before the fact, or rather, are known before the fact only if believed. Because if the viewer does not believe the superposition fact, the precognition, then it cannot be proven, since to prove it means to remember it before the fact. If this seems difficult try comparing it to faith, in which many cannot master. You cannot remember before what you never knew, so if the viewer does not store the identity in the memory it ceases to exist right there.

Wold's writing scanned by image includes Account of Three Prefaces the Trans Human Paradign Shift, and  Why the Investigations of Kurk Wold Were Leaked. We're never really certain whether we have the original papers however since these are edited from translations and shorthand allusion with interpretations of image. Wold appears to have been incarcerated three times in private prisons run by corporations, such as in old mines, aboard ships, abandoned hospitals, but without without formal trial. Captives of gulags and their revelation are one part of the Wold story. He  accounts some of it in his published letters.

Another background is his profession as a quantum physicist/chemist which keeps shifting from tale to tale, to be compared with those missing microbiologists of urban legend. To include the dead and the missing makes the list longer by far, but to think it stops around 2005 is naive. Let's say though that it stopped being mentioned. Of course Wold's name is not on the list nor indeed do his personal records seem to exist, which suggests they were expunged, or some other diversion. Five were memorialized here. Not ever knowing where he was headed Wold is influenced and backgrounded by Goya, Caligula, Gehry and more Blake than would be believed.

If the deep space science of Wold be recollected, subterfuge hides the most astonishing discoveries under pretense of 19th century assumptions, as if propeller airplanes or jets, just for laughs, substitute for globes and anti-gravity. Science was absurd before the Greek philosophers, but after the ancestor of Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, "saw" light blinking from the marigold like a code of Nibiru. When Newton's research showed biblical codes of Daniel and Revelations, science got mum. Wold called these mummeries EXPERIMENTS OF THE HEAD, meaning by amputation, anything that did not fit ruling assumptions. Another of his monographs, Opiomes, argued America symbolically given to Iraq (meaning Babylon) at the Obama inauguration in Denver, which he calls the Enthronement of ISIS, capitalized to indicate its fulfillment in the founding of the Syrian Caliphate. That iconic designers built in Denver a gigantic stage to usher in super events, meanibng the arrival of super mensch, and buildings and art encoded genetic, science, weather manipulation, chemtrails on postage stamps, unspeakable government drug experiments and psychological manipulations, there was some reason to  hold him prisoner. Wold was held twice, escaped thrice. This exploration of the underworld and the iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy are prima facie evidence to him of the giant arms.

Opiomes. The Domes

What does architecture and its appointed grounds, surrounding buildings with sculptures, ponds, pools, stairs, have to do with politics? The creation or destruction of pyramids or Afgan Buddhas is more than religion, it is a hybrid of religion and state, but when the politics is gone the architecture remains behind, in ancient cases hiding the tablets of Gilgamesh, Sumerian writing and hieroglyphs, in more recent cases the bones of giant progenitors in the British Museum. Records of religion and state indicate massive structures in ancient China and Rome of a greater overarching culture. Modern America and the world have monuments defined by ideas, the Capitol Dome, the Washington Monument, but with no obvious religion or state to accompany, which understates at first what seems as diffuse and boring as these fascist aesthetics. The most remarkable building event in Germany in this light is the burning of the Reichstag, a symbol affecting more than politics. Created or destroyed, but mostly destroyed, the Twin Towers of New York are a burned Reichstag afeared to be known as such, instead made motive of a patriotic act of revenge against the perps, a feigned act of patriotism as the Reichstag. Lacking long established gods, kings, traditions of Aztec, Inca, Greece, Rome, Babylon, science shorn of gods has left only itself to enshrine, what those epic states maintained withTyranny, yet oddly the modern will say the earth has never been more free.

How people say the opposite of the true is not new. In those ancient worlds you spoke for the court or were put to death. How do we know any of this is true ourselves? We don't. We've not been to see the queen. We're still alive. Trends are too large to see. Academics spin a web to host the fly. The best we can see is in art, architecture, Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel West, Hart Crane, really the list is so long we will not be done, dismissed as imaginative visions, even Blake taken as irrelevant to the modern state. But there are plenty of professors to tell us how to hide the truth that is revealed. The buildings speak from the rooftops to the ground below. There you will find how OPIOMES formed of this chaos, Visions of the Starchitect, Ishtar Hotel in its first reel. It blamed Coleridge. Then TROJAN HORSE or Histopossum formed of the spit. Poseidon, out of the dread locks of Medusa made horses like Pegasus, but still retained her SEVERED HEAD. This is as ghastly as true. Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor formed just at that moment when Perseus severed it. Then the immigrant Kurk Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile in Denver, home of the Broncos and Mustang Sally. So these two versions, Trojan Horse and Opiomes, were once one. One became two out of chaos, and now there are three. Would that Raja Rao had lived to hear it. Myth becoming fact, surrealism absurd. Dean Swift rowing down the Thames.

I don't mind if you take the severed head as a parable of particle physics, of the failure of the standard model to describe 4-space time entering 3-space, or, "energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared! Then the empty place the empty head. A parable of particle physics! Napont Wilmington! To interpret, we don’t think they are pursuing particle physics at all. The paradigm of the Standard Model is incomplete if not false, flat space time but not curved. So while they pursue the half speed LHC pipe dream of Higgs, the thinking skewed, as if it were being done to them, not by them, they deny the existence of the longitudinal wave.

To anybody who persevered through Kurk Wold's Letters, 1, 2, in a kind of fauxnonfiction after a hundred visions and revisions of which three times as much exists in other states hidden on the internet, in the beginning the Severed Head was called BUILDING TRANSHUMAN IMMORTALS revised. It got revised but eventually two electronic interfaces disagreed and it was lost. Somewhere it existed who can doubt? Of the hundred not one remained. A caption in Status of the Soul of the World says: This from the archive of the renegade biophysicist Kurk Wold who disappeared. His papers keep turning up in amazing places as if timed ...

Alternative News 26 Oct 2012
 Exploration of the underworld and the iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy, Twin Towers a burned Reichstag, Academics spin the web of spider government that hosts the fly, immigrant Kurk Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile, A parable of particle physics!

This from the archive of the renegade biophysicist Kurk Wold who disappeared. His papers keep turning up in amazing places as if timed ...This from the  archive of the renegade biophysicist Kurk Wold who disappeared. His papers keep turning up in amazing places as if timed releases. As far as can be told this was the fifth or sixth such:
"The whole history of the world, commerce and the commercial, obscured by art, was invented by powers so they could go on about the business of buying and selling of souls. This corruption preoccupied the patriarchs and prophets, the buying and selling of favor, religion, blood, children, women, highs, goods and services. So the picture of commerce in Revelation 18 is a summation of all those practices, except of course they have been added too in the 20  centuries concluding."

 “For the deity, intending to make this world like the fairest and most  perfect of intelligible beings, framed one visible animal comprehending within itself all other animals of a kindred nature”(Timaeus, 1163).

