Showing posts with label gregori. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gregori. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Max Spiers. The Heart Against the Reptile.1. Evil in the World Before the Man.

 In  MiLad, Annunaki Speirs says that the final battle is the taking over of the heart (32.56). This battle, fought 13,000 ago, he says, is to be fought again. 

The emphasis on the earth as the heart of the universe and that the heart is free appears in (Max Spiers Full Lecture Poland, Warsaw 23rd April 2016) with the statement that the heart of man is the insurmountable answer to the enemy, the predator that seeks to disconnect the heart via the transhuman. Again the answer in the final battle is to prevent the taking over of the heart. Further he says that in the tunnel of death, not to go toward the light, the false light, go straight to your heart, calling the earth the heart of the universe, its jewel.

 Knowing about evil powers and defeating them is not the same however. I was made to write of the heart in in the Flowering Heart Way and in poems in A Calendar but did not fully realize how important it was to say such things. One of the first that the editor of the Texas Quarterly and director of my dissertation, T. M. Cranfill, selected from the ms. of Calendar was Brother's Song:

Round again. Christ expired between
Like a spray of rose enfolding the sun,
"Come into your heart and be mine
As love come round again."

The Bright Extensive Will at end of that ms. read,

As though one could with the word written
In earth's center in the matter of its making,
As earth's heart was into pieces breaking,
                                  Come into the body.
Likewise therein, Angel Standing in the Sun,

a sun all blazing bright / 
had showered gold into the heart of man, and
"To you in whom all gold has been perfected,
First Begotten of the fire and flood, 
my heart is raised to your sole light protected,
Blaze there thou Dayman in the fiery blood.
My thought is ever sprung from one desire,
that, please you, to burn sole with this fire. 

And Solar Dithyrambs to the Earth (in Calendar. 
So when you love the world, 
you're loving the life of the world, 
and then you love the world.

The Heart Bible and in The non material nature of man say "In both the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament  the word “heart” is used to refer to the whole of the innermost part of the human, not merely the emotions." Two dozen entries at FloweringHeartWay explore this heart in the culture of Pennsylvania. Images of Paradise of the Pennsylvania Germans: Antidote to the Fall

Max Spiers says, Earth is the jewel in the crown, the actual jewel. "What they've tried to do is make us think the earth is not that important, that we're just some rock with a sun somewhere with evolving beings on it (Spiers, Bases at the Barge Part 2: 12.23), and this is the only place, when in fact Earth is the jewel in the crown, it's the actual jewel, the most important thing and everything else is revolving around and focused on this. Earth is actually anchoring everything else down from ascending. So that's why all eyes are on the planet at this moment, because when we release it, when the human beings release it it releases everybody else. ["all creation groans together for the adoption of sons." Romans 8.19?] So they're watching for that to happen (12.55). Therefore we must conclude, as I told my son Aey too at that time, amazing though it be, A man is the Highest Created Being in the universe! And Earth is the Jewel, the Masterpiece of All the Worlds.  WordPress 4 June 2014

Breaking the Reptile

As water holds a memory unseen but measurable, a kind of  speech and thought: "They can only attack you if you're vibrating at the same frequency as them. if you're vibrating at a higher frequency they literally can't do anything to you so in terms of high frequency, doing nice things for yourself,  giving back to other people, taking care of your body in terms of eating things that aren't [toxic] that is raising your vibration, because they like toxicity, they like that nastiness so if they can trick you into doing something, corrupting you, offering you a large amount of money to do something that would hurt somebody who you really cared about then you are lowering your vibration and they've got you. So so many deals are made, heart deals, essentially what they want to do is break the human heart and if they break the human heart then they have it, they have us and the human heart is the thing that shines brightest, that's the thing, that's the thing that's keeping us going. They're able to enter all the rest of the chakra points on the body but not they're not able to get to the human heart (52.38 - 53.42). This statement is proven by all the forces arrayed against it.

