Showing posts with label Ugaritic monsters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ugaritic monsters. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ugaritic Monsters

A totalitarian system that envelopes every level and aspect of civil society.

Literature ePolitics, Society, Religon, Science Disclosure

The Ugars got a big boost when old testament "scholars" thought to trace all that literature's inspiration to theirs. -It is superfluous to say that all these poets and critics and scholars who form their regions of disinformation for the elite to get published, get grants -- are co-opted by Intelligence forces.  Progress is additive until it becomes multiplicative, then quantumed.  How do Heraclitus, Aristotle, Kepler, Galileo, Newton get trumped by Tesla?  Disclosure holds these fiefdoms of the old as fabrication, something Franz Neumann outlined  in his Behemoth. The structure and practice of National Socialism."  (1942). "Today it seems strange that an American spy agency would employ Marxists to assist them in developing policy.... Nazism, [Marcuse there] argues, was something new - a totalitarian system that enveloped every level and every aspect of German civil society-(Secret Reports of Nazi Germany @ The Frankfurt School and the OSS).
This snapshot of  social structure 2017 shouts down to disenfranchise any other view. Deans, profs, editors, writers, journalists grad students and mobs probe the truth/untruth of the new orbs of gov't intel.  In the old scale Donald Justice had contempt for Ferlinghetti, Keats thought Shelley a buffoon, but the first principle of quantum Lit of Disclosure is beyond personal taste, a tool of invisible hand. You can see hand movements behind "discoveries.' The first principle is believe it not. When they told you they landed on the moon did you believe that? They told you? It doesn't matter. Did they lie before? They will again. That is all they do. Here is the language:  "High confidence generally indicates that judgments are based on high-quality information from multiple sources [which] does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty; such judgments might be wrong." (ICA. Assessing Russian Activities).

This amazingly all comes down to the Ugaritic monsters, that nation closest in language to ancient Israel whose docudramas were discovered in 1927. There El and Baal shared ceremonies and ruled their council of gods. Not too far away, except Baal is down, the Creator of Israel is said to rule a council of gods, Elohim for short, six levels, if you can forgive this shorthand. Take both of these notions into the Secret Space Programs occupied with the same rivalries and committees. These haven't entered mainstream yet, so you'll have to wait a little. Disclosure analogy notwithstanding.

The relation of small to great is like the individual to the state, the deep state accumulating these years consciously since the JFK assassination, but the state too is small in the same scale compared to its masters the Apkallu, Apsu, Puradu hybrids and they too in relation to their gods.God/no gods,
Heiser says it was council agency that administered the worlds. Says the stars were His army in Judges 5.20 but the whole passage says Jah did it, over and over. Just as the wife Jael drives the nail through Sisera's temples, nobody does anything there except for Yah. Ahab and the lying spirit sent to him by the council is Micaiah mocking Ahab with satire based on the 400 false prophets he had summoned, so the lying spirit is Ahab himself, not a council's decision even if his self deception is personified by the volunteer lying spirit. Why there is more than one liar? It's Iago to Othello, Rosencrantz to Hamlet, Edgar to Lear, all personal drama. This misperception of speaker is like the hivi hivi  speaking of Isaiah 28, a drunk preached as the process of revelation, "here a little there a little for with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people...that they might go, and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. (13) Isa 28.10. The prophet and the priest are drunk. In Dan 4.13 the watcher of Nebuchadnezzar's dream is his figment presented in his narrative not Daniels's which makes it a dream fact at best. All of these are abstracted like the word humanity, human/non human, Heiser/non Heiser from adam red with blood, ruddy, the common one who will be exalted, endowed with splendor. There are no non human + and - attributes except as part of Jakobson semantics. It'S A COMMITTEE sweetheart. a Ph.d  committee, like mine one hopes, of poets, art collectors. Pass on those academics who eat footnotes like John Velz.  Further on, Ahab  peers say the mashal taunt against the king of Babylon of Isa 14.4 is a mockery but evidently cannot see this in Micaiah's mocking. 

