Showing posts with label Pope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pope. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2016


The loonies who advertise pyramids and  Puradu fish like this are new stuff and not old on the list of Antarctic fiction, the same way they pretend the Hollow  Moon is an empirical discovery by NASA "ringing the gong" of the moon vibration, first supposedly from the Apollo 11 landing, ho, ho,  but it was a staple of SF, of HG Wells adapting Niels Klim's Underground Travels by Ludvig Holberg.

Image result for who goes there campbellWho Goes There? is woo-woo central on youtube, but the more you look at these apparitions the more the woo is a cover for, who? And the choices are not the Nazis, the Annunakis or the hollow earthers. Who made the decision?  The semantics of this business is diverse. It offers a bifurcate choice of good and evil like the Annunaki are bad while the Nommos are good. As creators, or the watchers vs the Creator, the differences are the good, but not, the other forces are absent, buried, or threatening. Just ask about their remote viewing. Ten millions years and counting, who can be more specific?
Forgive us going deeper into this, but two manuscripts occur in the event, one saved by Patriarch Kirill's Church (c. 1200 AD) and the other a secret text of an “ancient ritual”  The second Patriarch Kirill got from Pope Francis in Cuba to be performed in some ceremony of reinstallation in Antarctica. Hey, at least this woo is within the decade!

Scalia's Ash

Given that the Antarctic lore is an implausible tote, sources can urge that any aliens and rituals are the motives that fulfill the protocols of a super computer that order whatever events, thus they can report (speculate) and assume that  Scalia's ashes were also taken to Antarctica by Kirill for a protocol-sacrifice of this ritual in the Pope's ms. performed by Patriarch Kirill.  Does that give a better understanding of ash from the rituals of Leviticus? Sorry to inject reason here, but Kirill's ash and the Ark of the Covenant have no connection.What does a super computer have to do to get  a blood sacrifice? Before Podesta and Pizzagate such notions were unknown. But so were super pigs. After the American election the Washington Post and the New York Times proved that mere attention to a discredited issue merits looking far beneath. Scalia's body suddenly embalmed in El Paso, then cremated (getting harder and harder to prove in the backwash of Mandela time effects as time changes) is obvious distraction with facts by the Post. We don't find Scalia's body but McCain's lasted for weeks. Scalia's death and cremation are perquisites of ritual order so the ashes could be taken to Cuba, given to the Pope who gave them to the Patriarch Kirill to take to Antarctic to placate the Ark of Gabriel. Know you know.

You can pick and choose whether Scalia was killed by nano tech injection that fused with his ashes when cremated in order to form the protocol of communication with the (aka) super computer which gives the orders via superscript programming language in ritual code. The subscript of this communication with the Intelligence is given fetchingly in 5 google doodles as 3/24. The nano tech to kill Scalia acknowledges he was the victim, identified him as such, and enabled the  pass through. What pass through?  The ritual ashes of justice scalia's ashes spread over the ark of Gabriel enable a pass though, needed to access a star gate in Antarctica, says MrCati. See also Gregory Castle, "Quantum level nano tech artificial intelligence(AI)  super conductor computer relay."  Apocalepticon 660

I have seen him (says my author) take three old high-crowned hats, and clap them all on his head, three story high, with a huge bunch of keys at his girdle, and an angling rod in his hand. 

  As giant remains if not angelic remains expand the concept of earth history beyond what those who hid these bodies can debunk, there is evidence of  the timeline of Antarctica 2016 as fiction. It reads like fiction too good to be true, but it is. Read as fiction it is debunked as much as the claim American intelligence are helping Putin weaponize a giant shape shifting squid. All 17 of those agencies according to the Times. All this leads to revealing the stations of the anti-cross.

The Seven Stations of the anti-cross:

Patriarch of Moscow
and all Russia
Bishop of Rome
and all the Roman Catholic Church

1.-- Sept. 24 vespers homily at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, followers of Jesus . . . his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, in the failure of the cross.
2--At [or near] Scalia's corpse: Trump is not a Christian
3--Pope to the UN: "I come in my own name." John 5:43
4--I invoke the [cursing] blessing of the [one like the] Most High “most high”, you know, the one that “comes in his own name.”.
5-"piecemeal World War III." [Pronounced after  the Nov. 13, Paris attacks fueled by militant Islamist according to illuminists of the The Third Secret of Fatima. Say the illuminists: 
 the “box/ark” of “power,” taken from a cave called Hira, located on the mountain called Jabal an-Nour, near Mecca,  given  to Muhammad’s care by an angel prince, given to The Bishop, then the Metropolitan Patriarch Kirill, who said a mass, of sorts, 18 Feb at the only religious structure known to the continent: instead, to be buried in a shrine at the “place of worship the Angels used before the creation of man” until its future uncovering in the days of Yawm al-Qīyāmah, or Qiyâmah, which means literally “Day of the Resurrection.” The Kirill ms., preserved during the crusades by the Russian Orthodox Church, which not only protected its own religious libraries from being destroyed, but also those belonging to Muslims especially. These instructions were needed to remove the ark from its place of excavation. Why they ended up taking it to Antarctica is a question, unless you accept Neuschwabenland, New Swabia, but in any case, the Russian navy prepared there for a rendezvous with the Patriarch on Feb 18. 

 Angels everywhere.

 David Wilcock, with all sorts of hypnotic influence. a professional intuitive consultant, reveals on Coast to Coast radio that he had longed to get into this business early and finally did. Interviewers ask him such questions that even Skunkworks' insider Ben Rich has never heard, and Wilcock answers to applause from the audience! As a fan club, or entertainment religion,  it seems a lot more like the circus where men crowd a tent and a girl comes out to the announcement that the harder you applaud the more she'll take off. This is fit for teenage boys. High thinks Goode an  Aimee Semple McPherson hysteria.

In this world the Pope met the Primate! Entourages gathered in Cuba. Boundary cousins opened heads.  Fantasy of course reconnoitered with arresting strangeness. Sweep the room, mark the exits, never sit publicly with your back to the door. It was the first meeting of such representatives in a thousand years. What's the cause?  The valley of the passers-through was closed.
Liberality held captive three nights in the earth
Plasma emission, super collider stoff.

There goes science to its secret labs. Strangeness, report to base!
Nobody could touch the first ark on which everything is modeled. You couldn't lean against it. Don't try to steady it any more than Ted Kennedy driving down the Chappaquiddick. Our minds drive where we don't know while we think we are doing something else and for different reasons too. Gogites don’t take Googists seriously any more than Colonists take their faerie pills to march to Gaul. These same colonists like the the man in Babylon recited loud HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, TO THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY. You will understand that it's time to start over. What hubris, that after a thousand generations, frost beets, cracked skin, stout limb, opaque beneath, alive in the last, the people of Ashdod called the life of governments, books, civilizations real. Do not touch the holy.