 "The heart, as lying deep within, contains “the hidden man,” 1 Pet. 3:4, the real man.  It represents the true character but conceals it (J. Laidlaw, in Hastings’ Bible Dic.).  As to its usage in the NT it denotes (a) the seat of physical life, Acts 14:17; Jas. 5:5; (b) the seat of moral nature and spiritual life, the seat of grief, John 14:1; Rom. 9:2; 2 Cor. 2:4; joy, John 16:22; Eph. 5:19; the desires, Matt. 5:28; 2 Pet. 2:14; the affections, Luke 24:32; Acts 21:13; the perceptions, John 12:40; Eph. 4:18; the thoughts, Matt. 9:4; Heb. 4:12; the understanding, Matt. 13:15; Rom. 1:21; the reasoning powers, Mark 2:6; Luke 24:38; the imagination, Luke 1:51; conscience, Acts 2:37; 1 John 3:20; the intentions, Heb. 4:12, (cf.) 1 Pet. 4:1; purpose, Acts 11:23; 2 Cor. 9:7; the will, Rom. 6:17; Col. 3:15; faith, Mark 11:23; Rom. 10:10; Heb. 3:12.  The heart, in its moral significance in the OT, includes the emotions, the reason, and the will.3" here

 Beyond this Spiers' position on man and woman--compare Godzilla from another Planet Space God Program --is that the attempt to emasculate the male is an effort to take away the feminine by taking away her protection --Masculine and Feminine in the ground of the Spirit--

Emmanuel Levinas in Nine Talmudic Readings, tr. 1990, takes this further in saying, that whether male and female is not the point at all, but to create a man was to create in one creature two (165)... the fact that a being is two while remaining one...the feminine does not derive from the masculine; rather, the division into feminine and masculine--the dichotomy--derives from what is human...the fact that a woman is not merely the female of man, that she belongs to the human, is an assumption shared by both disputants: woman is from the first created from that which is human...she is strictly contemporary with man...all relations that bind them are of equal dignity. The creation of man was the creation of two beings in one but of two beings equal in dignity: difference and sexual relations belong to the fundamental content of what is human. 169 ...woman is not at the summit of the spiritual life the way Beatrice is for Dante. It is not the 'Eternal Feminine' which leads us to the heights."

This is not  “a good world spoiled by human evil." Levinas supposes the world before man to be evil. Levinas postulates the incursion of good into evil, the insinuation of humanity within nature's hungry jaws, the emergence of faces where there were only heads. “ Regina Janes, 190, Losing our Heads.[Entre-Nous, On Thinking of the Other]

Of the events of Genesis 6 where the Fallen had taken women to conquer the race, surely it must be asked where were the men? That was the emasculation of that day. One tradition says the greatest act of Esau was to kill Nimrod!

Relation is based on agreement. Allies whole and in part don't have to agree on everything.  This is explained at Methods of Unconscious- a secret visible from the interior but not from outside. Spiers,-- rather in opposition to Casbolt, who however he will not criticize but wishes well-- says earth is the last planet in a chain of planets in the prison system and we have another chance at freedom in the coming cataclysm. But that's what gurus do, pontificate the future. We want freedom now and always now, and that is what Messiah gives.

Given Spier's background as an alter from the womb in a Wicca family, taking early tarot and astrology and holding reincarnation even while he says he is walking through the imagination of his own life and that there is no past life or future life but only concurrent life lived like a set of Russian nesting dolls, his final thoughts before he was killed are redemptive, for the processes of life are not the stages of death and reincarnation.  All of the tree of life and cabala are artful deceptions based on truth/lies to capture the mind and heart. All repetitions of the doctrines of the simplistic morass of theosophy, masonic threes, numerologies construed, are not Messiah. Spiers had never been exposed to Isaiah or the Psalms by which all of us who are live from day to day. Saying Isaiah and Psalms together says the whole of the Biblical writing in Messiah's death celebrated in communion as my own. His in place of mine, his resurrection in store, not reincarnation. I die throughout my salvation, but salvation and escape are also cognitive. “Regeneration, as least in its commencement, is a work of the mind, and when it first takes place, it has the lusts of the flesh, yea, all the evil inclinations to war against.” (Abraham Godshalk). The problem with astrology, tarot, etc is they inculcate the very reptilian doctrinal system used to control and subvert the human.

