Showing posts with label Dean Kootz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Kootz. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2020

Coronavirus and Twin Towers Theatre: Dean Kootz, James Laughlin -Politics I

 AI makes a lot of effort to deny the Covid-19 virus and the fall of the Twin Towers were predicted by poetry. What other events are ahead in drama? Most occur on film depending on what writers and predictive events are smoking  Writers ahold of script scenarios of the future like science fiction writers get from the occult. It's not an act of imagination, or science fiction. It's a script.  Seeing how frequent these we  can begin these exercises in Opaque pattern recognition calculated along with lies. Every trigger event is contrived. We just don't know how to do it. Or we do but can do nothing about it, like "elections." Who knows what insights might occur in a wider net of the oddities of literature?

 There the headlines of the Daily Express say in the fiction of Dean Koontz, "new biological weapon" created by a Chinese scientist to "wipe out a city or country" a bio weapon man-made microorganism called “Wuhan-400” with transmission possible without symptoms. “They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan and it was the 400th viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research centre." Are we reading Nostradamus? Fiction, or is fiction veiling news? US Senator Tom Cotton read Koontz too, claimed it was either an experiment gone wrong, or a purposely released biological weapon.


 In the film Armageddon (1998) World Trade Center towers appear on the screen greatly damaged from having been hit by asteroids. At another point a space ship countdown clock is shown stuck in the “9:11” position. And considering “Neo's,” passport in Matrix showing an expiration date of September 11, 2001 or Ben Affleck's character’s eye exam in Pearl harbor (1999) reads a clear “911,” all these are susceptible to the fact check nits in general and Wendell Berry in particular, about the towers (below)

The Pearl Harbor event itself, of course, was supposed and presented as a surprise military strike against the US by the Imperial Japanese. Ha. Ha, just the way all over children’s books and comic books languishes the saga of the tsunami folded $20 bill. Whether the coincidence of numbers 33 with geographical parallels correlates I Ching with the Chinese language, (Terence and Dennis McKenna's first book of 1975, The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching) Mayan Calendar, Hopi Blue Star, Niburu, Richard Hoagland’s take on the Mars escapees, abductees on Iapetus, channeled and rechanneled gibberings of Isis, more alarmed abductees (Recall, 2017) right out of Professor David Jacobs of the hybrid Threat (1998) and other works on the scientist lab rat-bred government disinformings, or none, are offered for consumption. 

Dean Kootz, starts off  coronovirus in The Eyes of Darkness. According to these Conspiracies
fact checking at Menu  says what twitter reported early, but humorless debunking  is too literal minded to miss the grand scheme. In its debunking it sounds completely like Wendell Berry's debunk of James Laughlin's (publisher of New Directions Press) “Above the City” a poem of 1946 predicting the fall of the Twin Towers (2001). And both of these instances can either be taken as myth and further myth or vaunted illumined boast tips required before administration of such events, implying a much greater footing in the America in the Bible plan. Leave the plan aside right now and examine the conditions.

Fact checkers say:

“The Eyes of Darkness,” a science fiction novel written by Dean Koontz and published in 1981.references a fictional “biological weapon” called “Wuhan-400” that was designed to kill people but inadvertently gives one child's psychic abilities.The real coronavirus in Wuhan (technically known as “SARS-CoV-2”, which causes the disease now known as “Covid-19”) and this fictional weapon have little in common, except they both occur in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In the book, the fictional disease was developed at “labs outside the city of Wuhan”. The real outbreak of Covid-19 is believed to have originated in the city.
As we’ve written about before, there’s no evidence that Covid-19 was artificially created, or originated from a lab [which means of course there is lots!]
Other characteristics of “Wuhan-400” don’t match Covid-19. The book says that “Once infected, no one lives more than twenty-four hours” and that its “kill-rate is one hundred percent”, something that is not true of Covid-19, which has a fatality rate of around 2%. [Good news, huh?]
The book also says that it “afflicts only human beings” and that “no other living creature can carry it”, while Covid-19 is believed to have crossed over into humans from bats, possibly via a third animal. [Eat a bat raw and a little snake in your soup to prove it.] And Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, while the book’s disease affects the brain stem, where it “begins secreting a toxin that literally eats away brain tissue like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth.” ["The infection of SARS‐CoV has been reported in the brains from both patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected. "]

The other book the Daily Star mentions is called “End of Days: Predictions and prophecies about the end of the world” co-written by “psychic and spiritual teacher” Sylvia Browne, and published in 2008. It claims: “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.” It’s worth noting that, while there is not yet a vaccine for the Covid-19 coronavirus, the human immune system does fight the disease. As noted, most victims survive. Trials of vaccines and other potential treatments are currently underway. It’s also worth noting that this prediction was made just a few years after the (closely related) SARS outbreak, and that it comes amidst some of the book’s other health predictions—which include claiming a cure for “paralysis and Parkinson’s disease [will be found] no later than 2012”, and the assertion that “blindness will become a thing of the past by 2020”.

