Friday, July 15, 2022

Empire Burlesque Redo: a review of neomemory

 The old sow that eats the pig in a universe of consumption, creating and destroying, might be entropy, a black hole or quark, but call it chaos to undo even the evil that it did. This is all the pagans got until their dammerung, a fractal production evident in Breughel's fish coming out of the mouth of another fish, but here it’s pigs going into the mouth of other pigs, reversing the fractal, consumpoking all, which is what pigs are good at, consumpoking. It takes back to the fattening up for market of slaughter and war gigging and pudding, smoking in the old tale to start, where the Dame with her own set of vectors and references soon enough becomes familiar. So having said that, on with the tale of giants eaten by the gods.

  That the branches of civilization ate like the fobs thrown to a hog to fatten for the feast explains all the boasting and grunting, synonyms for politics and war, its main branches. Southlanders call politics a game of cockroachers to describe the many branches and layers, but only war describes the ultimate sacrifices over and over pointlessly patriotism with a year of peace, then more war. Jimmy Crist was a frogman back then but graduated to Sargent in the forces that take K2 in the Korean winter. Hecame home to boast about it, lauded by the whole town until the next war went off to fight when these many armed service branches fested at the yearly banquets. Tystes and Zeus with beheadings are told in the tale.  

One hitch in the lesson is the characters of women, great bulking beasts of the female who lurch from the start in the beginning, made out to be two neighbors who come over to sit on the berm. Pagan tales are that wary. They  wrap up great horrors in the ordinary. This is no Goldfarb family at tea, but a family of gods that rule the cosmos. If blood and such bores you that is just deconstructed myth. It is nasty enough in the natural, but seen from above myth pretends to be its cousin allegory, as if there were some point to it all, that being to wake up the reader to the predicament among the fobs. Wake them up to giants, then what? It never quite says what the purpose of myth war is. That ‘s why we bite off a lesser branch than politics and war and take up its handmaid, Lit, literature, the sop of this great pig eaten by the old sow. 

The truly illowis snowbelt career Frey and Frigg, Frieda and fritag

You'd think Iceland gods and giants on vacation in the west reincarnating would melt. They don’t even get damp. I can not explain the physiology of ice flesh anyway, or reincarnation. Gods of course may do this over and over until they long for an honest death, which they will get, just not in time. I was rusty on my Iceland gods when I read Sagas in winter on the whey stone flats outside town. The dirt was one inch deep on the top of limestone slabs that looked like whale backs about to blow long miles of caverns cool and ice cream in summer You have to watch where you step. When the air is warm at the  Wupatki earth crack Kaibab cold air blows up. But winter  air  sucks down when the whale swims deeper seas. The whistling rush is like that flute of nine  Chuang Tzu played from his hideouts under bridges in the bandit years. Those sounds are the breath of praise. 

The myth gods in their palaces there dance in masks from the peaks to bring water to the parch. In Iceland the mists hang low over glaciers and we don’t go far to see the giant Gunnar with his chainsaw. That whole island is now completely vaxxed, to drive off the wards of these outlaws. Extrano Mars of Iceland, Norway where don’t trouble whether giants or gods, much the same  are eating the giants as the giants are eating the rest. At any rate these giants were living at the Grand Canyon buttom.  The fractal creation emerging from itself over and over, propagating like a fish coming out of the mouth of another fish to infinititude is reversed as reation consumes itself, overtaken from behind. The tree swallowed by the man swallowed by the giants by the god, in this body sacrifice to giant power by the men is the same. In old Iceland and Third Mesa more traditional, but over major capital cities like the Potomac they stretch human bodies up, down and across the sky. The god bodies look like pedestals that stretch balloons above. Body parts fly up into this sky, which ordinarily only the blind can see.

Sop, pig or sow symbols apply changing to deceive its name, the way a woman sitting in the midst of an ephad of lead,  thrown back into the weight of the ephah and sealed with lead on its mouth. Collapsed into the metal and transported by two women with wings like storks to the land of Shinar and set upon its own base, they land outside the holy city.

 These meta-personas

Empire Redo

 This is the "imperial fantasy” of the disappearance of time. People gathered outside the walls  to escape and get in "a capsule of claustrophobia where time pretends to be trapped in quick space" If you're one of them the time is a trans instant substitute for real subjects superimposed on existence turned to clones. The real body replaced by the fantasy  co-body in the sky is the Colonia outside the walls where everywhere  that existed in the American century was longer than a century.

