Showing posts with label Hallucinating Enochians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hallucinating Enochians. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

John Dee, Bill Yeats, Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons

They say they bored a hole in the space time box, which you can see here is a kind of joke since that is a woman, the seduction of the man being the prime objective of the fallen in the real Book of Enoch, not the counterfeit by that name of Dee's invention. The real book was only just discovered among the scrolls, last century, Narcotics and hallucinogens were a staple of their work. They say Babalon Working snared an elemental in 1946  using the "Angelick"  language Edward Kelley used to snare Dr. Dee's wife Jane.  The "Enochian" knock, knock, accompanied by Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto and the obligatory nine knocks begat a wind storm and a pasty face, says Parsons, the most devastating experience of Parson's life. This ushered in "UFO/ET" phenom via the soon after Roswell crash, Ken Arnold and George Adamski (et al) sightings, giving birth to the modern "UFO" mythos," Blah de blah. (Paul Rydeen.  Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon ). (And he ordained him priests for the shrines, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made. II Chron 11.15). The piety of science, industry, art, lit celebrating itself, as part of the entertainment industry,  an arrogation of significance, illustrates the so called Enochians L Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons taking credit for saucers. The syntax and grammar of the Enochian language are highly similar to the English language (Donald Laycock).
 Add that to the language of the angels, not the only purpose of skeptical linguistics, but useful for predictive linguistics too and we come to the birth of the Moonchild (1917) from a series of rituals performed from January to March, 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called  Hilarion which if we allow a decent interval for conception and the usual trimesters aborning, comes out nicely around 27 Oct 1947, and we know who that is.

Enochian language would be as useful in deception as Georgie Yeats' language of automatic writing was for Bill Yeats, (W. B.), that is, it got her her way. Dr. Dee you see, by the way, could not himself scry, hence could not know whether anything true came or went. He didn't have CERN or DWave. He had to take Edward Kelley's word. Kelley's word was that the spirits wanted, that is for Dee's wife Jane to go to bed with Edward Kelley. They tracked her menstruals in Dee's diary. This is well suited as a Romantic occasion, part rebel polytonality, part sarcasm. What could be more romantic than comparing overturning all nations, states and governments of the world, as Dee's title read, opening up earth to all those rebel captives incarcerated in time for their adjudged end, and his own cuckoldry? Is it needed to spell it out? The supplanting of Jane's husband with Kelly is a miniature of supplanting earth with Satan! A Lord Byron among us! A True and faithful relation of what passed for many years...…Tending (had it succeeded) to a general alteration of most states and Kingdoms in the world (Casaubon). What it Altered in the world is more and more obvious. So if  the disordered minds of Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were able to bring about the new fall of the earth from this, admittedly a little redundant, and always under the tutelage of the Oleander Families, then it was a ripe fruit ready on its branch (like stars ripe as figs?). These overturners never seem to acknowledge they have one who will dash them in pieces, which issues involved SF writers Van Vogt, Heinlein, Sprague de Camp, John Campbell, Ron Hubbard of course and Aleister Crowley, and others. We know however that the true savior comes not at the bidding of any of these or of science or the Vatican. See Caroline Letkeman on transference abuse, an active principle in these dominances, here and Gerry Armstrong on Hubbard  here

