Friday, November 26, 2021




12/31/14 Notes

     These days health is available only at extra expense, all of which together equals what was assumed a lifetime ago. Today all corn is GMO. Milk needs to be bought without hormone additives which compromise gender. Organic milk is more expensive. You may have to give up McDonald's to afford it.

    Our children were raised without television until the youngest was about 10, 1998. It sounds like what everyone wants, to build from the inside out, not from the outside in. So they were read to constantly and told stories, many taped, some produced into coloring books and handed out to their friends. They were breast fed, sung to, taken on walks, hikes, esp to Grand Canyon and the AZ wilderness, driven constantly into the desert and mountains of central AZ as I went sketching, played outside constantly. We canned, gardened, froze fruit, they played in the flood, imagined cities and peoples in the sand pile. We lived in a house in the desert that had only evap cooling, polished concrete floors, made from pumice block, surrounded by pecans, apricots, pomegranates. Not only that but they were raised without moving, except after ten years to another house on the canal. They experienced the same schools, neighborhoods, churches, all attempts at community, youth sports of most kinds, regular evening meals together. All of them learned to cook and enjoy it. They all played music, all can sheet read. You want to know the result? It's as if none of it happened. They took to the digital like a drug. The youngest went from proudly wearing a hat with a cross when he competed to wearing Metallica T-shirts of every hue. They are privileged with every latest text on their phones and pics. Have not read a book in years. Put themselves at risk in every activity. Hope you do better..

ICD10 Ebola was planted by WHO to implement ICD 11.


    Work up wondering the time line from David through the mostly reprobate kings to Jeremiah and the 70 years captivity so went to Young's Old Testament Introduction. Turned however to Daniel and the two languages, Aramaic and Hebrew as well as other textual issues, which however led again to Nebuchadezzar's 7 years of madness and Babylonian records of it or not. Critics especially concerned with the accuracy of Daniels's prophecy of the end of empire in last chapters had supposed, from Porphory and on, that this was written later, during Maccabee times and interpolated  together with early chapters that represented the first account. However the Dead Sea scrolls, eight of them,  textualize Daniel, this about 167 BC, hence conclusively doubting that if written as a best seller in the immediate preceding years it is not likely they were chronicled in the Scrolls along with old classical elements of Exodus etc. This is compared to the Rylands ms codex of John c. 117, the oldest surviving NT ms. Before the Scrolls the oldest Daniel fragments were from 1000Ad. "The oldest manuscript of Daniel by far is 4QDanc, which Cross dated in 1961 to the “late second century BC” (Cross 1961:43). Scholars who support a date for the writing of the book of Daniel in the Maccabean crisis at about the middle of the second century BC will be able to say that 4QDanc is “only a half century later than the composition of the book of Daniel” (Ulrich 1987:17). This means for supporters of this dating that the manuscript evidence for Daniel is as close to the autograph as the Rylands Papyrus is to the Gospel of John. I quote: “It is thus, for the Hebrew Bible, comparable to the Rylands manuscript of the Johannine Gospel for the New Testament” (Ulrich 1989:3). The latter comparison means that the papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John, published in 1935, that is, Rylands 457, which was dated in the first half of the second century AD, effectively refuted claims of scholars who had attempted to date the Gospel of John to the latter part of the second century AD. The Rylands papyrus was within 25 to 50 years of the writing of the Gospel of John.  Amazing. Here is the Rylands:

    The papyrus is written on both sides and hence must be from a codex, a sewn and folded book, not a scroll, roll or isolated sheet; and the surviving portion also includes part of the top and inner margins of the page. The recto consequently preserves the top left corner of a right-hand page; while the verso preserves the top right corner of a left-hand page. The characters in bold style are the ones that can be seen in Papyrus 52.

Gospel of John 18:31-33 (recto)


...the Jews, "For us it is not permitted to kill
anyone," so that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke signifying what kind of death he was going to die. Entered therefore again into the Praetorium Pilate and summoned Jesus and said to him, "Thou art king of the
Gospel of John 18:37-38 (verso)


...a King I am. For this I have been born
and (for this) I have come into the world so that I would test-
ify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth
hears of me my voice." Said to him Pilate, "What is truth?" and this having said, again he went out unto the Jews and said to them, "I find not one fault in him."

This ended up at Michael Lowe's Redemption and Messiah and then Walter Benjamin's Arcade.


    I spent a lot of time with Al Cameron, went with him to buy a new car at  this vast Plymouth dealership. He  had owned a hot 58 Pontiac, ran Al's Beauty Shop, owned the bldg, rented  part to a Korean fast food restaurant, had a house in Ocean City. They had a parrot. Alberta and I used to make out at most opportunities. Later Al said we saw too much of each other and he wanted it to break off. I knew his family the way Andrew and Aeyrie know their spouses’ families. Al had a ping pong table in his basement and a Chinese friend who played, so there were some epic matches. I guess I was for a time the son he never had. He introduced me to Alex, and to the notion of the Phila College of Bible. He liked a pipe.

