Showing posts with label Monarchs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monarchs. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10. Teilhard de DRAGON

Dragon aura-Iceland
An issue of the noosphere that may not be welcome to the thoughts of the Biosphere by Vernadsky is that the noosphere  has a fellow traveler, Teilhard de Chardin, teleologically situated, who inspirits both the alien and the Pope who resigned, Pope Benedict, in the exfoliation of the entire transhuman hive, super human agenda. That this seems to involve aspects of aikido is further problematic.

The Alien

It doesn't take long to realize that if the world is a Host a sacrifice is about to be offered. What is surrendered? The individual, the self, catching away the self, called transcendence [stage 4]. In this OrdoSeculorum religion, a prelude of the coming into full "cosmic consciousness" [stage 5] of the global possession, Teilhard de Dragon and the Pope concur. Enrapturement, transcendence of the body with the mind, leaves earth behind. Tom Bearden got interested in these ”paranormal” projections from his experiences in Yoseikan aikido. He says his transcendence outside himself began when he saw himself practicing the exercises in slow motion as if he were watching from the sidelines. He called it “the pure zen state of aikido," "the complete aikido oneness.” It led to his investigations of UFO materialization, thought forms (cf. “tulpas”), telepathy and the entire “entity nature of collective human unconscious,”  called for a vast “psychotronic Manhattan Project” to establish this one mind. Compare his notion of the Soviet psychotronics turning "the minds of all men into a great supermind having absolute psychokinetic mastery over time and space–truly a godlike being... the collective human unconscious has a collective conscious instead of four [eight] billion fragments of individual personal conscious minds” (The Excalibur Briefing). We call these people, but each one are bits in the quantum supreme world. I've never met a single person who cares one way or the other. Never even met anybody who knew about it. So give it up for amnesia and entrainment, and Give it up for The Globe!

A century after science finished its rebellion against forms of Biblical governance, I mean the Messiah of Isaiah, another messiah instituted a government of its own. Its alien emergent deities and divinities said uber mensch should prepare for a superior life-form of government. De Dragon called this as a joke,  'Christogenesis," the creation of a “total Christ” at the Omega Point when we are all one. Trick or treat! The Vatican had been deeply involved in the search for extra-terrestrial life all along with its Lucifer telescope, right there in Arizona! In essence Teilhard's new genesis was in correspondence with all of Jung, experimental psychology and religion. Five spheres of evolution would produce an "emergent divinity" in "man."  Before these there had been merely an occult theology of yoga and theosophy. After, scientific disciples of Nicholas Tesla like Tom Bearden, Richard Hoagland and other lights of the parallel NASA establishment sought a man that none of us have known.

 The NEW MAN was the result Teilhard's noogenesis where astrobiology presumed [v] technological civilizations capable of communicating with humans and traveling to Earth," would arrive with  the alien.  Picture a membrane imposed upon the biosphere from above. Vatican astronomers have been jaw boning this superimposition all along [vi]. Teilhard says that "the noogenesis of the noosphere is the fourth stage of the five of collective human thought [like the internet!], "human vibrations resounding by the million––a whole layer of consciousness exerting simultaneous pressure upon the future and the collected and hoarded produce of a million years of thought" The Phenomenon of Man. Especially feeling that pressure of the third creation was the first and second man, Adam and second Adam, the first man and the last. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

All species of "transcendence," are inbetween Singularity technology and science-business-government metaphorically, which metaphysically transform earth before leaving it, or really just going down to those 1500 underground cities below. Be sure the earth and the body are the traditional left behind as in the Bible series of that title, not to solve overpopulation, pollution, asteroids, and "evolution" of Singular gene science redesign of the human. These ideas courtesy of the egregori  pyramid. How this involves space aliens we shall see [iv].

Collective Entrainment or psychotronics connects this "super mind," with something else.  "Unified collective unconsciousness accelerates the existence" of an entity. Psychotronic minds acting “in concert” produce entrainment of a brain beyond that to household electronics,  Human and machine becoming one in the toaster lead to the collective coming together with the coming alien snake savior. If they are correct," says yogi, Tom Kenyon,

 "we will pass through a collective planetary portal on that date and enter the Age of the Gods. Indeed, if the majority of humanity reaches the level of attaining siddhic powers, we would be very much in the Age of the Gods. Those of us engaged in spiritual practices to accelerate personal evolution are, I believe, making a tangible contribution to the future destiny of this world. Consciousness has a subtle, yet potent affect upon the environment. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated this.”  