John Dee is fathered with much of this so the windy points that overlook the mystical canyon on view of Dr. Dee stem more from a desire to rehab the occult, as if he had the empire of L. Ron Hubbard behind him, “holyness, phoniness, feeblemindedness’ (E. M. Butler). These “investigations” always revolve around sex as its own tale as if it concerned Osirus and Isis. So Dee is praised as a scientist, savior of the English fleet and his mystical cuckoldry is a mere scandalous story. His northwest passage, and Queen Elizabeth's title deed to the new world are not mentioned any more than the mumbo jumbo of his True Relation, of which C. S. Lewis writes: “the tragic-comical human story in his True Relation has to be picked out from reams of stuff as fatuous as is reported from any modern séance” (12). If only Mr. Lewis had lived to the internet age he could have learned how Dee then “began to write truly remarkable, albeit sublime, works that he maintained were the product of angels who spoke in language known as Enochian.” (Andrew Gough). That Lewis thinks these “reams of stuff fatuous” seems to credit Dee’s Kelley’s ghost Madimi, who showed “herself all naked.” Like Dee she also has her own  opera (Bruce Wolosoff). Madimi you will not recall was the one Kelley said dictated this stuff off a wejee. Yeats to some extent, as well as Crowley followed these mixed species of interrogation, their wives in place of Dee’s Kelley. See Yeats and Baal. Dee kept meticulous records of Jane’s trysts with Kelley in his Dairies even as Yeats was forever writing down every word of their apocalypse in place of the intercourse that his Georgie really desired. Georgie it is thought used these sessions to get Yeats love, and Kelley no doubt had the same desire for Jane. Gough calls this the Apocalypse Working, taken up later by Crowley and of course Hubbard and Jack Parsons busily summoned the Archons, the Babylon Working they say, as if the Apocalypse needed to be provoked to come in its time. Will it out? It will out! But it was not to any of these that He gave the power to become the sons of God, which is not to say Dee didn’t translate Trithemius or preface Euclid. Among science worshipers no one is more exalted than the pure dee mathematician who led them all to the Stargates! Holy cow. People line up. The witch Robert Hardy will illuminate you about Dee.

 Descartes and Bacon are alleged to have been disciples of John Dee, the mystical cuckold, Elizabethan astrologer-mathematician.  Dr. Dee got a  makeover of the hugest kind courtesy of the John Dee society and countless internet ramblers, but the only way Descartes and John Dee are associated is in Famous Figurine Opera. Being fair to a man is not to chose selective details in making him holy or not. Dee to his embarrassment kept meticulous diaries of everything the Society would not like to know about his magic. Among his revelations  were the menstruation of his wife and her trysts with Edward Kelley. Dr. Dee is a lesson in demoing your work yourself before you die. He had no Tatham like Blake to burn it for him. Micelangelo burned his, but Dee’s got kept, which compromises all his traditions as a master of math and magic, as if he were a lost pill.

Spiritual masters have a history of cuckolding and seducing their students depending on how the term applies. Far greater numbers than that even have been metaphysical cuckolded. Modern precursor of wife swapping. Cuckolding usually refers to the master not the mistress, when his wife is taken by another in all the vigor of Italian renaissance comedy to much laughter and taunts of "becco! Cornuto!" Men in clubs maybe.  "The Marriage Game." Metaphysically we can say whole countries and religions have been cuckolded, but leave that to the enterprising graduate dissertation.
Peter Hawkins says Francis Bacon was an early student of Dee.  In the opera by Damon Albarn, John Dee, they call him an astronomer, but he was an astrologer who talked to angels, he thought, and for sure he cast horoscopes of every occasion.  His Enochian, scrying mirror is not like the Hubble space telescope, but it is in the British Museum. The operatics and atmospherics of his thought say he was a good guy who got demonized…like Martin Rees! but after all the fog and smoke of Dee’s alleged influence on Queen Elizabeth, it was because he had done astrology for her sister, Queen Mary, also because he knew some women at court. He famously designed Queen Elizabeth's pretext to a title deed to the new world against Spanish rivals, forged, that is, dissembled, the Northwest Passage along with “codebreaking” (out of Trithemius). His websites claim he was at least MI5 in rank and a 007, that he found the wood for English ships ten years before the Armada! When asked to comment on the reputed neoplatonic drive for moral perfection that Dee is said to have cultivated, a la Ficino or Agrippa, the director of the opera equivocates badly. Moral perfection scares them to death. The Opera thinks Dee a pivotal figure in Britain magic and science. He drew the chart for Elizabeth’s coronation, was a model for Prospero, Faust! All puffery. The scandalous stories of wife swapping are the true thing. see Bacon and Dee

A hired gun really who fueled political intrigue at court in high society by feeding prejudice with high sounding rhetoric. If his admirers see this kind of self serving rhetoric in those they despise they call it character assassination, as Dee did the Spanish "title" to the new world. This is like reading Kierkgaard to prove him a monk…just whatever you want, so why not have King Arthur establish a British Empire because one spurious Geoffrey of Monmouth says he took Ireland, certainly that justifies the British taking India. Helped by Dee the English are long infected with empire, Madog of Wales, Arthur, Brutus all took lands in the new world, so he said, so the Queen’s foot was in the door. Instead of lauding Dee’s prowess at chiromancy one should look at the flood of British empire over the earth and think about the brutes of Rome in this day, Obama’s drones, bring in the new world order.

