Sunday, July 21, 2024

Barroom Vichy, Malebolge

 Barroom Vichy

 Many aliases travel the earth, ourselves in all and every place, imagined and not, reversed. Each minority of everyman has managers appointed on the way. Continents, nations do the same. India pimped for England. When in Rome wear a toga. Advancement trumps a neighbor Tribe and Clan. The Anshei Chinese, Indian, Bantu Aztec Anunnaki in every nation fling names and words. Entangled key strokes aggregate the node, aggregate the sacred UNET. Writings in the art of war and magic obscure the small to hide the great Anshei’s words, but not his beard.

The highest form of ethnology wears a mustache of the gods. The Samites founded a pagoda and a paradu. Little giants roamed it a gregori. But if you're going down to Titanomachy / and war against the gods, / not just take their ways, / take along a pick and spade / so can overlade all the acts that the Heaven endows a man who walks to annihilate /  before they appropriate your humanity, it's nice to be how we got to where we see.

Of these lesser known Renown briquettes we suggest a fire.  Even if only 15% of the bastard lineage spread the Bar-roomian Barsomian elite pulp classes over all the meta-schizo world. Meta schematizo means masquerade. Meta-schizo disguises of the meta-schiz-matizo work the same way the demons sent from the madman of Gadara. (Mk 5.11) fled into pigs, for the elites who fear exposure here below fear being sent out into that space between the planes (dimensions).

This hierarchy of intelligences and its esoteric pyramid  of hybrid intelligences is not completely physical.  Hence giants were physically immortal only until their deaths. That is, their immortality was not physical. They pursued every secret knowledge of blood lines, ascending up the ranks. The hierarchy that produced predicted programming received judgment for their failings in the attempt to destroy the creation created to supplant them. That would be you.  A chief part of war against the human interloper was the meta-schizo invention of civilization, evidenced in the occupation of earth millions of years before. The institutions of religion, government, science, art, subverted by the anshei shem, perpetrate and increase this structure.

But the meta-schematizos are not presented with the oppositions men are given.  Dibartolo's uncircumcised medieval frescos of hell (c. 1400) show the play. In the transworld day, salvation and damnation, heaven and hell are both accepted and declined. Medieval peasants saw in church frescos saved and damned saints and devils together before their eyes.  Invisible writing on the wall, meaning covering events with codes to exercise controls, we understand by analogy as a reference to Belshazzar's feast in Daniel 5.5,  an analogy of the hypertext and graffiti of electromagentic lockdown promised by now and future microwave transmission of brainwaves. (Seattle).


Molinism is a term after the Jesuit meaning that property a person has who would commit a sin in any of the superpositional worlds in which he was or might have been created. Responsible of the was and might have been joined to  Superposition opens to any one of the presumed alternative realities you might have inhabited had you done so. As if two minuses make a plus. Transworld depravity adopted by Craig and Plantinga, and transworld damnation "is possessed by any person who freely does not respond to God's grace and so is lost in every world feasible for God in which that person exists." So if there are a thousand yous in a thousand worlds only one needs be saved. So much for reincarnation.

Another version of prepositioning is quantum entanglement, so no matter what you do you bring about your own demise. Hence, no matter what malefactors do to bring about the demise of the good, they can only bring about their own damnation. The opposite is also presumed. No mater what the blessed do they can only bring about their blessedness. Positive entanglement occurs also in Election. If you are elect you understand that everything Satan has done or can do creates his own pre-positioned end. For example, in the numbering of the people which confirmed the site of the temple, all Satan did, like Balaam, was to confirm its building of Jerusalem. Balaam cannot curse but only bless even if he wishes otherwise.

