Showing posts with label Maimonides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maimonides. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2016

2. Clif, HIGH Priest of the Infernal


Doctrines of the Infernal -- Clif High, Woo Priest, Gadget Man, Predicate Linguist: ALTA (Data Base) Divination--6583

Clif's best high is as a joker. Follow his jokes on twitter. Load your guns for elohim, which were the first lines of A Bloody Theory of Divide Light (new title?). In his 2023 war against the Khazars as elohim and against elohim where ever they are Clif is expandable. He attributes in his prejudice elohim status to ET. A lot of Christians think he is one of them because he believes in the Anunnaki, which they think are aka fallen angels. Did Clif advise shooting those 180 grain 12 grains into the reptile gut? These raves continue into the claim that history is counterfeit and hundreds of years faked. Guys who work for Microsoft remind us he has. These "scientists" do not know that literature corroborates aspects of the history they deny. If the question is who is smarter, the perception of Northrop Frye or Clif High, it's an easy choice. The further away from us in time the surer Clif is as to fact and meaning. His  interview on Rafi has both of them doing it. Both pass over the true actors in our drama. Clif passes over Satan, the enemy and the avenger, as the prime motive of all his ancient facts (see Heiser at Sirius and the Dogon) and Rafi passes over Messiah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who is in fact the One who will enable the Jewish people to deliver the nations.

--Just to keep record of trivialities in the materium, Clif has given a rationale for his colorful language, i.e. swearing, likr the language of Terry Southern's Candy, that being that such crudeness commands 20 more milliseconds of attention from the listener, by provocation, therefore increases communication! It's like what he says about circumcision, that it prevents long lived marriage, a little speculative, but don't trouble it. In this context his piece on Swearing Woo, jurisdictions and long skulls etc drives him to read the 63 vols. of the Talmud to divine such processes. Rabbinical studies are often cognitively exquisite about the 6000 year old death bug cult.

 There's always more mystique to mystery, so when Clif gets reading the Talmud and links it to the Zohar as a lens through which Khazars view and change Torah he sounds sane, for he realizes that much of those works are not. His notion of the Khazars has much support from Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, but more from the host of works by Raphael Patai, like the Hebrew Goddess where it is obvious that the laurels and rewards heaped on Patai were more for his celebration of the demons that rule the world of culture and not from virtue themselves.

 I admit to liking Clif's attitude, his ability to write and express himself.  No modern prophet wants to be held to perfection, but neither did Delphic ambiguities. You will never read the kind of understatement  Isaiah uses when he says Sennacherib will hear some news that will make him break off his siege of Jerusalem. An angel breathed to death 185,000 of his men. Asked why there is such a  "relentless negativity of its [ALTA's} projections," ALTA being Clif's webbot, 'asymetric linguistic trend analysis'  that "all humans are psychic and 'leak out' these impressions in their choice of language. This was made defunct however by the censorship imposed c. 2018.

Data gathered by  software scanning the net for specific forms of 'change process' within text based posts"  the origin of his Report's 'invention,' he later reveals he got this while taking flight as a shamic  psychonaut in dialogue with discarnate entities It was a mammal with a cleft forehead. Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen does not conclude however that the insectoids run the gov and all disinformation-- because a new take has the Rus, Chin and U.S. in league to built millions of hybrids! 5G used in DNA scans by TSA at airports may have an ulterior motive, he says, to ID hybrid gene aliens who try to engineer both hormone and telepathy in their hybrids. His best proof is that the subject is not talked about!  In the mass abduction of 182 children in Hamlin in 1282, the Pied piper story //  was he says a cover story of the  children’s crusade of children sold into slavery under this guise  // hence the Inquisition was a response to disappearances in alien invasions.! This further links to reduction of abductions at grand solar minimum in 1640, which minimum begins again now. At the top of the alien chain are the mantids, the insectoids, as David Jacobs says, that lack empathy and any vagus nerve. High cites from erowid and his own reptiloid experience that the insectoid gene intends to produce ordered society not the chaotic human kind.

When one meme fails another pops up. He did the future memes, silver, cypto memes, avocado C60 fish oil, space binoc pip memes, blue avians, and briefly moved to the abduction a la David Jacobs, but it got little traction I guess so he gave it up for the Cancer Ward reports which were far more grounded.

He is much believed for his experience in software and respected for his vow not to kill, but his historical authorities are cut from the cloth of Fomenko, Biglino, Kozyrev, with the schizo-typical  Sapolsky religiousity in humans. How does a schizo-typical come with such amiable advanced social skills, we would like to know. He took shamanic doses of psychedelics to put himself through his own psychoanalysis of dissolution and reconstruction. He gained enough concentration to control his disgust with all his  callow interviewers he puts up with, an excellent achievement that allows the advancement of his views. Most of them are worthy of contempt. He considers himself a watchman on the wall of software and woo. But after a time one learns it is a long season to judge evidence correctly.

Immensely likeable Clif High

In a recent bizarre interview:  "...logic separates Old and New Testament... indeed we find there  bigger than the Giza giants pyramids...and all over the planet...that Moses and his crowd  didn't build those pyramids in Egypt and Moses and his crowd didn't exodus from Egypt, they never were in Egypt so how could they exodus...their theoretical claim to Israel is BOGUS BECAUSE IT'S BASED ON THAT LEVEL OF LOGIC BASING THEIR FATE TO THE IDEA THAT THEY WERE ENGINEERS OF THE PYRAMID 30.54.  He used a pseudonym in his early longer online presence as Baldrishi.

He compounds his skepticism of  Israel with the notion that the New Testament could be severed from the old and go stand on its own because IT'S NOT NECESSARILY HISTORICALLY PEGGED TO THE OLD, TO JUDAISM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM.... He gets all this second hand. Momumental howlers read right out of Freud, Moses and Monotheism and  Sachs, Velikovsky, and Sitchin. . He actually says the English word "God" does not appear in the Hebrew OT!

More or less quoting, "there is a bias well known...any construct of church you care to name harbors a great corrupt as any other system on this planet...if Anatoly Fomenko -new chronology-History: Fact or Science. is even close...then the personage of Christ died in the year 1078 and there was no history that predates the year 1000 that is in any way meaningful" (4.15). 

