Johnny came lately to the war in heaven, just discovered it in the Sumer tablets which he cannot read and which if subjected to the criticism of millennias of hermetical examination would crumble to dust. Never mind Breugels, Milton, El Greco, Goya, Michelangelo, even Blake in his way, Johnny has his own Restoration Gap theory, but just a counterfeit of the real, written by the perps for the hoodwink kidnap of minds for world peace, coming ahead of time with vans and hoods to slip over heads and steal bodies off streets, maybe never heard from again, or if so changed.
I explore these equivocation systems and their effects and sources with the proviso that they hold much worth belief, meant as bait for the poor flies, so do not incline too deep a dive. The real reasons behind earth events are simple and complex. Trump's China reverse may have more to do with H7N9 than currency, but it is so easy to fool a fool. Robert Stanley, the man who
met Enki, his father was a disciple of Norman Paulsen tracing demonic disorder to the
fragmentation afflicting the so called Enki and company. They entered a forbidden zone and
went mad, demons being their thought projection. See the birth of the archons. All cerebral and intellectualized, Enki is
father of Annunaki in this confection, which Stanley gets from Wes Penry's papers.
Where Penry got it is the usual places, like Jordan Maxwell eating Blavatsky, but they all read as if computer generated, artificial writing, the kind done by salesmen to reach the lowest common denominator.
Like other gurus, Clif High for instance, who claim insight and expertise (just as prone to out of bodies as Stanley's Enki), who say they hav been through the bardos, know the soul traps, but have come back to tell us all, like Prufrock, I shall tell you all, High is a predictive linguist also enamored of Mauro Biglin, the Fourth Turning, Thinking and Destiny but utterly innocent of Ezekiel. Who are these who say we are slaves but are themselves servants of that idea, or that we are hybrids? David Icke, Sitchin, all Trutheers are convincing unless you parse their rambles and query when they dismiss the ancient literatures for ever more ancient, which don't even exist and which they know from channeling, out of body and meditative states, full of deception and conviction and maybe a couple hits of stuff. COME INTO THE BODY YOU IDIOTS. Stanley believed the being that confronted him on the mountain as he chanted love was Enki, just as he believed when it told him it was the
father [of lies Stanley later said]. Stanley is a victim at least of his own father's lies via Norman Paulsen that demons are a
projection of Enki's insanity from going into the dark hole. All romance.
Loki, Iago, Satan... who can fool us. Stanley does not reveal what drugs he used at that time nor whether the tulpas he saw from his asana on the mountain, in the equinox, at the sacred place...were projections. We can be fooled, but not maybe thrice. Still it reads like Satan in Paradise Lost who Blake thought the hero and ever since critics have sided against Milton and Christ following him. So some think Enki an enemy, as does Stanley/Penry, but others like Sitchin and etc a hero, a deliverer, the primordial snake that if only it were followed would lead to the divine feminine and freedom and the golden age.
On Good Friday the only One who ever confronted these beings descended into hell and led out the captives. Stanley says "even in the Bible" like Wilcock does, as if that were the last place you would look, but it is the greatest truth, and that Stanley and Wilcock don't know because that have not been discerned.