 So much for the false facts and assumed facts. Pay the drones.

 Twin Towers

The Empire State Building gets hit by a plane in a poem in 1945. Laughlin watches it from his office in the Salmon Tower (1930) a  58-story tower the immediate precursor to the Empire State Building  built the next year by the same architects. (The Midtown Book) immediate precursor of the Empire State Building (1931) of 102 stories The significance is not in the details but the embellishment. It is Saturday morning in the poem. They are working in a matter of fact tone, “finishing up some late invoices.” The writer sees a plane, which he calls a bomber because it is a bomber in the news. Like an apparition it “roars through the mist” and crashes as if by implication into the Empire State. Flames pour from the windows after the explosion. The “two paragons of progress,” either the airplane and the building, or by extension the two buildings, “perform before our eyes their true relationship,” that is, they fall. It’s almost as if alternate futures revealed themselves but only sometimes were recognized. Is it easier to believe the 1946 crash and the 2001 were random events or that the conspirators knew of the previous crash and copied it?  It is as if every news account were capable of bearing future analogues that history does or does not repeat.

The 58 story Salmon Tower was the tallest building in New York City prior to the North Tower of the World Trade Center of 1972.

“You’re never going to be any good as a poet,” Ezra Pound told James Laughlin, publisher of New Directions Press, but nobody said he couldn’t be a prophet. Wendell Berry claimed Laughlin’s “Above the City” of 1946 accidently predicted the fall of the Twin Towers of 2001. Nassim Taleb claimed he did not predict 9/11 either, even if his Fooled by Randomness, published a week before 9/11, said a plane could crash into an office building. Various psychic spies claim they knew whatever. That Nostradamus knew. That the Feds knew, CIA knew, but back on Mount Olympus the blind Oedipus kings couldn’t see. The fact checkers claim with careful selection of their details, claim poets aren’t prophetic even after the event. They cite that Keats claimed Cortez, not Balboa, discovered the Pacific! 
 Poet Wendell Berry doubts the McLaughlin prophet. He stands in for government doubters of the prophet events of Ground Zero. “It is tempting to call this poem prophetic,” he says. “but it is only so in the sense that it is insightful; it perceives the implicit contradiction between tall buildings and airplanes. This contradiction was readily apparent also to the terrorists of September 11, but evidently invisible within the mist of technological euphoria that had surrounded the great innovators and decision makers” (Citizenship Papers, 2003, 98).

Berry, like the Greeks, makes it a moral lesson on blindness, as if poets are better at morality than Keats at history, “the results of great decisions not adequately informed” (99).  In addition to tall buildings he fears for nuclear power plants and a food supply system threatened with bioterrorism as much as others might fear the fall of the dollar, unemployment and the housing market. He calls it a failure of the “rational mind.” But the problem of predicted events is how far out they occur.

To be valuable prediction has to fall in a window of usefulness. Knowing a rise in the price of gold, the market up or down, depression or war is only valuable in a lifetime. It does no good after. Pundits predict commodities, but not assassinations, floods, earthquakes. Those are for prophets. The medievals prophesied by the three Ds, death, decay, disease. If Laughlin’s 1946 prophetic journalism predates its historical fulfillment and he and we don’t know he’s doing it, what good is it?  Oh Cassandra!

There are three direct correlations with the literal towers in the poem, Salmon Tower and Empire State, furthered by their being called “two paragons,” that make the insight:

1) It isn’t just an airplane, it’s “a bomber.”
2) When it strikes the Empire State Building in the poem, “flames poured from the windows,” exactly what happened at the explosion of the fuel tanks.
3) “Sirens screamed down in the streets below,” closely resembling the call in which 341 firefighters died, along with the massive police and EMS response:

But if the literal denies the symbolic the Tower guy gets taken away:

--“The details are wrong. It wasn’t the 18th floor. The South Tower was hit above the 86th floor, the North Tower above the 96th

--It wasn’t Saturday morning, it was Tuesday.

--The “bomber” was really an airliner, two of them.

--The World Trade Center didn’t exist in 1946. It opened in 1970. The two towers in Laughlin’s poem, Salmon Tower and Empire State, are not “twin towers.”

 --The collision of “two paragons of progress”  in Laughlin’s poem is literally a poetic commentary on an actual collision of a B-25 bomber that crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building 28 July 1945. It can almost be seen live: “Bomber Hits Skyscraper in Heavy Fog.”