His voice gets shrill and stressed as he says this, and it stays so, which shows in his misquote of Fomenko's title, which is History: Fiction, or Science. Fomenko's critical thinking movement decided that Roman civilization was created in the 1400s. Clif's proof  offered is that that solar eclipse that lasted 3 hours and 30 min at the crucifixion (8.44), was a lunar eclipse, that occurred in 1078, so excited and defensive, it begs the question of how much else of his assumed proofs are glib or pervasive. Is this darkness lunar or solar? The NT does not say it was an eclipse. This is inferred from the darkness and the length of the Crucifixion, not from any text. So he disproves a romantic interpretation of the event. "Pagan commentators of the Roman era explained it as an eclipse although Christian writers pointed out that an eclipse during Passover, when the crucifixion took place, would have been impossible; a solar eclipse cannot occur during a full moon." Citing these so excitedly shows High , like the Mueller Report lawyers, IS personally involved against. Clif Highs Webbot Predicts 2017 The Fall of Religions The New ...2.44f. His Global Coastal Event of c. 2003, off again on again, "happening now but we can't tell" recently got a boost from the Russian whale sentinel beachings....

He was good at defusing economic and social fears, before the Big Ugly anyway, which are only fears until some event either way occurs. The cosmic rays are coming! In this High is high, but in his metaphysical hollow moon he is low, unless of course he's been there. I do mean you can't be dogmatic unless you have experienced a thing. Yes, but not even then. Dogmatism is a technique of control, so in the Hollow moon-spirit high landing Clif is  parroting dogma. NASA rang an echo from the moon. NASA says, Believe, believe! Clif Notes research their opinions ahead of time, put a ring in your nose and lead you with their "erudition." They tell you if you don't think the moon is hollow you're not worth talking to. It's a question whether truths outweigh their falsehoods simultaneously.

We must however consider that similar monitors of the Kingdom of Noise might 1) yield any diffused yearning of inchoate language if consistently applied, and 2) were it not that the language monitors of chat, distal and borscht might also be the verbations of devils captured by internet to prognosticate the data set.

  We could inscribe it on vellum if we knew it better. So if the process of prediction misses an apocalypse 2012 here, an earthquake there, Niburu coming home like George Soros busing people to riots, or digital prayer wheels utter their pleas for salvation millions of times an hour at speeds beyond the megahurt among the Edinburgh wiccans, or some ape at a typewriter writes Shapapearsy, this is not say that aikido, the Tao, linguistics and the universe are not wonders in themselves, but that, as any practitioner of aikido knows, this game is played more from libido than from the stilled mind, even at the top, meaning that the egos seeking egolessness are all crazy by degrees and the transcendence they seek drives them nuts, especially when they get a taste. High uses the term 'universe' the same way the term 'science' is used, a collective autonomous noun, whatever that is, that substitutes for what used to be God. Sometimes also he uses reality, "what reality wants us to see."

It is commonly the case that when a single sensational fact of an occultist is closely examined it does not hold.  When High says he can discern 14th century language in these new confected histories of Fomenko he sounds just like Gunkel on the language of the Psalms, who thinks he can rearrange them on the basis of his criticism. That words stick out to Cliff and are marked by him as inauthentic to the 14th century is his editorial naivete. All critics think like gods, decree from on high. In his case he is not really a linguist, even if he deals with words, maybe a black market linguist, but not a poet. When has he cited one line from any poem in all his worlds? Why should he? Because poets are the ones who really know the language. Does he think that citations of Rome in Britain in sources of Beowulf date from the 14th century? Fomenko's Statistical Analysis of Narrative Texts would have attracted High, but then the fact that German desk scholars have done this guesswork to aggrandize themselves for centuries makes it anticlimactic. "First 4 vols show history is false, a deconstruction, 6 and 7 recreate history, but he's a 100% on what didn't happen!" Clif's belief that deconstructing the past by astronomy proves all the ancient texts were written in 14th century Italy only makes us wonder why he can't pronounce the word Italian. He says Eyetalian.

Quack eloquent, you people against injustices you blame on yourselves, your govts and the divine when it is all come to this, the Fallen rule the world with astrology, reincarnation and rugs.

BAD AS THE VATICAN AND GOVTS OF THE NATiONS AND EMPIRES ARE, THESE GIANTS ARE CHILDREN OF THE Gods WE  TAKE AIM ON, and if they begin to substitute for Vatican and govts and whatever false history, new false histories of reincarnation and stars and aliens and  hollow earth havens to finish us off forever, AS one duck said to the other, Quack.

All the historical precedents of primitive and advanced civilizations, English and Abenaki, Spanish and Aztec, the alien and human conflict will be resolved the same way those were, which is what Hawking fears. That is until Messiah comes to put all things under His feet, and pull out everything from under theirs.

Other glib subscriptions for insight among the public gurus include Steve Bannon and the Fourth Turning. Never  a more superficial generaliZation. I lived in the first turning, 1946- 64 and I can tell you it is a confection of what you'd read in the culture mags that dictate what we're supposed to think but none of it true. To High's credit he was out of the country part of that time, but he swallowed the pablum above so he excretes it below. Maybe he knew SDS was created by CIA. The 4th turn is a mainstream of the MSM account of the effort to control the freedom of individuals to effect their own choices by superimposing a little Jung here, a little Campbell there and a lot of cultural ethic that fits from above and comes swirling down the bowl. Dissection at any point reveals none of it is true, which is the strategy of the lie. 
Clif has a collection of offbeat fellows he prides with. Nikolai A. Kozyrev, besides Fomenko, is another Mauro Biglino who went to the Vatican basement that didn't exist and read the ms that didn't exist to find UFOs and aliens that didn't exist, those pious forgeries. The whole question of pious forgeries as literature, Pseudo Longinus on the Sublime, Taliesin, is a stalking horse of disbelief of the traditional and in the end its disproof and dislike of ancient texts that substitute in the end with some alien presence. Ancient astronauts are a comin, their tails are in sight. Reading Fomenko and Biglino with  The Fourth Turning and Courtney Brown are like reading Ayn Rand on the DaVinci Code. It's just more pagan opposition to the revelation, trying to reassert itself in a comeback of the ages, the kind of thing Richard Bucke catalogued, another psychiatrist run amuck. The remote viewing of Courtney Browne reveals the naivete of this. He sells a view of the past as single and linear but the future many branched and all possible. He shares this view with most  of the spectrum woo from Wilcock to High, from Erickson to physics with his experiments of 2008 and 2013 remotee viewing weather. Time travel is like the weather, you can make it what you will, and do, projecting your own misconceptions as awareness upon its field thereby proving what you sought in the first place, not that it is there, it is in the mind of the seeker. Observer you made it. There were these stock crises in the 20th century but I never noticed. There was severe weather? It didn't strike here.