The anima of nature is like a dance (Davies' Orchestra) , or a huge animal breathing, a ceremony tingling with the life of the "prophetic soul of the wide world." Those  who sometimes think they see the  face of this anima mundi dancing in the sun (C. S. Lewis, English Literature of the Sixteenth Century, citing Neoplatonists and Chapman, 4) invented a whole crowd "of beings...theologically neutral," so say (9), who inhabited "the region between earth and moon crowded with airy creatures who are capable of fertile unions with our own species" (Lewis of Drayton, 10). These neutral beings Lewis made into 'an even older Narnia" of "strange characters and snaky patterns" (Caspian, 85). The scholar fantastic leaves room for  to expose. The first essence of the Elizabethan being this explosion of  fantasy, paradox and color that for the next century became an imaginative "efflorescence of forbidden or phantasmal arts" (6) allowed "Bercilak to resume his severed head" [Sir Gawain and the Green Knight] (8).

 Cornelius Agrippa

There is such longing for the tales of gold when the world was young, the excellence of fairy not to doubt. Lewis believed it more than he could admit, for it is appealing to think trees and animals can talk, that invisible beings are figments of our better selves lost. This Platonism, where the worlds of idea and archetype break through into our mundane, is the crux of Tolkien's upset with Lewis over Charles Williams' excursion in The Place of the Lion.  Tolkien felt Lewis had left the more pristine Old English view, meaning Aristotle for the platonic. The point of course is the loss. Jack (C.S.) Lewis tells it as if to children, but did not openly admit telling it from Agrippa. The half dwarf informant in Prince Caspian is named Cornelius, after Cornelius Agrippa supposed. Those of the name signed here, should they seek such, can take comfort that Agrippa found refuge with John Reiff, as acknowledged in 1523 at Friburg, where "the physician had a cordial patron in a citizen, John Reiff" (109). For the level of heresy this implies it depends on whether one takes the first or the last of Agrippa's thought. The latter thought approaches the pietist Johann Arndt, for "as early as 1525 and again as late as 1533 (two years before his death) Agrippa clearly and unequivocally rejected magic in its totality, from its sources in imagined antiquity to contemporary practice." Of course Agrippa's reputation is founded on magic even if he left it behind, much as Jack Kemp is on football.

Goofy Sword in the Stone

It takes a long time living with renaissance platonists to take them seriously, which is done partly by seeing how their thoughts leak into all sorts of ideas and places, and also partly from finally being able to read and comprehend the thing itself without needing to rationalize. It you have not yet learned to read and comprehend as such it can come. The country of Aslan the Lion, was "of the Waking Trees and visible Naiads, of Fauns and Satyrs, of Dwarfs and Giants, of the gods and the Centaurs, of Talking Beasts" (Prince Caspian 47). The charm of Lewis' Narnia is that once the premise of fairy is taken life goes on in a terrestrial manner much as it always did with character, adventure and perfunctory intrusion. Lewis the scholar but not the prophet has not changed all the world by overturning everything once believed (as did the Telmarines). Is it that the invisible is ineffable if known, but what can be said to the known world by the unknown, to the flesh by the spirit? Indeed what need be said for it is a world that simply must be done, not thought, as in the Revelation among the churches, but not among "the race who cut down trees wherever they could and were at war with all wild things" (Caspian, 60), to bring together highly disparate things. At least until Caspian is hit on the head and thrown into their midst of the badger and the dwarves, he is as the modern thrown into the midst of wars of angels of the abyss against the saints and their coming King. In this analogy to other worlds visible and invisible, Caspian's engagement with the animals, badgers, etc. is like T. H. White's Once and Future King; the two are related in more than a species of bestiary. Evidently little trail for this exists, but it could exist for goofy in the Sword in the Stone. For The Book of Merlyn it seems chapter and verse. The beasts became Caspian's friends in this commerce. To otherwise invoke such worlds Lewis would have had to converse with John Dee, his spirits, and Madimi, who admittedly he said were fatuous. When St. John, Ezekiel and Isaiah talked with angels, which would be the counterpart of this invisible, they were overwhelmed.

Platonic Politics

Our fate is to witness this Platonic theology applied to politics. The Florentine Platonists, Ficino, Pico, were wholly pious in intent. Ficino, a priest, burned his commentary on Lucretius (11) just because it depopulated  invisible beings from the universe. Theologues had a dream of power to bring the invisible realm to bear upon the political. Knowledge for the sake of power preoccupied Bacon, Paracelsus, Dee, Machiavelli and all European thought. In their megalomania they thought Soul power justified anything because it was "being in proportion superior to the world." Thus they ordered the extinction. Read this either as extinction of the invisible world or of the visible. Why can't the two coexist? Why must they annihilate each other? It is a theological question. You would not believe that the whole purpose of science is to manifest this Platonic spiritual world to the physical, filtered always through its megalomania for power. This purpose of science would call itself the whole purpose of existence. You would not believe that even if I said it in Opiomes, or in HistoPossum, or in the Severed Head. So I won't. If there are three terms, the visible, the invisible, the megalomania, there is also a fourth, the true man who opposes supernatural coitus, cosmic intercourse. I think it is our purpose to find him. Charles Upton takes the chain of being and its loss most seriously in his Cracks In the Wall.

The irony is it took a mere 300 years to undo and then redo all that classical science and myth described in the universe. First to the undo, Lewis says "new powers became rich like Midas but all that he touched had gone dead and cold. This process, slowly working, ensured during the next century the loss of the old mythical imagination." (16th Century, 4). The result of this denuding of forces, planets and nature of their tutelary beings was that pure mathematical science of empiricism that allowed nothing but itself. So how does it occur that after disestablishing myth science would invent even greater myths, that man was god, would recreate life forms long extinct, that artificial intelligence would rule human life, hybrid life forms replace the natural, that life for the elite would be endlessly prolonged (they called this immortality), that ancient existences of spiritual beings would be invoked by corporations and government. Is that not remything as an absolute? Wood, Lewis-Tolkien tension here

Kurk Wold worked on the Nano Uber Alter Bot project, among others, which means he spent much of his professional life in prison and underground. He reports these experiments as escapes because the science is a little unbelievable. AE Reiff translated the letters of scientific shorthand from Wold’s numerical code palimpsest of the Mouser Airpark with its eight and more unfathomed levels and the Distortion Dome of air. 

 If the successor to William Burroughs were Hunter Thompson and Charles Bowden (Blood Orchid), who thought it better to feel what they saw than to measure and give number to the ferocity of this storm (xv), Wold wanted to measure the decibels to the point of deafness. Bowden said, "we've been in a long war and we've lost that war and the war has poisoned us and our ground. If we admit these facts, we might be able to survive. If we don't, it really won't matter if we survive because we will be functionally dead" (xvi). Will we survive? Wold spent much of his professional life either in prison or underground.

 The Notes and Journals of Kurk Wold : Macro Alters in the ...Joseph P. Farrell spin orbit and torsion tensor unified field theory and torsion tensor-unify ...

 The Notes and Journals of Kurk Wold : 8/1/12 · Program yourself is what controllers ... GLOCK THE CLOWN Kevin Seasolts OSB. people responded to Grock's .

 Alien Abductions Not Abductions-So here's how it works. Electromagnetic, microwave radiation on the brain explains the flying saucer buggers, says  Vallee. What is not explained is that "you can make people hallucinate using either lights or microwave or electromagnetic energy. You can also make them pass out; you can cause them to behave strangely, put them into shock, make them hear voices or even kill them."

