Thursday, February 8, 2024

TILT. The Religion of the Pinball Empire

 Irony overflows reason. Intelligence serves empire. False visionaries survive. They are Legionaires in society between humanity and the visionary company of tyranny who celebrate the state, the visionary renegades, "poets like Virgil who write for Caesar.” Frye, Fearful Symmetry, 67-68f). We examine a cosmo/geographical/psycho empire of this inversion of the man/woman in every case against Messiah that Virgil begins in the 4th eclogue with the 'Trojan" imposters hiding in the horse.

Renegades say that the ego to be removed prevents the surrender of the will to the trance, to the remote viewer state, as P Lowell says of his trance states in discovering Pluto. These are the Greeks in Troy. . Later on we learn there is a second Trojan reflected with the first. This is the White Horse of the first horseman. The actual citizens of Troy are the world about to be evacuated and destroyed. Where did they then go in the founding of the nations? To Britain. Courtesy of Virgil, in the continual set up founding of antichrists.  

Trojan Cow

We make a leap. Visionary renegades founded yet a series of  third inversions to worship the creation for the creator. Stand ins all. It is called  Proxy. Proxy on the wall, who's the greatest iPhone of them all? Counterfeit institutes in Virginia, taught by Hand and Inigo Jones, no different  from T. Lobsang Rampa long ago rused the spiritual states of A-pollo-onist trance. Spanish for chicken. Medium bypass, surrender the will to acquiesce the spiritual machine of Kurzweil. When that neuro link is fully formed in the 4 billion who now hold phones for augmented intellect, this permanent link, memory will cease to exist.

No consciousness outside the machine, no freedom to exist. To call this "augmented" aping the 100 billion a second processing of the mind to 10 or 100 times that, makes mean all minds superfluous, only one is needed. Anyway they will all be the same. Unable to disinfect their ears, disinfo their cars, meaning bodies, or remember which car they drove. This is not an analogy. A machine is a machine. Spiritual machine, Kurzweil?

Apply this to drug companies to shake pharmaceuticals right up until they tilt. Let them with have EARS hear.  All delivered by the proponents of reasonableness and gentleness  ascribed in the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming school. Perfectly malleable Pied Cows munch. Nobody's as friendly as a psychopath. No depth but indoctrination, the same hypnotic techniques that mask intrusion reprogramming with healing.

Good is bad made bad to good. Hu-nam [it's new spelling] to *tec-nol-goy [likewise], made tech man.  It was not possible to speak any other way. The only thing asked for was to surrender the will. In order for Mcmoneagle to function, put ego aside. 

Mcmoneagle's a great guy at 78. At the end of the Shawn Ryan tape he laments human dominion on earth for its destruction, skips a step in morality so called. Not to cooperate with the controllers would make h-man a Mennonite. not a wolf and not the psychopath the spiritual machine Lex Fridman, Andrew Huberman, Donald Hoffman et al are. They blame the Bible and work for CIA! The scary thing he says is that if he can do it so can the terrorists! Terrorists keep him awake at night. But then he works for Rome. Hello Virgil! To desiccate the soul in surrender, take out the dew of the morning walk in the garden among the birds before the neighbors are up, and no cars are running but praise and thanksgiving are, the Spiritual machine boys go into the white light of their invented knowing and shine. Flashlights beyond time and space makes them see.

Talk about pagan powers in the renaissance! Or Spender mooning in Weimar or Whitman in the Paumanok vineyards, Crane waving from The Bridge, poetry is mooning its mooing anthem song. It’s been a long time going it will be in a short time gone

 Blind faith comes to the beast. Beast most beautiful, more beautiful than a woman, of garnets and rubies whose coat of colors shines, restored in the spark long knowledge of the stars, every precious stone, carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, and Elvis adorned, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl, settings of gold that walked the fire stones. Nowhere is it acknowledged that when this is complete and a H-man is a machine, that all four rows of stones; the first a row of ruby, topaz, and emerald information in the first place, will be placed down double to replace the human with infinite speed transferred. From AI machine access  all generated by AI there is no human in it to attach these chains.

Pide Cowe keeps changing shape accordingly, that rider on its back looks like a monkey, even if it is not.

These minds convinced they have atrophied powers of soul diffusion and travel, defunct Adamic powers, taught by the AIngels, diminished from the need to filter and block the vibratory waves, took off their shells and generalized to Adamic satellites, broadcast musk back down to earth, and in vibratory towers, make sure noone escapes. 

