Tuesday, May 16, 2023


 Science of Lobber Verse

There are different kinds of lobbers. Flip lobbers and Lob Toppers who determine the outcome of wars.  George Lobber, CEO,  famous for shipping Drink Me Bottles offshore in fishing boats, was himself a gate grid Star. He financed Wonderland buses to deliver the next density in liner work.

 The Mome Rath Council on Foreign Relations, plus the Curious Oysters listen there for pings.  Lobbers made to demolish boundaries and constitutions and issue massive depopulation orders form the ultimate collective flash-mesh network where each mobile device is a mini cell tower connected to a single, central hub This dictates its own opposing force which results a third dictation in the chain. Lobbers themselves are spun to degrees in complication experiments. We all know dogs salivate at a bell, but Lobbers cut holes in their cheeks to measure it. Beginning with the Skinny Box Lobbers manipulated Positive and negative eidola shape the child.

Disease and cure, Watson genetic engineering forces synthesis on control groups.   Realschulen, volkschulen learn to obey and cut the holes to suppress the conscience of the illumined. Animals in puzzle boxes and children in air cribs are to expunge defects of individuality replaced by society. Induced infancy, and  controlled chaos operated on ground levels by  command psychiatrists make the society mass command psychosis. The aim is to expand production of group oriented personalities after destroying personal beliefs.

These are all psycho-patsiers. Reduction of the rear occipital of the left lobe ingests various substances, floride of tooth decay, aluminum, barium, slowly narcotizing areas of the brain to make them more submissive.

Completing the neutralization by cathartic expulsion of thought and feeling, narcohypnotic techniques exploit alterations of personality. It is a means of conditioning selected amnesia where the brain could not remember. No record of its past, what it was the day before, a kind of bulbocapnine induces stupor.

Additions to the water supply, spraying unknown gases were all early experiments in the  that patented controls before microwaves. Depatterning personality, psychic driving unperceived in entertainment induced new patterns of behavior. If opposed, the unlucky were cast out.

2. It was not stipulated then that this intelligence constructed underground bases beneath the Indian rez west to S-4, called Dreamland. The Trilateral Commission appointed

3. The future walks through the past and the present and leaves a trail. The past is all dressed up. The present is ghostly, airy with sightings of the future, but when the future arrives it gets dressed with what we think we know. Dress up the new, costume the old. We think we know and feel the present but then it’s gone. Forget it and memory too. Call it the present but by then it is past. Catch the future walking on the roof, a construct of decisions. Post date your losses to the next new year. It is a technicality of book keeping, a bow to Rome the way government counts time.

These transpositional landscapes masquerade as one another in forms of encryption. The Grand Canyon could be the immensity of space, coyote Lucifer, shapeshifters, changelings, the kingdom of iron-digital net and clay, or human mixed in the real and the fantastic, Probable and marvelous, spiritual worlds, ghosts, magicians, archetypal beasts, transworld salvation and damnation. On one hand we meet in them very ordinary modern people of our own day. I've almost decided not to have any human beings in this novel, said Charles Williams of his last novel.


--I went to Home Depot for a flusher nut, which was not singly there, but that said it’s what I need, but’s it’s in a pack. The rep come up, takes it out and gives it to me: happy birthday he says.


Why can't a person just live without these thoughts that literature is the sop in the mouth of a giant pig that pops up its contents ready to be consumed. How many workie studes think it is a real system of reward for excellence. It’s a reward for conformity to ensure the control of them all. Tell what you’re told. Just make sure you find out that the bottom of a river is a very unventilated room (Tate). Then you will Yale and have a career which means you are a slave. Ersatz Hawthorne, Emerson, Whathimna they stole from shamans. Merrill stole from weggee boards. Crane stole from perveseion and self immolation.  Eliot from Bergson. Even Winslow Homer’s waves play in the rigging like pirates. Why not piratize them too. Literature is a sop of a giant pig. Politics a game of cockroachers. What loathing Faulkner has for his own people and land which caused miscarriages, people misshapen, ominous as himself and what ill begotten he bodes. Popeye books a gun, Scarlet Letter is a horror visited upon the darkness in the writer, like a blanket. I pull the wool off his eyes of semphore and privilege. The wool was worn. The military  was worn, the legality, the right was worn. The same light verses he knew were used to enslave, except the military had its own light, politics, and politics had its own gods. He worn his pants inside out to write that, his stomach rumbling from eating eight grapes. That is the short of saying he had found the fate of success in the world was rigged.

