Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

3. Possibilities of a Conscious UnConscious.

Revelation 17:8. Blake. The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea
Unconscious Becomes Conscious       
An increased frequency of Schumann Resonance argues the unconscious becoming conscious. If consciousness raised from lower levels produces awareness, consciousness lowered from higher (beta) levels produces  unconsciousness (unawareness) which all center upon Alpha ranges, where mental programming is made easier. Any mechanisms or actions that reduce the wakeful to the semi wakeful have the purpose of increasing susceptibility of control, programmed by outside forces.
The notion of a collective unconscious that becomes conscious is analogous to the increased frequency of the Schumann Resonance, the earth brain wave. Normally at 7.83, under the condition of global warming the Schumann Resonance has increased to 8, they say, natural enough if we consider a frequency will change under increase of temperature. By this reckoning the prior frequency of the unconscious in the upper theta range at 7.83 is now superseded by a higher, or wakefulness in low alpha.
And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, Rev 13.1. 
The beast that you saw was, and is not, shall ascend out of the abyss, and go into perdition, 17.8.
There are seven kingdoms: five are fallen, and one is [Rome], and the other is not yet come; and when it comes it must continue a short space [Global] .17.10
The ten horns, ten kings have no kingdom yet, but receive power one hour with the beast.  17.12
Thou madst him to have dominion over...whatsoever passes in the paths of the sea!" Ps. 8

The collective mind is a collective delusion, as happens to Tom Kenyon: “If they are correct, we will pass through a collective planetary portal on that date and enter the Age of the Gods. Indeed, if the majority of humanity reaches the level of attaining siddhic powers, we would be very much in the Age of the Gods. Those of us engaged in spiritual practices to accelerate personal evolution are, I believe, making a tangible contribution to the future destiny of this world. Consciousness has a subtle, yet potent affect upon the environment. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated this.”

 "If due to the climatic changes on earth the natural spectrum of the Schumann waves would thus expose us on the one hand to a constantly intensifying alpha frequency, on the other hand a likewise ever more intensively becoming beta wave spectrum, appropriate to a large extent above 20 Hz, would mean that we are all going towards a condition of increased wakefulness. This is strengthened still, as we see, by the continuous decrease of the earth's magnetic field " (at the end of this piece)  

 We would like to separate the "magical" out of this by resort to Tesla's mechanical resonance. As an analogy for the electromagnetic, and of the competing forces: "It is an inescapable fact that the planet today is a complete cacophony of man-made electromagnetic fields and signals." here  See Electromagnetic fields from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation : discussion. Birds, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. See Electromagnetic fields from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation : discussion

Psychotronics converted to the supermind accelerates these demented supersouls to think their thoughts matter, as Kenyon above, as if the emanations of Blake exist because he thought it so. In making the not-made to exist by men and machines that it may become so, Psychotrons act, “in concert” to produce “entrainment” just the way the cycles per second of a brain entrain to household electronics.

“Thoughtform may be understood as a ‘psychospiritual’ complex of mind, energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously, by a sentient being or in concert. In the Dzogchen view [the natural state of mind, primordial awareness] accomplished thoughtform of the kye rim mode are sentient beings as they have a consciousness field or mindstream confluence in a dynamic of entrainment-secession and organization-entropy of emergent factors or from the mindstream intentionality of progenitor(s).” Wiki-tulpa 
Nothing of course could be less clear, but a practitioner may leave Mr. Kenyon behind and entrain to another siddhic power such as William L. Pensinger's  nirvikalpa samadhi. which like Bearden's aikido experience inspires to greatness even while invalidating his thought. Credentials must exist in expression of them and not in words about them. Siddhis named for Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) mean attainment of higher powers through Tapas (religious austerity). Siddhic powers force themselves in bursts of egoism, sexual enlightenment and self worth, not to forget drugs. Bearden says the Russians mechanized, or magnetized these processes with EM Scalar fields! Pensinger says it comes through the top of a pyramid a golden mean for a godden age (Chapter 7, New Godden Age).  But still, Bearden, Kenyon, Pensinger/Dillon are a mix. Pensinger's account of sinking through the ice is worth the time.  Note: see Frozen Music and musical architecture, musatecture of Stockhausen.

 Bearden applies his reading of Revelations but not a bit worried about "adding" to it, giving his unconscious ZARG  a sting and a tail, rather like the beast of Rev: "Humans will pray for death and not find it, the grave will"give up its dead," he says, the "beast will be defeated and cast into darkness"  "Man will have become a true God —in a strange and bizarre way constituting the second coming of God." Further, "Zarg can pull the very stars out of orbit" (250), like teeth! Man literally is and shall be god, (253) he says. This is a popular point of view of which  Blavatsky would be proud.