 [In Daniel:. time is an anti mirror of itself. Every thing that is said of time that can be copied, falsified and imitated by the Elite is done, so that the thing we think we see is not and we are taken in]

Barsoom communicates with the dead in its self-conducted séance holding hands,  casting out remorse in the darkness with the urchins of Shelley and Nietzsche and all descendants to Ruin the Sacred Truths running the literature departments, who  boast with regret that while they are not poets, they can summon “metalepsis," remake Kenosis, call on apophrades." No need to attribute as if  they were some Prospero or Faustus possessed, the highest compliment they ever gets, right up there with the dementia of Gunkel who thought Jacob was a Titan.

To turn to the Jacob in their Genesis, a man who both evil and good, a trickster and one who bests the angel in an all night bout. Gunkel, briqitte and Barsoom are not so different from Jefferson who starts his own black family and composes his own gospel from the sayings he allows Jesus to have made at the same time, but whose urbanity and grace of p thought and prose are healing in themselves (Read the Jefferson letters to Adams). Jacob is evil and good. In Barthes Struggle with an Angel, inlaid with  the balm of canonical analysis and mythical narrative, all the Anshei insults to  our ears are healed with the inquiry into the sinew which shrank in the hollow of Jacob's thigh. In the account just prior to Jacob's wrestling there were 11 sons that had passed over the ford Jabbok,  but after that bout there were 12. Thus we may say we  wrestle the angel  prolegomenas of our own myths, both instigators of civilization and the result of fallen angel rapine. Their bad temper and violence, even if they mask it with smiles, shows from the inbreeding of giants that grew an extra toe, but disembodied, broadcast a force field that makes them hard to see. Whether these are reptiles cannot be said if reptiles mask the human. Since science, history, government, literature are predictive programs to hide the effect, and make them seem to be men of renown, Jacob wrestling at Jabbok, Genesis 1, the Babylonian captivity are part of a small cadre of documents held true.

There is no myth to elite Science hiding the remains of visible giants from sight. The purpose is to seduce the political/biological systems to a belief in evolution. If humans devolved from these superior they are not evolving.  In these cross currents the human must know it is in a war against the past. What if there are beings not human? What's in the texts? A double dentured, six finger/toed palooka  descended from Sumer and before, which claim they are the true owners and creators of human earth! Critics believe anything that suits them, supposedly not only engineered man but every other million year old fantasy. To deal with the serpent under the flower and its the invisible cloak poor Nuki corrupted an ever work force  of the elite to lead the earth. And since D-Wave, Space Fence and Cyclotron Resonance, what holds Nuki back? Not their George Soros or Rockefeller with his seven heart transplants?  That genetic man should have dominion over the creation upsets them. The simple faith born of Messiah, the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in

Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, The Fall of the Titans, 1596-98

It's easy to exhaust the irreality of Barsoom but not the academic science of corporation and government that master its technology who regard themselves as gods. The modern scheme of three worlds includes illuminists, politicians, prophet/priests in all their forms that  clone and hybridize with artificial intelligence and science mutations. The modern intellectual and artistic expressions of these vulgar forms is more that all the pantheons of the Olympian alien forces against us.  Opposing that reality is like throwing a bucket of gasoline on the embers. Get Ready. For we are made for this. You don't defeat Delta force with a hand gun or the robotim and clones of Psalm 2. All civilization is made to example Psalms 145-50 even in dark tunnels under Dulce Airport.

Baudelaire said: "Goya's great merit consists of making the monstrous plausible.” What he attributed to Goya is true of Bosch and Brueghel. Their monsters are a sense of the possible absurd. All contortions, bestial faces, diabolical grimaces that pierce humanity “shows us there really is a force to subtraction: you subtract from an angel until you end up with a demon. If you download an image of the painting onto your computer, or better yet see it hanging in the Royal Museum of Arts in Antwerp, you will notice how the rebel angels fall from heaven at the top left of the canvas to hell at the bottom right. Their wings are at first subtracted for the lesser wings of bats and dragons. Towards the earth they are reduced to moths, frogs and other soft things. They are driven together by the golden angels of heaven armed with effulgent discs, lances and swords, whose task it is to sanitize our world. You will see how the rebel angels continue to change their forms as they are driven into a sea, whose opening is an obscure drainpipe. They lose their legs, wings, all hope of surfacing, and become fish, squid, spawn and seeds of trees never to be planted. Underwater they continue to be subtracted from their former selves until they are at last incorporeal and see-through at the bottom.” J. M. Ledgard, Submergence.  Detail of Bruegel’s painting from The Fall of the Rebel Angels

