Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturn, Chronos, Giants / High Places

--Macromolecular structures, new classes of polymers and nanomaterials with well-defined architectures. 
--Development of novel materials achieved through efficient integration of synthetic organic chemistry with polymer and materials science.
  It is our desire to call gigantic each element in an equation with a different ranking depending on the point of view. The Thing Itself changes before the eyes in the evolving polymer. It hardly matters what weighting these opposites structure upon chaos. It is designed to prevent understanding, like looking at the faces of crowds and firefighters milling around the lobby of the South Tower after the first plane. That would all change to knowledge in an hour. Religious and political governments are like twin towers, corporate, not individual or personal, gates of complete occupation. If you go downtown after the collapse. Go with a gun.
The political is the first tower down. 
He that has ears let him hear.

[since this was written in 2012 you have already heard, by now, 9 Mar 2021]

If you want to talk giants NBC won't report, neither will they report their killers, Joshua of Og, David of Goliath, Beowulf of Grendel, or those who execute his vengeance on the powers of the air of Psalm 149, 144 110, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.  Giants on Earth? With giants you have a convergence that would make Sedona proud,

world brain,
 fortean zoology, 
magic religion
  mythological historical beings
  space time return. 

Mythological history contradicts the obvious. No heroes, only myths made real. Giants eat people in The Hobbit and Narnia, in The Odyssey, in Icelandic sagas, in Rubens and in Goya and Wagner's Niblung's Ring (See Shaw, The Perfect Wagnerite). Das Rhine Gold has as much Moloch blind, as much as lust of the sons of god after the daughters of men.  But not the real game. They don't care about the body.  Giants really eat something else, a metaphor less apprehended. Call it mind, what the blood represents. In feedlot libraries and slaughterhouse universities, consumed is not merely seen. It is the mind not the flesh the monoploid. So the bloodshed and sacrifices to giants is about the life itself, genome to the transhuman who want immortality by any means, including human extinction, since the human is a vestigial organ like the appendix. How to take life is the goal of these giants. Global terrorists have reasons as obscure as to why Saturn ate.

 Saturn is Moloch. Saturn doesn't eat from malice or jealousy, but to make himself feel better. He eats from the cremation of care so to speak, to purge himself  by making them suffer. This too did George Bush at the Bohemian Grove.  No it doesn’t make sense.  Inversion semantics is intuitively the opposite of what we would expect,  that to feel better we should help, not hurt,  inversion of the possible and expected. The more Saturn makes them suffer the better it feels. Their screams and terror nourish him.

 With all due acknowledgement to Government, nobody has shown the horror of this like Goya in his so called Black Paintings at Quinta del Sordo (Villa of the Deaf Man).  "Various interpretations of the meaning of the picture have been offered: the conflict between youth and old age, time as the devourer of all things, the wrath of God and an allegory of the situation in Spain, where the fatherland consumed its own children in wars and revolution. There have been explanations rooted in Goya's relationships with his own son, Xavier, that only one of his six children to survive to adulthood [as a privileged loafer] or with his live-in housekeeper and possible [actual, actually, a 30 year old! Go Goya!] mistress, Leocadia Weiss..." The analysts go on and on but are no closer to finding out. The problem of evil is such that the only way to understand it is to do it. Saturn as Moloch does not come off second in these horrors where to get favor from the god and purge their unworthiness parents sacrificed their children on braziers in front of the image. It would be as if  patrons came to Goya's dining room and ate each other as the paintings do.

For all this Alan Ginsburg did not say Moloch was exofisson, the Auth Hardy of extinction, the exogonous door of monuments and domes that spurt seed into senates and governments, take over presidents, which it does in plain sight so newspapers can disreport. But if it sounds like he opposes Chronos, he did say!

Moloch extinct from Egypt, 
Moloch swell of Babylon, 
Moloch “Ashcans and unobtainable dollars!
 Congress of sorrows! 
Moloch whose buildings are judgment! 
Moloch whose blood is running money!
 Moloch whose name is the Mind! 

 ... moloch whose 'apartments stand In the streets like lonely endless crazy genlusses and spectral goliath 1 moloch whose names Is America Moloch whose name ...” Devoted god in the shape of an owl that swallows the care of El Presidents. Bush. Gore.Clinton. Archimago. Guilt, pain, anguish all gone in the sacrifice.

"Here was a  bronze statute of Chronos, with his hands palm upward and inclined toward the ground, so that the child put on them rolled down in a pit full of fire." Diodorus Siculus, also Plutarch of the Phoenicians.

