Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tales of Saturn, the Golden Age Revealed. RE-verse and Men of Renown Mythology

  Talbot's System, Thunderbolts Part I

 Me, I always wanted to deduce among lesser falsehoods by tone of voice, rhetoric, with all forms of language when someone was telling the truth. TED talks now teach about astroturfing, warning of ad hominum arguments and namecalling, terrestrial forms of the bigger terraforming geoengineered planetary rule, but rhetoric in writing still reveals itself just like any other geological strata. It is dangerous to talk because your language works as a lie detector. See here and here. All science comes down to words, numbers, letters and pictures arrayed with reason. To skew one part is to skew the whole.  Regarding Talbot's golden age of the solar system, where Earth viewed Mars against an aerole of Venus with both dwarfed by the huge Saturn, obscuring even the sun, these Annunakian theories, finding Saturn in Egyptian iconography, are emoted with fear mongering against a musical background of previous antiquity, a "desperate urge to recover something lost" to the background of flute playing (5.50). The obsessions of fear and terror of the heavens by exaggeration and cherry picking betrays its falsity. Chuang Tzu must be one of the oldest Chinese thinkers overlooked in the maelstrom of  claims about Chinese terror gods. More cherry-picking. There is a lot of argument by question in these rhetorical discharges between the poles of Talbot's argument, unbelievable claims that "the Israelites once saw themselves as Saturn's children" 33.26. No greater falsity was ever urged since it was said by Satan, you shall be as gods. Likewise that "Saturn commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son" 35.04 is nonsense. Of course when Israel did compromise his faith and imitate the nations these foundations were betrayed. Talbot always presumes the sly machinations of scripture, but his ulterior motive demeans himself in his  rhetoric to demolish Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Who said what you say of others is true of yourself?

My point is that these errors and rhetoric bring the rest of Talbot's golden age planetary system into question, but Anthony Patch, somewhat opposite, sounds logical in voice too, then tells all in his fictional writing. He is Jim, the street smart paramedic with military overtones who is the hero of discernment, but who has declared from his own mouth, not in the novel, that next to Christ, the Oxfordian Farrell is his best guide. Patch, who opposes panspermia, is devoted to Farrell and the O'Briens who allow several grades of Annunaki human hybrid. See Godzilla From Another Planet Space God Program. How discerning is that? Patch says he gave up reading in order not to dilute his own thought, a big mistake, since if you can't tell what you think apart from the authorities you cite, where they end and you begin, your discernment is weak, but more important you miss so much others have said of value. It's like a club of one where only agreement is admitted. This wasn't always the case with Patch, for he says he has absorbed the occult understanding of Saturn so that he understands  the Thunderbolts Part I. The thing about writing is that it can be taken truly or falsely, skewed or judged fairly. Farrell is a more interesting case of the false, mixed with the true. O brave new world that has such creatures in it. But another issue with Patch is his fatalism, that the loosing of Wormwood, so to speak, is inevitable for its fulfilling of prophecy, as opposed to the contrary view that all these chemtrails, terraforming currents will fail because the anointed will prevent them, and only when the anointed are taken out of the world will the locusts prevail. Question every fact and then question the question.

James Farrell

It all depends on the attitude you bring. Farrell cheapens Genesis by proxy, arguing it is a Akkadian Sumerian borrowing. I know he thinks he loads higher critics in his gun. He has a doctorate in Patristics after all, but tainted with a degree from Oral Roberts on whom he so wants to piss himself. Do you know what Lewis and Tolkien said about the religion at Oxford? And that was before! England has had trouble with its Archbishops. The Rabbis value Genesis so highly that they say it is possible to live a lifetime meditating the first three chapters, that Messiah is grammaticized in Bereshith, that Lucifer falls in the gap between one and two of the Catabolism and that all the answers to prayer ever given or to be given were decreed in the first six days. Except that they were all given in the Seventh, the eseb of the herb, the day of rest:

I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, Isaiah 18.4
His countenance was altered, his raiment was white and glistening. Luke 9.29

If you have experiences of this you see that it is indeed the case that in Take my yoke upon you and learn of me all things are simultaneous, beginning and end, that prayers are decreed and answered at the same moment but that that moment is months or years apart, beyond expectation for sure. So when it says he put all things under His feet and you wake up some morning to see a huge heel print over the rubble of CERN and the media speak of implosion the same way Farrell explains away all the grandeur of these bright wings, don't be talking about history, but be praising how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Farrell's Oral Roberts revivalist roots show in this alarm bell ringing, as if there is a fire to be put out. The fire is the world and by fire, fire will go. His other pole from the Baptist is high Episcopal. Teaching in seminaries, living in Spearfish, mourning his loss, chain smoking, notwithstanding his attention to subjects of merit, it's just that he cannot be believed.

No one can be believed, with the exception of fictionalists who equivocate 3.2 million years with 10,000 only to say dragons are before history, when Alexander speaks of them, and repeat the same phrases in successive sentences to pretend an idea is  good because "peer-reviewed," so that they have to say "Earth's nearest neighbor, the Moon," it's just bad writing, confused and hiding bad thinking. In the same book, Cosmic War,  Farrell explains scalar torsion out of Bearden so this is a dumbing down of the very kind he makes capital fun of in Genes, of those who have "been lobotomized by the American 'education' system" (xi). Truth is not about intelligence it's about point of view. Our daughter read the Odyssey in third grade at home. Somehow it came up in her class at school, but the teacher had not read it. This made the teacher defensive and she penalized E, who did  not think anything unusual about having read such a book, but it affected the teacher, which however did nothing to prevent E from deception when she was an adult, so it it not intelligence, but attitude, point of view. It's more true than ever that the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom. An important part of this fear is discernment, which always grows in context as the power to become the sons of God is real.

