What doors, gates we are talking about? All kinds in the overtaking. There are the Isis Gates for example and the Pentonville Gates of the Geoffrey Complex, CERN Ports, The Gates of Hell, but the gates behind the gates are the Quantum Portals.
What's the proof that these Trojan world elites betrayed themselves at CERN? What's the proof? 1) There is no mass protest against this murder of the world. 2) People don't cook, they don't have books, they don't garden are overweight and obese. They eat McDonald DNA burger even bugs and rats won't touch. Should these fictional Jesuits adapt the alien to earth we shall be wearing lizard skins with Jim Morrison, "I am the Lizard King, I can do anything," he said. Fans thought Morrison was referring to himself, but Blish's Consolmagno thinks the fallen angel lizards may not actually have suffered original sin, that we need to be baptized by them.
Things are true and false at the same time. It is as if there was and is a remnant race of reengineered hybrid kings running the world when the golden age of Saturn produces massive dieoffs beyond calculation in the north Pacific.Then will come astigmatic baptisms from space. The new Vatican of cosmic religion and Jesuit astronomers will welcome their "evangelist." Trick or Treat! The overlord of Childhood's End invades earth in science fiction silver ships. Out of Dante jumps after 50 years leather wings, horns and barbed bat tails! Earthlings believe. Their true benefactors are the devil and his angels. Fly that off the abyss. In the black waking of Collective Mind, Atmam-Brahman All is One, the space savior will reveal science, archaeology and technology are all alien signs and wonders. All people who believe in science will believe.
Not much to go on, a medieval Catholic prophecy 900 years old implicating the last pope, a cabbalistic prophecy of the same time for the arrival of a false messiah, really the antichrist, then a gathering in Rome obliterated by fire! This (false) "messiah" would then declare itself to administer the coup de grace. Jonathan Edwards said this would occur between 2012 and 2016, the Novus Ordo Seculorum. It's easier to disprove the literal dates than the substance, which would be everything in the fact-fiction scenario, before the fact. Of course nobody will believe anything before the fact. After the fact it will be spun every which way to equivocate. After all, don't most people take the mark? "Edwards thought the Antichrist would come 1260 years from a temporal pope in 756 AD. Those with this method of Bible prophecy interpretation love to use the day=year theory and historically they are always proven wrong, By the way, this was supposed to have happened in May 2012, so what Jonathan Edwards claimed is already proven wrong." Don Koenig
Signs and wonders may be good in their place, but nothing beats social pressure in a controlled environment, whether the news is not believed before the fact because it is impossible, or after the fact when it is spun:
"Experiments conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s demonstrated that expressed opinions are easily manipulated by social pressure, even in obvious cases, such as whether Line A is longer than Line B on a particular card. Stanley Milgram showed that many unwitting research subjects would administer a series of escalating electric shocks to another, even to the point of an apparent heart attack, simply because a white-coated lab assistant asked them to continue. Milgram's research suggests that a "Manchurian Candidate" already exists in many of us, and that all that's required to bring him out may be a bit of propaganda," not to speak of historical evidence for blind human obedience. Daniel Brandt
II. America The False Prophet
As comfort to the Pope, Adventists take all pagans and Catholics and Protestants together as the False Prophet. To say that the Catholic world view is more secular than the Protestant biblical one is another spin. Evolution is the driving force in the theology of de Chardin's Omega Point, which should not, by the way, detract from Apollo, the antichrist of 2 Thessalonians 2.3. All Bible literature is about the struggle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Earth is a battlefield in the loosing of the old Hyperborean Nordic gods opening the gates of hell, emptying it of the ancient gods and goddesses, myth become fact in the human dimension, as in the DNA reconstitution of the Pharaohs. Or so it is said. The natural minds of people are to see nothing of this. Lying signs and wonders mean to subvert the portal openings sealed for this appointed time, says Daniel. The Sixth Seal. The Vatican telescope in AZ, sarcophagi in the Grand Canyon, aliens, fallen angels, sexual corruption of the human race, says The Ahriman Gate by Tom Horn, are footnotes of Genesis 3.15.