 And for this he blames the Soviets. "So the Soviets are on a course to evoke the full carnage of something very like the Book of Revelation. John, looking across two thousand years of history into the future, and seeing the awful cataclysm that was to come, described it as best he could in the concepts available to his day and in the belief structure in which he functioned. Thus he described Armageddon and the end of time, and wrote the Book of Revelation.""Spacetime and reality will have gone insane during the developing paroxysm." "The rousing of ZARG will initiate and accomplish thedirect linkage of the conscious minds of humans into a single giant super conscious mind — extending into billions of dimensions."

"The entire world history from beginning to end will come into simultaneous being (fourth dimensionality), and then all possible such world histories will come into being (fifth dimensionality)...The kundalini of the entire human race has 251 slowly been rising, and paranormal phenomena have been increasing. "
I missed ZARG (Scribd, p 251 f) on first reading because my copy had this page ripped out, no doubt it hides in somebody's wallet who is hoping to recognize the dragon, "the old Midgard Serpent whose awakening shatters the illusion of this reality in the old Norse myth."   Bearden ends citing I Cor 13, the love chapter. I'd like to make up for missing it by citing an equivalent of the Coltrane Church. The Electroshock, "anointed universal sound that leaped (lept) down from the throne of heaven out of the very mind of God and incarnated in one Sri Rama Ohnedaruth the mighty mystic known as Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane"   If these don't seem like proper forms you ought to read the Faerie Queene. but hey, no need for the faery, and no need for Zarg when we have already the Hobbit and Smaug, not to speak of the dragon in Revelations.
Everybody has a point of view. The one here is merely textual, not philosophical. That is, what is the best text, whether translated, etc., and without skewing what does it say? As this applies to Bearden's ZARG and Armageddon, what he calls the "bottom line in  both physics and Jungian psychology, the collective unconscious as a living entity" (247), he argues that personal consciousnesses are to it as cells to a body. This breaks down in syntactics not worth citing, but emerges with the thought that Zarg's conscious mind consists of the individual number of personal human minds, now some eight billion, but then it is argued by analogy that the collective mind has the characteristics of the personal consciousness (which when fragmented, dissociated (a la MKUltra) becomes psychotic). Hence the collective unconscious, or Zarg is insane. He is guilty of simple equivocation in this, taking the unconscious for the conscious. Further equivocation argues that the collective accretes additional dimensions for every addition beyond the first. He does not fathom that one and One are not two. If you as a grad student want to argue the point please read on. It is a false division to suggest arithmetic as an analytical tool for the whole undivided, or Euclidean geometry that A=B, B=C therefore A=C, that is Zarg is a superentity, our personal consciousness are cells of it, thus each of us is a part of Zarg. The collective has no parts. Hope his physics is better than his psych. More likely the reality distortion Steve Jobs made famous, denial of pancreatic cancer, overcomes all else.

Face to face with this alien entity of billions of soul-stolen mind souls, which to itself thinks it is all powerful, witness how everybody seems to cite Revelations to ascribe it. We have entered these Old Testament times  not as a united nation at war with another ethnic, as Israel at Jericho. No angel goes before us (Ex 33.2f) that we can see to drive out the Canaanite (scientist), the Amorite (artificial intelligence), and the Hittite (the invoked alien ET demons), and the Perizzite (the goverment manufactured super soldiers), the Hivite (the DNA revived hybrids) and the Jebusite (systems of GMO, chemtrail, HAARP technolgies), but we are at least a stiff-necked people and can "put off the ornaments" of the Canaanite world that we wear, and expect "the cloudy pillar" to descend (33.9). We have no doubt that His presence shall go before us and give us rest. So the Law given again on new tablets. YAHWEH, YAHWEH - EL will do all these marvels and destroy altars, break images and cast down  groves. Alters for altars, EMR for images, NLP for groves. But as the temptation of riches, absorption in the drugged over mind, oblivion and acceptance by the mass is  strong, some will whore their deities. No molten  (34.17) refers to "all that opens the matrix" 19 and so the law given again is analogous as we go up to Jericho, which means it is a first battle of a war until it ends at the opening of the seventh seal. Ai and Jericho controlled the ascent into the hill country. Had Joshua asked his advisors, no one would have come up with this.

About all these ites ab ove the temptations written of, one from Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep:
"Her teeth parted and a faint hissing noise came out of her mouth...she hadn't move when I got back with the glasses. The hissing had stopped...I looked away. Then I was aware of the hissing noise very sudden and sharp...the hissing noise came tearing out of her mouth as if she had nothing to do with it...she called me a filthy name...her teeth chattered and the hissing noise was sharp and animal...the imprint of her head was still in the pillow, of her small corrupt body still on the sheets. i put my empty glass down and tore the bed to pieces savagely."
In all these amorphous threatenings it helps immensely to have a target against which to concentrate. Government undergrounds, HAArps, chemtrails, genetically modification, disinformation, how do you fight it, but the joining of all these into one head subsuming all individuals, freedoms, lives, Zarg in short, thus came about the slogan under which the many flags could unite. KILL ZARG! 
There are at least two Beardens, the one who predicts the utter demise of the USA by 2008 at the latest, over and over again, and the other on youtube who discusses with some interest the EM fields etc. They have one thing in common, these two, both being dogmatic. Drawn to iconoclasts, those who turn over the apple cart for whatever reason, T. E. Bearden seemed to fit the bill. I started to investigate his notion that the Standard Model of party physics was flawed some 14 ways, especially with the news last week at the report that Higgs found his Bosun at CERN and they all had another party confirming the Standard as never before. By then I was reading Bearden’s Excalibur Briefing after having sounded some of his lectures and interviews and digests.