Even in that segment of the fictional life of the mind in poetic forays, parables want to be fair.  The choice becomes however whether to be right is to agree with the meliorists who say that while this is not the best of all possible worlds and getting better, it is not one in which we can live and work vs. the notion that the purpose of the literary scientific establishment is to induce sleep, indifference and impotence even while bullets are flying. Presented with going along or confronting the worst possibilities that the senses alert, chronicled more and more in inklings from the start, if a signal is needed from our best and brightest, the Russians, then let Victor Pelevin's Life of Insects (1993) serve, for he says businessmen and security agents are really insects.

 However the wraiths are anesthetized away, the cherub that originally covered the throne is the Anshei master, not to say father of the wraiths  for that  interbreeding among those princes. In our world if a house is vacant a squatter can come and possess it, as if the squatter had the rights of the original.  Stranger homestead law allows squatters ownership rights before the law and hard to evict. In the spiritual realms however they can be evicted and dispossessed. For this purpose came the One who was in the world that was made by him, who said, as the Anglo Saxons remember the remedy in the first translation of the gospel into English at Lindisfarnes, Alla woepeno his enimeð ... reafo his todaelde.

Modern faux prophets fatalistically assume the point their false prophecy will establish, establish a Third Temple, as if they could supplant the Fourth. Those capable subliminally-conditioning-politics of Egyptian mythology operating in Washington D.C. preoccupy hundreds of years of such fatal planning. Every TV show, ad and all literature supports the quisling intent. Educated classes co-opt events. The men of renown are so smart they can airbrush videos of Apollo 11, airbrush, the Mars photos all in open view and then explain them away as if they were nothing. They think to subvert the prophecy of St. John and prepare their own one world Nimrod empire instead. Either Jacob or Esau killed Nimrod, so don't worry about transgressing the prophet in annihilating these spirits. Jude says Michael dared not accuse Satan over the body of Moses, but we do not speak as Michael. None of the angels made the world.

Dichotomies everywhere, on all sides,.

Renowns to write their textbook of methodeia reverse engineer everything. One country steals the technology of another and reengineers it. The purpose here of reasoned cognition isn't to rebuild the methods,  but to piece together with other clues  the myriad elements of methodeia design, conflicting disinformations attributed to groups, singly as  councils of hegemony among these Watchers, which scheme, singly and jointly, one hand behind the back is game where three of the ten heads are demolished by the Beast. Metaphor begets metaphor.

The briquitte Anshei, who are prescient to sow all kinds of disinformative doubts upon their own programs, use "lenses" of disappearance in order not only to cloud their acts but to create guilt in the population for being victimized. Isn’t that a trick, victimize and then blame, a debasement and diversion possible when people believe the meaning of words against themselves? Not only a finger in every pie but in every cherry and when the crust rises with their gas you are charged for it, which infinite debt makes you a willing buyer of any new loan forgiveness program when you swear to live in galactic peace, just before you are attained.

"Norman Bean," in the alternate dimensions = 'the Anshei shem." 

Considerations of  Days as the principle motive of the Flood, so what correspondences exist between the two?

In a dramatic increase in population: Gen 6.1 when men began to multiply on the face of the earth compares with the tripling of the world population since 1927. That fact is utterly astonishing.

Beings of mixed birth, mutations, hybrids were commonplace then, compared with so much genetic mutation and repurposing in everything from breakfast foods to pigs growing human organs for transplant now, but further, so much further than this is already commonplace as to be a separate subject. 