It's not
Geoffrey Hartman's fault who discloses the textual opacity and verbal thickness of many meanings that never replace Scripture but enrich the phonemic and semantic numinous elements of its textual coherence. (See "Midrash as Law and Literature" in
The Third Pillar). Hartman's life and thought show the beauty of life and literature. “The spectacle of the critic’s mind disoriented, bewildered, caught in
some ‘wild surmise’ about the text and struggling to adjust — is not
that one of the interests critical writing has for us?” -
-text is, below its surface, a roiling system of conflicting semantic
signs. As such, the text has no one empirical reading; it is, rather, a
network of competing meanings — a quicksilver....(Fox,
Much of this comes down to sacred and profane, leaping over the sacred to embrace the profane, leaping over the culture and language to which Stanley is born to embrace a foreign which he cannot know at all, only be a victim of, do whatever its shadow mansters tell him. So Stanley in the pyramid in Egypt at 15 has an out of body at the ringing sarcophagus. He had many o-o-bs (out of body) as a child but did not recognize it as a conditioning of his father's "spirituality" with the gangrenous cult. This leaping over makes him fall for soul trapism and Orion civil wars when the making of the vernacular "illustrious," ...extraordinary writing that renews our eyes for the biblical text , by renewing our eyes for the world" (Hartman) eludes him, as does lit for all these hybrid souls whose highest arc is journalism and salesmanship to the masses. So leaping over Dante he finds there are Archons. Rename a thing and it is a new discovery. The malevolent and benevolent spirits he references are rebaptized, defrocked medievalisms, just like the implicit salvation from our 1) own enlightenment or from 2) outside the earth are a spam of Pope Francis on the verge of announcing with NASA their next checker move that along with the environment we have but
10 years to cool our fossil fuels or else. All these substitutions of the false for the real suit our time, global warring in the ice age, Donald Trump hiring Anthony Weiner, false flag gas attacks to provoke war. There might as well be a substitute cosmology and psychology where the grand human creations in art and lit are seen as the work of slaves, and that of a slave master who is so superior it makes the human do what it cannot, viz, sing, play, experience joy, love. Who's the master here: creating heavens with the touch of his finger God gave to man dominion of his hands.
Stanley opposes textuality and numinous scripture
which he
jumps over to imbibe an even
further reach of non historical, myth. He says the
Archons were the
Builders of Worlds. He calls them "our ancestors."
Moses said the post-flood nephilim came from other nephilim Skiba.
Stanley found the
temple of Mu in Malibu. Really every concept of Stanley stems from Penry etc. and
Penry is the very thing he warns against, an artificial intelligence! Noah, says Stanley, is a rehash of the escape from Atlantis that the Orion family of Enki tried
to prevent! The Romance Stanley was translated also like Henry Gruver who confronted angels imprisoned beneath streets of Rome,
Henry Gruver: Fallen Angels Chained Beneath
Streets of Rome. In this vein
Trump is candidate for false messiah says Tom Horn. And even worse,
Trump is the Swamp of Jewish Elite MAFIA and
Zionism a counterfeit. All the degrees of these deceptions want slaves but we
Fight Against the Gods. We deny their ascendancy on no less authority than
Psalm 8. He has given us dominion over the works of his hands. And this is so because the Savior despoiled the gods, hence He put all things under His feet. And we walk in Him! THE REASON WE ARE IN CONFLICT WITH FALLEN ANGELS IS BECAUSE IN CHRIST WE ARE THE HIGHEST CREATED BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE.
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Spiers London 9/8/15 Danuta Anna
Sharma-her questions make a good table of inquiry:
Boriska. rh neg increased copper content in blood induces
greater oxygen content, thus greater energy. Ibis parallel programs looking
for Blood Prime, viz higher %
dna, fight between red and blue, two in one
Heiser Ps
74 dragons:
32, They are coming to take you
away: inventing by mis information one piece of data to disprove an entire
concept and body of well established knowledge on the basis of this one, so
called, contradiction High says Rome never existed,
Sitchin invented cosmic
code and planets from mistranslations, David Icke.that messiah the word
descends from Egyptian crocodile word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb 'to
anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, 'the holy
crocodile'., "" is Semitic, not Egyptian in origin...Jordan Maxwell that words or parts of words in English fit an ancient language and
prove... Christ means "oil"? anoint means "sex"? the name
Solomon derives from Sol OM On Does OM mean no more than Velikovsky finds New Jerusalem a space ship station when, Freud who first suggested that Moses was
one of the nobles of Akhenaten in his book Moses and Monotheism.
Analogize Trump and his enemy media and scripture and the
Christian with its.