This imaginary co-body is hunted in the replacement of itself, the text, which substitutes for the body and is the history of the loss of the body. Flesh and blood are exchanged for utterances to pass the breath of the lungs of the mind and heart to the words, the replacement lungs, mind and heart of the Frankenstein text, spiritual cyborg. The fearsome tygere of the real body into the artificial body, dream of the pantheist, all of whose literature is a proem of the post human neocorp a form of Eisenhower's Rheinwiesenlager Camps, Hieronymus Bosch, Columbus and Ignatius Loyola


USAmerican imaginary is a dream creating an artificial memory, rewriting history as interpolation, a vast Oxidant culture rewrite of itself. It is its own freak cut, redo. Collage, montage, schizo absurd are deliriums of this apocryphal memory with bricolage, palimpsest and hetroglossia, but the best is carnivalization of a series of involuntary forgotten memories.


In snippets, this series of images of techno memory is a premonition of the confusions of the Minotaur and the taurobolium that heats its victims until their silent screams are it steam   But it is also a brute reality of a god swiving a swan converted to wars in Iraq. Editing memory with a targeted removal of experiences for an entire civilization.


The avatars of empire, historemes where these texts replace the body risking the loss of all corporeality, of which we are made, for something else, a slave to mine gold on a satellite or in a golden cloud, but not here, now, is the vertigo of the earth, to have another body, a fantasy body of civilization composed of others’ memories, cybertines edited.


If you have not encountered the animus of the south to the north, it is not as contemptuous as the north for the south. The north seems composed with intellectual bureaucrats of propaganda, 36, Honda-ed, LuLu-ed by mooks, the charge on Olson who hardly ever worked but lived off friends and patrons like Dahlberg 34 etc. Too big to work no doubt. Too big is the word on the north, too big to care, too big to leave the house. Which leads to the overwhelming question that "the idea of Space is a fabula created by paranoia" 35. Time fares no better. And all these open and shut issues are the creation of the "pseudo-son of imaginary fathers" 34. This is the man who would be his own father, self generated. It is Olson's grift to do away with his own responsibility and be dependent on others for his value, whether idealizing or devaluing, the opinions of others tell him what he is worth, his own desire to be dominated and to dominate, not the equals equals equals we intuitively afford all life and breath. Men "are the most terrible gods" 33.


This is the quincunx, 31, of the five points of conflict Sir Th. Browne allows for cosmic design on earth. I mean to copy this sentence to describe the existence of those in the warehouse, who want to escape the briefcase, which "entities arise, develop and die, wasted in the space-time of which they are emanations and results of forces, in pantopia there has been created the illusion of permanence under the artificial shelter of a total space, in which what once was separated through time is now collected" 31.




Keeping these flapjacks on the Olson griddle. Heriberto says "all of us are no more than renegade copyists" 40, and fabulists he would say, in the "State that has protected and made materially possible the supposed rebellion led by writing." This might as well be the maxim of the world from 1950 where shibboleths are the closest real, but rare anymore for the outright shill where not just Olson is charged with American propaganda, but Satan runs the show of the world concerned for climate change among its shut-in citizens online, who never leave home except to drive, and even then will be driven shortly by their LuLu cars once the neighborhoods are mapped. The gov protects the rebellion because it is a subversion exercise. Of what? What do the campers on the canal, or outside the Walls of the City want. They want it all baby, whatever you have and are the stocking their shopping carts, the stalking horses of  all corps, colleges, science where "our own words, mages, and ideas are copies of the authorities' words" 39. Mimesis, I love you, you whore, say they all, for their moment of pleasure in fame. No wonder Sanders and Creeley and Duncan are upset, they are indicted with the rest, with Olson who "never ceased to be a propagandist for the north American Empire" 37.


