Showing posts with label deconstruct the human form. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deconstruct the human form. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crack in the Wall of Last Day Lit

Last Days

If one speaks of erosion of the energy barrier in some Great Wall which separates the planes with all their octopi arms, Charles Upton's  Cracks in the Great Wall  "armed" with prophets like Jacques Vallee, the Messengers of Deception, is caught in the middle of a UFO freeway at rush hour.  Rene Guénon pitches in to the unseen warfare hypothesis, courtesy of Vallee, offering an antidote to the panspermia going around from Teilhard de Chardin to the Nihil Spielberg

Think maybe it's a hoax, another elaborate department brought to you by the Shiner media de-lux galore of the pyramid boys? Then you can sleep in.


Upton shines light on the John Mack perversion, Abduction. Mack parachuted into a CIA mirror as a psychiatrist calling  traumatized perverted states good, validating their horror. Against these, David Jacobs, Seraphim Rose fought to reinstate the Reality of God (which can be no other than Yahweh even if they don't know). To report all the usual goings on in the backyard of  last day lit, the humanity telos (purpose) of earth was not mass suggestion, demonic manifestation, Satan's Friends, (Upton's UFOs and Black Magicians, YouTube interview). The Word in the Beginning says of the man that all things are put under his feet, that those feet are Yeshua's feet where His feet make his enemies his footstool. This being saved from the end of the world is a technicality is so much fun. Save the earth? Have we not already given up our lives? Exercise the power! Be sons!   

Cabbalistic Jin and Faery chains run up and down Upton's Islamic ladder, who also occupies planes celebrated by Group dreaming, always with the neural pixie dust of the ethereal plane that sparkles. Upton has a wife who led him to the Sufi. This last Beat from Captain Beefheart's Mother Ship heart, with its Pleiadian cultural upbringing, takes the infrapsychic incursion into myth become fact (37). These are the cracks in the wall where intermediary spirits manifest, as he cites the yogi, at the end of every precessional cycle. So he blames it on time. That's metaphysical because he has lived but a fragment of one cycle. None of what he says of the wall is first hand, Sophia Perennis, Alien Agenda Unfolding, Bomb the moon. These are not in Aristotle, but on CNN. Debunks time travel, reincarnation hierarchies of the Medieval Renaissance Chain (Tillyard). Back to higher and lower worlds again. Spielberg is a CIA social engineer who deconstructs the human form.

 Rene Guénon found this occult underworld destructive, no compliment to the mystic that pretends we have to study the Mysteries for truth, such as the Golden Dawn sorceries. There is truth in doing. Initiations, counter initiation, esoteric doctrines from spurious concoctions, sinister forces behind initiations derive from Egyptian and Babylonian sources.  I consider this from looking in Carpenter's Inklings and the reference to Tolkien's statement that Christ is “the old myth become a fact”  City Lights Anthology was next it on the shelf  with a line of Upton's that yoga is psychic homosexuality, which opened on further search his System of Antichrist and UFOs. Malow's "subliminal contradiction" jibes somewhat with PKDick's "subliminal contradiction," that is, debunking UFOs while at the same time planting evidence that they are a technique of mass mind control. Milton Erikson in Training Hegel would wonder whether Upton is Mephistopheles for writing small in metaphysical social criticism what writes large in the traditional/perennial view he celebrates with Huxley. Taking both he includes, then excludes, the middle. This is meant to baffle the mind of the human while conditioning it.

Tyndale says, "Sothli if a strongere comynge above overcome him, he schal tak a wey alle his armeris, in which he tristide, and schal dele abrood his spuylis" (Lk. 11.22) The vision of Jesus: gave them gave the power. The elders worshiped the donkey idol of jealousy, detestable beings and things at the shrine of their idol, "crawling things and detestable animals," (Ez. 8.10) but when the man  in linen with the writing kit came round I wanted "the mark on my forehead of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things" (9.3,4)----I got out Ezekiel. Marked, those lives chosen, redeemed and forfeit before the beginning of the world knew, the beginning and end of armaments the Word and the Name, the Blood,  the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Branch, the songs of deliverance, thanksgiving, praise, the breath, the coming were all armor. Israel went into battle with harpists and a chorus.
René Guénon
debunking the reality of UFOs and covertly planting evidence of their reality as a method of mass mind-control - See more at:
"subliminal contradiction."
"subliminal contradiction."

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...