Showing posts with label Jonathan Kleck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonathan Kleck. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2016

3. Jonathan Kleck. Angel Empire. Eidolia and Edema. Hallucinotic Eidolia.

 Jonathan Kleck. Angel Empire. Eidolia and Edema. Hallucinotic Eidolia. 3.

Congratulations. Hallucination Studies

There are three swellings, of the earth, the population and the body. The three swellings enable the three deceits of the eye, the mind, the life.

The entire human race tripled in the life span of the life of one grandfather. U.N. stats gave 2.2 billion obese, about a third of the planet in 2017. These people literally did not exist before 1970 when BMI of 30 was a rarity. In the UK, a quarter of adults were obese – with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 thereafter. It compares to just one in 35 in the 70s. Ambulances had to be redesigned, and elevators, chairs for 500, 1000 lb patients acquired. "Bariatric" engineering of doors, seats, beds, clothes were invented to contain all the flesh. BMIs of 40 with comorbid conditions were common, the highest level of obesity among children and young adults in the U.S. was nearly 13%. Egypt topped the list for adult obesity at 35%. Not only did this epidemic not exist in 1970, neither did its victims. Earth population in 1970 was 3.7 billion, up from 2 billion in 1927. It was like cattle in a feedlot. The entire population of the globe tripled in the lifetime of one grandfather, tripled in number and exploded with these 2 billion so obese in size that a person of 1950 would walk into a Walmart in Fort Stockton or anywhere and say, WHAT HAPPENED? The news blamed deficit spending. 

Wrestling with the conundrum of the massive increase of world population in so full years, concurrent with waves of obesity and all swelling, seeking for an answer to this oddity, I made a request to understand the increasing alienation and rejection of what is going on. Practically in the instant I was presented with world population, Babel and data. Data, connectedness, 5G, quantum supremacy and triple population size in three generations connect in the notion of the tower of Babel where brick are considered people, more than ever existed and not just people but their every habit to build the AGI system of intelligence, to extrapolate every human genome and amend it with CRISPR tech implant as desired, wedding soul and machine to ascend the heaven on the backs of these 7 billion integers. The human is the key to break the heaven in this regard, an ascent back engineered from the human creation, all which produces singularity and instant change in consciousness, which means more than joining it to Alexa, and the global system of boundless of non existence. Again this is the purpose of the tripling of world pop in three generations. See the problem as stated in Doris Lessing,

The masses of deformed people with slowed awareness resembled the radioactive  fascin-formed, abnormal growths of radioactive Fukushima. A common daisy was bloated, elongated, swollen with hormonal, genetic, bacterial, fungal, viral and environmental genes and memes. Mutual effects of  bloating were added to the swelling of the earth from within. If you like to argue inner to outer, do, The edema of swelling bodies on the surface, with fluid stuck in its tissue, followed that swelling the inner earth This was not from magma and ocean swelling, but pressures of the sun and swellings from the strangelets of CERN.  Swelling became a preoccupation of every meme translated as group intention and collective intuition: “the chief one [enemy] is the nature of the group mind, the collective minds we are all part of, though we are seldom prepared to acknowledge this. We see ourselves as autonomous creatures, our minds our own, our beliefs freely chosen, our ideas individual and unique…with billions and billions and billions of us on this planet, we are still prepared to believe that each of us is unique, or that if all the others are mere dots in a swarm, then at least I am this self-determined thing, my mind my own” (Doris Lessing, ix). synchronities appeared wholesale form the salesmen ship of surveillance capitalism to the penetration and reading of the mind of thoughts unuttered to build the data base but also to sell products. Doris Lessing died (17 Nov 2013) at the moment this paragraph was written but why that was important to surveil was important enough to omit except to prove that all the machines had formed a collective linked together. People began to think they needed one too, but in this the people were the machines.

All this made it easier for buildings to shape the mind of the deformed that entered them. In the Preface to The Sirian Experiments (1981) Doris Lessing continues that in the context of a battle “between Forces” involving Canopus and Sirius: “I would not be at all surprised to find out that this earth had been used for the purposes of experiment by more advanced creatures…that the dimensions of buildings affect us in ways we don’t guess and that there might have been a science in the past which we have forgotten…that we may be enslaved in ways we know nothing about, befriended in ways we known nothing about” (viii).