 Besides liking iconoclasts I note he played Aikido to the third Dan, which seemed another point of contact. I was a no Dan, a failed uke who wore a judo gi, fallen into when a friend, Jim Bowman, broke his leg and asked me to sub for him on a job he then gave up completely, the boss being Bill Lee, the Aikido teacher. Eventually I became Bill's uke to be thrown about the room in front of the class. But in those years I interacted a little with the Austin players until I finally had a dream about them. Telling it to Bill he observed that many practiced out of their libidos. He also introduced me to Van de Wetering, who I later met, whose developed intuition was certainly not a crock. 

Psychotronic Manhattan Project

That said, people say a thing is Zen when they mean to explain it is off market thought. I take the first principle of Zen to be IF IT WERE AS HE SAYS / HE WOULD NOT SAY, which means that all siddhis willing to shoulder their way into the mind with ideas of grandeur; "I can read your mind," one says, are folly. Such graphic illusions, akin to images of porn, mean to distract the mind from its first course. They are to be gone through the way Christian goes through Temptation. It looks as if Bearden got stuck. Always the problem of writing is if you say too much it is revealing. He starts off saying he is interested in the”paranormal” from experiences in Yoseikan aikido where he began to experience what might be called paranormal perception, in essence seeing himself from the sidelines in the exercises, in slow time, called transcendence. He calls this “the pure zen state of aikido” (29), the complete aikido oneness state.” This connected somehow with his investigation of UFOs, materialization, thought forms (“tulpas”) and telepathy until the whole was transferred to the entire “entity nature of the collective human unconscious,” the “psychotronic Manhattan Project” of the Soviets, and finally to the belief that “by psychotronics, the minds of all men can be linked into a great supermind having absolute psychokinetic mastery over time and space–truly a godlike being, in whom the collective human unconscious has a collective conscious instead of four billion fragments individual personal conscious minds” (Excalibur Briefing, 247-253). It would be our purpose to kill this supermind. Hopefully you will take that as well meaning.

Theory of Integrity

 Having begun Bearden's Oblivion (2005), an expansion of a briefing he gave to a head of state in 2003, and while waiting to digest it, always skeptical I welcomed the introduction this gives in electromagnetic radiation, Tesla, earth fields, HAARP, psychotronics and the Schumann Resonance. As if it were important to plumb  how far off these iconoclasts are, I apply a kind of Unified Theory of Integrity. In order to judge the truth of an idea try judging the man. Bearden's ideas are based on Tesla's fallibility but how do his other ideas scan? Sane or mad? Bearden’s science his religion, his madness his sanity? For example, PKD’s Ubik is an infinitely sane piece of writing adjudging the writer sane even while he is universally thought mad. Bearden’s science and weather wars, judged by his relation of what he calls the unified collective unconscious below, are mad, even if he holds a third degree black belt in aikido, a sane art on the surface. The most flawed method of truth judges a work by the man and the man by the work. By this measure Blake’s life validates his work, but Yeats’ life invalidates his. Milton’s lack of empathy diminished Paradise Lost, but Donne’s life and work together support his greatness.

