Showing posts with label Hybrid Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hybrid Age. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dino Sapiens, Transgenic

Dino Sap or Divino Sapiens

Dino Sapiens, Transgenic

Fear of Literature

Unfortunately for the transgenic, that wants to view the past  superseded in himself, the issues of human as creator are full of past literature and myth. It is impossible to find any that do not reject the transgenic interpreting the past as precursor of himself. Right from the start it should be obvious that the transgenic (TG) would not credit the existence of God, saying this idea is superseded now as much as Darwin and evolution. But in Genesis God would not be eager for a competitor in the creation business. A number of parties got in trouble there that way. The TransG will like to interpret myths of giants, monsters, aerial phenomena as precursors of his own chimeras. Polyphemus, Neptune, angels...there is room here for the TransG take on the old, if it mattered, but it doesn't matter since it is shortly to be overflown. There really will be dinosaurs revived with tatters of DNA and dinosaurs who think Yeats himself will be raised from the grave, but not TransG's. Anyway that is not Yeats in the Drumcliff church yard. Think big, what do you say to a selective resurrection of important personages like Max Planck?

Plant, animal and human life altered, terra-formed comets, atmospheric corrections to Mars, do new challenges appear when the  challenge of Earth life is "solved?" That "solution" sets up a class structure that boggles the British Royals. Human-made obsolete, matter and energy divided, matter destroyed is the rule of the new Philosopher King who outlawed poetry in Polato. There is no place for poetry in The Republic of engineered mice. The mice who endure our suffering with us, mammals systemically tortured into a reality that subjugates everything for experiment, if the divine does to the human what the human did to the animal in science, then bye bye homo sap, hello Divino Sap. Dino Sap. Reptile.

Human makeover of the world in The Hybrid Age is more than genocide, it is a destruction of all life. Not that demo isn't couched in the coziest terms of little robots and promises of perfect health and every Utopian outcome. Not that it isn't amazingly attractive to upscale tech grads who see a means of advancing toward the identity they lack in their amorphous beings as much as the preceding generation sought to be financial counselors and mortgage brokers. These new mortgage brokers of the human are a true UBU event entertaining  the forces of manipulation to pull the wool over the eyes of newbies to earth, college kids, who think they are important for being on the cutting edge, but are to be treated like this.

Scientists have found they can make chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another. So if you think you'd like to be part dog, part plant say, the Hybrids can easily spare it. In the Hybrid Age  think how much artificial intelligence needs you once it has exceeded your capacity by a trillion trillion. Let us sheep to the slaughter as a singing mouse these blindnesses of dead consciousness that pretends the human is something else besides its culture. Watching documentary of the arrested Terence McKenna will always be fun, a youth who achieved dying at 54 from indefinite mind expansions, the Severed Head urged on with hypnotic tranquilizers contacting consciousness outside the human, as they say they do at ASU (Sophia Project).
Superman, Batman, Green Hornet aborning begins in Pop Mind before the technology. Forces greater than will be greater than yet in Singularity, 2045, another deception, since it must already exist for the date to occur. A therefore A, the first law of identity, I think therefore I be, assumes itself before the proposition speaks, but in this case add another "precursor," that before I think, before I am, I remember! By which we say Singularity already exists since it remembers itself to talk.
So what kind of being can create over centuries consciousness for gene alteration before it is dreamt? Fallen angel radio.Singularity now!

"Tom Gilbert, an expert in ancient DNA at Copenhagen University who with Schuster and Webb pioneered the harvesting of mammoth DNA from hair, admits that as a student of mammoths, he'd be the first to go see one trundle across a paddock. But he questions both the utility and the wisdom of cloning extinct species. "If you can do a mammoth, you can do anything else that's dead, including your grandmother. But in a world in global warming and with limited resources for research, do you really want to bring back your dead grandmother?" (National Geographic, May 2009)This really begs the question for the agenda of the Transhuman is far more serious, that is  why the tomb of Gilgamesh was sequestered and why the Smithsonian does the same with the excavated giants in its collection. What it really impacts though is King Ramses (and who else would you bring back from the dead as a transhumanist with deep agenda?), who unlike your grandmother would like another shot, global warming notwithstanding. The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency of the U.S. (DARPA) has all manner of cooperative efforts toward these ends, mainly to construct an enhanced, perhaps hybrid, super soldier, because it feels it must beat the Chinese and the Russians. Human altruism is in short supply. The transhuman will undoubtedly have less. There are as many links to this as you like. The one cited 4 years old. Think you the SEALS who took out bin Laden were such?