Dee's life and work are a farrago of true and false which his friends in the new age make over into his lauds, but he lacked discrimination of the true from the false in his Northwest Passage and British empire, not to speak of his continual search to know the occult. He could cast a chart, but who couldn’t? He had some powerful friends, but that is the nature of the occult in politics. Nancy Reagen and such people as heads of state seek to know the results of their actions which lack integrity in themselves. Since they have doubt about their choices they would shore them up with certainty such as astrologers and self help gurus provide. Dee was as unable to tell the true from the false as Jimmy Swaggart visting  prostitutes Saturday night before church. Dee took a counterfeiter, Edward Kelley, as his Virgil to the otherworld, and got thoroughly scammed, even gave him his wife to bed and raised Kelly’s child by her as his own. This is not the high sounding horn, but a hoot. 
When researching Restorations of the Golden Age in New World Discoveries I held in my hands in the British Museum the title deed John Dee designed for Queen Elizabeth for the new world. At that time I felt sorry for Dee because he lost his books, his estate and wandered Europe as if he had no ability to make his own home. Of course he rather forfeited that by giving his wife to Kelley. Now I feel sorry for him because while he spoke the language of piety he bypassed that on the continent when it was readily available among the Mennonists and early pietists and took up magic among the rich and powerful. The truth he traded for the false as a life was worse; he needed Kelley just because he could not fathom the spirit himself, therefore bought not just the spurious spirit of Kelley, but lost it himself, for he could have had in the true way as a gift. But he could not have sold it or merchandised it for power. And if you know the the Holy Spirit what matter the less?
John Dee, Britannia online
Elias Ashmole, Dee and Osirus Bacon and Dee
Arthur's imperial conquests to argue that Arthur had established a 'British empire' abroad.[37] He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonisation and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.[38][39] Dee has been credited with the coining of the term British Empire,[40] however, Humphrey Llwyd has also been credited with the first use of the term in his Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum, published eight years earlier in 1568.[41]
Dee posited a formal claim to North America on the back of a map drawn in 1577–80;[42] he noted Circa 1494 Mr Robert Thorn his father, and Mr Eliot of Bristow, discovered Newfound Land.[43] In his Title Royal of 1580, he invented the claim that Madog ab Owain Gwynedd had discovered America, with the intention of ensuring that England's claim to the New World was stronger than that of Spain.[44] He further asserted that Brutus of Britain and King Arthur as well as Madog had conquered lands in the Americas and therefore their heir Elizabeth I of England had a priority claim there.[45][46]
Francis Yates in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment suggests that," in Bacon's writings there is nowhere to be found any mention of Dee…

There is no human illumination except deception.
The only way Descartes and John Dee are associated is in Famous Figurines
Opera, Dr. Dee

John Dee turns out to have had a makeover of the hugest kind by the John Dee society and countless books and internet ramblers.  He is now credited with the invention of the entire masonic new world order establishment of ritual. He and Crowley. Just as the weakness of Dee's life is never mentioned, one never hears that Crowley traveled across China with his family by camel. One never hears mention of the beauty of his pamphlet publications in the HRC in Austin. The point would be to be fair to a man not to be selective in his judgment making him holy or not. Dee to his embarrassment kept meticulous diaries of everything the Society would not like us to know, his magic, his “revelations” the menstruation of his wife, her trysts with Kelley. He is a lesson in demoing your work before you die. He had no Tatham like Blake to burn it for him. Michelangelo burned his, but Dee’s got kept. This compromises also his traditions of master in math and magic, as if suggesting he was a lost pill.

