Friday, November 26, 2021




12/31/14 Notes

     These days health is available only at extra expense, all of which together equals what was assumed a lifetime ago. Today all corn is GMO. Milk needs to be bought without hormone additives which compromise gender. Organic milk is more expensive. You may have to give up McDonald's to afford it.

    Our children were raised without television until the youngest was about 10, 1998. It sounds like what everyone wants, to build from the inside out, not from the outside in. So they were read to constantly and told stories, many taped, some produced into coloring books and handed out to their friends. They were breast fed, sung to, taken on walks, hikes, esp to Grand Canyon and the AZ wilderness, driven constantly into the desert and mountains of central AZ as I went sketching, played outside constantly. We canned, gardened, froze fruit, they played in the flood, imagined cities and peoples in the sand pile. We lived in a house in the desert that had only evap cooling, polished concrete floors, made from pumice block, surrounded by pecans, apricots, pomegranates. Not only that but they were raised without moving, except after ten years to another house on the canal. They experienced the same schools, neighborhoods, churches, all attempts at community, youth sports of most kinds, regular evening meals together. All of them learned to cook and enjoy it. They all played music, all can sheet read. You want to know the result? It's as if none of it happened. They took to the digital like a drug. The youngest went from proudly wearing a hat with a cross when he competed to wearing Metallica T-shirts of every hue. They are privileged with every latest text on their phones and pics. Have not read a book in years. Put themselves at risk in every activity. Hope you do better..

ICD10 Ebola was planted by WHO to implement ICD 11.


    Work up wondering the time line from David through the mostly reprobate kings to Jeremiah and the 70 years captivity so went to Young's Old Testament Introduction. Turned however to Daniel and the two languages, Aramaic and Hebrew as well as other textual issues, which however led again to Nebuchadezzar's 7 years of madness and Babylonian records of it or not. Critics especially concerned with the accuracy of Daniels's prophecy of the end of empire in last chapters had supposed, from Porphory and on, that this was written later, during Maccabee times and interpolated  together with early chapters that represented the first account. However the Dead Sea scrolls, eight of them,  textualize Daniel, this about 167 BC, hence conclusively doubting that if written as a best seller in the immediate preceding years it is not likely they were chronicled in the Scrolls along with old classical elements of Exodus etc. This is compared to the Rylands ms codex of John c. 117, the oldest surviving NT ms. Before the Scrolls the oldest Daniel fragments were from 1000Ad. "The oldest manuscript of Daniel by far is 4QDanc, which Cross dated in 1961 to the “late second century BC” (Cross 1961:43). Scholars who support a date for the writing of the book of Daniel in the Maccabean crisis at about the middle of the second century BC will be able to say that 4QDanc is “only a half century later than the composition of the book of Daniel” (Ulrich 1987:17). This means for supporters of this dating that the manuscript evidence for Daniel is as close to the autograph as the Rylands Papyrus is to the Gospel of John. I quote: “It is thus, for the Hebrew Bible, comparable to the Rylands manuscript of the Johannine Gospel for the New Testament” (Ulrich 1989:3). The latter comparison means that the papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John, published in 1935, that is, Rylands 457, which was dated in the first half of the second century AD, effectively refuted claims of scholars who had attempted to date the Gospel of John to the latter part of the second century AD. The Rylands papyrus was within 25 to 50 years of the writing of the Gospel of John.  Amazing. Here is the Rylands:

    The papyrus is written on both sides and hence must be from a codex, a sewn and folded book, not a scroll, roll or isolated sheet; and the surviving portion also includes part of the top and inner margins of the page. The recto consequently preserves the top left corner of a right-hand page; while the verso preserves the top right corner of a left-hand page. The characters in bold style are the ones that can be seen in Papyrus 52.

Gospel of John 18:31-33 (recto)


...the Jews, "For us it is not permitted to kill
anyone," so that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke signifying what kind of death he was going to die. Entered therefore again into the Praetorium Pilate and summoned Jesus and said to him, "Thou art king of the
Gospel of John 18:37-38 (verso)


...a King I am. For this I have been born
and (for this) I have come into the world so that I would test-
ify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth
hears of me my voice." Said to him Pilate, "What is truth?" and this having said, again he went out unto the Jews and said to them, "I find not one fault in him."

This ended up at Michael Lowe's Redemption and Messiah and then Walter Benjamin's Arcade.