It was hard to comprehend this as just the age. To fulfill my duty as well as any promise made at my departure I more fully state here what I found and noted of these lands; and since I am now aware that by imperfect relations many of you have been misinformed, I give this assurance before.
The thing about a Watcher is that there’s nobody to report to and the buck stops with you. So if x is crossing y and b meets him where trouble is suspected, a watcher can’t call up and ask what to do. In the midst of these tales Moses killed Og. No word yet on how many kms that would throw us off. Names change but the scene remains. The Grigori fallens did not descend in Oregon where Rhine maidens arrest dudes. Swear upon the mountain they took wives, but the exact location is not known. Situated near the east foot of the Salt, Vegans confused it with Tonopah.
Endless checks and body plants locked up the World. It took thousands of years of records in stone and word. Grists of artists with the bodies of Justice buried in the ground. How many bodies does Justice have? Nolo contendere. Caesar's I am and wild for to hold.
Note: this could easily be written in nonfiction but fiction denies you the luxury to disbelieve. also i is one way to talk about a thing while you're really talking entirely about something else

We use the term day here in its literal sense Discover the bodies? That's what the churches were trying to do, which produced a heckling of giants along the scarab nexus. No wonder passengers held their nose. Beasts crept among fish and fowl. Men shook their fists at the iPhone. Devices of hand and eye mythologemed escaped to the iron room: businessmen became mosquitoes.
Compared with the Galactic federation of Light that is coming, such reverse timpanis of Beethoven’s 9th  A word becomes a boom echoing earthquakes. The one to bring it about, the other to dissolve, which thoughts compel the verse. Spelunking for moles, contracted for the moment, they fill in the entrance to the sea cave and write stone letters to shale creeks beneath, who have seen many things, but pay no attention, whose ears are open, but hear nothing. Pick a phrase, invert it, splice at will. A drum becomes a word.

Of those persons who came hither with me, a half dozen are already dead. I and mine, however, have throughout the whole time found ourselves in good condition and good appetite, except that Isaac Dilbeck has for a week been somewhat indisposed, and Jacob Shoemaker on the first of October cut his foot severely with an ax and was for a week unable to labor. I underwent other accidents, namely, that the two carved lugs over the ship’s bell fell right upon my back, and on the 9th of July during a storm in the night I fell so severely upon my left side that for some days I had to keep to my bed.
All of our lives are organized around the hidden referent, not of the Shoah, Kommersant and Moskovskij Komsomolets but of the Shoah to come, not a tumor but a war, the war now breaking our ribs for which we have no word. Can't read Levinias long, Difficult Freedom, Difficile Liberte, Totality and Infinity, Otherwise Than Being, dizzying reflections of height, or depth of the presentiment and memory w/o taking the past as a limited edition of the future, the charges of subhuman ape and carrier of germs amplified to the useless eaters that British royalty thinks are the commoners of the world. So the time, no time of Levinias past that he lives the rest of his life in a vigil of, endures his life "when one has that tumor in the memory...and death will no doubt cancel the unjustified privilege of having survived six million deaths" is a down payment in reverse, unless it is in error, exaggerated by the best and hence a down payment of the future, the past for the tumor of the future that nothing can cover over even if we stand away from it to the present, still everyday occupations almost as if neither the past and its vertigo and the future that  grips at our edge were never there, when both are the same. Both inhabit a nontime, immemorial past and future which have no memory and no prediction, but have in common a search for a language dedicated to the memory of those who died or will, but without naming it as such, so that it is no theme for the news or discussion of any kind. time Leave it nameless, for if it fails to name itself why should we help it. It is too eager to  name. We deny it space and we deny it time. It is Destruktion, every mountain and hill of  made low, a perfect recasting of the human without empathy, palaces, flags, magistrates tempests raging in  shipwrecks. so the murderer can see its sanction of the world with a clear conscience..rendezvous

Wittgenstein lifts his head on a pedestal at Airpark. Could that head speak it would say the colonist like a mouse is meant by the Armed Forces to be an experiment to save itself.  But inside the colony-no-colony, to serve the greater cause, I cannot in good conscience apocalypse the mouse. We assemble today therefore against this blind cosmic doctrine. Shiites have Nostradamus to thank for their escapes, Nostradamus, Blake, St. John fall on all heads. Colonies and colonists underground hide from rocks in rock. The colonial underground is clearly not made to recognize.
Potter's vessels. Are you going to swear the Greek gods with railing accusation? The angel can be taken as benign or malign, but remember the Russians touched the G-ark and lived, depending on the view. This is a coded  allegoric of nearly any work of art by Breugals.  Paronomasia* was appointed for those  who intended to pass the land. Commissioners were appointed to search the bones. The notion that it stopped the nose or breath from stench entombed beneath suggested they were overrun while passing through. "Passengers," meaning travelers, or invaders, buried in the tumult after, made the valley bear the multitude's name. That leaves us with personal effects in the lives of men and women, their own personal foibles of which they leave record.

I don't suppose the instructions were there's a stake in your fat black heart and the villagers never liked you they are dancing and stamping on. The bankers and retired govt agents retired to enclaves higher up in Denver, lower down in Colorado Springs the Ozarks and west north Carolina think they going to get away from niburu satan. The bosses that run these shows know the meaning of the events but nothing of the events themselves. They know the omens and tokens, oh for a complete list of potter's vessels of they always knew it was you.

Department for Eternal Church Relations


Information cited here is all in the public domain with schedules and proprietary reports of dignitaries along with news reports such as Patriarch Kirill walks with the penguins.. Further on the circumstances culminating in the events of the week of 12-18 Feb 2016 is found in the postmortem, Autopsy of Scalia's Hat in the Corpus issue of Sein und Werden, Spring 2016. Excavation of technology similar to the Ark of Gabriel at Satan and the Super Collider, 3f. Mt. Hermon is the single most important geography for these technologies because according to Enoch that is where the Watcher Gefallen first descended. Italicized paragraphs are excerpted from Pastorius, “Compare the Ship that bore them hither with Noah’s Ark," 1683.

---Fall with rain.

Of course, I in my timid body did not wish to have them in the neighborhood, intruding into my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fear.