    Today we finished the Phx Center Sale, Sun, with a flourish after lowering to 20 bucks. Then the Chow pup guy, Steve, called worried about us starting a puppy mill, but assuaged. Aey named Judah Edwin Earl


    Kafka's father was loud, boorish philistine offending K. always, so why, around the fire do I proclaim to S that I had prevented A from being arrested many times? the guns to school, the fits of temper, the Iphone pics, the public indiscretions. Nor is it because he has totally imbibed that family culture which I forego to characterize!


    dreamed I was with Oscar the tortoise in a reptilarium. I put him down and he and all the tortoises cavorted madly around then he disappeared. A man up the way mentioned that the males would congregate together in that section, called it the Mowby Effect or Howby?


    Said yesterday that I now look on the out side what I used to look like on the inside, but now I am on the outside is what I used to look on the inside. This seems to go along with Elijah meaning El is Yah, vs the opposite that Joel means Yah is El.


     Don't remember what happened before but Sat, after Pat's truck broke in the Safeway lot, we learned R has a 70% block and they wanted to consult Pat and did. Sun I had A call them since he works cardiac unit, Mon I got the message in the hot tub, Tues A fixed P's medicare, eclinical, with ticket, etc., Wed they report that the doc was a fraud, so further down the road is the decision and etc. Also Tues Aey told me of S's...


     if you drive across the united states do not take physical reality as the nation. The nation is the social political entity of Rome and Britain. Neither take the people as the nation. They are the same as people in the Ukraine and Bolivia. When you meet them. Learned Swallowtails love rue to lay eggs. This year two crops of chrysalis on rue, the second now preparing for takeoff.


    To drive  a thousand miles across AZ, NM and TX is to know what the rest of the country cannot, the smell of creosote as a morning draught, the continued changed light and shadow,  flats in flood or salt, the little towns, the roughnecks, the flue metal grasshoppers and burrs stuck in your socks, the railroad cars, rest stops filled at night on both sides with trucks, but the Wal-Mart is a horror filled with more horribly obese old and young male and female misshapes.


    Just back from from trip begin a week a go at 6 am Oct  21 with A. Drove to Ft Stockton, stayed at Motel 6, the only choice. Full of creosote smell, well diggers, roughnecks. Ruth said  she grew up on ranch Poppy rented owned by his father Edwin August, that it was 1500 acres and that August owned other larger tracts as well, that he was a kind of landed gentry.


    We twice walked down the Rio Grande, first after walking miles over the desert from Glenn Springs and climbing down the canyon into it, the water then was shallowish and after some miles we hitched a ride with some rafts that  went by. The second time was the clay mud water through Mariscal Canyon after a wet season with mud holes and tanks and sinks, all the way down.

19 Aug 2014 

    A group of Ravens can have three different names depending on the activity of the group, a murder of crows, an unkindness, a conspiracy, a constable:
A constable of ravens refers historically to the group of ravens that congregated around the Tower of London; they were thought to be 'keeping watch' over the monarchy. Therefore, any time a grouping of these birds seems to be watching or guarding something, the group can be referred as a 'constable.'

    They can also be called an unkindness or a conspiracy - likely for similar reasons. If a flock is driving off other predatory or carrion birds, or 'picking on' another species either because it is competition or prey (although they feed largely on already dead animals, they are known to work together to hunt if need be since they are extremely adaptive birds), then these are apt terms.  There is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow. an ostentation of peacocks, a parliament of owls, a knot offrogs, and a skulk of foxes. Crows recognize human faces. Comments: The state of America-that-was in what is now known as the Republic of.

 20 Aug 2014

    Taxi Driver  with its rain soaked windshields of night color is too long on motive but succeeds because  the assassin hero only is a hero by failure, or accident and it cycles to its beginning at the end but not pretentiously, the opening is a cloud of exhaust. Pulp Fiction is its equal because of this ironic humor where the holdup guy is held up and has to buy the life of his adversary in the restaurant, also because of the irrelevancies of the conversations on tipping, etc.

    But Apocalypse Now is marred by the lack of this irony and accident, too heavily, religiously plotted around "the horror" of Conrad. Read in concert with Collateral Damage: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds. How many faceless masks can you name of the international, military, American goon, now he has come home: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds.