Bacon was an early student of Dee, says Peter Dawkins. Dee is also the modern precursor of wife swapping. They call him an astronomer, but he was an astrologer who talked to angels, he thought, in Enochian, a scrying mirror like the Hubble space telescope! His operatics say he was a good guy, who got demonized…like Martin Rees! Fog, smoke, knowledge on Dee’s influence with Elizabeth because he designed her title deed to the new world, served as forgeries against Spanish rivals. Dee also forged the Northwest Passage along with “codebreaking” (out of Trithemius) as if he were MI5 and James Bond 007. They say he found the wood for English ships ten years before the Armada! But on the neoplatonic drive for moral perfection, hear them equivocate that one. Moral perfection scares magicians to death. Opera Doctor Dee by Damon Albarn, makes John Dee a "Pivotal figure in Britain of magic and science." He drew the chart for Elizaeth’s coronation. Model for Prospero, Faust! All puffery. Tlhe scandalous stories of wife swapping are the true thing.

The wildly various points of view on Dee stem more from a desire to rehab the occult he practiced as do they, as if he had he empire of Ron Hubbard behind him. “Holyness, phoniness, feeblemindedness’ (E. M. Butler) That these scientologist “investigations” always revolve around sex is its own tale as much as Osiris and Isis. He is praised as a scientist, savior of the fleet, and his cuckoldry is a mere scandalous story, his northwest passage, title deed to the new world not mentioned any more than the mumbo jumbo of his True Relation of which Lewis says: “for the tragic-comical human story in his True Relation has to be picked out from reams of stuff as fatuous as is reported from any modern séance.” 12 If only Mr. Lewis had lived to the internet age he could have learned how Dee then “began to write truly remarkable, albeit sublime, works that he maintained were the product of angels who spoke in language known as Enochian.” Andrew Gough That Lewis thinks these “reams of stuff fatuous.” Nobody seems to credit Dee’s Kelley’s ghost Madimi, who showed “herself all naked” (who like Dee also has her own, Bruce Wolosoff’s, opera) who Kelley said dictated this stuff off a wejee. It appears that Yeats to some extent, as well as Crowley, followed mixed species of interrogation, their wives in place of Dee’s Kelley. See Yeats and Baal. Dee kept meticulous records of Jane’s trysts with Kelley in his Dairies and Yeats was forever writing down every word of their apocalypse in place of intercourse that his Georgie really desired. Georgie it is thought used these sessions to get Yeats love, and Kelley no doubt had the same desire. Gough calls this the Apocalypse Working, taken up later by Crowley and of course Hubbard and Jack Parsons…summoning the Archons, the Babylon Working they say, as if the Apocalpyse needed to be provoked to come in its time. Will it out? It will out! But it was not to any of those that He gave the power to become the sons of God Which is not to say Dee didn’t translate Trithemius or preface Euclid, among science worshippers no one is more exalted than the pure dee mathematician who led them all to the Stargates! Holy cow. People will line up. The witch will Robert Hardy illuminate you about Dee

 King Arthur's imperial conquests argue that Arthur had established a 'British empire' abroad.[37] He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonisation and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.[38][39] Dee has been credited with the coining of the term British Empire,[40] however, Humphrey Llwyd has also been credited with the first use of the term in his Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum, published eight years earlier in 1568.[41]
Dee posited a formal claim to North America on the back of a map drawn in 1577–80;[42] he noted Circa 1494 Mr Robert Thorn his father, and Mr Eliot of Bristow, discovered Newfound Land.[43] In his Title Royal of 1580, he invented the claim that Madog ab Owain Gwynedd had discovered America, with the intention of ensuring that England's claim to the New World was stronger than that of Spain.[44] He further asserted that Brutus of Britain and King Arthur as well as Madog had conquered lands in the Americas and therefore their heir Elizabeth I of England had a priority claim there.[45][46]