  In the fifty years of the passing of the conventional out of existence, modeled on 5000 years of the Greco-Roman, Sumerian-Babylonian world, Yahoo vested all its powers with Greek Roman Babylonian Sumerian ritual myths. Following the expectations of empires, masons and subterranean passages, the geography of D.C. laid out a pentagram as the Monument and Capitol of an Osiris and Isis state, as did the Vatican. This state sought to restore a secret vision that once encompassed it eons before. The rituals of the Vatican, D.C.and  the other capitols extended into space, corresponding to star maps and systems, ritual alignments with Sirius, Regulus, i.e. Isis, Horus, the belt stars of Orion and secret angles 19.5 degrees, 33 minutes.  It's was a Scary Time for Scorsese. In the strategy of hidden architectures designers of the Washington Mall and the Vatican Square mirrors used buildings to Shape Mind to a predicted encoded end.The present was colonized by the past. 

 Effects of the Buildings

The tripled population of physical persons was tripled again by the breaking of all boundaries and conventions.  Architecture was made over into paradigms of crowd control, sexual architecture in the enforcement of government and stereotypes of sex, race, misogynist politics. Redesignation of a door in a wall to indicate some exclusive entry spread to weaponized immigration, weaponized journalism-propaganda, weaponized education (Léopold Lambert).  Weather, once thought to be natural was weaponized to add to weaponized sex, cyber sex, hybrid humans. The individual was expected to conform to these agendas or forfeit all rights. The weaponized architecture above the door in the wall was fitted to a flat earth as an art dome by the thousands of digital satellites. It was as if were blowups from a bubble pipe, like the creation of Pandemonium in Paradise Lost. Symbols were weaponized but again the purpose was important enough omit. The crashing of the Israeli moon mission, Beresheet, ominously named, In the Beginning, for the first words of Genesis, 450 feet about the surface of the moon, the burning of  the 800 year old timbers of Notre Dame were weaponized theatres like those that killed the president in the park like Julius Caesar or decapitated his head by the locks to desensitize the actual occurrence, being the decapitation of American government. The power of building and symbols to model reality was made easily obvious by architect Frank Gehry when he modeled the modeled the Bilbao Museum after leviathan and buildings of mental health institutes after fractured heads. It was as if the accidents and tragedies of the new modeled reality, the wreck of Concordia a model of the state, any wrecked car the senate chamber. These were meant to prepare the deadpanning of the public space to install its well rehearsed digital replacement of the solid the way the digital replaced print. Piezo electric implants replaced awareness, bastardized reverse ethics replaced conscience. 

The ideology of broken borders turned upside down on people as they entered the buildings. What had been human gender engineering, where "vehicle compartments and office furniture calibrated on a male standardised body, ironing boards, vacuum cleaners and kitchens  calibrated on the female"  Weaponized Architecture became the perception that a door with a lock and key that allows only a part of a wall to open, that dictates only certain bodies may enter, is a not so subtle progression to suggest a warden and a prison, an apartheid state, border walls, container camps, detention centers, fortified police stations, fences, checkpoints broken make the wall porous and allow any broken concept to enter. Abortion as life, male/female as reject as eidolias to benefit private property were legislated. Cognition was the first means of deception. World events, being deceptions caused by cognition, were improved by denials and replacement with more, newer cognitions. The buildings of  The entire Washington capitol interpreted this way “surrounds a body with walls that force  incarceration.”  So Lambert says that while "ideologies were not invented by architecture, architecture is a means to implement their violence on bodies."

 Architectural Eidolia 

Images were even more effective architectures than buildings, whether these were Pareidolia like the Mars images or an earthly Cydonia of albedo effects that mimic the Face on Mars depends, the experts said, on the ever enlarging subject of alleged  'tetrahedral constants,' and stellar alignments in NASA projects, like  Hoagland's Dark Mission of Mars.  Architectural eidolia coded in buildings and statues and art were said to hide messages reflecting the biology of the human and the natural. Such code could be seen in patterning a building after a wrecked ship at sea. Or the code might be mythical, as the dead sheep on the throne of St. Peter with the mouth of a giant locust that Jonathan Kleck called Abaddon. Turned upside down to him this became a vagina to signify the events of Genesis 6 where in the Book of Enoch the angels sought to begin a hybrid race, known variously  as the entire Greek pantheon of gods. So upside down the Throne of St. Peter was a pudenda, meaning the entire female reproductive system into which angels come and go through the surrounding pubic hair, and Fallopian tube, uterus, clitoris. OK?  Therefore it might not be too surprising if all those nice angels are going in and out of a vagina in this most famous critique of the Vatican throne are also fantasies of human biology in architecture. That's right.