We have these moments to remember. Adverbs before nouns in the foyer, ballistic glass lacerations at Chelyabinsk,  American Ground Zero. Fairly intruding smart talk on the rug in the ambiance of facts please, and then the door. Sir Gawain's primary and secondary despoilation incomplete.
Real brick, marble, stone  parts withstood the demise of the whole, skeins lay tangled, and that's what remained, except the city was a paragraph, the whole precognate concept of rubble together, five sentences tangled in one, images broken and misplaced by cranes so to speak, except our cranes are accident and sound demolition which pull out the parts. The whole city is rebuilt as it were from their tangle to reseat them in the colonies, passengers and the like. Not that it ever existed, but if it didn't, how did this mess end up on the ground? You see the point is that out of chaos must come order, as if it described the valley where they would bury his army, the Grand Seignior general.  Antiochus, such of it as remains after the fowls, the bones, left himself also a sepulcher to perpetuate the memory that this event is future, which Calmet takes to be the defeated army, "locum ibi sepulchrum", or Starckius; "locum ubi sit sepulchrum", Cocceius. (c) Ebr. Comment. p. 585. (d) Dictionary in the word "Vale" (e) So R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed, fol. 66. 2.((f) "et erit illa obturans transeuntes." This edda you may also enjoy in the Lindisfarne, Wycliffe, Tyndale, German, Scandinavian or English versions. Sea captains, gold cargoes, frankincense souls, multinat corps, blondes, City/Woman nations, Gilgamesh starring with Ishtar "foul goddess," bond traders, global Intercourse. Intercourse Alejandro- mountaintops and rivers, succubi- Christabel now hold their hands and waits for Nabucodonosor  to ring. Lamia and Christabel prove the female nephilim! They are their ghosts.  Uncapped pirate samurais with credit cards. Liqueurs, bracelets, chairs keep up the surface.  That's the adagio.

It was hard to comprehend this is just the age. To fulfill my duty as well as any promise made at my departure I more fully state here what I found and noted of these lands; and since I am now aware that by imperfect relations many of you have been misinformed, I give this assurance before.
The thing about a Watcher is that there’s nobody to report to and the buck stops with you. So if x is crossing y and b meets him where trouble is suspected, a watcher can’t call up and ask what to do. In the midst of these tales Moses killed Og. No word yet on how many kms that would throw us off. Names change but the scene remains. The Grigori fallens did not descend in Oregon where Rhine maidens arrest dudes. Swear upon the mountain they took wives, but the exact location is not known. Situated near the east foot of the Salt, Vegans confused it with Tonopah.
Endless checks and body plants locked up the World. It took thousands of years of records in stone and word. Grists of artists with the bodies of Justice buried in the ground. How many bodies does Justice have? Nolo contendere. Caesar's I am and wild for to hold.
Note: this could easily be written in nonfiction but fiction denies you the luxury to disbelieve. also i is one way to talk about a thing while you're really talking entirely about something else

We use the term day here in its literal sense Discover the bodies? That's what the churches were trying to do, which produced a heckling of giants along the scarab nexus. No wonder passengers held their nose. Beasts crept among fish and fowl. Men shook their fists at the iPhone. Devices of hand and eye mythologemed escaped to the iron room: businessmen became mosquitoes.
Compared with the Galactic federation of Light that is coming, such reverse timpanis of Beethoven’s 9th  A word becomes a boom echoing earthquakes. The one to bring it about, the other to dissolve, which thoughts compel the verse. Spelunking for moles, contracted for the moment, they fill in the entrance to the sea cave and write stone letters to shale creeks beneath, who have seen many things, but pay no attention, whose ears are open, but hear nothing. Pick a phrase, invert it, splice at will. A drum becomes a word.

Of those persons who came hither with me, a half dozen are already dead. I and mine, however, have throughout the whole time found ourselves in good condition and good appetite, except that Isaac Dilbeck has for a week been somewhat indisposed, and Jacob Shoemaker on the first of October cut his foot severely with an ax and was for a week unable to labor. I underwent other accidents, namely, that the two carved lugs over the ship’s bell fell right upon my back, and on the 9th of July during a storm in the night I fell so severely upon my left side that for some days I had to keep to my bed.

All of our lives are organized around the hidden referent, not of the Shoah, Kommersant and Moskovskij Komsomolets but of the Shoah to come, not a tumor but a war, the war now breaking our ribs for which we have no word. Can't read Levinias long, Difficult Freedom, Difficile Liberte, Totality and Infinity, Otherwise Than Being, dizzying reflections of height, or depth of the presentiment and memory w/o taking the past as a limited edition of the future, the charges of subhuman ape and carrier of germs amplified to the useless eaters that British royalty thinks are the commoners of the world. So the time, no time of Levinias past that he lives the rest of his life in a vigil of, endures his life "when one has that tumor in the memory...and death will no doubt cancel the unjustified privilege of having survived six million deaths" is a down payment in reverse, unless it is in error, exaggerated by the best and hence a down payment of the future, the past for the tumor of the future that nothing can cover over even if we stand away from it to the present, still everyday occupations almost as if neither the past and its vertigo and the future that  grips at our edge were never there, when both are the same. Both inhabit a nontime, immemorial past and future which have no memory and no prediction, but have in common a search for a language dedicated to the memory of those who died or will, but without naming it as such, so that it is no theme for the news or discussion of any kind. time Leave it nameless, for if it fails to name itself why should we help it. It is too eager to  name. We deny it space and we deny it time. It is Destruktion, every mountain and hill of  made low, a perfect recasting of the human without empathy, palaces, flags, magistrates tempests raging in  shipwrecks. so the murderer can see its sanction of the world with a clear conscience..rendezvous

Wittgenstein lifts his head on a pedestal at Airpark. Could that head speak it would say the colonist like a mouse is meant by the Armed Forces to be an experiment to save itself.  But inside the colony-no-colony, to serve the greater cause, I cannot in good conscience apocalypse the mouse. We assemble today therefore against this blind cosmic doctrine. Shiites have Nostradamus to thank for their escapes, Nostradamus, Blake, St. John fall on all heads. Colonies and colonists underground hide from rocks in rock. The colonial underground is clearly not made to recognize.
Potter's vessels. Are you going to swear the Greek gods with railing accusation? The angel can be taken as benign or malign, but remember the Russians touched the G-ark and lived, depending on the view. This is a coded  allegoric of nearly any work of art by Breugals.  Paronomasia* was appointed for those  who intended to pass the land. Commissioners were appointed to search the bones. The notion that it stopped the nose or breath from stench entombed beneath suggested they were overrun while passing through. "Passengers," meaning travelers, or invaders, buried in the tumult after, made the valley bear the multitude's name. That leaves us with personal effects in the lives of men and women, their own personal foibles of which they leave record.