This sounds ridiculous and if satirically so to the organic machine when it comes online it will be dead serious to the trillion trillion brain cells imaginable, but to the human then and now impossibly so. Everything is made new it will be by Singular fiat, except that these are old mammoths and warriors dug from the hills of Palestine. The hybrids however will be new. There will be no discussion. That is, there will be no discussion if the transhuman assumptions hold and things are as they say they are or as the trillion trillion will make so. To them it is impossible to be overridden. To them it is as impossible as the taunt that Isaiah gives against Babylon (14):

The grave below is all astir to meet you at your coming; it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you--all those who were leaders in the world rise from their thrones--all those who were kings over the nations. They will all say to you, 
"You also have become weak, as we are; you have become like us...
How you have fallen from heaven O morning star, son of the dawn! 
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!


This is called"the moral tragedy of not building god," (Hugo de Garis. BBC Horizon, HumanV2.0--47.12-47:26) It should be obvious why the Transgenic does not sanction God, after all, these are the New Rules. It is best that H+ people stay away from literature as much as possible since they are going to make new myths. The archetypes of literature, Beowulf crushing Grendel, ripping off his arm, are the enemies of the new as much as Jung's collective unconsciousness. How are the TG's going to deal with the unconsiousness? Well by not bringing it up, anymore than they bring up God while they inject human brain cells and DNA into the mice at Stanford. Everybody thinks this cute of course, until their TG myth is exploded that "the human cells had no apparent impact on the animals' behavior,"  but that was six years ago, as was the beginning awareness of prion contamination which begin  encephalopathies in mad cow, but the physical analogue of swellings of all sorts, obesities, had been written about the time as The Invisible Giants  where giants feed their “cows and chickens,” or readers and thinkers of the day, with artificial feed much as we do our herds. If you're transgenic you stay away from literature which after all is of the earth, of its culture, even Frankenstein. We don't need that!

Many of a religious bent are concerned not to take "the mark of the beast," always emphasizing  the mark and never the beast. But consider in the age of the hybrid the beast arrives in the form of a retrofitted serum injected in the guise of a vaccine combining animal and human DNA to cure some engineered disease. Mark the rhetorical nature of the debate that scientists want on animals with human genes. What they want is funding and permission from authorities to create A mouse that can speak? A monkey with Down's Syndrome? Dogs with human hands or feet. Or, in the words of Verner Vinge in 1993! "within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended." (Abstract, The Coming Technological Singularity). Two-thirds of those thirty years are gone! Listen to all the podcasts  from ASU Templeton school of Transhumanism here while you are waiting. Do not consider Melhman's logic more than rhetoric. Selective breeding, mutation is always within a species. Human and animal never.

Other reading:
 Transhumanism: Genetic Manipulation  Tom Horn, Steve Quayle 
The Concept of Existential Risk. Nick Bostrom . 2011. Posits every possible ER except: singularity! which he did in 2004.
Leon Kass. The Wisdom of Repugnance. Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity

Past and Future
I don’t know who said it but it went like this:

The whole purpose and intent to destroy the past, signifying those values of tradition that would impede the spread of the something to take its place, is done in decades, while the past takes thousands of years. Cultural purveyors of destruction covered all segments of comedy, literature and entertainment, but only true believers followed Megadeth and its Endgame. All had the one  goal, to destroy the past, its icons, its attitudes, its values. This was made easier when it could focus on injustice, inequality, racism as smoke screens, but the real concern was to destroy liberty, faith, family.

This conversation, overheard on the subway with much detail, provoked from the Book of Mormon musical, from South Park and Monty Python with believers everywhere, has many more in the way of precursors, the documentary hypothesis, stream of consciousness, industrialization, all which at first seem  inevitable and good, but really, and you still have society, less healthful, but happier take them away .

Now this guy on the subway says he wants to destroy the future as these have destroyed the past, which sounds like a horror if the future was an open ended hopeful place of dreams. But it was a nightmare of repression, slavery, imprisonment and death. Who could believe it possible when we think science will save us from our worst mistakes, that science was the worst mistake, not in itself but because forces greater than science controlled  it and its results.

 No longer human, what does that mean? It means changes introduced in the human phenotype, passed on to children in the generations who are of a different identity. Stranger in a Strange Land indeed. This evolution was urged from the start by Sci Fi. Superman, Batman are a hatred of the flesh. Junctures of the human with the alien or the animal were long ago introduced with imaginative myth. Myth no more, Kakfa's Mouse Singer, turned to a play by McClure. Reality is a mouse injected with human brain cells, no longer a mouse. Some varieties are called oncomouse. The charm of Kafka is the charm of the mouse spirit, but sullied now with the human genome. Isn't it wonderful there are laws to preserve native species? Isn't this a parallel for the human and ET? Most people if asked how the world would end would say nuke, natural disaster, global warning, meteor,  judgment. Big surprise! It is self-caused! Hugo de Garis, Ray Kurzweil: Human 2.0  The most salient discarnate entity: "the brain did not need the body anymore." [27:52-28:10] Here, on the other side of the BBC show, Hugo de Garis, is The Artilect War.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...