    The creative process here is incessant work till it becomes meaningless, then take a break, then revisit. This repeats many times. It’s not unlike the process of ceramic sculpture. Working through the lamination which develops their own techniques, stains, oxides, confected clays, organic patterns created with prickly pear spines, cholla, etc. then wrapping them to a form, or finding some figure therein over the next days, it’s the same in writing, but longer, decades not days, though here is only about a specific year and a half specifically touching the general concerns of another site, Human Botany At the End of Biologic Civilization (and more underground sites). Never however making these for production, advancing motifs seem like they have more space, but there is no idea mostly of the piece before beginning. Excerpts of Severed appeared last year at Red Fez, Dream People, Camel Saloon, Eyeshot, Antipodean SF, Frigg and etc, but mostly I like to compose live, in danger, on blog where I can almost hear the cries, or in hundreds of versions that went up and came down at Scribd. Specifically, Building Transhuman Immortals arrived about 1 September 2011 after my wife read a collection, ThoughtGoattens,  to which I had made a revised addition of the name Gilgamesh. She wanted to know what about it, but in explaining this Severed began. I actually gave a copy of that first, printed out in booklet, to the interim pastor of our Reformed church. Figured he would want to know.

     To follow the ceramic analogy there is a listening into the prose which suggests sound changes eventually conceptualizing some narrative. Other pieces are composed that way too, but Severed has more of a given narrative that science provides. AS to why any of these things were done it can only be said they were there in the sound and the moments of work when heard and put down as best as possible. I expect it to be viewed as a version of the unthinkable from Gilgamesh, Milton, Goya, Yeats,  all resonance and reference layer on layer, subject matter unsuited for bald words, but wrapped in a hundred vids like Nick Cave and a thousand celebrations of dark borders I’m not looking for.? The vid of Red Right Hand is not so good-addled fueled by fear of YHVH and anger lyrics, part Milton, part pusher, pimp, soiled industrialist mortician. People take Cave’s lyric and background it with their illuminate paranoias here, same images mostly as in General Gemineye, Bohemian Rap City  Shabazz the Disiciple, levels of pop, rap rock, vid that get a lot of play outside lit. It’s not a closed affair.

     I contemplate different sizes and type faces in the layout,  partly achieved in a recent Jingle Bell Wok,  but this needs collaboration with the company, so to speak, to bring it off. I don’t like the fact that the narrator of Severed seems to be a Thought Bot. It is said you can’t win a war against your own children.The language seems incendiary under the thought, which is unthinkable. These are not rational propositions. It has spun off a fictional treatise on distortion architecture, starchitectures, Ishtars, all because of what Gilgamesh says  to Ishtar when he defames her. Would you believe the Akkadian? Pretty sure this is more than ever anybody would want to know, AE Maybe this is a draft, considered so, for by the time you respond who knows what changes it will have seen in the lit of decapitations.

    I had the misfortune of reading your interview where at the end you say…well you must know what you said. So I had something like 10 days to get the window. In order to protect against unfounded assumptions I am sending this along to fit in the 30 Dec window. There must be ms. you have dreaded getting all your life. You want to dignify this with an aesthetic. Explositions. Gasolines. Do it outside, preferably in the country. Take some gas and light it. But save the matches. This is the myth. The science is coming in Part II-II

    Everything about Road Notes is unthinkable so its aesthetic must be data base. What that means is so…let’s not say, but do.

    I’m sending this along in its present state since it seems like the old hindaerances of time have retired and we enter a period of new space.

12 January 2014.

11 Mar, add to that the power surge that torched the computers today and turning all records electronic, now done, but keeping a kind of parallel system withal, and now training and switch of all records to notepads.

24 April 14

    Celebrating the forms of the formless

    Edwardo Galeano: “I frequently receive invitations to attend the burial of capitalism.  We know quite well, however, that this system -- which privatizes its profits but kindly socializes its losses and, as if that weren't enough, tries to convince us that that is philanthropy -- will live more than seven lives.  To a great degree, capitalism feeds off the discrediting of its alternatives.  The word socialism, for example, has been emptied of meaning, by the bureaucracy that used it in the name of the people and by the social democracy that in its name modernized capitalism's look.  We know that this capitalist system is managing quite well to survive the catastrophes that it unleashes.  We don't know, on the other hand, how many lives its main victim -- the planet we inhabit, squeezed to the last drop -- will be able to live.  Where will we move, when the planet is left without water, without land, without air?  The company Lunar International is already selling plots of land on the moon.  At the end of 2008, the Russian multimillionaire Roman Abramovich made a gift of a little plot to his fiancée.”

    The books write me, they grow inside me, and every night I fall asleep thanking them, because they allow me to believe that I am the author.  And having said this I will point out to you that I write each page many times, that I scratch out, I suppress, I re-write, I tear up, I start over again, and all that is part of the great happiness of feeling that what I say is similar to, and sometimes very similar to, what my pages want to say.

