Thursday, August 1, 2019

NLP Manipulation of the Unconscious, Consuming Sin.

NLP Manipulation of the Unconscious

Salesmen of an unconscious have never ceased to tell you that you need turquoise and beryl to cleanse the aura, and therapy comes with a little astrology on the side. Bandler, inventor of NLP advertised his Neptune dominant which ranks him high in the virtue of self deception. You can also cut the fins off a shark to enhance your health, unless health is a Neptune delusion. Neptune dominance of the seas poses no end of "health tonics" to improve life, even if all the sharks have to go the way of the buffalo, wild ginseng or truffles. Shark fin spiritology passes in these circles the way gems cleanse auras. If the unconscious is a sea, then the whales and the sharks must die for Bandler's dominant. White liberal myths of DMT believe that the elders of Tibet and the Andean Q'ero consume sin by breathing it in or digesting it, other nation states send it to the moon. Tell this tale and somebody will tell how their guru cleansed a student's karma. In New York they bury karma off the coast in decommissioned subway cars instead of sending it into space. All these neolithic practices motivate trips to foreign places like Peru for drugs of power to add to sales. In the other widely known expiation of sin the priest sacrificed so much blood that the cover of the Ark was an inch deep on its crust. The priest killed the Yahweh-goat but set free the Azazel goat to the wilderness after forcing down upon its head all the sins at the new year. You can't eat that. You can't pay for that.  You can only take classes in sanctification if you find the Instructor.

Of course none of this touches the raw exploits of psychopathic ruling powers. Whether the human is a deep mystery for the psychopath, the human in reality is a simple creature, conflicted and turned inside out numberless times, hence to do so again is axiomatic, as Borges' fiction proves. Who doesn't like Neuro linguists? Psycho linguists? Winifred Lehman? I studied exotic language  and acoustic phonetics with Edgar Polemé, Charles Cairns and Lehman and Harms who studied with Chomsky. Then I read Whorf! So what is  the nature of the human?  Training Hege came out the day I prayed for an answer to that, and then, unbeknownst, the next day The Banquet of God came online!

Psychgoats NLP

 The presumption of the existence and the manipulation of the Unconscious is a subject we contend against in our humanity. If you take the notion that the unconscious should not be influenced at all you put  all the self help gurus from tarot to Tony Robbins out of work, along with every notion of Jung and human illumination. Psycho prods like NLP in therapy of the unconscious have tainted the  waters of unworked imagination, unhypnotized mind, even of whales and sharks, or the bigger creatures that swim there, out of sight. The sanctification of the unconscious and its cleansing is opposite its exploitation and manipulation. Milton Erikson founded the industry of NLP and the whole CIA national intelligence mind control network that undertook its work. Erikson needed a publicist, which he got from Bandler. NLP could boast it could get get rid of your phobias in ten minutes, but that psychiatric pros can't do this. No telling if they come back. You can watch Tony Robbins for this but keep your feet wet. If we compare what the NLP Bandler derived from Erikson to Erikson himself we see what a Johnny one note NLP is. It is however the reigning technique of agencies of  control used in all professions. Dentists admit to it! Bandler and Grinder took Erikson's thought and art and boiled it down to something CIA and presidents use every day to turn opinion into investment, another contradiction of the unconscious which turns language into a lie. You might say it is entirely appropriate that the unconscious be mass marketed and proclaim a touchdown for this truth.This happened in the dark corners of Esalen.

II. Say It Again

I came to examine these matters with a prayer to understand what it means to be human that uttered itself when I asked to be shown. That day, reading Browart, and seeing his affection for NLP, I  took a step toward further acquaintance. But NLP was superficial on its youtube tapes. The two main practiques, Bandler and Grinder, said they had come to Phoenix in the early days to visit and would drive back to LA puzzling the profundities they'd been exposed to. I backtracked them in Phoenix and found they derived their ideas from continual visits with Milton Erikson. Being that Erikson lived in the neighborhood, his foundation being only two streets away, I explored Erikson, went to the Erikson Bldg, but it was after hours. Signs proclaimed my picture was being taken. It was like a fortress.