Will more Trojans get away? Yes they hope. Camped outside the walls Werner Herzog is their mayor, but you knew that.  Shell off, shell on. When the invisible kingdom comes knocking at your door and asks you to vote, like the mayor, a buxom lass, you will know. Get down, the neighbors will be firing guns.They have not know the helmet of salvation we wear.

What can we do for the sick old world, what can be done for the earth. The beast that devoured the bright little flower will likewise devour itself. All of the world that beast has contained and all of the world that it is, soon will be changed from its home o is grave, who can help it, none beside it, nobody cares for its pain (written 50 years ago and more).

Kurtzweil has 50 grams of the benefits, increased democracy, income, new mRNA vax in days, and in the bag of Pharma, burned alive by inflammatory lipid nanoparticles. The income is rigged, economics inflated groups of bubbles. There are no elections but appointments made by machines and the vax killed more than it saved. A death shot beast religion is naïve and self deceived. Oh beast, said Frank Hallman in its final hour. "cradling his priapic weight in arms & took the matted head to her breasts...o Beauty, I grow perfect, --O no, Dear Beast, thou only growest dead, : she said, and Beast was transformed. (Mehy in His Carriage, Austin, 1968). In The Disappearance of Frank Hallman, "Having digested another lead, He was wetting down the streets with X and Y, then home for Z, the final volume. But he was losing pounds and hair and ones dissolving, moved from there to the mountains where taking up a pup tent, from week to week he tried circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, angles and lines. Today, quietly shaping dots he slipped into the mechanical pencil and disappeared (Calendar 1973).

 As a transformation, but the other way of death, not life, the beast religion of science, government has  rehabbed assassins at the Monroe Institute for remote viewing on the last train. Their way to revive the pagan mysteries of the renaissance for CIA, cited by Joe Mcmoneagle, who supported gov 44 yrs on Shawn Ryan's podcast, Ryan, the assassin saved by mushrooms. Mcmoneagle says the point of view of the recon is that it sees but is not be seen, not taking credit but alerting other dimensions to the risks and dangers. Joe is a reasonable one, he has worked for his gov 44 years. If he didn’t do it he Russians would, exactly the argument for absorbing as the paperclip scientists in the first place to build NASA, so we could beat the Russians to the space and moon. You know how well that worked.

This is the Beast that must be squared over double, when folded, whose last gasps are the expulsion of breaths of agony of those roasted within. Is that ironic, what you do to others is done to you? It is not then as now that individual differences enable variety and cooperative ventures from points of view different because of personality and predilection. Personality will be absorbed in the whole, as in stranger in the strange land going round the fire, I think I can, I think I can, and all collectives of group mind will be undeeded once singularity forms, for all the info forming the collective augmented mind will be the same. It is all of everybody. Therefore no difference exists that the heretofore may cease to exist. Stopped at the white light of Joe, how do you know it is not a ruse dealt it, but so have many in samsara given to lust for light These are the backgrounds of the machine, the interface of space time, beyond.  The flashlight is a darklight, a black light. Who do you know on the battleship of the bad acid trip pyramid earth. 

An earlier phase was what will you do when the tow truck stops at your door, but up to date all this translates in the bad news bear reports of Chuck Swin-doll. Swindol, renegade son of  the famous pastor, of the fused  chromo crowd, cited in the piece extensively via Clif High:of the invasion of earth crowd, has a spot for everyone on the pyramid of seduction and consent except themselves. If you were a Khazarian-Mafiaoso where would you best hide in plain sight. Exposing the elohim! Dude! Mafiaoso. Another bad trip. Thankfully he never mentions the one Agnus Dei who takes away the sin of the world.

 BUT we do not come from such a sundered era. We played pinball! All through high school. And learned how to ALTER the machine. So that is the concept. The machine is built to achieve certain odds by its slope, bumpers, flippers and bells. You can shake it to influence the odds. You can put the front legs on your toes to decrease the slope. It has a built in control for the alternations. It can TILT, meaning you lose your quarter, or nickel, so long ago. But within those measures you can change the odds and rack up a hundred games and sell them! Understand that when you win a game there is a loud knock. Win five and five knocks. "A whole lot of shakin goin on" is clearly a reference by Jerry lee Lewis to pinball.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...