    I spent a lot of time with Al Cameron, went with him to buy a new car at  this vast Plymouth dealership. He  had owned a hot 58 Pontiac, ran Al's Beauty Shop, owned the bldg, rented  part to a Korean fast food restaurant, had a house in Ocean City. They had a parrot. Alberta and I used to make out at most opportunities. Later Al said we saw too much of each other and he wanted it to break off. I knew his family the way Andrew and Aeyrie know their spouses’ families. Al had a ping pong table in his basement and a Chinese friend who played, so there were some epic matches. I guess I was for a time the son he never had. He introduced me to Alex, and to the notion of the Phila College of Bible. He liked a pipe.

    Today we finished the Phx Center Sale, Sun, with a flourish after lowering to 20 bucks. Then the Chow pup guy, Steve, called worried about us starting a puppy mill, but assuaged. Aey named Judah Edwin Earl


    Kafka's father was loud, boorish philistine offending K. always, so why, around the fire do I proclaim to S that I had prevented A from being arrested many times? the guns to school, the fits of temper, the Iphone pics, the public indiscretions. Nor is it because he has totally imbibed that family culture which I forego to characterize!


    dreamed I was with Oscar the tortoise in a reptilarium. I put him down and he and all the tortoises cavorted madly around then he disappeared. A man up the way mentioned that the males would congregate together in that section, called it the Mowby Effect or Howby?


    Said yesterday that I now look on the out side what I used to look like on the inside, but now I am on the outside is what I used to look on the inside. This seems to go along with Elijah meaning El is Yah, vs the opposite that Joel means Yah is El.


     Don't remember what happened before but Sat, after Pat's truck broke in the Safeway lot, we learned R has a 70% block and they wanted to consult Pat and did. Sun I had A call them since he works cardiac unit, Mon I got the message in the hot tub, Tues A fixed P's medicare, eclinical, with ticket, etc., Wed they report that the doc was a fraud, so further down the road is the decision and etc. Also Tues Aey told me of S's...


     if you drive across the united states do not take physical reality as the nation. The nation is the social political entity of Rome and Britain. Neither take the people as the nation. They are the same as people in the Ukraine and Bolivia. When you meet them. Learned Swallowtails love rue to lay eggs. This year two crops of chrysalis on rue, the second now preparing for takeoff.


    To drive  a thousand miles across AZ, NM and TX is to know what the rest of the country cannot, the smell of creosote as a morning draught, the continued changed light and shadow,  flats in flood or salt, the little towns, the roughnecks, the flue metal grasshoppers and burrs stuck in your socks, the railroad cars, rest stops filled at night on both sides with trucks, but the Wal-Mart is a horror filled with more horribly obese old and young male and female misshapes.


    Just back from from trip begin a week a go at 6 am Oct  21 with A. Drove to Ft Stockton, stayed at Motel 6, the only choice. Full of creosote smell, well diggers, roughnecks. Ruth said  she grew up on ranch Poppy rented owned by his father Edwin August, that it was 1500 acres and that August owned other larger tracts as well, that he was a kind of landed gentry.


    We twice walked down the Rio Grande, first after walking miles over the desert from Glenn Springs and climbing down the canyon into it, the water then was shallowish and after some miles we hitched a ride with some rafts that  went by. The second time was the clay mud water through Mariscal Canyon after a wet season with mud holes and tanks and sinks, all the way down.

19 Aug 2014 

    A group of Ravens can have three different names depending on the activity of the group, a murder of crows, an unkindness, a conspiracy, a constable:
A constable of ravens refers historically to the group of ravens that congregated around the Tower of London; they were thought to be 'keeping watch' over the monarchy. Therefore, any time a grouping of these birds seems to be watching or guarding something, the group can be referred as a 'constable.'

    They can also be called an unkindness or a conspiracy - likely for similar reasons. If a flock is driving off other predatory or carrion birds, or 'picking on' another species either because it is competition or prey (although they feed largely on already dead animals, they are known to work together to hunt if need be since they are extremely adaptive birds), then these are apt terms.  There is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow. an ostentation of peacocks, a parliament of owls, a knot offrogs, and a skulk of foxes. Crows recognize human faces. Comments: The state of America-that-was in what is now known as the Republic of.

 20 Aug 2014

    Taxi Driver  with its rain soaked windshields of night color is too long on motive but succeeds because  the assassin hero only is a hero by failure, or accident and it cycles to its beginning at the end but not pretentiously, the opening is a cloud of exhaust. Pulp Fiction is its equal because of this ironic humor where the holdup guy is held up and has to buy the life of his adversary in the restaurant, also because of the irrelevancies of the conversations on tipping, etc.

    But Apocalypse Now is marred by the lack of this irony and accident, too heavily, religiously plotted around "the horror" of Conrad. Read in concert with Collateral Damage: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds. How many faceless masks can you name of the international, military, American goon, now he has come home: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds.