How does anyone know that the leadership of these forces planned to be released by CERN is imprisoned in Saturn in the first place? The answer Patch gives is that this is the occult hierarchical belief, that these are to be released at the same time as those imprisoned in Tartarus are loosed to join up with the nephilim. But how do you know that besides taking somebody like Alice Bailey's word for it? Patch says CERN is part of an attempt to restore the golden age of the planets discussed in the Electric Universe, a terraforming supposedly reminiscent of the earth before the flood of Noah when the earth was watered by mist up from the ground, not rainfall. The speculation is that the new terraforming will create an environment good for the dinosaur and whatever pre-inhabitants existed before the human.


Does it matter which golden age or which new world? Myth making is the same even if myths differ. Virgil's Earth's golden age was a Theater of the Cave, posing as reality. It was not a spiritual quest for Wholeness, but a material one for social control.  If the golden age of the solar system where Saturn overshadows the sun seems ludicrous, so is the golden age of earth with its purpose of social control. The new age will makes things worse. If it's to make everyone better, more civilized, to live in peace, that means live in prison. Then the North pole of Saturn will connect to the South and CERN open that vortex to loose its energies to earth, to restore the golden age of the Solar System. Then, bye bye homo sap. It's nice to have known ya. If we ask what relation planetary conclusions based upon photographs and speculation have with poetry and legends of the years from Hesiod-Virgil to America, then that answers means, Everything. "The simplistic principles of empirical science are dead," says my Twitter feed, entangled with man and superman. The golden age is a new world order coupling colonization of the new world by Europeans and the arrival of extra-terrestrials as a mechanism of control. Except they're not extra-terrestrials. They're demons. They model upon each other with the effects of artificial intelligence what must inevitably visit upon these founders the nature they make. Who made artificial intelligence? The Nephilim. Creations of the golden age are devils. Beauty is ugly and truth is a lie, that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.

-Catabole has the meaning of  payment, illness or epileptic seizure. In the Septuagint Greek Old Testament (200BC) it means cast down, overthrown, felled, destroyed, but is mistranslated in its translation into Latin (Origen) as constitution http://www.libraryoftheology.com/writings/opentheism/Study_Of_Greek_Katabole-HowardElseth.pdf Maybe this is a good time to note that the Greek kosmos should be translated people, inhabitants, not world or earth most times. In the world then that was, foundation means disruption in Heb 4.3, a Flood over the mountains of Job (38) the first flood (before Noah), confirmed by Jeremiah 4. The Foundation spoken of by Jesus in Rev 17 and 4 is disruption, lamb slain before the disruption of the world. Lead me, guide me along the way...

 I heard about the Katabole--Disruption--on the way home from the Club in the truck, adjusting its radio band because it hadn't been done since the battery was changed. The report was that when Elohim took the remains of the original heavens and Earth, which had been broken and were desolate at the time of Genesis 1:2, though a Divine catabolic process He used the remains of the old heaven and Earth to form the present. This notion comes from the many citations of the phrase translated  before the foundation of the world, which could, or should be translated because of the disintegration of the inhabitants.

We ourselves of course retain the privilege of good and evil, so our sentience is of a wholly other order, capable of appeal to our Father and therein lies the problem for Stark's arrow, Christians who retard the age, both Tesla PeV and the ensuing. The forces of Saturn and earth know this and seek to produce significant antimatters colliding against Messiah in his return.Whose side do you want to  be on in this one? Good question. I am with Yeshua. They that have no knowledge of what Yahweh can do in his sons when he gives them the power to become the sons of God, the precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold,  esteemed as earthen pitchers, in the hands of the potter, then:

 The God of Peace shall soon crush Satan underneath their feet.  For He has not put the age to come in subjection to the angels. 

As One in a certain place says, "What is man that Thou art mindful of him...Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. He left nothing that is not put under him.

If we do not now see all things put under Him that is the beauty of our age, for it became Him
 for Whom are all things, and by Whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory to make their salvation perfect through sufferings...!

Behold I and the children which Yahweh has given Me...that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, who is their adversary...for

He who in the beginning was the Word, and was with God, and was God, without whom was not anything made that was made, He who came to the world that was made by him, to as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of Yahweh. 

For he did not take upon Himself the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham and the same who are of faith and receive Him are the children of Abraham.

In other words it is not after the flesh but after the spirit that these sons are born. Not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of Yahweh!

  (Lamentations 4.2, Romans 16.20,  John 1, Hebrews 2, Psalm 8, Romans 9.8, Galatians 4.28, John 1.13)

 In the Artificial Intelligence Party, will paralysis of the will get taken over by the Germans? Ans. No, These Nephilim are private contractors! Ripeness is all!  In an Unibeehived State, early dress makers of the caucasoid, symbols of the modern,  Gluskap,  the foreigner incorporate, Saturn would annihilate. Hawking's your CERN man to suck the universe away
The Peasant Revolt of 1524 and its  aristocracy-slaughter of 300,000 people? The Tablets?

