Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weimar Millenials

Like Romans after a feast, arms at side, the open shirt 
of the Weimar Millennial expose belly to navel.

The Weimar Diaspora and American Political Thought
You think oracles are future but they are past. Weimar is  another American disguise, always excepting fervent intercessory prayer. But we are way beyond 1933. The permanent Executive is about to be proclaimed. Within the year  oracles will "throw up strange shapes, broad curves / And parallels clean like the steel" (Stephen Spender. Poems, XXVI, 1933). "That program of the antique Satan / Bristling with guns on the indented page" (Poems, XXXIII).

 If the Electoral College does in the general election what the Republicans did in Colorado, cancel the election, Democracy ends its exile. Fast forward to the Colorado late at night, edge of a lunar eclipse, Halloween with fires, rooftop calls on civilization to surrender to what it does not believe. Bizarre Earth burrowers, mole prophets Germany prepared for this. And Velikovsky.

 Time brings Weimar out to smoke a good ham. Weimar Americans turn the wheel. Their days of Noah begin. What analogies do seventy five postwar German years make for those "unhappy, pained, gentle creatures who represent the heart of another Germany, and do not understand what is happening to them… peculiar whiteness and stillness of their eyes which seem to have been drained of pigment…How closely I press upon a secret! Why am I always attracted by these desolate spirits?" (Stephen Spender, Journals, 1939-1983, 30).
  The Globe is the absolute superiority of our being. "Three stand naked: the new, bronzed German, / the communist clerk, and myself, being English" (Spender. Poems, XIV in 1929). The splendid American is singing "all for one and one for all." HBO in  simple haunting tones: "I’m haunted by these images, /  I’m haunted by their emptiness" (Spender, Poems, XVI). Who in Weimar America lives in the shadow of war? None, just like Weimar! QED!  Spender goes to Weimar a decade before this end and sees "prisoners / Turned massive with their vaults and dark with dark" (Poems, XX)where "all things are naked and opened unto the eyes" as Saint Stephen would  said. We could read a book like Psalms, "I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint…I may count all my bones." (Psalm 22.14). 
Light the night with American Light, see the light come on. 
Call up on the American phone, ring and see. 
At night in the light you'll be right at home.
 Light the night with American light, see the light come on. 
But the Weimar does not believe its porcelain words, the "slanting iron hair pattern no stigmata" (Poems, XXXI). Hearts are cut frommistaken corpses after the bearded drones hit. The apocalypse heaven, earth and hell is the machine of criminal angels. Choose one.  Chomsky thinks its Hitler from the right where the forces keep marching, left, right, left, right. Except they have phones. But it's not this PR Hitler coming, Weimar just back from the Danube, Marlene Dietrich singing of hyperinflation. It's the man who brings war. That’s what you get when their knees are tight on your arms and they hold you down, says Sir Stephen, four angels loose from Euphrates.

The end  celebrated “as a new way of living, a new assessment of what life is for and how it is lived." English poets Auden, Isherwood, Spender were "an inseparable trio who represented the new spirit of literature during the 1930s and 1940s...deeply influenced by free Weimar, specifically its decadent homosexual subculture" (Rictor Norton). Weimar changed the definition of excellence, but that time is past. There will be no nations after the breakup of iron and clay. There will be no peace and safety in the new golden age of three harvests. L3 robot dogs will patrol. Resistance fighters will short them out. Each cell performs the work of all. Send head shots to this hive with 180 grains. Lure to acid baths Oracle says. I just report the news.

With all panache in his Cyrano de Bergerac hat
  Electrosmog moved by dilemma, has easy kinship with the desolate sweep. I get out Spender’s Poems of 1933, inscribed to "For Horst Keller as a  souvenir  of Oxford London Berlin from Stephen Spender / March 11, 1933," twelve days after the Reichstag fire (27 Feb 1933). Hitler's "rise" ended in March 1933 after the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933. He burned down the Reichstag like the Towers. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor on 30 January 1933 after elections and intrigues. Then Hitler used The Enabling Act to constitutionally exercise dictatorial power without legal objection. Spender says in his Journal, "I met [Horst] on the Hook of Holland boat once, shortly before Hitler’s rise to power,then he says, "I saw Obama fall from heaven!"
 "Horst was the son of a general. And now at least four names crowd on to me I remember. Many are aristocrats and often close to the higher ranks of the army. This boy was called Horst. He had a round face with very well-formed features, delicate lips, light blue eye, and brown hair of an almost feathery lightness. He was very quiet and polite and he had some small, out-of-the-way interest – playing the flute or making musical instruments or something. There’s really nothing much more to it than that. He had a scholarship at Oxford and I used to call on him there; we went for walks and I introduced him to Isaiah Berlin. But he never in the least became part of the life at of those unhappy, pained, gentle creatures who represent the heart of another Germany, and do not understand what is happening to them. I have touched a deeper chord than I knew here, for Have I not met two or three? Didn't I know very well the peculiar whiteness and stillness of their eyes which seem to have been drained of pigment? These poor ghosts are really beautiful in a sexless way, because, if one is a young man of another country, an exile in one's own, one cannot expect to be virile. How closely I press upon a secret! Way am I always attracted by these desolate spirits? There was one I met on the Hook of Holland boat once...(Journal. 1985, 30).

Which do you prefer, 20th century prewar Germany or 21st century prewar America?