Hybrid Beastiary, Letters of de Kurk Wold
Dream People, Konfessin Mouser K
 Cosmist Checks Terran "Kurk Wold" Artilect encephalopathies AEReiff "Einstein's Head" guillotines Sophias CSLewis Devine "Nick Bostrom" "Hugo de Garis" ..

.Another, a prose version, is at Preview of Coming Attractions @ Insight Statutes…tions.html
How to qualify an A-Head, as called, not as easy as it sounds. Einstein reassembled. Many parts and autopsied divisions false. A roster of the living too, which had such impact on Hugo de Garis he couldn’t sleep. Shouldn’t have talked to the Heads so late. Notwithstanding that his editor, who brought much of this confusing material to light as the fictional persona maintained by the Artist’s Collective of the New Ibsen Canal, with no known means of contact except weekends in the courtyard, as  it says that in the brochure, --we  determined there is an index of this writing, and more, at the site Encouragements for Planting...

...this we recommend you avoid. If you must have something, he is the present editor of the Kurk Wold papers on the roundup of biological civilization, and other such artifacts at HISTO POSSUM TROY HORSE NEPTUNE WAR ROUNDUP, or the impossible long title, being, the History Impossible World ThoughtNot Bot Roundup, a Cartoon UBoo-ty Experiments of the Head History of the Faerie Tale West Fro Gromets Severed From Collections in A Fictional History of the Future Fan Faux NonFic Hypno, Mysto, Crypto Possum Starchitect.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Angel Empire Civilization. How Civilization Invented the Universe and the Apkallu/Nephilim Invented Civilization

Angel Empire Civilization. How Civilization Invented the Universe and the Apkallu/Nephilim Invented Civilization

We have three apocalypses contained in The Revelation. Reading Isaiah and Revelation with Goya, an apocalypse of hell presents its title in the alien colonies of government. Why can't a person just live without these thoughts?  Apocalypses presume ancient times not known between then and now, until the Nag Hammadi dug in 1945, by accident, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Either this or Russell Crowe as Noah constitutes a warning. We awake with Noah's notion of a universal constant. Physics wants to reduce it to a  a unified field. To apply Bly's notion of the shadow and living it out, which he says Wallace Stevens wrote but didn't live, he must change his life as did Rilke, incorporate the shadow into it. That is what physicists must do, not simply to talk about the One but find it, live it, become it. Johan! Jonah! And there is only one ONE! So we will end up the same. This does not resolve one known by many names. It is not ascribed by all names, only by One. That Name above every name by which all things came to be and will resolve. To say there are many names of the one makes idols of those names in place of One, as religions have done. There is only one and only one. Your mission is to find it out.

 Consider the archeologist in Israel who says Rebekah watering ten camels is equivalent to saying the Middle Ages used semitrailers Ho, ho, right?  Introduction to the Heavenly Priesthood of Abraham. Orlov.

Angels Bound in the Empires and the Euphrates! Four of them. Apocalypse of heaven, hell as earth. Choose one. Three heavens, immediate sky, stars, place of Yahweh. Third heaven sometimes divided between light, the Throne, and dark, the stars. Clearly, in the second, the stars fall with all that structure of star worship hidden in planets, sun and moon. In Orlov's, Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham, Abraham is depicted as an intimate of celestial priesthood but he contradicted it. He is Father of Faith. In the Greek Apocalypse of Moses Moses only occurs by subscription of the first line, also called the Life of Adam and Eve. Two Apocalypses of Peter, found in Egypt in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, the Nag Hammadi Library, one gnostic, so nothing like Peter. Our brave new world has such people in it. An Apocalypse of Paul tells what he saw in the third heaven that he said could not be told, so none of his. Not to add the apocryphal  Apocalypse of Elijah,
loose the Angels Bound in the Euphrates, as says The Revelation. The Japanese Evangelion where angels have to be defended against by the nations free bases this. The Euphrates of course was where the US Army dug up the supposed lapis box of Gilgamesh rumored transported to the Beltway for further tests, to be reconstituted. That the angels are bound in the Euphrates makes it obvious they are perjured. It says they were prepared for that hour, debated during business hours, but their business you can read following in Rev 9.

Civilization is discontent with exclusion. Universities study it, politicians regulate it, businesses profit and approve its corporations. Astronomers snuff out its sun in so many years with predictions like comets. Civilization will not quibble with the solar system going down, but to snuff the universe is not its plan. Immortality needs to live somewhere! You could say civilization is a spider in the web of the eye (Stevens) where creation is recreated,  but do not blame the eye. The mind is fooled, not the ear, or sense. Civilization's business is to fool the mind.  Films call it the matrix. The chief agenda is a system of secrets bought and sold to grant special status to the inured. Occult powers convey favor in handshakes, authority in rituals masked with GMO, Help for Humanity. Whenever you see Boehme or Paracelsus or the five hundred blessed among these powers be wise and strong. Civilization is a counterfeit that incorporates all.
"After the Universe invents the Unconscious civilization is constant."

What is the Universe? A construct. How can it invent anything? Paradox. It is not sentient. It is a mirror. So it did not invent the Unconscious.

Unconscious means the shadow, darkness, the posited unseen that liberated, harnessed, like the atom, gives light. So much dark is light we can hardly stand it. Watch the six seasons of The Wire. This shadow is easily grasped in psychobabble.  Poets interpret psychologists. Robert Bly says the shadow is the long bag we drag behind us that civilization doesn't approve, but civilization is the bag, and this seriously understates its acts that we are appalled to have committed, but do not reveal - because we live in The Bubble. We pretend we don't know. But we do. *Edwardo Galeano. The Unconscious is everything left over when all these things are done. The detritus, the waste. Jung says the shadow is the whole unconscious so it would not be good news for civilization that it be erased. But it will be. Then goes another constant. And likewise the universe will fall. What's left? The realization that Civilization invented the Universe and the Unconscious. What is civilization?

universe, unconscious, intelligence, ultraman.

What  happens when the Sixth Seal is opened and headlines say ANGELS BOUND IN THE EUPHRATES LOOSED?  Civilization falls. Look behind empire, see demon. Psalm 2 touts this  derision. Perhaps, it is argued, universe just means that nature wants to be the ultimate term. But no such thing as the universe invoked exists. There is no sense of humor or justice in the universe, exactly the argument of an acosmist. The universe never made a snowflake or an idol a drop of rain. The transference of the created to the Creator, the universe for Yahweh Elohim, is a joke. The shock is overwhelming. How could you not believe in the all around you and in you?   Believe in what? Civilization invented the universe. Pots rise up and claim self existence, and on film, the 2014 Winter's Tale says the universe both loves and provides stimulation for the bored! Attribution of the lesser to the great concerns the writer who said, which of the angels can you compare to the Son? Transference of the created into Emperor.  
*[We live in a perfected bubble. Edwardo Galeano, Charles Bowden make efforts to enlighten, but unheard. Nothing penetrates Civilization. Differences are called terrorist. You know the Outernet is here, but think it good. What can be done for the man locked in the iron room? Lu Xun asks if he'd rather die without waking, suffocated in his sleep, or wake to feel the pain before he went? Bubble is the EM gauze wrapped around the head to magnify civilization, the exceptionalist U. S. drones of "criminal marines" (Galeano), and all media.]
Orlov, Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham - See more at:
Orlov, Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham - See more at:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Angel Empires. The Judgment of the Stars


 It is now commonplace among scientists and alt thinkers to make the universe a causation. After many decades I heard Psalm 8's meaning with the moon and the stars that thou hast ordained (KJV). Other translations might give "established" for "ordained" but two things at least happen in an  ordination. The laying on of hands and the prostration of the candidate. So the universe had Hands layed on it, "created heaven with a touch his fingers, God gave to man dominion of his hands,' and so the universe prostrated itself before the throne, for "His glory is above the heavens' (Psalm 8 again). Now we know what the universe is.