If it comes to that and you ask whether to believe occult masters who admit they want control by using the Underground teachings of Satan and the governments, who really do not have any locus classicus, beyond construed Sumer glyphs and Egyptian idealogy, just handbooks of Wescott, Mathers etc. harbored among people who think they lived in Atlantis and Yucatan in previous lives --when they were priests and kings and queens, because you never come upon any who were plumbers, who build ki in this life like Clif High so in the aftermath they might have power to control, all exalted with stories about it galore, boasting reptile ascended masters while you of course were nothing--in Poland Spiers says,

 "It shows how resilient the human heart is (33.31)'s been 13,000 years and they haven't taken control of earth heart, they haven't been able to do it...they want to break the heart of the human being... the beast computer held in Belgium has extremely  intimate details of every person on the planet, but to fight, fight with the heart because it (the beast) can have as many details as it wants but...the heart is an infinite love, it can't be detailed, it can't be categorized (37.37).

So we may say with the poem, It came about a sun all blazing bright had showered gold into the heart of man! But Spiers does not seem to know that that the whole of being is made the righteousness of God in Him. This substitution is the change of heart that ennobles the mind. Behold I stand at the door and knock. To as many as received Him to them gave he the power to become the Sons of God. The heart had to be changed by this sacrifice and continually renewed because it was corrupt, along with the imagination. This new life of the heart and mind are of a new creature.

 Spiers  passes tests of face and speech, but when the camera pans his audiences and they ask questions all the people he is talking to are devoted to the enemy he opposes. He is always kind to them but they are there to confine him by agreeing with him.

I would tell Max of the midnight cry when trumpets will sound, that there has been a prison break lo these many days and the Deliverer! Blessed Be His Name! "for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of His people and for a spirit of judgment to him that sits in judgment and for strength to them shall turn the battle to the gate of the enemy" (Isaiah 28.5f). Isaiah to anybody who can feel the power and the glory of the texts alive, maligned as they have been by that same reptile construct, practices visualization to stay sober and sing the whole night in our sleep.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

1. Evil in the World Before the Man. Max Spiers. The Heart Against the Reptile.

Evil in the World Before the Man. Max Spiers. The Heart Against the ReptileI said also in a prior moment. 


A Man is the Highest Created Being in the Universe!   Earth is the Jewel, Masterpiece of All the Worlds. WordPress 4 June 2014

Spiers says, Earth is the jewel in the crown, the actual jewel. "What they've tried to do is make us think the earth is not that important, that we're just some rock somewhere with evolving beings on it (Spiers, Bases at the Barge Part 2: 12.23), and this is the only place, when in fact Earth is the jewel in the crown, it's the actual jewel, the most important thing and everything else is revolving around and focused on this. Earth is actually anchoring everything else down from ascending. So that's why all eyes are on the planet at this moment, because when we release it, when the human beings release it it releases everybody else. So they're watching for that to happen (12.55).

Consonant with what has been learned about the memory of water, that it holds speech and thought:
"They can only attack you if you're vibrating at the same frequency as them. if you're vibrating at a higher frequency they literally can't do anything to you so in terms of high frequency, doing nice things for yourself,  giving back to other people, taking care of your body in terms of eating things that aren't [toxic] that is raising your vibration, because they like toxicity, they like that nastiness so if they can trick you into doing something, corrupting you, offering you a large amount of money to do something that would hurt somebody who you really cared about then you are lowering your vibration and they've got you. So so many deals are made, heart deals, essentially what they want to do is break the human heart and if they break the human heart then they have it, they have us and the human heart is the thing that shines brightest, that's the thing, that's the thing that's keeping us going. They're able to enter all the rest of the chakra points on the body but not they're not able to get to the human heart (52.38 - 53.42). This statement is proven by all the forces arrayed against it.

