Wednesday, October 21, 2015

YOU ARE the Blue Beam Antenna

  Save the earth from overheating, change the stratosphere, Blue Beam transporters say.  Carbonize the earth, shroud it in cloud, punning on the Cloud computer. It serves as a giant projection screen. How does it work? Storms of 300 mph winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, martial law, complete capsizing of the economy come first, then the Blue Beam projects the landing from space,  a Disney production, and then World government off its rear. Meantime the super collider at CERN begs the dimensional entities to come through into their prepared vessels. Is the apocalypse self-caused? Do well to ask. Is the purpose of chem spraying a plan B concurrent with joining human and AI and that is PROJECT COMPLETE! Transforming the atmosphere to electrically charged plasma, turning the sky into a battery-antenna? You don't have to wait anymore!

You are the Antenna. Part II. Electrosmog, Micro Hearing  Part I, You are the Antenna here

--Time-polarized Electromagnetic Signatures
--Barium/aluminum particulate ethylene dibromide  clouds
--Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weaponized Weather. Byzantine Hybridomas

You are the antenna.  

Barium and aluminum turn the atmosphere into ionised plasma. 
HAARP and CERN charge the  plasma into a battery/antenna. 
You inhale the metal particulate  nano-tech of this plasma.
 Presto! you are the antenna. 

Increased sightings of Sun Dogs off San Francisco and other heavily targeted areas like the Olympia Forest and its EM warfare training exercises are terrestrial evidence of this intent. Strangelets that accumulate in Earth's core from CERN swell so that platelets separate, which explains the sounds of separation of the Earth's crust, groans and sighs and whistles cascading, all creation groaning in travail, not to speak of the sulfur this releases. Add the image of Kali projected on the Empire State to those you find projected in midair over centers of civilization: London, New York, Tokyo, Geneva, Darjeeling describe the stress lines of the earth skin, now stretched and broken into the fifth kingdom, Humanity ("January" in A Calendar of Poems). The Pope is organizing the breaking in of the new fifth kingdom in his own new Jerusalem (please take that as a pun on Blake and Ezekiel). Years ago, before all this started  I made my own blue beam and projected it as A Calendar of Poems, what I thought at the time was a celebration and a warning, explained in Ameryca Spelled With a Y, but we can all make our own, probably do, just don't know it, any more than we will when the real project Blue Beam hits.
The cyclotronic resonance produced in the battery atmosphere above reinforced with the magnetism of CERN below. 
powers Space Fence

Space Fence
 Courtesy of Lockheed Martin, Spacex, Intel, and Terahertz, TO KEEP SPACE SAFE! Exactly Homeland to Space Security. You want to be safe don't you? What do you fear? Terror? The very agencies that make you afraid: Lockheed Martin, Spacex, Intel and WhatNot.

 Space Fence, SWS (Sentient-World-Simulation) and prediction device Palantir (see Artificial Imagination & Its Demonic Faces, (last 15 min) provide the softwares that Google engineers have been analyzing from the ‘dreams’ of their computers. Via The Boltzmann Machine (neural networks learning internal representations) those tessellating Escher-esque artworks further enable electromagentic lockdown. Wind turbines & fracking ground elements of this same system at CERN manipulate and charge the magnetic field.

Blue Beam effects appear larger in scenarios of the Mars Landings. Add giant space ships in the belts around Saturn, the Third Temple in Jerusalem and every next False Flag to push the masses into antitheses. Antitheses is such a good title! This stardom of space age deceptions features Chinese cities appearing in midair, which is nothing to the projection drawn by cyclotronic resonance with Saturn (the plaything of CERN). Warmups acts of these events include every media event from JFK, NewTown and the 9/11 demo. A proper list includes them all. What is the proof? The individual cases. It would be interesting to prove if there have been any exceptions to this theatric in world events!
 So as movie goers go to films to see actors play roles in a manufactured story,  these movie goers are spectators in events viewed entirely by the controllers of these black events.The same visions enable a massive reptilian monument at the Vatican. All these prepare for  the big show coming.


Project Blue Beam helps convince the archaeological proofs of ET. Projections of holograms from satellites prove whatever presence. Monast says Blue Beam will set up the ultimate deception of the ruse of an attack from space. Forged archaeological finds and adherents of the shapeshifter Sitchin's lore of Sumer or the Dogon myths of Sirius and the Nommos creation suit the prophets from Clif High to the next, a nice story you can use to sell product, along with bones hidden in museums. Sky Net to control human thoughts and wow them, shock to submission, what tyrant doesn't want that?
Serge Monast was eliminated. The missing microbiologists, the suicided computer scientists, Phil Schreiber, even P.K. Dick, would have questioned the thousand year stare of advanced tech on the rest of us, for who did not see the planes crash into the towers, except there is no plane wreckage and the firemen heard detonations from below not above, but aside from the premise that Project Blue Beam projected 3 D images of the planes that looked real, John Lear, says we must know backward how the rest of us mourned and cried that morning on cue. We wave flags on our car antennas for some weeks after these events. Entertainment patriotism.
Things that have happened  are gainsayed 
those that have not are disbelieved.