  'Hallucination-like image,' or the French éidolie hallucinosique, is supposed to occupy short duration of a limited perception, like the Charles Bonnet syndrome of "lilliputian" hallucinations in which things are smaller than normal. In the public sense of eidolia howerer, too many connotations occur to define a clear border between pathological and benign. Cf.  Pair of wings -eidolia or in the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.

The conventional expects the present to continue in the future, but catastrophic events change the present: A family moved in across the street while a neighbor was installing a block wall. Parking lined both sides of the street with trucks and cars. Backing out of the drive I grazed one in front of my driveway to the tune of $200. But even weeks later, now, I am triple checking as I back out even though there are no cars at all on the street. We project the expectations of the "past present" endlessly, even when it is gone, which is what happened to Bernie's democrat crowd and in a larger way to civilization.

 Kleck applies this principle to everything from the dollar bill to the throne of St. Peter, but not himself. In he Garden, Fall, and Return to Paradise with Jonathan Kleck the shape of the Vatican complex from above is an image of an upside down cross. From below, within, it is a locust throne of St. Peter surrounded by angels sucked into this vortex are pulled from their "heaven."  The Throne of St. Peter, is itself an image of  a "dead sheep" with the tongue sticking out. Other than that,  The Throne of St. Peter repeats itself in a related eidolia outside the Basilica in the courtyard, since Basilica means serpent king and the cobblestones of St. Peter's Square look like a serpent skin. See Bernini: His Mark on St. Peter's Basilica  Is not  the current state of the news media mass eidolia?

 When we transfer these hallucinations to architecture, such as the Frank Gehry's leviathan at Bilbao or Chris Constantine's Niburu Alexandra Palace in Britain, "an architectural celebration of the return of demon angels who came to earth in Genesis six and took the women of the earth, had children with them and these children became great giants," we have obviously a coded reality. Constantine's Mayan Calendar as a space man with googles and respirator in a cockpit flying down to eclipse the earth nicely compliments the Dead Sheep interpretation of the Vatican throne of Jonathan Kleck. These hallucinations must be interpreted to be seen, but not the Chronophage Corpus Clock with  Grasshopper Escapement, which has no hands or numerals, surmounted with a time-eating grasshopper.  (see Niburu Palace, and Constantine's french jetton coin 1680 (iii)

Kleckies credit these prophecies in context of tales of Kleck's conversion. Michael the archangel attended and Kleck performed healings. Voices and convictions he heard and felt convincing were confirmed by the nylon label spelling backwards nolyn, that is, "no lying."  If you don't find these compelling, the prophet warns "touch not my anointed."

Border breakers 

As the writer of the The Argentine-Antarctic Saga says, "This is civilization in the raw, the glazed, 6000 year old cult that broadcasts its images into every mind. These are called archetypes, projected into all persons born in the world who share their images, because civilization is ruled by higher beings properly known as demigods, men of renown. These seek anti Christ and  think highly of themselves for that, being more intelligent and able to pass dimensional walls through their portals, "surrounding a body with walls forces  incarceration." Devils signify the lower part of this hierarchy that reaches to the sky where they pose as gods. Religion, government, philosophy skew to this mind seem as if they are true. Shall we expose the devils for what they are? Only if we have the truth, which is not hierarchical.  The truth is that we are the sons of the most high and that world history has to be expunged" (p. 35).

Civilization hatched its own magi of the religion of wheat and tares coming together, announced by false angels. These roars of passionate intensity (Yeats Coming) or that exists in moments of dream so unbelievable, do not fit in memory after their visits. Over and over, stores of all the answers to all the contradictions, as if a catalog, call it the NOUS code, or later call it Novus, cognitive  events are sold as belief-changing, to prepare for the next "discovery" of "who we are," whether Sumerian Anunnaki or more modern fallen angels. These are always spun to disprove previous beliefs, as if the new religion being formed were the last, but this is old Novus come to spin the ultimate coup de grace to human belief and the human race, saying humans are descendants and slaves of this Nemesis, and there you have it, Alien people clutching their gods (Eliot's Magi) Kleck asks at the arrival. Stretched for miles over the desert they are waiting for antichrist.  Don't blame those women,  Complexion and form prove superhuman (Under Ben Bulben) for this modern fulfillment of the portal of Genesis Six when nephilim went in and out to the daughters of men and made hybrids. Only after that did the angels teach women how to seduce. The smoking hot babes of Edom seduced the leaders of Israel.