Ae Reiff Irenaeus: "Gloria enim Dei vivens homo."

June 7, 2014 at 9:23am · Like

    Ae Reiff viz. and continuing, "For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man in beholding God." Therefore the Son of the Father declares [Him] from the beginning, inasmuch as He was with the Father from the beginning, who did also show to the human race prophetic visions, and diversities of gifts, and His own ministrations, and the glory of the Father, in regular order and connection, at the fitting time for the benefit [of mankind]. For where there is a regular succession, there is also fixedness; and where fixedness, there suitability to the period; and where suitability, there also utility. And for this reason did the Word become the dispenser of the paternal grace for the benefit of men, for whom He made such great dispensations, revealing God indeed to men, but presenting man to God, and preserving at the same time the invisibility of the Father, lest man should at any time become a despiser of God, and that he should always possess something towards which he might advance; but, on the other hand, revealing God to men through many dispensations, lest man, falling away from God altogether, should cease to exist. For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man consists in beholding God. For if the manifestation of God which is made by means of the creation, affords life to all living in the earth, much more does that revelation of the Father which comes through the Word, give life to those who see God.

19 Oct 2014 

    Forward from Poems revised:

An Issue of Blood

The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it.

 Somehow it got on a benevolence check.

It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew.

 I looked down at my feet and it was beaded in the rug.

The wine stands for blood. When I put the cup to my lips

 there was a drop. After being served

 I felt the wetness,  thought it a small crack.

Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide

 because the blood spilled at my feet. It was on my clothes,

my hands, the hymnbook. Then I saw it

 on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front.

I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I couldn’t see the screen.

Now his blood is on my hands, I am implicated in the death,

 absorbed by the rug, bowed down.

I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup.

Other people might have bled, the flood been great,

the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

I didn’t wipe it off so the stain stuck.

The problem I’m having now is there are drops everywhere.

copy An Issue of Blood

    The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it on my finger it somehow  got on a benevolence check. It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew. I looked down at my feet of it beaded in the rug. the wine stands for blood you know, the blood of Christ but the cup leaked. When I put it to my lips there was none left. After serving it I felt the wetness, thought it a small crack. Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide for his blood spilled at my feet, on my clothes, my hands, my check, the hymnbook. Then I saw in on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front and that blood spills yet I guess. I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I could not look at the screen. Its one thing to die its one thing to rise. now I am implicated in the death, his blood is on my hands. This baptism of blood, precious stones of blood absorbed by the rug, bowed down. I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup. Others peoples might have bled, the flood could have been great, the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

    I didn’t wipe it off, the stain stuck in. I am wounded, an issue of blood. But now the problem I’m having is that there are drops everywhere, rubies

    Dreams are the halo of the understanding world. This nimbus surrounds all that is known life is intent on understanding itself.

    Show furniture, pottery, Chinese civilization, the wilds of the Balkans, live animal life and plants, the faces of children, the heroism of suffering, the fight of the spirit, the joy of health, make something out of nothing, celebrating the forms of the formless, sensing the leading of thought, seeing the good and pursuing it,  sweeping the curbs in the street, caring for all neighbors, taking seriously the cry of all beings in distress, prayer without ceasing, cleaning and all menial tasks, parabolas, lovemaking. There is civilization and there are the forms of the formless, every plant, animal, every insect, plant, tree, cave, stream, mountain free of the inebriation of destruction, that which seeks to destroy the forms of the formless where instead of being guardians of the forms of everything there is ruination. In the midst of this dreams open up to consciousness. Night vision enters the substrate, which is love, love unseen, breath praise, gratitude for being, each gasp, each cry, each pain a prayer, when the wind is still and when giving birth, birth. History, geography, being, knowing, the thaw of nothing into the world of forms so that nothing is not nothing, so negatives are a positive, hence Something. It is the formless. So how long have you been doing this. Since eternity I was celebrating the forms of the formless that emerge in thought, hands, brains, plans trades. Figures of something then, elephants of being that wave their trunks like cyclone funnels from the ground up to their capacious heads, ears waving the trumpet of their being calls. This is a something, a little one. All little somethings gather at night in the plain to wait the coming of the one. They are a community then and there is a community then and there of bird, plant, beast, star, the same human wonder each century, decade, millennia, day, the same one pouring essence of wonder seeking knowledge until one dream comes regularly that each night the sphere forms whole where each has its place, trumpet, muscician, gardener, physician, the one who writes it all, not not the politician, the one who feels the ages run down toa mudhole in the ground and sits there in wonder, poll the masses and there they sit, maybe it will rain. This community of life.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...