Simulacrum never quite conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals. Among islanders the tales are much the same, that the branches of civilization ate like fobs thrown to a hog to fatten for the feast. That explains all the boasting and grunting, i.e.. politics and war. its main branches. Southlanders call politics a game of cockroachers to describe the many branches and layers of intrigue, but only war describes the ultimate sacrifices of life over and over pointlessly for no reason, then a year of peace than more war. Jimmy Crist became a frogman but graduated to Sargent in the forces to take K2 in the Korean winter and came home to boast it, lauded by the whole town until the next went off to fight. These many branches are fested yearly at banquets like the Tystes and the Zeus with beheadings  and pallor told in the tale.  We will bet too there is one hitch in the Island characters of giant huge bulking beasts of the female who lurch from the starts in the end but in the beginning are made out two neighbors who come over to sit upon the berm. Pagan tales are that wary. They pretend great horrors warapped up in the ordinary. This is no Goldfarb family then, but a family of the gods themselves that rule the cosmos. If the blood and such bores you that is the stuff of myth deconstructed. Left in the natural it is nasty enough, but seen from above and not below, suffers symbol, which is  so open to interpretation we preter its cousin allegory, as if there were some point to it all, that being to wake the reader up to his predicament among the fobs of civilization to these giants. Wake them up to do what? It never quite says what the purpose of myth is. That ‘s why we bite off a lesser branch than politics and war here in and take up their handmaid, literature, the sop of this great pig eaten by an old sow. The old sow that eats the pig in a universe of consumption, creating and destroying, might be entropy or black hold or quark, but call it chaos that sees to undo even the evil that it did. This is all the pagans got until their endammerung, which fractal production is evident in Breughels fish coming oout of the mouth of another fish, but here it’s pigs going into the mouth of other pigs, reversing the motion of the fractal, consumpokng them all, which is what pigs are best at, consumpoking, which takes us back to the fattening up for market and slaughter and war, the gigging and the pudding, the smoking in the old tale we start with, being the Dame with it’s own set of vectors and references which we soon enough become familiar with. So having said, on with the tale of giants eaten by the gods.


As prime minister I first got ahold of  Lobber Verse wrestling against seemingly impaired, partly deformed people, men/not men, disposing of them quickly, which attracted two of their superiors in blue, who watched from above. They sent one of these to oppose me, and then another. While dispatching him he seemed absolutely free of emotion, like a robot or clone. I dumped him further down the gully, wondering whether there were more when I woke. The first thing I've got to do, I thought, is find out who I am.

We really need to get a glossary up to know what Realschulen is, and the Futterwacken boats off shore, the Queen of Hearts unseen in air.Tilt-a-Whirls spinning past in different directions at variable speeds are easiest to discern. Apposite this Queen, the audiant audire who owns the Denver Airport, where most of Wonderland rules, three sets of forces occupy the exchange: genetic commodities, sub-sets between, and the Wonderland Exchange.


Thirty kinds of hyperdrive harmonics in crystal hats produced earth changes.  Other senses drove uncoded in the day. Wise Men followed the mechanics of exchange to entrain water, broadcast electronics in the air to engineer lobber conflicts

The Literature of Truly Illuis Snowbelt Career of Frey and Frigg, Frieda and Freitag