Child sacrifice to 
Moloch, animals "devoted" to Moloch, 

Tanith, here and here, Ban of the Bori, lizard shaped among the Hausa, mail order Russian brides, passing through the fire, firewalking, abortion, child killing, sacrifice. Monster M-Machine swallowing  workers -Fritz Lange, Cabiri, Jeremiah 7.31, Leviticus 20.2. "Every time that a child was placed in them the priests of Moloch spread out their hands before to burden him with the crimes of the people, vociferating: "They are not men but oxen!" and the multitude round about repeated: "Oxen! oxen!" The devout exclaimed: "Lord! eat!" and the priests of Proserpine, complying through terror with the needs of Carthage, muttered the Eleusinian formula" Gustave Flaubert's Salammbô, found at Carthage and other places in North Africa, and in Sardinia, Malta, and Sicily. In late 1990 a possible tophet consisting of cinerary urns containing bones and ashes and votive objects was retrieved from ransacking on the mainland just outside of Tyre in the Phoenician homeland.  Otto Eissfeldt, to dress up old Moloch, said, “immanence,”  “emanation,”  “dialectical materialism,” massacre of innocence. The wife of Baal, Asherah and the wife of Molech, Ashteroth. Asherah and Ashteroth  fertility goddess. Massacre of Innocence  veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols, I mean of course the Faerie Queene of Edmund Spenser, Orgoglio and all the men turned into beasts, a new discovery of Guiana where the gold as big as the head of a child is counterfeit, a pleasure of death where the grape is a ruby or emerald gold, a perversion of nature. Incontinent gold ivy made immortal by sucking the life, “now turned into figures hideous, / According to their minds like monstrous.” The excess spells death, excess naked in the fountain garden where Tantalus bathes, reaching for the poison fruit, excess Mammon, Moloch looses its hair, covers its body in gold, not the silver apples of the moon, the golden apples of the sun, the apples of hell where nothing is real. Perfumed airs, silver rivers, enameled meadows are where the allegory illustrated by symbols penetrates the maze.


There were giants in the earth - נפלים nephilim, from נפל naphal, "he fell." The Septuagint translate the original word by γιγαντες, which literally The same became mighty men - men of renown - גברים gibborim, which we render mighty men, signifies properly conquerors, heroes, from גבר gabar, "he prevailed, was victorious." and אנשי השם anshey hashshem, "men of the name," ανθρωποι ονομαστοι, Septuagint; the same as we render men of renown, renominati, twice named, as the word implies, having one name which they derived from their fathers, and another which they acquired by their daring exploits and enterprises. signifies earth-born,

It may be necessary to remark here that our translators have rendered seven different Hebrew words by the one term giants, viz.,
and zissimum.
Modern versions leave nephillim untranslated, older ones say giants. Anakim, long necks, in Canaan.

 This event comes in bits and pieces. When we say it has all arrived, some, much, who knows?  Here now, has been, a decade, four, millennia. There will be no history nor understanding. The victims, if gigadeath measures it, have no inquiry. To boggle belief, in the light of  day, of pleasures, meals, comforts, we would forget, disbelieve, hardly prepare. This is written to forewarn.

The several texts and subtexts that weave a coherent understanding of this multifaced equation include the four parts of transhumanism:
biological hybrids, 
contact with the other world,
resurrecting by DNA past extinct species, 
the trillion, trillion Singularty artificial brain.

 Add to these less empirical things, the political reordering of government by "constructive chaos," a doctrine unto itself, implemented with an architectural revival of Egyptian myth, taken as real  to establish in America a new order sanctioned from before its founding with psychological scapegoat mechanisms, read child sacrifice to Moloch. These and others mean to subvert, disturb and contradict the one supreme human reality, the relation of the man and woman and child. To destroy the human is the cornerstone, the betrayal  of the wedding of the man and woman and their children, the true relation neither alchemical or symbolic, but real. In the purpose of all these forces to foil, defeat and destroy that relation, comes the point of the emergence of this new order.

What is so important about symbolic Egyptian intercourse to bring back a defeated god that it should attract to it such support in later cultures spanning thousands of years? Expressing itself in massive architectural monuments intertwining the most powerful political and religious powers?


So the causal factors in the giant complex, religious and political, are both blinds. Religiously, the sons of god are not really after women, and politically, the magic rituals of  the new world order do not come from Solomon. That is,  the sons of god going into the daughters of men is not about beauty or lust but profound incarnation and the Lesser Keys of Solomon are not about a political construct of any kind. Neither are these keys original with Solomon, an important stop on the trail, but as unimportant as the beauty of woman to the sons of God. The story of the sons of god, nephilim and giants, comes into the discussion of Solomon's Temple in this way, the lore of the giants and their cohabiting friends, whoever you call them, are part of the wisdom of Babylon, indeed before Solomon, but he apparently informs the dimensions, and workings of the temple to the extent that the Temple revival becomes the goal and program of all those subsequent builders of the the adytum. Rosicrucians, boeta, goetia, magic cults, Zohar,  in their divinations and  schemes implement the lesser keys.