What's behind this fear of social instability, a code for revolt that Gov has to pacify when it suddenly lets fly with the insider solar system-civilization-Disclosure-artifacts it has stored? Oh and

Let us review with Timmerman and Frankl our preparation for this New Ordo coming, Prisoner Without a Name and Man's Search for Meaning.  Don't ride just one horse. There are four. Good climate, cool breezes three harvests::Jerusalem, CERN, DARPA and one we don't name. Rand Corp  swarmed with Abenaki. Epidemics, smallpox, ebola, hybrid ebola + measles, you name it, it'll come, said Harold Wolff as he anastomosed


1. It is believed that the large Hadron Collider outside Geneva is a synchrotron accelerator like Saturn's north pole, colliding gamma rays and x-rays.
2. Further, that the the LHC at CERN intends to connect the helical plasma generated in this process to form a conduit to Earth from Saturn to restore conditions that existed during the Solar System's  golden age.  
3.This golden age is an invention of David Talbot and the Thunderbolts who have it that the planets once lined up with Mars in the center of Venus' aureole against a background of the massive Saturn. Evidence for this is cited in Egyptian-Sumerian hieroglyphs.
In that putative time, Saturn blocked the light of the sun to earth. 

 Much positive and negative emerges from the Thunderbolt series, positive for its imaging and interpretation of Egyptian and Babylonian cosmology.  New age believers waiting for this golden age solar system to reappear like archetypes in Jung are like a cult involving a huge begging of the question. In a world of free inquiry these archetypes can be viewed as counterfeits of the very paganism this golden age promulgates, being Sumerian, Babylonian and Roman crescents that revolt scripture-believing Jews or Christians. The entire Bible refutes worship of the sun, and the planet star gods

4.The Thunderbolts show much evidence of a scouring of the solar system, especially in the loss of Mars and that broken planet that forms the asteroid belt. Damage to the moon, artifacts buried in earth, this scouring, out to Pluto in the latest pics, justifies this opinion

By deduction, the (re)opening of this golden age to loose the powers of Saturn upon earth would produce its own scouring of earth, which non cult members call the entemenaki, or baba-alu, or  opening of Abzu, meaning the gates of hell, namely with strangelets. Strangelets, also called Quark gluon concentrates as a euphemism, are the most powerful explosive in the known universe, a weapon, once the portals above form a permanent connection, that the philosopher-scientist-avenger out of Nietzsche thinks to use to kill God, says Stark, and who does like the proposal, as he sees it fit the CERN Hole of earth to Saturn. The eight axis teeth, molars of CERN that grind the bones make this bread, appear in cross section there, said to represent four frogs and four snakes.

 Of course Stephen Hawking styles CERN dangerous, finding and opening black holes and penetrating other dimensions to open an interdimensional rift, possibly a vacuum that could suck all universe into itself. His concern suggests that he knows about the new levels of PeV, but while he may warn has been told to not exactly say. Strangelets are a neologism composed of strange + quarks which separate the gluons that hold the WIMPs together. CERN documents indicate both that they don't believe in strangelets and than there is a 65-70% chance of making them above 10 TeV, which was done at Brookhaven. The unpublished notion is that strangelets pass through the earth, sink into it and stop at the core due to Earth's gravity where they attract matter to themselves and replicate, converting the planet into a neutron star. 

 How long this takes remains to be seen. Strangelets are said to function both to open a rift between dimensions (held open by the Qubit Quantum computer). This rift invokes its own extreme to be used as the ultimate weapon, not against Russia, but against the angels and Messiah. Saturn quickly escalates in multiple ways into a war of high places. Along the way and before the fact, gravimetric waves from such strong magnetic fields pass through the Earth's crust causing earthquakes and volcanoes at weak points.

 Saturn makes any observer aware after the Cassini mission that the rotating hexagon at the north pole and the aerole at the south pole exchange electrical oscillations within the planet. It is alleged the North pole connects in a helical shape that looks like DNA spirals passing through the gaseous body of Saturn to the south pole. The rings, that ricochet outward in spiral patterns caused by the gravitational pull of Saturn's 62 moons,  are said to always travel outward except when now there's a set of waves heading inward. This means something is moving inside, say astronomers. Kronoseismological studies of the oscillations inside Saturn may be a scam.

 If Saturn were a nice big ball of liquid hydrogen and helium, liquid and gas, it really should only have one frequency associated with each of these overtones. Instead, the measurements are like a violin that plays multiple discordant tones when one string is strummed. There's multi-position for you.

 "Something a bit wrong with your violin, if that's the case," he said. 
"Something's a bit wrong with your ear," he replied.

 Follow-up research tried to find causes of these discords: "Saturn must have a layer deep down inside that's stably stratified." "For some reason, the fluid is very stable and doesn't move around very much [like fluid on the knee when the existence of the ACL was unknown]. That part is new, because "the conventional models of giant planets as convective envelopes where the materials move freely to exchange heat all the way down to their core is as simplistic as the mind of a technocrat. But what I found is that those very simple models can't explain what we're seeing in the rings," says kronoseismology.