    The creative process here is incessant work till it becomes meaningless, then take a break, then revisit. This repeats many times. It’s not unlike the process of ceramic sculpture. Working through the lamination which develops their own techniques, stains, oxides, confected clays, organic patterns created with prickly pear spines, cholla, etc. then wrapping them to a form, or finding some figure therein over the next days, it’s the same in writing, but longer, decades not days, though here is only about a specific year and a half specifically touching the general concerns of another site, Human Botany At the End of Biologic Civilization (and more underground sites). Never however making these for production, advancing motifs seem like they have more space, but there is no idea mostly of the piece before beginning. Excerpts of Severed appeared last year at Red Fez, Dream People, Camel Saloon, Eyeshot, Antipodean SF, Frigg and etc, but mostly I like to compose live, in danger, on blog where I can almost hear the cries, or in hundreds of versions that went up and came down at Scribd. Specifically, Building Transhuman Immortals arrived about 1 September 2011 after my wife read a collection, ThoughtGoattens,  to which I had made a revised addition of the name Gilgamesh. She wanted to know what about it, but in explaining this Severed began. I actually gave a copy of that first, printed out in booklet, to the interim pastor of our Reformed church. Figured he would want to know.

     To follow the ceramic analogy there is a listening into the prose which suggests sound changes eventually conceptualizing some narrative. Other pieces are composed that way too, but Severed has more of a given narrative that science provides. AS to why any of these things were done it can only be said they were there in the sound and the moments of work when heard and put down as best as possible. I expect it to be viewed as a version of the unthinkable from Gilgamesh, Milton, Goya, Yeats,  all resonance and reference layer on layer, subject matter unsuited for bald words, but wrapped in a hundred vids like Nick Cave and a thousand celebrations of dark borders I’m not looking for.? The vid of Red Right Hand is not so good-addled fueled by fear of YHVH and anger lyrics, part Milton, part pusher, pimp, soiled industrialist mortician. People take Cave’s lyric and background it with their illuminate paranoias here, same images mostly as in General Gemineye, Bohemian Rap City  Shabazz the Disiciple, levels of pop, rap rock, vid that get a lot of play outside lit. It’s not a closed affair.

     I contemplate different sizes and type faces in the layout,  partly achieved in a recent Jingle Bell Wok,  but this needs collaboration with the company, so to speak, to bring it off. I don’t like the fact that the narrator of Severed seems to be a Thought Bot. It is said you can’t win a war against your own children.The language seems incendiary under the thought, which is unthinkable. These are not rational propositions. It has spun off a fictional treatise on distortion architecture, starchitectures, Ishtars, all because of what Gilgamesh says  to Ishtar when he defames her. Would you believe the Akkadian? Pretty sure this is more than ever anybody would want to know, AE Maybe this is a draft, considered so, for by the time you respond who knows what changes it will have seen in the lit of decapitations.

    I had the misfortune of reading your interview where at the end you say…well you must know what you said. So I had something like 10 days to get the window. In order to protect against unfounded assumptions I am sending this along to fit in the 30 Dec window. There must be ms. you have dreaded getting all your life. You want to dignify this with an aesthetic. Explositions. Gasolines. Do it outside, preferably in the country. Take some gas and light it. But save the matches. This is the myth. The science is coming in Part II-II

    Everything about Road Notes is unthinkable so its aesthetic must be data base. What that means is so…let’s not say, but do.

    I’m sending this along in its present state since it seems like the old hindaerances of time have retired and we enter a period of new space.

12 January 2014.

11 Mar, add to that the power surge that torched the computers today and turning all records electronic, now done, but keeping a kind of parallel system withal, and now training and switch of all records to notepads.

24 April 14

    Celebrating the forms of the formless

    Edwardo Galeano: “I frequently receive invitations to attend the burial of capitalism.  We know quite well, however, that this system -- which privatizes its profits but kindly socializes its losses and, as if that weren't enough, tries to convince us that that is philanthropy -- will live more than seven lives.  To a great degree, capitalism feeds off the discrediting of its alternatives.  The word socialism, for example, has been emptied of meaning, by the bureaucracy that used it in the name of the people and by the social democracy that in its name modernized capitalism's look.  We know that this capitalist system is managing quite well to survive the catastrophes that it unleashes.  We don't know, on the other hand, how many lives its main victim -- the planet we inhabit, squeezed to the last drop -- will be able to live.  Where will we move, when the planet is left without water, without land, without air?  The company Lunar International is already selling plots of land on the moon.  At the end of 2008, the Russian multimillionaire Roman Abramovich made a gift of a little plot to his fiancée.”