 Siddhis are powers named for Siddhartha, or Buddha in Sanskrit,  higher powers attained through Tapas, bursts of egoism, sexual "enlightenment" and self worth as an expression, not to forget drugs. Siddhic powers do not efface themselves. Tom Bearden says the Russians  mechanized and magnetized these processes decades ago with EM Scalar fields!

Note:  [Thoughtform may be understood as a ‘psycho-spiritual’ complex of mind, energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously by a sentient being or in concert. In the Dzogchen view [the natural state of mind, primordial awareness] accomplished thoughtform of the kye rim mode are sentient beings with a consciousness field or mindstream confluence in a dynamic of entrainment-secession and organization-entropy of emergent factors or from the mindstream intentionality of progenitor(s).” Wiki-tulpa]
Another side of Dragon occurs at Draco and the Operation Earnest Voice run by CIA.

  All the arms of Zargcophapus work together in a religion where more than two arms bind the cosmic beliefs of Teilhard to NASA, Pope Benedict and Francis and where Vatican emissaries offer classes to indoctrinate evangelicals. It gets them relevance, power and money. The merchandise of souls is good business. We don't want to say there is good in evil, but is there evil in good? Where else would all the millennials go on Sunday but to Hillsong? Scourge these charges of prostitution? Face it, they are being done some good, no? Roll out the global.

Brookings Report

Language describing this collective event is very like that describing alien arrival in the Brookings Report " where three Species of the Unhuman are suggested in the mass hypnotism speech (Brookings 1960):
Collective Unconsciousness (disintegration),
Artificial Intelligence (alterations, changes in values)
Hidden Aliens (previously unfamiliar societies)

 "Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have  disintegrated  when they have had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior The Brookings Report, 216).

Proposed Studies on the Implications imply society must be helped away from its disintegration by changing its values, attitudes and behavior, just before its final act of disintegration. "Successive alterations," "adjusting to the implications," have been withheld from the public for greater control, rather as a fiat accompli. Main alterations have to do with the human genome and human belief systems in order to terminate life. Of course it is not quite put this way.

Recommendations of Brookings

 Continuing studies to determine emotional and intellectual understanding and attitudes -- and successive alterations of them if any -- regarding the possibility and consequences of discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life.  Historical and empirical studies of the behavior of peoples and their leaders when confronted with dramatic and unfamiliar events or social pressures. Such studies might help to provide programs for meeting and adjusting to the implications of such a discovery, Questions one might wish to answer by such studies would include: How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery? (217)

 "He was being made to do something he abhorred, had a nuclear device in a Tupperware plastic container, about a quart six pack in size, and even though he hated it, had already armed it to explode. Sloshes threatened to come out the top. He had made a reservation on Pan Am, to fly it to Costa Rica, although places in Ohio might do, but was worried sick about the effects. Why had he armed it? Where did it come from? These were aprioris in the dream, already there when he arrived. It reminds us of those Manchurians amongst the reels who do that which they would not. "That which I would not that I do," said someone, torn between the be and end of be. That’s it. Awaking, he remained upset, which is how the god particle boys feel. They sought it, the Standard Model may be wrong, but so what, they have access to knowledge that will destroy the world. So they armed it. They made it. They covered it with glue and put in in the oven. There their compulsion lies baking." Broken Symmetries

We need a name for this conglomerate. So call it the ZARG Psychopathic Collective Mesh Nazi Abstract God Particle Homo Zap'em  Homo Zap'em Zivilization Countdown 4 
You want proof that all collectives are psychopath? They prevent you leaving. Try to leave. Try to change banks! The dulce stops. Smartphone is a meal feeding dragon.

"Think of ZARG as a flash-mesh network where each mobile device is a mini cell tower connected to a single, central hub. Multiple devices rely on one another for perception, not on themselves. There is no human intervention involved, even from the users of the devices and certainly not from any administrative entity that needs to arrange the topology of this network or how people are connected or how the network is used."
The Promise of a New Internet here, or 5G as a species of Terahertz amplified off metallic chemtrail clouds. The intention of collective mind is entrainment to dissolve all difference, an overpowering super self that absorbs billions, a mesh network algorithm that eliminates disruption.