The Will to Appropriate the Other


That he blames all this on the Caucasoid is rich, that "North American civilization constantly attempts to represent others, every other" 24. Olson goes to Mexico for the Mayan Letters, and is held as a hero by the doubles, whose "indigenous body is the profound co-body of both" 27. This is the essence of Colonia, the co-body, "warmer and at the same time inferior, ("some" body from which information may be stolen, retrieved, "recovered.) That's the story of Howard Norman's Cree books, Ed Dorn's Shoshone,  Voth's Hopi. All good reads and influential along with Schultes Ethnobotany and Yaqui Deer Songs among the same liberals who cannot bear without living in the co-other, not to speak of the ethos of Black Elk Speaks, to escape their vanity of empire, "the will to appropriate the Other" 63 in some physical not spiritual sense of joining with, becoming, which must be true of all the spiritual literature beyond its own. No learning from ancient kulturs unless the Greek will do, but the Mesopotamian, that's out with the Inca and parts south. No imperialist topologies of Orpheus, Quetzalcoatl for the bourgeois super persona of Maximus, but give him Cabeza de Vaca, but not Ishmael and who wants Cain? So what is man that thou art mindful of him? It's not that they shouldn't write of these Kulturs, but that they don't write of their own. Synder's Turtle Island does not. That is not America, it is other. So Olson is going to be Gilgamesh. He's going to be an Adamite. Neither wholesome among the cannibals. Just what Kultur would he need, he has them all.


They made their mint mining the native, like gold and stored it next to the giant bones in the Smithsonian. Yes it is beautiful, casting doubt on beauty as a lie.  Everywhere the Caucasoid goes to create the generic modern, the global. You think Ginsburg was really with Carl Solomon? Did he visit him there like Leary at Vacaville on Vistaril? No. These are poseurs of freedom. In the cloak of freedom slavery. There are no positive spiritual states of "Northamerica," that is why it tries to find, research and steal the indigene.


The spiritual state of the North is Catcher in the Rye, the book of assassins, satanic “modern, alienated from God and man ” --"hopelessness, further deepening the illusion of separateness from other people, nihilism celebrated and justified as something normal which need not be questioned or corrected, where the first-person style of the book does a lot to reinforce these feelings, as the reader unconsciously identifies with Holden, a beginner’s manual for how to screw yourself up when you are too young to know any better. Or maybe it’s a “green light” for doing whatever you want and letting your ego completely take over– let your mind and desire do what it wants and don’t worry about it!  So why is it required reading?" I love simplistic thought unless it's the mythological thought substitute. But now I know why J. D. Salinger was the student who came to his professor's house to be eaten. He is the whole in miniature. Say again: it exists or existed in the world before its demise. I say the world, not the earth.


There is a great quote from Hegel's Aesthetics about "the virtuosity of an ironical artistic life" filled with the irony itself of a supposed "divine creative genius" who can create and destroy from "the yearning and morbid beautiful soul" 29. Which stands for more Satanic propaganda. Olson is a North American patriot. Hegel and his mook. He's guessing of course. Nobody does any such thing. They work it out as they go. It just seems planned. It's not, any more than "the father is the apocrypha created by the son” 28. He will prove this even if he has to twist an "imaginary relation of doubles" where "the son engenders the mental body of the father" 27.  Of course Oedipus and Freud matter to Heriberto, but that is more paranoia of Satanic empire, repeating, copying what you have been told, or taught. These viruses are called edu. By the time the young get old they are lost in it. But I have a grandfather and a father and a son and a grandson and the one I am responsible for, my father, I neither create nor destroy, but see in context of life and peace. I put peace between myself and the generations. I create peace for the old and for the young, joy. Orchids for grandmothers! So if anything the son redeems the memory of his father by blessing the issues of life. And maybe this is what he means when he says, " the reconstruction of an edenic preterit bound to a prophetic future" 26.


3. In Heriberto's Hegel anyway "there is no difference between master and slave" 86, for "imperial time" is circular. There is no difference between black and white in this time, to spell it. Neither, of co-control, co-body, its projections of these loops that encapsulate, capture the psychological, always looking for domination and acceptance because it is incomplete, afraid. The greatest passions are aroused in these insecurities which keep lassoing and looping, as if to brand, immobilize, and one that occupies us here is giganticism.  Olson, all 6 foot 8  of him wants to be Gilgamesh 55, Prometheus, wants to overcome Joyce 63. "From Sumeria to psychoanalysis and from Greece to Montezuma. he wanted to be wider than Pound" 64 in one more American, but we call say British, we can say Rome, we can say any of them in this imperial expedition to conquer the cosmos. It's still going on. Now roll your sweetness into one ball to roll it to the overwhelming conclusion, but encompass totality, capture the largest subject.


