Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Letter to Jacob

Dear Jacob Reiff XIV,

Here is an account of some entries in this anthology published and edited by a DACA dreamer getting her doctorate in   Switzerland at the  European Graduate School, but who is from New Mexico. This is the seventh entry, two a year from the start, discovered this last year with the first, but in this issue with four, if you count the three anonymous pseudonyms invented to pass muster. Poets and artists may be considered unethical in getting their work out any way they can. I began to invent theses personas from continual observations form editors about the extreme variation in works submitted to them, were they Christian, sometimes of faith, (True Light included for contrast) or radical, so to allow the difference Rubino del Sur, after Ruben Dario , poet of Nicaragua, who I first read in Spanish there, who became a mouthpiece for sometime rantings against war, Fukishima, Republicans and Democrats, but lately taken more mythological stances from a vantage point of Antarctica where he ended up and still resides as a dentist, boding his time perhaps for the revelations and discoveries to emerge. After Rubino came Augusto Todoele, whose name of course after the first translation of the name Reiff in the English Bible in the Lindisfarne version of Luke about the plunderer. He too has gotten some publication, but of a more scholarly sort and of Biblical and Reformist concerns. In the current entry here he has gotten into crypto science and paleo-biology. A new entry to the forum, Chas Erb @ chickenlittle.org in Houston,  is a full blown Alice in Wonderland radical of the many predominant conspiracies that plague Facebook. That the DACA editor entertains these varieties does not mean she has not passed on others, who did not pass muster in Vol. 7.  Jon Roussseau and Sjon Larsson whose piece on Quarantine may turn up…. Of course another compelling reason for these voices emerged from the growing censorship imposed by editors on subject matter they once allowed. It is as if the whole point of view of what is allowable art overturned in a five year period, call it a Trump effect. So now there is a major segment of self congratulatory position taking by these organs against the typical for the new designated subjects widely held in media. That only leaves the piece under my own name here, Morning Star, which I want to characterize the best of writings for its empathy and involvement of others in the life of its account. This is an account of the middle of a  trip Aunt Pat and I took to Oregon 50 years ago at and before the birth of another aunt of yours you have never met, Laura, once of New Orleans. All of the people in your extended life lead interesting and provocative lives worth knowing.

If you ask why this fiction is written this way it is because the usual subjects of personal experience end up better in poetry, leaving fiction a wide ranging matter, as it was in Swift or Melville for example of myriads of myth ends sewn together. Black Holes esp. does this as a kind of factovi of Antarctica, journalism of speculation, current in our times, often called conspiracy theory, at least until it is exposed as real. Of these retold myths I don’t exactly take advocacy of points of view so much as play them ironically upon each other, so all the shibboleths of the intellect thought sacrosanct are fair game, esp. from psychology and science which are joined in a new religion among the self enlightened into a myth of uber man, as you may know. Depending on the kind of engineering you pursue there are many artifacts  need explaining. The challenge of engineering these frauds in the Otherwise was to make different styles so the editor both would accept for publication and not catch on to the single authorship. Many editors these days do extensive searches to see if works are plagiarized or pre-published on blogs before they will accept them. I guess there is a lot of dishonest fraud going around. These are honest frauds in that they are all original writings on scientific religious subjects that either have not been aired or to wait for single authorhip would take years, but we do not have years, merely days as it were things are moving so fast, spacex satellites are well on their way to circle the earth.

 I make this effort here only because it is your birth rite that cannot be denied. You belong to a much wider circle of genome than you may  be aware, among people of all walks of life, with a history that extends directly to you from a past in Philadelphia documented from at least 1717. In 1726, the year Gulliver’s Travels appeared, your ancestor, also named Jacob, traveled back to Europe to bring more family here. I’m saying you have a passage on that same trip, which I tried to indicate to you the last time I saw you, years ago, at a birthday party, when I gave you the trunk c. 1880, of Jacob L Reiff, your great, great, grand.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...