Showing posts with label Cynthia Brewer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cynthia Brewer. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Donald Marshall. Consciousness Alter Transfers, Clones, DNA, Max Speirs, Dolly. Human Descendants of the Watchers.

Donald Marshall. Consciousness Alter Transfers, Clones, DNA,  Max Speirs, Dolly. Human Descendants of the Watchers
Mome Raths outgrabe with a kind of bellowing and whistling that has a sneeze in the middle. They have round eyes, and long legs resembling pipe stems. (Alice in Wonderland)

If we attempt to penetrate the ruse and counters in the fuselage of the mome rathe smile, its smile is like a sound when spoken, where a good smile is worth a hard punch, this recognizes that they are like bombers dropping ruses and counter ruses into the public mind,  ultimately carpet bombing to prevent anyone from knowing what is really going on. 

That this encompasses literally every subject promulgated by Media -government interests is hard to believe. that is, it is hard to believe that nothing of these should be believed. And keep reminding of that. Which is not to say these Media-gov sources don't mix in  quote from Milton, or a picture of the sea. The familiar justifies the lies told. The familiar is a cover for the lie. we have to turn to  Hieronymus Bosch to see, for he turns the world inside out. I mean instead of media he presents the world as a flatulent hair dresser spraying the ends of humanoid legs shod with wine jars, with inscrutable enigmas, which grotesque antagonisms occupy the whole of a great enchantment of vanities bundled in the world haystack on a wagon like a misshapen globe. The world orb  bobbing in the ocean sea is always comedic even in terms more likely to the present day, to show none of it is real, where sparks fly from mower and dog tags,  where tortoises roast worms. Provoked by incidents of dog rage neighbors with anti-hate signs on lawns are consumed with anti-hate rage. But the modern Bosch is the opposite of Hieronymus, instead of revealing a new worldliness of the enemy in the ordinary, the monstrous and the uncanny hid in the everyday, revelation is extinct except what where broadcast in the present Media-Gov Op, where the monstrous is only shown for rhetoric, for the ordinary is demythologized with commerce. The public mind anesthetized, stripped of pity and fear, digitally done, as much of this post.  The public mind anesthetized, stripped of pity and fear,  is now false in every instance. Here's one. Russia has been made the agency to invade Israel by the Intels subverting a whole segment of American evangelical religion. Those non religious sectors believe a secular version of this mission against Russia--which must mean that Russia is opposed to the Intels and that the Media-Op  forces are the Beast and Antis. In order to keep them further quiescent the Intels invented the rapture too, suggestively tied the Israel attack.  How many Americans believe that?

The only knowledge we have of what is really going on in the existence of clones, alters and transfers  is from them themselves, which therefore may be ruse, except that mass mind is subject to them all. One of the important intuitive historical insights of Max Spiers is the case of these experiments in Britain, before anywhere else in the world, in the predictive programs of Dolly and earlier clones.

The Wonder State

To the point of the Alters (see Alters in the Marketplace) as programmed human instruments of the Watchers, in this scenario, Bush the Lizard and Eisenhower Alice took in a race of poor aliens to found the Wonder State. That would be the seed cause, but of course these "buggers" occupied the houses of European royalty from the start, and before that back to the theologies of Sumer. Spiers thinks the modern effort to identify  nephilim DNA is a first effort in this instrumentality of the fractured mind led to possession, begun in the womb through trauma of the mother to work a world class divide by the age of three. More direct afflictions are cited in electric shock and sexual trauma in the Egyptian Book of the Dead andof  circus performers as in the comprachicos (See Ayn Rand, and Henry Miller on Rimbaud). These tortures create amnesia barriers that cloister multiple identities separated by boundaries that don't know what they are, which makes the perfect assassin. Trauma induced scripted compartments are the chief characteristic of government, or GovernmentS it should be said, since no one person or even many encompass the whole.

