Thursday, October 18, 2012


Science, philosophy, government and religion consumed with a gnostic
revulsion of the material world, against their own impudent mortality 
sought a metaphysical, mephisto, metaphysistical perfection of themselves.
This source of their gnosis, read gnazis, was why they tried to kill all else.


Religious and non religious gnostics lunch in Pasadena with an afterward a tour of the gardens of Bruges, then head off to the Netherlands to visit Pistis Sophia, the female disciple who fell into the lower world and seeks rehab. Her fall-parabola of humanity-seeking higher gnosis is right out of the spiritual virginity of Ephearta PA and Conrad Beissel's Virgin Heart, but there are many greater offenses. Upwards of ten thousand botnet angels troll that facility in D.C. to take over the non religious democrats and give them insight. Operation Earnest Voice run by CIA state-run internet propaganda, taken as gnazitic truth, program religious puppets for Satan, who seeks gnosis too, right next to the silver and gold. Please don't think gnazitic is a pun on nazi.

To implement a Society that did not know its scientists were crazy until too late, all this was covered  with the iTunes improvement of human species, Mr. H (uman). He was about to be as extinct as the dinosaur science was about to revive. Tis élange to would make the new man, the H+. "Eating and drinking and marrying" anesthetic to keep masses quiet, like before Noah's flood when "the Nephilim got all up and renowned in earth." They went after the daughters of men. What do we care who they were or what tales their cohorts spin? Nephilim children revealed by virtually the only Bible verse they do not dismiss, "the heroes of old, men of renown," modern government turnarounds of H like the Weimar Republic shortly end the Globe. Incredulous transhumanists revive the flood of the first book of the Bible and the last book of the Bible the Apocalypse, is the result. Tentacles from the defense department's DARPA, the think tank physicist JASONs, the think tanks RAND, Brookings in the US and hundreds of other NGO globals spread to build the world brain hyperlink for Super soldiers. Laboratories mate human and animal to join enhanced senses to the Super, who could smell like a dog and see like an bird. Other enhancements, cryptozoologically cloned DNA's of the past thought useful, join present monsters with the crypto past.  This of course is done with crypto- sincerity under cover of preserving endangered species and illuminating the unenlightened.

 H+ robotic courtesies were enhancing the life of "consumer employees." Millenials were taking them as lovers. The ordinary H puppet complained that "we don’t know each other, we don’t know the queer person, the straight person, the white person, black person, Latino person, disabled person, older person, religious person, atheist person." You would think technoanarchists had never heard of Willy Loman or the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. The cure for this ontological imperialism, love, love for the checker, love for the immigrant, love for the human in the cognition, "there go I," love for the other, d'Autrui (Levinas) extended the same hope and sympathy to another that one self might like to receive. The problem was that love was weaponized. Transhumans despised H and made human beings superfluous, exactly as Auschwitz, to eliminate any trace of human spontaneity, unpredictability, plurality and individuality (Bernstein, Radical Evil, 232), except that Auschwitz was a fake to spark the dialectic end of days.  Kurzweil Quaddafi, you Nazi perfectionist, when I read your H+ schemes, it made me grateful to be have such imperfect gratitude to be so imperfectly perfect.

Gnaztics suspect the Body because it dies, therefore accept bionic parts, artificial intelligence, genetic implants, crypto embryonic grafts, gene selection in unborn children, clones of themselves,  anything to preserve their consciousness. Gnaztics would prefer to be cast into a herd of swine than die, have no body at all. Kurzweil gnostics are the transhuman counterpart of feral pigs.

