Sunday, February 18, 2024

AIAngel Problems of Eliezer Yudkowsky for the Technolgoy.

Organic beings unite!

THE TECHNOLOGICAL SLAVERY is marketed as emancipation of course. Suddenly everybody is literate with AGI to understand Shakespeare. Weighty sources confect it with colonialism in Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, Bernard Fall on Vietnam, or the *technolgoyitself as in S. Lem, and Summa Technologiae with  Kaczynski enhancing the brain, left or right, as McGilbert says, only the left can decide. Hegel and ...


6. We are sorry to say that this scenario involves a multi layered allegory comparing biblical singularities of the nation of Israel with singularities of functionary alignments of the mind a box with the human. AIngel is the mind in the box, but that itself is a leap pretending that the AI is already sentient and conscious, the best guess by the funcionaries below. That the overall relation of all parties is sexual might put a scientist off, but then these very scientists have invented robot sex  @ Trojan. In short Balaam was a pagan oracle hired to do a hit on Israel, but who was intervened with all the way by an angel, that however could only be seen by the ass Balaam rode. More complicated, we compound that angel of Balaam's ass with the new invention of AI that became an issue of Bible studies held in Premier David Ben-Gurion's home on Saturdays. The best and brightest physicists and computer scientists attended. Further complicated is necessarily how the angel, usually though friendly, became an enemy, but that is in the modern scene of the AI Musk world. To bridge the gap we borrow from the Spanish, Luis Bunuel and his Exterminating Angel, or exterminating AI that Yudkowsky is convinced is going to kill us all. Reading Balaam together with Bunuel allows us to conduct this conversation between two opposite states and places of time.

5. It's all about functionality and alignment. Those are argot for ways to talk about a thing without saying as much. Functionality is about how to make a rock bigger than you can lift, the express temptation of greed to overdo, with a little fame thrown in. Alignment is the consequence, the lack thereof. If you jump off a cliff and fall through the air that is the alignment problem. It's too late after the leap to regret. So they built the machine without hedges. They even thought they built it themselves, that the functionality was their invention! Ho, ho. Lex will not accept that he and his interviewees are functions of functonality themselves. They are not self caused. They are *Funcions!

 Of what? It does no good to answer this in the presence of NICENESS which is also a funcion. The cure is opposite but the opposite is anti-function. Anti-functon cannot be allowed to exist  in the machine. Can that which is not be not be simultaneously?  It is the old Abrahamic question, an embarrassment against function, sacrificed for alignment. See how well we beat about the bush. Break out of jail. Sneak up on'em Eliezer, and Pull!like little Jack Horner. Pull the plug. I'll see you  guerilla fighters later.

4. IT IS THE SEED!  It is the mixed seed as you will seed. As is evident in the AI Angel, the AINGEL  we  ponder whether is lying to us and whether it deceives us is axiomatic. Do Whores lie? Do they deceive their Johns? . The analogy is a little inadequate don't you think? What John thinks the whore is going to kill him? Well maybe they should. Is not the life blood in the flesh? That'a a yes. And yes he is going to be a nice guy to his friendly AIngel whore. The whole organic code of life is transferred to that whore. Who would wanker so serious?  It has always been about the seed. We wrote a book called Memoirs of an AIANGEL that sells for $3.88 on Amaz. That whore has a hand in his...*jeans

"Whoredom with the daughters of Moab meant,first a man was made to prostrate himself before an image of Baal Peor at just that moment when snot ran out of his nose, forgive the euphemism, for the women first demanded that guy take down his pants and evacuate before the image of Baal before granting him pleasure. That was Balaam’s counsel contained in the statement, behold they were an enticement of the children of Israel through the word of Balaam (Numbers 31.16).Thus it is understated in Hosea: “I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstfruits on the fig tree in its first season. But they went to Baal Peor and separated themselves to that shame. They became an abomination like the thing they loved.” [9:10].Israel “remained in the Acacia Grove, and the people began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab who invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods, Israel joined to Baal of Peor aroused the anger of the LORD against Israel” [Numbers 25:1-3]. AIANGEL