In their Signs of the End the Adventists say that the world is a theatrical understate of this facade, which makes the burning of the Reichstag a symbol of its hidden motive. The Twin Towers become a burned Reichstag of patriotic justification to control the populace. How to get people to say the opposite of the true? The pretext of the Reichstag says society has never been more free. Akademics who spin the web of spider government host the democratic fly. All the better to eat you with Miss Pretty. Plenty of professors tell us what things mean, which is to say, in order to hide the truth that things reveal. Unless we look at the art and architecture of Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel West, Hart Crane dismissed as imaginative personal visions, even Blake is taken as irrelevant to the modern state. Might as well include Ellen White among the prophets. In Elizabethan England you spoke for the court or were put to death. But trends are too large to see.
The False Prophet, chief agent of the Beast of Revelations prophesied by Micaiah as a Lying Spirit against Ahab, king of Israel, is among countless statements during the Reformation that urged Rome as the antichrist. Only the Adventists said that the United States is the false prophet. Adventist revelation Seminar teaching of Revelations 17 says the U.S. will join the Papacy, an impossible assumption, at least until it happens. John Knox compared the Pope to the Antichrist of the seventh chapter of Daniel, but to take Rome and secular scientific America together is beyond belief, unless Vatican science and the President make aliens the triggers of apocalypse. We believe the news after it has happened, especially when misreported. Adventist beliefs replace the Free Masons with the Jesuits. Critics "question the sanity of this organization...nothing less than an amazing piece of fiction... Adventists have concocted one of the greatest conspiracy theories of all times, and have denigrated and maligned the United States of America with absolutely no evidence to prove their wild conspiracy claims."
The U.S. as the false prophet, taken with the announcement of the so called last pope, Petrus Romanus, by Saint Malachy, compounds the papacy, U.S. and false prophet. Wikipedia cites that there is a lying spirit given to the false prophet, so it follows that none of us are going to figure this out. If False Prophecy comes with the papacy making a pact with aliens to recognize them as brothers, a story broken dramatically by Tom Horn in Exo-Vaticana, substantial confirmation of U.S. and world reports, black budget science explicit in underground bases, monarch conditioning, chemtrails, hybrids, super soldiers, would be the putative instrumentality of the false prophet to enforce its positioning. At the Pacific Institute Adventists say:
"The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabitants, are preparing to act their part in the last great drama. With the great masses of mankind there is no unity, except as men confederate to accomplish their selfish purposes... A power from beneath is working to bring about the last great scenes in the drama — Satan coming as Christ, and working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those who are binding themselves together in secret societies." Signs of the End.
Amazing as it sounds Adventists believe that Sunday worship will be mandated so uncompliant people will be imprisoned or put to death in violation! This echoes the Noahide Laws passed by Congress and signed in 1991. Impossible that the United States is the False Prophet! Ellen White (1827 – 1915) said that The Great Controversy (1858) between Christ and Satan over earth has distorted the image of God in humanity, disordering the created world.
One little matter of interest in all this are these multiple counterfeits of the lamb:
- The false prophet has "two horns like a lamb."
- "False prophets are like lambs but inwardly are ravening wolves" (Matt 7.15).
- The False Prophet acts like a lamb but speaks like a dragon (Rev 17).
- The False Prophet will give life to the “image of the beast” (Revelation 13:15). Hologram, verichip, hike!
-The False Prophet exercised all the authority of the first Beast in its absence and made the earth and all people worship it when it returned.Rev 13.2). It will possess the supernat. (2 Thess. 2.9).
- During the first three and a half years the Antichrist will present to the world as a messiah, an economic, political, and military genius. However, after this resurrection, it will claim to be God. The False Prophet will then demand that everyone on earth worship the resurrected Antichrist by taking his mark." False Prophet
- The Antichrist and the False Prophet after the battle of Armageddon) are the first ones thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21).
Addendum views.
The False Prophet
" The beast can be interpreted as the corporation, an entity that is legally a person, but has no soul and no human values. The dragon can be interpreted as military might, the enforcer and conqueror. The false prophet captures the hearts and souls of the people, and misleads them, masquerading as pious and godly, but actually tricking them into supporting the beast." Carol Wolman
Note: Well known underground cities of Cappadocia area of Turkey, Tatlarin Underground city Derinkuyu Underground City, Ozkonak Underground City, Mazi Village Underground City, Kaymakli Underground City and Gaziemir Underground City compare to modern versions like the UG mall of Montreal, but neither ancient or modern civil UG fortresses hold a candle to Cheyenne Mountain and the hundreds of secret bases in the U.S.