Comment from Nonconcensusical "And how they kill cancer, by injecting nanometal particles in our bodies. When the nanometal particles get to the cancer, they turn up the frequency and burn the cancer out. So, after we breath in the nano particles they turn up the frequency and burn us up. There's self replicating nano particles, if breathed in will replicate itself inside of you. You're saying they are building up energy in the sky from the wind blade tips. Is that because of its height? Reminds me of electrostatic energy coming off of tips of branches when the wind blows. Cern and HAARPs dome in the ionosphere, Cern (Montauk, Brookhaven and Erin) shoots particle beams at HAARPs dome and is reflected into the (twin towers complex, repeatedly) the ground."

 ALTERation of THE ATMOSPHERE TO FACILITATE this WIRELESS COMMUNICATION has been a primary intent, but of whom? The first order of this future hieroglyphic is FirstNet, The urgency to install 5G to establish first responder 5G secure com network. Secure meaning it cannot be monitored by cvivilians as present 911, fire dept police calls. .You get asked about holograms in daily life now, whether Pokemon Go is a Beta test of the Blue Beam or I, Pet Goat, II  is of 9/11. Lesser examples of this effects in the 9/11 anniversaries are the angel over Ground Zero 2016 or beams of light reflecting off One World Trade Center 2016, and rainbows on the top of the building 2015, soap operas that science promises will come true if we wish and believe.
With the blue beam you can have whatever you want. The counterfeit pope and presidents offer that  thousand year stare as their golden age. Think of the possibilities for David Talbot's golden age of Saturn where the planets line up, Mars in the center of Venus' aureole against the massive Saturn in our sky instead of the sun. We could have this tonight on TV. Much positive and negative occurs in the Thunderbolt series, positive for its interpretation of Egyptian and Babylonian cosmology.  Yes these beliefs together are a cult like the archetypes of Jung, counterfeits supporting the very paganism believers waiting for this golden age solar system promulgate. This paganism of Sumer, Babylon, Rome is clear to any scripture-believing Jew or Christian. The entire Bible refutes this worship of the sun, the planets and the star gods.

 What he saw he didn't see and what he didn't see he saw is the history of astronomy that pretends its eidola, blips so called. Clyde Tombaugh and Perceval Lowell saw both. Tombaugh saw a blip on a plate that was Pluto. Lowell saw canals on Mars. The Blue Beam lets us talk about it with the premise that we all carry around in our minds projections, imaginations, memories as in Hart Crane's Bridge, who saw Him as he was, "unstaunched and luminous." That's the saw that didn't see. Images and statements form a ring around us in spirit as a sort of Blue Beam supported by their magnetism of attraction for us. The negative compulsions that preoccupy our minds are not the Beam. The Beam is also a positive that echoes and reechoes out of the poets who are the biggest and best Blue Beamers of them all.

But not the painters. That is no illusion on the canvas, it is what you see, but the poet, the life of Lycidas floating on the breeze replaced now by TV slogans and advertising jingles and government schemes, maybe. Who knows what is in the imagination of Coctys and Cerberus and Actaeon at rest? They don't rest, have only the one dimension. But the man and woman contemplate a myriad of Beams apposite themselves, of their own choosing along with declarations, "death thou shalt die!" So we establish a transiting class of these beams, meteors, signs, portents in a poetical order to see that there is a Reality that we do not see that is more real than ourselves, like the grass that cuts the feet of the pilgrims in the Great Divorce. The light there is so heavy it is diamond water. Still fiction, if you like, but coming to Genesis, a reality more, carried in wonder. Bereshith bara Elohim et hashamayim v'et haaretz. The important thing is to say it. This is more than Blue Beam, an example of Reality itself.  Bereshith amazes the et connecting Elohim to the heavens and earth. The Hebrew letters in et are the first and last of that alphabet, aleph and tav, beginning and end. Here is the Bridge nonpareil. Here is the Word, and from Him flows the power to become the son of God.
 Still don't feel like you're a broadcast weapon?