Modern correlations of these  methodeia borrow from the New Testament notion of Methodical  Illusion. These modern, to follow closely, pursue by devious means, capture, trick, seduce.  Were we in science we’d call these strangelets, but stratagems will do here, well thought out methods of leading astray. The Renown love a good deus machina, beta tests, dry runs, live exercises to include any and all crises from Ebola to food riots. None of which makes much difference when the emotion overrides the intellect. Anyone who had a threshold emotion response to the fall of towers feels that so strongly that even if convinced otherwise they cannot credit it.

What is the purpose of all this imitation and deconstruction? Take a line from Tesla. Mechanical oscillation. He built a little device, set it clicking on a construction project and the building began to shake. He turned it off so the whole thing didn't fall down. Shake the molecules by mocking, imitating, echoing, splitting.

That this destruction infected literature is just too funny. The Nanoites ended up doing to themselves what they did to others! You never hear such apparatus applied to the celebrated Dogon Nomo, Zulu myth, Moon theories, celeb Castaneda, or the visions of Ayahuasca of Tao Lin. These uncritical myth fantasies  replace the authentic once the  truth is shaken away. 



Space Malebolge

Augusto Todoele, an ecclesiastic  historian of the texts of Lindisfarne produced when Eadfrith and Ethelwald were bishops at the monastery, between Cuthbert's death in 687 and Eadfrith, studies the scribe who painted interlaced geometric animal and bird patterns throughout, until his death in 721.

I dedicate to the Lectura Dantis this commentary of the futurum, conceived from one sentence: that “for Dante hell is a giant projection of the human body.”

To be futurum must mean for us that hell is a giant projection of the human body into space. This enforcement of the dictim, as above so below backward, is as if the poet Lennon’s no hell below us got transported above. If as below so above holds true in the Dantis, when the term above is changed to space, space replaces heaven in the parallel from hell. Hell is the body projected into space with the cantos of the solar system as well, a Malebolge whose orbits transverse in our progress out. You may mutter bardo, astro control of the stars over earth if that gives light to the one blinded eye, but give Dante credit that he reveals this conspiracy of the dominions, principalities and powers hid from common mankind through all the ages, who then reveals the overarching powers Messiah came to confront and transfit, those much admired famous men of many names and faces to trample under feet.

Don’t think we all identify therefore the planets with the organs of the body, the head, live, spleen, blood, heart, intestine, genitals, if you like seven. There are thirteen rings of Malebolge, the completely discovered system, sharply focused parodies, concentric circles of labyrinth that remember hell, being Babylon in the confusion of all things, with its head, Satan, at the bottom overturned, compounding with hell, earth and space in the futurum as if all were bowel. So we don’t ask of any poet nicely packaged diagrams of our dilemma. Let us be content to sketch it out, some parts here more than others, and since it is not one’s work, but all together who seek understanding, await another and another to come and fill out what is left.

Somebody is bound to object it is the male human body projected into space, and hence not inclusive. It is a penis of Master Adam, but were the generic not accepted, let the woman rejoice that she labors to free the man. There are female transgressors from Semiramis, Queen of Assyria to Myrrha, incestuous mother of Adonis.

Now you’re ahead of me in identifying the musical Space Malebolgeans as Tesla, Fates, and Oops, I mean Gates, Musk and Bezos, Dante mixes contemporaries with historical and mythical, so we, but this is not to think that these are any more powers than Gianni Schicchi and Master Adam are figural associations of Geryon, glutton Ciacco or Ugolino. For Dante they were the Powers they personify. In this case but not only, they are vices we may debate. Is Bezos greed? and which planet that would be? What suits you? Such medievalism does injustice to our poet after bigger game. The Powers he names but doesn’t name, we will not say.

To reconcile Dante’s Christian mind and all the biblical basis it brings to understand the projection, after all, the vices are Christian, identified in scripture and have long afterlife in Spenser and Milton and every epic. But the Powers are not specifically named there either.