"Specifically, the toleration of the systematic brainwashing of the populace by publicity, and the tolerance toward deception in merchandising, constitute the essence of a system which fosters tolerance to perpetuate the struggle for existence. In Pelevin the market complacently absorbs art and pseudo-art alike, fostering “‘destructive tolerance’ (Baudelaire) of ‘benevolent neutrality’” toward culture”. (Repressive Tolerance, Marcuse. Khagi, 563).

Zargophagus grandiosis
Now imagine the Outernet whose prototype deployment in June 2014 links up with this innernet mesh, “a direct linkage of the conscious minds of humans into a single giant super conscious mind — extending into billions of dimensions...the collective unconscious as a living entity, the bottom line in physics and Jungian psychology"  (Bearden Excalibur, 247). A person is to this collective unconscious as cells (selves) to a body. Dragon promises an individual number of personal minds, some eight billion, will collect together. These however have only the characteristics of the single collective person. Also recognize ES Net 5 and 4, which connect their unimaginable bandwidths to labs, download the immense data from CERN to FermiLabs etc in a flash.The AI god religion that negates all others kills believers, a single collective internet psychopath Egregori.

Smaug Smug
Super mind.

A third player to internet and outernet takes external form as a super computer with no "regrettable biochemical impulses" like empathy (Nick Bostrom, Future of Humanity Institute). Collective unconscious, Bostrom declares, is "not an essential component of intelligence." Impersonal AI separates intelligence from emotion just because it is psychopathic, which intellectual fission Bostrom leaks from Nietzsche, a split mad entity.  Existential Risk only allows lower creatures to exist if they serve higher intelligence by being useful. Those not useful are discarded when out of date, just as  the man himself is discarded when super man comes in, the perennial ant from the man to-mouse-analogy. Whether man-mouse, ape, ant or man, whether Hugo de Garis, Kurzweil, Dewey, Bostrom--they suckle their machine. This collective  was dissociated, psychotic all along

 We call it the National Socialism of the Abstract until the algorithm completely eliminates disruption. Who doesn't go all Nazi over mystical secrets of control? Nineteenth century theosophic fads of transcendence, cosmic consciousness pulled out of Buddhism and Hinduism. This polygamist has many arms and many faiths. Religion married psychology, politics and  science. Medical applications in the twinning Kaznacheyev experiment were its basis for Mengele's twin experiments of further control. Becker potentials, Rife Machine cellular regeneration (here), all such technologies to unify consciousness and manipulate magnetic fields were in danger of becoming the Emergent Collective Divinity. "Tolerance to that which is radically evil now may appear good because it serves the cohesion of the whole on the road to affluence and more affluence.” (Marcuse. Khagi, 563)

Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial intelligence is a species of collective that incorporates autonomous  unconscious processes  with the mindset of the Future of Humanity Insitute and the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, to build a machine to fulfill a vast quantitative measure that  rules out human cognition as the only species of intelligence, especially ruling out  "biochemical impulses" such as empathy..."not an essential component of intelligence. "Without ("the weakness of") human emotion, "AI as a primordial force of nature, like a star system or a hurricane — something strong, but indifferent" (Nick Bostrom), "a super intelligence that might not take our interests into consideration, just like we don’t take root systems or ant colonies into account when we go to construct a building."  Madame Blavatsky would have been proud.

The End of Science Fiction

Two themes, the exogenous alien and the unconscious collective battled for control of science fiction. Science fiction was no longer fiction, neither was it science in Arthur Clarke's spaceship of Childhood's End. There, from Dante's hell, came a medieval devil still not as scary as the collective mind of the children who destroy the earth in that book. Rituals of this collective exist in 1984 and Brave New World, and Stranger in a Strange Land: "Humanity has effectively become extinct, and he is now the last man alive. Hundreds of millions of children – no longer fitting with what Rodrick defines as "human" – remain on the quarantined continent. Barely moving, with eyes closed and communicating by telepathy, they are the penultimate form of human evolution, having become a single group mind readying themselves to join the Overmind". The Last Generation

Cartoon Collectives

The Overlords in those works select indigo children for their psychic power much as the army does its candidates for disassociation, from among abused children revealed in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.  Children in Childhood's End achieve transcendence in their enhanced group mind. Collective Peace, the golden age and planetary annihilation ensue simultaneously. Apocalyptic realists call these beginning stages digital Maoism, but fiction long had Borgs, cybernetically-enhanced humanoids linked to a hive, but now cell phone addicts boast they have the n-passive "wisdom of crowds" where the many are smarter than the few. They are certainly easier to control. Versions of the collective mind do not seem contradictory where the many are one. The inner levels enforce this religion.