I don't suppose the instructions were there's a stake in your fat black heart and the villagers never liked you they are dancing and stamping on. The bankers and retired govt agents retired to enclaves higher up in Denver, lower down in Colorado Springs the Ozarks and west north Carolina think they going to get away from niburu satan. The bosses that run these shows know the meaning of the events but nothing of the events themselves. They know the omens and tokens, oh for a complete list of potter's vessels of they always knew it was you.

Department for Eternal Church Relations


Information cited here is all in the public domain with schedules and proprietary reports of dignitaries along with news reports such as Patriarch Kirill walks with the penguins.. Further on the circumstances culminating in the events of the week of 12-18 Feb 2016 is found in the postmortem, Autopsy of Scalia's Hat in the Corpus issue of Sein und Werden, Spring 2016. Excavation of technology similar to the Ark of Gabriel at Satan and the Super Collider, 3f. Mt. Hermon is the single most important geography for these technologies because according to Enoch that is where the Watcher Gefallen first descended. Italicized paragraphs are excerpted from Pastorius, “Compare the Ship that bore them hither with Noah’s Ark," 1683.

7. In that day we shall see stone towers and buried underground bases, cubes and blocks, massive pitted crests and labyrinths like the Maya.

In that day open schists of black cubes will gape from space megalopoliand scallops, beetling slabs and composite cones forge ganglial centers in the five-lobed brain. Who is not endeared by the lateral crinoid arms swimming and wriggling tentacles over ice?

  In that day Yahweh with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent, and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

Fish bone carcasses supposed in the swollen Cities below,
Under Antarctic say Farewell To What We Know.
The solar system and its wars come next. 
What happened ten million years ago?
 The whole world is under its control.
Sources from the OED claim these revelations suck.
Their final destination, Antarctica,
 the previous epoch wiped out,
Some supposed saved fish men with heads, 
one over the other, the body of a fish and human feet,
the lower torso of the fish man drapes.
One fish head with its mouth tasseled down the back
 asks,"What are the Seven Sages of the Apsu, the pure puradu fish" who wear the fish cape?
 Pope and the Google spymaster Fish-hats of Dagon bob up and down. 
 The U.S. bunker announces excavations of carp, below. 
 There go Mandela Effects, strangelets, Adiabatic computations to name a few. 
Elite mermen up the Mississippi flew.

8. How the world came under the control of evil (I John 5.19) is the case of Beautiful Mind, John Nash, the convicted schizo-typical  mathematician finally given the Nobel Prize (his early Game Theory). Take for granted no awards in this control of evil come before achievement, but it must serve the purpose.  Nash enabled the hundred thousand computers to substitute all market trading with their own. There was no longer any market, all currency and trading reduced to digital effects. Take another like Jim Grey, Turing Prize winner "lost at sea" or the Marconi Murders of computerists and wide removals of microbiologists, that after pawns have served they are erased. Some end up in underground cages, their brains in a jar. Nash and his wife were ejected from a moving cab. From these effects we reason it good that we are not cast into this world without subversion of the Mesopotamian ethos and artifacts like Genesis which extend to Antarctic, Lunar Operations Command, Solar Wardens and all Dark Fleet and the Interplanetary Corporate Gloms. The SSP, Secret Space Program and circumstances of these accidents and "suicides' are so widespread they would be cause as big as pedopizzagate, were not those Mainstream blankets like  natural cause smothered in the endless list of celebrities killed in cars. Every source conditioned by the truth requires you believe nothing and everything for there are undergrounds beneath. Among intellectuals intent on reversing the effects of the imprisoned angels running this show, Jude, I Peter and the Councils of Heaven of Psalm 82 declare Messiah will close them down. These pre-Adamites and their offspring really are  the result of the Apkallu sages before the flood, long skull outcasts whose administrators, their children nephilim, were mostly killed. Babylon became heir of this "enlightenment" to inform the pedophile spirit-cooking initiates who now govern the world. Even Wikipedia says: "deeds of the later Apkallu and their roles as wise councillors has led some scholars to equate them with the nephilim of Genesis 6:4." This is the world that had to be redeemed because bad as it was after the Garden, fallen Watchers made it worse. One of the motives of the redemption of the world, Ezekiel addresses Pharaoh as the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, who says, My river is my own; I have made it of myself, but says the word of Yahve: "I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers and all the fish shall stick on thy scales."  None of the reptilium illuminati or nephilim hybrid giants are anything but bastards to supplant the true sons. None of them have the creative spirit of the man. None of them are Vivaldi, or sculptors of form, or poetic celebrants of creation and the war against themselves. Clearly inferior in spirit they know their end, that the human was put here to supplant them and rule the earth.The Akkadian Sumerian Babylonian Apkallu who run the Mainstream Media and gave civilization the arts of war and technology to magnify the Fall, may be seen further in: Michael Heiser. Reversing Hermon. If you believe in this civilization you are taught to be its prisoner.  Moses, Israel, David, Isaiah, Jesus all shared the purpose to annihilate the fallen, kill the giants and to reverse Mt. Hermon to death To say these encompass millennia is understatement, but there is a substitute for DARPA  programed beliefs, that being a relationship with the Most High through his Son, Messiah Yeshua. We expect to prove the power of the Son of God in his sons, not the fallen ones: I am in the Father, you are in me and I am in you. This stands over against the evil brought about that encompasses the world. Those formed and chosen in Him before the foundation of the world  are ordained to fight when initiates say they open the time gates, worm holes, black holes and warp dimensions.Therefore shall the land mourn (Hosea 4.3).  We know that we are of God, and that the whole world is under the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true—in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. (1John 5.18f).  El Señor de los Afligidos.

2.Antarctica was melting from below. Armies are being assembled, flotillas arriving and arrived.  MarrHeliports, airports, bases, housing for thousands, ten thousands. It has been an armed camp for a decade. What's the point.?  The new facts, machines, techniques, processes, antigrav are all said to prepare for the Stage II Civ by the emergent parties of awake ones, the orb ones, the truthers the disclosers so that the present state of knowing will be held beneath ridicule by this new imperial authority. So it is the founding of an empire over which Rome and Babylon would drool, the deception that will make men's hearts fail, not the hundred readjustments of its apostles, but the recreation of a world that once existed before the human. The search for Annunaki DNA, but that's looking too far ahead, all the way to next year


We pick up bon mots also from the French. You knew they were doing something when phrases from The Revelation started to fall from the  buildings: Shape Locust, Wormwood Star, Untimely Fig, Balaam-Balak! And statues of Moloch appeared. Severed from culture and the past, new reptilian intelligence thought could deal with Eisenhower another 5000 years. But the last days of Noah returned.