Further in this vein, if the human projection, below therefore above, is unsavory, as if space could ever have been anything but ourselves when we went there dragging our tails behind, then the comfort of the Christian is also offered in this re-creation of the earth, not just earth but heaven. Presumably hell can be left as it is, not needing any.

Dante discovered the ColonBus of every new Malebolge for the world of space

and left a map of the fallen cosmos in human form as a picture of the eye. He takes the physical world as an allegory of the spiritual. We take the Malebolge of those Cantos of the Inferno (18-30) as the space surrounding earth.

The ten ditches represent the ten planets, the Powers, ten branches of learning, if you think there are ten, but otherwise the Ditches of Learning are symbolic of the malefactors who inhabit them, not ourselves. These ditches are the world’s greatest case of projectile diarrhea, all of which shat into the human mind in myth, archetype, science, art, literature and poetry of the most famous sort, for the purpose of success in the world is service to the Malebolge above. Who then is imprisoned in these ditches up if not people, oh? The Gregori, the fallen watchers. How do we know? Well why don’t we take it as fable, a whodunit in Poe where the rulers “swung in their chains” in charred ruin above the heads ("Hop-frog") or the ravenous beasts come and consume the Apollonians who “scud for the hippodrome” ("Four Beasts in One"). Or we might just read I Enoch or Ezekiel. And what better proof than Faustus,

“Think’st thou that Faustus is so fond to imagine

That after this life there is any pain?

Tush, these are trifles and old wives’ tales.”

            (Doctor Faustus, I.v. 130f)

Dante’s Canto XXXIV:

”Hell formed following the fall of Lucifer, when the infernal chasm opened right below the point where Christ was crucified on Golgotha.” A “Lucifer composite of many disconnected parts, his immobility and his grotesque…giant with six great wings… negative transcendence…turning upside down at the center of the universe the topsy world from which Satan seems right side up in hell, but head down from heaven from whence he fell. Lucifer is a flight of stairs of perspective incongruity to this dominion, but silent. “If God is the World, Lucifer is nonspeech, the non word. In Hades, Dis without a monstrous aspect was a giant. In the Visions of Tnugdali: giant Lucifer and beast by name of Archerons. V: the covetous must enter the gaping maw of Acheron to be tormented with fire and ice. (Visio Tnugdali: The Vision of Tundale.)

These ten circles of Malebolge in the inferno resemble the large intestine, but take the Malebolge and transport it into space where it surrounds the earth. All human thought issues from this anus, which is not physical but the construction of the Egregori to corrupt and imprison the earth the way people are held in the inferno by their frauds. The Malebolge is a thought form system. It is an allegory of human education in Greece, Rome, England, America. Europe, not to leave out Aztec, and all native worships. Liquid evil of cold, end of Inferno.

The Malebolge is a reverse toilet that flushes its refuse to our world. The fallen assume "many different forms in defiling mankind and lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods" (Enoch I.19). Hence the sum of all occult wisdom is the wisdom of the Malebolge, like feces of rocket ships out of alien portals, spirals of snake gateways in the sky. Up and down means little to the settings where a toilet bowl is worn like a hat, a fish hat, that flushes its refuse into the world, meaning the noosphere of human thought. This word from the Greek, introduced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in his 1922 Cosmogenesis, νος and σφαρα, is a lexical analogy to "atmosphere" and "biosphere."

The Dante bowl flushed into our noosphere does not transmit diamonds of light, but waste to defile. The true diamond, the true gold is what we already have on earth that Marlowe’s “erring stars’ want for themselves. Both bowl and hat are up and down depending on how worn, but the eidolon of this "wisdom" is polluted, second only to the fallen eidolon that harbor and author these deceits, whose universe behind ours needs to open such portals to come through, which our dear Dr. CERN with sigmoidoscopy hopes to prove.