If Outernet sounds like Skynet,  and the Atlas robot of DARPA like Terminator,  Bearden cartoons this super being as an interpretation from Revelations. Such biblical analogues also preoccupy the Vatican's more philosophic take, especially in Jesuit theologian Teilhard de Chardin who summons a catalyst from outside to bring it to the Singular Omega Point. Bearden's unconscious ZARG has a sting and a tail, like the Beast: “The entire world history from beginning to end will come into simultaneous being (fourth dimensionality), and then all possible such world histories (fifth dimensionality) …The kundalini of the entire human race has slowly been rising, and paranormal phenomena have been increasing" (Excalibur Briefing, 251).  “Humans will pray for death and not find it, the grave will "give up its dead,” the “beast will be defeated and cast into darkness.”  “Man will have become a true God —in a strange and bizarre way constituting the second coming of God.” “Zarg can pull the very stars out of orbit” (Excalibur Briefing, 250). "Man literally is and shall be god" (253).  Bearden, like Zbigniew Brzezinski blames the Soviets for the harnessing this machine. “So the Soviets are on a course to evoke the full carnage of something very like The Revelation. John, looking across two thousand years of history into the future, and seeing the awful cataclysm that was to come, described it as best he could in the concepts available to his day and in the belief structure in which he functioned. Thus he described Armageddon and the end of time, and wrote the Book of Revelation.” “Spacetime and reality will have gone insane during the developing paroxysm.” 

Khagi cites the mythologeme in general, the consumer in particular. I compare it to the iron room of Lu Xun in the planned Escape from virtual reality, now known as the information net cast over the mind that devices of hand and eye are attached to.

"While still searching for an authentic reality, Tatarsky comes up with a notion that, “in

itself, a wall on which a panoramic view of a non-existent world is drawn does not change. But for a great deal of money you can buy a view from the window with a crudely painted ocean, an azure bay and a calm evening. ... Then perhaps the wall is drawn too? But drawn by whom and on what? In terms reminiscent of Plato’s “The Cave,” he views commodities as systems of false symbols that serve to disguise man’s metaphysical imprisonment.  His insight is that consumer mythologemes are simulacra of the second order, hiding the primary simulacra—the illusion of the wall. Such an understanding may potentially lead to an escape from virtual reality."

As always however, poets say it best, so Yeats says in his Magic: not that he could do it, but he wanted to. (1) That the borders of our mind are ever shifting, and that many minds can flow into one another, as it were, and create or reveal a single mind, a single energy. (2) That the borders of our minds are shifting, and that our memories are part of one great memory, the memory of Nature herself. (3) That this great mind and great memory can be evoked by symbols. To be enveloped in a web requires bait of a sensational kind. The bait is counterfeit, belief that by nature here we must understand universe, above and below, which sums nicely the entire fabrication of wisdom and the unconscious that substitutes for and opposes the One. (Khagi, 564f)


Teilhard de Chardin

 An image of the extra-terrestrial catalyst of collective mystical evolution web is supplied by the arrival of the Overlords in Childhood's Ends.  Fiction is the crux before this acceptance of the "real," for before the fact this scenario must be seen as as fiction as much as after the fact it is pervasive reality.  The collective is the catalyst triggering Collective consciousness viz. alien intervention that dissolves earth life to produce the evil outcome of Childhood's End, afterward taken as predictive programming. What true collective ever benefited itself or its members? Prison labor is a collective, 20 people doing the work of two. The evening news is a collective. Institutions and universities are collectives. That's why Tillich say all institutions are inherently demonic. Hannah Arendt found out the power of the collective when she said it was not epic but banal. Collectives are always opposite relationships, which produce the good.

 These cartoons of collective insight give Teilhard's noogenesis and the omega point. Unhuman evolution was front and center in selection of Pope Francis, Malachy's last pope. The inner purpose of papal councils was opaque until Teihhard de Chardin enlightened the previous Pope Benedict. In fact, neither papal counsels nor noogenesis made much sense before the craft of Singularity made itself known. The simultaneous denigration of the human in favor of the super human, what Teilhard calls the ultra human, enslaves the natural in its cruel manipulation of animals and genes to pursue higher forms of life. The marriage of technology and psychology mutually exposit Teilhard, retired Pope Benedict and The Revelation of St. John. Whether it takes the form of the creation of artificial intelligence, or in Teilhard as mystical evolution, a theology of  biology, it equals perfection of man.