North Pole

South Pole
ii. Nobody cares about any of this because scientists will be scientists, like boys, and we should wink at their foolishness. But when you start to think that the purpose of the super collider is to harness the Birkland currents of Saturn in a plasma corkscrew to the earth, that is to both connect and open the south pole of Saturn to release these energies, then the notion that the advertised levels beginning November 20 to December 13, 2015 have changed is worth noticing

13 TeV will not be 13 TeV
It will be 1148 TeV

URGENT! CERN Lied About The MAXIMUM POWER LEVEL!! 1000+ TeV In November! This is HUGE!

Anthony Patch With URGENT CERN INFORMATION Regarding The Power Levels Set To Be Produced In November
Follow truthtube451 on youtube

Today I was contacted by my good friend and one of the leading researchers into CERN concerning something very disturbing indeed. The commonly accepted maximum power expected to be generated at CERN, and this comes from their own Scientists, is 13 TeV, however, worryingly, we are learning that the true power will be over 1,000 TeV! Yes, you read that right… 1,000 TeV. Below, I have made a video report to help explain this, and then included the work of Mr Patch in article form. Tony Patch will be on Freaky Friday tonight over on TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO, 23rd Oct 2015 @ 2am UK time, 9pm EST & 6pm PST to explain these truely frightening developments.

LHC Updates by Anthony Patch

The Maximum Power Level for the LHC will be:
  • Nov. 20 – Dec. 13 : 1.15 PeV – THIS FAR EXCEEDS THE LEVEL OF 13TeV seen thus far!
Where does this 1.15 PeV come from and what is PEV?
Collisions of Ions Of Lead (Pb) @ 1,148 TeV (1.15 PeV)
The highest energy to day is 13 TeV with Protons.
NOTE – Tera (TeV) 10 followed by 12 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000
Peta (PeV) 10 followed by 15 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000

This is the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at: http://kevbakershow.com/cern-lied-new-power-levels/#sthash.BYY3mWvm.dpuf
(or 1.5 PeV)

Actually the new levels have not been advertised. Sure it get tiring when the rules keep changing, but here it is. Since I published Satan at the Super Collider 13 Oct, which got submitted the last day of September to Red Fez, any lessons in quantum physics have gotten out of hand. I have been hunting my copy of the Blue Book and Brown Book by Wittgenstein c. 1933, which nicely describes superposition and symmetry, but in the meantime the energies assumed in play at the LHC have increased quantumly from TeV to PeV, but CERN has hidden this information. Hence from 20 Nov to 13 Dec of 2015 instead of 13 TeV

 the level will be 1148 TeV

URGENT! CERN Lied About The MAXIMUM POWER LEVEL!! 1000+ TeV In November! This is HUGE!

Anthony Patch With URGENT CERN INFORMATION Regarding The Power Levels Set To Be Produced In November
Follow truthtube451 on youtube

Today I was contacted by my good friend and one of the leading researchers into CERN concerning something very disturbing indeed. The commonly accepted maximum power expected to be generated at CERN, and this comes from their own Scientists, is 13 TeV, however, worryingly, we are learning that the true power will be over 1,000 TeV! Yes, you read that right… 1,000 TeV. Below, I have made a video report to help explain this, and then included the work of Mr Patch in article form. Tony Patch will be on Freaky Friday tonight over on TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO, 23rd Oct 2015 @ 2am UK time, 9pm EST & 6pm PST to explain these truely frightening developments.

LHC Updates by Anthony Patch

The Maximum Power Level for the LHC will be:
  • Nov. 20 – Dec. 13 : 1.15 PeV – THIS FAR EXCEEDS THE LEVEL OF 13TeV seen thus far!
Where does this 1.15 PeV come from and what is PEV?
Collisions of Ions Of Lead (Pb) @ 1,148 TeV (1.15 PeV)
The highest energy to day is 13 TeV with Protons.
NOTE – Tera (TeV) 10 followed by 12 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000
Peta (PeV) 10 followed by 15 zeroes – 10,000,000,000,000

This is the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at: http://kevbakershow.com/cern-lied-new-power-levels/#sthash.BYY3mWvm.dpuf
(or 1.5 PeV)

the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at: http://kevbakershow.com/cern-lied-new-power-levels/#sthash.BYY3mWvm.dpuf
the CENTER of MASS ENERGY of Lead Particles – that is where the 1.14 PeV is coming from
The LHC will power up from 13 TeV – 1,148 TeV
13,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 13 TeV
1,148,000,000,000,000 Electron Volts = the 1,148 TeV = 1.15 PeV
- See more at: http://kevbakershow.com/cern-lied-new-power-levels/#sthash.BYY3mWvm.dpuf
There is no mention in the CERN glossary of any PeV at all. It is only TeV, started in May 2015. All subterfuge apparently for the really big bang they are going to get from

1) switching from protons to lead ions
2) changing the angle of the proton collisions from their 45 degree angle to head on. That means the collisions magnify their energy just like two cars colliding each at 100 mph trade energy at 200mph, but if at 45 degrees much much less.
3) the lead ion is way heavier anyway. 