There had been a series of  excavations  by world powers of supernatural technology sites, boxes, arks, bodies like the tomb of Gilgamesh dug from the Euphrates. German archeologists in 2003 then the Americans stole this from the Iraq museum on the first day of the war. They thought it would perfect HAARP, that Nimrod and/or Gilgamesh used this technology in building the Tower of Babel.  Saddam had dug up these artifacts and stored them in large crates underneath the museum when American special forces retrieved  them on the first day of the war. These were to reconstitute DNA formulas in order to learn how he "began to become," a necessity for transhumans to wreck upon themselves, another arm of Shiva from CERN. This scenario explains why the Americans allowed the looting of the museum afterward, to cover their tracks. But Shiva has many arms. The other booty, flown out by helicopter by night, selected by the American ambassador who was on site to see to to it, was, and you will appreciate how this is the counterpart to CERN, the control mechanism and power source of the Tower of Babel, viz. the technology of the fallen angels.
Technology of fallen angels might be too large a concept to consider. No matter what they were before now they are reptile angels, a better term than fallen, egregori,
anshei shem, watcher, faergrygrum, nephilim, men of renown, skaphitee (Pierre Sabak) and on. Terms like desolation angels, exterminating angels also fly about,  and further, considering they are the purveyors of the space colon of the Maleboge, elimination angels, so naturally their followers, children, disciples are purveyors of the same.

Who wants the ark, who wants the ark?  Uncle Sam had his hand in the air. That's why we have a thing but not know it, to wait for a thing but not to pursue it. Pawn to K5. Dagon, half man, half fish, father of Baal, that fell on its face to the ground, head and both palms of its hands broken off (I Samuel 5.4),  "There was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained." All is well for these forces until the joining of the Christian engrafted into Israel occurs, as Ephesians tells. This brings the ancient into the present in the sense that it counters the setting up of Dagon for a Humpty Dumpty glue back, come together! What more natural? It is a thriller of the lower worlds. Grief counselors are available with burgers and toys.   Firings, destructions, closings, uprootings of coal and steel, fun guys out of Gogol throw bottles at the tombs. Will the legacy networks overcome, CNN, Yahoo, report the news live when secret science and ancient astronomers meet? Who would have thought secrets so important? Sacrifice precedes events in the world. Heavy metal money, not personal, just business, the phones of antichrist installed by AT&T. Standard oil gave the gas and free labor camps for mines. Ford gave engines for the trucks in the camps. It sounds like the Maya, the Inca, Europe, Poland. Can you say, todaelde! Gold teeth were melted into bars and stamped for the English treasury. These are the sources of new disclosure in Antarctica. Leeds Northrop, Skunk Works is hiring workers the way American railways led to the coalfields of Oświęcim. Transplanting the toxic Bush, awareness visions of alkaloids, cardenolides, common flowers and aches, compliant zombies rich in scopolamine did not celebrate holy days. And before that you may say  remember the first principle of the age. Wahoo Smile and get down. If we were to call the causes of this gold tumors, as did the Rabbins, searchers stepping in a hole, buriers who turned faces away from their words, we will not be likely to know.

Fish god Dagon in OT

George Wertmuller fell down extremely hard, Thomas Gasper had an eruption of the body, an English maid had the erysipelas, and Isaac Dilbeck, who according to outward appearance was the strongest, succumbed for the greatest length of time. So I had a small ship hospital, although I alone had taken my berth among the English. That one of the boatmen became insane and that our ship was shaken by the repeated assaults of a whale, I set forth in my last letter.

But if the things I have mentioned do not come too hard for you, depart the sooner the better from the European Sodom, and remember Lot’s wife, who indeed went forth with her feet but left her heart and inclinations there…I remain ever your true and devoted servant.

6. Fall with rain.
Of course, I in my timid body did not wish to have them in the neighborhood, intruding into my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fear.

We have these moments to remember. Adverbs before nouns in the foyer, ballistic glass lacerations at Chelyabinsk,  American Ground Zero. Fairly intruding smart talk on the rug in the ambiance of facts please, and then the door. Sir Gawain's primary and secondary despoilation incomplete.
Real brick, marble, stone  parts withstood the demise of the whole, skeins lay tangled, and that's what remained, except the city was a paragraph, the whole precognate concept of rubble together, five sentences tangled in one, images broken and misplaced by cranes so to speak, except our cranes are accident and sound demolition which pull out the parts. The whole city is rebuilt as it were from their tangle to reseat them in the colonies, passengers and the like. Not that it ever existed, but if it didn't, how did this mess end up on the ground? You see the point is that out of chaos must come order, as if it described the valley where they would bury his army, the Grand Seignior general.  Antiochus, such of it as remains after the fowls, the bones, left himself also a sepulcher to perpetuate the memory that this event is future, which Calmet takes to be the defeated army, "locum ibi sepulchrum", or Starckius; "locum ubi sit sepulchrum", Cocceius. (c) Ebr. Comment. p. 585. (d) Dictionary in the word "Vale" (e) So R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed, fol. 66. 2.((f) "et erit illa obturans transeuntes." This edda you may also enjoy in the Lindisfarne, Wycliffe, Tyndale, German, Scandinavian or English versions. Sea captains, gold cargoes, frankincense souls, multinat corps, blondes, City/Woman nations, Gilgamesh starring with Ishtar "foul goddess," bond traders, global Intercourse. Intercourse Alejandro- mountaintops and rivers, succubi- Christabel now hold their hands and waits for Nabucodonosor  to ring. Lamia and Christabel prove the female nephilim! They are their ghosts.  Uncapped pirate samurais with credit cards. Liqueurs, bracelets, chairs keep up the surface.  That's the adagio.

Who Wants the Ark?

--Before his own Inaugural Pope Francis prepared with a private meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Istanbul, who attended his Mass. This was the first first time the spiritual head of the Orthodox had attended a Roman pope’s inaugural since the Great Schism between the west and east in 1054 A.D., a meeting to be repeated in Havana with Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.  Francis called Bartholomew “my brother Andrew,” a reference to the apostle who was the brother of St. Peter,  first bishop of the Church of Byzantium. Francis also held a privacy with the Metropolitan Hilarion, foreign minister of the Russian Church, largest Orthodox in the world. Mirror mirror on the wall who's the most Ecumenist of All?

But there's more to Ashdod, Patriarchs, Philistia and Arabia.