The Ninth Circle of the Inferno is reserved for that faculty of intellect joined with brute force and evil will. The coming through en masse of a digestion gone wrong, a corporate evacuation to occupy and destroy, rulers, kings, scientist elites who make deals with these portals and end up immured. They think to gain access to the immortal life of published eidol designs that mask as the golden age: good weather, three harvests, long life, which, being translated, means immorality, chemtrails and GMO food, with a bonus thrown in with voice to skull technology called inner wisdom. This is the "light" of Satan's intestine broadcast into earth. It is alimentary Mr. Watson. These are the defecation angels, apologies to Jack.

How would like to called a Nephite? The largest scientific consortiums of the world sponsor these entemenaki- baba-alu openings of Abzu, gate of torn immortals. Try to be nice about it, but know for sure these things grossly horrify that in our time come back to whisper then shout their obscenities from on high. The massive defecations that pose as light constitute a major combat of angels. Every part and parcel of the high knowledge is negrophilic, but no results are found in the search for it. Instead, “studies with incorrect findings are not just rare anomalies, but are actually representative of the majority of published research. Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, put it mild: "Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue." Horton agrees with Ioannidis' reasoning, blaming: "small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance." Horton laments: "Science has taken a turn towards darkness."

Like the whistle blower who would reveal these reptile practices but reneged because he said it would do more harm than good, the fear is that people would be so repulsed that the revelation would refute itself. To say this is so repulsive is its own refutation. Such a term as dragon blood is a metaphor of ritual sacrifice if we get the meaning, for it is neither dragon nor blood. It is so inimical to us that we only address it in metaphor, all the more precarious since its celebration in Tolkien and every such romantic saga, written by the same forces of dragon they create. Reptile blood is the generic insecure.

Whose digestive system is it so disturbed and what has it consumed? Answer: Again, the portal of the Novus ordo seclorum is its anus, which anatomical model of the journey down references eyes, mouths, bloodstreams, then intestines of the Malebolge. Then Dante's enigmatic passage into the Malebolge about what point he must have passed, disgusts, but is appropriately clear (Canto XXXI), as if the arks of diamond schools and higher orders of learning streamed in meteors across the sky are feces, feces of the Secret Doctrine and mystery religion dictating Atlantis, Stonehenge, black holes, Bermuda Triangle, sun worship.

Poets are heroes of this world of undigested giants. They speak for Giants who might be compared to alien farmers who grow poets to serve them to eat, as well as the general populace to consume. It puts a whole new sense on food. If we understand it is more the mind than meat they seek, the more that is eaten the more they need, but then new planets are required to devour. We cannot blame Dante for abstracting a spiritual topology of the human torso into hell and into space, the planet Liver, the satellite fart, the comet fingernail like the rides at Disneyland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Alpine Matterhorn, not just digestive allegories, but to follow the underworld/gastrointestine theme, the soul within the body as the Inferno.

So many space names come from myth. Why has hell moved to the planets in scientific terms? Paradise could as easy be there. Amaranthus might bloom, or Salvia. It suggests a ruse afoot in space discovery to deceive, (John Lear, Richard Hoagland) with the bare exception of the moons of Uranus named for the characters of Shakespeare, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. In space the localities of Phlegathon, Archeron, Styxeron are a damned development of MacBeth's Birnam Wood with streets like Bloody Hands, Serpent Underneath and N'er Be Clean to border neighbor Dunsinane. It tells more about the namer than the thing. Surely they have plans to unveil a new psycho-pop planet, Oedipal Complex, Medusa, Medea, Murderous BiPolar, before they get round to naming them for denominations of BitCoin.