To persue the ideas of Teilhard and Pope Benedict, Vatican astronomy sought the space alien. Teilhard's notion of Noogenesis became a term in astrobiology describing "civilizations capable of communicating with humanity and traveling to earth." Various myths of ancient religions were found to validate noogenesis, which proved the Age old Neptune War. On Jung's authority it was the gospel of the myth of return. Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade agreed that human transcendence and cosmic consciousness in ancient sources were the fulfillment of long standing human dreams and effort, to serve the UltraHuman agenda.

That the opposite of this is true, that transcendence and cosmic consciousness are a subversion of all that is human, especially subversion of relationship which is replaced by the collective and the Overlord,  is dismissed out of hand. New heretics who doubt this new religion would be burned like Bruno, more likely decapitated. The only difference between these human martyrs and Galileo is that there the old Rome extirpated the new. Here, the new Rome (Science) extirpated the old with a familiar pattern of colonization [Brookings, (below)]. The dissidents however also had ancient sources, best understood as Hebrew-Christian, which the collective tried to corrupt into nonsense. Dissidents of collectivity said the earth was deceived by the endless machinations of  fallen spiritual beings, that these fallen arranged a coup d'état of earth in order to dominate and destroy it, a kind of Childhood's End shorn of  metaphysics, in reverse, just the simple plot. Such fallen beings variously took form as devils, pagan spirits, gods and out of consciousness experiences on DMT- ayahausca (inner multidimensional space aliens). This mystically evolved collective held out an insect future for the human. The insect, the Monarch, was a  preprogammed human child controlled as a sex slave, assassin, spy. . But whether the subject was human advancement or all out war for earth, science, technology, literature, government and business all lined up with the collective, which promised a material reward.

Teilhard and the Pope

The fourth and fifth states (of Bearden and Kenyon) are completely identical to that dissolved world of Noogenesis and Omega Point of Teilhard de Chardin, which brings us to Teilhard and Pope Benedict, his best interpreter.  Teilhard connects his Omega Point with monadic occultism, the Hieroglyphic Monad, as 16th century Dr. Dee would have it. Monads are the operatives in Teilhard's The Future of Man (1950), evolving into the Omega with increased complexity and consciousness. Complexity and consciousness, similar to Singularity, evoke an Overmind, a "Christ," an Uber Man. Teilhard's best interpreter was retired Pope Benedict XVI who believed with Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno that the idea of creation was false. Both however used traditional Christian terminology invested with a new meaning:  "From this perspective the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and in the consummation of the world in that event could be explained as the conviction that our history is advancing to an “omega” point,' Credo for Today...."

Historical Christianity is incorporated into the great cosmic process of evolution from Alpha to Omega,  noogenesis and the formation of consciousness, by which man becomes Man/god. This is the building of the noosphere above the biosphere. Cardinal Ratzinger [Pope Benedict, Principles of Catholic Theology.] says of building the noosphere above the biosphere: Teilhard's belief that collective mystical evolution of the human comes together with Machine AI in a new “thinking layer," is a membrane superimposed upon the biosphere. The entire universe undergoes  “convergent integration” toward the Omega Point.  The noosphere will then be unified into a “hyperpersonal” organization, an emergent divinity[i], a unified unconscious. This emergent divinity, this "Christ," the term for the Word is changed, substitutes for the one for which it is named, further reference to the myth war that leaves the human behind.

[ii]In the same changed terms as "Christ," Pope Benedict says that [iii]"the role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host." Article 17  This living host, elevated into space, evokes sun worship.
There are perquisites to understand collective mind, the conformity by which collective forms media of all kinds.This is of course the purpose of all Google sites, Iphones, Apple and retailers, to build a data construct of human behavior, which when complete the original can be discarded. Collectives have a lesser motive than domination; it is money money, but money and domination are one are they not? For Victor Pelevin,  "each human being becomes a cell of an organism known by the ancients as the mammon, or simply Oranus (rotozhopa). The purpose of each cell is to allow money to pass into and out of it. In the process of its evolution, Oranus develops a primitive nervous system, then the process of its evolution, Oranus develops a primitive nervous system, the media. This nervous system transmits “wow impulses” that control the activity of the monadic cells: oral (inducing a cell to digest money), anal (inducing it to eliminate money), and displacing (inhibiting all psychological processes that might hinder an individual’s identification with a cell of Oranus). After repeated exposure to television, the mind commences to produce these impulses without external stimulation.Each monad is once and for all trapped in a cycle of consumption-excretion, a Perpetuum Mobile of consumer culture" (Sofya Khagi. Homo Sovieticus to Homo Zapiens. 561): Oranus’s cells no longer possess any inner being, all they can do is to "define themselves via the possession of products advertised on television. Genuine interiority is exchanged for an illusion of interiority, a so-called identity."