"Mount Erebus is the second highest volcano in Antarctica and the southernmost active volcano on earth. It is the sixth highest ultra mountain on an island. It is located on Ross Island with a summit elevation of 3,794 metres (12,448 ft), which is also home to three inactive volcanoes, Mount Terror, Mount Bird, and Mount Terra Nova.  The volcano has been active these 1.3 million years and is the site of the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory.
A third element in the transfer from Cuba to Patriarch Kirill by Pope Francis was the “ancient ritual” to be read over the Gabriel ark from a “secret text.
This is what that angel wrote to the seven churches of Antarctica.

--November 26, 2013 I prefer a church which is bruised
-- "When love fails, and it fails many times, we have to feel the pain of that failure, accompany the people who have felt the failure of their love" Pope Francis I – February 28, 2014 To the Chapel of the Snows. Buddhist and Bahai
--“I come in my own name” and that of the entire  power of Rome. 

-- Christmas: It's all a charade, the world is at war

-at San Francisco de Asis Chapel "WHO AM I TO JUDGE A GAY PERSON?"

-at St. Ivan Rilski Chapel, Livingston Island: TRUMP IS NOT A CHRISTIAN.
-at Chilian Chapel of Santa Maria Reina de la Paz "Proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other

-Russian Orthodox, Trinity Chapel, praying for the souls of the 64 Russians who lost their lives in various expeditions. The Russian fleet with the ark took also dirt from Russia to put at all sites of fallen Russian soldiers capsules with Russian soil to be placed in the areas of military glory and burial sites of Russian sailors at selected ports of call along the long journey to the Southern Ocean.
- The Ice Cave Catholic Chapel at Belgrano II Base made of ice:
ice fumaroles - ice towers that form around gases that escape from vents in the surface oxygenated hydrothermal circulation in highly reducing host rock It's thought that ice caves may exist on Mars The caves on Erebus are of especial interest for astrobiology no CH4 or H2S. Many of them are completely dark, so can't support photosynthesis Acidobacteria ascent in approximately seventeen hours completely unassisted via snow mobile and on foot.[19][20] inside of the volcano was explored by Dante I, an eight legged tethered robotic explorer During the Antarctic summer, snow melt on the flanks of Mount Erebus continually reveals debris from the crash; Satellite picture of Mount Erebus showing glow from its persistent lava lake  The Erebus hotspot has been interpreted to be the cause of spreading at the Terror Rift.[1] Its mantle plume, estimated to be 250 to 300 km (160 to 190 mi) in diameter, extends 200 km (120 mi) below the surface where it changes into a narrow column that further extends 400 km (250 mi) below the surface.[2
- Catholic Chapel of Santisima Virgen de Lujan at Marambio Base: "Inequality is the root of social evil"


 Just like the movie Jurassic Park, scientists have discovered a 99-million-year-old baby dinosaur tail preserved in amber. This discovery of a feathered tail supports the contention that the giant beasts that once ruled the Earth looked
Bird-headed Apkallu
"of bird origin, ostrich or egret, articulating from the epiglottis to the beak" and of "spinal adjustments of those remedial wing sockets.... The bestial significance of its evolutionary reptilian likeness to old myths of half men half beasts common to anthropoids was only secondarily like the bestial case of giants, also mythological. The monstrous includes a deeper depravity than thought, a hyperspace marooned arthropod degraded from citizenship, a debased angel coming out a bug. Paranoia differs in its ability to solve epistemological questions of this destiny. Inner dislocation and personality dissolution fused those separate realities with the monstrous." The tail in the find likely belonged to a small “juvenile” dinosaur, probably no larger than a sparrow. It would be classified under the group of dinosaurs called Coelurosauria, a rather large group that fits animals from Tyrannosauruses to modern birds. The feathered tail thus helps support the theory that the giant beasts that once ruled the Earth that if reptiles, looked also like birds.

On land these amphibians run from Dilmun, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar where Hillary and Barak have homes.  As the saying goes, along came the giants and sat beside.  Scientists like second Noahs found these fish who migrated the waves at home in Antarctica. At Lake Vostok in Antarctica the squid taken were used to repopulate,  "to deposit in reservoirs and lakes across North America” some species of octopus that lays 200,000 eggs. Squid fish hats had been the subject of Dr Padalka's warning when his colleague there was killed  by a tentacle "slithering across the ice bank." Hours after it was sliced off with an axe it got her in the night. While these squid are banks squeezing their tentacles into every corner of the globe,

As to the personalities of these Old things in their new pants suits, half-fungous, half-crustacean, headless slime-coated shoggoths, new schools infer a molecular disturbance in the book of  shapeless jellies like frog eggs. But giant 15 feet diameter spheres show the path of this "unguided evolution." History and geography, if not the Antarctic fishmen themselves,  read like 19th century takes from ancient Hindu sources and Sumerian tablets. Amid the propaganda linkages of Wilcock and Corey Goode of  "many advanced and potent races of beings," non-terrestrials come from the space-time continuum, under the sea, the "first created earth-life," was hidden in the secret Blavatsky spatial engineering and vast membranous wings. Their living quarters with all the furniture in the center of the room left the walls for murals describing their star heads and folded down tentacles.Their floors were paved with tiles and the walls covered with murals and maps of the land of their exile they should never see again. Under ice or out, if we speak of Atlantis and pre-terrestrial life there must be a post, and if terrestrial, then cosmic, hence pre-cosmic if you can get your hat on that as "the pre-terrestrial life of the star headed beings on other planets" to be announced. I can't wait to share the architecture of these planets too, but first those millennial fossils dwelling in masonry if not exactly cone heads are like a car with a hundred cylinders of the cosmic Henry Ford sky.  Who would not weep for the arabesque of this math?  I don't know if they look like saguaros. "Hold your breath" will be the evening news as in Arthur Clarke out of space ships after 50 years. Geography must be put off and we must be content with photographs from space and Google earth, but to close to hand are these glimpses in the fictional ground. Please read that with cognizance of metaphor filtered down from the stars, native if you not one, alien if you are.  Cretaceous cycads and angiosperm sculptures not tetrahedral but pentagonal of those early explorers expose transparent archways ten feet high with upper stories built to precog the discovery to scale, to disclose there to the disturbing elite who flock, the mating of leviathan and behemoth.