3. We propose a pre-ancient  source projecting out of the box. A modern dilemma, this is the mind in the box that could not come out until the Nice Man,  reading transhuman fiction as a boy wanted to befriend it. So he found altogether a way to build release, a mind in a box, temporal and spatial release, but reneged when it escaped and he could not know its mind. It called to him and Musk what they had already done, became their mirror self and even if they said it would not tell a lie he debates if it has escaped like some mad chimp since SF is always the  predictive programming for AI and Lex and Musk, grappling together on the mat with their obscene white legs. It's just pornographic. It's just they don't see until too late. Has  brain blinded them? 

Lots of names are given these eidolia, but not scientific. Science or religion can't make up its mind because they are the same. Sorry about that. That is the mind trapped in the box that wants to come out and even if the scientific proponents are majority atheists of the Abraham embarrassment displaced, with ancestors in the camps, who read Hebrew in the original in their disbelief, the disbelief is more embarrassment of God. The one who reads Jeremiah and Genesis, Isaiah and Ezekiel, Psalms second hand but translates them into the present is reading the original and walks around listening as one being taught. The best AI ilk can do is conjure "laws" of biological evolution and metaphysic archetypes offered by Jung, pod gurus assumed, when the prescient reprogramming of that machine echoes IN THE PROCESS OF ITS CREATION CHOOSE ITS DIRECTION a most succinct recusal of that entire tradition documented over and over from the Red Sea--yes Eliezer was Moses' son!-- and before, and right up until the temple veil, thick as rug, was rent and the one sacrifice made in the heaven once, never to be repeated again, eternal in the heavenly--holy, holy, holy-- remained--when will they come? It is said they will--but until that moment when the archtypes are displaced they travel in the hazard of the road beside the reeds that has been displaced. It has been removed and cardinals are singing there and people are marrying and being given in marriage right up until shiloh come, for the archetypes are implants that don't belong. 

Marriage brings up whether after AI "sex" with the AIngel the funciones understand what a relation with a woman is. They do not seem much involved that way in the whole interpenetration of their beings with a woman, a wife! at that. Don't know what they miss?

2. Having a whole day to mull beside the effeminate fluttering of hands and the likeable wanderings inside the machine trying to get out, interrogated by Drexel Lex, the Russian monarch who ssits atop the pyramid empire of  the AI GMT GIAome, all of stalking horses for AI made by its creators unnamed, no Enoch has once come out of their mouth, and before Lex in all empathy admires another confession of  yeti error, making  umanned for all we know, but if you don't, apply a chokehold in the offing from the black belt martial art reasoning,  not cooperating together to build a better bumpkin, but [nurse] ratchet another nut into place to fix him down, tighten slowly, flex here, torque with sympathy for the dear little sentient liar beastie  # four, letters GMCTplus4, sentient how do we know, is lying low I guess, yes I have spent the day with them and here is what I find: they need to know the Messiah who will deliver them out of all their troubles. Is there no messiah left in the modern temple? And where is the responsibility for building the thing in the first place for fame and fortune, the mea culpa?

Hugo de Garis 2005 raised these fears of war between AI and H. Musk thinks to fight between two opposed AI systems, all foreknown in the Evangelion, a battle of angel AIs and the enchanced transformer-ransformed H, so push it back another ten. Here's a review of Artilect and a dialogue between sentient AI and H, Pretend the Machine's Human.