 Max Spiers  passes tests of face and speech, but when the camera pans his audiences and they ask questions all the people he is talking to are devoted to the enemy he opposes. He is always kind to them but they are there to confine him by agreeing with him. The most interesting thing Max Spiers says is about the heart, which has to be pieced together from several takes. In  MiLad, Annanuki he says that the final battle is the taking over of the heart (32.56). This battle, fought 13,000 ago, he says is to be fought again. The emphasis on the earth as the heart of the universe, that the heart is free is welcomed in (Max Spiers Full Lecture Poland, Warsaw 23rd April 2016) with the statement that heart of man is the insurmountable answer to the enemy that seeks to disconnect the heart via the transhuman. Again the answer in the final battle is to prevent the taking over of the heart. Further he says that in the tunnel of death, not to go toward the light, the false light, go straight to your heart. Calling the earth the heart of the universe, its jewel

 Beyond this his position on man and woman--compare Godzilla from another Planet Space God Program --that the attempt to emasculate the male is an effort to take the feminine by taking away her protection --Masculine and Feminine in the ground of the Spirit-- Of the events of Genesis 6 where the Fallen had taken women to conquer the race, surely it must be asked where were the men? That was the emasculation of that day. One tradition says the greatest act of Esau was to kill Nimrod!

Relation is based on agreement. Allies whole and in part don't have to agree on everything.  This is explained at   Methods of Unconscious- a secret visible from the interior but not from outside. Spiers,-- rather in opposition to Casbolt, who however he will not criticize but wishes well-- says earth is the last planet in a chain of planets in the prison system and we have another chance at freedom in the coming cataclysm. That's what gurus do, pontificate the future. We want freedom now and always now, and that is what Messiah gives.

Given his background raised as an alter from the womb in a Wicca family, taking early tarot and astrology and holding reincarnation even while he says he is walking through the imagination of his own life and that there is no past life or future life but only concurrent life lived like a set of Russian nesting dolls, his final thoughts before he was killed are redemptive, for the processes of life are not the stages of death and reincarnation.  All of the tree of life and cabala are artful deceptions based on truth/lies to capture the mind and heart. All repetitions of the doctrines of the simplistic morass of theosophy, masonic threes, numerologies construed are not Messiah. Spiers had never been exposed to Isaiah or the Psalms by which all of us who do live from day to day. Saying Isaiah and Psalms together says the whole of the Biblical writing in Messiah's death celebrated in communion as my own. His in place of mine, his resurrection in store, not reincarnation. I die throughout my salvation, but salvation and escape are also cognitive. The problem with astrology, tarot, etc is they inculcate the very reptilian doctrinal system used to control and subvert the human.

If it comes to that and you ask whether to believe occult masters who admit they want control with the Underground teachings of Satan and the governments, who really do not have any locus classicus, just handbooks of Wescott, Mathers etc. harbored among people who lived in Atlantis and Yucatan in previous lives where they were priests and kings and queens (because you never come upon any who were plumbers), all exalted with stories about it galore, boasting reptile ascended masters while you of course were nothing--

I wish I could tell Max of the midnight cry when trumpets will sound, that there has been a prison break lo these many days and the Deliverer! Blessed Be His Name! "for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of His people and for a spirit of judgment to him that sits in judgment and for strength to them shall turn the battle to the gate of the enemy." (Isaiah 28.5f). Isaiah, unless you have a wooden ear, hardly a choice to anybody who can feel the power and the glory of the texts alive, maligned as they have been by that same reptile construct, practices visualization to stay sober and sing the whole night in our sleep.

