Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Apocalypse Folder 48

This kind of person invites you to their home for a garden tour. You can see a dozen environments a day. That's PKD, he has us over to his universe, but has not cleaned up. Everything is everywhere in his mental house. He says there's no universal inner space, which seems likely or not, depending. For sure astronomers think there's a universal outer space. They call it that, the universe! Substitute it for Yahweh. No presumption there. Thinking makes it so. Dick's "space phobia" teaches "my conceptions of inner space differing from person to person is very radical and politically subversive" (Exegesis 531) and there goes all the Jung archetypes out with Hermes Trismegistus. Every intellectual property is either thrown out or it becomes part of indoctrination. I started on Folder 48 and descended.

Seeing into the other makes the unsanctified paranoid. He's a little honest in this, not harboring secret pretenses of superiority, thinking he can read minds, influence behavior like a psychologist or government agent. The sanctified break decorum, implying a greater than the self to whom one is consecrated, a higher being who can topple kingdoms. Vision artists see many of these. Castaneda found datura, but why pretend that salvia freaks, coke freaks, pot freaks, super pot freaks, acid freaks aren't, even to the divine ayahuasca, toppling themselves on the god drug to which pilgrims go? Enlightened meeting in parlors and homes, like a mens' clothing stores, or getting naked (psychologically) together in a medicated fog, if you were only able to see yourself naked in body and mind you would be whole. Did you hear my latest vision? http://communities.washingtontimes.co... but in truth it is only when you are clothed are you whole.

Why pick at spiritual practice? Pray without ceasing, which doesn't leave room for eating to the misunderstanding mind. Sit zazen, practice says. Clear the mind, focus, not thinking. "Whether this is better than Phil Dick freaking out in the ozone about time and space, well, that is what they do at the super collider, freak out about time and space, try to mash them like clay. None of these are like a refiner's fire which purifies the silver seven times, so that when it is tried, the spirit comes out like fine gold. Meditation, drugs, government agents, hypnotists, doctors of the disorder for health are taking "anima" for Shekhinah 544, the Phil Dickian problem heightened for us in letter after letter, raving about pseudo science of space and time. Is there a quantum being in two places at the same time? Surely! We sit together in heavenly places at the same time we are bound in the flesh we so dearly possess. Do we pray three, seven times a day and without ceasing? Surely yes. Our minds are a constant seeking for the good, the holy, the just. We never stop. Woe is woo to the many and few. Chaung Tzu says--what! don't you tink for yourself at all? The business execs ask why we love Jesus with said query. Do gooders who thought maybe to teach high school, self made holy men call for the good, but don't take it to the bed. http://mankindproject.org/. They take anima for Shekninah! Get naked with thy wife, one could say, where the unspeakable words are not heard because they are not said. Neither are there thoughts where minds meet or do not. Sure the middle of that hour, at its height with laughter in the moment, insight at the absolution, dissolution, passing of the world below absolved at defeat of the temporal, of pain, sickness, disease, adversaries dimuted below. Born from above, a sharing of personhood like a river, sometimes rapid sometimes slow, David shares the personhood of Shekinah, a visitation like an ephod in relation from Yahweh to spouse, and should you have both, Yahweh Yeshua and Shekinah wife, laugh with the telling. Which is why they're laughing at the fire of forgetfulness. About seventy David got cold and they sent a girl to warm him in his bed. The Girl was Shekinah. We have no need of telepathy in love, nor of memory, love is complete. The presence of Yahweh Yeshua is complete.  Phil Dick looks like he tasted, but the husbandman will prune so the presence will flow. This baptism of the Holy Spirit, Phil calls the H. S., you hear the sound but don't know where it comes or goes. Not channeling the divine. It's not practice. Because he loves me says Yahweh, I will rescue him.  Noah, for Jonah, for Jesus. See this and forget yourself if you want to be good.
 Nobody takes Rome as a present power reality any more than Egypt, or ISIS or NASA, to their  detriment. The emperor gods, tortures, embodiments of Babylon are mere words in our system of indoctrination. That there is a system of indoctrination is everywhere around us and in us, but we hardly know. Dick reveals this occlusion when he says inner space differs from person to person, part by corruption, part by camouflage, part by intention, the mind changing, "extending phylogenetically" (The Exegesis, 532). Dick's editors sometimes refute his notions, embarrassed at his atavism, especially when he says "Rome, which is the prison and the enemy: the secret Christian underground attacking it, over a period of 2000 years; and the deity itself camouflaged in reality." At the end of this chase he raves on with Conrad Beissel and Boehme, who say they have broken into "absolute (hermetic) space where the self is Adam Kadmon, unfallen and unoccluded!" 532. Like a moon landing. Like a gram and a half of white powdered gold. That he is deluded in such thinking only tells us all to watch our mouth, which to professional scholars is nuts since it's how they make a living, just  as occultists who say too, but have no clue. Who has a clue? Adam the Second. PK Dick's  urwelt, world-skin, ur-grund, from Paul Tillich's ground of being, rests on two universes, one hidden from the eye. His take on super-pot views it as "super pot...drugs take you away from enlightenment and consign absolute reality to epiphenomena, which increasingly entrance you, rather that losing their already too strong [a] hold over you; thus we call this intoxication: a deluded state, not enlightenment. Acid and super pot are like the Monsanto exhibit in Disneyland where you get smaller, i.e., the world gets bigger: your perspective shrinks. In enlightenment your perspective grows and spreads out to fill vast spaces." 534 But there is no enlightenment. Nowadays there is nothing but super pot. Of these two universes, the actual is that of the Christian apocalypse, "spatially much vaster than ours, and in terms of time, the present extends back to encompass 2000 years" 532.