This entries might be read together with THE IMMORTAL.
Note: My own power credentials display in a fluke of circumstances that made me hold the keys to five U TX buildings, Experimental Science, Pharmacy, Drug Garden, Parlin/Calhoun and another I forget that was torn down. Experimental Science was later disinhabited, to be torn down, the Drug Garden was torn down, so was the Pharmacy Bldg, but then I have lived in at least three other places  macrocosmically strip mined, Thornburg bulldozed for development, Austin, Hungry Hill, or free-wayed (Phoenix Willetta). Experimental Science failed a pressure test in the gas lines. I was on that job five years where I met Bill Lee. Bill for some reason insisted that the Head, Dr. Lester J. Reed invite me to his Christmas parties held each year for postdocs and scientists. Dr. Reed said to him, it's just for postdocs, meaning we don't invite dishwashers, but Bill prevailed, so I went to two, one time taking the world's largest pot of aloe, so big it would hardly fit in the car. I traded observations about poetry around the punch bowl with a Hungarian quantum chemist, quoting some Shakespearean sonnets. That may have '77 and '78. To pay the rest of the bills I had a half time sinecure at the Pharmacy Garden for three years, Henry Burlage's doing, then took up Instructor of English in '80. One day Dr. Reed, fixed in time in my memory, came down the hall in the labs downcast. He told me his son had killed himself. Maybe I took the aloe to his home then. My response was what it would be now, but I had taught the son of MK Hage in English and his parents had discovered him dead (of an overdose?) in his room in their home. Bill and I had fallen out a little over the postdocs' insistence that the hundreds of one ounce bottles of radioactive xylene be recycled to save money, a small amount to be sure of money. It was arranged to open a window in a lab where I would dump the bottles down the sink and then wash them. Bill did not want to do this. In a short time I began to have nose bleeds at night and felt compelled to file a workman's comp case against the labs, which went through personnel and not science and resulted in liver bilirubin test etc, which upset Bill, especially since I had helped him decorate the new dojo of the Aikido club. I kept working at Experimental Science another two years, but all the keys were removed, Experimental Science disinhabited, the Drug Garden plowed for an archery range, in trade for a new building. Parlin/Calhoun remains. Keyless I stopped some decades later with my youngest on a recruiting tour of sorts after the Waco Open, knocked on the door of Michael Adams, a success of the U and visited amicably auld lang syne. I am qualified by experience to witness the end of all things.
Probabilities, Improbalities
Probabilities of improbabilities 100%. Put it this way when tracking the opposite of reality, call it appearance, expect to find not the opposite but the unknown,  wildly fantastic. That’s no reason to deny the track in front of the eyes even if nobody else would say it is there, not that they look, hardly that. So take the Direc sea, model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy as the starting point, something really interesting and track from there.
Unified Theory of Integrity
1. In order to judge the truth of ideas try judging the man. His ideas are based on Tesla, fallible is he, to be sure, but how do his other ideas range? So apply these standards, do his other works seem sane or mad? Judge Bearden’s science by his religion, his madness by his sanity. PKD’s Ubik is an infinitely sane piece of writing adjudging the write sane even while he was universally thought and treated as mad. Bearden’s science and weather wars, are they mad or sane? Judged by his relation of what he calls the unified collective unconscious, that is, his Zarg, he is mad, even if he holds a third degree black belt in aikido, a sane art on the surface.

This most flawed method of truth judges a work by a man and a man by  a work. By this measure Blake’s life validates his work, but Yeats’ life invalidates his. Milton’s lack of empathy diminished Paradise Lost, Donne’s life and work together support his greatness.
2. After the work address its clarity, does it express simply?
3. Then memorability, does it continue to recur in different contexts and in memory, explaining other things we think about all the time? Sir Thomas Browne’s quincunx is an example, something that explains something else and makes sense of itself because it is observable.
4. Then, applicability and ease of it thereof.
5. Then, universality.

When I read that all personal minds were to be united I got on the line to Solzhenitsyn. He told me to call Dostoevsky, which absurdity credits Bearden, who needed a friend and editor to edit out the repetitions that the world would end in two years. By the end of Bearden's Intro to the First Edition, he has invoked the “parables in the Book of Revelation” and his new collective conscious mind becomes the new “I AM.” This siddhic talk, does not suggest anything about The Revelation, since it is not a parable. At the end of it the I AM is firmly established and declared, but it is not the same I AM.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A. The Mythical Physics of Rune Floberghagen. MOVE THE POLE: HAARP, GWEN & Scalar War Tales Swarm Nordic Space

         The Mythical Physics of Rune Floberghagen. MOVE THE POLE: HAARP, GWEN & Scalar War Tale Swarms of Nordic SpaceStockhausen going to the bathroom at night to haarp: Fla, Ca. Vancouver 2012
There were 4 GWEN towers around Denver in 2004 but only 4 for all California.

Note: Bibliography in the text as far as it goes, as long as he links are good. Books hardly exist in public libraries any more, so if the link is bad or there is none, do a Search. You're on your own in this cavalier way.

How do you convert free scientific inquiry to annihilation? This is answered here plain and simple

Mythical physics mythical facts. Welcome to the epistemological crisis. Know that the body of information has been clear cut of resources that first existed. Links have been wholesale censored, youtubes expunged. Science has become a form of cognitive impairment. It issues statements from its repositories it neither understands or believes, then reverses them. This is all done to absorb science's allotment of of the public mind. You see, each facet of civilization is allotted to absorb its share of  human attention so that the people do not do what they can really do and are good at, fighting evil.


1) Create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and always aggravate the existing (Nova, etc. 53). Systematic brainwashing is the essential system to foster tolerance (and intolerance!) to perpetuate struggle.

2) Create "destructive tolerance" (Baudelaire) to form a "benevolent neutrality” toward its culture of subversion.  "Timing, timing," said Mr. Edmundo O'Gorman in his Thanksgiving Address at Invention. No matter what facts are invented for American amnesia, the announcement and analysis has but one party line. Not Columbine, basic Nova *technoique in Training Hege is beyond Snowden.

3) Create a problem too big to solve as pretext for inviting its sponsors. Induce the alter by sponsoring the opposite. Oppose the mark in order to teach it.