    The books write me, they grow inside me, and every night I fall asleep thanking them, because they allow me to believe that I am the author.  And having said this I will point out to you that I write each page many times, that I scratch out, I suppress, I re-write, I tear up, I start over again, and all that is part of the great happiness of feeling that what I say is similar to, and sometimes very similar to, what my pages want to say.

Ae Reiff Irenaeus: "Gloria enim Dei vivens homo."

June 7, 2014 at 9:23am · Like

    Ae Reiff viz. and continuing, "For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man in beholding God." Therefore the Son of the Father declares [Him] from the beginning, inasmuch as He was with the Father from the beginning, who did also show to the human race prophetic visions, and diversities of gifts, and His own ministrations, and the glory of the Father, in regular order and connection, at the fitting time for the benefit [of mankind]. For where there is a regular succession, there is also fixedness; and where fixedness, there suitability to the period; and where suitability, there also utility. And for this reason did the Word become the dispenser of the paternal grace for the benefit of men, for whom He made such great dispensations, revealing God indeed to men, but presenting man to God, and preserving at the same time the invisibility of the Father, lest man should at any time become a despiser of God, and that he should always possess something towards which he might advance; but, on the other hand, revealing God to men through many dispensations, lest man, falling away from God altogether, should cease to exist. For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man consists in beholding God. For if the manifestation of God which is made by means of the creation, affords life to all living in the earth, much more does that revelation of the Father which comes through the Word, give life to those who see God.

19 Oct 2014 

    Forward from Poems revised:

An Issue of Blood

The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it.

 Somehow it got on a benevolence check.

It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew.

 I looked down at my feet and it was beaded in the rug.

The wine stands for blood. When I put the cup to my lips

 there was a drop. After being served

 I felt the wetness,  thought it a small crack.

Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide

 because the blood spilled at my feet. It was on my clothes,

my hands, the hymnbook. Then I saw it

 on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front.

I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I couldn’t see the screen.

Now his blood is on my hands, I am implicated in the death,

 absorbed by the rug, bowed down.

I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup.

Other people might have bled, the flood been great,

the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

I didn’t wipe it off so the stain stuck.

The problem I’m having now is there are drops everywhere.

copy An Issue of Blood

    The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it on my finger it somehow  got on a benevolence check. It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew. I looked down at my feet of it beaded in the rug. the wine stands for blood you know, the blood of Christ but the cup leaked. When I put it to my lips there was none left. After serving it I felt the wetness, thought it a small crack. Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide for his blood spilled at my feet, on my clothes, my hands, my check, the hymnbook. Then I saw in on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front and that blood spills yet I guess. I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I could not look at the screen. Its one thing to die its one thing to rise. now I am implicated in the death, his blood is on my hands. This baptism of blood, precious stones of blood absorbed by the rug, bowed down. I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup. Others peoples might have bled, the flood could have been great, the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

    I didn’t wipe it off, the stain stuck in. I am wounded, an issue of blood. But now the problem I’m having is that there are drops everywhere, rubies

    Dreams are the halo of the understanding world. This nimbus surrounds all that is known life is intent on understanding itself.

    Show furniture, pottery, Chinese civilization, the wilds of the Balkans, live animal life and plants, the faces of children, the heroism of suffering, the fight of the spirit, the joy of health, make something out of nothing, celebrating the forms of the formless, sensing the leading of thought, seeing the good and pursuing it,  sweeping the curbs in the street, caring for all neighbors, taking seriously the cry of all beings in distress, prayer without ceasing, cleaning and all menial tasks, parabolas, lovemaking. There is civilization and there are the forms of the formless, every plant, animal, every insect, plant, tree, cave, stream, mountain free of the inebriation of destruction, that which seeks to destroy the forms of the formless where instead of being guardians of the forms of everything there is ruination. In the midst of this dreams open up to consciousness. Night vision enters the substrate, which is love, love unseen, breath praise, gratitude for being, each gasp, each cry, each pain a prayer, when the wind is still and when giving birth, birth. History, geography, being, knowing, the thaw of nothing into the world of forms so that nothing is not nothing, so negatives are a positive, hence Something. It is the formless. So how long have you been doing this. Since eternity I was celebrating the forms of the formless that emerge in thought, hands, brains, plans trades. Figures of something then, elephants of being that wave their trunks like cyclone funnels from the ground up to their capacious heads, ears waving the trumpet of their being calls. This is a something, a little one. All little somethings gather at night in the plain to wait the coming of the one. They are a community then and there is a community then and there of bird, plant, beast, star, the same human wonder each century, decade, millennia, day, the same one pouring essence of wonder seeking knowledge until one dream comes regularly that each night the sphere forms whole where each has its place, trumpet, muscician, gardener, physician, the one who writes it all, not not the politician, the one who feels the ages run down toa mudhole in the ground and sits there in wonder, poll the masses and there they sit, maybe it will rain. This community of life.