Some of these images and thoughts returned the next day questioning why editors have to apologize for Dick's inconsistency, especially when "the true church is forming outside the church" 542, hence true science is forming outside science, but then PKD is the first man to write a billion words. There's no sure count. Bedrock in these billions is his statement that in the gods of St. Sophia, Buddha, Siddhartha, Apollo, "none of these other names allude to God in the sense that YHWH does. It is as if the others are attributes or cultural (i.e., man-made) hypostases, and YHWH is YHWH; viz: there is no God but God, i.e., the God who "is what he is," the tetragrammaton. The others are names humans give to God; YHWH is the name by which God referred to himself..."He brings into existence what is."" 545

Summing the indoctrinations from the Roman prison idols he says, "Satan pretends YHWH won; YHWH will cause to exist what Satan pretends (i.e., occludes us into believing) exists. It is a sort of trick played on Satan, but in deadly earnest: to make Satan's "falsework" (pretense) real. A wise strategy." 546  In this corollary of opposites Satan is allowed to think he won, even to the extent of driving YHWH from the urwelt, in order to work some much greater, inconceivable act. Thus "God turns the lie ("God won") into the truth, and Satan is surprised; he didn't foresee this." 546

Of tricks and tricksters in this inconsistency, Loki and coyote, the defeated are victorious, "those most duped are most right, paradoxically; YHWH takes advantage of the irony and ambiguity to cause to be what seems to be; this is his fundamental power/nature" [and of course it is right out of Romans 5, "calling that which is not as though it were"]. The Christian Apocalypse is in full swing thus, "the fact is, this is a prison. Satan won in 70 A.D. and the Essenes are dead; but YHWH is instilling them in some of us in the present..."546.  "The battle is going on, but Satan is at the center--of government, of church. Still, YHWH has the crucial advantage of a priori foresight. It was revealed to me that ultimately he wins every hand." 546  This has been revealed to us all. Don't mess with Bill.

To have to say it is a Christian Apocalypse shows how far adrift the times. There is no other. Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and David are its foundation.The Apocalypse posits war from the beginning of time, whenever time begins. Shall we say time begins when we know it? The Apocalypse began then, or now today, or tomorrow. Greater and lesser forces are arrayed with and against humans in this war. Then comes the redeemer. People under 50 believe such things.

"For all the gods of the nations are idols - All the gods worshiped by the people of other lands are mere "idols." None of them can claim to have a real existence as gods. The word here rendered "idols" is translated by the Septuagint, δαιμόνια daimonia, "demons." So the Latin Vulgate "daemonia." The Hebrew word - אליל 'ĕlı̂yl - means properly "of nothing, nought, empty, vain." See Job 13:4. The meaning here is, that they were mere nothings; they had no real existence; they were the creations of the imagination; they could not in any sense be regarded as what it was pretended they were; they had no claim to reverence and worship as gods." Barnes' Notes, Psalm 96.5, taken from I Chron 16.26 http://bible.cc/psalms/96-5.htm

II. Holy Cow

A monkey in front of a machine could not necessarily produce sentences. That said, Phil Dickian, as he calls himself, proves and disproves anything. He reads something and ten minutes later dreams it, not necessarily conclusive, but eidetic. Take a nap. Maybe he has a billion published words and ten billion thoughts, a little manic in Santa Ana, to paraphrase Le Guin. He believes in the sibyl, the fortunes, the gnostics and not. Some years his best Claudia Bush letters sold for about a thousand bucks each, cheap because there were so many. But he's no mentor for your piety. He complains the church and the world both reject him. We like that, but not when he profanes the Name he believes in (39). His letters, life and fiction are like paranoids of larger scale chemtrail, mkultra, fema camp crowds, a lot to shake your head. I would have bought the letter where he follows his dream only to find it is a book of Warren G. Harding (14-15). A good joke from the author of, now, a trillion thought words. Stats are greater on thought words than spoken words, the number of words spoken in a lifetime only about 370 million.

To codify it the Babylonian way, make a Talmud or a Book of the Dead, have priests organize the way to lead, but not like a little child, Dick is the little child pastors warn about, calling him foolish. Of course he is. The ways of the Holy Spirit have nothing to do with protocols and the ways of ordinary life. After you have lived it every day for fifty years you need to know life is lived in different ways simultaneously. To what purpose? To the purpose of living life. We are all living life together, not separately, and the thing we don't say is greater than the one we do in the embrace of the true spouse, the picture of Shekinah in David's bed when old, the kiss with the kisses of my mouth of Solomon's Song sung over and over in the generations, but never aloud, the river whose streams make glad the city of God. Who is that city? Where is Jerusalem? How can I get there? Clean hands and a pure heart, that has not lifted up the soul unto vanity. Oops. There goes PhilDick, dope, practice where the jack of all trades has mastered the mind. That's not mind control. Weather Vain. Getting naked or not, spending or begging a buck, living or not, keeping up, not keeping up, shaving or not, Chaung Tzu says, stop. Moses said stop. Stand still. The armies are descending, the voices  are roaring, the heart is erupt. Stop. The battle not ours. We won't need those horses or the guns. Not a battle of flesh and blood. Do you know the time? Not against flesh and blood but against...who dares say it-- cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against he glory of Yahweh, bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That's means give up, or just stop. "Either he will or he won't, but know O king that we will not bow before you or your idol of riches." Indeed David took the crown of more than one of these idols, of Malkam, and Joshua put his foot on the neck of these kings. Idols were always being knocked off their gods. "But know oh king that whether he delivers us from the fire or not we will not bow to your image." So it is really the image of the king, the idol, the world sickness, Big Babylon. Standing at the Red Sea winds surging, water rushing. It's as if Johan popped up out from the waves with pillars of fire and angels all around. He is able to deliver from the fire of affliction. That is the picture. Nothing we can do Phil, except praise the name of our deliverer.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...