  Weakening magnetic fields over the western hemisphere may not hence be an innocent occurrence.  "So, a field weakening over the American continent would mean that the flow in the outer core below America is slowing down."  The European Space Agency (ESA) satellite, SWARM array, says (that it didn't know) that once every few hundred thousand years the whole field weakened five percent per decade, except right now the rate is ten times faster than before: "The flow of the liquid outer core also pulls the magnetic field around with it," Floberghagen said.The poles are going up and "flip" magnetic north moving down toward Siberia. Further, these energies, according to Bearden-Russia-US-Israel-Brazil-China intelligence, can imprint any disease right down into the cells of your body, reproduced by its disease ‘signature’.  Do you think I make these names up! EMP plasma ejections from the sun, such as in July 2012, which missed the earth by a week or so, had some impact. They drove the Democrats crazy. That said, they still blamed the Russians.  There's your Rune Floberghagen.Extermination levels achieved over night. We recommend rereading the Book of Martyrs. You have the fields in your neighborhood.


 These magnetics were harnessed to psychology and physics at the same time.
  The intersection of two scalar wave beams (interferometer means crossed beam) makes giant bottle  standing waves of focus. These are Crossings. Crossing releases as much great energy in physics as it does in psychology where Psycho alters are formed by torture oppositions, fractured into Multiple Personality Disorders (see the 378 best Mk Ultra). This unleashes huge intellectual energy in their subjects, for example wome were used to act as human tape recorders at Panmunjom. (Have a look at Brainwashing, Edward Hunter.) Outside psychology, these crossings can induce earthquakes from distant aiming points. But invisible waves of pure potential without force field amplitudes do not exist in conventional physics. That's where Floberghagen comes in. Undetected with normal equipment, the two beams, polarize and concentrate in hyperspace rivers of force. These merge and produce real Flober electromagnetic waves. (Go down the Q Hole). No matter what SWARM of crackpots achieve the new magnetic Northwest Passage pathway that Tesla himself first spoke, the process of this mechanism forms Energy Bottles by crossings.

Tesla Technology activates "world grid lines" 

 The story goes that the Russians bought the patent for Buckminster Fuller’s world gridline system because they had a large natural time portal in Afghanistan already. This was in the same uncharted sense that the US Army dug the DNA of Gilgamesh from a grave in the Euphrates to mutate him into a super soldier on the Beltway. You might find that these hard to believe. Bruce Cathie said UK intelligence could get into fifteen different dimensions (Harry Ossoff, Anti-Gravity and the World Grid).  There are and have been things going on you haven't heard and you are meant to stay that way. "Every year of the known "white world" R&D contains forty-four years of research and development in the “black” (Phil Schneider. Space Alien Politics).

 Time and space engineering behind  the lines of government/military hyperspace and alternate universes are on their own. They want to call these massive convections of fear "realities" but Hoagland says we are being manipulated into a belief system that reaches critical mass when some one wants us to think a certain way, and effects are being invented to create this (mis)perception.

That means every belief system is already manipulated. That Americans and Russians use scalar waves to engineer a particular reality is old hat electrosmog. These waves vibrate at frequency-changing brainwaves which operate in scalar octaves. Physical reality vibrates at a frequency changed by these crossings and transmitters. The new frequencies that supposedly equal perception depend on what parts of the brain are activated by what frequency. Hoagland says hyperspacial constants have "changed" (as in the acceleration of the Schumann Resonance), that nuclear plants sited on the scalar grid are ‘hotter’ (from the implicit magnetics).  Bruce Cathie says this is a powering up of grid nodes at intersection points on world grid lines, which is what French hyperdimensional physicists did with their bombs you also haven't heard of. In this way hyperspace solar and planetary configurations disrupt regular cycles of  biorhythms to speed up the time tunnels! The point isn't that you should believe this stuff so much as you should stop pretending to be ignorant.

Bearden maintains that according to Lisitsyn, "in the late 1960's the Soviets had broken the ‘genetic code’ of the human brain. It had 44 digits or less, and the brain employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But only 11 of the frequency bands were independent, which implies that if 11 or more correct frequency channels could be ‘phase-locked’ into the human brain, it should be possible to drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions, and conscious state.

Brain codes and electromagnetic fields

In a February 1912 Tesla said it would be possible to split the planet with telegeodynamics,’ combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the earth itself, to control an earthquake. He said: "Within a few weeks, I could set the earth's crust into such a state of vibrations that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their beds, wrecking buildings and practically destroying civilization." It's a wonder he survived as long as he did. The FBI stole his papers at his death in 1943 and just released them after Donald Trump's uncle curated them! At least they didn't burn his books the way they did Wilhelm Reich's.

 Of the  scalar grid interference cells, hot and cold spots moved to create weather, the entire jet stream across the USA is said to suffer deviation at will. Moisture drawn from the Pacific collided over the southern U.S. with extremes of cold air from Canada produce ice storms.  Violent thunderstorms induced and directed with added ‘spin’ form extensive tornadoes, drought, excessive rain and induced flooding, destroying crops with severe and unseasonal weather to create famine.That's a sentence Faulkner never wrote.