Eventualities and Incongruities

All of this can come under the heading of eventualities and incongruities that occur when “the great innovators and decision makers build huge airplanes whose loads of fuel make them, in effect, flying bombs. And they build the World Trade Center, forgetting apparently the B-25 bomber that crashed into the seventy-ninth floor of the Empire State Building in 1945. And then on September 11, 2001 some enemies--of a kind we well knew we had and evidently had decided to ignore--captured two huge airplanes and flew them, as bombs, into the two towers of the World Trade Center. In retrospect, we may doubt that those shaping decisions were properly informed, just as we may doubt that the expansive “intelligence” that is supposed to foresee and prevent such disasters is sufficiently intelligent” (Berry, 97).

When Berry is done we don’t feel so bad, because he affirms the subtext of the official reports that it’s all been a mistake that nobody could have foreseen, with no suggestion of a divine or human mousetrap.

The Myth

Not all news accounts are as prophetic as a B-25 bomber awaiting time and place, but who thinks ahead and changes their behavior on the basis of a past event? Nobody. Instead they wait for the event to happen and react, but not ahead of time. To further Berry’s rationalisms, it seems inevitable that in millenniums ahead the tale of two towers will be compared to myth, taken as allegory and doubted as fact.

Can you imagine what the architects will say? Reduced to interpretation, there may be little difference then between news accounts and archeological speculations about ziggurats on Babylon’s plain, excavations of Troy VIIA and the Fall of Babel, a “story possibly… inspired by the fall of the famous temple-tower of Etemenanki.” The towers will symbolize Ilium and the dissolution of the Ring. New York, Troy-Babel, will show the limit of reason. Beowulf, Faustus, Milton, Blake imprisoned in the stone where Merlin lay as a symbol of the brain, will, with venetian blinds, vinyl chairs and the prescience of technology show poets as the unacknowledged journalists of the world!

Thus symbol before and after the fact will be explained as either natural cause or symbolic, whether 3000 or 60 years separate the two. The Judgment of nations and Greek fate that strikes Lycidas with the blinded fury of the anointed spear and Oedipus can do nothing but be driven by his hubris to his fate, and kings will make mistakes because of  their good intent or pride and have their eyes put out, or dreams and omens vex the court of King Arthur and the courts of a nation, we shall insist are two different things.

That’s the way it goes in the duality world, paradox revels of entertainment. Te deum deus ex machina should not dare to appear in current events! Government, industry, academia and all world powers oppose this understanding. There can be no such thing as fate, destiny or judgment, judgment for sin, hamartia, hubris overreaching.

 Fate is not a topic of journalism but of demonic literature, as if fate put current events causes taken as hysteria, as if the thoughts of madmen were broadcast over the news, except these thoughts are now broadcast over mainstream, and the more scripted, repetitive and partisan the more it passes for discourse. Against this backdrop fate hands out omens.

Presidents and architects of drones strike appreciate nuance. It’s as if a missile were launched on the other side of the world to strike at the symbolic heart of the American government, which depending on the day, would be due either to constituted right or commercial power. Taking the case, the missile airpliances stuck unknowing, ewhich just happened to be in this first inaugural spot of the first president. Call it collateral damage. What American drones do in Pakistan or Afghanistan is called the fog of war. When the Federal Hall was awash in ash it was dismissed and the promise was to rebuild bigger and stronger, so as not to seem to have been defeated. But governments do not believe in the judgement of God on them, they believe in their judgement upon their enemies. So even if there were omissions and failures in Benghazi, or 9/11, or… no natural event is symbolic, it is explained away as effectively as Wendell Berry does McLaughlin.

But journalism catches up to lit. Trayvon Martin was “a sacrifice for all of us.” “Zimmerman doesn’t last a year till the hood catches up to him,” Victor Cruz of the of the NBC Giants said.  Roddy White of the CNN Falcons said, “them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid.” Abortion became such an act of heroism for human rights in New York that you could be killed in the womb the second before you were born. Pornography raised the banner of free speech. Gay marriage was the liberation of hope.

When Jerry Falwell seemed to say the day after that 9/11 was the judgment of God people went as nuts as when Michelle Bachmann repeated it a decade later and added Benghazi of 9/11/12 to the list. None of these events produced regret in the pundits or the government, just the opposite, they swole up. To them the judgment of God was a right-wing plot.
Why then do the nations so furiously rage together, the people imagine a vain thing?
"We explain the phenomenon it forces on our minds as a truth which the incurably evolutionary or developmental character of modern thought is always urging us to forget. What is vital and healthy does not necessarily survive. Higher organisms are often conquered by lower art, a whole civilization, may at any time slip through mens' fingers in a very few years and be gone beyond recovery.
If we are alive when such a thing is happening we shall hardly notice it until too late; and it is most unlikely that we shall know its causes.”
.(C. S. Lewis. English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, 113).