His work is a farrago of true and false which his friends in the new age make over into his lauds, but he lacked discrimination of the true from the false in his northwest passage and british empire, not to speak of his continual search to know the occult. He could cast a chart, but who couldn’t. He had some powerful friends, but that is the nature of the occult politics, for such people as heads of state seek to know the results of their actions which lack integrity in themselves. Since they have doubt about their choices they seem to shore them up with certainty such as astrologers and self help gurus provide. Dee was as unable to tell the true from the false as Jimmy Swaggart visting  prostitutes sat night before church. Dee took a counterfeiter as his Virgil to the otherworld, and got thoroughly scammed, even gave him his wife to bed and raised Kelly’s child by her as his own. This is not the high sounding horn, but a hoot. A hired gun really who fueled political intrique at count in high society by feeding prejudice with high sounding rhetoric. If his admirers see this kind of self sereving rhetoric in those they despise they call it character assignation, as Dee did the Spanish title to the new world. As if reading Kierkgaard one could excerpt passages that prove him to be…just whatever you want, so why not have King Arthur establish a British Empire because one spurious Geoffrey of Monmouth says he took Ireland, certainly that justifies taking India, the English are long infected with empire, Madog of Wales, Arthur, Brutus all took lands in the new world so the Queen’s foot was in the door. Instead of lauding Dee’s prowess at chiromancy one should look at the flood of British empire over the earth and think about the brutes of Rome in this day, Obama’s drones.

When researching Restorations of the Golden Age in New World Discoveries my efforts found themselves holding in their hands the title deed John Dee designed for Queen Elizabeth for the new world in the British Museum. At that time I felt sorry for Dee because he lost his books, his estate and wandered Europe as if he had no ability to make his own home. Of course he rather forfeited that by giving his wife to Kelley. Now I feel sorry for him because he spoke the language of piety he bypassed that on the continent when it was readily available among the Mennonists and early pietists and took up magic among the rich and powerful. The truth he traded for the false as a life, but worse, he needed Kelley just because he could not fathom the spirit himself, therefore bought not just spurious spirit of Kelley, but lost it himself, for he could have had in the other, the true way as a gift. But he could not have sold it or merchandised it for power, however he would have had it. And if you know the power of God and the Holy Spirit what matter these lesser?
John Dee, Britannia online
Elias Ashmole, Dee and Osirus Bacon and Dee

As an early believer in the new world order fables of  alchemical man
Francis Yates in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment suggests that," in Bacon's writings there is nowhere to be found any mention of Dee…

 Dr. Dee
S Spoto. “Showeth Herself All Naked”.
Daimonic Imagination

The fourth hour after dinner, repair here again. And whatsoever you shall read out of this book, receive it kneeling upon your knees: and see that you suffer no creature female to enter within this place: neither shall the things that shall be opened unto you be revealed unto your wives, or unto any creature as yet: for I will lie with you a while, and you shall perceive that I am sweet and full of comfort. 

The spirits demand that in order for Dee to continue in his occult pursuits of divine knowledge, he would, essentially, have to engage in sex magic. These new commands on the part of the spirits, and Dee’s acceptance of them, have often been regarded by serious scholars as an embarrassment, but his compliance demonstrates just how far Dee was willing to go in his zealous pursuit of knowledge. This quest is illustrated in a contemporary rendering of the
 Key of Solomon
, where the magus achieves absolute wisdom:
And when I comprehended the speech which was made unto me, I understood that in me was the knowledge of all creatures, both things which are in the heavens and things which are beneath the heavens; and I saw that all the writings and wisdom of this present age were vain and futile, and that no man was perfect.