The 1987 Eastlund HAARP patent states that "The earth's magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field." Of this irreversible damage of high frequency radio waves of slashes and HAARP holes in the ionsophere, Lloyd Zirbes wrote: "Disruption of the earth's magnetic field will complete [finish off] damages to the planet's balance done by the government nuclear test blasts in the radiation belts above the ionosphere. Earth's magnetic field keeps the planet in balance with the moon and sun. Disrupting the field will be the last straw in sending earth into the sun or out into space,  disrupting the earth’s internal dynamo and disrupting and altering the upper atmosphere magnetic belts." Ten years in a Montana Mineshaft. One way of discrediting such scares is that they haven't happened.

The U.S. and Russia fired two atmospheric nukes over Antarctica in 1975 (1979) that further tore the magnetic field HAARP Then Woodpecker waves and particle beam weapons began, and then  when the U.S. wouldn’t give the Russians the data gained the Russians detonated above the Arctic, that left gaping holes in the magnetic field over the Earth, with a major hole above Alaska. It makes you think Jim Morrison was in the know? Ripped her and bit her, stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn? No that was more CIA predictive programming of the long game toward 2030 or 2046 when the populace was convinced about climate, vax and safety. See David McGowan for how pop culture rock was another Crossing (Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon).

 There is of course more than meets the eye, but the mind so easily deceived it can know more by considering here. It makes you want to burst into song: "Power up the grid lines, some one is slipping away..." or maybe "Roll out the Barrel," or "Light From the Lighthouse." Another look at Scalar Broken Symmetries.

 Unseen Examples of  EM Wars, Especially at the Poles

 1)Tesla, along with Einstein and John von Neumann supposedly discovered in the late 1930’s how to make a warship ‘radar invisible’. However when the transmitters were turned on in 1943, the ship disappeared and lost its time coordinates. (‘The Philadelpia Experiment’). The ship operators, the Cameron brothers, are supposed to have ended up at  Montauk Long Island, forty years later with von Nuemann forty years older! 

2) The engineering plans found by the allies in Germany showed UFOs supposedly built in German facilities during the war were  seen in the skies after the war, flying from a putative Antarctic base where they’d taken. .

 -Our present ‘reality’ operates at the window to  consciousness between 400-450 MHz, 435 MHz, according to Preston Nichols,  A new ‘reality’ is being propagated with a series of thought forms transmitted from 400-450 Mhz. These are called iPads!

3)Multiple realities’ of different timelines operate concurrently (using technology thousands of years in the future, a la Schneider) at military installations underground at Montauk, Dulce, and Pine Gap, says Branton. Dr Edward Teller and Stan Tennen knew about seven parallel realities, which interlock, and you see what good it did them. See ‘Excalibur Briefing’ by Tom Bearden.

  4) In 1976 a British European Airway crew over Lithuania is said to have watched an intensely glowing, stationary ball of light above the clouds that under the plane made the signature of a Tesla (scalar) Globe. The U.S. also now has interference grids over other countries from multiple scalar transmitters placed in various countries. This is very old hat. According to Bearden, ‘nuclear flashes’ seen by the Vela satellites in 1979/80 were tests of crossed scalar beams in pulsed exothermic modes, producing sharp electromagnetic explosions, hence the ‘flash’, similar to the initial electromagnetic flash of a nuke. Bearden allows: "Even in the vacuum of space, such an explosive eruption of energy from within the local spacetime vacuum itself may be expected to lift matter from the ‘Dirac sea’.

5) A  massive Russian grid covering large areas of the U.S. enables  mind control according to Bearden. A phase-locked ELF modulation signal at 10 hz is often detected at these multiple Woodpecker frequencies. If sufficiently stronger than the Schumann Resonance (the frequency of the earth’s natural magnetic field) this modulation can put  brains into ‘forced entrainment’ ‘synchronized’ to the Woodpecker signals, so that multiple coherent EM frequencies are channeled into  entrained minds. We might excuse this as mere surveillance capitalism. Bearden thinks ‘Fourier expansions’ are used to attack specific portions of the brain geometrically. EM generators influenced the brain and nervous system in the Lida machine used by North Korean interrogators in brainwashing U.S. prisoners to induce a catatonic state in North Korea during the Korean War.

 6) ‘Fortress Australia’  alleges  a HAARP transmitter was used to alter the magnetic field over the South Pole and now the North Pole in order to help Earth ‘ascend’ to a 4th dimensional frequency. If you want to help get a grip on this "reality" go to ZARG Psychpathic Collective Nazi Abstract God Particles. More fantasy than SF, Branton’s online book ‘The Omega Files’ says Admiral Byrd’s nephew, Dr Harley Byrd claimed Admiral Byrd was greeted in Antarctica  by a collaboration of Nazis and aliens. Branton's esoteric world news is utterly self-discrediting. German speaking Saturnians might not mean a hippy revival.