Judgment of the Stars
  The Sixth Seal is one of Seven on the scroll that the Lamb opens. This introduces a cast of characters to appear throughout the Revelation, Foul Spirits, Fornication and Finance and in Revelation 18, ten thousand times ten thousand angels, and 24 Elders. The scroll's judgments are delivered with acclaim for the Lamb that every creature, in heaven, on earth, under earth and in the sea hears. Nobody in public life however wants to talk about it, even if everybody knows it is coming. We are invited with John to come and see.
El Greco, Fifth Seal

But before the Sixth Seal opens the Fifth gives an explanation as to why THE STARS FALL and how they are implicated, which is going to take a substantial diversion to explain. Stars represent a usurping system attached to idols to institute worship of themselves. Oddly both the idols and the worshipers worship themselves. That the sword is bathed in the heaven means these self worshipping star idols are massacred. This is both symbolic and literal, not good news for astrology of Hollywood. If the stars fall can the planets be far behind? Too bad about Saturn. But while the stars are stars, the sword is Breath.

What's wrong with star worship? It's upside down. He made the heavens with a touch, his fingers, Psalm 8. The heavens declare the glory of Yahweh, Psalm 19, not of idols, demons, nephilim. The world, palms up, by now is well on the way to its submersion, subversion. The stars fall again and again; the dragon's tail threw a third part to the earth, Revelation 12.5. Critics will lull the reader with the argument that stars are symbols of nations, powers and authorities, the judgment of imperial apotheosis, the sin of empire, that Babylon is a code name for Rome and of all systems that substitute for Yahweh, but symbol aside, the word is stars. Literalists disbelieve deceivers. In sword forums bathing the sword is considered curing in oil or salt or rubbed with garlic to purify. Some say the raised sword is bathed in light when raised, which connects light to heaven, thus the phrase bathed in heaven connotes reflection, but this phrase from Isaiah is a judgment and bringing down of the entire (false) superstructure of the heaven.
Fifth Seal
The whole subsequent hermetic concept of the Tree of Life as an imagination of this heaven, walking the demonic paths to the crown, is, to borrow a phrase from Maimonides, derived from the making of chimeras, as with the Amorites who "believe that all these practices are magic charms of great efficiency in agriculture. Thus those practices lead to worship of the stars" (Guide of the Perplexed, III, 182). It is standard fare that the paths of heaven are for statesman and kings who realize that they are gods. The twelve Roman emperors of Suetonius are ample enough evidence of how this power corrupts, but Suetonius does not explain how the desire to be a deity and immortal so preoccupies the whole of biology in the 21st century, where science does not see that the portents, bestiality, poisonings, incest and murders of Caligula and Nero it practices on a global scale.

Back up a little, Abraham had always been a thorn in the side of these Apollonians who say there is no divine being except the stars, not a far reach from modern ET theories which continually seek the star gods with telescopes and space ships, codes and projected Blue Beams. Maimonides says the Sabeans are forerunners of the idea of " the stars as deities, and the sun as the chief. (Guide, III, 135). To put the universe up as an agent of destiny as the seculars do, say hello to Clif High, is to show that this is a current delusion. See Lydia's Vow, who says she is "interacting with the planetary mind." Images of the gods placed in temples attracted a host of correspondences, an idea central to the renaissance, for example, Sir Thomas Browne. This thinking had long exposition before Plato, Plotinus or Ibn Ezra, as Maimonides says, before Babylon "a certain tree, which is peculiar to a certain star, is dedicated to the name of this star, and certain things are done to the tree and in connection with it, the spiritual force of that star which influences the tree, inspires men" (Guide, 139f). So all divination is idolatry modeled on the Sabeans who erect "temples of Intellectual Images (or Forms)" (145), but "it is the principal object of the Law to blot out these opinions from man's heart and make the existence of idolatry impossible" (145). It is obvious that when Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom will be returned to him after "thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule" (4.26) he does not mean the stars. That heavens could be equivocated as stars and universe and turned into astrology is proof text of every occultist from the Sabeans on. See also The War With Egypt

  -I will make Jerusalem as unclean as Topheth, by filling the city with your dead bodies. I will do this because you and your kings have gone up to the roofs of your houses and burned incense to the stars in the sky, as though they were gods. And you have given sacrifices of wine to foreign gods. 2 Kings 23:9-11 English Standard Version.

- And he defiled Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Molech. 11 And he removed the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun, at the entrance to the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathan-melech the chamberlain, which was in the precincts. And he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

The chief survival skills of the apocalypse are spiritual, then social. Remember that the sword is the breath of his mouth in Apocalypse

II. Judgment of the Stars
 The Sword Bathed in the Heavens

Enoch I. 18.14f: This place is the end of heaven and earth: this has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the LORD in the beginning of their rising....
19.1: Here stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods.

And finally this as to whether there are any female angels: "and the women also of the angels who went astray shall become sirens." 19.3

Behold! His angels He charged with folly! Job 4.18
The heavens are not clean in His sight! Job 15.15
The stars of heaven fell to the earth. Rev. 6.13
My Sword shall be bathed in the heaven. Isaiah 34.5
It is polished to make it glitter. Ah! It is made bright. Ezekiel 21.10,15.
Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down," declares the LORD. Obed. 1.4

The Tyger 

 Blake said, the stars threw down their spears, which allows them shaken to fall like figs. The sword bathed in heaven is the agency of their reaping. Threw down taken first as their light is their surrender. Watered heaven with their tears is their repentance that failed. The tyger of man's invention, his gods, his star worship asks, did he smile his work to see. The answer is YesBut the manufactured  furnace of brain, robot hammer and chain, hybrid alien oppression are overthrown. Smile, I am Yahweh, I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them (Ez 34.27)!  So does Blake oppose empire, asks, "have you, a spirit made a live long innate Independence to be free?" If not you're not. You cannot teach to be free. It is innate or not. American slaves never stopped seeking to be free. When you're willing to oppose the mark of your slavery and  every demented, reversed, inverted reality the enemy can accuse you of, the very horrors it commits, than you're free.

  The whole Burning bright star worship system from Akkadia and Sumer in the forests of the night backgrounds the dark in Blake's compressed Revelation. This is why  King David overthrew all the worship of the sun and its idols, counsels of familiar spirits, who said,  for all the Elohim of the people are idols, but Yahweh made the heavens (I Ch 16.26). The history of Israel's kings leads to their captivity in Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar. Much is laid to the sins of Manasseh in this, who filled Jerusalem with innocent blood which Yahweh would not pardon (II Ki 24.4), and with workers with familiar spirits, and wizards, and images and idols that Josiah put away (23.24). The provocations of Manasseh (23.26) who burned incense unto Baal involve the sun, moon, and planets, and all the host of heaven (23.5) which explains the shedding of innocent (21.16) sons and daughters made to pass through the fire in worship of Moloch, meaning Saturn. Manasseh  massacres innocents to idols to worship heaven To serve them he built altars for all the host of heavens in the two courts of the house of Yahweh (21.3,5). Manasseh shed innocent blood very much (21.16)  When Josiah rediscovered Torah (22.13) he took away the race horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun...and burned the chariots of the sun with fire (23.11). Whatever the worship of the sun, moon and heavens was in its horrors of blood and perversion, its pretense of usurping the true heaven, moon and sun, was worse, as David says, for Yahweh made the heavens (I Ch 16.26).