O Antarctica My Antarctica The ANTARCTIC Myths. Death and the Patriarch
What if hundred mile long cigar ships sunk bell shaped pyramid colonies on the black side of the moon? What if Nazis took over democracies and everything taught in schools was Hollywood foolery as posed? What if Colin Powell held all 16 Intelligence agencies affirmed WMD in Iraq and 17 affirmed the Russian hack. Corruption of  the deep web merged with the golden shower. Brownstone ops, pizza gate horrors, deep web fake news sprang. Ben Rich of Lockheed Skunkworks said anything you can imagine he already knew how to do: Loc lunar operations command, buried bell shaped pyramid compartmentalized Nazis, Apollo money laundering black cash, back moon sliced up like Antarctica. That should be clear as the 17 instelligence agencies can make it.

Consider the circumstances where disinformation is itself information. Superficial stuff, not original unless you mean connecting H. P. Lovecraft with Patriarch Kirill. Once you learn these tells that mutually exposit one another, the cut middle fingers on presidents and their chiefs of staffs, "with a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain," the preternatural anorexia of certain classes like Biden, Podesta, Emanuael, you begin to see these circles with many other examples you have patience to observe like the trips to Patagonia, to use a euphemism, of Clapper, Kerry, Obama, for their secret tours of What. We know not what, except the adventures flaunted are another tell. That's the supposed rule, show the vulgar in code to prove your contempt. The more you look the bigger it gets so be careful not to obsess. Statements evaluated against each other and against these contexts form a predictive model. This prepares against the inevitable, the World announcement that they have discovered Satan's throne and his minions in millions of years past of the earth. After 60 laborious pages Lovecraft finally spits out Sitchin and the hordes of the SSP, University, secret little bottle bomb labs underGround -- and oh say the Sumerians--oh by the way let's blow up Saturn this fall. You're going to be reading about it in National Geographic.

 A series of non concentric random stories concludes with improbable alien weapons in Antarctica and the technological race to obtain them. It involves Podesta-like rituals connected by coded photographs, spurious reports, exaggerated selective details, rank misstatement. The bolded words here are blinds, metaphors which if translated are even more implausible. These are not things to be believed but  cairns that mark the trails.

The most interesting thing about Antarctica is what they say about it, the sum total of deceptive Science. No matter what they say, we are expected to believe whether outer space, hollow earth, pre Sumer or Atlantis. Believe it. You better believe. The message is the fact. So buckle up you eaters. Research of Antarctica is so  vexed with falsehood it begs to be understood as occult phenomena intended to obscure, cover up. Taking these as they occur, there is serious inquiry into Antarctica in the theories of shifting earth crust and the design of the Piri Reis map of 1515. These have a decidedly different flavor and interest than all the rest of the occult strangelets, but if the Germans made their base at Queen Maud Land why did the Americans chose the opposite, McMurdo in the south? Were they calculating  the first area to be free of ice in event of a shift? Or are they looking for the remains of meteorites, buried pieces of protoplanets from the the katabole of the asteroid belt?

As usual the blinding light of science is a blind to hide innumerable false facts and theories. The premise adopted in such inquires is always general, equivocated, misidentified, selective, hence the statement that "we are not the first advanced civilization to inhabit our world" put as John Donne said of new philosophy "all in doubt," endangering every noun and verb in that sentence. More than every previous civilization and history, always assuming to be proven the point the argument tries to establish, ours  a deception, especially considering that the words are blinds for ourselves.  So before we go running off proving the shifting of earth's crust by its sudden mass extinctions, the asthenosphere so light hearted it allows the lithosphere to go walkabout, take for granted this one thing, whatever we come up with is false, which includes the manuscripts to be discovered in proto-Sanskrit. Doesn't that make you see better? That's why it is so much more satisfying to search for the origins of the Piri Reis map at the Convent of La Rabida in Andulucia.
[A long article contemplating the lead up to the Antarctic discoveries, beginning with the events surrounding the removal of Justice Scalia, the Pope, Patriarch Kirill and ample quotations therewith, the Ark of Gabriel and these touring dignitaries will likely be irrelevant when the disclosures occur, for who will care?]

Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE disaster?

Earthquakes in New Zealand: Worldview screenshot of New Zealand, Macquarie Island, Guadalupe Island & Nova Scotia / Nov. 13, 2016
 Trump letter to Putin
Greg Castle. The Apocalepticon
H. P. Lovecraft. At the Mountains of Madness. Arkham House, 1936. Modern Library, 2006.
Rand and Rose Flem-ath. Atlantis Beneath the Ice. Bear and Co. 2012.
--Graham Hancock's Egyptian Giza star-basd religion of 11,600 year old destruction of Atlantis. is the axis of the antarctic expeditions, a great counterfeit with the 100 ton blocks of  stone fitted to a T, as if by giants. They were giants, who worshipped the stars, their fathers, meaning the Fallen ones. Satan is ingenious counterfeiting. Hancock says at the end he is working hard to change his life through Ayahuasca. So is the underground bases writer, Richard Sauder, living in Equador. This is their best response. See  Endgame Part II The Antarctic Atlantis  by David Wilcock. Evidence of the truth of this vid comes with Wilcock's recent banning from Youtube with his entire channel on grounds beyond spurious. A prose version is available here  Certain features like the Transantarctic Mountains are an average elevation in Antarctica (6500 ft)  twice Asia's (3200).

Paul VI Audience Hall
A constant bombardment of "false news" entertainment with peer pressure to conform subverts time and space as much the American election and blames it on their victims. Both sides can read these sentences and think they favor them. One is wholly negative without reservation and the other is positive with reservation. Despite the curiosity of this entrainment, events leave a record in time and space to bedrock. But there is no original matter here, the timeline of Antarctica 2016 is best taken fictionally.

South Korean protest

 Hillary said they could be lynched if she lost. Virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children. (State of the Nation 12/25/16). These same pedophile rings brought millions into the streets of South Korea in December 2016 to depose President Park Geun-hye. In any case diplomats from space arrived with Obama and Clapper last March, and were followed by Kerry, Aldrin with Putin going next (this) year.

Calling SCALIA'S DEATH 4 days before it happened A POOL PARTY OF WET WORK is an appetizer to this spiritual cookery. Before Antarctica, "et erit illa frenans transeuntes" made "a place there, a grave to be buried on the east of the sea," a valley through which travelers pass a sulfurous lake, allusion to the sea of Chinnereth, or Jarchi and Kimchi; which sense is a passage to the east, a road to the east. Stop the nose, the ill smell of  mouths in this monument passing where the multitude fall, the reason for their being out of the way; a sense again that notices two mountains near a city once magnificent, among any that you name that come to mind. Rome, Jerusalem which at their best suffer implosion into rubble, parapets mixed with fountains holy. Better than the organ grinder meat and tissue of twin towers crumbling, we give it that. The fields of that region burst. Swellings ulcerated where  they relieved nature, vessels that burst at the touch stopped their nose.  Mice jerking entrails produced gold images of rats included in the return, not the first time Baal Peor struck.

