Showing posts with label Abzu gate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abzu gate. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Pope Francis: I come in my own name.

Nano: if left unchecked NANO will completely rewrite you through xna, xeno nucleic acids, which copy your DNA manifesting in different colored particulate chips,  fibers, ribbons, which are building a circuit inside, all just in one cell. Multiply that out. Misdiagnosed as mold, lyme, morgelleons, which will look like a mold or virus,  Nano is a good Englishman: we're here to assimilate you.

[From all accounts thrill seekers in the tunnels of CERN are a destination of choice.  CERN to attempt making a connection with the the Well of Souls in Jerusalem using a Birkeland Current to Saturn when the earth’s magneto sphere is aligned and according to CERN’s planned schedule. The well of Souls in Jerusalem appears to be the direct center of the earth’s axis point making this alignment.
CERN Basements
CERN tunnels
CERN Awake, Wakefield ]
CERN break time:

Daniel Chandler, of the inevitability thesis, c. 1995 once technology is introduced, it is inevitably developed--I said this in a grant app in 1985.

CERN largest scientific consortium in world
entemenaki, baba-alu,  opening of Abzu, gate of hell-tom Tom Horn path of the immortals
students from the Portuguese  Santa Cecilia Music Academy-transparent panels containing arcane texts photographed inside CERN codes greetings, invocations in Aramaic, Hebrew, mandarin, Sanskrit. Fallen angels fluent in them all.


Dating medieval manuscripts / tracking cell phones: Finally some hard science for pattern recognition and patterns within patterns, this analogy between dating medieval manuscripts and tracking cell phones. The switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk do so with a similar code used in dating medieval deeds. Algorithms of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words  of undated ms. is compared to dated and the machine identifies the undated. Some such code must be used to ferret out the unsilent talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.-Maximum prevalence technique: a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the training set (Gelila Tilahun,University of Toronto).-Computer-automated statistical methods

-Patterns in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.
British researchers developed an algorithm that uses tracking data on people’s phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error:  20 meters. That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people follow fairly consistent patterns over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of accounting for breaks in the routine.
The researchers solved that problem by combining tracking data from individual participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather than staying uptown for lunch as usual. here Welcome. Stingray, cell phone tracker.

Also consider-

Brown clustering: AI- grouping words into clusters that are assumed to be semantically related by virtue of their having been embedded in similar contexts for speech recognition darpa 1971. Markov chain: a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event.[ sometimes characterized as "memorylessness"). Roughly speaking, a process satisfies the Markov property if one can make predictions for the future of the process based solely on its present state just as well as one could knowing the process's full history, hence independently from such history. Random walks based on integers and the gambler's ruin problem are examples of Markov processes. In probability theory and related fields, a stochastic or random process is a mathematical object usually defined as a family of random variables.  Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobservable (i.e. hidden) states.  Hidden Markov models are especially known for their application in reinforcement learning and temporal pattern recognition such as speech, handwriting, gesture recognition,[7] part-of-speech tagging, musical score following.[8]

II.  Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. 
a visit to john bedini

 Antarctic Secrets

War on Neptune
"America 21st Century equivalent to late Republican Rome' meme."
Obama Caligula youtube 

Caligula I, Claudius Summary and Analysis-by Robert Graves
Neptune has good PR as any druggie likes Neptune, You could sell quarts of seawater and get rich. Neptune is deception, distortion the way water diffracts. Water torture is after all the most highly desired. But drugs follow Neptune, and rhetoric, espolitical sppeech, slander dmt. as they say i hope you think you're Neptune.

III. Cryptography. 
First, and simplest, the cryptography of a little dance kata for the worship of Horus, Let's Do the Time Warp Again, decoded here.
Second, more complete, a kata for the worship of APOLLYON THE DESTROYER (HALIOS) in Beyonce's Put a Ring On It.
Third, HAO, IAO Green Day Live cryptography.
If you don't get these little scratches skip it.

IV. Philip J. Corso. "The Day After Roswell." Chief of the US Counter Intelligence Corps in Rome in 1961 became Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development, working under Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau. In 1964, Corso was assigned to Warren Commission member Senator Richard Russell, Jr. as an investigator into the assassination of J F K. Corso's role was to deliberately fabricate the "legend" of Lee Harvey Oswald.
In his book The Day After Roswell (co-author William J. Birnes) Corso claims he took extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Corso says a covert government group was assembled under the leadership of the first Director of Central Intelligence, Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (see Majestic 12). Among its tasks was to collect all information on off-planet technology. The US administration simultaneously discounted the existence of flying saucers in the eyes of the public, Corso says. According to Corso, the reverse engineering of these artifacts indirectly led to the development of accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material.

 Pop. We go down to the dock and see a little rowboat tied up, get in and gradually drift from the shore. After a while the evening news, even the weather is unfamiliar This is a pseudo parallel to way things are going, none of it believable. The land itself is a fabrication as the boat keeps moving further away. It gets more so. Many artists talk about it, but not in words, in images which are explained away. Take for instance the images of  Pop eating pop:  That “THE POP WILL EAT HIMSELF” BY MASSIMO GIACON is a foregone conclusion, pop being "the modern pagan deity," (hatched in large part by otaku and Little Boy.) “Initially, the characters of the ceramic Superego collection were not designed as ceramic construction, but as sick toys. The “sickness” of toys is given by corruption and human suffering. Massimo, with his objects, wants to represent the negative influence which is directly expressed in his works. The characters of his ceramics collection are like modern martyrs who wonder what happened and why things are so bad nowadays. The pop objects have shining colors and terrifying expressions.” Massimo Giacon is a protagonist of Italian cartoon bubbles. From Design Design Blog. These images of consuming and being consumed are analogous to the shore. They exist beneath the levels of consciousness, in art, so are subject to every psychological interpretation to confront the unthinkable. But because it's unthinkable it's outside the empirical, as if OOks.
It's the same for everyone, including Schneider, who didn't get the true info about his father until the end. As consumers consume pop they consume themselves, their lives, their consciousness.
 Black Science 

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...