2015 1-59

2014 60-71

2013 71-125

2012 125-162




19 May 2012

We are witnessing the emergence of a new type of artist, the artist-scientist-researcher who build the dome in a cat, a cow in a monkey, a spider in a goat, a flounder in tomato, sheep, goat, they were growing breasts in jars at the Whitney Museum exhibitions of art, a rabbit with the head of jellyfish that glows in the dark and lizards grafted on earlobes, tongues as eyes and all this as we speak. It made the elves jealous of Turnspeak, to learn the new Turnstile, whole assembly lines of this art turned out. You should see what they did to their pets!

They planned suction cups in fingertips for Ubermensch, injectable polymers for a 1200 IQ, battery packs for the backs of mice, robo circuits for cockroaches, could hear and see like a dog, but outdid themselves with the headless frog. Starchitect biologists and social planners made a headless frog to mine its body parts to make themselves immortal to the length of a telomere. Who says domes have to be gigantic. These were microscopic and beyond, injectable viruses as cloning vectors to engineer the new genetic cell. As above so below, it was like an applied bird flu between species, a new old Kiebsiella planticola, to kill the past, oddly not dead, just waiting to be revived in some lab, plantosaurus maximus pentithicatus, they made a gene to love the latin name who loved the headless man who head had been transplanted to someone’s empty neck, they took the liberty to reinvent the head, but the body was a farm, produced cabbage livers, tomato hearts, brussel sprout eyes, and on all this honeydew they fed in morphic freedom, nanonatomies, nanopolies,  with porcelain teeth and diamond bones, eyelid monitors. Nano vs. polymer in a vision once I saw. Uber Alter led to Nano bot so goodbye homo sap. Extremeophiles landed pathogens, microbiologists were killed by the score, testing, testing, one two three, please move to the rear of the craft, dome dome, super dome, super fly, super bug, super man. They went down to Camp Funston. Wat did they there. Found Spanishflu fly virus under the chair. Beagle beagle on the wall, a potato from Mars but not aware of two minds, holes drilled in skulls, but again, some of them did not have heads. It’s the old remarkable question, what is it that we are part of and what is that we are? Tails up, heads down, peptides waving, a flying hat searching for heads, but a floating ball cannot serve two masters. Neuschwaben land, terrestrial ufos, ufc, uhp, hup, Kammler, Hans yep, two .pronged cattle, raeleans vs shinerians: starchyld! Like a slot pays off big. Huge silver dollars roll across the floor like in the days of Noah at the daystar rise. Biological contact with Sagan! Sagan sagan on the wall who’s the best transhumanist of all. Then they began to eat each other. Oberfmacher Serbottendorff, the spear, the spear! Myth became history, history fact, fact myth. QED folds. Warcrime acts of compassion, research embryos: Calling Dr. Graefenberg. [;e’l/  {;ease cplese come to the waiting room. Driven to distinction was extinction it was hungry death hungerhauser to make room for Dwight BabyNauer. Can you imagine if any of this is true that 

*Consenus of Kubla (A.B. England, “Kubla Khan Again,” 1973) says it is a poem about creative process, making a poem, that the dome is the poem. Arbitrary assignations of meaning make it an allegory of the unconscious which contradicts the phrase, “lifeless ocean.” So the contrast between the fountain and the caves that bursts into life is the pleasure-dome.


England uses C’s letters to buttress the preoccupation with caves and dens but misses the point of Coleridge’s actions in climbing Mt. Strand, outward, not inward, opposite the torture of reflection between philosophy and poetry. The tumult between river falling into the cavern creates the ancestral voices,  the waters sound like wars, so more allegory, nuts and bolts of sounds, male  meanings only in play.


England refers to C. that "In Shakespeare's poems the creative power and the intellectual energy wrestle as in a war embrace. Each in its excess of strength seems to threaten the extinction of the other. At length in the D R A M A they were reconciled."