Apparently the Vatican has 'publicly' attempted to distance itself from Biglino's work... Harpazo forum- but of course, this is typical Vatican disinformation tactic intended to present the illusion that the Vatican is vehemently against such blasphemy...when in truth, it is undoubtedly the Vatican itself is the catalyst behind Biglino and his alien propaganda.... Read more:
  Mauro Biglino says that the eye over the waters is an “unidentified flying object,” part of his theory that the Elohim were aliens and not, as the scholars usually say, angels or God himself." But the inventor of his universe concept is Harold Percival, Thinking and Destiny

 Inherent Flaws in Predictive Linguistics

The proposition that all human beings are psychic and leak out of the data base depends on the ability to read sign. The Greeks read birds, the Chinese yarrow stalks. Schools of fish are instructive and tea leaves too. Amar Annus tells it all.   Clif High bases his divination on telltale snapchat postings that deviate.  It's a nice question whether Holden Caulfield informs the culture or it informs it.
Jing-Jung would say J.D. Salinger was jinvented as much as hip hop. Cliff High reports on the 22 trillion a second pulse from the center of the U,  44 trillion if you count the simultaneous pauses. It is obvious that impulses stop and start. But it is not the said/unsaid of Midrash. Some guys think their wives are the cessation and the action,

ALTA's Predictive Linguistics reported the monthly effect of written text from the internet.
UniverSe here means statistical universe, with a capital S.
The process of prediction from speech, not writing, would be truer, since ordinary people cannot help but state how they really feel, but their finger speech, writing, involves a layer twice removed from their thought.
On the other hand it is not possible to lie in writing so well as it is in speech.

Does not any sample predict the universe?
Recording the ravings of asylums over millennia and inferring principles from them as Nostradamus analogizes the future a collective ALTA predicts millennia of madmen.

All humans are psychic and they "leak?" And all humans lie.
Like a plumber learns to read leaks and NSA reads, but doesn't publish, ALTA is programmed to discount artificially generated words of bots and plants, but does not account for the general mind swap that exists in every archetype, film, and educational bias.

The Background of Predictive Linguistics

  is Anime where Database is the real, not the story or the characters. The imitations, the simulacra, outer layers with the inner are all simultaneous chaos and inundation in database. Mutually supportive, so that if an imitation is true it is true to the database and not nature or reality, as used to be. This digitality together makes a model of the unconsciousness of simultaneous narratives of everything imitating themselves and all disparate parts. Unless you say the unconscious belongs to you either you have borrowed from it, without attribution, yes, Mr. Joyce, or you have stolen.

 -- A word, an art, an act not valued as real or true to nature, but true to the database, means it reflects, reacts and catalyzes with itself in a closed system according to the premise that all people are psychic the nearer the event comes, but don't know it.
 --This is the same as saying dogs predict earthquakes and upsets and can smell cancer, which is true, as far as it goes. So the data base is true as far as it goes.
 --There is an ice age aborning against all the hothouse science invented to perp the public Frozen rivers in Europe, Hunger stones, new land bridges to emerge, populations to relocate is the universe only if we equivocate universe with the phenomenon of statistical set and sample.
--The gurus cited arbitrarily around High's ALTA, or Bearden's Zarg, or Kenyon help us raise our vibe by meditation,  says Pensinger, shooting out the pyramid top in a blaze, where would-be gods are part of the displaced grand narrative displaced, because  "moe-elements have become the gods" (66, Hiroki Azuma in Fandom Unbound).

 --All the elements of documentation, subordination, logic, custom are sacrificed to this database. Piracy, not the bad guy, rules. There are no courts or law. Anime living for anime gamers. Cat Girl, Bunny Girl, Foxgirl, Dog Girl. Anime is not innocent. Diacon IV Bunny Girl is second in search to  Playboy Bunny. Catgirl Research Foundation has an amazing disclaimer at the bottom of the home page: "While some girls may enjoy acting like cats, there are no girls who actually have long furry tails or large cat ears as parts of their body. Though this is unlikely to change in the near future...."
--The hybrid realities of the Singularists, full blown for three decades, used to be called pathetic fallacy, to attribute human qualities to nature, now subject to gene splicing, but before that to  moe anthropology, you might make a Kafka, and make anime cute and vacant 2 D, but these are all effects which lend themselves to a combination of bestiality and pedophilia with big boosts from Microsoft and Windows Me.
--Girls are hybridized as guns, ships and tanks ( Mecha Musume) not unlike Donne's continents, "oh my America, my newfoundland." Helen's face is a dock that launched a thousand ships. Anthropomorphism knows no bounds once launched, "the universe strait-laced / when I can clasp it in the waist."
-- Erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels loving their washing machines, cell phones. The cuteness, the cuteness, says Conrad,  the causes of which are below. How can the next step be gamedeath?

Data base is the real, not the original or its copy. Dolls, games, fanzines are as much data base as manga, video, film, lit, blog. Faux is real, the comic market is a comic market,  which is to say this is real. Amateurs coexist in the database as much as great writers, identity diffusion is important because it embodies the opposites of tree lineage vs the chaotic whole, problems anime revealed in Japan and the world, in essence a condition of piracy. Writers all "stripped the ancients" (Vida). This coexistence in the database begs to compare otaku with the unconscious and the universe, not imitation vs. real, where piracy is commonplace, called originality through citation and infinite imitation, but "neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of materials from junk subcultures."

Fragmented fan groups substitute for the grand societal narrative of the tree lineage. The cause? especially the bomb blew it apart, but global culture is a bomb to nations and cultures. All get to be American in essence. What greater bomb is there than "Anime Realism"?

Blown apart, otaku create a shell for themselves from dermal fantasies, rewriting Tolkien, internalizing film, manga, another Evangelion, collecting dolls, comics. Group affiliations replace families. Whether to say these are the new shut ins, cast outs or the new realists is just a game. Otaku shut in to their fandoms, hobby communities by choice replace the social to various degrees with fictional identities. Countless social standards replace the universal or grand narratives; (blank) rights. So otaku defines "neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of materials from junk subcultures." This replaces the grand narrative: gangs, games, groups. Faux characters replace the real. News broadcasts are animed, flatted. Commercials are animed, eyelit styled animations. Politics as anime is here and as passionate about their "reality" as the Obamaites,  the Akirans. Artificial reality, the faux, the moe! coin the term "anime manga-like realism." Lit, entertainment are sold in the market as video games, dolls, illustrations. Bikkuriman Sticker Parody


Behaves more like a captive mantis society consuming each other in an orgy of consumption. That is Otaku West, consuming as the consumed.Otaku specialist Makoto Fukuda wrote in the Daily Yomiuri, “There is a tradition in Japan’s otaku culture that even such things as trains or computer operating systems can be changed into cute characters in a way that turns inanimate subjects into characters meant to inspire a 'moe' response.” Herbivores."Otaku describes a subculture of young, male geeks who lose themselves in a hermetic world of manga comic books and video games."