Solomon's father David must have spent many hours remembering his simple life on the mountain with the sheep. When he was catapulted to fame, put on the run by Saul, learned politics with his band of men and then was the father of Solomon it vexed him and things grew bigger. He and Bathsheba bore Solomon to become the peace time king. Solomon's flaws, in the essence of his conception, made him vulnerable to the theology of his wives. So if you want giants go to him and his thousand wives, but nowhere is his architecture laid bare better than in the dedication of the temple.

Solomon in all his glory, attired like a charismatic, no plain dress, big doings, not small. It's a toss up in the prayer of the Dedication of the Temple whether he or the Deity is more mentioned (II Chron. 6.10). Solomon "I's" himself 4 times. The furnishings are ornate enough and the Temple itself, for a place to sacrifice. Solomon says, 2.6, the heavens cannot contain him. Excess: 22,000 cattle. Zech 7.5 120,000 sheep and goats and since it is said He does not dwell in house made with hands, what is the meaning of Solomon's glory when, "a wise son" (2.12)  "made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones" (1.15), "A temple for the Name of the Lord and a royal palace for himself" (2.1). These are not symbolic but actual. One sacrifice will not do among the pagans if there can be many. And it is built of the labor of aliens (2.17).

Whether God would dwell "in a dark cloud" or the place of Solomon's desiring "forever" 6.2, the politics, to call it that, was not sustained.  "With his hands"  "he promised with his mouth" 6.4.  Solomon kneels on the platform, spreads his hands and invokes the conditions of the foundation promise, "sons careful in all they do to walk" 6.16 In the very next breath he begins what he later completes in his 1000 wives, disqualifies himself, says doubtfully, "will God really dwell on earth with men?" 6.18 As though addressed to the audience, he commands 7 acts of mercy, a formality, then invites, "come to your resting place" 6.41. When they see the fire come down to consume the sacrifice and the glory (cloud, smoke) they chant as they had. (5.13). He is good, his love endures forever 7.3

God confirms the day but with the greater promise being to “uproot Israel” “if you turn away” 7.20,19. This took twenty years. 8.1 Did Solomon imbibe a lust from David and Bathsheba that contributed to his uprooting? When Sheba came to “test him with hard questions” 9.1 and he answered them all, it proves a man can be wise and corrupt at the same time. It shows in his trading ships that every three years brought “gold and baboons” 9.21. The story is complete in 2 Ch 36.23. Cyrus builds a temple. A cycle.


Spiritual wickedness in high places means not only in the spirits of the air but on mountains and in the Groves of Bohemia. There are high places among redwoods where the highest sacrifice their cares to the owl the female Satan. It is a cemetery of care, a crematorium of care 2.

This event comes  in sequences, bits and pieces. When we can say it has all arrived, (some, much, who knows? is here now, has been a decade, or four), there will be no history of it, nor understanding. The victims, if de Garis gigadeath measure it, will have no official inquiry. As such it is so great as to boggle belief. In the light of common day, of pleasures, every day meals, comforts, we would forget about it, disbelieve it, hardly prepare for it. This is written to forewarn. It is a beginning. So the blood sacrifice of giants is about the life force or life itself which brings us full circle to the transhumans who want to be immortal by any means possible, even the extinction of the human race, which however they see as a vestigial organ much like the appendix. How to take the life is the common goal of all these.


-“Judaism” is nothing but Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism, which at base is crass paganism concocted through the centuries. Descriptions concocted for this very old satanism, such as “immanence” (Spinoza) “emanation” (Talmudic Cabala), “dialectical materialism” (Marx) merely dress up old pagan concepts… …Dilling Ch 8

-Quoted: When Owl manifests in a stone form, it means a lack of empathy. Shamans the world over manifest their power animals as living beings, just as they are in nature, not as stone idols… When people begin to see their power animals as stone idols it means they have lost their empathy with the four leggeds of the animal kingdom, and with the two leggeds, the humans. It means they are pursuing self interest over service to others. Alex Jones

-The Skull & Bones members believe in the idea of “constructive chaos”. By keeping their true policy intentions secret, by constantly sending out mixed signals on all critical policy issues, they consciously seek to sow confusion among both their nominal ‘friends’ and ‘enemies’ alike.  Bonesmen

-Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries: Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them. Ch. 15

-Drinking menstrual blood has always been a feature of the reptilian bloodlines because they need blood to live in this dimension... the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers...The reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are drinking the person’s life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension....The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians cloaked in a human form. These rituals invariably take place on vortex points and so the terror, horror, and hatred, created by them enters the global energy grid and affects the Earth’s magnetic field
  • to control the Earth’s magnetic field
  • to worship and connect with their reptile masters
  • to drink the life-force of their sacrificed victims
  • to provide energy for the reptilians who appear to feed off human emotion, especially fear
-Phil Schneider, a builder of US underground bases, told the writer and researcher, Alex Christopher, that when children reached the point where they could not work anymore in the slave conditions underground, they were consumed by the reptilians.
Massacre of Innocence

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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...