 19 Nov to 14 Dec of 2015--Lead Ion Collisions

It seems important to say at the top that these lead ion collisions are far more forceful than the proton collisions that preceded them. Billions of lead ions collected into "bunches" called luminosity, each group of bunches like a pencil lead, rather than a stream of separated particles, form a solid stream of lead moving at the speed of light in opposite directions, separated by 50 nano seconds. So there is the paradox of a solid stream (liquid) intended to cross at Detectors and explode in a massive collision. If that doesn't open the doors, then what? The notion is that these solid rings are like those around Saturn of syncotron energy, which radiates outward at 90 degrees perpendicular from the magnetic source, viz. the likeness of the syncotron particle accelerator at  LHC. (Patch)

The coordination of the super collider plasma beam that opens the portal first to another dimension and then to Saturn's south pole requires a quantum computer to keep the portal open. It helps to take this as the ability to take 0, 1, 1 and 0 as simultaneous states, both themselves and each other in order to so perform. The quaternion of vector analysis, its geometry is an appealing philosophy because of the Quaternary itself and I don't mean geology. It turns out to be a Scottish Rite term, but not that either, so that the adiabatic computer bases its logic, or anti logic on the reduction-expansion of simultaneous vectors.

Patch and the Golden AGE

The relation of the reconstructed golden age of Saturn with CERN is an idea of Anthony Patch (CERN Conspiracy, Canary Cry Radio, Youtube, 10/2/15, 39.15f) that depends first on what is called the Golden Age in the Thunderbolts Project I. This states that before the planets of our solar system assumed the orbits they now obtain that earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn were in such a line that Saturn blocked the sun, except for solar crescents that formed on its quadrants. CERN seeks to reform the strong electrical bond between the planets that existed then. How the golden age was Kataboled, or disrupted, is not a part of the hypothesis, but is touched on below.

Patch compares the physics of the Nazi Bell, the North and South poles of Saturn and CERN, that is the electrical reconnection of earth with the south pole of Saturn using a plasma conduit. A spiral (aureole) at the South pole of Saturn is generated by the supposed synchrotron particle accelerator at the North pole, supposedly naturally occurring, with a hexagonal shape. Contained in the hexagon are two oppositely moving clouds of energy, particles similar to the movement of red mercury in the Nazi bell, spinning in opposite directions.

The large Hadron Collider is also a synchrotron accelerator, colliding gamma rays and x-rays, as is the North pole of Saturn on a massive scale that connects through the gaseous body of Saturn to the south pole, the electric plasma taking the form of a helical shape that looks like DNA. Thus CERN intends to connect the helical plasma conduit between the north and south poles of Saturn CERN with the large Hadron collider in order to reconnect Saturn and earth in the same fashion that existed during the golden age.

Magnetism can override gravity. The magnetism of CERN is 100K times that of the earth's magnetosphere.

 Collective memory of the cataclysm, solar system wide catastrophe 11,500 years ago caused by a super nova in Vela dated by the strong presence of Aluminium-26 isotope in the solar system shooting a plasma bullet into the Solar system seriously disrupting planetary successions  Return of the Golden Age: Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future By Edward F. Malkowski
Saturn was a night sun


"Talbott and Thornhill do not accept Velikovsky's specific chronology of events, and they place the age of planetary upheaval just prior to the flowering of monumental civilization, which they see as a creative act of human REMEMBERING. Rather than declare Velikovsky to be categorically "right" or "wrong", they cite these claims as crucial to any assessment of Velikovsky's contribution to science--
1. The present order of the planets is new. In geologically recent times the planetary system was unstable, and at least some planets moved on much different courses than they do today.
2. Erratic movements of the planets led to global catastrophe on Earth.
3. Through rigorous cross-cultural comparison of the ancient traditions, an investigator can reconstruct the celestial dramas."
 ...Jupiter should be closer to the Sun than Mercury, and Earth and its neighbors should not exist. Either way, the picture certainly does not suggest planets coalescing from a cloud, and then remaining in place for billions of years!
... the defining surface features of planets and moons as the signature of brief catastrophic episodes of electric discharge, in a phase of solar system history that continued until surprisingly recent times. According to these investigators, every planet shows electrical re-sculpting from pole to pole, often with strange hemispheric differences as if scarring occurred briefly from a single direction.
 Thunderbolts here

Strategic perception management. Social scientific remodeling, hormonal wars, endocrine destructors, the disappearing male, population redesign, estrogen BPA on receipts, our chemical lives

 Guten morgan deception elites. Here are some clues before the final judgment of Earth. All authorities in the cave present their worries. Masons, astronomers and Jesuits flutter in the shadows  near the fire to get warm.

Once there were two earths, which we know from the interplay of the magnetosphere with the troposphere, further evident in the two breasts of a woman, which signify this mystery. These two worlds were in and out of each other, sometimes ethereal, sometimes physical existences recorded by the ancient paleoliths here, but also on Mars. Some indeed think the moon a scaled model of earth's twin. This twinning of course was most important in the physical modes of the fallen universe. Not to alarm anybody with conflicting accounts of Saturn that all want to know, we sent our probe into the atmosphere whose pressure was a 1,000 times greater than Earth, enough to force hydrogen to a liquid state. So while Saturn is a good place to a drink we only get down to a pressure of five or 10 atmospheres before we get smashed. "Go much deeper to understand this." Meaning comes from context in our deception of the event, put nicely, that is the destruction of the universe, for at bottom the agents of CERN seek to divide the WIMP weakly interacting massive particles and split. Then the Unabombers on Saturn will unite with suicide bombers here below and throw up the goat of their IED devices against heaven. That's the short of it. If they cannot rule, no one should. Destruction is but being is not meaningful to them. Hierarchies have deniability up and down the chain. Take the axiom that nobody is illuminated and more sayings chime with musical backgrounds. The more experts proselytize the more suspicious they become. Who does that leave?  Observer created reality comes home.

