Thursday, October 18, 2012

Higgs Bosun, CERN, AEI, NLP, Scalar Broken Symmetries, Tom Bearden

Galactic Connection — CERN Whistleblower Reveals CIA Base Beneath ...
CERN entrance to CIA HQ under Lake Geneva 

Physics and psychology mirror each other. If you have a breakthrough in one it will  happen in its mirror. The mirror of physics is AEI, NLP, hypnotism, rearranging human memory, space/time altering of deep and surface structure amplitudes, language programs, collisions and decisions, all these and more occupy our inquiry as the physical analogues of  physics,and much of the psychology that begins with Milton Erikson's hypnotism.

 I had a dream about Higgs Bosun, right before they said they found it, about how it must feel to want to be god, Hugh and Tom, even Bearden, and Ray, all of them in their labs and in their underwear to find the unwanted particles at this half running of the LHC, even if it smacked of desperation. Not laconic their search for god, but earnest. What god was it, the one they could not find? and when they did they knew deep down it for themselves? Nevermore will they will be atheists again, but were never at all, but narcissists who against their own deep wishes, like Hugh at night, dreamed of a time when their work would all his work destroy. All the thing he has worked for. The work destroys the work, and be glad. It was good?

 In this dream there was a man, I call him that, but it is just a title. He was being made to do something he abhorred. This is the dream: He had a nuclear device in a Tupperware container about a quart six pack and even though he hated it, had already armed it to explode. Sloshes threatened to come out the top. He had made a reservation on Pan Am, to fly it to Costa Rica, although places in Ohio might have done, but was worried sick about the effects. Why had he armed it? Where did it come from? These were a prioris in the dream already there when at arrival. It reminds us of those Manchurian candidates amongst the movie reels who do that which they would not, as said someone, torn between the be and  end of be. In awaking I was upset, so that is how I know how the god boys feel. They have sought the Particle, and the Standard Model may be wrong but so what, access to knowledge will destroy the world. So they armed it. They made it. They stuck it with glue. In the oven their compulsion lies baking.

Mirrors of Physics

It needs a new definition of  psychopath when society is molded in the image of a psychopath. Cultural psychopaths, corporations, explain fraud and politics in the images of their faces. The natural outcome is that people in power are the most ruthless, the worst of the litter. Psychopaths rise to the top, evil becomes king.  Want to tell you how to act. Machiavelli? Control finance, communication to promote psychopathic family values. Gaslighting, making a victim doubt memory, perception and sanity. projection and introjection of psychic conflicts from the perpetrator to the victim.  .ability to resist depends on 'ability to trust her own judgements.'" Survivor, Big Brother series, manipulate through lies, deception is the winner. Mimicked in society unconscious. Selfish self centered, early 80's, culture psychopathic. auto tuning, repetitious sound clips played back to back not just in music. Behavior conflicted with culture becomes neurotic. Culture vs individual beaten dog. Genocide communicated virus of psychopathy.
Treatment: identify and detach, evade. Cold exterior to them against their playing on your humanity. Isolate yourself. YOu are food to them. Cut off the food supply. Parasitic psychopath. Any other means to treatment than this passive would be subverted by the psychopath as every other system and law.
Waking people up the only means. Psychopath derive power from complicity of the general population, they need to be spotted and distanced like a pandemic. Recognize the patterns  by cutting them off from food, money, attention, devotion. This is nonviolent. Remove their access to the power.
Characteristics: Lack of empathy, remorse, superficiality, gandoisity, irresponsibility, impulsive behaviour, compulse lying, manipulative, anti social behairor
Types: narcissists: somatic, cerebral, the victim, con artists: short and big score, malevolent, professional, secondary
Modus operandi: predictable. Interview they do a cold reading, then practice suduction on weakness. divide and conquer, fear and tyranny
advanced emotional intelligence, another scam to sell you farm and the brooklyn bridge. Kubler-Ross deny denia. See Stephan Verstappen - The Art of Urban Survival. Psychopathy Perfect Salesmen

Submodality memory. The purpose of  Neuro Linguistic Programing is a glorified positive thinking, or tinkering with our specific thoughts and memories-to change their impact. It is a kind of editing of the deep structure, a semantic rewrite using techniques of substitution. So visually there are three tests, size: brightness, color, distance: associating, dissassociating assuming the memory image is static and single. Blow it up, reduce, build it or annihilate it, this expansion and contraction of image is supposed to evoke feeling. The changed or manipulated feelings are the entry to the change of the subconscious changing of the impact of the memory.I don't know that a painter or a potter's bright colors could be done. NLP assumes you are not one.