Both Dee and Kelley seemed reluctant to submit to the new cross-marital doctrine, and Dee questioned the spirits as to their exact meaning, hoping that perhaps they meant a more metaphorical sharing.
The command was issued so suddenly, and was so out of the norm from the previous expeditions into the
adamic lingua
and numerology, that it seems that it can only be explained by Kelley’s extreme hatred of the angelic exercises. Dee noted that Kelley had repeatedly said that he thought they should not deal with the spirits any longer, and that he had long thought that they were evil.
However, when Kelley’s pleas (based on the supposed wickedness of the spirits) were ignored, he must have pushed the issue even further. Dee’s diaries “attest to his fidelity as well as the abstinence he practised as a means to attain the spiritual purity necessary for those in search of higher mysteries”,
and an important factor in remaining pure was abstaining “with great and thorough continence during the space of nine days from sensual pleasures” and “from all things unlawful, and from every kind of impiety, wickedness, or immodesty, as well of body as of soul”.
Evidence from Dee’s diaries—where he kept scrupulous records of dates and times of sexual intercourse, and his wife's menstruation— points to his awareness of these restrictions when practising magic, as he does not appear at any point to engage in sexual activity within nine days of beginning a new angelic exercise. Kelley, knowing Dee, could have invented the commands, never expecting him to go through with it.
 Very disappointed at the turn in Dee’s angelic events, E. M. Butler wrote in 1948 that “[between] them, he and his ‘skryer’ had also initiated a new kind of necromancy, imbued with[a] peculiar blend of holiness, phoneyness and feeble-mindedness”.
Though it may seem strange that Dee accepted the new doctrine which sexualised their magic, he was well aware of the complications surrounding female demons and there were hints of sexual magic in his symbol of the Monas, which Dee used in his diaries to indicate intercourse. Peter French claims this is a sexual symbol of the sun and moon interlocking “to suggest their conjunction and generative faculty”
At the top is “Luna Exalted”, and Dee writes in his
 Monas Hieroglyphica:
It is therefore clearly confirmed that the whole magistry depends upon the Sun and the Moon. Thrice Great Hermes has repeatedly told us in affirming that the Sun is its father and the Moon is its mother: and we know truly that the red earth (terra lemnia) is nourished by the rays of the Moon and the Sun which exercise a singular influence upon it.
Kelley’s own alchemical writings developed from theories which were heavy in sexual metaphor, where sexual union grew out of “the common and universal matter” which “is called Chaos”—alchemy works with the wetness and dryness of opposing principles, and Kelley maintains that “all teaching that changes Mercury is false and vain, for this is the original sperm of metals, and its moisture must not be dried up”.
And though they seemed willing to include sexual
Dee 1998: 226-227.
Solomon: 12.
Parry: 197-198.
Dee 1998: 216-217.
Feingold: 550-551.
Solomon: 14, 79.
Fenton: 209.
Butler: 172.
French: 79 fig. 14.
Dee 1947: 18.
Kelley: 8,22.
S Spoto. “Showeth Herself All Naked”.
Daimonic Imagination
symbolism in their alchemical and Hermetic philosophies, when it came to feminine spirits, Dee was more anxious. In1583, when he comes in contact with Galvah, a female spirit, he writes that “Tritemius sayeth that never any good angel was read to have appeared in female form”. Galvah reassures him that angels are “neither man nor woman. Thereforemay those that are the eternal ministers of God in his proportion of sanctification take unto them the bodies of themboth”.
 In 1968, Richard Deacon shared this same discomfort and annoyance around the introduction of female spirits,and when remarking on the language of the “angels” that Dee encounters he says:
The vagueness of the angelic pronouncements sometimes irritated Dee; the angels seemed to have all the unpredictability ofthe female species, whether they were of the male or female sex, and they had the habit of orating at great length in oftenincomprehensible language.
The elite occultism of Dee’s time was meant to be a male-dominated endeavour with male scryers, magicians and spirits,and deviation from this masculine ideal threatened chaos. Robert Burton wrote that devils and demons would propagatewith witches and wicked women, thereby creating new generations of demons, and also that female demons would luremen into unholy unions, suggesting that women’s ravenous sexuality caused the continuation of evil.
In the
 Key of Solomon, the “Guide of these Demons is Ashtaroth or Astarte, the impure Venus of the Syrians, whom they representwith the head of an ass or of a bull, and the breasts of a woman”,