So "the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandments of the Lord and are bound in this place until the completion of ten million years (according to the number of their sins" (I Enoch 21.6, also 18.15), hence Jude 13 says they are "wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.

The Sixth Seal

Isaiah  says the stars will fall like figs (34.6), which judgment occurs long before Isaiah if we remember the stars worshiped as idols judged from the time of Moses and before Noah by implication, with Nimrod. So the fall of the stars, the figs, extends through Genesis, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus and into Revelations where in the opening of the sixth seal the stars fall. The fig did not fare well when Jesus signed its judgment but the action doesn't stop there. Revelation is with us today. With the opening of the sixth seal comes the sealing of the saints against the last of the end. Say to the fig be barren. May no one ever eat from you again. Say to the mountain be moved! Say to the storm be still! Say to demons be silent. All spoken by Jesus.  If figs are as stars their privy members are like horses, Enoch says, [compare Ezekiel 23.20] and first to be judged. Figs fall when they are ripe. They ripen from their own corruption, long coming, from the beginning of the rebellion, cut down by the sword, the breath of his mouth. Stars fall as figs, this is the moment of the sixth seal.

Prophets are not to be absolved from their details. "Bathed" could be taken as reflecting light of the stars, or anointed with oil. But the heavens viewed as bodies and blood and the sword bathed in the blood of the heavens means all the false ideas of the stars supplanting the true worship of Yahweh for Apollo. Worshiping the throne instead of the ruler ends. But look for a grand finale. We are not told that the Nephilim who fell AFTER the Flood are imprisoned.

We are used to hearing of the judgment of the earth, the apocalypse, the end times but this is a judgment of the heaven, as the writer of Hebrews says, "Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven" (12.27). It is not just a single mention in Isaiah 34.6 either, but also at Isaiah 26.13f,  "Adonim have had dominion over us...deified men." Compare the Raphaim giant nephilim of Job 26.5 usurping the rule of Yahweh when in Job 29.4 they are brought down as a familiar spirit. The spirit of sleep is poured on them, their eyes are closed, "vision is sealed,' 11, the book is delivered to those who cannot read, 12, and the wisdom of the wise perishes, 14. Amid much talk of covering and divination, Egypt and books, Isaiah 30.8, lie after lie is uttered by prophets, 30.10. In the "breaking that comes suddenly at an instant," 13,  THEN thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying, this is the way walk ye in it, 30.21, then "the towers fall, the light of moon is brighter, the sun seven times 25, 26.

The sword is all about the voice, the breath of Yeshua-Yahweh, Isaiah 30.31; 33, which is the sword, the breath of his mouth of Revelation 1: out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword. This is speech upon speech Isaiah 32. 7; 9. Now will I arise says Yahweh 33.10. Hear, 13, let the earth hear, 34.1. THIS IS THE CONTEXT FOR THE STATEMENT THAT ALL THE HOST OF HEAVEN SHALL BE DISSOLVED AND THE HEAVENS ROLLED TOGETHER AS A SCROLL AND ALL THE HOSTS FALL DOWN AS THE LEAF FALLS FROM THE VINE AND THE FIG FROM THE TREE. FOR MY SWORD SHALL BE BATHED IN HEAVEN...THE SWORD OF YAHWEH SHALL BE FILLED WITH BLOOD. Isaiah 34.4-6.

OK, maybe the stars aren't only stars. But Rev 6.13 further says, the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. My sword shall be bathed in heaven, bathed in blood. Heaven's body is to be severed from its belief that the stars are gods, that the sun is a god, old and older than history. All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, the heavens rolled together as a scroll: their hosts shall fall as the leaf falls off the vine, as a fig from the tree. For My sword shall be bathed in heaven. Isaiah 34.5. Stephen being stoned to death says you made gods out of stars, worshiped heavenly bodies, had a portable Moloch for your Saturn to carry the idols you worship, (Acts 7. 42, 43).  Deut 4.19 says that they should be driven to worship sun, moon and stars, all the host of heaven and serve them, Zephaniah, that I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims, black-robed priests of idols, with the priests; and them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops (1.4, 5), and Jeremiah that  "it was there, on the roof-tops, they sacrificed to all the host of heaven, and made offering to alien gods.“The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah—all the houses on whose roofs offerings have been offered to all the host of heaven” (Jeremiah 19:13). The king “worshiped all the host of heaven and served them” (2 Kings 21:3). Now you know what NASA is doing.

Maps of the heavens as told over millennia reveal an "almost infinite distance between the ancient and modern names. The ancient is full of mysterious significance and grandeur;  the modern is puerile to an extreme, a comic! "The Air Pump, the Painter's Easel, The Telescope, The Triangle, the Fly, the Microscope, the Indian, the Fox and Goose, the Balloon, the Toucan, the Cat..." (Bullinger, 43). Representations of the heavens such as at Birs Nimrud, a Babylon Ziggurat, that perpetuate planet worshiping and antediluvian versions along with corruptions of the original in ziggurats and the Illumination of Bel obscure that all creation was bound up in "the hope of a coming redeemer, born of a woman; who should first suffer and afterwards gloriously triumph" (Bullinger 19). If we displace the Roman calendar with the heavenly calendar, as Israel does with Rosh Hashanah culminating in Yom Kippur, New Year to Day of Atonement, all in ten days, and all in September, the year begins in September with fasting, not feasting, and the human creation begins in Virgo and ends in Leo, as the Sphinx suggests, a woman with the body of a lion. A lot to take: the Romans claimed both new years, one at Jan 1 and the other at the spring equinox with feasts, but Israel at Rosh Hashanah fasts.

That the stars will fall like figs can be seen while walking before first light at Rosh Hashana, Orion
and Sirius especially in the east, with Venus above many solitary date palms. The stars seem ascended from the fronds. Palms are more frequent in Judea than figs and the two share much, but only the date palms rise to the heavens. The fig, the date, date seeds, litter the ground so that visually they seem stars like figs in and above the date palms before dawn. Apocalyptic date figs so caught up shine singly from clusters on the trunk. We cannot see more in the dark. The bushy top sticks up. Some bright fig-dates escape. That's what the prophet deemed natural before the figs fell. They had to fall. Figs litter the ground. Date palm, desert fig. You don't have to look up to see a fig, but a palm is eighty feet up. Each trunk a galaxy, each star a universe, but as always there is a good to the bad, a heaven that doesn't fall connoted in the palms, palms that hold up the heaven:
Palms in the Abby, Church of Bath

Ye shall take for you in the first day the fruit of a tree of honor, spathes of palm-trees, and a branch of a dense tree, and willows of the torrent (Lev. 23.40).
Of Solomon's Temple the commentator says: "by these carvings was represented the state of heaven; by the cherubs, Cherubs denote Providence, palm-trees, wisdom, and flowers,  intelligence by the gold with which the cherubs and palm-trees were overlaid. was signified the good of love which reigns universally in the heavens." Solomon carved all the walls of the house round about with openings of carvings of cherubs and palm-trees, and openings of flowers; and upon the two doors of woods of oil he carved carvings of cherubs and of palm-trees, and of openings of flowers, and overlaid them with gold, so that he overspread the gold upon the cherubs, and upon the palm-trees (1 Kings 6:29, 32). The splendor not austere.

