Thursday, October 18, 2012

Papers Collected Toward a Fictional History of the Future

HISTOPOSSUM: The BIG PAPER TOWERS  Collected Toward a Fictional  History of the Future

  If you ever get dropped off by cab and go down into a lung, you innocents, the lung, heart, kidney, liver, you need to compare the analysts playing with the silicone organs of mortality and immortality. I went ahead and did research on the ancient worship of the human self. What else could it be to build human organs all over the cities? And they weren't built out of cardboard. Carbon man, tat was the buildier! Dogs are carbon, women are carbon! And trees! So if Hawking thinks the bugger beyond is not carbon, that is, that aliens are not carbon, what are they, silcone, silicone, silcone, oh?  The QED buildings of these  artificial organs are all over Washington DC where  “hell is a giant projection of the human body” (Durling 398). in a new line from Dante modify that to include just the headless capitals of the world.  If any of this means that the body cut off at the genitals has no legs and feet, and if all the capitals had the ‘groin cut off / from that part of his body where it forks (xxx 49f), as is said of Master Adam, “spiritually immobilized by his sins, then the capitals "essentially have no legs” (Druling 394), but neither does the human torso that spans Dantean hell. It’s not a body anyway, it’s a torso, a trunk, a quadrapod

Mice and Brain

It was then I looked up and saw the giant heads floating above the city like balloons. Such archeology suggests hands and feet soon to be dug and placed on pedestals, for the religion of the day is assembling its body parts into one big god, but of course the giant and giant remains have yet to be dug. A higher aspect of this materialism is the exorcism of kidneys or lungs from worship either of the small intestine or the ankle, notwithstanding the heart’s dendroliths. None of course are as successful as the brain worship on billboards and little brains carried in pockets, wallets and purses, on dashboards used as modems for mice to run to the brain which coiled and writhed like the Egyptian past put to good effect in the Penis Monument and the Capitol Womb.

Gnomic events like rubber bands. These really show the uses of of such transfers of consciousness occur when the will allows another into its domain or wills itself out of its given into another. Both might be space, both are dangerous, because you do not know if you get control back after you have given it up. Ninane  did this to Merlin. Domain transfer, astral travel, LSD, DMT do not simply transfer, but repeated instances alter -alter there is that word again- alter the terrain of the domain.

The Johnson Memorial proposed by Playboy was the center of that organ donor capitol, a story right out of  thetetrahedral cheese of Martian colonies, which cheeses compose platonic solids with 26 facets. Why is a faceted fractal geodesic hexagonal cratered cheese stored below the equatorial ridge? You might as well ask why buildings are square or radar reflective? Why are there twins in the experiments?

This is all circumstantial evidence of artificial satellites, Mars wars, obelisks, but what’s the motive? Do these advanced civilizations need an audience? Why do they want to observe, watch the earth, why communicate with earth unless they see something here? Some ulterior motive; is it friendship? Natural resource? No, no, something else? A harvest? Malign or benign seem to be choices. The only way to judge is by motive.

I first saw the giant kidney when I took a wrong turn off Constitution Ave toward the mint. It was all hooked up, ferreting, filtering out impurities from the nation’s blood. This opened my eyes and I began to see buildings as giant livers, hearts and lungs on all sides when I saw a great finger spurting up. I thought it was maybe a sign of disrespect in the midst of these other functioning organs, so I drove closer. A guy handing out pamphlets explained the figure so I took one and found to my amazement it was a giant erect phallus. Then I saw asses everywhere, little and big, and coupled to them because similar in size and shape, brains. I tell you it changed the way I think about the seat of government. Asses as brains was what the machines had promised, prototypes licensed right here in the capitol.  So I asked the guy it that’s a penis where’s the…? Being discreet, one mentions it less. And he says can’t you see buddy, motioning toward the Capitol itself, making a shape like a upside down bowl.  Womb! Womb! He muttered. It made me wonder why I hadn’t seen any of it before, breasts and bellies, thighs, rivers running down the sides of hills all in perfect copulant to the sexual pollitics.

Apocalypse of Enoch

The Book of Enoch, which was known to the fathers of the second century, was lost with the exception of a few fragments, but found by Bruce, entire in a copy of the Ethiopic Bible in 1773. It gives revelations allegedly delivered to Enoch and Noah, its object being to vindicate divine providence, setting forth the retribution reserved for sinners, angelic or human, thus "to repeat in every form the great principle-- that the world - natural, moral, and spiritual - is under the immediate government of God." This of course is the supreme admonition of prophets Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah written omnivorously about here.