Does he want to eat this gustatory, is it sexual? These territories are all in one. That's why they need amphetamines in the military, to go beyond the natural, not to join with it. Go beyond the natural, make a man able to smell like a dog.  Borges sees at least this is a monstrosity. Whitman wants to be the cosmos, the universe and every living thing. Excess is a giant. Moby whale easily translates in the empire of Rome, Britain, Northamerica's military vision of the world 57, turned into poetry compelling Gloucester to yield. Military is sexual you know, as Donne's manning of the new world of her body, so these military poetic codes are parlance for new world exploration, loving and possessing a woman, or just being an elephant. There needs to be awareness that poetry is a foreign language nobody speaks, a little like thought, and that's why so many grants are given to crack it, to no avail in the solipsistic world. "Adamization of experience betrays a desire to eternalize history...for the good of a unified capitalist vision" 59.


After all what is the good of a giant but to dominate, shock and awe, but they don't have much empathy, which is what Olson's wife Connie said of him. But who cares in the presence of this massive bulk and absolute self absorption? The giant fuses the Greek, the Aztec, Mao Tse Tung 59 and any other fish in the sea of the ancestral trans cultural discoveries reconstructed 60, not original creations, mainly because the Caucasoid does not self examine, for reasons stated. So finally in this takeover of the senses and the mind “Olson devours the other, swallows the other into his own life [along with all his Black Mountain fellows et. al.], and likewise is devoured by his prey."


 THE EATER BECOMES THE EATEN,  how's that for Karma? "Olson is, fundamentally, an anthropophage" 68. And that by the way is the whole of lit, not just Olson, the book eating the reader while the reader devours the book, but does not see it or know it. The taking must end in a giving, but who knows it? We will devour hook line and sinker, like a fish. She is our Kultur, she is our world. And you thought you were going to get away. So there's no better time to see the text as the body of the world, and for Heriboato, the text tower of engraved glass plates stacked on top each other in illusion, which is not to say dig in. You might break them. What you won't break is the fantasy of your understanding, that goes on like those perennial rockets they keep sending to visit Van Allen.


Shakespeare Civilization


 "I take SPACE" says Call Me Ishmael but the human imperative is the bigger they are the harder they fall. Their very bigness makes them vulnerable, insecure, so they reach for more. Nobody escapes the terrestrial, but those who try, "Large and without mercy" shrivel within, need to be supported, patted, told they are great like 'the United States Empire'" 72 Olson is a surrogate for in the psycho poetic politics of Empire. "Imperialism dreams of a world totally under the mind's control" 74. To ante up this is Shakespearean Civilization, myth, capitalist space, that wants to clone itself in every cultural archive, to perpetuate the fantasy. Oh do not ask what is it, imperial hypertrophy that repeats itself in unreal time in loops of fabulas of itself, especially of war. The only proviso to add is that when Heriberto wants  all these Frenchmen like Derrida and Deleuze to be extra-Americans, he is too tightly focused, for American is Europe's nine heads but two will fall and Britain is Rome and Rome Egypt and Egypt is Sumer wherein our tale must end because of the thunderbolts. But don't look ahead, no need. Synchronicity will take you there and precognition when the City of God of St. Augustine is confused with the earthly city, confused with one doubling, tripling, circles of time. These are the exempla that exist all over the world before this time and after.


I was pursuing Charles Olson epically compelling Gloucester to change just as Obama did and with the same result, and heard Ed Sanders in one of the memorial lectures they hold for Olson cite Yépez' work as failing dialogue with the Olsonites. I scrolled back to get the script and title as soon as I saw it. I had to have it, knowing apriori that Neomemory was the be all and end of civilization, so here is this digest from beginning readings in the Empire of Neomemory by Heriberto Yépez where absolutely the state of those nations, tongues and peoples gathered outside the walls trying to get in, with all the difficulties that entails, are the exempla of Colonias that exist all over the world before this time and after  in the structure of a pyramid layers. When the sparks of light fell they had to reorganize and this was and is the effort,

A Review of The Empire of Neomemory by Heriberto Yépez.



This is the version before editing sent to O/W with the links intact:


I was pursuing Olson epically compelling Gloucester to change just as Obama did and with the same result, dissolution, and in doing so heard Ed Sanders in one of the memorial lectures they hold for Olson where, way in, he cites Yépez' work as failing dialogue with the Olsonites, etc. I scrolled back to get the script and title for as soon as I saw it I had to have it, knowing apriori that Neomemory was the be all and end of civilization, so here is this digest from beginning readings in the Empire of Neomemory by Heriberto Yépez where absolutely the state of those nations, tongues and peoples gathered outside the walls of the New Jerusalem trying to get in, with all the difficulties that entails, are the exempla of the Colonias that preexisted all over the world before this time. The evil ones run the empire in the structure of a pyramid layers. When the sparks of light fell they had to reorganize and this is and was the effort.