You know our office on the 18th
floor of the Salmon Tower looks
right out on the

Empire State and it just happened
we were there finishing up some
late invoices on

a new book that Saturday morning
when a bomber roared through the
mist and crashed

flames poured from the windows
into the drifting clouds and sirens
screamed down in

the streets below it was unearthly
but you know the strangest thing
we realized that

none of us were much surprised be-
cause we'd always known that those
two paragons of

progress sooner or later would per-
form before our eyes this demon-
stration of their
true relationship.


A Tale of Two Towers

Things thought and impossible to say, to give ten minutes to one who comes to the threshold before sudden crossing. I want ten minutes for him to see what he thought was against what was so all along. This, from one who shares the concern, about the "sudden extinction of a poetical literature" in Scotland.

"However we explain the phenomenon, it forces on our minds a truth which the incurably evolutionary or developmental character of modern thought is always urging us to forget. What is vital and healthy does not necessarily survive. Higher organisms are often conquered by lower art, a whole civilization, may at any time slip through mens' fingers in a very few years and be gone beyond recovery. IF WE ARE ALIVE WHEN SUCH A THING IS HAPPENING WE SHALL HARDLY NOTICE IT UNTIL TOO LATE; AND IT IS MOST UNLIKELY THAT WE SHALL KNOW ITS CAUSES." Lewis, Sixteenth Century, 113.

Scripted in Advance
All these events are scripted in advance and given a tip of the hat to assure the commoner of the shock and awe that surrounds. It makes you feel just like a Viet Cong soldier, an Iraqi Baathist, an Afghan mujahideen, a Mennonite. These political bodies implicate all. September 12, 2001, Tom Daschle, Senate Majority Leader, introduced a joint resolution condemning the attacks with emphasis that he spoke for all, both houses and parties. He likewise linked his remarks to the Republic’s founding 212 years before for four blocks from Ground Zero was the site of the first American capitol and the first inauguration of George Washington in 1789. Daschle did not know how far the “symbols and structures of our economic and military strength” were compromised on purpose. He was not aware at all when he linked America with ancient Israel in the prophecy of Isaiah that instead of “God bless the people of America” he was delivering a curse.
“It is with pain, sorrow, anger and resolve that I stand before this Senate, assembled for 212 years of the strength of our democracy and say that America will emerge from this tragedy as we have emerged from all adversity, united and strong. The America in which we woke today is far different from the one in which we woke yesterday. This morning as our rescue workers and medical personnel continue their heroic work we begin to truly understand the enormity of what happened. My heart aches for the people of New York, our men and women serving at the Pentagon, the passengers and crew of the four hijacked aircraft and for their families and friends. These attacks were an assault on our people and on our freedom. They aimed at the heart of the American community and the symbols and structures of our economic and military strength. As an American, as an elected representative I am outraged, as a husband, as a father I am pained beyond words. Last night we sent a message to the world that even in the face of such cowardly and heinous acts the doors of democracy will not close. This joint resolution we lay down today condemns yesterday’s attacks, expresses our sympathy for the victims and our support for the president as our commander in chief. The world should know that the members of both parties in both houses stand united in this. The full resources of our government will be brought to bear in aiding the search and rescue and in hunting down those responsible and those who may have aided or harbored them. Nothing, nothing can replace the losses of those that have suffered. 

I know that there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to us all at times like this. ‘The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled but we will replace them with cedars.’ That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover, the people of America will stand strong together because the people of America have always stood together. And those of us privileged to serve this great nation will stand with you. God bless the people of America.” here

Isaiah spoke these words in the moment of the Assyrian assault, when Jerusalem’s buildings and towers fell, its trees cut and it vowed to rebuild better, stronger that before.
How exactly this spells out in coming years, through the market meltdown that came seven years later, and what would come in seven more years at 2015 is left to its own surmise. J Cahn has laid it out. 

The first to suggest Isaiah the biblical prophet predicts 9/11 isn’t a preacher, but the senate majority leader after 9/11, Tom Daschle,  and the commissions of site restoration of Ground Zero, the ones who put in the hewn stone, and lowered the  cedar into the sycamore’s hole. all different agencies in this case, but the overall attitude of the restoration was shared by them all, from Bush to Obama recently, who wrote on the beam, “We remember We rebuild We come back stronger.” I don’t make this stuff up. I saw them, Giant boots began to tramp back and forth across the country... IF WE ARE ALIVE WHEN SUCH A THING IS HAPPENING WE SHALL HARDLY NOTICE IT UNTIL TOO LATE; AND IT IS MOST UNLIKELY THAT WE SHALL KNOW ITS CAUSES…" making holes and shallows and swamps and thumps but no one could see above the tops. I have said over and over again that “depressions left by their feet in the park drowned little dogs.” Now you know what they are.