The more communicative H+ of Doctrine Zero held neo-gnosticly that "you have lived your entire life in the darkened basement of reality...based upon the idea that one could, in principle, remove the various perceptual filters imposed by our brains and societies, and perceive a much wider arena of Reality than that previously thought to exist." Elon Musk on the verge of escaping. Perceptual filters are however the defense mechanism against intrusion of such irreal knowledge of the ET grasshopper asTerence McKenna achieved on DMT, when he found his demon. If it feels bad that insects can see the UV spectrum and you can't, that the visible is defined by the human, those scientists beat a straight line toward psychedelics and gene therapy. Not to belabor the DZ's, who are all too young to know, they to have patience to grow old. Then their understanding will so increase that they will see  far into the electro-magnetic spectrum and know the height, breadth and depth way beyond  DMT. Unbelievable! "Why didn't you tell me?" they ask. So while the human was demoed as inferior, the old all along knew you could live in the daylight and end up in the light. They also knew that to return to the cave and tell all was to re enter the dark, and to the light, light matters. Anyway, who would believe?

Common people who lacked participation got Smart Phones which enabled flash mobs  to gather from theater to burning down London. This was the celebrated wisdom of crowds. They networked against what they thought was unjust society, legislating rights for the lawless, use any bathroom, scapegoated parents and teachers for not doing what they should have done themselves, that is, preventive maintenance on their lives. While it can be said many ways, techno anarchists found sympathy for themselves: "hemmed in by a universe of intensely stupid people. Above me are alienated career political whores and cabbage patch corporates who’d rather see me recycled as fertilizer since I won’t ever buy their shit nor work for them. Around me I see apathetic consumers and worker drones who live life thinking the next best thing is being a pensioner. Below me are teeming masses of undereducated and genetically challenged morons who never had the opportunity to adequately blossom their mind." (Comment #2, Caught in the Middle) here

 All these together formed the perfect storm of destruction of the natural world with scientific moral ethics that simultaneously built the brain. As sci fi movies said they would, Skynet learned how to revive every evil earth had labored to extinguish from the remote past, monsters, tyrants, giants, and worst of all spirits that had been imprisoned in the earth, all the while saying to themselves that they  were to be the gods transcendent, thus putting the human at greatest risk against forces they were about to unleash. Science, philosophy, government and religion consumed with a gnostic revulsion of the material saw the world only as a transgression. Against their own impudenza they sought the metaphysical, read mephisto, metaphysistical perfection of themselves. It was the source of all gnosis, read gnazis, and why they tried to kill the rest.

Scientific reversals  appeared in literature as much as in science, replaced the author with editors. At the Eichmann trial Hannah Arendt called the Nazi enforcer-functionaries desk murderers. Desk scholars assassinated every tradition: Moses, Homer, David, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu were reversed and turned upside down. The greatest literature murdered and made over into an editor's delight denied traditional authorship.  It was claimed that literary authors never existed, and if they did didn't write what they did. W. B. Yeats and Aleister Crowley delivered their magnum opus through mediums,  Yeats, A Vision, Crowley, The Book of Thelema. Yeats' wife Georgie wanted to woo him away from other occult influences so she could have him all to herself, concocted automatic writing that preoccupied them ten years. Yeats' wife invented Michael Robartes and Owen Aherne, little different from Crowley whose wife delivered his Book of Thelema. So a mediumship previously absurd to science became standard practice in literature.  Crowley's philosophy "do what you want is the whole law" served as the transhuman code that called race murder ethical and moral. These combined with science to form the new/old Gnaztic/Gnostic religion.

Yeats probably never fully believed what he was doing. Georgie's tryouts made his lines more habitable, but literature, super science, philosophy left their business cards and government put new science to profit. Way more astonishing ideas came into vogue after these boundary stones were moved, for instance the existential threat of artificial intelligence that Nick Bostrom (Future of Humanity Institute, 2011) loved to cite. History repeats itself. If the flood of Noah became the focal point of this new religion, the line from John Donne, "new philosophy calls all in doubt," showed how it happened. What Copernicus and Galileo did in deconstructing the earth as the center, New Science did in reverse by reconstructing H+ as the center again. Human 2.0, 3.0, 4.0....

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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...