A second branch of this phenom occurs in the hybrids urged by David Jacobs, which he has tracked from his dissertation of 1973 to now. Much of the language describing a breeding program comes from his interviews. He has invented vocabulary like "protopeople" to describe it, a quasi scientific reserved and measured language that gives superficial credence to such things as sperm milking, mindscan insects, romantic hybrids, orgasm mind scans, late stage hybrids, hybroids, private reproductive preserve, brain massaging, clockwork orange conditioning, catastrophe after catastrophe late stage hybrids, containers of gestating fetuses--[common is so many films],

  Let it be said that this is only unique in the particulars, for such programs were the essence of Enoch I commenting on Genesis 6. A millennia or more of such efforts urged at the Second Temple margins, but Jacobs accounts the last hundred years in his work of what he terms alien integration-the most obvious process afoot with genderless, multi gender, robot whores, Alexia AIs, gay rights human rights exploited, Stanislav Grof, and environment program at NASA installations not in use:

"NSA is very interested in creating genetically enhanced assassins and espionage agents who have certain inborn genetic traits such as PSI/psychic ability...Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry...St Augustine (AD 354-430) that the Book of Enoch was too old (Ob nimian antiquitatem) to be included in scripture.

 The hybrid blood techniques of the giant Charlemagne, a reptilian DNA according to Spiers, are especially pronounced for dominance and conquest, which Jacobs says is a primitive example of the advanced DNA implants of these hypoids today. So the "aliens" running the implant embryo factories by the million are much advanced from the elite practices in rival corruption schemes even if they are described in the labs of Brave New World. In the Project Oaktree, of the Harwell genetics study,-- distinct from the Project Oak Tree [Observations And Knowledge with Targeted Reconnaissance of Earth-like Exoplanets, 2014],  modern offshoots that offer schools and help for "children", as a recruitment tool are really looking for the human descendants of the Watchers ‘Project Anvil’, Project Mannequin (and Project Ibis) [The life and times of Michael Prince by James Michael Casbolt]  to be programmed by the NSA to carry out future task

Of course much of this is utterly beyond belief, but when did that stop anybody?

Spiers says 42 male children were designed by the Annunaki to reproduce demigods like Hermes, but include all the Greek Olympus and Satan, with all the Hebrew ranks of the fallen. These genetic masters known also from the Book of Enoch use Revelation as their script so they are scheming for Lucifer/Satan antiChrist to prevent their Judgment from a similar cataclysm that wiped them out the last time in Atlantis. by preempting the human genome.You wonder why they don't just give up right now? (see James Casbolt, last note). The purpose of intermarrying of these bloodlines is to preserve the DNA of special abilities to use the vibrating energy.  See also The 4th Reich, Dulce and the Moon Soul
Dr. Stella Immanuel of HCQ advocacy urges a sort of demonology of “nephilim,” as demonic spirits that lust after dream sex with humans, causing all matter of real health problems and financial ruin. Immanuel blames real-life ailments such as fibroids and cysts stem from the demonic sperm after demon dream sex, an activity she claims affects “many women.” “They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said in her sermon. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves.” Daily Beast

There are as many such accounts as you want.

Spiers documents:
 --the reptile/nazi inversion technique and its reversal, giving comfort to Jonathan Kleck at Genetrix Six. This means turn them inside out, upside down, or reverse the image.
--that Elite-Reptile-Repos have had age regression techniques for many decades, so Hugh Hefner would be crawling in diapers (if he hadn't died). Mengele, he says, likes to keep his age at about 60.
--NSA, NASA were begun by the Nazis, hence NAZA. The Nazis actually won the war, nothing new there.
--Bush=Bauer ran the fgov from Reagan through Clinton-Obama.
--The Tavistock Institute of Human Behavior perfected the honeycomb, which is the image of the shattered mind of pain. 