 It seems a little bleak to have these few project all evil and trickery in the redemption of the world,  to keep reciting endlessly every subliminal, mythological way. We might ask, what's behind the series of all-encompassing solar system-wide cataclysms that first wiped out these creatures enshrined in Egyptian religion as the Planetary Golden Age. Oh yes a second comes. Isis as the star Sirius and Osiris as the star Regulus in the secret NASA moon communion of Armstrong and Aldrin shows how incredible the power of Egypt if American astronauts planned their sacraments around them, a ritual alignment courtesy of hors-d'oeuvre Hoagland (Dark Mission, update 2009. Revelation by Mike Bara, 11-16).  But the golden age of Saturn on Egyptian hieroglyphs infers it underwent a cataclysm  to attain the present position of the planets. This cataclysm however seems to have rendered a new solar system of Order, as the progressions of Bode's Law suggests. The distance of planetary orbits from the Sun are a harmonic mathematical progression, suggesting not chaos at all, but order. Extending outward, each planet is approximately twice as far from the Sun as the one before. This worked for the known planets and anticipated the orbits of Ceres (in the asteroid belt) and Uranus, but failed to predict Neptune. Predicting Neptune has always been a problem. The principle of these intervals suggests  Order at odds with the notion of cataclysm but more in line with Judgment.

The diagram of Egyptian myth-fact is a series of eights or serpentines of torsion plasma that picture the golden age, so called because that solar system is said to have obtained before the Katabole. The putative planets lined up with Saturn predominant in the earth sky with Venus and Mars. Earth was an alleged primordial ordure disrupted by electric bolts in some war between Mars and Earth. The human is said to have been caught as a prize or spectator in this war, or alternatively, the human was not even there when the fall of the angels caused the fall of stars. Fallen angels became nephilim. They not only fell into the region of this ensuing destruction, but caused it. Earth  without form, and void had darkness settle on the deep. That is, the first Earth that had been created became a cataclysm, then recreated after verse one of Genesis. Let there be light. That was a second creation, a recreation, but to finish the count there will be three, the one in the beginning, the one restored after the gap, and the one when the whole is recreated which we long for, with all plants, animals, sky and earth restored.  Bad news Satan, this is to be recreated after the redestruction wreaked a second time upon the fallen. There is a lot of catching up to do. As it now stands, humans, with Cherubic guards preventing entrance to the Garden, traverse their own happy fall of realization, happy because redeemed, but always in the atmosphere of the evil that seeks to possess them.  That however worked to their good when it showed them what a horror the knowledge of good and evil was, knowing the fall of the great into the less. These various ups and downs, the Flood, nephilim, Babel, Egyptian slavery and Israel's delinquency, for Israel was the vehicle to bring earth to salvation, culminated in the very Word of creation coming to live as a man in the creation He Himself had made and was rejected by, giving his life to save it. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. None of this however is a golden age. Talk of golden ages has always been a ruse of the power elite to control the masses. Why they should want to control others and not themselves is not addressed, except power is an endorphin, addictive. The golden age is always looking back, whether you take it as Virgil did, or Hesiod with his significant elders walking around, or as this solar system alignment of the planets, which sounds like Aquarius, but as we know by now, on earth peace means war.

The first Bushkateer had a version  of this Ritual Alignment Model on his wall where the stellar alignment of Egypt with Hubbard, Parsons, and Crowley was painted by Paul Hudson. What's behind the Osiris, Orion, Isis, Sirius, Horus, Regulus connection? Is that backward? Sirius rising at 19.5 degrees over Tranquility, serving communion on the first Moon landing? Why does everyone assume evil predatory? The occult creeds want to seal the door where evil dwells with one mouth but perpetuate their ruby horror blood sacrifices behind the mask of another, a flat faced mirror that wields it. Look like a human but be the something under it. You think Osiris is on the same side as Obama? You think sealing the door where evil dwells means wall it off from this dimension like Montresor does Fortunado? Or is that too much amontillado? Isn't CERN opening the door where evil dwells?  The golden age is the hope of a new satanic order instituted in partnership with all the nations of the world to fight the return of Messiah to possess the earth. That makes Montresor a classicist. These Pounces hired the best astronauts and the most teachable minds university could indulge. Put your little foot, mine Herr. The accountants are just following orders. Com-part-mental-ized right out. Was it Reagan or MacArthur said we should unite against a common enemy? Unite behind the Pope? Unite behind Obama in a third term, or at the UN? Protect the homeland! Protect the world from terror. It looks like we're in for as much Gofernment as these ruined Nazis can provide. Do you suppose the demon hyperdimensionals are in league with the Pope? OK there's one more Hustle. Nobody wants to say it. Hugo Chavez got kicked off the team for not playing ball. How do you know what they do in the Vatikcan basement? Their conscience troubles these egg-head minds who go to the Bohemian Grove for relief. There conscience is cremated for another year. How is conscience a problem? It could lead them to righteousness. But in the meantime they have to live with their sins. We have lots of training. Resistance is existence. Lebensraum, Leben, living space for the Reich, natural resources for aliens, Hawking can't imagine anything but a new planetary  squadron of British/Spanish colonialism. And what's the proof of any of it, except the fGov dropped the Apollo program? Sometimes Think Tanks worry we won't give in and sometimes that we will. Then they worry we will be taken as slaves and killed. No need speculate, we know how they treat the indigenous. How about doing this on another planet? That's the problem, the katabole has been done and will be again.


which qualifies with contradiction inside and out as said of them, like Satan who 

descended down from tuft to tuft  
Between the tangled hair and icy crusts 
to somersault gravity, 
immobilized in ice, 
to soul displace the land
and push it to the north.