But the "two rapid streams" which fight against each other " w i t h i n narrow and rocky banks" could as easy refer to the birth canal and the life force of the spirit to be born, bardo states, or plant life cotyledons emerging from earth. Biology, psychology can’t make up their mind. So he thinks the war between two kinds of mental activity. “Kubla is a creative artist himself—he has built the pleasure dome… a building which involves a miraculous union of opposite forces.” “Thus, when either the spontaneous energy or the analytical intellect seeks to dominate its opposite it engages in a battle with it, and the result is "tumult." Certainly, " w a r " would not be an inappropriate word “

Given this  why can’t we have C. a porphot, a precog of post human science? Thanks very much. A


21 May 2012

The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders

In asking what name the angel spoke to Mary, which was then written as we have it in Greek, and then translated to English as Jesus, in order to speak the name as it was spoken, a Hebrew undertext posited by Robert L. Lindsey suggests that Luke was the first document, copied by Mark, which read by Matthew was used in his gospel, but without knowledge of Luke, and that underpinning Luke was first an unknown, but posited biography of Jesus in Hebrew which itself was translated to Greek. Much of this is based on the distinctly Hebrew word order of these writings suggesting they were first written in Hebrew and then translated, as the Septuagint was.

This lends weight to the notion of pronouncing the Name as a Hebrew name, for though it is said the speaking of the original name of the Father was lost to usage in Babylon out of respect for the unspeakable, it must be otherwise. The countless times injunction is given to hide in that Name, walk and talk in that Name, means that the loss of that Name was the single-most effort of the Babylonian Captivity to confound. So ever since it has been God and Lord when all along it was the Name Moses learned YWVH which none of us hardly speak at all.

Excavations at Ebla found a civilization 4500 years old with traces of mention of that name. Some want to turn this to disprove Moses, but in so doing they do not at all want to credit that the other names found there, Abraham, Ishmael, Sodom and Gomorrah which prove the same OT real and most ancient. "Mi-ka-ta, Ish-ma-il, and most enigmatic of all, Ish-ra-il...Ab-ra-mu and Da-u-dum. Did they correspond to the biblical names of Micah, Ishmael, Israel, Abraham and David?" (Chaim Bermant/Michael Weitzman. Ebla: A Revelation in Archaeology. 1979). You cannot have your cake and eat it too, and you cannot have the name a strong tower if you don't speak and know it.


June 19, 2012

Obvious conclusions derived from the visible are but a fraction of the affair, like an iceberg. If we deduce a thing is there it hides with its appearance the rest of the bigger thing we seek, but don’t seek because we don’t think it there. This is to say chemtrails, which anybody can see--mask, not reveal—an ambition greater than can be imagined, in essence, making earth into a planetary weapon. 

Weaponizing the atmosphere, what some called dry seining back in the day, arming electromagnetic particles to whatever possible end is well beyond its planning. What is knowable about this is the spirit of arrogance that attributes to itself the belief this can be pulled off, which also arrogates to itself the right to do it, prescribing for all concerned, every living being, its so called wisdom in prosecuting the greatest good for the greatest number, much like the geoengineer who allows the Mandarin bargain, would you not want to trade 100 lives in Plano for thousands in New Orleans, that is, in the event that he could switch their destinies by the seeding and spraying to either negate or materialize those same clouds that anyway they are spraying to magnetize the atmosphere. This by the way is scientific divination of the weather, approved by the media personalities in a way they would not approve more “primitive” kinds. The New Orleans example after the fact inclines the debate to vote yes, do it, but all reckonings after the fact do, divination before the effect is of an unknown, and who can doubt that it were better left untouched?

Whether it be atmospheres, plants or animals, new technologies that oppose each other release crossed energies of even greater scale(r) energy against which it is impossible to shield. Indeed that is the principle of dissociation in manipulated personalities made famous by MK Ultra, that such disassociation, fragmentation into multiples produces and releases unprecedented energy used by controllers for their purposes.

A brief Google image search of Stratospheric Aerosol chemtrails contemplates the results. Before long you may  conclude the existence of wereweather. So if it seems contradictory that Operation Cloverleaf uses commercial airlines to spray 100 million tons of aluminum (+ barium, ++) each year into the atmosphere as a defense against exotic weapons, but the new reflective atmosphere turns acidic soils alkaline beneath, requiring engineering GMO seeds such as Monsanto's trait technologies, 246 million acres (2007) of genetically modified corn and rice to withstand the chemical onslaught, and the spraying provokes catastrophic release of methane gas of the Arctic shelf, skyrocketing levels of asthma, autism, ADD and Alzheimer’s, and the nano particles easily pass the blood brain barrier, it is all done for your benefit citizen, that and for the benefit of ionospheric heaters making “one, big global space control grid.”  Welcome to Skynet.

