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Showing posts with label Sarkozy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Godzilla From Another Planet Space God Program

Godzilla From Another Planet Space God Program

Anunnaki and the Engineered Man

There are different varieties of scrambling the genome, removal of all difference in producing the one. If you believe Sarkozy, racial interbreeding (métessage) is the challenge of the 21st century.  Or merely stick with Stitchin that all humans are already part alien, reptile if you will. God-ens are followers of the reptilian Anunnaki who pass in Genesis as beings of  giant stature. These are meant to prove the God-en breeding program, but the mention of Genesis hurts more than it helps because Anunnaki there were put to death because they were demons. This is the Babylonian lie of the Apkallu. Anunnaki usurped from a term in Genesis that describes “the fallen.”  It is a bad news reincarnation that “in genetic terms, this mixture was to be half Lordling and half Human; and since the former are stated to have provided the male elements, the female elements must have been taken from the human women,” the Cro-Magnon tribes (Farrell. Genes,150). According to God-ens, these monsters impregnated or artificially inseminated  Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal women. Nobody says whether this was done one at a time or en masse gang rape. Contacts with God-en intelligence have made scientific breakthroughs in comic books that these beings will reappear to possess their planet and their humans on it because…they were here before the man. This is the essence of Carl Sagan's Contact!
“If mankind’s original owner-creators were suddenly to return” (Genes, 157) they could come down from Phobos moon of Mars, Saturn’s Iapetus, or wherever they are impaled. But they’re really coming up from the floor, from GenTech, and the rights were sold to Celera Corp, so look for Celera. Of course this is more disinformation, for they really come up from the sea.

Goden Age Religion

The god-en theory left out the Book of Enoch condemnation of the nephilim being put to death (Genes, 152).  [O’Brien’s] God-en “genetic experiments” were the cause in Genesis of the flood that wiped out these “researchers,” or intended to, calling mass rape and destruction of a species an experiment. Neither substantiates a reason to rape a woman, new gods or old, whether Shining or alien. Two ideas of entrainment presume woman to brood with space gods, “the shining ones.” Man of course must be made irrelevant in order that these Shiners might inbreed, breed and rebreed their  race of mutants, hybrids and mulattoes without interference, to borrow terms from their inept racism. Noah is described as shining “white as snow,” long hair “white as wool” (Genes, 153). Even more than a Caucasoid the image suggests Revelation, which unlike Nebuchadnezzar’s statue is alive. The catch is that God-ens want to breed the Kharsag text of Akkadia with their own translation, and then rebreed it so they can say the Shiners rimku and tittu  made over into sperm and ovum, sperm from above and egg from the woman below make presto-chango artificial insemination of Anunnaki and the Engineered Man. Which still does not tell us why the space gods want to breed. Oh, you say they need more slaves. All you willing slaves line up naked.

The Babylonians made gods right. “Centered on the supremacy of Marduk and the creation of humankind for the service of the gods,” the Babylonians were consumed by their gods daily." Their children were eaten by Moloch when not being used for experiment. Farrell of  Genes, Giants, speaking for O’Brien, Genius of the Few, is not immune from this hunger. As though the Anunnaki were Joseph Mengele historian J. Bottéro (Mesopotamian Religion) says,  “the gods were not viewed mystically, but were instead seen as high-up masters who had to be obeyed and feared, as opposed to loved and adored.”  The gods were perfect little Egyptian slave holders.

The correspondences between Babylonian (Sumerian) notions of creation and the flood of Genesis, repudiate “the divinization of nature and the attendant myths of divine origins, divine conflict, and divine ascent. Even the great Marduk, who was said to be born of the gods, victorious over chaotic forces, and elevated to supremacy among the gods, was no god at all” (Conrad Hyers). Abraham overthrew them all with that prophetic line of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, but the God-ens want Israel to be the offspring of the Anunnaki and not of Abraham, which sounds a little anti-human. God-men want Anunnaki to hold legal title to the human race under patent law, being their corporate title deed, though arguably you might hold a common law title to yourself. In the United States you do not hold common law title to your genes. Only Monsanto does. You should hope your genes identitied in common law override their proprietary interest. Then you may call your life your own.