From the Kingdom of Noise

 Clif High is another aikido player, like Tom Bearden, with notions that the universe is a living sentence that works, decrees energies and elements of our own: "I have this deal with universe about the web bot project that I would continue the effort in spite of the other conditions provided by universe in my life, and the debilitating nature of the work for as long as it was universe." The essence of the ALTA is its conflating millions of bits of language from web pages, from the Kingdom of Noise of emotive tipoffs into predicts. High affirms he is partial schizo-typical, that his brother is full.  High is a follower of the fourth turning: a sociology that presents the time of the Tribulation as a blessing: "The Fourth Turning is a Crisis, a decisive era of secular upheaval, when the values regime propels the replacement of the old civic order with a new one." All these gurus relish the universe, the predicted new orders, the secular upheaval accompanied by their belief in mutual and multiple reincarnations, which is not so different psychically from J. Kleck who thinks the angel Gabriel officiated at his spiritual birth.

High's call to the universe is not unique. The universe is civilization's god and the unconscious is its handiwork. He knowingly identifies with the pagan substitutes while pretending to empiricism. Maimonides says the Sabeans are forerunners of the idea of " the stars as deities, and the sun as the chief. (Guide, III, 135). To show that this is a current delusion see Lydia's Vow, who says she is "interacting with the planetary mind." Images of the gods placed in temples attracted a host of correspondences, an idea central to the renaissance, for example, Sir Thomas Browne. This thinking had long exposition before Plato, Plotinus or Ibn Ezra, as Maimonides says, before Babylon: "a certain tree, which is peculiar to a certain star, is dedicated to the name of this star, and certain things are done to the tree and in connection with it, the spiritual force of that star which influences the tree, inspires men" (Guide, 139f). So all divination is idolatry modeled on the Sabeans who erect "temples of Intellectual Images (or Forms)" (145), but "it is the principal object of the Law to blot out these opinions from man's heart and make the existence of idolatry impossible" (145). It is obvious that when Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom will be returned to him after "thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule" (4.26) he does not mean the stars. That heavens, that universe, was equivocated as stars and turned into astrology is proof text of every occultist from the Sabeans on. See also The War With Egypt 
(from That Sword Bathed in the Heavens)

II. Clif High is the Ignatius Donnelly of science. He has denied us his thoughts on the authorship of Shakespeare, so we must suffice with those on mystical silver. Pleasing in itself, the notion that silver is a source of the new electrics refined correctly. A hundred oz bar might yield a fraction of this rarity, all according to High's Tesla with allied astrophysics from many sources in his experiments, like  Joseph Boscovich.

We take our allies where we can, but do not try to change their outcomes. After all, we are reading them, they are not reading us. It's a lot like hearing the sermon in church. We have listened to countless presentations by entertainers, preachers, poets who do not know we exist but insist in filling the air with their opinions, always in the end of themselves. So we are not changing them. But are they changing us? Let us see.

 Define an ally by positive and negative correlation, zero in the case of the talking mouths. Clif High ranges the positive with the opinions examined here, but not the double positive with say Psalm 69.

Identity comes from the intersection of personality with place, to apply Levinas, who really does have something to say. Clif High was a nomad, had the least possible identity of place, never lived in one long enough to let it define him.  He went to 25 army schools? That this talented self-described partial schizoid believes an Alien God Genetically Cloned Humans, a la Mauro Biglino, and that this is tenable via his shamanist trip, "journeys" and ki transfers to and with the Dogon--Sumer, Babylon Egypt, boom, is enough to liken him to a spokesman of the Cargo Cults but not quite as bizarre as Jonathan Kleck's Pope's vagina, as a function of his condition. More recently forays into the Oera Linda Book and Hermes Trismegistus, Greek, Latin and Vatican versions thereof, and the ms. versions, pseudo authorships all part of these encounters, since I am unfortunately vested with a doctorate in renaissance literature, voyages of discovery and linguistics, am interested in spurious texts. One favorite, to show the range, is  Longinus on the Sublime, the Greek text edited after the Paris Manuscript. But it is bogus along with many of the works that surround it fore and aft.

 Whether ancient writings are authentic or spurious, or even modern forgeries by T. J. Wise of whole books, becomes a selective circus for whoever wants to make their point. One book of the canonical New Testament however has more originality than the spurious, you just have to see it. Why ask whether A has read the Gospel of Thomas if he's not read John? The easiest twist of the bug, Clif's space alien, is human philosophy and its lineages, especially since the bug's minions run the archeology, classics, literature departments, not to speak of religion that really gets momentum in the 19th century, proof of this at Taking Down the Elder.

Given that the bug must imitate, it cannot originate, the joy of thought is to contemplate the various ladders of association in writings. Hart Crane, who takes as his his muse Gerard Hopkins, not only in language but in theme, for "Lachrymae Christi" after Hopkins, shows Crane in full flight, in all Harold Bloom's praise of Crane I don't remember any time he showed this obvious indebtedness. Selectiveness. however extreme increases when imitations echo over thousands of years. It's all bug thought, Jakob Böhme before and after. If you think this is too rigorous check out Space Malebolge where it's all shitcanned.

 Clif High, gets much philosophy from Percival, who signs himself, H.W.P. in Thinking and Destiny. not H. P. B. after Madame Blavatsky. Percival says, "I belong to no organization of any kind. xxii," but founded a branch of the Theosophical Society. He early signed up with Blavatsky. Obviously channeling the work, "steady thinking while awake" as shown on the first page, he has another transcribe it. He is a medium, but many of theosophists were. Probably they all wished for the face to face instead of through the looking glass,  the way Jesuits invented Chaucer retroactively according to Fromeko. To contrast this imitation and selection, the "linguist" never cites the original work of Wittgenstein. Anybody can read the Blue Book and appreciate simplicity.