 further connecting feminine sexuality, the bestial andthe demonic.Women were not allowed in the realm of elite occult practice, and—along with animals and labourers—wererepresented by demons. The occult magic of Dee and the continental philosophers engaged in a strict hierarchy whichplaced man above animal and woman, and the learned philosopher above the labourer; any attempt to corrupt thishierarchy threw the philosopher’s world into disorder. These hierarchies were maintained in the journey “upwards”,whilst the aspiring gnostic simultaneously tried to keep the uninitiated from progressing heavenwards. When Dee beganpublishing his research, he became worried that it would open the upper rungs of the ladder to those unworthy of it: “OhGod! Pardon me if I have sinned against Thy Majesty in revealing such a great mystery in my writings which all mayread, but I believe that only those who are truly worthy will understand”
In this sense, the animal demonic and the feminine demonic are bound together and are perhaps inseparable when examining Dee’s conversations with angels. While it is tempting, given the anxiety about animals and humans in this context, to look at these transformations from a Deleuzian becoming-animal/becoming-woman perspective, I think there is something more going on here. As the animal and the woman both represent lower forms than the higher man, especially the educated occult philosopher, perhaps these manifestations of women and animals are the demonic threat to Dee’s pious reaching towards the heavens, and towards a transcendence of his human self into the higher spheres of the divine. Anxiety surrounding the feminine and the animal in Dee’s rituals then exposes the vulnerability of the magician to influences which would weigh heavy on him, like the negative influence of the stars, hindering him from progressing in gnostic insight. Understanding the theological background of Dee’s philosophy raises interesting questions when trying to interpret the eroticism present through much of his theoretical and practical occultism. However, since the occult practitioner may expend immense energy attempting to control the objects lower down on the scala naturae, then it is possible that ascension from the mundane can only occur through an abandonment of the worldly. Dee’s abandonment of worldly goods and pleasures is in line with this abandonment of his prized possession, his wife. Only after he relinquishes this final object from his guarded collection can he be truly be free from the earthly, the mundane, and the sensual. Perhaps instead of looking at it as engaging in sex magic with a multitude of sexual partners, it was this abandonment of the earthly that put this practice in line with the philosophers he so much admired. [there is the naked at last. Turning a person to a possession. Turning a man into a spiritual whore]
Dee 1998: 91.
Deacon: 128.
Burton: 150-153.
Solomon: 111.
Dee 1947: 29.
Burton, R. (1621)
The anatomy of melancholy vvhat it is. VVith all the kindes, causes, symptomes, prognostickes, andseuerall cures of it 
(Oxford, John Lichfield and James Short)Butler, E. (1949)
The Myth of the Magus
(Cambridge: The Cambridge University Press).Cavallaro, F. (2006) “The Alchemical Significance of John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica” in S. Clucas (ed.)
John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought 
(Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer), 159-176.Clucas, S. (2006a) “Introduction: Intellectual History and the Identity of John Dee” in S. Clucas (ed).
John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought 
(Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer) 1-22.Clucas, S. (2006b) John Dee’s Angelic Conversations and the
 Ars Notoria
: Renaissance Magic and Mediaveal Theurgy”in S. Clucas (ed.)
John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought 
(Dordrecht, TheNetherlands: Springer) 231-273.Clulee, N. (2006) “John Dee’s Natural Philosophy Revisited” in S. Clucas (ed.)
John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought 
(Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer) 23-37.Couliano, I. (1987)
 Eros and Magic in the Renaissance
trans. M. Cook (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).Deacon, R. (1968)
John Dee: Scientist, Geographer, Astrologer and Secret Agent to Elizabeth I 
(London: FrederickMuller).Dee, J. (1947)
The Hieroglyphic Monad [Monas Hieroglyphica]
trans. J. Hamilton-Jones (London: John M. Watkins).Dee, J. (1978)
John Dee on Astronomy: Propaedeumata Aphoristica (1558 and 1568), Latin and English
trans. W.Shumaker (Berkeley: University of California Press).Dee, J. (1986a) “The Preface to Euclid” in G. Suster,
John Dee: Essential Readings
(Great Britain: Thorsons PublishingGroup) 37-46.Dee, J. (1986b)
The Heptarchia Mystica of John Dee
ed. R. Turner (Wellingsborough, Northamptonshire: The AquarianPress).Dee, J. (1998)
The Diaries of John Dee
ed. E. Fenton (Oxfordshire: Day Books).Dee, J. (2004) “Tabula Bonum Angelorum Invocationes” in S. Skinner & D. Rankine (eds),
 Practical Angel Magic &John Dee’s Enochian Tables
(London: Golden Hoard Press) 57-100.Feingold, M. (2005) “A Conjurer and a Quack? The Lives of John Dee and Simon Forman”,
The Huntington Quarterly,
63(3), 545-559.Fell-Smith, C. (1909)
John Dee
(London: Constable & Company).Fenton, E. ed. (2004)
The Diaries of John Dee
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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...