 The kryptonite of Israel was the attitude that it would defy its enemy, because the defiance was really against Yahweh. Isaiah makes this clear. He shouts Isaiah 9.10 at them, says that they might say they will replace the bricks with hewn stone, the sycamore's with cedar and built ever stronger and bigger, but they won't. Hewn stone is celebrated as being stronger than the hand made brick, and cedar than sycamore, stick right up in the face they do. But Daschle speaks a curse against America when he speaks Isaiah's words. They were not a blessing, not a defense. So why does Daschle so potently identify America with Israel in its moment of Assyrian terror? Because he has a tin ear. That this tin ear keeps ticking and echoing. NY boasts it will cut a 20 ton piece of stone from the Adirondacks  to use as a new cornerstone for the new Freedom Tower, later rejected. The  Sycamore tree at Ground Zero that sheltered the miracle chapel is replaced by a "cedar,' a cousin pine tree. The new tower is bigger than before, raised to boasts, shaking fists, threats bravado and resolve, even to the point of continued use of language, the word defy. This puts America front and center into the bible of Isaiah 9. 10. Chapter and verse, that's where America is in the Bible. Who do they defy, al queda/ Ridiculous. you only defy some thing greater than yourself, not less. But no more than Ancient Israel does America know what it is doing when it shakes its fist.

I have good news and bad news, the harbingers of Cahn only partly apply, however the part that does is so far worse than he lets on. There has never been a more spiritless presentation of a state of emergency than Tom Daschle's snippet on the floor of the senate.

All this can be digested and rationalized as everything can if we don't look further, earlier in Isaiah. There we see much more about the cedar and the stone and fist. "For the day of Yahweh of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up and he shall be brought low. And upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are high andlifeted up...and upon every high tower...and the loftiness of man shall be bowed down...and the idols He hslall utterly abolish.. Moreover the conditions of that day are set forth for Yah-Yahweh shall "take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff" 3.1 that is to say the guard, the protection, the covering that had been extended over the righteous nation among many that opposed it. This shows in the destruction that follows, but more it taken away: "the might man, the warrior, judge, prophet, the prudent, the elder, the captain, the honorable, the counselor, the artist, the orator" to be replace by children: "I will give children for the princes...and the child shall behave himself proudly against the elder and the base against the honorable. The rule of law fails. Isaiah won't stop. 9 the boldness of the faces witness against them and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. That of course tears it for the modern American who is such a friend and codefendant with Sodom, but Isaiah doesn't can for "they have done evil unto themselves." When he says "children are their tyrants" he means their leadership is puerile and meaningless. check the polls. But it gets worse and worse. They "lay bare their secret parts" 4.17 not just oplympia underwear, but secret texts, mistresses, deals, leaks, lies, on and on. so that we will never be done with the effects of Isaiah before 9.10. This is called the Day of the Lord, the End times, the Last Days and America just got there in time Young says anarchy follows from poor govt I.144, but the full picture in the 9 chapters is filled out with "the mother of all threatenings 347 and the end result, "they shall eat every man of the flesh of his own arm." It's time to break out the stars and stripes.
Given the imperfect nature of our knowledge it may be more important to understand how we rationalize away what we do know rather than look for more knowing. So to understand Isaiah and 9/11, take a substiute3 parallel, James Laughlin and 9/11

2. America Girl In the Bible

It was always a scandal that America was not in the Bible. Books and sermons written about it could find no mention prophetically that America participated in the end times of Revelations. This was troubling to Americans because after two thousand  the end times were practically the only topic of conversation. Much comfort was gained then when America, we should call it the United States, found a way to get in the Bible. Indeed Tom Dashel did it the day after 9/11, which was anyway a day much prophecied, even if the prophecies were denied. I don’t mean Nostradamus, but New Directions publisher McLaughlins planes fling in the buildings in 1948, but after the event, the next day, 9/11 began to have  a transfigured existence, because it was found in the Bible, and if 9/11 was there, then behold, America was too. Good news? HYes and no. 9/11 had already an uneven track record. Suspicions raised by archietets, A&E, cmbined with an entire underground of surreptitious science, subverted and misreported by the press, underground trains and cities, military bases with unmentionable technologies cast doubt on the official narrarative of events. But when the news becomes an archetype something beyond manipulation of facts is at hand.
You may wonder what this is about, but the bare facts include a speech and prayer George Washington made and led on April 30, 1789 convening the first full session of the new constituted government in New York city, the capital at that time. He was inaugurated at Ground Zero, now called Federal Hall Time and place are implicated in that the time was the first duly constituted nation, and place because the location of the praer service was the same as what is known as St. Paul’s chapel at ground zero. What Washington said is relevant, warning that, "smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained," which seems perhaps perfunctory for the time, but  by 9/11 becomes as laden with significance as some of the statements of Eisenhower about space invasion and government and business cohabitation.
The nice thing is we can leave Washington there for 212 years, says Tome Dashel, who had the honor of putting America in the Bible that many yeasrs later, because the significance of that time and place were more than doubled when the 9/11 attack cocided with both, first because the attack was against the time of that constitution at the place of the chapel. Afterward much celebration was made of the Miracle of the chapel’s survival, the only building left standing around thetrade center, not a window broken in the blast of the buildiig’s collapse. Wlhat save the chapel was a tree between it and the collapse that sheltered it, a sycamore tree, but without becoming botanists a tree suffices. This tree did and did not survive. It is kept as a bronze reconstruct in the roots which hang in the center. That these roots resemble rather the spider of Bilbao would be better left unmentioned. Its stump also is preserved in form. More honor is don to this tree than to many people. ·  The Trinity Root Today
In September 2005, a two ton bronze sculpture memorializing the surviving root of the fallen sycamore tree that shielded St. Paul’s Chapel [Completed in 1766, it was known primarily before Sept. 11 as the place where George Washington prayed on April 30, 1789, the day he was inaugurated as president .] from debris on 9/11 was installed in the south courtyard of T…
The root was created to memorialize the surviving root of the fallen sycamore tree that shielded St. Paul’s Chapel, across the street from Ground Zero, from debris on 9/11.
 There is also a statute of Washiongton at the Federal Hall now, four blocks from ground zero, so any visitor can see in embryo the point that Washington was there, but so was the destruction.