Auditory: tone (Barry White) turn the internal negative voice into a pleasing tone; volume up and down; location. Find it and move it to the other side.

Kineaesthetic-move good memory feeling around in location in body, move bad to hand or feet, diminish it and kick it out, burp it out; movement and direction, cycle its phases, reverse, speed up, slow down

There is an NLP meta stream capture where undesired thoughts are captured and sent down another path. As with memory, these thoughts represent forces that if blocked, even redirected, must resurface another way, plus they deny the conscious mind opportunity to face itself, especially when thoughts and patterns of thought recur around specific themes. That's the whole point of neutering a male dog, to change its thoughts.
So what to do with unwanted thoughts. First recognize and identify them.

Scalars, DEW Directed energy weapons, EMBW electromagnetic biological warfare

Russian WOODPECKERS, scalar electromagnetics- unified field theory of electromagnetics and gravitation
“Clandestine, slow BW attacks can be so insidiously hidden and cleverly employed that the Western nations — because of their present scientific and intelligence shortfalls and biases — will not even comprehend that the BW “slow strike” — on several fronts and employing differing agents and methodologies — was deliberate, until it is far too late to do anything about itI firmly believe that, one way or another, such a clandestine “slow biological warfare strike”, using viral and bacteriological agents and EM BW DEW augmentation as well — is already well underway against us. Further, it is still totally unrecognized as such by the West. Tom Bearden, Gravitobiology, 12 (1991)
after the initial operational capability (IOC) advent of the Soviet Woodpeckers in 1976, the weather over North America was highly anomalous. In fact, the prestigious journal Science eventually pointed out that such an anomalous weather decade couldbe expected only once in 1200 years 13
In this paper we present a more technical explanation of the biological effects of scalarelectromagnetics 13
1985 was the specific Soviet target year to have all these weapons online and ready to go, 14
the” whole banana” of Soviet gravitobiology 17
electromagnetic induction of earthquakes confirmed by Defense Sec Cohen (1997)

 Bearden, Applied Scalar Wave Technology 1 0f 8 

2/8 Source Charge problem-an input of energy not observable

Curved space time is a broken equilibrium. Prediction of broken symmetry 1957 Nobel, Lee and Yang

The world is a multilayered, multicolored, cosmic superconductor.
Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate

Microwave congruence with schizophrenia
Street theater and gaslighting. So, in the end with gaslighting, if physics mirrors psychology, NLP and AEI come into play.
 Gaslighting is a technique of AEI. Gaslighting, making a victim doubt memory, perception and sanity. projection and introjection of psychic conflicts from the perpetrator to the victim.

To interpret, we don’t think they are pursuing particle physics. The paradigm of the Standard Model is incomplete if not false, flat space time but not curved. So while they pursue the half speed LHC dream of Higgs, their thinking is skewed, as if it were being done to them and they deny the existence of the longitudinal wave.

Item: after removing all the gases there is radiation in the vacuum  that persists even if the temperature could be lowered to absolute zero. Therefore, it was simply called the “zero point” radiation.” here This is time energetics or scalar electromagnetics. So the “emptiness” of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of energy.

Tom Bearden, Broken Symmetries

Any electric charge is automatically a broken symmetry, a release of energy. All the air, a leaf is charged, all manifest ion is broken symmetry charged with what Hopkins would call the grandeur of God. “shining out like shook foil.” The current manifest! This increases 150 to 300 volts per meter as you go up  to the electrosphere from the surface of  the  earth. In the average thunderstorm the bottom of the clouds are charged oppositely to the electrosphere.  So as a storm moves in the 150  at surface it decreases to 0 then reverses when the thundercloud is overhead. This reversal cleans biological systems.

[When we consider that the ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged whilst the earth's surface carries a negative charge, we must conclude that this amounts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earth/ionosphere cavity. This tension is discharged when thunderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other, are called ball condensers, or capacitors.] earthbreathing

Potential pure voltage is an influx of energy from the time domain, says Bearden, after Tesla, a 4th axis and translation of it as output  as longitudinal wave energy into three space. Potentials involve a very powerful set of changes between the time energy.  Do not assume flat space time. Polarity is driven by charge and charge distribution. Then we know that we have broken symmetries everywhere.

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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...