  If you want another version of these metaphysical matters try reading the gloss of the ceramic Eleusisa a 15 x 14 x 10  High Fire Ceramic $900 

  They used to say the Eleusinian basket was the revelation of the world you saw when you lifted the cloth that covered the kiste, sacred chest, the kalathos, lidded basket, adapted for Batman who lifts the cloth in Batman I and sees a bat. Eleusis here has a blue green interior which as the cloth is lifted you see within. Indentations made by impression of dried nopal suggest pleating where desiccated prickly pear spines are applied with cholla skeleton. There is of course a theory that a mirror was placed inside the chest and you saw yourself clouded by the drug you had been given, surprisingly, oleander. To buy the metaphysic with the ceramic, the mystery first with the drug, whose insights are joined, the image must seen ghastly to conform to all those underground chambers where the rites took place. The unconscious underground chamber is the receptacle of our sins where idolatries dress themselves up in myth covered by a towel. These are beautiful in the eyes of sin, as blue as Ishtar's gown  where they pretend they are good to be good. The unconscious is Lilith pretending to be beautiful, whole and healthy, wearing a million seductive faces of Ishtar and Lilith, a prostitute of Ishtar. The towel cover is the scale over our eyes that even when we receive the pain and suffering we bless our sins. We haven’t overcome our sins, they overcome us. Every time somebody thinks they defeat sin it morphs to another. Lust becomes pride. Lying becomes self deception. Who shall deliver me from the bondage of this death?

Clif has found many who share aspects of this condition where a million  doughnut shaped liquid water bladder wack satellites (with gold fish) squish orbiting earth (ozone cure, you know) as proof and on the bottom of the Pacific ocean giant doodle bugs mining, along with fast movers in the Arctic ocean that put us on the short path that they're coming back, so get your lawyers ready for the Friendly Dogon Nemo who made us, the Wild Strain  who broke us, remade us---because they owned us--- [if you break it you own it] but they couldn't hold still so they left.

Admittedly we could get this from reading the equivalent of cereal boxes whose scholarship and wrappers of Liposomal Vit C packets--ONE POUCH LASTS A MONTH!-- know that most mammals produce their own vitamin C! But withal there is many a poetic element like hundreds of miles of rivers of ionized silver and gold flowing from the sun. But every void must be filled so straight out of Farrell’s Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men following the Sumer cult of the OBrien's he's in a straight rundown of the Dogon Nemos, Annunaki, O'Brien, Farrell Godzilla at Monster Camp who he says then came Sky People enemy Annunaki to muck about, I kid you not -- If Stitchin was proved by Icke, and Wilder is a gov't informer, and misinfo plants said the same as Farrell and =OBrien, what's that Clif?

OK so we don't believe anything we read or hear. We all know don't we that behind the divine gate supernats things are not what they seem, but all are mass eidolia, hallucination machines that show hidden messages in code on buildings and statues, telescopes and images everywhere? Paranoia. They have been called changelings of many different kinds that whole encyclopedias would be given to, all science, art and education given to propagating them, where reward is given on the basis of conformity to them. All the gates are hallucinations, as many as there are, but that does not say they are fictional. If you think they are fictional then that is their power.  Do they transit other dimensions in fact? Of course, if you think they do

But having said this is not to say there is not a real, perhaps it should be called a super-real that does not depend on belief and is not a manifested eidolia, that is not in fact what the changelings counterfeit. In all candor Daniel says that "the final catastrophe symbolized by the fall and destruction of the image...was to be a sudden crisis, to be followed by the establishment of a kingdom which shall never be destroyed" (The Coming Prince. Sir Robert Anderson, 33).  

To whoever believes either what they are told by the authorities or instead what they feel or intuit themselves there is and is not an eidolia of the convenience and perpetration of these agencies that imprison the human mind. Eventually it is possible to translate the counterfeit of these so they are self revealing, which agencies are literally every psychological complex, archetype, diagnosis, analysis, -- and if all this is false then what is true? It ain't Jung-Freud. That question is the argumentative point of the world, a rhetoric to counter the charge it is false. Once you acknowledge that it is all false, the true by default must emerge. Truth is self-evident. Since that does not make sense  it is convenient to bring together here the following two resources, one an account by Clif High of Col. Marrs and the other an account by Emmanuel Levinas, to contrast two versions of the greater and the less, both false.

Col. Marrs

 Col Marrs is a military subcontractor of the war thru time, scanning with facial recog software, statues, photos, art depicting humans of historical importance for digital analysis to identify the universal face, images of themselves on a sphere, a line of spheres going to distance, except the face is slightly skewed in each instance. He says, "you see your universal face and you know you lived many times, which image your soul makes you look like in each life." These guys were looking for the universal face of their employers, i.e. the elite, etc., to find instances of people that looked like themselves back in previous lives, to identify previous incarnations (like the guy with the shopping cart of beer in Kmart), the assumption being that if you are/were in power then/now you will have had your image recorded so  you could show yourself you existed in future incarnations. All vanity, since there are no reincarnations, and vanity becayse the key to recognition for the purpose of recovering any previous knowledge is to use it now!! Of this story, right out of PK Dick, the same thing that Clif High says about Seattle lawyer Andrew Basiago, is true, he is a great guy but wrong, likeable but in error. Referring to the enlightenment experience (Randy Maugans, Clif High: Temporal Awareness, Cryptocurrencies, The Yogi vs.The Bluebirds. ie.Colonel Marrs: The War Through Time, hunters and collectors of past life artifacts; how we have an image/visage through incarnational cycles, 1.38f) of the one saying he has seen his face surrounding him in spheres, slightly different, but resembling his present face, that this is his soul so to speak, a Clif has a proper assessment of character, but idealizes it into being made perfect in successive reincarnations, a romantic notion that just cannot allow our imperfections to stand and be redeemed.

Doctrines of the Infernal

Doctrines of the infernal are interesting, if endless. Like reincarnation in the flesh, taking the physical face for the true face is delusion, for the true face  is not an image. If it is, presumably the ancestors of Gary Snyder and Alan Watts were hunted  for in the tin sheets for their likeness.   The High priest references Dynamo Jack, John Chang, taoist master for all manner of siddi effects of power, and says he would kick the ass of Wilcox and Corey Goode, but not Ramsaur, more marks of character supposedly, but if you don't kick Ramsaur you don't do much. Typical other nonaggressive haikido stances  by the masters like Kobayashi break the arms of weak men, but if you don't fight against the gods you're a patsy not a warrior, the hallmarks of power, too much in the flesh.

The ability of men to fool themselves is the predominant fact and the stench of their own religions through the roof, Yeats with his blue hair pushing Crowley down the steps of the temple. To me the sin of aikido is that its adherents hide excess libidos under a patina of something else.  Rod Kobayashi Sensei himself was kind enough to show this to me, even if he did not mean to when I intended to send him to the moon on a second try. The irony anyway is that as we seek with all our minds to find a style and practice it, whether in art or merely personality, we then become a prisoner of our own making. Surely it is obvious that without this style we are unrealized, even automatons, but with it we are contained. But it takes away all the fun if the controllers create wars so Picasso can condemn.