7) In the alleged program of moving the magnetic north pole in the 1970s- according to Mason- the Great Sandy Desert quakes were distributed exactly due east of the Exmouth US navy transmitter (Tx) site, and moved on a magnetic north pole circle route, from Exmouth’s sister site at Cutler, Maine near the Canadian border. (described in Bruce Cathie’s book Harmonic 33 and 32 Metronomes.  Such deterministic theologies always fail to see the indomitable human quality of Resistance, taking the weak for the strong, never taking Solzhenitsyn or Camus to account. 


Ground Wave Emergency Network, a very-low-frequency (VLF) range, with transmissions between 150 and 175 kHz. This range was selected because its signals travel by means of waves that have a tendency to hug the ground rather than by radiating into the atmosphere. This signal drops off sharply with distance - a single GWEN stations transmits in a 360 circle to a distance of 250 to 300 miles. The entire GWEN system consists of approximately 300 such stations spread across the United States, each with a tower 300-500 feet high. The stations are from 200 to 250 miles apart, so that a signal can go from coast to coast from one station to another. When the system is completed around 1993, the entire civilian population of the United States will be exposed to the GWEN Transmissions
See Gwen

The Hertzian Conspiracy
 In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ etherial psycho-active component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second order and above). The equations also included transformations that enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial frames of reference. Maxwell's original equations were written in Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today's generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.
 In short, Maxwell's original work gave the necessary information for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices.

  Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell's original quaternion theory was a unified field theory. In the 1960's the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the upper portion of the spectrum before Infra- red contains Hertzian waves. ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not Hertzian in nature.

bird, fish kills
elf domes Denver, Pennsylvania, above Florida

2012 Gwen Towers:  mechanical pounding, costa rica, Jan 2012 "the same sound was heard near Denver in the summer of 2011 before Colorado-Virginia-DC earthquake. Like HAArp ELF towers , magnetosphere drawn down,

 Scalar Tech, Dr. Bob Beck youtube c. 1980s
 elf signals from Soviet Union fallout on west coast
 lida machine

 GWEN towers map new sites, Flagstaff, Tucson


Amid controversy and world geopolitical changes, GWEN values diminished in the post-Cold War environment, in addition to its existence being rendered moot by the sustained effectiveness of predecessor and follow-on systems (Survivable Low Frequency Communication System and Minimum Essential Emergency Communication Network respectively). As early as 1990, legislative measures were enacted to terminate the program.[8] In 1994, new construction of GWEN towers were banned after a defense appropriations bill eliminated any funding for the towers for one year.[9] A few months later, the United States Air Force announced that they would terminate the construction contract to build the remaining 25 towers,[9] except for monies used to dismantle the system.
Since the fiscal year 1998-1999, the GWEN system has been replaced by Milstar SCAMP terminals and GWEN Operations and Maintenance funding has been terminated. wikipedia-Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps were to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Maybe!

 Nick Begich HAARP
 taking down the HAARP website, list of haarp patents
tom spenser, japan earthquake
Nick Begich

Forerunner of HAARP were these ionospheric signals in the 70s made by the woodpecker.
Western science, NSF etc, with waste and duplication compartmentalized the date, the Russians saw the integrated higher order, the Chinese productive research capacity is greater than the west. commodities, copper, zinc nickel, rare earths all cornered the China earth penetrating tomography underground topography to locate Ozone layers-skylanb made holes, rocket launches

 Controlling the Human Mind

Hypnotherapy at Harvard in the 20s by Esterbrook invented the Manchurian candidate. By the 30s this work was classified, in the 60s it was admitted to take 9-10 months programing to split the personality. Used LSD for this, 8000 armed forces people experimented
Mankind Research Assoc admitted esp must slow the mind into coherent rhythmic patters, such as love, empathy, compassion. higher order thought, but fear, anger, hate at a higher amplitude of cps, make the easiest mind control technique. Low alpha makes the best, 7.83 pulses per second, but the machines surrounding are at 60hz. 

Directing energy into the magnetic field lines of the earth's highly charged ionosphere, HAARP Alaska is a field of 360 antennas to be, sending a narrow beam reversing the flow of magnetic field lines from south to north to a north to south, like corkscrews screwing. Using the magnetic field as a wave guide this makes a shield against missiles, etc. The field lines are mapped with barium particles which creates an air glow so you can see the screwing motion. The corkscrew motion, cyclotron resonance, focused to a smaller and smaller area, unlike radio waves that dissipate from origin, plugs into the earth field to use it as an amplifier, a primer to trigger various cascading effects of magnetism. The ionospheric bubble around the earth several hundreds of miles thick, starts 30 miles up. This energy could be used to perpetuate space platforms. To increase this ionospheric barrier 7 times would afford that much greater protection against comets, meteors. Columns 30 mi in diameter jacked by HAARP, alter pressure systems, jet streams below by moving the ionosphere. The downstream weather effects  of this change are unpredicted. but there's more than one HAARP besides Alaska, 5 or 6 in Canada, Norway (Max Plank ) 5 in Soviet Union, ringing the top of the globe. China has one in Antarctica, and the Arecibo Observatory of PR.