Fixing Submodality memory is the purpose of  Neuro Linguistic Programing, a glorified positive thinking, tinkering with specific thoughts and memories to change the impact, a little like EMDR. It presumes a kind of editing of the deep structure, a semantic rewrite using techniques of substitution. So visually there are three tests: size: brightness, color; distance: associating, disassociating assuming the memory image is static and single. Blow it up, reduce, build it or annihilate it, this expansion and contraction of image is supposed to evoke feeling. The changed or manipulated feelings are the entry to the change of the subconscious, changing (overwriting) the impact of the memory. I don't know that a painter or a potter's bright colors could be done. NLP assumes you are not one.

Auditory: tone (Barry White) turn the internal negative voice into a pleasing tone; volume up and down; location. Find it and move it to the other side.

Kineaesthetic: move good memory feeling around in location in body, move bad to hand or feet, diminish it and kick it out, burp it out; movement and direction, cycle its phases, reverse, speed up, slow down.

There is an NLP meta stream capture where undesired thoughts are captured and sent down another path. As with memory, these thoughts represent forces that if blocked, even redirected, must resurface another way, plus they deny the conscious mind opportunity to face itself, especially when thoughts and patterns of thought recur around specific themes. That's the whole point of neutering a male dog, to change its thoughts.
So what to do with unwanted thoughts. First recognize and identify them.

Memory, Overwriting, Language

Work on memory suggests we remember only the previous memory of the event, not the event itself. These personal and historical echoes and remixes come down the ages from what once occurred in childhood and beyond. If we write it down as it comes, over time there can then be a record of earlier takes than can be had in the future present. Hundreds of memories build upon each other. Consider that the endorphins released in the first uses of cocaine and heroin are no longer released in the addict but in the memory of the high encoded in the social situation, friends, situations, associations that preceded the fix, the event. These thereafter cause the addiction, which overwritings also occur when people hear or see a repeated message. It is thought by government that "certain messages" or images can cause a change in the brain to accommodate new ideas. Who is vulnerable to this and how seeks to use new messaging to overwrite the original message with its own, called overwriting hard drive.

Overwriting Hard Drive

Overwriting's purpose is to exploit human receptivity, suggestibility for new programing. Overwriting combines the techniques of passive hypnotism of Milton Erickson (this link explores The Denver Speech in this way) with aural and visual confusions to establish a "rectagon," say its zealots. A picture uniting multiple rectangular principles, fractals of photo optic representation, induce a receptive state. The absolute first principle of covert hypnotism is always Rapport, lower the guard. Rapport, aural and visual confusions open alpha brain waves for programming further, to allow the overwrite. The application from computer programming is not metaphor. Overwritten underdata can be recovered, or reverse engineered with another kind of overwriting  that eliminates its prime entirely, or modifies it to some purpose. That way a value system can be remade. 

The bending in word choice, syntax and phonetics in overwriting, subtexting, embedding is exactly what writers do in artistic overwriting, but  DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) that more or less invented hypertext and graphic interface solicits writers to figure out how “narratives,” oral stories, speeches, propaganda, books, can interdict, supplant and counter with “better” messages the brain. The Department of Defense thinks this useful. Grants are offered toward this end. It is too late to sign up Philip K. Dick, but his Ubik is a text they would preempt.


When language is corrupted by these market techniques the genome is next, if not first. Controlled minds, manipulated emotions by phone, image, phoneme, syntax and rhetoric, can be built statistically by AI: “computational methods to automatically acquire models of human languages.  One of his best–known results was to show that human grammars can be learned by statistical methods.” Dan Klein, Online Artificial Intelligence. This effort at predictability of language with scientific method if you will. How do we know the purpose of science is not to prevent any new existence in the interest of control of the experiment and predictability? We cannot prove a negative.

One chair of the Joint Chiefs, Martin Dempsey, worried that a lack of internet redundancy, books, put  social-technical systems at risk by the virtual invention. These were worried to incapacitate society, for there is an app where typing is superseded and speech is automatically translated to text. New syntactic pathways that occur in reading Faulkner's sentences increase cognitive grasp. This impoverished mental state is the brain that DARPA overwrites, whereas the old produced greater mental strength in those who read it. If reading the Bible makes you smarter it would be important for these forces to close it down. But you don't know what you think until you speak or write it, meaning that the mind is essentially inchoate in communicating and must make simple its instructions to communicate with the physical, the purpose of speech and writing.

NOTE:  Deeper looks at NLP, AEI, psychopathy are being undertaken on an ongoing basis at Higgs Bosum whose premise is that physics and psychology are mutual mirrors which describe the astonishing developments in each.