USAmerican imaginary is the dream of creating an artificial memory. History of rewriting as interpolation, with bricolage, palimpsest, hetroglossia but best carnivalization to reorder a series of finite  involuntary memories forgotten in folklore.


The Oxidant culture is a vast memory that rewrites itself it is its own freak, redo, cut. Collage, montage, cut schizo absurd are deliriums of this false apocryphal memory, in snippets., as in series of images of techno memory of the actual U.S. Population a premonition of the confusions of the Minotaur and taurobolium and brute reality of a god  swiving a swan convert to wars Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, editing memory via a targeted removal of experiences and these are the communicating vessels for an entire civilization.


The avatars of empire, historemes where these texts replace the body risking the loss of all corporeality of which we are made for something else, a slave to mine gold on a satellite or in a golden cloud, but not here, now, which is a vertigo of the earth to have another body, a fantasy body of civilization composed of others’ memories, cybertines editing.


This imaginary co-body is hunted in the replacement of itself, the text, which substitutes for the body and is the history of the loss of the body, flesh and blood exchanged for utterances, so to pass the breath of the lungs of the mind and heart to the words, the replacement lungs, mind and heart of the text Frankenstein, spiritual cyborg. The fearsome tygere of the real body into the artificial body, dream of the pantheist, all of whose literature is a proem of the post human neocorp,  these metapersonas substitute for real subjects and are superimposed on their existence turning them to clones. The real body replaced by the fantasy co=-body-- This is the Colonia outside the walls of the New Jerusalem and everywhere else it exists or existed in the world before its demise. I say the world, not the earth.




Keeping on these flapjacks on the Olson griddle. Heriberto says "all of us are no more than renegade copyists" 40 and fabulists he would say, in the "State that has protected and made materially possible the supposed rebellion led by writing." This might as well be the maxim of the world from 1950 where shibboleths are the closest real, but rare anymore for the outright shill where not just Olson is charged with American propaganda, but Satan runs the show of the world concerned for climate change among its shut in citizens online, who never leave home except to drive, and even then will be driven shortly by their LuLu cars once the neighborhoods are completely mapped. The gov protects the rebellion because it is a subversion exercise. Of what? What do the campers on the canal, or outside the Walls of the City want. They want it all baby, whatever you have and are the stocking stalking horses of  all corps, colleges, science where "our own words, mages, and ideas are copies of the authorities' words." 39 Mimesis, I love you, you whore, say they all, for their moment of pleasure in fame. No wonder Sanders and Creeley and Duncan are upset, they are indicted with the rest, with Olson who "never ceased to be a propagandist for the north American Empire" 37


 If you have not encountered the animus of the south to the north, it is not as contemptuous as the north for the south. The north seems composed with intellectual bureaucrats of propaganda, 36, Honda-ed, LuLu-ed by mooks, the charge on Olson who hardly ever worked but lived off friends and patrons like Dahlberg 34 etc. Too big to work no doubt. Too big is the word on the north, too big to care, too big to leave the house. Which leads to the overwhelming question that "the idea of Space is a fabula created by paranoia" 35. Time fares no better. And all these open and shut issues are the creation of the "pseudo-son of imaginary fathers" 34. This is the man who would be his own father, self generated. It is Olson's grift to do away with his own responsibility and be dependent on others for his value, whether idealizing or devaluing, the opinions of others tell him what he is worth, his own desire to be dominated and to dominate, not the equals equals equals we intuitively afford to all life and breath. Men "are the most terrible gods." 33


This is, these are the quincunx 31 of the five points of conflict Sir Th. Browne allows for cosmic design on earth. I mean to copy this sentence to describe the existence of those in the warehouse, who want to escape the briefcase, which "entities arise, develop and die, wasted in the space-time of which they are emanations and results of forces, in pantopia there has been created the illusion of permanence under the artificial shelter of a total space, in which what once was separated through time is now collected" 31. this is the "imperial fantasy of the disappearance of time." here all these people gathered outside the walls of the City and try to escape, get in.  They are caught in a story as "a capsule of claustrophobia in which time pretends to be trapped in a  quick space"25. They want to escape time and space, they want to be eternal. And if you're one of them then know the time is now. Today is the day of salvation. Right now in the middle of the action. Not tomorrow.


