Thursday, October 18, 2012

The First World Roundup. Trojan Horse, Domes and Severed Head. War on Neptune.

Papers Collected Toward a Fictional History of the Future. These myths presage a third Wold-World roundup beyond imagining

"Probably we're going to someday ask if civilization is a psychosis, a hypnotic trance, an enchantment or simple chicanery while at the same time we benefit. Sure we benefit from the American revolution of freedoms. As long as we consent to the evident manipulation of our thoughts. Believe everything and nothing in the promises, the good intentions of story tellers.  Stories are told here as if they were real events."
Indeed the day has come to ask that question.

Fictional scientist Kurk Wold said his experiments and involvement in the History Roundup were called myth afterward. It was entirely written by him in that serious, semi-serious style of a scientist who wants to be relevant but hardly knows how. We say it is fictionalized because while there are undoubtedly facts as in any fiction, they are woven together with the impossible and absurd. There have been absurd scientists before, from the modern to all the Greek philosophers who thought themselves scientists.  Myths of modern science appear in the ancestor of Charles Darwin, botanist Erasmus Darwin, who "saw" and reported light from the marigold, and in research in the biblical codes of Daniel (1733) and Revelations of Newton. Much of renaissance science sought to prove Psalm 19. What to us may seem absurd was to them holistic living! Wold breaks all the protocols of society and science, first by experiments so heinous he should be silent about them, and second in saying so in broad daylight.

The Severed Head: Starchitecture Tales Fro Faerie Gromets

However there was a disagreement between two machine interfaces in the loading a new version, resulting in cancellation of the entire file and all its data. This present file, II, is charged with what would have been. So whether the Kurk Wold Letters, Starchitectures, Welcome to the Party of the Land, Cartoon at the End of the World, Secret Writing  in the Oops, that file harkened back to fauxnonfic. To anybody who  persevered through this process the title not quite set, the hundred visions, revisions and major cuts gone underwent a settling. Three times this much was canceled and twice that existed in other states. Myth becoming fact right in front of the face.

Starchitect Hotel was a 20th century comic when Lit and fiction  vexed truth, but in the 21st century movies are truth. Hollywood actors are newscasters and the comics give the correct version of current events. Events presaged in literature hundreds of years before only remained to interpret correctly the remake. No wonder things were opposite of what they seem. Myth became fact and fact became myth. This even true of science. We only ask what is it. Who can say what it means? here
Probably we're going to someday ask whether this is a shared psychosis, hypnotic trance, a kind of enchancement or simple chicanery. One thing sure, believe everything you hear, all promises; especially  the good intentions of the story tellers on TV. Stories told as if they were real events. Revision 5. 
The third revision of this collection with very much more material added, with a slight name change. I emphasize that this is fiction, not real. The Madness of the Golden Age, here 
Some formating errors occured in the uploading. These will be corrected in the next version. Apologies
The Madness of Artilect 1.0 and Other Stories here

An editor friend on receiving the first Anthropology of Orc once said, "I sometimes wonder where the world of your imagination resides. Do you consider it in any way related to science fiction or fantasy, etc? I , to be sure, consider Borges a sort of science fiction, which is not in any way to denigrate his work, which I adore."

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Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...