The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Fraud ancient astronaut theory is primarily supported by industrious but
duplicitous researchers offering fraudulent research to an emotionally and
psychologically primed audience.
william l. pensinger)
Nguyen Quynh was a
prominent painter in pre-1975 South Vietnam . "The geomantic, random-walk
method of garden design learned during this relationship led to a decade of
intense practice of a form of walking meditation within which he was able to
reach new levels of understanding of the modes of consciousness he was inducted
into as a pre-adolescent child" tHESE THINGS ARE NOT TAUGHT. Mekong-The
Occluding River: The Tale of a River
The Vinh
edited by Laurence A. G. Moss
--Different kinds of
expansive blue ice as a monetary exchange.
Visiting the house unfinished with its large stained interiors still open but in a natural
Organic: intuitively developed art that follows its own internal
logic free of other rules.
I'm a Presbyterian peasant. The charismatics didn't want me.
The Mennonites had a couple problems with me. The first was worldliness the second was
Almonds, walnuts
sapping our virility. Mike Kitchell, Lies/Isle
bob and ryan wood,
majestic documents
neutronic development salvaged given to Oppenhemier for abomb
Linda Moulton Howe
Awakening 2017 who says
the big thing in 17 is We are not alone in the U! to come out, But who said we
were alone but their surrogates? and who says we should know who our oppressors
are? The oppressors? Opressor science reveals oppressor thought in order to...
what make us like them, even more?
and the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory
-and we have known the arms already knwon them all
moose at office. a
baby just born. as soon as i heard we went to it and it was fine, licked us and
shorty licked it talked about a big pen there for it. As I was doing the flood
later a golden eagle landed on the front lawn for a long drink.
3/16/17 Nabi, Rehan, UT
2.44f there is a bias well known...any construct of church
you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this
Anatoly Fomenko -new
chronology-History: Fact or Science.
is even close...that the personage of Christ died in the year 1078 that there
was no history that predates the year 1000 that is in any way meaningful 4.15
--the critical thinking movement-Rome was created in the 1400s
his voice gets shrill and stressed here as he talks which
show in his misquote of Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or science.
Citing this so rabidly shows High IS personally involved against Christians.
His proof that the solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min 8.44 but then
he says a lunar eclipse occured in 1078! He gets excited and defensive which
makes it obvious he is wrong and knows it! which begs the quesetion like much
else of his assumed proofs, glib and pervasive. The NT does not say it was an
eclipse this is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Cruxification,
not from any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event at
best. Pagan commentators of the
Roman era
explained it as an
eclipse, although Christian writers pointed out that an
eclipse during
when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse
cannot occur during a
full moon. F's Statistical Analysis fo Narrative Texts.
"First 4 vols show history is false, deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreaete
history. but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" desconstruction the past
by astronomy. all the ancient texts were written in 14 th cent italy, he knows
this by the words used, Eyetalian.
The remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of
this truth. On the hand he says a view of the past is single and linear but the
future is many branched and all jpossible. He shares this view with most
of the spectrum of the woo from Wilcock to
High, from Erickson to physics. His experiments of
2008 and 2013
remotee viewing weather
3/13/17 melissa for air travel
Howard Menger, From Outer Space to You and My Saturnian Lover
Of exogenous events, peterson at 10 at a wedding in his
small town looks up with all the people to see a flying saucer show for two
hours. Events outside conditioning as opposed to those inside, endogenous
events. which I think of when at 12 that sat am the mantle fell from the sky
about not to kill. He says until 22 he thought he'd been dropped off in a
titanium capsule but now at 70 does so again, which I share haveing felt all
along more or less that I was dropped off too, and with a plan, not that I knew
what it was.. In Part I he is asked 28.15 end, cut, whether human dna is et and
he says 15% he examined for this, but to
rule out natu occur radiation... but tape is cut, as if his answer is not
suitable to the Camelot interviewer. it picks up at 31.o8 as et, but
anecedotal, he cites Ezekiel! I(f he feels isolated as an individual does he
think he is not oneof the 15 %. Anecdotallly.
Soliton. russian plane S23,
Wilcock is his complement all endogonous to
Petersons exog, has dreams that guide him etc!Wilcokck thinks antarcticans came
from mars and are the falen angels,
blue avian,
the face on mars,
backmasking Trump, body language, high language emotion pattern deviations,,
nsa preservation of every conversation period indexed by name etc to be pulled
up as perfect recall
if and when needed,
starting about...Torah Codes, Use of art to predict patterns that emerge.