The will to appropriate the Other


That he blames all this on the Caucasoid is rich, that "North American civilization constantly attempts to represent others, every other"24. Olson goes to Mexico for  the Mayan letters, and is held as a hero by the doubles, whose "indigenous body is the profound co-body of both" 27. This is the essence of Colonia, the co-body, "warmer and at the same time inferior, ("some" body from which information may be stolen, retrieved, "recovered.' That's the story of Howard Norman's Cree books, Ed Dorn's Shoshone,  Voth's Hopi. All good reads and influential along with Schultes Ethnobotany and Yaqui Deer Songs among the same liberals who cannot bear without living in the co-other, not to speak of the ethos of Black Elk Speaks, to escape their vanity of empire, "the will to appropriate the Other" 63 in some physical not spiritual sense of joining with, becoming, which must be true of all the spiritual literature beyond his own, no learning from ancient kulturs unless the Greek will do, but the Mesopotamian, that's out with the Inca and parts south. No imperialist topologies of Orpheus, Quetzalcoatl for the bourgeois super persona of Maximus, but give him Cabeza de Vaca, but not Ishmael and who wants Cain? So what is man that thou art mindful of him? it's not that they shouldn't write of these Kulturs, but that they don't write of their own. Synder's Turtle Island does not. That is not America, it is other. So reference here Concepts of the Subfornical and all the Orcs. is going to be Gilgamesh. He's going to be an Adamite. Neither wholesome among the cannibals. Just what Kultur would he need, he has them all. They made their mint mining the native, like gold and stored it next to the giant bones in the Smithsonian. Yes it is beautiful, casting doubt on beauty as a lie.  Everywhere the Caucasoid goes to create the generic modern, the global. You think Ginsburg was really with Carl Solomon? Did he visit him there like Leary at Vacaville on Vistaril? No. These are poseurs of freedom. In the cloak of freedom slavery. There are no positive spiritual states of "Northamerica" that is why it tries to find, research and steal the indigene. The spiritual state of the North is Catcher in the Rye, the book of assassins, satanic “modern, alienated from God and man ” --"hopelessness, further deepening the illusion of separateness from other people, nihilism celebrated and justified as something normal which need not be questioned or corrected. ..the first-person style of the book does a lot to reinforce these feelings, as the reader unconsciously identifies with Holden... a beginner’s manual for how to screw yourself up when you are too young to know any better. Or maybe it’s a “green light” for doing whatever you want and letting your ego completely take over – “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” as Crowley put it – let your mind and desire do what it wants and don’t worry about it!  So why is it required reading in the schools?"  I love simplistic thought unless it's the mythological thought substitute. But now I know why in that signal account of Gardens and Grapefruits, J. D. Salinger was the student who came to his professor's house to be eaten. He is the whole in miniature.  Say again: This is the Colonia outside the walls of the New Jerusalem and everywhere else it exists or existed in the world before its demise. I say the world, not the earth.


There is a great quote from Hegel's Aesthetics about "the virtuosity of an ironical artistic life" filled with the irony itself of a supposed "divine creative genius" who can create and destroy from "the yearning and morbid beautiful soul." 29 Which stands for more Satanic propaganda. Olson is a North American patriot. Hegel and his mook the Satanic. He's guessing of course. Nobody does any such thing. They work it out as they go. It just seems planned. It's not, any more than "the father is the apocrypha created by the son' 28. He will prove this even if he has to twist a twist of an "imaginary relation of doubles" where "the son engenders the mental body of the father"27.  Of course Oedipus and Freud matter to Heriberto, but that is more paranoia of Satanic empire, repeating, copying what you have been told, or taught. These viruses are called edu. By the time the young get old they are lost in it. But I have a grandfather and a father and a son and a grandson and the one I am responsible for, my father, I neither create nor destroy, but see in context of life and peace. I put peace between myself and the generations. I create peace for the old and for the young, joy. Orchids for grandmothers! So if anything the son redeems the memory of his father by blessing the issues of life. And maybe this is what he means when he says, " the reconstruction of an Edenic preterit bound to a prophetic future" 26.