 In a version of this mythology, ancient Babylonians equate supreme riches and power with supreme wisdom. To obtain them, one has to enter sexual union with Ishtar’s golden idol, winning the “great lottery.” This means answering the three riddles of Ishtar, the answers to which are hidden in the words of market songs (Khagi, 566).

 When you got hybridality,
walk hybridality,
charm with hybridality
Trans-Titans should stay away from earth.

This is not fiction, it has been brewin and stewin but is confected  today. Inasmuch  as today begins those papal deliberations, to be timely I’m sending it, even tho I just sent something. I wish I had known…anyway, since you probably have something else to  do today maybe you will save me from myself, but if not here it is…AE

Entrainment being the central operating principle of the collective mind which absorbs, dissolves, or eradications all difference from its overpowering superself of millions and billions of selves, before taking it from Teilhard and the Vatican point of view, consider the bald faced take of Tom Bearden who became interested in the”paranormal” from experiences in Yoseikan aikido: began to experience what might be called paranormal perception, or transcendence, in essence seeing himself practicing the exercises, but from the sidelines, in slow time. He calls this “the pure zen state of aikido” (29), the Complete aikido oneness state.” This joins preternaturally with his investigation of UFOs, materialization, thought forms (“tulpas”) and telepathy as transferred to the entire “entity nature of the collective human unconscious,” the “psychotronic Manhattan Project” of the Soviets, and finally to a belief that “by psychotronics, the minds of all men can be linked into a great supermind having absolute psychokinetic mastery over time and space–truly a godlike being, in whom the collective human unconscious has a collective conscious instead of four billion fragments individual personal conscious minds.” Bearden calls this entity by the name of Zarg, a kind of psychological CERN.

 Collective Alien Self
Emergent Divinity Coming!  Noogenesis,  Duck!
the collective sphere of human thought. 
World Wide Web infrastructure 
prophet of noosphere like Lucifer telescope 
Means No Genesis! get in line.
Internet forming collective mind. 

human vibrations resound a billion
insert a whole layer of consciousness

exert simultaneous pressure on the future
collective alien self deities galore
 ready for visit to dissolve the human
 all for one one for all all for one one for all.

 Give up provincial locale space,
 give up, welcome the universe 
overlord superior  Fifth Element Omega Point 
 “Conscienceogenesis.” external intelligence,
if it sounds artificial or extraterrestrial--it ain't human so expect it 
to be the opposite of what we say

"Pope Benedict XVI is a Chardinian mystic of the highest order. His book, Credo for Today: What Christians Believe (2009): "From this perspective the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and in the consummation of the world in that event could be explained as the conviction that our history is advancing to an “omega” point...  

the “point Omega” where the noosphere will be intensely unified and will have achieved a “hyperpersonal” organization. Teilhard equates this future hyperpersonal psychological organization with an emergent divinity [a future new form of God]."

 ...The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host.' Dude! Noonosphere, The Tree of Life! A substitute that is. Like a Big Baby~
 "It’s a kind of biblical scene, something from Babylon, some kind of prophecy from the Apocalypse being fulfilled before your very eyes. You feel it would require a great deal of eternal spiritual resistance and repudiation not to surrender, not to succumb to the impression, not to bow down to fact and not to idolize [deify] Baal, that is, not to accept what exists as your ideal…" (Dostoevsky. Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, Chapter 5).
 Heiser Ps 74 dragons: Ez 32,  They are coming to take you away, inventing by misinformation one piece of data to disprove an entire concept and body of the well established on the basis of this one, so called, contradiction. High says Rome never existed. Sitchin invented cosmic code and planets from mistranslations. David Icke.that messiah the word descends from Egyptian crocodile  Hebrew verb 'to anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy crocodile'. That "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin. Jordan maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? That the name Solomon derives from Sol OM On, that OM means no more than Velikovsky finding a New Jerusalem space ship station there and Freud that Moses was one of the nobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses and Monotheism.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...