William Binney. editing, masking greying
censoring language, communication on media. continual bombardment
Transcscribing what I heaar backwards. Aftser a year and
half of positive reversals. Preston James: Trump Targeted. Not written by him.
Reaction to the forward speech. something has happened tomake him think a deep
--thank you very much
Mr speaker It's a sin
--my job is to represetn the crime of the states did I need?
--think of the marvels we can achieve the beast and it used Obama
--on November 8 a record I face you the terror
--we want harmony and here the limits
--our veterans have delivsered adolf her villian --there is evil in the heart and soul of
--hopefully the 250th year
I'm afraid the fifth
(4 killed in offic, 4 died in office).
" In 34 years of
doing Reverse Speech, David Oates has never been more stunned by Speech
Reversals than these just found on President Trump and revealed on this Jeff
Rense program. Listen for yourself and hear how the Reversals disclose a sudden
and massive change in the man's subconscious mind. This suggests a President
who has been
and conquered and is now in the firm control of the Global Elite. The
conclusion is that Trump has been told that he will be President at the Elite's
discretion and that he must do exactly as he is told. Having spent the last
year and a half doing Reversals on Trump through the entire campaign and
election, the Reversals you are about to hear bear virtually zero similarity to
the man whose Reversals were always sparkling with dedication and singularity,
invariably congruent and supremely patriotic and upbeat. Oates said this is the
most disturbing and staggering subconscious change he has ever documented in
anyone. It would explain why there have been so many changes in Trump since he
won the election and why he has turned from a 'peace President' to one of
NeoCon military threats and why he has backed away from the gravest threat of
all…the Islamic invasion of America."
Jesus subjected himself to clif hih's universe, that is to death,
which is the same as sayingthe universe is Satan and overame it. He overcame
death, the universe and Satan. Taking the critics who say He never claimed to
be Who He is, he says to the woman at the well, I am he, is is the same as
taking Yahoo news about the elected prdsident, it is thousands of times false.
Wlhat ever it says is the opposite of the truth, the same as it was for the
previous who was never corrected once by the media. This is Sennichribs's
leiutant who says Jahveh told him he would win over Judah, but he lied. All the sensational negatives are lies to
be contradicted. That's orwell, the bolder the bigger thelie the more believed.
Victoria Coin.You're
more than nobody. in the book of tweets.
--Four authorities,
Cliff High, Julian Assange, the Nlp Hypnotists and me in four chairs on a
platform all facing the same direction holding forth, except I was silenced,
one half comment ignored. I watched Valult 7 last night and clif high. The identities are approximate though, but
the feeling of a point of view is not. Or the one being ignored.
3/8/17 Hynotists:
Jason tripp: chaos wave. Sydney banks three principles, Stephen Gilligan,
limbic resonance together with the The Kalergi Plan for European Genocide.
-a field of frosted
diochondra among green grasses.
3/7/17 rehypothecation
of gold
the collective autonomous noun,
science. Explicit agency but invisible.
3/5/17 Polarizing
filter for glare
the provocateurs are
doing acts of violence in front of my eyes. I have a problem. I am not well
constituted to be able to ignore it. have you made a live long living
independant to be free? If not you're not.
You cannot teach somebody to be free. Freedom is either
innate or not. American slaves never stopped seeking to be free. What you're
willing to put up with is the mark of your slavery. and yet every reality can
be demented, reversed, inverted so that the enemy can accuse yourself of the
very horrors they commit.
Black swan errors have been taking
place on a regular basis -- such as the wrong crowning of Miss Universe, or an
egregious error in the announcement of the best movie of the year -- an
unbelievable super bowl victory by the New England Patriots and a stock market
that goes up on any news."
altered Back to the Future II actually predicted Donald Trump's current
presidential campaign.
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assassins with anunaki dna
Nephilim goats found in Utah
in succession, the
ceiling had big bubble from roof leak, we couldn't find the car in the lot,,
prayed fro the club guy's pacemaker