 You are the Antenna. Part II. Electrosmog, Micro Hearing  Part I, You are the Antenna here

Electrosmog shoots situations not bullets. It is a phantasia, an inversion, a Silent Weapon for Quiet Wars-."  EEG "Silent talk detects and analyzes word-specific neural signals which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns can be generalized. [41] That is, either it intercepts before you talk or after when it tranquilizes you with radio waves (Ross Adey). Stored individual electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns are rebroadcast via digital UHF. This is the -Silent Sound Spread System SSSS which can be digitally altered so that digital hearing becomes digital speaking. Computer-enhanced EEGs identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters,’ synthesize them and store them on hard drive. In other words, scientists, Jacobin-psychopaths, have been able to identify and duplicate concomitant brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion. These modified emotion signature clusters can then be broadcast over UHF carrier frequencies directly into the brain to restimulate or synthesize those emotions. Broadcast a riot. This could be by TV and radio, but it is obviously 5G-completed. These broadcasts also can trigger the same basic emotion in another human being. (Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, the newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group.   Used in first Iraq war).

  "ELINT, RINT, MASINT and wireless weapons in use today like Acoustic Hailing Devices, Active Denial Systems (heat ray) and other systems. These weapons can be mobile and have deadly capabilities that have been publicly disclosed. One of the freakiest sonic weapons is called “Voice of God”. Check out this video by LRAD’s CEO Woody Norris explaining how his $70,000 device can transmit voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you with volumes reaching at 155dB (30dB over the “pain” threshold) from over a mile away. The sound can be “spread out” to cover the “width of a couch,” or thinned out to directly target one ear." on Bill Binny @ Centipede Nation

2. But beyond that, RFID hard chips the size of grains of rice and nano particles make every user an antenna. Organic electronic technology interfaces neurons with electronic circuitry, tracking chips on childrens' clothes, (target individuals. International Center Against the Abuse of Covert Technologies  ICAACT).

-ARGUS-IS-US - Wide Eyed--Wide Area Persistent Stare. Among several species of drone, this  "uses hundreds of cellphone cameras in a mosaic to video and auto-track every moving object within a 36 square mile area...collects pattern-of-life data and track individual people inside the footage anywhere within the field of regard... it dragnet tracks every moving person and vehicle and chronographs their movements, allowing forensic investigators to rewind the footage and watch the activities of anyone they select within the footage." Online 2014 as Gorgon Stare. 1.8 gigapix surveils 36 square mile blocks 

-Phantom DNA Effect- Searching for  Pjotr Garjajev: Grazyna Fosar And Franz Bludorf --human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of inherent DNA. [ transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns...Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light.  On screen a typical wave pattern was formed.  When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained.  Many control experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself.  This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. ] from here

Detox sodium flouride
Jill Bolte Taylor, Stroke of Insight

Eastern Washington floods
Klaus Dona

John Hall A New Breed  Satellite Terrorism, John Hall, MD--6 parts, this is part 2, experiment among crime syndicates, front companies, "agency" sterile

-frequency wave modulation to control behavior, Frey, microwave hearing effect, bio effects of nonlethal weapons, communication inside your head, hearing voices not their own to confuse. I hear voices then is a weapon of war that cannot be traced. How many times you hear that from the killers! Artificial thought!  Ad messages! Digital Silent Sound System. DSSS in soda machines! Buy coke!

Chips cause cancer in animals
Injected in Jaw (dentist), base of skull, shoulders, sternum

Electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential risks associated with the Verichip ID implant.
 Since nearly all implantable microchips are unencrypted, they are extremely vulnerable to being read by third-party scanners. By scanning secretly, someone could steal the information on a chip and clone the signal, enabling that person to impersonate a chipped individual. This could create security problems for building or computer access or potentially enable criminal misuse of a medical account held by an unrelated person. Also, the chip could easily be removed from the person, or the appendage containing the device could be removed.[7]

Colin Ross, MD, The CIA Doctors , Blue Bird here
 If you begin to hear voices in your head and think you are under surveillance, psychiatrists will partly agree, for these imitate mental illness. But if they don't hear the voices, you may lose your job. If the voices are microwave hearing effect designed to discredit and delude does it comfort to know the psychiatric profession has all along been involved? 

Effects of Microwave Hearing effect used for mind control: Directed Energy, loaded onto a satellite platform: ultra sound, particle beam, laser, microwave energy, current microwave hearing, ELF (low) wave based audio harassment, hearing in vibrations around vent fans, running water,  pumps. "I hear them in the refrigerator compressor." Low freq based audio ceiling fan. entire elf wave audio displaces air, in carrier wave, in the background of the vibration, auditory hallucinations, speechfromgod, control large populations, depopulation! 