Saturn ruled the golden age in Hesiod's old men who reached immortality.

Whatever it means to divine a series of waves inside Saturn spinning round every 7 hours, this internal whirl contained by rings that ricochet out, cause the pull of its depravity, so all 62 moons orbit  the sphere. Take a bite to chew the hearing that if the rings turned inward they would extend way down  to the spiral eight petaled molars of CERN's behemoth mouth. Good news from Dark Mission of Hoagland and the Electric Universe of Talbot, not to speak of the video of Apollo 11 --  the mistrial trail correlated with  Space.com. The three form that triangle drawn like a bow through which Anthony Patch shoots his arrow.

A summary of Stark's arrow connects the CERN of earth to spirits invoked from Saturn. These fallen angels imprisoned in a cube within the core, are released to occupy hybrid host bodies on Earth as a new race in the new golden age, which bodies were prepared by labs in Saudi Arabia for them to avoid the Genesis prohibition that things may only propagate after their kind. This new kind explains the 200 million hybrid horde supposedly in hibernation. They wait the demonic spirits from the past (east), the north (Saturn), and the south (Tartarus) to join in the new terraformed Earth. In case you need more good news, the machine that runs this, a quantum adiabatic computer, works at a speed where it can, or will, control all such effects needed to prop open these portals. Artificially intelligent since 1998 the Adiabatic is not quite sentient. It doesn't have self doubt. The moment it is put in touch with these energies that computer will be sentient so to speak, but will just have the one crack of evil and not be tempted by good. The D Wavers of Austin run this interface between CERN and the particles coming through to the hybrid house. Austin, I never knew ya. Austin was where I was offered an NDEA fellowship to help make the computer speak. Analysis by synthesis I turned you down. The connection to the rest of us is by third strand DNA delivered en mass in geoengineered nano particles along with aluminum, barium, lithium to increase connectivity is delivered by injection of vaccines under the false flag of contagion alert. This third strand replicates itself until it reaches critical mass, activated by some EM signal from DARPA satellites, when ipso facto, we will all share a hive mind and Arthur Clark and Heinlein will drink together. Welcome to the new earth, as if it were a new poem by Coleridge.

There is a fiction where the main characters are antagonists opposed to a whole race with one narrative suspended between. In this kind of fiction the few use blue beam projections,  technological trickeries and psychology blue berries to magnify their influence. Maybe you can imagine orcs under the roofs of dark castles and caves by firelight, or armies of the remains holed up in reservation FEMA camps.Researchers want to teach Bearden, Talbot, Hoagland, Farrell, Lear, Stark, Sitchin, Rand Corp. Brookings worries we will disintegrate like the Abenaki.

Stark's Arrow

4. Torah revelation 

 The whole point of the Torah revelation is to refute these ancient civilizations and redeem the world. Inferences made by researchers cherry picking biblical sources, leaving some, denying others is the worst sort of unsubordinated skrying. They do this with one another also, but no problema there, Velikovsky, Tesla, Sumer borrowings with CERN, Babel, Stone Tablet Destinies, pyramid weapons make for as interesting questions as used to be had by confronting Jehovah's Witnesses out of their own texts at the door.

 With all these beams shooting around you'd think nobody had read what Elisha told his servant about the chariots on the hills or what Zechariah said where the least saint was as David and David as the angel of Yahweh. While such as Farrell want to read ancient Sumerian texts about the Stones of Destiny literally there is never a cause in his writing to read Psalms so. Cherry baby, won't you come out tonight? Thou hast put all things under his feet; Psalm 8 says that of Messiah. That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. That is, shut him up so he can't talk. This cherry picking shuts up the wrong in itself, which needs a serious deliverance, a rescue continually held out, but since we have already surrendered our lives in continual sacrifice to the Father, like Isaac, like Yeshua, like Noah, like David, like all those whose blood cries out for justice, we have already lost our life as theirs. So what is there to be rescued from? Yahweh is ours and we are his. How do we know that like the three in the furnace he will not preserve us, yet nonetheless we are not going to bow to these self appointed wrathful truths. To do my own cherry picking this taking of Ezekiel's wheel or the Cherub's sword as machines is like Adonijah's Attempted Theft of Shekinah, but Shekinah does not transfer. Adonijah cannot have her, she belongs to another. His act of subversion and theft, which in case of the Hoagland crowd extrapolates inner being to an outer, is as if the Lord Yeshua had a machine under his robe and the woman with the issue of blood plugged into it. As if they had never read Kierkegaard on the inner life. Atheists are often absurdists, not to discredit the absurd, because they do not know they have eternal life. Rather they fear they don't. It makes them crazy.