Spontaneity is more like Orpheus descending in the catacomb with no arms, no legs, the skin, no teeth, but the face of the other, whoever cares about the self to guard it,  is the face of the other where I, my  self appears. It is not its own. This sounds all too like that worrisome cult of death and resurrection of the ichthys who need promise no such returns, since their imperfection is forever made perfect by another. Have you heard of it?  No. We all go naked into that good life, covered with our sins or with the robe of righteousness not taking  ki to kick ass in the afterlife.

The chief attraction of these infernal entertainments is to observe the niche of Aluminati trigger and prep. We just don't know if we're being prepped for space alien saviors by the Vatican,  science or by Clifery. So not all religion will die, astrology, bardos, reincarnation, religion presumably will survive the landing even with their structural abuse and immorality,  as de Wetering says, "I had been proud of my awareness, aware of my pride, and proud of that awareness again. It went on like this: How clever I am that I know I am so stupid, how stupid I am to think that I am clever, and how clever I am that I am aware of my stupidity, etc" (Afterzen). These would rather save face than be contradicted. This has been true of gurus from all time. Ask Leonard Cohen.

The True Face

The face is signification, and signification without context...meaning all by itself. Levinas says all this about the face: You are you. In this sense one can say that the face is not "seen." It is what CANNOT BECOME A CONTENT, WHICH YOUR THOUGHT WOULD EMBRACE; it is uncontainable, it leads you beyond. But unlike the puppet, variable.

  The Puppet's unvarying intensity of facial expression, impossible for living actors, keeps the imagination of the spectators continuously stimulated. When one of them is speaking or tumbling and the rest left aside, these, though in full view, are invisible, as they should be. Living actors have to learn that they too must be invisible while the protagonists are conversing, and therefore must not move a muscle nor change their expression, instead of, as beginners mostly do, playing to them and robbing them of the audience's undivided attention. Puppets have also a fascination of their own, because there is nothing wonderful in a living actor moving and speaking, but that wooden headed dolls should do so is a marvel that never palls. And they can survive treatment that would kill live actors. When I first saw them in my boyhood nothing delighted me more than when all the puppets went up in a balloon and presently dropped from the skies with an appalling crash on the floor. GB Shaw. Complete Plays: With Prefaces - Vol. 5

It is in this various signification of the face that makes escape from being a correlate of  knowing. Vision, to the contrary, is a search for adequation; it is that par excellence that absorbs being. (Levinias in Ethics and Infinity: Conversations with Phillippe Nemo) But the relation to the face is STRAIGHTAWAY ETHICAL. The face is what one cannot kill, or at least it is that whose meaning consists in saying: "thou shalt not kill." "Murder, it is true, is a banal fact: one can kill the Other; the ethical exigency is not an ontological necessity. The prohibition against killing does not render murder impossible, even if the authority of the prohibition is maintained in the bad conscience about the accomplished evil - the malignancy of evil. But to speak truly, the appearance of being of these ethical peculiarities - the humanity of man - is a rupture of being. It is significant, even if being resumes and recovers itself."

Believe everything and nothing according to the truth. Skim the surfaces but do not dive too deep,  the infernal bait. Let us not pretend to revelation, certainty, but we may have faith--as long as its object is true. You can judge the time by the predictive mechanism of Netflix, Amazon and Hollywood films, Colony, Gene Roddenberry. Myriad conditions of anesthetizing too, largely unseen, unknown.
Vatican & Reincarnation Moon Spirit
II. "My name is clif high and I invented the process that Geore Ure named the 'web bot project'. the relentless negativity of its projections.  Djsadhu, ALTA in the title stands for 'asymetric linguistic trend analysis'. We do this work on the understanding that: all humans are psychic (aware of it, or not); all humans 'leak out' psychic impressions in their choice of language; these leaked psychic impressions can be gathered by computer software scanning the internet for specific forms of 'change process' within text based posts. We gather vast amounts of linguistic 'chunks' from the internet and using an emotional/linguistic transform of our own devising, we populate a virtual model space with time based projections of future linguistic trends, and the events likely to prompt their manifestation. This data is processed through our set theory based analysis system to provide the model space from which our interpretive forecasts are made. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Angel Empires. The Judgment of the Stars


 It is now commonplace among scientists and alt thinkers to make the universe a causation. After many decades I heard Psalm 8's meaning with the moon and the stars that thou hast ordained (KJV). Other translations might give "established" for "ordained" but two things at least happen in an  ordination. The laying on of hands and the prostration of the candidate. So the universe had Hands layed on it, "created heaven with a touch his fingers, God gave to man dominion of his hands,' and so the universe prostrated itself before the throne, for "His glory is above the heavens' (Psalm 8 again). Now we know what the universe is.

Judgment of the Stars
  The Sixth Seal is one of Seven on the scroll that the Lamb opens. This introduces a cast of characters to appear throughout the Revelation, Foul Spirits, Fornication and Finance and in Revelation 18, ten thousand times ten thousand angels, and 24 Elders. The scroll's judgments are delivered with acclaim for the Lamb that every creature, in heaven, on earth, under earth and in the sea hears. Nobody in public life however wants to talk about it, even if everybody knows it is coming. We are invited with John to come and see.
El Greco, Fifth Seal

But before the Sixth Seal opens the Fifth gives an explanation as to why THE STARS FALL and how they are implicated, which is going to take a substantial diversion to explain. Stars represent a usurping system attached to idols to institute worship of themselves. Oddly both the idols and the worshipers worship themselves. That the sword is bathed in the heaven means these self worshipping star idols are massacred. This is both symbolic and literal, not good news for astrology of Hollywood. If the stars fall can the planets be far behind? Too bad about Saturn. But while the stars are stars, the sword is Breath.