Outside the walls of information control however, the chapel speks more of judgment that salvation, since it highlights the destruction of the 7 or so buildings surrounding

So the sycamore tree is a big deal because it preserved the chapel build in 1766 where Washington went after to pray after his inaugural, where he said:
Michael Gericke, a partner in the Pentagram studio, which designed the cornerstone
Miracle of the sycamore: "This stump is all that remains of a 100 -year-old Sycamore that once stood in the northwest corner of St. Paul's churchyard. The tree was toppled on September 11th, 2001, when the collapse of the World Trade Center sent tons of debris hurtling towards the church, including a large steel beam from the North Tower. Miraculously, the Chapel's trees shielded from dam and not a single pane of glass was broken through the church." 
"In 2005, renowned sculptor Steve Tobin worked with tree experts to preserve the original Sycamore stump that you see here at St. Paul's." (From the Plaque Below the Stump)

It would be as though the wind blew  the leaves into words on lawns and streets, th e sea wahed up shells and painted sand into words, the fire of forests burned trees into words tha spelled these things, the wind blew clouds into sentences, earthquakes split the earth into words towering thousands of feet down, word chasms, but still they would not hear.


James Laughlin (1914-1997) published many modern writers. “Above the City” first appeared in the yearly anthology of New Directions 9 next to Henry Miller’s essay on Rimbaud, “When Do Angels Cease To Resemble Themselves?” Pound told him here. See this memorial by Kenneth Patchen.

Keats and Cortez: It was really Balboa.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb:  “Strangely, my book Fooled by Randomness, published a week before September 11, 2001, had a discussion of the possibility of a plane crashing into my office building. So I was naturally asked to show “how I had predicted the event. I didn’t predict it-it was a chance occurrence”  (The Black Swan. New York: Random House, 2007, 153-54).

John Gardner: “Beowulf looks like a fish. ”Conversations with John Gardner. Edited by Allan Chavkin. Jackson: U of Mississippi Press. 1990, 149.

B-25: Published analysis shows that the reason the B-25 did not bring down the Empire State Building has to do with its construction and that the weight of impact was 60 to 100 times greater at the WTC. Why this did not trigger an awareness in the builders of the WTC is too much after the fact. It wasn’t a mistake as much as a blind spot, an omission, a cost savings, an optimism, so even though the B-25 Bomber sounds big  it was small compared to the Boeing 767 airliners, which had full fuel tanks

Adjust our eyes to Polyphemus, the one eyed Cyclops (Odyssey,  ix) as a prophet against empire, and some unknown mystery, Lucifer in Dante’s image,  frozen in hell (Inferno, xxxiv).


Unaware of the prophetic, immersed in imagined events, the poet does not comprehend foreknowledge. Critics after the predicted event identify it, but the event must first occur. Prophecies about Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue and the Messianic Psalms await the birth. No one objects that Erasmus Darwin coined an “aerial steam carriage” as a precursor of the airplane or “machinery resembling the tail of a fish to be placed behind a boat” as a motor boat, though 1791 predates the actual. Who however among them gives Beowulf  credit for the first submarine?