3. In Heriberto's Hegel anyway  "there is no difference between master and slave" 86 for "imperial time" is circular. There is no difference between black and white in this time, the time of the Pied Cow of Nietzsche , want to spell it Neither, of co-control, co-body, its projections of these loops that encapsulate, capture the psychological, always looking for domination and acceptance because it is incomplete, afraid. The greatest passions are aroused in these insecurities which keep lassoing and looping, as if to brand, immobilize, and one that occupies us here is gigantism.  Olson, all 6 foot 8  of him wants to be Gilgamesh 55, Prometheus, wants to overcome Joyce 63. "From Sumer to psychoanalysis and from Greece to Montezuma. he wanted to be wider than Pound" 64 in one more American , but we call say British, we can say Rome, we can say any of them in this imperial expedition to conquer the cosmos. It's still going on. Not roll your sweetness into one ball to roll it to the overwhelming conclusion, but encompass totality, capture the largest subject.


Is this gustatory, does he want to eat it, is it sexual. These territories are all in one. That's why they need amphetamines in the military, to go beyond the natural, not to join with it. Go beyond the natural, make a man smell like a dog.  Borges sees at least this is a monstrosity. Whitman wants to be the cosmos, the universe and every living thing. Excess is a giant. Moby whale easily translates in the empire of Rome, Britain, Northamerica's military vision of the world 57, turned into poetry compelling Gloucester to yield. Military is sexual you know, as  Donne's manning of the new world of her body, so these military poetic codes are parlance for new world exploration, loving and possessing a woman, or just being an elephant. There needs to be awareness that poetry is a foreign language nobody speaks, a little like thought, and that's why so many grants are given to crack it, to no avail in the solipsistic world. "Adamization of experience betrays a desire to eternalize history...for the good of a unified capitalist vision" 59.


After all what is the good of a giant but to dominate and shock and awe, but they don't have much empathy, which is what Olson's wife Connie said of him. But who cares in the presence of this massive bulk and absolute self absorption? The giant fuses the Greek, the Aztec, Mao Tse Tung 59 and any other fish in the sea of the ancestral trans cultural discoveries reconstructed 60, not original creations, mainly because the Caucasoid does not self examine, for reasons stated. So finally in this takeover of the senses and the mind 'Olson devours the other, swallows the other into his own life [along with all his Black Mountain fellows et. al.], and likewise is devoured by his prey." THE EATER BECOMES THE EATEN,  how's that for Karma? "Olson is, fundamentally, an anthropophage"68. And that by the way is the whole of lit, not just Olson, the book eating the reader while the reader devours the book, but does not see it or know it. The taking must end in a giving, but who knows it? We will devour Susan hook like and sinker, like a fish. She is our Kultur, she is our cow, she is our world. And you thought you were going to get away. So there's no better time to see the text as the body of the world, and for Heriboato, the text tower of engraved glass plates stacked on top each other in illusion, which is not to say dig in. You might break them. What you won't break is the fantasy of your understanding, that goes on like those perennial rockets they keep sending to visit Van Allen in his belt.


Shakespeare Civilization


 "I take SPACE" says Call Me Ishmael but the human imperative is the bigger they are the harder they fall. Their very bigness makes them vulnerable, insecure, so they reach for more. Nobody escapes the terrestrial, but those who try, "Large and without mercy" shrivel within, need to be supported, patted, told they are great like 'the United States Empire'" 72 Olson is a surrogate for in the psycho poetic politics of Empire. "Imperialism dreams of a world totally under the mind's control" 74. To ante up this is Shakespearean Civilization, myth, capitalist space, that wants to clone itself in every cultural archive, to perpetuate the fantasy. Oh do not ask what is it, imperial hypertrophy that repeats itself in unreal time in loops of fabulas of itself, especially of war. The only proviso to add is that when Heriberto wants  all these Frenchmen like Derrida and Deleuze to be extra-Americans, he is too tightly focused, for American is Europe's nine heads but two will fall and Britain is Rome and Rome Egypt and Egypt is Sumer wherein our tale must end because of the thunderbolts. But don't look ahead, no need. Synchronicity will take you there and precognition when the City of God of St. Augustine is confused with the earthly city, New Jerusalem confused with one  outside the wall, doubling, tripling, circles of time where it isn’t just poem that adorns the heart castles and minds of the princes, but even more they have Picassos and Rimbauds, Van Gogh, and all the abs expr artists up and down on the walls of their temples built to honor themselves in their orgies. They were hungry for Susan, kept feeding her to themselves bit by bit up and down the great chain of being of the lost.


A Review of The Empire of Neomemory by





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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...