Danby, Sixth Seal

E. W. Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars.
Falling Stars and Rising Smoke: Imperial Apotheosis and Idolatry in Revelation. Robyn J. WHITAKER here

If you got this far look at The Sun as God here.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Apocalypse Folder 48

This kind of person invites you to their home for a garden tour. You can see a dozen environments a day. That's PKD, he has us over to his universe, but has not cleaned up. Everything is everywhere in his mental house. He says there's no universal inner space, which seems likely or not, depending. For sure astronomers think there's a universal outer space. They call it that, the universe! Substitute it for Yahweh. No presumption there. Thinking makes it so. Dick's "space phobia" teaches "my conceptions of inner space differing from person to person is very radical and politically subversive" (Exegesis 531) and there goes all the Jung archetypes out with Hermes Trismegistus. Every intellectual property is either thrown out or it becomes part of indoctrination. I started on Folder 48 and descended.

Seeing into the other makes the unsanctified paranoid. He's a little honest in this, not harboring secret pretenses of superiority, thinking he can read minds, influence behavior like a psychologist or government agent. The sanctified break decorum, implying a greater than the self to whom one is consecrated, a higher being who can topple kingdoms. Vision artists see many of these. Castaneda found datura, but why pretend that salvia freaks, coke freaks, pot freaks, super pot freaks, acid freaks aren't, even to the divine ayahuasca, toppling themselves on the god drug to which pilgrims go? Enlightened meeting in parlors and homes, like a mens' clothing stores, or getting naked (psychologically) together in a medicated fog, if you were only able to see yourself naked in body and mind you would be whole. Did you hear my latest vision? but in truth it is only when you are clothed are you whole.

Why pick at spiritual practice? Pray without ceasing, which doesn't leave room for eating to the misunderstanding mind. Sit zazen, practice says. Clear the mind, focus, not thinking. "Whether this is better than Phil Dick freaking out in the ozone about time and space, well, that is what they do at the super collider, freak out about time and space, try to mash them like clay. None of these are like a refiner's fire which purifies the silver seven times, so that when it is tried, the spirit comes out like fine gold. Meditation, drugs, government agents, hypnotists, doctors of the disorder for health are taking "anima" for Shekhinah 544, the Phil Dickian problem heightened for us in letter after letter, raving about pseudo science of space and time. Is there a quantum being in two places at the same time? Surely! We sit together in heavenly places at the same time we are bound in the flesh we so dearly possess. Do we pray three, seven times a day and without ceasing? Surely yes. Our minds are a constant seeking for the good, the holy, the just. We never stop. Woe is woo to the many and few. Chaung Tzu says--what! don't you tink for yourself at all? The business execs ask why we love Jesus with said query. Do gooders who thought maybe to teach high school, self made holy men call for the good, but don't take it to the bed. They take anima for Shekninah! Get naked with thy wife, one could say, where the unspeakable words are not heard because they are not said. Neither are there thoughts where minds meet or do not. Sure the middle of that hour, at its height with laughter in the moment, insight at the absolution, dissolution, passing of the world below absolved at defeat of the temporal, of pain, sickness, disease, adversaries dimuted below. Born from above, a sharing of personhood like a river, sometimes rapid sometimes slow, David shares the personhood of Shekinah, a visitation like an ephod in relation from Yahweh to spouse, and should you have both, Yahweh Yeshua and Shekinah wife, laugh with the telling. Which is why they're laughing at the fire of forgetfulness. About seventy David got cold and they sent a girl to warm him in his bed. The Girl was Shekinah. We have no need of telepathy in love, nor of memory, love is complete. The presence of Yahweh Yeshua is complete.  Phil Dick looks like he tasted, but the husbandman will prune so the presence will flow. This baptism of the Holy Spirit, Phil calls the H. S., you hear the sound but don't know where it comes or goes. Not channeling the divine. It's not practice. Because he loves me says Yahweh, I will rescue him.  Noah, for Jonah, for Jesus. See this and forget yourself if you want to be good.
 Nobody takes Rome as a present power reality any more than Egypt, or ISIS or NASA, to their  detriment. The emperor gods, tortures, embodiments of Babylon are mere words in our system of indoctrination. That there is a system of indoctrination is everywhere around us and in us, but we hardly know. Dick reveals this occlusion when he says inner space differs from person to person, part by corruption, part by camouflage, part by intention, the mind changing, "extending phylogenetically" (The Exegesis, 532). Dick's editors sometimes refute his notions, embarrassed at his atavism, especially when he says "Rome, which is the prison and the enemy: the secret Christian underground attacking it, over a period of 2000 years; and the deity itself camouflaged in reality." At the end of this chase he raves on with Conrad Beissel and Boehme, who say they have broken into "absolute (hermetic) space where the self is Adam Kadmon, unfallen and unoccluded!" 532. Like a moon landing. Like a gram and a half of white powdered gold. That he is deluded in such thinking only tells us all to watch our mouth, which to professional scholars is nuts since it's how they make a living, just  as occultists who say too, but have no clue. Who has a clue? Adam the Second. PK Dick's  urwelt, world-skin, ur-grund, from Paul Tillich's ground of being, rests on two universes, one hidden from the eye. His take on super-pot views it as "super pot...drugs take you away from enlightenment and consign absolute reality to epiphenomena, which increasingly entrance you, rather that losing their already too strong [a] hold over you; thus we call this intoxication: a deluded state, not enlightenment. Acid and super pot are like the Monsanto exhibit in Disneyland where you get smaller, i.e., the world gets bigger: your perspective shrinks. In enlightenment your perspective grows and spreads out to fill vast spaces." 534 But there is no enlightenment. Nowadays there is nothing but super pot. Of these two universes, the actual is that of the Christian apocalypse, "spatially much vaster than ours, and in terms of time, the present extends back to encompass 2000 years" 532.