The obelisks of the sun were/are pointed towers that made/make the pagan temples stand out from other buildings so they could be seen from great distances. Most Babylonian cities had a temple with a very high tower in the middle of the city. These symbols pointed to the sun, as an “erect circumcised penis”, (a phallic symbol), a sign of fertility, one ray of light emanating from the sun."  The word o-'bel'-isk designates the 'shaft of Bel'; or Baal, the Babylonian and Egyptian Sun god, that all nations followed. Nebuchadnezzar’s obelisk was covered with gold, and on one morning alone the sun's first rays would shine down the long alley of the temple pillars to illuminate the altar. Very dramatic, a temple oriented to the rising of the sun at Mid-Summer Day.  Thus it was believed that by that pencil of light or "shaft" of the Sun's presence upon the altar impregnated. This gave assurance of fertility in the land and another fruitful year. [This nonsense right out of the Golden Bough, written by the very egregori that built the things.] Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits (aprox. 90 feet) and its width six cubits; he set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon (Daniel 3:1-7). So here's how it goes: one special morning in the year the sun’s rays travel down the National Mall to illuminate the altar of the Capitol impregnating it with the fertile presence of the new world! Footnote: The Denver Air Park is a reverse Babel. A caldron space ship. Somewhere there’s a daddy tank out West producing sex organs.

The obelisk at the great Roman Catholic Cathedral of Cologne is 515 feet high. The Cathedral at Ulm Germany is 528 feet. The Washington Monument is 555.5 feet high. One World Trade Center is 1,368 feet tall, the same height as the North Tower that fell. And if you add the height of its decorative spire, 1 WTC measures 1,776 feet. As with the Images of Bethshemesh/Heliopolis” in Jer. 43:13 “He will also shatter the obelisks of Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt; and the temples of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire.” (1Kings. 14:23, 2Kings. 18:4, 23:14, Micah 5:13, Isaiah. 17:8, 27:9).

Chariots dedicated to the sun god, who traveled across the sky in a great chariot with four horses on Roman coins were the same that “the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the LORD” which “… burned the chariots of the sun with fire. 2 Ki 23:11

This prophecy of the holiest man of the antediluvian world, Enoch, compares to Gilgamesh before the flood.

As to the contest about the body of Moses, it appears that Satan wished to make the place of Moses' burial known to the Israelites to tempt them to worship him in death, but Satan was prevented, and vented his rage in desperate blasphemy. That Enoch had a spirit of prophecy is evident from the name he gave his son Methuselah, which signifies, "when he dies is the emission," or the sending out of the waters of the flood, which came to pass the very year he, Methuselah, did die. Arabic writers call him Edris the prophet; and the Jews say, that he was in a higher degree than Moses or Elias; they also call (k) him Metatron, the great scribe, a name which they sometimes give to the angel that went before the children of Israel in the wilderness, and which seems to belong to the Messiah (but not scripturally).

The Tower of Babel was The original incarnation of this idea for a “tower into space” (below) can be traced back to the great Russian space pioneer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, in 1895:  … on the tower, as one climbed higher and higher up it, gravity would decrease gradually; and if it were constructed on the Earth's equator and, therefore, rapidly rotated together with the earth, the gravitation would disappear not only because of the distance from the centre of the planet, but also from the centrifugal force that is increasing proportionately to that distance. The gravitational force drops. . . but the centrifugal force operating in the reverse direction increases. On the earth the gravity is finally eliminated at the top of the tower, at an elevation of 5.5 radii of the earth [22,300 miles]…. Carbon nanotubes

Dogs evolved on mars we now kno from the dog statute 100 k high near the cc crater
If you can see faces on mars why not on my pots, you need a fake?

 Egyptian Babylonian fertility gods add a nice touch in projecting human sex into iconic form for worship of the parts and whole. It takes us back to the wonder days of yesteryear, high school mon, boys challenging, mine’s bigger than yours, oh mon, mine’s bigger than yours. It’s all talk. It could have been worse. Condolences for you who didn’t live the day, but what then can you know about phallic worship and the subsequent dictates of Ishtar?

Both Jude and the author of Enoch quote a tradition of their time: "Behold he comes with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal, for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done and committed against him," which is a common representation in the Old Testament also that Yah, when he manifests himself, is accompanied by great numbers of heavenly beings. Psalm 68:17; Deuteronomy 33:2, Zechariah 14:5.

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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...