--Sodomy is a key induction device of vasovagal shock to program and split.
--Signals to alters are in color, tone, hand signals to switch alters.
--Wars are run like pop up moles or prairie dogs. Jack Parsons at JPL joined nukes and fetuses, but the Knights Templar who rule behind the aristocracy, are only revealed by the frequency of the rising planetary Schumann resonance (producing more alpha consciousness).
--Moves model the 4 D dream state. When he had the breakdown, a bleed through of alters into the front, NLP was used to rehabilitate. When you leave your body you can be programmed or reprogrammed.
--The moon is a soul harvesting machine of an Ouroboros time loop.
--Dream links 4D download into 3. Human DNA reduced to 2 strands, mammal and reptile, was 12 and 22. The Beast computer in Belgium harbors all the data mined in this mix-maximum, but it cannot know the human heart.

Donald Marshall

 To observe how the Egregori roll out Consciousness Transfer for their next move into space, they think,  Donald Marshall 2011, 2013, 2016 in successive installments with more to follow, gives reptile revelations of the royals, corporations, governments, whose religion permits and celebrates with the Netflix release of the Altered Carbon.

 Marshall is also anti Tolkien along with John Todd who says doppelgangers, elfs, fairies, dwarves, are all species of this evil. One can say generally that any pop, entertainment, scholarly figure has been altered, meaning there is a back door, algorithm driven, that if you buy one here it pops up in your search there, all concurrent with even greater dullness by the unreconstituted to whom if you mention cell towers, data mining, full consumer profiling, they arf like seals disbelieving, let alone that cosmic rays or synthetic telepathy bulge the earth. Presumably they will buy consciousness transfer as predicted.  All this because Robot mentioned clones on TV, and Netflix,  clones and synthetics in Boys from Brazil (Mengele) center the mainstream announcement like the altered carbon series just begun, with its sanitized sleeve take on cloning centers, free masons, Scientologists, Mormons.

Marshall's claim to fame in this underworld is more as a composer of melodies and lyrics for countless pop bands, some he names, than as a survivor of consciousness transfer tales, but that's why he says they kept him alive, to sing. As a child, songs would emerge from his mouth practically unbidden. His keepers thought it was religious, meaning Terpsichore or Euterp, but he only ones who know muses names are the impoverished elites, who can't sing, and who know nothing of in their impoverished states. Those who do sing, live to sing, play to sing, dream to sing, compose for the desire of making, otherwise have no knowledge. That's why the term artist is so revolting. It's a marketing angle.  All the theory of their being inhabited by the muse is second guessing, but why say when you can do, when do, Do! 

Donald Marshall, facebook statement

Its not just that he understands Nostradamus, but that N. was written about him-and all the popes too. Ho, ho. He calls himself the savior of the world for his reptile revelations, says he will have political power in the future, when people realize. He says this at the end as if he could help not to discredit himself. Gives a caution that Putin is the worst of the worst, pretending to be a savior of the Russian orthodox Christian…so Donald says they want him to reveal this, and did not kill him, which fits the quantum structure, both and neither. Our sympathy runs two waves. In case of 4 vulgar idiots in the wilderness who profane the air with every breath we root for evil to destroy them, but when that has begun we root for their deliverance. Or with Marshall, we sympathize with him as a child at the start, through all the tortures, but as he emerges and grows prouder and prouder,  taking prophetic airs, we root for his just undoing. So it’s all true in order to sell the untruth. For x, Putin as the worst man in the world just at the time the Democrats indict Trump for Russian interference? That’s how quantum info  tells the positive to sell the negative. At the Alien Voice there are two languages, one of words, one of images, except that in a third the words hide illusions of words in the first, and in the fourth the images are symbols of something else entirely.
A third branch is the clones.   Henrietta Lax's uterus taken in 1966 is the basis of the immortalized cell line.
More Tuskegee experiments.
 In the old Monsanto form of recombinant DNA, not the modern forms such as phantom DNA
most people have heard of Dolly the sheep and more precisely among scientific multilevel institutions  ‘POLLY, the sheep’.  DOLLY as the first mammal cloned is clearly science fiction writing, but to understand this it is necessary to read the news of 1996 as a multi-layered allegory where animals stand for humans, and "animal" farm has a new twist, i.e. clone factory. DOLLY the sheep was one of a whole farm of cloned animals. But not only that, the truth behind the significance of DOLLY is that it wasn't an animal, it was the first cloned human, a chimaera with human DNA: 