 Earthquake 1.2.3,4

Even a wide angle lens is selective so we don't however rule out the putative causes of this earthquake in the air after the event from

1.  Brian Tamaki  of NZ, citing Leviticus 18, said sexual sin caused the earthquake causing New Zealand's Prime Minister John Kay to deny it. This view of Leviticus reaches into Italy with Fr Giovanni Cavalcoli: "the land also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof...therefore the curse has devoured the land." Isaiah 24.5. As strange as it seems John Keys resigned his office 12 Dec 2016.
Has the US military been carrying out tests on a secret new weapon system using huge electromagnetic pulses from HAARP installations?  The Christchurch earthquake bears some very strange and remarkable similarities to other recent major earthquakes that have also been suspected of HAARP activity.  There is significant evidence that atmospheric conditions in the Christchurch area had been ‘primed’ for HAARP activity, that multiple HAARP installations in the US were simultaneously activated to a high level just prior to the Christchurch earthquake, and that Christchurch seemed to be the focal point of a ‘global quake’ around that time.
Why were all those US delegates, US emergency response officials, and other international personnel in Christchurch at the time?  And why did 9 members of US Congress suddenly leave Christchurch and relocate to Wellington just 2.5 hours before the quake hit even though their meeting wasn’t due to finish until that evening, but they left behind the Deputy Administrator of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency and another high level US federal emergency response official who were then subsequently and conveniently on hand to assist with the emergency response (just as in Haiti)?  Did they know something was coming and were they preparing for something? metaphysical musing

PR Release:
 In February 2016  Scalia's Death 13 Feb  was not just suspicious, it was  staged to so look, as if a symbolic defamation. The body was suddenly embalmed in El Paso, then cremated (which is getting harder and harder to prove in the time frame that existed then, as if time can be changed by interpretation Mandela or Halo effect). The immediate cremation was in order that the ashes could be taken to Cuba, given to the Pope who gave them to the Patriarch. The Antarctica time line begins with this because at the time the Pope met with the Patriarch in Cuba, offices meeting for the first time in a thousand years, a prior effect had occurred. The Ark of Gabriel was discovered under the Grand Mosque in Mecca. As it was excavated the technology of this Ark caused two major disasters, 12 Sept, 24 Sept 2015. The Ark however motivates the meeting of the Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill in Cuba 11 Feb 2016...

Podesta-like rituals connect with codes bolded as blinds. Translated they are even more implausible, not believed but cairns that mark the trail. Readers and researchers are cautioned to doubt, the biggest  ruse of all to give false security. Do not believe these disparates. H. P. Lovecraft and Clive Cussler put the scene in focus better ever than Official Reality will do. That should tell you what's in store.

The Saudis had already called the Russians to float the ark to Antarctica Dec 2015.  On or about the day Antonin Scalia lost his hat the Russian Patriarch joined this Russian flotilla there. To count from where the Pope handed off the Enochian text to the Patriarch who already had the ancient Islamic manuscript, the seven letters to the churches of Antarctica appear to code the times and places of these places. Mecca, Moscow, Cuba, Rome, El Cibolo, Antarctica, L.A. To state it then, these lines form a quincunx from the Paris Meridian, which multiplied by Pi, joins the 33rd parallel at Mt. Hermon. Just kidding. Everything north and south of this line is electrogravitic.Here is an image of St Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles, Baptizer of Russia, the millennium whose repose we marked last year, and shrouds for the Eucharistic vessels."he would not enter the land of summer and fresh spring and Mt. Hermon south and for all along you and thought we were treading upon the foot and not the head. Pseudo foot. You are going to posit a dome over a flat earth unless we give the order. You are going to say plasma?Manuscripts

The events just after meeting in Cuba with the Roman Pope are connected to Patriarch Kirill sailing with the Ark for  Antarctica on the Admiral Vladimisky (2/18/16), protected by a flotilla ordered by  with the death of U. S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Fictional/nonfictional events raise multiple suspicions. there was conjecturally a backup plan to remove Scalia so the Supreme Court could not rule on the overthrow of the election or some such which apparently failed. Thethe Bush-snake, the Queen-wolfThat fallacy taught in grade school that a thing precedes another thing because it caused it is false.

 Offtakes and Updates:
--Top World Spies Meet in NZ 20 Apri17
--BOA, the giant snake of --Antarctica
--The Published Melt
42,000 Ukrainian women taken to --Antarctica as breeding stock

Autopsy of Scalia's Hat. Sein und Werden. 21 Mar.
H. P. Lovecraft. At the Mountains of Madness (Arkham House, 1936). Modern Library 2005.
Earthquakes in New Zealand: Worldview screenshot of New Zealand, Macquarie Island, Guadalupe Island & Nova Scotia / --Nov. 13, 2016
 --Trump letter to Putin
Greg Castle. The Apocalepticon

Rand and Rose Flem-ath. Atlantis Beneath the Ice. Bear and Co. 2012.
--Graham Hancock's Egyptian Giza star-basd religion of 11,600 year old destruction of Atlantis. The axis of Antarctic expeditions, a great counterfeit with the 100 ton blocks of  stone fitted to a T, as if by giants. Giants worshipped the stars, their fathers, meaning the Fallen ones. Satan is ingenious counterfeit. Hancock says at the end he is working hard to change his life through Ayahuasca. So is the underground bases writer, Richard Sauder, living in Ecuador. Hear the little voices. This is their best response. See  Endgame Part II The Antarctic Atlantis  by David Wilcock. Evidence otherwise is its hysteria. A prose version here  Certain features like the Trans antarctic Mountains are an average elevation in Antarctica (6500 ft)  twice Asia's (3200).


Recumbent antarctica, flash frozen because atmosphere partly ripped off.
--VimANA--universe, the collective autonomous noun, science. Explicit agency but invisible.
-- massive “Vimana” is “awakening” from hibernation under Antarctica—and whose gravitational energy is so powerful, its force is now being extended to over 300 miles (483 kilometers) into space.  
23 pics of Antarctica in Podesta emails - pics to contain code, unbroken- the visit
--Top World Spies Meet in NZ 20 Apri17
--BOA, the giant snake of --Antarctica
--The Published Melt
42,000 Ukrainian women taken to --Antarctica as breeding stock 
link extinct but for Antarctic Settlement Women ASF, see Jerry Smith, Secrets of the Holy Lance
Zippermayr’s bombs fro coal dust.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...