Weaponized Architecture. Eidolia, Genitrus Six and The Pope's Vagina

 Looking in the same direction as civilization, myths sees what they see, but to look away, whatever it is it ain't ISIS, Obama or Gilgamesh. Those are masks along with mkultra fallen angels having fruit sex with trees.Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion,  the DuPont family, assassination attempts
 have always come down to angelic rape. Elizabeth Nikomia Sharon Sobczak suggests Jonathan Kleck is a set up  for the blue beam,

  Stars on the Warpath want

 Hallucinotic Eidolia

 Then  comes Kleck with his new: HelioFant - I Pet Goat 2 Decrypted 2017, all insightful, except for the "angel" within and the INDUCing THE ALTER BY SPONSORING THE OPPOSITE, an experiment he got from the White House waiting for the return of Christ by waiting for anti-Christ. This good stuff in Kleck's vids, before he declares himself god and curses you if you don't believe, prerogative of a god, is his claim to be sole revealer of anti. All this derives from the fear and loathing broadcast in ever greater intensity in polarizing medias. If you don't fear the vagina but consider it a grace and benefit you don't need to fight these extremes. The text of Kleck's godhood is John's gospel where Jesus, let his Name be lifted up, cites Psalm 82. 

You don't see any of these mentioning the man of Genesis 4, because he is the one they wish to defeat by taking the woman. Reasons offered in the apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew for Satan's casting out include the refusal to bow down to Adam. This interpretation points to Rev. 12:9 and Gen. 6:4 as depicting two separate falls from heaven, one where Satan is cast down, the other where the sons of God angels come to earth to take human wives.  Bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, reports Enoch. Dick Gregory, the comedian shapeshifter, says there are three rules: 1) once you put the glasses on you can't take them off, 2) you will never see the world as it's supposed to be again, but as it is and 3) you can't make anybody put them on. Like the corn tortilla that after a year in the frig still looks good, when dogs take it out of the trash they won't eat it; it just lays in the yard flopping like a flying disc waiting to eclipse the earth--all anti-messiahs wear these glasses.

If Isaiah 29 is capable of reversals, and turnings upside down, and these are confirmed by the Gnostic philosophy of Acts of Peter and then made into the notion that all people are divided, with DNA serpent seed joined to their human chromosome,  the only problem with Cain being the seed of Satan is that if Eve were seduced by the serpent in the garden, beguiled, "fruited" up Kleck says, Genesis 4.1 says "the man knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain." Pitting the express statement in 4.1 against the interpretation of Satan's seed cited by William Brenham in K requires glasses.

Nuts crack everywhere, so putting aside the social and going for the religious future, the CFO, J. Kleck, reveals that if you turn images upside down via Isaiah 29.16 you will see these devils and their occult plans. He poses from the gnostic Acts of Peter 38:

 the first man, whose race I bear in mine appearance (or, of the race of whom I bear the likeness), fell (was borne) head downwards, and showed forth a manner of birth such as was not heretofore: for it was dead, having no motion. He, then, being pulled down -who also cast his first state down upon the earth- established this whole disposition of all things, being hanged up an image of the creation (Gk. vocation) wherein he made the things of the right hand into left hand and the left hand into right hand, and changed about all the marks of their nature, so that he thought those things that were not fair to be fair, and those that were in truth evil, to be good. Concerning which the Lord saith in a mystery: Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowledge of the kingdom."

Doris Lessing died (17 Nov 2013) exactly at the moment this paragraph was composed. Checking to correlate the population statistics with her birth, because the argument of control is so much more profound if the population has tripled in 72 years, 2 billion in 1927 to 6 billion in 1999, this alone is suspicious. From Lessing’s birth in 1919, the world population  (1927) tripled from 2 to 7 billion (2012). The means of control however cubed, as Opiomes shows, those buildings then exteriorized as ideas at HistoPossum (still a work in progress).Those billions absorbed in this greater collective mind make none believe they are unique. This is called elsewhere "the wisdom of crowds." The battle of the great against the small and all together against any one separate is a the cosmic doctrine that preoccupies this "science." The War On Neptune is the most recent of our pamphlets taking part for this mouse, or human against the cosmos that insists we experiment on mice to save ourselves, that invites  the human to be the mouse. The individual is not countenanced by the god of “forces" the war deity whose mention occurs backwards and forwards from Daniel (11.38). Lessing demonstrates how this war casts the individual under the bus of the collective: 1) We do not acknowledge the collective, 2) we think we are autonomous, unique, 3) that our minds are our own. Such exaggerations are the purpose of the cosmic to reduce us to control in the midst of ballyhoo about freedom and access to information. The masses are ruled with impressive collective control. Another case for the synchronist was found when it was found she had literally just died during this writing. Look at the date/time stamp. I had not contemplated the Sirian Experiments for years since those days as a scout for Bonita Porter, and then not contemplated taking up questions of the Alien Colonies. I had reexamined the Canopus series the previous night to awake that morning to compose its Preface. Lessing's Neanderthal Ben, or Grendel, further speak of the disaffections that Brief our discensions.