Some of these images and thoughts returned the next day questioning why editors have to apologize for Dick's inconsistency, especially when "the true church is forming outside the church" 542, hence true science is forming outside science, but then PKD is the first man to write a billion words. There's no sure count. Bedrock in these billions is his statement that in the gods of St. Sophia, Buddha, Siddhartha, Apollo, "none of these other names allude to God in the sense that YHWH does. It is as if the others are attributes or cultural (i.e., man-made) hypostases, and YHWH is YHWH; viz: there is no God but God, i.e., the God who "is what he is," the tetragrammaton. The others are names humans give to God; YHWH is the name by which God referred to himself..."He brings into existence what is."" 545

Summing the indoctrinations from the Roman prison idols he says, "Satan pretends YHWH won; YHWH will cause to exist what Satan pretends (i.e., occludes us into believing) exists. It is a sort of trick played on Satan, but in deadly earnest: to make Satan's "falsework" (pretense) real. A wise strategy." 546  In this corollary of opposites Satan is allowed to think he won, even to the extent of driving YHWH from the urwelt, in order to work some much greater, inconceivable act. Thus "God turns the lie ("God won") into the truth, and Satan is surprised; he didn't foresee this." 546

Of tricks and tricksters in this inconsistency, Loki and coyote, the defeated are victorious, "those most duped are most right, paradoxically; YHWH takes advantage of the irony and ambiguity to cause to be what seems to be; this is his fundamental power/nature" [and of course it is right out of Romans 5, "calling that which is not as though it were"]. The Christian Apocalypse is in full swing thus, "the fact is, this is a prison. Satan won in 70 A.D. and the Essenes are dead; but YHWH is instilling them in some of us in the present..."546.  "The battle is going on, but Satan is at the center--of government, of church. Still, YHWH has the crucial advantage of a priori foresight. It was revealed to me that ultimately he wins every hand." 546  This has been revealed to us all. Don't mess with Bill.

To have to say it is a Christian Apocalypse shows how far adrift the times. There is no other. Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and David are its foundation.The Apocalypse posits war from the beginning of time, whenever time begins. Shall we say time begins when we know it? The Apocalypse began then, or now today, or tomorrow. Greater and lesser forces are arrayed with and against humans in this war. Then comes the redeemer. People under 50 believe such things.

"For all the gods of the nations are idols - All the gods worshiped by the people of other lands are mere "idols." None of them can claim to have a real existence as gods. The word here rendered "idols" is translated by the Septuagint, δαιμόνια daimonia, "demons." So the Latin Vulgate "daemonia." The Hebrew word - אליל 'ĕlı̂yl - means properly "of nothing, nought, empty, vain." See Job 13:4. The meaning here is, that they were mere nothings; they had no real existence; they were the creations of the imagination; they could not in any sense be regarded as what it was pretended they were; they had no claim to reverence and worship as gods." Barnes' Notes, Psalm 96.5, taken from I Chron 16.26

II. Holy Cow

A monkey in front of a machine could not necessarily produce sentences. That said, Phil Dickian, as he calls himself, proves and disproves anything. He reads something and ten minutes later dreams it, not necessarily conclusive, but eidetic. Take a nap. Maybe he has a billion published words and ten billion thoughts, a little manic in Santa Ana, to paraphrase Le Guin. He believes in the sibyl, the fortunes, the gnostics and not. Some years his best Claudia Bush letters sold for about a thousand bucks each, cheap because there were so many. But he's no mentor for your piety. He complains the church and the world both reject him. We like that, but not when he profanes the Name he believes in (39). His letters, life and fiction are like paranoids of larger scale chemtrail, mkultra, fema camp crowds, a lot to shake your head. I would have bought the letter where he follows his dream only to find it is a book of Warren G. Harding (14-15). A good joke from the author of, now, a trillion thought words. Stats are greater on thought words than spoken words, the number of words spoken in a lifetime only about 370 million.

To codify it the Babylonian way, make a Talmud or a Book of the Dead, have priests organize the way to lead, but not like a little child, Dick is the little child pastors warn about, calling him foolish. Of course he is. The ways of the Holy Spirit have nothing to do with protocols and the ways of ordinary life. After you have lived it every day for fifty years you need to know life is lived in different ways simultaneously. To what purpose? To the purpose of living life. We are all living life together, not separately, and the thing we don't say is greater than the one we do in the embrace of the true spouse, the picture of Shekinah in David's bed when old, the kiss with the kisses of my mouth of Solomon's Song sung over and over in the generations, but never aloud, the river whose streams make glad the city of God. Who is that city? Where is Jerusalem? How can I get there? Clean hands and a pure heart, that has not lifted up the soul unto vanity. Oops. There goes PhilDick, dope, practice where the jack of all trades has mastered the mind. That's not mind control. Weather Vain. Getting naked or not, spending or begging a buck, living or not, keeping up, not keeping up, shaving or not, Chaung Tzu says, stop. Moses said stop. Stand still. The armies are descending, the voices  are roaring, the heart is erupt. Stop. The battle not ours. We won't need those horses or the guns. Not a battle of flesh and blood. Do you know the time? Not against flesh and blood but against...who dares say it-- cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against he glory of Yahweh, bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That's means give up, or just stop. "Either he will or he won't, but know O king that we will not bow before you or your idol of riches." Indeed David took the crown of more than one of these idols, of Malkam, and Joshua put his foot on the neck of these kings. Idols were always being knocked off their gods. "But know oh king that whether he delivers us from the fire or not we will not bow to your image." So it is really the image of the king, the idol, the world sickness, Big Babylon. Standing at the Red Sea winds surging, water rushing. It's as if Johan popped up out from the waves with pillars of fire and angels all around. He is able to deliver from the fire of affliction. That is the picture. Nothing we can do Phil, except praise the name of our deliverer.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Psychopath Enters Time. NLP. Finite Corporate Rome - Stephen Vandestappen, The Art of Urban Survival

The nurtured psychopaths of corporate privatized Rome/Washington formed states farmed by those friendly Machiavelli values of thought control and entertainment patriotism.

"USA 1974 is Rome A.D. 45" compares the Roman Emperors' rule by mob with Washington.  Exegesis, Dick, 1.69. "The strangest most eerie thought just struck me. If USA 1974 and Rome A.D. 45 are two spatiotemporal aspects of a common essence they as aspects if superimposed would clash, not blend—this despite the common essence; I don’t know why I know this but I do. But if it’s really Rome A.D. 45 then they would blend, because the percipient would see that USA 1974 is Rome A.D. 45. What I have been calling a superimposition is more like a metamorphosis. A certain building is a building in Syria in the first century A.D. Reality is seen under the aspect of Rome A.D. 45, the Holy Land. As if reverting. I noticed palm trees and sand, the warm wind, the relaxing people . . . like a scene in ancient Syria."

 When the entertainment icons fell in Fall '17 and after they were destroyed by their makers for a higher purpose, to disillusion the populace in leaders in order to make receptive to new order. Gaslighting, made victims doubt their own memory. History rewritten as if algorithms had been erased revoked perception and sanity. Projection and introjection of psychic conflicts onto victims weakened their resistance. This was technically done with microwaves. Ezekiel, who is being blamed with Daniel and St John for  suspicion on global government and the world said, will you hunt the fluttering souls of my people with your nets (13.18f)? This was nicely covered up at MacDonalds where the food was made monstrous (here). It was all magical thinking. Female staffers outed news  moguls for venial sins. Girls abused as children imagined themselves fairy princesses. The obese imagined themselves beautiful. Rome and Babylon shape changed into Corporations and surrogate Government made people not "trust their own judgements.'"  Individuals made neurotic by culture became psychotic. Religion was the big winner, with grandiose Apollo and the Democrats. Psychopath Society institutionalized the extremes of the twelve Caesars. Hunger Games, Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol taught the Characteristics: Lack of empathy or remorse, superficiality, grandiosity, irresponsibility, impulsive behavior, compulsive lying, manipulative, anti social behavior

Types: narcissists: somatic, cerebral; the victim, con artists: short and big score, malevolent, professional, secondary

Modus operandi: predictable. Interview they do a cold reading, then practice seduction on weakness. divide and conquer, fear and tyranny

advanced emotional intelligence, another scam to sell you farm and the Brooklyn bridge. Kubler-Ross deny denial

 Neuro Linguistic Programming- NLP (more NLP @ Manipulation of the Unconscious

 Submodality memory. The purpose of  Neuro Linguistic Programing is a glorified positive tinkering with  specific thoughts and memories to change their impact. It proposes editing the deep structure, a semantic rewrite using techniques of substitution. So visually there are three techniques to manipulate size: change the brightness, color, distance, then associate or disassociate the image of the memory assuming it to be static and single. Thus, blow it up or reduce it, build it or annihilate it, which expansion and contraction is supposed to evoke feeling. The changed or manipulated feelings are the entry to changing the subconscious impact of the memory.