Beowulf stands before the mere without a boat. Batten the hatches. He wears a “gleaming war-corslet,” a metal skin. Scales cover his body. There is a “silvery helm” on his head,”  “hooped with lordly bands.” He is some swimmer, takes “a great part of the day” to reach the bottom of the mere. The record for holding the breath is 17  minutes 4 seconds. A current singer of the mead hall holding the breath even that long would be heroic, but the gleaming metal silvery round head piece, scales of armor make Beowulf look like a fish. John Gardner of his own Grendel says, “when Grendel first sees Beowulf coming, Grendel thinks of him as a sort of machine, and what comes to the reader’s mind is a kind of computer, a spaceman, a complete alien, unknown. The inescapable mechanics of the universe. At other times, Beowulf looks like a fish to Grendel.”  Gardner: a near miss. Beowulf is a sub.

Argonauts to such facetiousness declare without a doubt that space voyages began in Plutarch, in his Face in the Moon or in Lucian. But we take a more modern intuition of space voyage from orbiting satellites in Marlowe and Milton. Do you think it strange that the duration of orbit of  both Dr. Faustus and Satan is eight days? Before his thirst for pranks and sex Dr. Faustus was so devoted to cosmology that he had wandered about the “spheres above the moon” seeking the rotation patterns of the planets. He went himself to space in a magic dragon-chariot to see  the “tropics, zones, and quarters of the sky.”

And whirling round with this circumference, 
Within the concave compass of the pole,
From east to west his dragons swiftly glide,
And in eight days did bring him home again.

Doctor Faustus, III, 11-14

But with what diabolic mimicry does Milton’s Satan run the earth to reconnoiter Eden in eight days? Dr. Faustus and Satan first in space does not exactly approbate the space program!  Were infernalists first? Where the hell was Dr. Sagan?  Right behind. Even if Sagan’s  ashes are not in space he wanted them to be.  Is that why the program was canceled? Consider the eight day transit of the Milton orbiter:

The space of seven continu’d Nights he rode
With darkness, thrice the Equinoctial Line
He circl’d, four times cross’d the Car of Night
From Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure;
Paradise Lost, IX, 62-66

Marlowe, Milton, but who first we inquire? Neither. It’s all from Lucian who took eight days to reach the moon. So in other words not every fiction is prophetic, especially when it imitates the classics, even Plutarch, even Lucian.

Space travel apotheosis also occurs in Blake and Shelley. Blake made all manner of such voyages. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell demonstrates the vanity of angelic “Analytics” when he kidnaps the angel and is very lucky not to collide in orbit with the unraveling Percival Lowell:

 “I by force suddenly caught him in my arms, & flew westerly thro’ the night, till we were elevated above the earth’s shadow: then I flung myself with him directly into the body of the sun, here I clothed myself in white, & taking in my hand Swedenborgs volume sunk from the glorious clime, and passed all the planets till we came to Saturn, here I staid to rest & then leaped into the void, between Saturn & the fixed stars.”

Blake’s space jump has no technology yet to match so cannot be called prophetic, but remember Cassandra was not believed, and that Sophocles was 80 when he wrote Antigone, so from rubble civilization perhaps will think how good it once was. Anachronism is a big part of the satire opposing the prophetic. Blake kindly returns Swedenborg to his proper sphere, the stars, but  facetiously, to astound the angel, for medieval cosmologies,  were “above earth’s shadow,” not outside, and the pre-Copernican astronomy of “fixed stars,” was an Empyrean beyond the seventh planet. Futurists here may think a dandy telekinesis.

But the last stanza of Shelley’s celebrated Adonais, when Keat’s “spirit’s bark is driven, / Far from the shore,”  “borne darkly, fearfully, afar,” is more apotheosis of Castor and Pollus than space launch. Shelley’s sincere technology has him go “afar,”  but how did he get there? Nobody knows. Keats’ apotheosis is classic imitation unless you think it his emergence in the ninth bardo.

So unconscious patterns embed fact. Look, up in the sky, here comes Taliesin from “the region of the summer stars!” Maybe it’s the old Norman poetry, but maybe the “Hanes Taliesin” is a twelfth century space traveler! As far as we know for a fact there were none until Shoemaker’s ash went to the moon and also that a rare piece of Tombaugh went to Pluto.

The submarine imitates a fish, the satellite a moon, rockets and airplanes birds, but the trick of consciousness limits discovery to that already found. “Canals” were discovered on Lowell’s Mars and  “Elysium” in America before the fact, and it’s ok to imitate fish, birds or the moon, but do not  talk of atomic power  imitating the sun, when “it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light” (Zechariah).


