Saturday, March 12, 2022

Table of Contents. Angel Empires. Angel Empire Civilization. How Civilization Invented the Universe and Apkallu/Nephilim Invented Civilization


Seeing the guardian angel has been the work of those who wish they had not seen is evident in the account of Balaam who really did see the angel, to his detriment. Jacob later saw an angel in his wrestling. Abraham had already had them to dinner and angels visited Lot in his infamy. Ezekiel and Isaiah, and of course the commander of the angels, who chose not to call them, saw them just the way Elijah told his servant to see, look up at the hills to see them surround. The 186,000 soldiers saw the angel to their detriment, the same angel party the elites saw in Bunuel’s Angel Extimador. Angels were last seen in the 56 war in defense of Israel. Still there is not one in this angelology some rule for seeing that claims enlargement of the senses of mind and vision that makes the invisible visible through opacity become transparent. Were a society of this believed among those who consider the spiritual, not the natural eternal, contemporaries together might say with David, Shakespeare, Milton and Dante, as much as with Shorty the hound now passed, who lays her snout and large eyes upon the board to say, away I will no more. To bring these seeming contradictions of a spiritual world upside down, reverses the order of the natural where what was under seems above, which paradoxes of unknowing are believed among those who already believe and disbelieved among the rest almost exactly in proportion as the acknowledgment of this belief is known. And all these we further find  a symbolic holocaust, wheat and tares sown together, interpreted is that   Israel is Balaam. Ben-Gurion is the ass who with  angels he had from the Six Day War, the YomKippur War, 1956 Sinai Campaign who reads Buñuel on his Quixote,.

It is appalling to have to enter these argumentized, facetious essays about subjects forbidden  into the market of the credible. Hoping to avoid affectation become satiric, become absurd, but not so much that  surreal as real as in the news papters. Accidental misspelling of words is a high providence of composition. These essays are sometimes illustrated by work of previous years in free form drawing in ceramic glazes and clays. These had no purpose at all, no figure in mind, just the flow of the moment with whatever tool came to hand, a yardstick maybe, the dried pad of a prickly pear, who knows. That and the lamination of the clays made the forms that emerged. The lamination of the words and worlds is some equivalence.  If some of them come out to look like angels after the fact, so be it more providence.


1.   When Angels Cease to Resemble Themselves

2.   Woman and the World Against the Gods

3.   Men of Renown in the Empire. Nephilim Handbook

4.   Judgment of the Stars

5.   The Sun as God. Turner.

6.   Status of the Soul in the World

7.   Building Jerusalem vs. the Divine Gates

8.   Lessons in Baal

9.   Alien Saviors

10.  My War with Egypt

11.  Power to Become the Sons of God

12.  Golden Age Religion

13.  Portal Novus Ordo

14.  Unhinged Lucifer. Bernini, the False Door

15.  No Longer Any Sea. Beast Rising.

16.  Ugaritic Monsters

17.  Angelus Novus Roast

18.  Angel Empire Runoff. Legends of the Unconscious, collective Mind of Jung/Freud

19.  How Civilization Invented the Univere and Apkallu/Nephilim Invented Civilization

20.  Defense Against Faergrygum

21.  Angels in Tokyo. Empire and the Neon Genesis Evangel

22.  Godzilla From Another Planet. Space God program and Engineered Man

23.  Little Boy. The Arts of Japan’s Exploding Subculture

24.  Clown Language in the New Golden Age Colony of Angels. Inhabitants of the Colonies.

25.  Monster Camp

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...