What's wrong with star worship? It's upside down. He made the heavens with a touch, his fingers, Psalm 8. The heavens declare the glory of Yahweh, Psalm 19, not of idols, demons, nephilim. The world, palms up, by now is well on the way to its submersion, subversion. The stars fall again and again; the dragon's tail threw a third part to the earth, Revelation 12.5. Critics will lull the reader with the argument that stars are symbols of nations, powers and authorities, the judgment of imperial apotheosis, the sin of empire, that Babylon is a code name for Rome and of all systems that substitute for Yahweh, but symbol aside, the word is stars. Literalists disbelieve deceivers. In sword forums bathing the sword is considered curing in oil or salt or rubbed with garlic to purify. Some say the raised sword is bathed in light when raised, which connects light to heaven, thus the phrase bathed in heaven connotes reflection, but this phrase from Isaiah is a judgment and bringing down of the entire (false) superstructure of the heaven.
Fifth Seal
The whole subsequent hermetic concept of the Tree of Life as an imagination of this heaven, walking the demonic paths to the crown, is, to borrow a phrase from Maimonides, derived from the making of chimeras, as with the Amorites who "believe that all these practices are magic charms of great efficiency in agriculture. Thus those practices lead to worship of the stars" (Guide of the Perplexed, III, 182). It is standard fare that the paths of heaven are for statesman and kings who realize that they are gods. The twelve Roman emperors of Suetonius are ample enough evidence of how this power corrupts, but Suetonius does not explain how the desire to be a deity and immortal so preoccupies the whole of biology in the 21st century, where science does not see that the portents, bestiality, poisonings, incest and murders of Caligula and Nero it practices on a global scale.

Back up a little, Abraham had always been a thorn in the side of these Apollonians who say there is no divine being except the stars, not a far reach from modern ET theories which continually seek the star gods with telescopes and space ships, codes and projected Blue Beams. Maimonides says the Sabeans are forerunners of the idea of " the stars as deities, and the sun as the chief. (Guide, III, 135). To put the universe up as an agent of destiny as the seculars do, say hello to Clif High, is to show that this is a current delusion. See Lydia's Vow, who says she is "interacting with the planetary mind." Images of the gods placed in temples attracted a host of correspondences, an idea central to the renaissance, for example, Sir Thomas Browne. This thinking had long exposition before Plato, Plotinus or Ibn Ezra, as Maimonides says, before Babylon "a certain tree, which is peculiar to a certain star, is dedicated to the name of this star, and certain things are done to the tree and in connection with it, the spiritual force of that star which influences the tree, inspires men" (Guide, 139f). So all divination is idolatry modeled on the Sabeans who erect "temples of Intellectual Images (or Forms)" (145), but "it is the principal object of the Law to blot out these opinions from man's heart and make the existence of idolatry impossible" (145). It is obvious that when Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that his kingdom will be returned to him after "thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule" (4.26) he does not mean the stars. That heavens could be equivocated as stars and universe and turned into astrology is proof text of every occultist from the Sabeans on. See also The War With Egypt

  -I will make Jerusalem as unclean as Topheth, by filling the city with your dead bodies. I will do this because you and your kings have gone up to the roofs of your houses and burned incense to the stars in the sky, as though they were gods. And you have given sacrifices of wine to foreign gods. 2 Kings 23:9-11 English Standard Version.

- And he defiled Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Molech. 11 And he removed the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun, at the entrance to the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathan-melech the chamberlain, which was in the precincts. And he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

The chief survival skills of the apocalypse are spiritual, then social. Remember that the sword is the breath of his mouth in Apocalypse

II. Judgment of the Stars
 The Sword Bathed in the Heavens

Enoch I. 18.14f: This place is the end of heaven and earth: this has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the LORD in the beginning of their rising....
19.1: Here stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods.

And finally this as to whether there are any female angels: "and the women also of the angels who went astray shall become sirens." 19.3

Behold! His angels He charged with folly! Job 4.18
The heavens are not clean in His sight! Job 15.15
The stars of heaven fell to the earth. Rev. 6.13
My Sword shall be bathed in the heaven. Isaiah 34.5
It is polished to make it glitter. Ah! It is made bright. Ezekiel 21.10,15.
Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down," declares the LORD. Obed. 1.4

The Tyger 

 Blake said, the stars threw down their spears, which allows them shaken to fall like figs. The sword bathed in heaven is the agency of their reaping. Threw down taken first as their light is their surrender. Watered heaven with their tears is their repentance that failed. The tyger of man's invention, his gods, his star worship asks, did he smile his work to see. The answer is YesBut the manufactured  furnace of brain, robot hammer and chain, hybrid alien oppression are overthrown. Smile, I am Yahweh, I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them (Ez 34.27)!  So does Blake oppose empire, asks, "have you, a spirit made a live long innate Independence to be free?" If not you're not. You cannot teach to be free. It is innate or not. American slaves never stopped seeking to be free. When you're willing to oppose the mark of your slavery and  every demented, reversed, inverted reality the enemy can accuse you of, the very horrors it commits, than you're free.

  The whole Burning bright star worship system from Akkadia and Sumer in the forests of the night backgrounds the dark in Blake's compressed Revelation. This is why  King David overthrew all the worship of the sun and its idols, counsels of familiar spirits, who said,  for all the Elohim of the people are idols, but Yahweh made the heavens (I Ch 16.26). The history of Israel's kings leads to their captivity in Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar. Much is laid to the sins of Manasseh in this, who filled Jerusalem with innocent blood which Yahweh would not pardon (II Ki 24.4), and with workers with familiar spirits, and wizards, and images and idols that Josiah put away (23.24). The provocations of Manasseh (23.26) who burned incense unto Baal involve the sun, moon, and planets, and all the host of heaven (23.5) which explains the shedding of innocent (21.16) sons and daughters made to pass through the fire in worship of Moloch, meaning Saturn. Manasseh  massacres innocents to idols to worship heaven To serve them he built altars for all the host of heavens in the two courts of the house of Yahweh (21.3,5). Manasseh shed innocent blood very much (21.16)  When Josiah rediscovered Torah (22.13) he took away the race horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun...and burned the chariots of the sun with fire (23.11). Whatever the worship of the sun, moon and heavens was in its horrors of blood and perversion, its pretense of usurping the true heaven, moon and sun, was worse, as David says, for Yahweh made the heavens (I Ch 16.26).

So "the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandments of the Lord and are bound in this place until the completion of ten million years (according to the number of their sins" (I Enoch 21.6, also 18.15), hence Jude 13 says they are "wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.

The Sixth Seal

Isaiah  says the stars will fall like figs (34.6), which judgment occurs long before Isaiah if we remember the stars worshiped as idols judged from the time of Moses and before Noah by implication, with Nimrod. So the fall of the stars, the figs, extends through Genesis, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus and into Revelations where in the opening of the sixth seal the stars fall. The fig did not fare well when Jesus signed its judgment but the action doesn't stop there. Revelation is with us today. With the opening of the sixth seal comes the sealing of the saints against the last of the end. Say to the fig be barren. May no one ever eat from you again. Say to the mountain be moved! Say to the storm be still! Say to demons be silent. All spoken by Jesus.  If figs are as stars their privy members are like horses, Enoch says, [compare Ezekiel 23.20] and first to be judged. Figs fall when they are ripe. They ripen from their own corruption, long coming, from the beginning of the rebellion, cut down by the sword, the breath of his mouth. Stars fall as figs, this is the moment of the sixth seal.