Shepherd Wolf

This suggests connection of judgment with they call themselves scholars, researchers, investigators but are alarmists. The British are coming, alarmists who pose the ultimate mousetrap, but without exact decree the fates at least gave Oedipus and his fate, but things were managed better for effect in the play.  In this guise the golden age was always a pretend, an extension of something that had not to do with life into life, making it a counterfeit. So if now it is said that events such as overpopulation, degradation of resources, threats of revolution will all in the end bring about a golden age that too is pretend. We have been living in the golden all our lives but knew it not. The peasant farmer lived in it, hungry and benighted as he was said to be, ignorant of the higher math, music he had, and art, and even more community. It was only when he became an individual that he began to have difficulty, that science and scholars emerged along with ever new tribal forms of society, but not like the old lived on earth under sky. If you count the number of days and nights those former ones spent in good air, under sun and star against what the modern does you see the modern is more like the putative escapees of Mars who when their living failed built a planetoid space ship as the moon Iapetus and have lived inside it ever since. That would be worse than prison shut off from the natural. The analogy holds somewhat for peoples who live in rooms and watch flickering screens, and lose their health contemplating their images in a mirror that reflect only  themselves, but without the  lines of age their grandparents knew.

It is to these people that the golden age appeals when they hear of it, reduced to justice, good will, fairness, peace, for these things only just disappeared in their lifetimes. Into this environment come their prophets of all kinds who think to demagogue them with facts of their own twisting, arching concepts that explain nothing but are delivered in the demagogue’s style with plenty of emotion and fear, repetition and logical jumps.  The new facts overwhelm people overwhelmed already by the artificial environment they find themselves in, artificial food, engineered to make they hungry and then sick. What a mistaken reality to make society sick so you can make it better again, at least in promise, for it is just made more sick with dissatisfactions so that it can never be healthy, meaning young, meaning beautiful like the models it offers in ads and  runway shots and in negligees. These people, already manipulated into obesity, will believe almost anything you scare them into especially when the facts are so selected that they may be twisted into the false not the true. Give examples of this?

In the past, epics encompassed time and space in a mythic way so that events that happened long before impinged on the present along with future promises. Earth was a meeting place of the heavens, which stood for  the gods mostly, who worked out their jealousies and foibles on people, but there were intrusions from the below the earth too, from the dead so to speak. Looking at this epic environment together, the one common factor on earth was that the gods wanted a girl. Zeus wanted Io, Hera was jealous, he wanted Persephone…The girls stood for life, in taking the girl they were experiencing life to its fullest,  the joy of love, nothing better, no greater ecstasy or joy. The girl was everything. Get the girl and you get the gold, the gold girl  was life and after than get a piece of land. These ideas came to a people immersed in earth air water and fire that they used and felt everyday. When was your last fire? The girl, the mother, the child were all  subject to conquest by the man, politics, war, religion,. Why? No reason, but because they could, or did. It was for power. Because these people were not so afflicted with individualism they lived and died under the mercy that their name, family, tribe, people, way of life went on when they passed, so death was not anything except a part of life, not something to be resisted so that all the life was held hostage to it, so that while you lived you didn’t live. Freed to live, work, suffer, they did so without the heroic measures science has forced upon us all. More than heroic measures, artificial  fingers, liver, kidneys, hearts and toes. It was better to die to them than receive such amendments to life. Without these things they lived and died. They were let go and not suffered to remain in test tubes, beakers, dna samples, cryonic tanks to be maybe raised up with the evil of science that would contradict all that life on earth held as good from the first, life among herds with the girl, a wife, and children under sky in fields.

Science took all that away and substituted neuroses for long life without the corrective of pain, choice. You can just get a new heart, reprogram genes. Into this counterfeit age came a new epic, as if another mercy to save from all the dead artificiality of what science had made from its tubes, animal experiments and tortures it kept under wraps that even the super rich didn’t know.  The new epic came to restore the old life. That is why we are here today, to restore what life was by casting off the false assurances we have had that we are safe because all the lions are extinct and the wolves are on reservations and nature is not fearful. The new myths mean to restore fear so we can live existentially again, for this was forfeit in the 20th century suburbs and rights of the individual. People still go without fear to the mall. So back to ancient Israel and Greece, Babylon and Sumner and the interplay of  all time and space upon the moment. It is a good thing if we rediscover  our faith and that life is worth more than wealth, life is worth dying for, that life  is vested with truth because there is One who made it all.

Are you saying we should be members of herds, like sheep? We were always  subject to forces anyway. We are anyway except we’re being sold the idea that we’re not that we are individuals. Are you saying we should be Luddites and hate the present future past?  The demagogues have all their news men out questioning aggressively any voice that challenges their doctrine. See, it breaks their control. We were always subject to forces so that ultimately our only choice is to live with them or die. Under the guise of false fear, read to control, they invented terrorists, but nobody’s really afraid.

So what’s the new myth? That myths were never true, they were inventions to enslave.The demagogues want to say they speak a reality like the fate that trapped Oedipus, that not only are they true, but supernaturally true, irresistibly true. True myth and false fact made a swift reversal in a decade, like they now say did the evolution of the dog. Complete control is now excercised over all thought in this captiviy of continual misinformation environments.

 It's not Nostradamus, or any of the other predictive associations  of film.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...