Among all these beings unknown and known, but never mentioned is Jesus.
To be read after ZARG.
Another view is that this is a mind control myth to keep people unconscious of their programming. Martin Cannon says in "The Controllers," that the UFO is a "screen memory" cover story produced by U.S. intelligence to protect its own mind-control experiments, but that "if the ethically-challenged U.S. intelligence community has proven anything during the last half-century, it's that they would not find it objectionable to work on behalf of aliens from outer space, and against the interests of humankind." Brandt Julianne McKinney says the entire UFO industry was created by the secret state. But since general purpose control over the flow of information can yield results in society very similar to those that achieved by mind-control implants, none of this is needed. Recruitment into these various secret services of Delta Force, Rangers, Seals is anyway ensured by high scores on monitored disassociation tests.
Vatican: 13 May 2014: Martians have a right to be baptize, you betcha. Indians had the right, millions a them, So Marshans get ready, we like diversity.
Charles Finny, Why I Left Free Masonry
Sherry Shiner has the alien landings fulfill Revelations 12 where the tail of the dragon casts a third part of the stars of heaven to earth, and the "old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." She says, "the amusing and deluding facade of the New Age is that they actually believe everyone else is deceived but them. They channel entities such as Sananda, St. Germaine and other beings as they masquerade as Ascended Masters. These beings are nothing but the ilk that followed Lucifer in his rebellion against the Most High and were kicked out of heaven. Now they play Gods behind the scenes waiting for the fulfillment of Revelation 12 when they, among with Lucifer, are cast to the earth. They know it's coming. So they are preparing people for their eventual arrival to earth by masquerading they are coming to earth to help mankind. Wake up people...they're getting kicked out of the skies where they will be stranded on earth! They've been so meticulous in preparing the gullible they haven't overlooked a thing in how well they can deceive and manipulate the gullible all over the world. here
The immediate background to this is said by the demon sources to have occurred at the inauguration of the middle of three popes in 1978. In the midst of John Paul I's reign, which lasted only a month, the NY Times reported luminous triangles, cigar shaped vessels and green radiation over the Vatican (14 September 1978). When John Paul II died, 2 April 2005, another UFO sighting occurred over the Vatican (9 April 2005) during the obsequies. It is said that the new pope inaugurated this March 20, 2013, Pope Francis I, and Obama in Israel the day before, March 19, are important since Jerusalem is Ground Zero for the unfolding of these events. The Zohar says in the year 5773 (beginning September 2012), the nations will gather in Rome but be destroyed, implying a new temple or third temple to be set up in Jerusalem. People now think this must come a few years later. The Vatican recently got title to the Hall of he Last Supper on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, which actions however must be as suspect as that the new temple would be, its purpose being to found the one world religion of Rev. 17, bringing up (again) the False Prophet. This suggests there will be four Temples in all, the third being a counterfeit of the Pope and his anti, but the Fourth being the true one of the last chapters of Ezekiel.All denominations still lionize Jerusalem in general, but Mystery Babylon the Great and the alien savior will compel worship at this new rebuilt temple. But the year 7576 is upon us, with the Papal travel to DC and etc.
Once there was a katabole judgement of the planets, c. 12,500 and soon again our day, or you heard already. The earth without form, and void denied by akademic scientists as much as is denied the planet busting of Tesla. It is the ultimate poisoning of the earth they prepare.
which sometimes happens when the time is right and we aren’t listening but still hear, as in the introit of a mass where the voices of the whole and not ourselves are only heard, and this can happen twice, so that the sadness and pain of joy and love that we sing and sign apart are joined as one and we hear at once the beauty and sorrow of all the human song. This is not the alien baptism but the godly one. As though we, having felt sorrow and pain of our sins, now feel sorrow for the sins of another, our sons, and the sins of the world. Goya, here and here]