 Haarp use pushes the ionosphere and  the lower rushes in
Big Brother-electronics of Brave New World Revisited technology to change emotions and perception, DARPA electronic telepathy, synthetic memory,
strategic Alaska-same distance tokoyo, LA, Oslo. fedex, ups serve asia, erope, us. melted arctic sea facilates natural resource distribution, jumping over the pole on the sea
Personal sacrifice-Hale Boggs died with Bagich's father in Alaska, wanted Hover out, reopen JFK assassination. Hale Boggs would have taken over from nixon, agnew resignation. fbi knew two were alive at the crash site never found
Wellstone, Carnhan crashes

angels don't play this haarp youtube ionosphere as a broadcast antenna

GRIDS--the physiological, psychological effects of ELF::Whether from Earth or from the sun::
Solar Storm Psyche | From Stress to Suicide

-Medusa - Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio. Short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that can be detected by the ears.

 -SSSS - Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. Also goes by  BrainSpeak, subliminal programming. Carried over
UHF - Ultra-High Frequency broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly in the subconscious human mind (so it is said).

 ELF - VLF Extremely Low Frequency - Very Low Frequency refers to long wave radio frequencies (RF) sometimes mistaken for each other. ELF in the range of  3 Hz to 30 Hz, VLF from 30 Hz to 300 kHzwavelengths from 10 to 100 kilometers (as in the Woodpecker grid), are long, large wavelengths,rhat refract around large obstacles such as  mountain ranges, unblocked, to propagate as a ground wave following the curvature of the Earth. The main mode of long distance propagation is an Earth-ionosphere waveguide mechanism. Transmitting antennas for VLF frequencies are very large wire antennas, up to a mile across, consist of a series of steel radio masts, linked at the top with a network of cables, often shaped like an umbrella or clotheslines such as the long wave transmitter SAQ at Grimeton.

ELF / VLF Frequency Guide

Because of the huge size requirement, international transmissions of ELF frequencies use the earth itself as an antenna, with extremely long leads going into the ground. Other means to construct radio stations with substantially smaller sizes use electrical lengthening. The US maintained two sites, in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin and the Escanaba River State Forest, Michigan (originally named Project Sanguine, then downsized and rechristened Project ELF prior to construction), until they were dismantled, beginning in late September 2004. Both sites used long power lines, so-called ground dipoles, as leads.

Battlefield elf waves- The best understood biological effect of electromagnetic fields is to cause dielectric heating. For example, touching or standing around an antenna while a high-power transmitter is in operation can cause severe burns. These are exactly the kind of burns that would be caused inside a microwave oven.
torodial vortices, dolphins

Scalar Weapons - Tesla’s inventions were dangerous and not only did he discover scalar waves and a use to manufacture earthquakes. It is said the Tunguska massive explosion in Siberia (unexplained, because a meteorite would have left a crater) on June 30 1908 was due to a test,Tunguska being on the same great circle line as Shoreham, Long Island where Tesla had his transmitter.

-HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy by Jerry E. Smith

(See The Secret Shadow Goverment. A Structural Analysis by Richard Boylan Ph.D.

Farrell (Joseph P.) was not at first so explicit- The Nazi’s homegrown UFO engineering plans were found in Germany after the war and there was a mad rush by the Americans, British, French and Russians to snatch the best Nazi scientific brains for themselves.  ‘UFOs: Nazi Super Weapon?’ (this link includes the whole Scalar Weapon archive) by Mattern and Friedrich-The book claims that the Russians on 21st and 22nd Oct 1946 (in Soviet occupied Germany) sent heavily armed troops to haul out of their beds 275,000 German scientific specialists.

 By 1914, according to Harry Mason, Tesla predicted the electrical control of the atmospheric moisture and described how to do this with his magnifying transmitter and even how to control the sun’s EM field and modify its effects on the earth using scalar transmitters.

 -Shane Saberhagen.

You no longer have to wonder why the French conducted hundreds of underground nuclear tests at Muroroa Atoll  1966 to 1996, a plan of hyper-dimensional physicists to open up gridlines. It wasn't only to feed  the boxcars.

Certain grid nodes got nuked. Richard Hoagland claims the French made their own time-portal.  Bearden says the Yakuza and Aum Shinriko  leased scalar interferometers from the KGB after 1989 to manipulate U.S. weather, as if the U.S. hadn't been doing it since 1968.  Add a couple volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and some too good to be true hurricanes (like Sandy) and there's the Bearden apocalypse, except it was to have concluded years ago. We need a new date. When shall the coming of the Son of Man be?

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...