Iceland gods and giants on vacation in the west are reincarnation of the Iceland gods. You’d think they’d melt. They don’t evern get damp. I can not explain the physiology of ice flesh anyway, or reincarnation. Gods of course may do this over and over until they long for an honest death, which they will get, just not in time. I was rusty on my Iceland gods so went to the sagas I used to read in the winters on the cold rainy wey stone flats outside town where the dirt was one inch deep on th top the limestone slabs that looked so like whale backs you had to watch where you stepped to avoid the blowhole. The blow hole is a Hopi place where the wind blows up through a hole in the earth after long miles of caverns cool and ice cream in summer, so the whale backs swim in a deeper seas there. The low whistling rush of air is like the flute of the openings Chuang Tzu played from his hideouts under bridges in the bandit years. I always liked those sounds of the openings, especially the breath of praise. But anyway the gods are much the same in their palaces. Waters tells their masks, the dances, their races from the peaks to bring water to the parched lands in the desert, but in Iceland the mists hang low over the glaciers and we don’t go too far afield less we mean the giant Gunnar chainsaw Hansen guy, gentle Texas for all that. I guess that’s why the whole island is completely vaxxed, to drive off the wards and these outlaws. A lot of this and more must be be behind the move west, the extrano environment like Mars compared to Iceland, or Norway where these beings take their rest. Smues in any rate it was at that time these giants were seen living at the bottom of Grand Canyon. And don’t trouble whether giants or gods, much the same from our view, but of course the gods are eating the giants as the giants are eating the rest. The fractal creation emerging from itself over and over, propagating like a fish coming out of the mouth of another fish to infinititude is not the case here, but reversed. Here creation consumes itself, rather is overtaken from behind by. The tree is swallowed by the man swallowed by the giants by the god, and there are all sorts of variants of this in body sacrifice to giant power by the men but the principle is the same, not life but entropy and death.  These gods appear differently in times and place. In old Iceland, Third Mesa we see them more traditional, but over the major capital cities, especially of the Potomac they appear as human bodies stretched up and down and across the sky. What else though? Giants and gods are not creative sorts any more that are fractcal fish, for creation is not a machine repetition of itself, just the opposite, each being unique beyond the age of the universe. These god bodies look like pedestals  and above they stretch balloons  like body parts up into ths ky, which ordinarly only the blind can see, blind because they can’t see the original bauty of life but only this ugliness.

Sop, pig or sow are applied symbols of applied evil, the essense is pure symbol of some spiritual pyramid of false alteration always changing to deceive, esp. its name, the way a woman sitting in the midst of an ephad of lead, is wickedness throw back into the weight of the ephah and sealed with the lead on its mouth, collapsed into the metal and transported by two women with wings like storks to the land of Shinar and set upon its own base—outside the holy city My Borgs adore you human dyads linked up to machine. Many on the waiting list received oxides under old grants. Encephalics breed far more imprints than they can use. Einstein was reassembled, all those autopsied divisions were false. Whole brains  in the underground had so deeply infected de Garis he couldn’t sleep. He stayed up late and talked to the heads. Consciences were swollen with predictions of the coming Third War where
Epic shrines turned men to pigs and sins of gold served up Tystes and Saturn and so many gods, to have behavior exactly where the thigh beam ends at the haunch’s curve.

The palaces of our imprisonment were on the news. Lightning flashes from both sides of the brain detached the vitreous. The head detached-severed brain that minds think under control. Microheads call it dystopic to believe people would be needed. How else invite Colonization with the mouth of Presidents? Nobody has figured it out, but do not close the ears.
To Hapax legomenon, rare rhymes, harsh hounds, counterfeited cow, Pasiphae hides in the cow. Tax cow Labyrinths inescapable corridors, string the meandering passageways. One thing sure these creatures must die, a man with bulls head, a bull with a mans head 169 a semivirumque  bovem, myth and demons, biform monsters, topple Masses over which one descends to lower hell, image of a beast beseark, appropriate the classical soruces to their own,  and so “we made our way across that heap/of stones, which oftern moved beneath my feet/because my weight was somewhat strange for them ( on this moon). Dante moves what he touches because he is the only living person in hell. Virgil says “that other time/that I descended into lower Hell, /this mass of boulders had not yet collapsed  34-6. That was just before Christ’s descent. His walk changes the rabble world, his thought. So the myths change because their supports crumble from the moment of Christ’s death. 170-1 “Empedocles: “ all the elements of the universe fire, sir, water, earth, formerly eld apart by discord were fused by love, recreating the original Chaos. At that time “these ancient boulders toppled, in this way  xii, 45. “all the bridges passing to the further ditches or pouches are revealed to have been destroyed by this same earthquake. Achilleid of Statius.