There are some gains in the council idea when the angel cannot get through to Daniel without Michael's intervention against the territorial spirit prince of Persia, but the gains are losses, vitiated when all the references to angels (malak) protecting us in the Psalms are made lesser beings, which is not true any more than we are paltry Adams any longer when in Messiah we are crowned with glory and honor. Malak vs. elohim indeed,  neglects our Maimonides that elohim is a homonym also and may be either and other. This heavenly council excessively smacks of the Ugarite in its receipt of the negative elohim (elo-whom?) juniors assigned to govern the company of nations: "we aren't told how the elohim Yahweh assigned to the nations became corrupt, only that  they were" Unseen Realms, Heiser, 116). Their supposed anti-head pretend to the role of the Most High in the cosmic war to make a counterfeit global Eden. These are the nations disinherited at the Flood along with their governments before and after, Israel replacing them, but who promise a Surge in the days of Noah returned, the famous last battle and war. That these corrupt elohim associates of the Apkallu fish men, who built the Tower and presumed Nimrod of the giant gibbor clans a hybrid divine, could win in disputing the visible/invisible Yahweh, the angel of Yahweh, Himself, the Word before Abraham was, is to say that these so-called defections on the spiritual council, cosmos of the putative lizard class, lesser, junior, corrupt elohim territorials are going to include false teachers.  The council notion vitiates  angelic protection that extends to Daniel where it is said by Zechariah that he shall at least be as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. It is only malaks in Zechariah with whom this occurs. But the angel of Yahweh is not going to be defeated. Further, this reference to the council leads to thinking that the reference to stars as his army in Judges (5.20) is an instance where the council acts as the Father's delegate in the world, but in fact that passage like all the continual references says over and over that Yahweh sold them, 4.2, Yahweh commanded, 6, Yahweh hath delivered Sisera, 14, Yahweh discomfited Sisera and all his chariots and it says nothing about any council agencies, making it very much seem that the  peer scholars are abstracting extrapolating and inferring a thing that is maybe at best. They will say that the angel discomfited the army of Sennacherib of 185,000 but that was Malak again. We don't have to go through these layers of invisible dominion even if they exist. We go straight to the Father. There might be watchers here or there but there are angels everywhere  "to deliver us."

TRANSFER! You want a single verse. Is it too big to see? The victim stood in the offerer's place. Laying his hands on its head, IN ALL THE SACRIFICES FOR ALL THEIR SINS. You want to divide corporate from corpse? This verse proves it: "If the lion was advised by the fox he would be cunning."

Ultimately disappearances of all kinds played a part in the search, for instance those of the national parks, in the foreground related to sasquatch, disappearance of children, some with defects, and people taken from the last position of a group hike, near water, missing pieces of clothing, etc.,  who are never found.
 The fact that so many had gone missing in such open circumstance such as hiking Yellowstone, never to be found again or found in areas thoroughly searched, as if placed there later, suggests indeed a fee-fi-foe-fumery that consumes its victims, and this comforts us in a way because then we do not have to deal with all the mysteries of portals and multidimensional openings that we end up having to confront to ascribe the loss of so many bodies. Tracking dogs would not take the scent trails of these missing in the national parks, but simply lie down and whine, which indicates a contradiction in the scent, a kind of camouflage or confusion in the trail, further complicated by the fact that the enforcement agencies of the parks service profess to have no data base of these missing in their jurisdictions, even though every sheriff and law enforcement agency has such in theirs. That some hundreds of thousands of people overall go missing on FBI lists each year suggests there are myriads of events being ignored and explained away. These dwarf the carefully compiled 1600 or so cases of utter instantaneous disappearances in the parks, compiled from documents even at the opposition of the Parks Service, where sometimes Green Berets appear to conduct searches, and Freedom of information suits can be vociferously denied.
in progress...

When a former NASA scientist admits the moon landing impossible for its dustless effect why believe the next tale coming of what is? It's got to be not. It's got to be false with a truth cover.
Many have chosen to follow the way of this Haywain world, a large wagon of hay surrounded by a multitude of fools engaged in a variety of sins. At the top of the left panel the rebel angels are cast out of Heaven while God sits enthroned, the angels turning into insects as they break through the clouds. The cart is drawn by infernal beings which drag everyone to Hell, depicted on the right panel.

The truth as use is never real, only slivers give misprisons. If you need proof that the first principle of the Lit of Disclosure is a lie, see what happens if you don't follow. Do they bully you, shout you down, vote you to reeducation camp, shun you? That is the proof they lie. Do they practice their best NLP on you, pull out all the manipulate, sell sell sell you like police interrogators? That is the proof they lie. In-terra-gators.  at Disney World eat you. The layers of harm in the apriori statements to every political effect cause the thought that all Mainstream analysis is apriori, all counter MSM is apriori and this statement itself is. This is not tautology, it is experience revealing that all good leaders are corrupt beyond belief but it is even worse to believe one bad and the other good when THE GOOD ARE WAY WORSE THAN THE BAD, those anorexic pedophiles. They give a bad name even to calorie restriction. Trump has never been a good man like Obama or the hundred clones from the Grendel haunted Mere that haunt the pizza joints and basements after work. That seems to be Trump's recommendation. He is bad. All arguments to the contrary, deception couched in truth. Spare us the good. And the truth. 

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...