Resonance Beings of Frequency. Microwaves through the brain. Schumann Resonance, Berger and the Alpha Wave identical. 7.83 Herz. Water memory. DNA sequences communicate with each other in water in low frequency, 7.83 H! Bee colony collapse 2006: interruption of emr. Joseph Kuhn, mobile phone, chryptochrome cells affected by manmade radio frequencies, behind eye of robins, magnetic compass, millions of times increase, electrosensitivity, shielded with metal foil, metalized glass// experiment at 35.00 and following. Five million phone masts. ICNIRP guidelines exposed. Nora Volkow experiment showed increase in glucose metabolism at cell phone site, ear. 57.00. S.A. R. Specific Absorption Rate, heating effect. SAM Phantom Head, average of 10,000 army personnel. Glioma tumors. Lennart Hardell, "increased risk of acoustic neuroma and glioma" Ten year latency period! Melatonin in pineal gland secrets only at night. free radicals defeated by melatonin, but when reduced produces an increased cancer rate. Pineal gland light sensitive. Electric fields surpressing melatonin becasue light wave are the same as radio waves to it. Melatonin controls free radicals that cause cancer. EMR inhibits melatonin. Cellular chaos. Autism. No control population.

Dr. Richard Sauder, another San Antonio native
“Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases?” (Part 2)

Robert Duncan DARPA scientist, The Matrix Deciphered
 Already in operation, personality changes overnight, fall asleep in car, shut down car computer, remote tracking, biometric signature. Homing beacon, microchip? Targeted individuals. Bio sensing satellite systems, eeg brainprint, elf wave signature, transmit f that degrades over time but can be tracked, like optical tracking, given to criminal investigative groups according to hire. At the whim of the operator. GPS your house, eeg everywhere.
These background satellite terrorism:
Weather Manipulation Haarp CDC Tech Memorandum 195. Mood manipulation of large segments of people

Leuren Moret Totalitarian Scientific Oligarchy Google, DNA, Control --US Navy, DNA frequency antennas, weaponized, DNA surveys from space, isolated populations (Amazon), global species survey from space, UN agenda 21-id all species/inventory. a chip on every person. J Gregg, Venture Instiute, to forge new life forms (Helen Wallace, Gene Watch) - depopulation initiative. Bio piracy. Win Parker microbiologist,. Puharich-ELF waves break hydrogen bonds, increase vibratory rate. nano particles are transmitters to redesign the human genome. Bertrand Russell, only 5%males, 30%females allowed to be fertile

 False Flag Alien John Todd. Turn earth into a luciferian totalitarian socialist state. Aliens to induce helplessness.
Gordon Creighton 
In short that Jack Parsons (Hubbard) conducted on Area 51 before the fact a loosing of Crowley's Lam, a typical Grey. Which is where advanced aircraft are tested. Parsons was an inventor. Precursor: John Dee invented Enochian rituals (nuptials) conjurations, (cohabitations), so called. Hyper dimensional hostiles.  Yes he let Edward Kelly his scryer take his wife Jane to bed. The spirits told him to.


Point One: These entries seem chaotic. They are a collection of sources gathered into topics. The topics often overlap. The effort to make a unified statement that accounts for all the parts continues, if all the parts are known. Point Two: Surveys define the problem only negatively. That great travesties and dangers beyond  telling pretend there is little solution or none. Go underground (UG), hide on the surface or go into space. The government seems the best, at least according to the government. Beneath all cities and in the vast hideouts of New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains untold ug bases store ready for production every means of survival. Linked by ug shuttles over thousands of miles, these are held by the greatest minds as the solution until they ultimately pop up like moles or prairie dogs in a hundred years and restart what they think of as civilization, a cybernetic variety anyway. The hideout on the surface, a proletarian pastime, is a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, told as ideally as possible by Cormac McCarthy in The Road. This dog eat dog, militia, fiefdom existence is however what has always existed in greater or less degree before nation states. The alternative to the ug, which includes undersea (us) is the takeoff leaving earth entirely to return after the dust has settled. Like doves? This fancy is older than the dugouts of forts, and appeals to that sort, but with little following.Well known underground cities of Cappadocia area are Tatlarin Underground city Derinkuyu Underground City, Ozkonak Underground City, Mazi Village Underground City, Kaymakli Underground City and Gaziemir Underground City compare to modern versions like the ug mall of Montreal, but neither ancient or modern civil ug fortresses hold a candle to Cheyenne Mountain and the hundreds of secret ug bases in the U.S.

Ideas openly sourced, stolen and mixed, connect with the poet Vida,  "Come strip the ancients." You might never know without their own attribution. But it isn't homage here, even if many of these writers are heroic and amazing, it's just that truth and fiction are bigger than property. Those who talk of "intellectual property" mostly mean catchy phrases made up for popular consumption.

Note: found in an IBM copier at a surplus sale," surreptitiously connected with the lost Borges years.



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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...