Any effort to think these contradictions through looks like the crossings of the sky grids after spraying. If any premise emerges it is that contradiction, crossing, releases energy.

Aluminum particulates in the atmosphere make the energy weapons work better: “They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense.” Chemtrails of aluminum particles, heated by  electromagnetics, produce vertical and horizontal columns of gas plasma, orbs used as transmitters and receivers, columnar focal lenses, horizontal drift plasma antennas. Project Cloverleaf: Chemtrails and their Purpose. Anybody would expect that accounts of commercial airline spraying like An Airline Manager's Statement ... 5-22-00  must be everywhere. This with other first person accounts are here. Modifications also extend to plate tectonics, ocean fertilization, cloud seeding, Co2 sequestration and military weaponry, not that the list is complete. Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails August 2012

The attitude of *starchitects helps explain these and every form of genetic modification. But this is not just about science. Behind these agendas, which chemtrails are to less visible weaponization, stands a series of attitudes of the immortalists who anticipate their singularity, but also behind the immortalists stand issues even more improbable than weaponization of the atmosphere. These can only be thought of as a religion, a Genetically Modified religion if you like, but one that motivates biologists to make a headless frog to mine its body parts and think it not just right, or ethical, that all opposition to it bigotry.   This religion reaches into time the way chemtrails reach into space and can only be tracked well through the literatures that have recounted these ideas, thought myth by academics, ironically since science takes the myth as fact even while denying the fact basis in literature as myth.


23 June 2012

Narcissus Redeemed


Of course there is a contest to see who first invented these changes, stuff from the sky, up from the earth, out the labs. It wasn’t out of the dirt according to Dante, who gets first place for coining the transhuman run. As he says, Paradiso, I.

Nel suo aspetto tal dentro mi fei, 68  qual si fé Glauco nel gustar de l'erba 69  che 'l fé consorto in mar de li altri dèi.  70  Trasumanar significar per verba 71  non si poria; però l'essemplo basti 72  a cui esperienza grazia serba.  

No wonder Blake finds Dante a pagan, for in his invention of the transhuman, going beyond the man, he resorts to Glaucus: “fisherman-turned-god whose story contains several parallels with Dante's journey. Glaucus found a piece of land along the shore that was completely untouched by human civilization, a place of pristine beauty. He observed that the fish he caught became animated as soon as they touched the grass and that they then escaped en masse back into the water. Understandably amazed, Glaucus chewed several blades of the grass; seized with an irresistible longing for the sea, he bid the earth farewell and dove into the water, where he was received by the sea gods and "deemed worthy to join their company." Glaucus was then purified of his mortal elements and cleansed of sin (after reciting a charm nine times and immersing himself in one hundred rivers), thus becoming immortal himself.” From danteworlds notes.

Sound familiar, an early parable of smoking grass? A man with the soul of a fish or a fish of a man found the grass is a sacrament to cure his mortality and as such enabled him to become a god. But the terrestrial paradise, the wilderness untouched, the union with the sea, are all too transparent mediums compared with Blake’s naked vision of reality.

Turned from his narcissism to true self-love, arête, shall one say, Dante becomes a redeemed Narcissus,” transhumanized.  Narcissus Redeemed. The problem with all this is that Blake would say Narcissus cannot be redeemed, Narcissus must die, not so different from the man who wants to be god but turns into a dog. Blake’s inscriptions over the Hell gate that “Nature is his [Dante’s] Inspirer & not the Holy Ghost”  make us suppose Yeats would be the best Transhuman of Dante, Blake and Yeats. Yeats said once out of nature he would not take his form from from any natural thing, but such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make. We allow the goldsmiths as a symbol of transhuman scientists immortalizing themselves with nano particles and the genes of a frog. So you can either be of Narcissus, Naturae or the Holy Ghost, not that the dogs on the early show know what that means.

Or perhaps Blake said,  “the Goddess Nature Memory is his Inspirer not Imagination or the Holy Ghost." Getting to be the first transhuman Dante had to compete with the Brahmic Tertium Organum, ‘Dante's phrase capable of trans-humanizing a man into a god,” Ouspensky (318),  taken from Frank Bucke, not such waters to wade  in without a two-pronged stick.