"AND THE BIG SECRET INCLUDES THE FACT THAT IT WAS CARRIED BY A HUMAN BEING. That human is me. I am the Principal-in-Fact and Real Party-in-Interest in THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT, Prototype 5001, Taxonomy ID 9606, B.E.A.S.T. No.:666110530558456529."   
                                                                    Cited from DNA Patenting Paper by Cynthia Brewer 

So Victor Pelevin's The Life of Insects, where among other things, three businessmen turn into mosquitoes and fly off to somebody's bed for a good suck, is about more than Pelevin knows. As Arnold (9) says, "it's a very complex cultural nexus." Like the effort to make sentient robots that share a World Simulation, a Singularity Strangulation Net, online Nov 2017.

To combine this with the new patent laws that dictate that science owns your genes, with the Vatican claim to ownership to all property, including all bodies and DNA, by and through undisclosed solemn edicts known as Papal Bulls, and renting the Temple Mount for the coming Third Temple, it becomes the world economy to buy, sell and trade humans and Divine Immortal Beings as commodities, hosts of biotechnology and pharmacopoeia effectively controlling an estimated minimum of 2/3 of the world economies. The vehicle of this? Bitcoin?

This trail also encounters the Luciferian obsession with bloodlines (DNA) and the emphasis on blending "the red" with "the black", the "red" being blue-eyed redheads from the Neanderthal...with a tendency to be non-violent, empathetic and telepathic (see Graham Hancock's [see his articles, etc] recent book "Entangled" for more on this). The "Blacks" are the blond haired, (or other hair color) blue/green eyed Celtic descendants of the alleged Anunnaki bloodline much diluted, more aggressive, than the red, highly intelligent, rulers but also with psychic sensitivity (as the "Luci" bloodline). Anunnaki vs. those "sons of god" were precursors of Noah's Flood.

Dolly the Sheep was Code for a Woman

Cynthia Brewer (1997) was the first human cloned AKA DOLLY the sheep. In 2001 the DNA sequencing was done from her blood, she says. The UNIPROT CONSORTIUM was one primary patient trading convention focused around her DNA. Then Celera, Gentech and multiple other companies were born. “Accession Numbers”

--- CYNTHIA MARIE BREWER, I, Cynthia Marie Brewer, am a living, breathing, sentient, being with unalienable rights. Descendant of Lord Nelson and others.

Prestation: It began as the second biotechnology patent in the USA; US Patent 4,237,224 granted to Stanly Cohen and Herbert Boyer Dec. 2, 1980 entitled, "Process for producing biologically functional molecular chimeras.

Michael Crichton, Next; Scientists Isolate Master Gene

 Diagramming the Abduction
COMMON ABDUCTION SCENARIO MATRIX from the PDF Secret Life of Ufo Abductions, First-hand Accounts,157
Tissue Samples
Miscellaneous Mental
Media Display
Information Transfer
Sexual Arousal
Sexual Activity
Egg-Sperm Collection
Embryo Implanting
Fetal Extraction
Toddler, Youth

Some Sources
Donald Marshall, facebook statement

Donald marshall interview 2016 29.00 Hitler found a Viril 1 in Tibet on expedition and learned ot Viril 3 in Antarctica, hence…
FAMMTV sleeve vid
Donald marshall interview 2016 29.00 Hitler found a Viril 1 in Tibet on expedition and learned ot Viril 3 in Antarctica, hence…
FAMMTV sleeve vid

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...