 ( -- "Sometimes you just don’t know whether to laugh, cry or be alarmed when hearing about what the boys in secretive back rooms are doing in the name of anti-terrorism, or homeland security, or whatever else they wish to call it. This time it seems, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the semi-secret agency charged with coming up with new and cool ways to protect the citizens of the United States from foreign bad guys, wants to hire someone to figure out how vulnerable some people are to “narratives” (oral stories, speeches, propaganda, books, etc. that cause people to think) and then, supplant such messages with “better” messages to head off the path that for such people might lead them to becoming a terrorist."

 “DARPA has released a solicitation for research proposals in Narrative Networks” by those that have both the know-how and the technology to implement such a program, divided into two parts. The first part analyzing what happens to people when they hear or see a message. It’s thought that certain messages or images actually cause a change in the brain to accommodate the new ideas.
The second part of the study involves taking advantage of what is learned in the first part. In other words, come up with a way to find out who is vulnerable to messaging, and then blast them with a message that would overwrite any undesirable brain changes that had occurred for their being subjected to “bad” messages. Then hey would behave themselves."
"New types of brain scan can actually show a brain being changed due to a received message. And new sophisticated electronic sensing devices are able to pick up even the slightest nuances in facial expressions. The two technologies brought together, could scan brains without their knowledge to find the vulnerable to messaging or  change the message in some way, thus targeting them for specialized messaging.. Each phase is supposed to go for 18 months though there doesn’t appear to be any component of the project that calls for publicly publishing results found or describing product deliveries after completion.
© 2011"

Pains are taken elsewhere to examine how there is no language of thought in Language In Voices Out and The Alien Voice.

Topnote on Hypnotic Age Regression: the irony is outstanding, First deny memory recall by endemic programming, then restore it by further intrusion and deformation of the mind. The sickness of psychiatry is that all these accesses are available to each mind..

I took a trip to Phoenix. The day I got to the Erikson Foundation it was being demolished. Pieces of old fence, beams from the porch, drywall, brick were stacked in the parking lot, the sign still on the front. Not knowing what I was seeing, unless real estate is symbolic speech, I then went to the newly finished Erikson Bldg on Thomas. It was after hours but I had my picture taken, surveilled. The next day I went to their Thrift store and then to the Erikson Museum, Erikson's old home.

-Milton Erickson's Confusion Technique Collected Papers I, 259.
-Use in Scientology

Phoenix in May is tawdry. Faces lined with alcohol and drug abuse seem in majority, but the professional online Erikson staff beamed in their video. In the first principle of hypnotism you learn rapport. It costs about $200 a day to learn to manipulate the unconscious.  I returned the second day for pics of this disrepair, but the sign was down except the letters left a shadow on the building. The agent said they couldn't sell it so it was being redone for rental. The new bldg had been open a year.

It reminded me of the music festival at Luckenbach, Texas because that night, after visiting Erikson by day,  I dreamed I broke an old hash pipe, drove the pipe stem right down into the ground with my foot, then stamped down the bowl and threw the mouth piece away in three pieces. That's not so unlike the day I vomited all over Jerry Jeff Walker at Luckenbach, which I had also dreamed the night before. A dream is why we had gone to Luckenbach that day at all. The place was filled with guitars. Willie Nelson, hash, lined faces, cheerful lips by the side of the road. Erikson and Luckenbach show the false Orpheus, the inebriate human, .  In the middle of this Erikson mise-en-scène, tha day a fiction, Training Hege, came out in Cafe Irreal. It says that the middle of the Hegelian synthesis is scripted to the notion that the unconscious responds to openings, opportunities, metaphors, symbols, and contradictions. The day before any of this began I had asked to know what it was to be human. The answer must be to be deceived. I discovered that the founders of NLP had made repeated pirate attacks upon Erikson in Phoenix on repeated occasions to piece the system of the unconscious away from him. There matters were literally only the length of the short street away from where I lived at the time.  Walter Browart in a video boasted that the power of NLP made him able  to begin his investigations into the controls, which made me curious. But who doesn't like neuro linguistics? I had already studied different aspects of phonology with W. P. Lehman, Edgar Polomé, Charles Cairns and Robert T. Harms.

See also-Erikson Museum  
-Dr. Jeffrey Zeig - Exploring the Genius of Milton Erickson 

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...