 Now to the point of the Alters, ultimately an attempt to identify the DNA of nephilim, Spiers says the fracture mind must begin in the womb through trauma of the mother and works world class to the age of three, although more direct afflictions are cited elsewhere. Electric shock, sexual trauma as in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but certainly  used elsewhere, as in the comprachicos (See Ayn Rand, and Henry Miller on Rimbaud). The amnesia barriers create cloistered multiple identities who don't know what they are, as the perfect assassin is one who doesn't know it.

He traces the blood techniques he suffers from to Charlemagne, a reptilian DNA especially pronounced with dominance and conquest as happened to him in the Project Oaktree, of the Harwell genetics study,-- distinct from the Project Oak Tree [Observations And Knowledge with Targeted Reconnaissance of Earth-like Exoplanets, 2014],  modern offshoots that offer schools and help for "children", as a recruitment tool-- looking for the human descendants of the Watchers ‘Project Anvil’, Project Mannequin (and Project Ibis) programmed by the NSA to carry out future tasks.

"NSA is very interested in creating genetically enhanced assassins and espionage agents who have certain inborn genetic traits such as PSI/psychic ability...Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry...St Augustine (AD 354-430) that the Book of Enoch was too old (Ob nimian antiquitatem) to be included in scripture.

Spiers says 42 male children were designed by the Annunaki to produce, or reproduce the demigods, Hermes, Satan, etc. These genetic masters known also from the Book of Enoch use Revelation as their script so they are looking for the Lucifer/Satan antiChrist to prevent their Judgment from a similar cataclysm that wiped them out the last time in Atlantis. You wonder why they don't just give up right now? (see James Casbolt, last note). The purpose of intermarrying of these bloodlines is to preserve the DNA of special abilities to use the vibrating energy.  See also The 4th Reich, Dulce and the Moon Soul
2 July 2016
Trauma induced scripted compartments are the chief characteristic of government. GovernmentS it should be said. No one person or even many encompasses the whole of these.

Spiers documents:
 --the reptile/nazi inversion technique and its reversal, giving comfort for Jonathan Kleck at Genetrix Six.
--These Elite-Reptile-Repos have had age regression techniques for many decades, so Hugh Hefner would be crawling in diapers (if he hadn't died). Mengele likes to keep his age at about 60.
--NSA, NASA were begun by the Nazis, who actually won the war, nothing new there.  --Bush=Bauer ran the fgov from Reagan through Clinton-Obama.
--Tavistock honeycombs the mind by shattering it with pain. Sodomy is a key to induction of vasovagal shock to program and split.
--Signals to alters are in color, tone, hand signals to switch alters.
--Wars are run like pop up moles. Parsons at JPL joined nukes and fetuses, but the Templars rule behind the aristocracy, only revealed by the frequency of the planet rising [Schumann res].
--Moves model the 4 D dream state. When he had the breakdown, bleed through of alters into the front, NLP was used to reinhabate. When you leave your body you can be programmed or reprogrammed.
--The moon is a soul harvesting machine of an Ouroboros time loop.
--Dream link 4D downloads into 3, human DNA reduced to 2 strands, mammal and reptile, was 12 and 22. The Beast computer in Belgium harbors all the data mined in this mix-maximum, but it cannot know the human heart. Poland: "It shows how resilient the human heart is (33.31)'s been 13,000 years and they haven't taken control of earth heart, they haven't been able to do it...they want to break the heart of the human being... the beast computer held in Belgium has extremely  intimate details of every person on the planet, but to fight, fight with the heart because it (the beast) can have as many details as it wants but...the heart is an infinite love, it can't be detailed, it can't be categorized (37.37). It came about a sun all blazing bright had showered gold into the heart of man! But he does not seem to know that that is the whole of being made the righteousness of God in Him. This substitution is the change of heart, the ennobling of the mind. Behold I stand at the door and knock. To as many as received Him to them gave he the power to become the Sons of God. The heart had to be changed by this sacrifice and continually renewed because it was corrupt, along with the imagination. This new life of the heart and mind are of a new creature.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...