Giants aren't space aliens. They are endemic to earth to glorify space exploration to spread the disease. It's not as if poets couldn't think of anything else to write. Perversion, lust and dissolution spill, "stated boldly," one tweeter said, today's Troy is Freudian in myth, Jungian in archetype and pagan in scene, a surrealist combo of dreamlike change. There's no freedom of expression or inspiration in that, or dictation of the divine. It is the hydrocephalic obesity that death embodied long before. On Mt. Hermon at Baal Peor Spit-lust desolation angels, princes of desolation were lords. Mount Cognentis Olympus Solipsis. This imaginative poverty spreads in work and ilk. In the Book of Giants, and plenteously in Enoch, "the land is crying out," that giants being offspring of the defecation angels’ lust made "every animal, every bird [a target] for miscegenation (Book of Giants, 1Q23 Frag), "the outcome of demonic corruption, violence, perversion, and a brood of monstrous beings. Compare Genesis 6.4)." Oh dear. Writers surrender to the apocalyptic constant of their Troy, as the excavation convenes.

But to call roll of these face substitutes is not the tyranny of Greece over Germany, or Philo over Hegel. It doesn't matter whether canonizers of the accepted, the good, the true and the beautiful, are talking about Shelley, Byron, Keats, Whitman, Wordsworth, Dickinson, Dickens or Crane. The canons of order declare them righteous as planets, in whom, if you will pardon the descending rungs of this analogy, the cousins of astronomers, critics have located the unrelenting dementias of hell. The inevitable return of our thought upon ourselves in every case of literature, physics and astronomy is obvious simple in the way planetary and psychological landscapes are named in the 181 natural satellites. Astronomical convention names ts bodies in a Plutonian system of mythological Greek and Roman deities, demons and geography of the Underworld. The moons of Jupiter were named for characters in the life of the demon Zeus, but why should the Jupiter be so named. "Following tradition is strongly encouraged!" say the NASA authorities. Not that this is any different from calling Uranus and Neptune the Ice Giants, as if they were taken from the mythology of the Abenaki with Caucasoid glee. But what tradition is that? What about the Gas Giants? Scientists reserve that for themselves. Most of Jupiter is filled by an underground sea that so squashes its hydrogen you can drink it up, so they belly up also there.

The gods and their wisdom powers, Adam Kadmon, idol of this invention and Blake's Albion, are other guards in this prison. The illusion is that there was a pagan diaspora and the Romantic poets idea of the gods returns, "they will return, the gods for whom you weep." (Nerval). But they never left. That they revived as the illumined Kadmon is false because they never left, but always ruled in the fashion of their illusion. Every spot, every couch in the bower of science and philosophy, oh poetry what have you there, is a Delfica of Apollo, ode to the oracle sport of Skynet – Space Fence.

Blake's Tyger was a commonplace of the mind forged manacles of this myth-science. Geoffrey Hartman's affection for the notion in his latter day delivered the statement that the misprison of our imaginative powers, the exploitation and institutionalization of human fears about them...Mankind, a self-bound Prometheus, exudes the "net of religion" from the guts of his own imagination and, taking the gods literally, worshiping these invented giants, becomes entangled in the net. (Scars of the Spirit, 152)..

But imagination reveals a far worse state than the imprisoning of religion and state. We face a vast illusion of evil masked as a good, exemplified in the idols and stars of all human institution, the Queen of England and all the way down, masked by a good, uninvented mirrored utter evil through and through. Its own perverted justification of itself requires it give open clues of its contempt and desecration of all good. So with the statement, all institutions are demonic (Hedges, Tillich), and the knowledge that all journalism is disinformation along with scientific research and philosophy, we sit for the annihilation of the human.

Two terms above need redefinition, gods and invented giants, which redefinition briefly is that gods are rejects and giants are their progeny along with Men of Renown of Genesis 6. Levinas said that the view that "censorious monotheisms," since "recent scholarship has questioned the assumption that ethical monotheism is a spiritual advance" (Scars, 153), is a deceit of morality. Pull aside the veil cast over institutions, science and literature, as we must do now before the illusion of freedom is completely caught in the net of these, we must urge not censorship of the gods, but their annihilation.





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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...