SF dictims, now furthered by gov-sci and genetic tinkerers (which you can peruse in the raw Legends of Kurk Wold), whether Pleiadian or not, are a good summary of the Canopean that appears here (p 242f) where we learn that the Canopeans genetically engineered the human and sent benevolent alien giants to tutor them in their protohuman state, just opposite the Book of Enoch where the Trojan prototype is buried in all books to deceive us to take the Horse into the city.

That the Ur human supposedly fell by failure of the cosmic influence is entirely backwards. The giants are malevolent and the purpose of latter day genetic engineering to make the man immortal is to make him a bastard to himself. Lessing is admired for her disdain of the Nobel committees who honor their own. It is said she got the Nobel award for her enlightenment of feminine relations, a put down, for she is a poet, a speaker against tyranny, and that is her reward. I call her a poet, but it is merely a matter of the greater and the less to celebrate being, family and home in which no pretense of culture is needed or occurs.  The greater failing the less as a refuge, the less is always desired, driven out with a chip of ice in the heart (Graham Greene) to conduct symphonies in the case of fiction, or solos and quartets, in the case of poems of  pain and suffering. It doesn't matter whether it's poetry or prose, whether the Descent into Hell is exteriorized in a man on a life raft, as Lessing has it, or sent into verse below the sea and earth, as Dante, the subject is the same. But don't pretend the middle is of any value between these two. The middle is the thought controlled mass of the collective.

Ezekiel’s vision was of flying saucers;" (Ancient Astronauts)

Sons of 

 They INDUCE THE ALTER BY SPONSORING THE OPPOSITE. The mirror of a counterfeit is counterfeit. In case you wonder who these angels, principalities and powers are, they are the lords, the spiritual rulers of this dark age (Ephesians 6.12).  The condition of the fallen powers so obviously contradict predictions, continually reverse them because not one thing they say is true and we already live in the best of all possible fallen worlds. The centers of the tree of life are counterfeit satanic gods. But many of the things they say are true. That's how they sponsor the alter by opposing it. Oppose the mark to teach it. Sign executive orders against liberty to procure freedom. Who are these fallen angels and their crisis agents who carry out atrocities to preoccupy news cycles toward specific and general ends, gun control say and distraction. Government actors investigate government actors and are reported on government channels, meaning all of them. China has bought Hollywood. Hence nothing is true as  reported. It is a movie set where crisis actors are impervious to hypocrisy, are so utterly sincere, well connected, networked as to make the notion that this is all an act inconceivable to the public. The Orlando slaughter and the New Town Slaughter. They're all the product of our best schools! But once the glasses are off they drop. "This same Jesus disarmed these rulers and authorities and made a public mockery of them, having utterly defeated them (Colossians 2.15).
They celebrate the conditions of the arrival of anti Christ, but forget that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor powers, things present or things to come, height, depth nor any created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahweh in Jesus the Messiah, our Savior and Lord. (Romans 8.39).

Johnny Kleck and Co.

Altar for Alter
 Isaiah 25-30 unquestioned understood.These poetic murmurs are our mirror.

-Hallucinotic eidolia come from the Greek noun eidos, image, appearance, idea.
-Pigeon Religion. See RT Kendell

There were differences in the details between the eons, incidental octaves of "time"  up the pyramid steps to its sacrifice.

Every Starbacks had at least one demoniac hieroglyph
 Worshiping around its haloes encased in  plastic
 with messages encoded in U. S. currency
of the Hoover dam collapsing
as a tsunami snake hits New York,
and all the Starbucks close.

Stichin studied his Sumer tablet there where 
 roving bands of myths crashed in the windows. 
  A human animal hybrid population that never existed
outside Ovid's Metamorphoses trafficked in Velikovsky.
Except in Enoch I centuries before,
  master technologists angels
emited spacemen from mother ships.

The reptile shape shifting harvests of human body parts were as likely to be known as the dollar bill.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...