Men overwhelmed by shock and awe of their gold gods in the formal world religions are as subservient as the primitive. Blood rites top to bottom. War is an invention of the gods. The fact of death is different from the agencies of death, war and the study of war inculcated into earth by supernatural interference. In the Death of Cuchulain at the end of Last Poems Yeats in his resistance confronts these agencies even though he seems compromised with the Titans and the gods. To fight against the divine is paramount in Aeschylus. Aliens turn this as if it were fighting against (the true) God, but this is alien equivocation. In the fight against Saturn, the Titans and all Olympus, men were powerless to effect change even if they resisted to the death like Sisyphus, Prometheus. The recast of this man into a demi-god himself to undermine the man and turn him into a god means he has become his own enemy, has ceased to resist and is completely enslaved. "To those who really believe in a Supreme Being the occurrence of supernatural interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty, especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which is evidently out of course ages before the creation of our race" (Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages. Preface). Aeschylus, Dante, Yeats lead to wondering how the human fights against the divine, the divine being the fallen, since it has always existed and must have been resisted or influenced long since

The Blue.:.


and the illustrator William Joyce, Tim Biskup, marion Peck, Jeff Soto, Pervasive art: Cult-status street artists like Banksy, new wave comics illustrators like (here) Gary Panter,  (dante, Japanese pop artists, post-punk and hip hop artists, and iconic graphic artists like Shepard Fairey all contribute to a highly visible aesthetic that is virtually ubiquitous in contemporary culture.


10/16/17 what you need to know about fermilad and the antimatter agenda Woodward TV

what you need to know about hydrogen peroxide

--while walking in the vales of arcady this morn I say three kids all about 1-2, the first a boy with a square face who looked steadfastly at me, a girl with a narrower face and a boy again with a narrower face, each gave long gazes.


There were of course more than three deaths in this underworld. The first was when they took a head from its past and all association and harnessed it up. Bosses on the lookout for more heads sorted these by vocation. Philosopher Wisensteins, Wittgenstein’s head, pontoons of Huxleys, Aldous, Thomas, and Russell went down with McKenna. Oxytocin robot ethics, and LIDAR against fear.. Etherized on a table, we heard him mumbling among our heads:

 represents all economic exploitation, the cement gallery

Guapa in Brussels, playful, devious and cleverly named creatures, Baseman, Yoshitomo Nara, Takashi Murakami, Of course the sop is more than the literature and the pig is more than the world, but that’s enough of Jaime Bosch. --pops Heladeria, Barbie Pink Pop, once the cap The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg. “jolted out of nightmare I see lithium, spraying mood stabilizing, bipolar mania, fine tremor, nausea,  hyperthyroid weight gain. I see Dante leave the malebolge toward the pit. Tuft by tuft in a century or so the hands of giant Nimrod. Blow a horn, other giants chained Abimilech, superior to Mordred, Italians frozen in cracks. It shake me. I don’t….”You nitpickers call in doubt what you don’t even know, that aircraft carriers were sent in that first attempt to colonize Neptune.



Xxxiv:”Hell formed following the fall of Lucifer, when the infernal chasm opened right below the point whee Christ was crucifed on Golgotha.” “Lucifer composite of many disconnected parts, his immobility and his grotesque…giant with 6 great wings… negative transcendaence…turning upside down at the center of the univ the topsy world of nT from which Satean seems right side up in hell, but head down from heaven from which he fell. Perspective incongruity lucifer is flight o stairs, but silence.  “If God is the World, Lucifer is nonspeech, the non word. In classics hades and Dis without a monstrous aspect were giants.Visions of Tnugdali: giant lucifer and beast by name of Acherons. V: The covetous must enter the gaping maw of Acheron to be tormented with fire and ice. There is ..... Visio Tnugdali: The Vision of Tundale.


6/24/18 trees with 8 mil diameter in Madasgar

We have reached the place  in his dream where Lockerbie stands beside a baby in a carriage. Wenn es vorkommen kann. Illuminations unthinkable, authorizing at one and the same time the outbound postulate that . “Chaos resists where most I suffered.” These takes on the 600 billion invisible beings vary among observers. I am trying to give a record to myself of what I have encountered as meaningful. The honest unconscious felt in Dante, Goya, Gehry, not to deny it in Bosch. Michelangelo is not honest.

Your mission is to find it out like Jacobo. Think not. Remember not.  Consider the archeologist who says Jacob seeing Rebekah watering ten camels in the desert is equivalent to saying the Middle Ages used semitrailers.

All Tartary power stations, small and large, had pipe organs to harmonize and heal the population through sound waves, what is now known as "cymatics”. arch openings, columns, domes and towers, in addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy, which acts on molecules and changes the behavior of cells

literature is the sop of a giant pig eaten by an old sow


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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...