O’Brien says, “early scholars had given too little weight to those deification processes to which the later Sumerians, and the Babylonians, were fanatically prone…making gods where none had existed” (Genes, 142). How can anybody give too little weight to their own godhead? Dare to be all you can be, Robert Heinlein said, “Thou art god.” Who said what?  Which is why they call predictive programming science fiction. Why are the space gods so androcentric and why they are interested in breeding? Just doing a good deed.

Like a dog that wanted to be cat or a man that wanted to be a girl or a god this dementia was also suffered by Hugo de Garis in his Artilect machine. Remedies for this are provided in Thailand by friendly surgical teams. Intellectuals who confuse gender with biological identity should read Chuang Tzu instead of Kharsag to learn there's nothing artificial about a human. “Is there a code within the genetic code” to suggest who we are (158)? “Is there a hint of artificiality of modern man?”

A Landing Place
The God-ens, or St. Gaudens as we might call Joseph P. Farrell in his golden O’Brien placenta, propose a new morality for the space god landing, a meeting place of blood, semen and ovum. I hope that’s not clear. However could it be?  Ask yourself why the ET’s can think of nothing  after traveling space and time but to act like men, like Greek gods, and try to get a woman. Answer, because they are Greek gods, meaning the fallen angel bred men of renown Annunnaki. But the gods didn’t seek pleasure with a woman. The androcentric space god program makes us ask why Zeus would even want to be mortal, being immortal? All the better to eat you with. Nay, but none of these illusions are true. They are merely the deceptions of fallen angels bred into world myth to justify the revisited Days of Noah. Zeus thinks any woman would desire his massage. But not just any woman will do. There are millions to be had with no fuss or mess, so why are so many scientists getting caught in the act? We know this from YouTube.

Two views of Hu-man come to rest:
1) the human oppressed by planets and gods idolized in Babylonian ritual victimized again with another sometime visitation, or
2) the planetary astrology of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon hardly mentioned because the human origin is based on a law of the heavens that teaches liberty and sun and moon are legislators of that law where the man is given dominion over the work of creation. As the fingers are part of hand and that Hand made the heaven, so dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea extends to Leviathan and under foot below, whatsoever passes in the paths of the sea, and by extension, though SETI is more interested in finding it before, to the heaven. All things have been put under his feet. The human of this second view seems to have imploded somewhat from its origin.

Farrell calls these “disturbing questions” (Genes, 157) but they are laughable because he hasn’t read The_Rebel and understood the impossibility of human submission to the gods. The one who owns humanity lock, stock and barrel gave complete freedom to them in perpetuity, with release from bondages just like those of the Anunnaki seek to impose.

Christian and Barbara O’Brien, The Genius of the Few: The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden (1999) and Joseph P. Farrell in Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men (2011) are ambassadors for this Godzilla from another planet. To them “it is clear that mankind is an engineered being, created for the explicit purpose of servitude by a genetically related species, which may accordingly have a ‘legal’ claim upon humanity” (Genes, 187). Similar thinking was applied to black slaves in the American south. Don’t think the gods can’t package their product.

 Insemination of the Past

The God-en guru O’Brien does violence to Genesis and to Enoch  with his revision of the Kharsag Tablets foisting insemination on the distant past. Patriarchal Tribes are:
-75% Anunnaki-25% human, outranking Gilgamesh, only 2/3 god, by a  full 7 %,
-50% Anunnaki/hominid, even including some (“gentiles”),
-0/100 Anunnaki/hominid, not college material.
100% man at the bottom is as left out as all 1.0 humans will be when Hugo de Garis’ Artilects rule, not even presumed fit to labor as brutes, except of course they are only undefiled humans left and as Noah on the ark with his family.

 One thing they got right however was the jive of high school halls opposed to all that Eunuch intellect — everybody must get swived!

 "We have been in bondage now for nearly 6,000 years of history and are approaching the first of Creation's great Rest Years, when the first great Release will be declared according to the Torah at Exodus 21:2." here

 But if the servant plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,' then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever" (Ex.21:1-6, NKJV).

 Who do you think the "Door" is on which the servant's ear is bored? Yah'shua said: "I am the Door" (Jn.10:9). 

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...