In addition to visual there are auditory techniques of tone (Barry White) to turn the internal negative voice into a pleasing tone; volume up or down and to modify its location. Find it and move it to the other side.

This leads to the kineaesthetic technique, to move good memory feeling around in location in body, move bad to hands or feet, diminish it and kick it out, burp it out; movement and redirect, cycle its phases, reverse, speed up, slow down.

In NLP undesired thoughts are captured in the meta stream and sent down another path. As with memory, these thoughts represent forces that if blocked, even redirected, will resurface another way. Stream capture however denies the conscious mind opportunity to face itself, especially when thoughts and patterns of thought recur around specific themes. That's the whole point of neutering a male dog, to change its thoughts. So what to do with unwanted thoughts. First recognize and identify them.

Treatment: identify and detach, evade. Cold exterior to them against their playing on your humanity. Isolate yourself. YOu are food to them. Cut off the food supply. Parasitic psychopath. Any other means to treatment than this passive would be subverted by the psychopath as every other system and law.
Waking people up the only means. Psychopaths derive power from complicity of the general population, they need to be spotted and distanced like a pandemic. Recognize the patterns  by cutting them off from food, money, attention, devotion. This is nonviolent. Remove their access to the power.
See James Fallon, interview. Neuroscience and the Psychopath.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Staffing the Tribulation

Aleve: "there is no human illumination, only deception."

Best Mind Harvard, that bestial mind believing all myths are public dreams, and dreams are private myths, will staff the tribulation. Its collective acceptance of The Loosed, name written on its forehead, is sometimes called angel, sometimes devil. “The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm," says its Illumined Primate, Joseph Campbell. Do you love to think that when you wake up you get to see this monstser? "As well as its glory, the realization that this is just how it is and that it cannot and will not be changed, those who think they know how the universe could have been had they created it, without pain, without sorrow, without time, without death, are unfit for illumination.” Joseph Campbell  I of course am unfit for illumination, being a doctor of the mind, but it says in the Book, "They shall all be taught." These subtitles read, "there is no human illumination, only deception."

More Primate Campbell: “Gods suppressed become devils, and often it is these devils whom we first encounter when we turn inward.” You might think he's making this up. What is a god again, besides a devil?  "A god is a personification of a motivating power of a value system that functions in human life and in the universe.” I see him mumbling over his caldron at night: mumble, bumble, toil and trouble. The lack of any quality to that value system is however troubling. “Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.”  "The rise and fall of civilizations in the long, broad course of history can be seen to have been largely a function of the integrity and cogency of their supporting canons of myth. [He says this at the same time as he says that all these myths are essentially the same.] "The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read, not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."--Joseph Campbell. The Power of Myth. So how the universe could have been if he had created it,  ends up as a fairy tale transcendence. The doped out Beatle said, "nothing is real."

Escape from Myth

It makes sense to live among these cultures of monster myth without being completely colonized if a native and if English (colonizer) completely encompassed in your class, that is, with a classified only existence. Peace or war is another forced choice to live between. Even though war is danger there is no greater danger than a king of peace. Sherman Alexie is a bipolar example from the Spokane reservation to literary star, recovering alcoholic, that there are three inbetweens to be caught between because there the struggle for consciousness begins. So whether it is Ginsburg lamenting Cairo vs. Jerusalem, or any ethnic group, Indian, Irish, Welsh, German, Spanish vs. the English in America, or the Christian caught between the new life and the lusts of the flesh, multi dimensionality transforms the simple to the complex, and fosters being pulled apart. Pulling apart can create empathy that overcomes the apathy of culture. Alexie finds the social media of the internet as an equivalent to a colony fostering one dimension of serial isolation:  "we're actually smelling each other right now, but our, we, as we talk, don't know that, but our bodies know that, you know? My gestures, your gestures, the look in your eye." Disunity makes consciousness but  when I walk among the doves before five AM I feel unity, the same as when I was eight walking among the trees. Do not be at one with the world. It is an iron room. Be precognitive.

Days of Noah

So what emanates from outside the self is fallacious. Schools dictate belief, leaders. Teachers negate the liberty to interpret. Every man is not his own priest. He is a priest of his school. One prophet of the Eagle's Nest used to say there was never a time when wisdom was greater than today. He was in a pyramid scheme. Many of his ilk say that sav lasav sav lasav kav lakav kav lakav, here a little there a little, is intended to describe the process of truth, but the words in their context describe a staggering drunk, "the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule, a little here, a little there-- so that they will go and fall backward" (Isa 28.9f). The error of schools claims that the text quoting Jesus as saying “as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man” means  interspecies breeding between the sons of God and human women." But the text explains that it refers to eating and drinking and marrying until the day before the flood so that they knew it not until it came. Sensual indulgence prevented their sight. The Days before the Flood are symbols of other Comings too, among scant mention of nephilim. Not that it matters; anybody living as though the Coming were to come upon them asleep in their indulgences is not going to welcome the austerity of the Watch. Sleepers do not charge their lamps. Those who don't feel like watching feel real odd when things are going fine, but aren't. The others, ostracized from the social world where they are drinking and telling stories, wait and watch.

 Gods of the Empires 
That is the way the gods, goats and gobs of  empire change their dresses from Assyria, Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Greece, Rome to America, England, France, Germany but retain the same blood thirsty Germanic and Celtic gods. Maybe they don't want us to know the Star of David is the north pole of Saturn. Considering the north pole of Saturn as a hexagram, the spinning vortexes, the flag of Israel,   Israel left its Yah (Amos 5. 26, Acts 7:42-3)  so that the idols they made to worship are Moloch's: hence Amos says "therefore I will send you into exile beyond Babylon." As there are rings around Saturn these supposedly correlate with the circle around the hexagram.

--Or you can read renegades of the faith Phil Jackson, Tavis Smiley
Society of Spectacle
The Secret Country, 52 min
--Foreign troops
"under martial law, the foreign troops will perform the dirty work that US troops don’t really want to do against their fellow Americans.”
Read more:

Aquarius the Age of Evil
-DMT-Alex Jones DMT Clockwork elves, Pentagon 50 years, instructions to open the doors.
Chemical concussions
-Joe Rogan Prison Planet TV - DMT - McKenna had friend working for Army, body substance,
the ministric goats, special forces astral projection
DMT -  
House of Miscegenate Godscommandment 3
Keats Titans - titanomachy
edward young westminster seminary  from the stone age to Christianity
 the death of the gods Götterdämmerung

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...