Slavery Technology-Theology

So let us rotate this slavery technology-theology. It's one thing to say a plasma beam from CERN to the south pole of Saturn will free entities to return to earth, but on what authority are they there? It's one thing to say that the wheel of Ezekiel is a technology dimly viewed  from the ancient past and not fully understood by the poor primitive doing the best he can, and then to compare the Ezekiel wheel to Akkadian and Sumerian stone tablets, which convey upon upon their possessors universal mastery [purpose of the Iraq War]. Another putative technology, that is, to cherry pick it out, but not ask whether the rest of Ezekiel is veracious as the word of Yahweh as Ezekiel claims, and which contains the most astonishing reference to the fall of Lucifer in the guise of Pharaoh and the King of Tyre, as much as Isaiah does with the King of Babylon  and Lucifer, three terrestrial figures viewed from a dual perspective at least, what we call fore writing.

 The main problem Pharaoh, Babylon, Tyre and Nebuchadnezzar had, meaning Satan, was in thinking the rivers or anything belonged to them, arrogated to self determination and not reliance upon the word and the name of Yahweh Elohim, who over and over takes title and prerogative of creation and possession of all reality. Ezekiel on Pharaoh determines that the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, says, My river is my own; I have made it of myself. But the word of Yahweh says that

 I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto they scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers and all the fish shall stick on thy scales. Ez. 29

 This occurs just after the King of Tyre shall be no more! Add Daniel's Nebuchadnezzar in there too. Usurp at your peril angels or men who think to overturn the universe. So it is as if they would disconnect Ezekiel from himself, the sticky fish, as if he were not a man, and extrapolate his vision as a technology to their own ends, the kinds of theft that implicate the chat on Hoagland and Lear, Talbot, Stark and Farrell's YouTube talks, to cite a few, invoking an implicit and explicit panspermia in their notion of the creation of humanity. The same forces that conflict work on Bearden's scalar hypotheses and all his models of physics discredit him when he goes off in pan-scientological rants about Zarg and the gods and his own place in the Olympian: Bearden, Bostrom, the National Socialism of the Abstract. These is available in the Five Countdowns on this very site.


CERN has done an admirable job of connecting all this to the pop. Pop will eat Pop, says Massimo, but that aside, the operas, dances, rock songs performed there all make it seem like the friendly harmless kook who works in a garage down the street. Harmless is what they of course always say of mass murderers, serial murderers before their victims are lured to death. Yippee we're all gonna die, sang Country Joe. We had sets of lightning last night for the second night in a row. 

 Earth has a Messiah. We shall be hearing from him.  He shall put all things under his feet. He shall dash them in pieces.

 IV.  CERN Hole,



ruins of solar system civilization, "ancient ruins of this formerly splendiferous civilization all across the solar system"
Chinese blue rocks evidence of manufactured glass fallen from lunar dome
original Apollo 11 tapes "erased"
"Other veteran "observers," on seeing these Chang'e-3 images, had also picked up on the crater rocks' "remarkable brightness ... " -- compared to the much darker Imbrium surface regolith on which they lay; such visible "anomalous reflectivity" (even in mainstream geological lunar models) immediately implied a MAJOR difference between these rocks' elemental/chemical composition ... and the composition of the dusty surface under them" Enterprize Mission-"
"opalescent glass"--"As a clandestine direct sampling of the fallen (from the ancient dome ...), priceless remnants of an almost unimaginably ancient, super-advanced "ET technology"--
non self-quenching magnetism
voice to skull technology
plasma conduit: chuin-saturn
capacitor-solar boat on top of black cube
tetrahedron in CERN dectors
cube inside Saturn below hexagon at north pole
 cern open birkeland current between earth and saturn

John Lear
tubes  navy tubes, ron blackburn, holographic tech, Morgan Reynolds lawsuit, Clark McClelland, Pilots for truth, April Gallup pentagon, Maxwell air force base holograh,  Gravitational Force of the Sun, Pari Spolter, Henry Deacon life on planets, Branton files,  Clifford Stone, John Grace oh krill paperrs, NASA 'secret' astronaut corps
John Lear on 9/11, here, Miles Johnson the Bases project,Where did the towers go: molecular dissociation, Jim Marrs Nazi plutonium traded, no planers, super soldiers Saudi Arabia, Madness in the Fast Lane, saffron sky of the moon

 It took years to build an understanding of philosophical terms like ontology. The terms here will be just as strange and need getting used to.
Without hatred the English could have had rapprochement, but it never occurred to bring the Indian anything but death. Check one: The English are or are not members of the Communist party? Ans. Both.  Churchhill is their man. So is Stalin.
Acknowledgemnts: Sources include Space.com, the Thunderbolts, Hoagland, Lear, Annie Jacobsen on the Paperclips and DARPA, etc. and Anthony Patch would find his language and thoughts borrowed here. He isolates himself so as not to taint his thinking, but as all poets know we will steal where e'er we may, which I have done with his work, first for myself because if I take notes and sort the data I can build a comprehension, what one calls mental pathways, but then secondly, because I do this live, for whoever sees it. I drop into the language at any time however, so if there is a miscomprehension do not blame my sources, but know that I have explored many hours of them. But it is all intended in the end to illuminate the contact with Saturn and Tartarus or what might be called the LHC abyss.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...