Everybody feels empowered  to remember maps, addresses, digitally stored, time no more. Electronic designs are "More beautiful and soft than any moth / With burring furred antennae feeling its huge path" (Poems, XXVII).

 Who are these pained creatures?

Sir Stephen says, Watch the hawk with  an indifferent eye, that almost won War on the sun until the hands, wings, are found (Poems, 1933, 11). 
 In this best of all possible worlds the Trojan Horse outside the gate, Leviathan comes to land. We find the eyes of the hawk, its hands, and tongue. Hurry up Horst!
But Keller is dismissed, "always just as gentle, just as isolated [with] a restlessness that never ceased." His poor ghost oracle stands for American hearts,  "peculiar whiteness, drained of pigment:"  "Most of these poets and writers...delivered their sad advice on the literary life which I was now just about to enter, like ghosts in purgatory, conscious of the relative failure of their illusions" (World On Worlds, 89).

As if appointing a board of directors Auden assigned Spender to be the poet at Oxford. Isherwood got to be the novelist grasping at illusion, not compulsion. Escape from Weimar fell to Dylan Thomas, who stayed drunk to preserve his integrity, like a good Indian, or Faulkner, or Edith Sitwell divvying  esoteric Jung. The lords of lit dismiss its past as Americans dismiss the present, as Spender does "the sustained gentle sense of unhappiness" (31).

It’s not just England naked in the world.

England is America without the water to cross. England echoes America and America China, India, Ukraine, Egypt, Japan signifying Horst Keller naked. On one hand he is the American dismissed for lack of philosophic depth, like all poets and critics scourge one another, and on the other hand he is the counterpart of the bullying Spender himself received, "My parents kept me from children who were rough…their knees tight on my arms. / I feared the salt coarse pointing of those boys" (Poems XII). Ezra Pound dared call Yeats' The Tower putrid. Hemingway called Spender squeamish, and why not, for he was as cloistered as his cell phone world. Oops, or was that you? Spender and Keller prophesy  how we live in our Weimar before the fall, "coracles with faces painted on" (Spender, Poems, III), even as the Reich-stag burns, the Twin Towers morph to a propaganda tool, these are just mirages of the digital, like a new species of  genitalia that poisoned Van Gogh's brain and gave him  seizures. He saw a color shift which produced the yellow period, haloes around lights. We know the yellow as gold! Xanthopsia fools like propaganda. Our seizures after the group mind are offered by Yahoo with no word on who will destroy the world. This is Weimar's Childhood’s End, the beast that comes from its ship in 50 years! Logic has disappeared.

"There is no war on terror there is an international war being waged using proxy groups against nation states that resist the new order of U.S. Israeli hegemony and to discipline the work force by terrorist groups funded, armed and trained by western intelligence agencies to spawn an intellectual terrorism to crack down on dissident opinion about the link between French imperialism and terrorism (fill in your country here) random terrorist attacks being a form of low intensity civil war with coercive engineered immigration (K. M. Greenhill, a tool used by one state to destabilize another state, where U.S. and Turkey destabilize the Balkans and the midlanhope, Hungary and Germany, civil war being a natural result of globalization which leads to breakdown of society. Divide the world island and conquer while the controllers have their way. Divide the Eurasian peninsula from the Baltic sea to the Black to create an Intermarium to prevent German and Russian unity which is why Germany is being overrun by other victims of globalization now instrumentalized and used as weapons of globalization, so the consequences of globalization are used to further the goal of globalization."

Before the golden age of Weimar was ever known, Egyptian Crocodiles of Montaigne, Saturn filled the sky. There was no sunlight. There was no rain. Mist came up from the ground. Not a lot of jpegs. Our iron age is golden for its sin, but Saturn has to correlate the influence. Political experiment means the President is determined to serve forever. Unilateral law will host the global king. All these qualities  predicted by the prophet need only further correlate the terror event, the weather event, the news event to void elections in the fall. The crocodile is against him. The snake is against him. Many common people will just disappear. Blame the rapture when those Travelin' Boxcars fill. At its back time's winged chariot grows near. Programed men have sworn to the disappear. Wonder will put good use to opposition.  Hitler was a British spy! Oops AI at military  Cycorp will be the arm. One might hold it all a spiritual event, to ask since political figureheads. Continuity is the figurehead of mind  so  this coup would be evidence of the giant.

 The Days of Weimar golden in the States, I was a scholar of the golden age, eternal heroes as gods of  were shared by all. Mountains of gold were found on the moon. Anthro-pologists called that gold sought in  the hyper dimension. To get to the gold you got to be a made man. Spirits from that side come to possess new flesh, silicone. You think you'll live forever. Take the DNA of metabolic change.  As the third strand implant, social with the personal must be prepared. That's the purpose of Weimar-Millenial.

Note: My first contract with NASA and Velikovsky was when the late Adam Niswander, owner then of Adam's Books asked me for first editions of Worlds in Collision (Macmillan, 1950) and anything else. Pretty quickly one appeared and he was eager to get it for cash and a copy of [Pseudo] Longinus on the Sublime (1907) wasting on his shelves which still interests me. I had no interest in mad science then, whether Velikovsky or Freud, but at that time I was a poet divnavigate fiction.

Poems. Stephen Spender (Faber, 1933).
This appeared in Red Fez # 71 in Sept '14 in a different form. The sculpture appeared just a week later.

Gearoid O Colmain Geopolitical Destabilization of Europe:

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...