Prophets are not to be absolved from their details. "Bathed" could be taken as reflecting light of the stars, or anointed with oil. But the heavens viewed as bodies and blood and the sword bathed in the blood of the heavens means all the false ideas of the stars supplanting the true worship of Yahweh for Apollo. Worshiping the throne instead of the ruler ends. But look for a grand finale. We are not told that the Nephilim who fell AFTER the Flood are imprisoned.

We are used to hearing of the judgment of the earth, the apocalypse, the end times but this is a judgment of the heaven, as the writer of Hebrews says, "Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven" (12.27). It is not just a single mention in Isaiah 34.6 either, but also at Isaiah 26.13f,  "Adonim have had dominion over us...deified men." Compare the Raphaim giant nephilim of Job 26.5 usurping the rule of Yahweh when in Job 29.4 they are brought down as a familiar spirit. The spirit of sleep is poured on them, their eyes are closed, "vision is sealed,' 11, the book is delivered to those who cannot read, 12, and the wisdom of the wise perishes, 14. Amid much talk of covering and divination, Egypt and books, Isaiah 30.8, lie after lie is uttered by prophets, 30.10. In the "breaking that comes suddenly at an instant," 13,  THEN thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying, this is the way walk ye in it, 30.21, then "the towers fall, the light of moon is brighter, the sun seven times 25, 26.

The sword is all about the voice, the breath of Yeshua-Yahweh, Isaiah 30.31; 33, which is the sword, the breath of his mouth of Revelation 1: out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword. This is speech upon speech Isaiah 32. 7; 9. Now will I arise says Yahweh 33.10. Hear, 13, let the earth hear, 34.1. THIS IS THE CONTEXT FOR THE STATEMENT THAT ALL THE HOST OF HEAVEN SHALL BE DISSOLVED AND THE HEAVENS ROLLED TOGETHER AS A SCROLL AND ALL THE HOSTS FALL DOWN AS THE LEAF FALLS FROM THE VINE AND THE FIG FROM THE TREE. FOR MY SWORD SHALL BE BATHED IN HEAVEN...THE SWORD OF YAHWEH SHALL BE FILLED WITH BLOOD. Isaiah 34.4-6.

OK, maybe the stars aren't only stars. But Rev 6.13 further says, the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. My sword shall be bathed in heaven, bathed in blood. Heaven's body is to be severed from its belief that the stars are gods, that the sun is a god, old and older than history. All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, the heavens rolled together as a scroll: their hosts shall fall as the leaf falls off the vine, as a fig from the tree. For My sword shall be bathed in heaven. Isaiah 34.5. Stephen being stoned to death says you made gods out of stars, worshiped heavenly bodies, had a portable Moloch for your Saturn to carry the idols you worship, (Acts 7. 42, 43).  Deut 4.19 says that they should be driven to worship sun, moon and stars, all the host of heaven and serve them, Zephaniah, that I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims, black-robed priests of idols, with the priests; and them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops (1.4, 5), and Jeremiah that  "it was there, on the roof-tops, they sacrificed to all the host of heaven, and made offering to alien gods.“The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah—all the houses on whose roofs offerings have been offered to all the host of heaven” (Jeremiah 19:13). The king “worshiped all the host of heaven and served them” (2 Kings 21:3). Now you know what NASA is doing.

Maps of the heavens as told over millennia reveal an "almost infinite distance between the ancient and modern names. The ancient is full of mysterious significance and grandeur;  the modern is puerile to an extreme, a comic! "The Air Pump, the Painter's Easel, The Telescope, The Triangle, the Fly, the Microscope, the Indian, the Fox and Goose, the Balloon, the Toucan, the Cat..." (Bullinger, 43). Representations of the heavens such as at Birs Nimrud, a Babylon Ziggurat, that perpetuate planet worshiping and antediluvian versions along with corruptions of the original in ziggurats and the Illumination of Bel obscure that all creation was bound up in "the hope of a coming redeemer, born of a woman; who should first suffer and afterwards gloriously triumph" (Bullinger 19). If we displace the Roman calendar with the heavenly calendar, as Israel does with Rosh Hashanah culminating in Yom Kippur, New Year to Day of Atonement, all in ten days, and all in September, the year begins in September with fasting, not feasting, and the human creation begins in Virgo and ends in Leo, as the Sphinx suggests, a woman with the body of a lion. A lot to take: the Romans claimed both new years, one at Jan 1 and the other at the spring equinox with feasts, but Israel at Rosh Hashanah fasts.

That the stars will fall like figs can be seen while walking before first light at Rosh Hashana, Orion
and Sirius especially in the east, with Venus above many solitary date palms. The stars seem ascended from the fronds. Palms are more frequent in Judea than figs and the two share much, but only the date palms rise to the heavens. The fig, the date, date seeds, litter the ground so that visually they seem stars like figs in and above the date palms before dawn. Apocalyptic date figs so caught up shine singly from clusters on the trunk. We cannot see more in the dark. The bushy top sticks up. Some bright fig-dates escape. That's what the prophet deemed natural before the figs fell. They had to fall. Figs litter the ground. Date palm, desert fig. You don't have to look up to see a fig, but a palm is eighty feet up. Each trunk a galaxy, each star a universe, but as always there is a good to the bad, a heaven that doesn't fall connoted in the palms, palms that hold up the heaven:
Palms in the Abby, Church of Bath

Ye shall take for you in the first day the fruit of a tree of honor, spathes of palm-trees, and a branch of a dense tree, and willows of the torrent (Lev. 23.40).
Of Solomon's Temple the commentator says: "by these carvings was represented the state of heaven; by the cherubs, Cherubs denote Providence, palm-trees, wisdom, and flowers,  intelligence by the gold with which the cherubs and palm-trees were overlaid. was signified the good of love which reigns universally in the heavens." Solomon carved all the walls of the house round about with openings of carvings of cherubs and palm-trees, and openings of flowers; and upon the two doors of woods of oil he carved carvings of cherubs and of palm-trees, and of openings of flowers, and overlaid them with gold, so that he overspread the gold upon the cherubs, and upon the palm-trees (1 Kings 6:29, 32). The splendor not austere.

Danby, Sixth Seal

E. W. Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars.
Falling Stars and Rising Smoke: Imperial Apotheosis and Idolatry in Revelation. Robyn J. WHITAKER here

If you got this far look at The Sun as God here.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...