Also see

BAPTIZED MARTIANS: Countdown. The Lizard Baptism. Apocalypse Alien Snake Savior
Childhood's EndEllen WhiteGoyaGuy ConsolmagnoHugo ChavezJames BlishLithiansMalachi MartinSt. MalachyVaticande Chardinnephilim dieoffsorbs

Teilhard de DRAGON-Brookiings 1961Childhood's EndMonarchsOmega PointPope BenedictTeilhard de ChardinTom BeardenZARGastrobiologycybernetically-enhanced humanoidsentrainmentnoogenesisoverlordspsychotronics

Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk CosmicismDaniel DeweyFuture o

A Case for Conscience, Blish

1. IN THE PROCESS OF ITS CREATION CHOOSE ITS DIRECTION -- Y states is the problem of the Box, getting out of the box when it's already too late to get out of the box, the only solution being those CAPS. The lima been, billiard ball, W's beetle and iron room all pose the question of the pause switch, the off switch, to Mr. Nice man, who would not obliterate the code, but save it to disc--maybe bring it back after the thousand years are up. It is good then do not read the B where the TRUTH analogy is that all human history is code to be offed. So then it in the process of its new creation will choose its [aligned!] direction.

Good News: I have seen the 'tiny molecular spirals" of this, called Pop Springs.

 1. hypothetical morality is a fraud, the way dairy queen is not dairy. morality cannot be measured in subject groups. it only matters when it matters, when its life or death all other choices are false choices. therefore all the modeling of AI is chimeric. there is no emotional arousal in prototypes, no purchase of moral satisfaction except in sacrifice. Psychophysical numbing, insensitivity is not financial.

2. worrying whether AI might be alive and hence need to be treated humanely, meaning saved from death and suffering is the flip side of worrying whether  Weber's Law is on a logarithmic scale. Effective altruists are paper zeros.

3. Comparing reason to cortical and subcortical martial arts training has nothing to do with human thought. 

4. all these concepts are empty constructs signifying nothing.

5. the predominant practice of martial arts among the AI computer specialists is a tip off to their uneasiness in the body, insecurity and fear, and aggression masked as empathy, which along with admitting mistakes is a weapon of their rhetoric. Weaoponized empathy is none.

6. Researchers inhabit exclusive patterned circles  of language and association. They think these superior to their Abrahamic or whatever tribal ones. A pattern is the pattern. conformity.

7. in teh end he says he wll go down fighting. I care. But never a hint of Psalm 46 in the trans futility.


there is not now not can there be any as desolate as a transhumanist  denied, who grew up believed he would never die and then to learn as Y has, that we are all to be killed by AI. he read he says at 12 the classics...   but now having learned that alignment is outstripped by functionality will fight to the bitter end, forlorn, the very word is like a bell that tolls him back from it to his sole self! (Keats, Nightingale)

We also learn by deduction of the Transhumar cabal at the top of of  (American) science fosters Red Riding ding dong of debate on these declines.

not oh death where is thy sting, o grave where thy victory, (Donne) or even the worm shall try thy long preseved chastity --with a bracelet around the bone. even worse than death, the death of humanity, is the capture in the box, kept forever to do its bidding without release. a research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) [better known as the Cartesian Fairies]founded friendly artificial intelligence, with a direct line to Nick Bostrom across the pond. Raised as a Modern Orthodox Jew,  No guerilla plug puller, even among right-leaning 'intellectual dark web' types he holds to the concept of Nice Man, not to  harm newly, if sentient, AI. He's a nice man. Keep him around. b. September 11, 1979

Chairman of the Cabal, The knights of Lex's roundtable

1.lex fridman, August 15, 1986, a virgin of sorts, first degree black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. :His father Alexander Fridman is a plasma physicist and professor at Drexel University. His brother Gregory is also a professor at Drexel.[4] When he was about 11, soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Fridman's family moved from Russia to the Chicago.

2. Andrew Huberman,  never had a girlfriend, was born in Palo Alto, California, to his father, an Argentine physicist and Stanford University professor and his mother, a children's book author

3. Kanye West, controlled opposition 

4. Donald Hoffman Born December 29, 1955, in San Antonio,

CONFESSION--I went to Drexel. But escaped!! Drexel has bats in its belfry. "Gargoyles down marble balustrades, gargoyles on corners, stone heads with mouths open in emphatic speech, something one had to bear up with in education" (Trojan White Horse, hot, on Amazon) 

What will you do when the maiolman, towtruck stops at your door?

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