24 June 2012

Weaponizing the atmosphere above, culling the herd below matches functional genetics, mutating the genome. Redesigning humans and their world, entropy, extropy, heaven, hell sounds like literature. The new science asks, as if it suddenly discovered the question, what does it mean to be human, but underneath the pretty flower lies a dead bird. So instead of the poets the scientists and philosophers clothe themselves with challenges to our concept of humankind “beyond culture.” They think the brain, intelligence is beyond culture, took Einstein’s brain and hoped, still do, to replicate it, but first oppose intelligence with animal instincts, saying that the animal will be left behind. Old hat. There were always transformations, metamorphoses so called, the essence of Plato and classical myth through the renaissance made “like to their minds most monstrous” when the human was turned to a pig, whether by Circe or Una. Science today talks of “ceasing to be human” just the opposite of Nebuchadnezzar who was turned to a beast for seven years. It is not to a beast but to a god and by the time  transcendence from the human is explained those remaining in the audience make appointments to have it done. It is done to them, not by them. The pretense is that human nature is different now than yesterday because the container is remade. Science and philosophy of the new head severed from its culture and its past remade by people who imagine everything out of their own lack. A love purer and stronger than anyone has ever felt, but they are divorced. Pleasures, bliss, greater too than experienced, for which they have a drug. Nietzsche who would transcend the animal and the human, “a roper over the abyss” to become superman, but was insane.

To talk this way is reprehensible but not as bad as the power writers who make a thousand glib assumptions  a book, never connecting or questioning with understanding. So the argument that the paradigm of shortage is outdated since there is so much surplus food, the problem being instead to consume it all, that there is so much more food in the green rev gmo world that it can be given away to the third world, except this would destroy indigenous agriculture. This is not a paradigm of shortage at risk, but of a deception, a false plenty, it is poison food, not food at all, and it is not corrupt regimes and transport the cause, but the hyperdrive seed stock and chemical soil. The same goes for the zero sum logic of comparing chimps apes and men, saying apes don’t have the brains, as if life were a competition, which it clearly is not because it does not make the man better to dominate the ape. Life is a cooperation. Wisdom greater than intelligence, intelligence greater than wisdom, redesigned viruses, genes, atmospheres under the guise of saving life while they put it to death in their minds most monstrous.

June 25 2012

Weaponizing the atmosphere at least gets rid of mosquitoes. Call it dry seining, arming electromagnetic particles. What is knowable is the spirit of arrogance that attributes to itself the belief it can be pulled off, and arrogates to itself the right to do it. Prescribing for every living being is wisdom. Prosecuting the greatest good for the greatest number is ethics, but that is a dilemma. The geoengineer epitomizes the Mandarin problem deduced from Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments: how much do ethical decisions depend on distance in space and time?

In modern terms the Mandarin is just another human removed in space and time who considers a reduced price for a motherboard, cheap cotton and shoes made by maquiadores of Ciudad Juarez are good swaps. Taken to the next level global trades of the geoengineer barter 100 lives in Plano for thousands in New Orleans, that is in the event destinies can switch by seeding and spraying. It does not at first seem that to negate or materialize clouds, spray scientific divination of the weather is about Chinese suffering.

There are many species of  Mandarin. One designs that a visitor from another planet approaches the leaders of the earth with the bargain that if they surrender one member of the race to be tortured forever they will be given technology to bring perfect health and life to every human. It is only circumstantial that this resembles President Eisenhower’s putative Greada Treaty of 1954, even if it does explain where all the overnight technology of the genome and expressions of Moore’s Law came from. We do not fear flying saucers when we have tortoises.

The Mandarin simplifies when one is totally sacrificed for many. This extraterrestrial analogy was in place long before Opiomes, even if it sounds made for the occasion. The solution seems a forced choice for sure, resembling Sartre’s dilemma as to whether a French son should stay home and care for his aging mother or join the French Resistance. His answer was that there is no justification for either, both are equal, but that the choice is forever and the choice made for one is the choice for everyone (Existentialism and Human Emotion).

As such, if earth tortures one it tortures all. The anguish  of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac or any other is that the choice comes alone as an act of will. To call it irrational bends too far. It is absurd as all aloneness however, and opposed to those who say the choice is made publically after discourse and politics, a tasteless suggestion considering that protocols and secret controls exercised upon all such bodies forbid choice, and especially considering Revelations 13 where the merchants of the earth grow fabulously rich from the ensuing commerce. So if it is said that the balances of deceit are in his hand this discourse prevents choice and anguish with plenty of politic and rhetoric. In seeking to determine the original choice existential psychoanalysis lays bare this corruption of the will.

In the deception and profit motives of art, history, politics and science the transhuman Mandarin presents the problem thus: all people will be given  health and immortality in exchange for their extinction. If there is no one to decide for us, says Sartre, “there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence, a being who exists before he can be defined by any concept, and this being is man, or, as Heidegger says, human reality.” Transhumanists who continually bring human identity into question seek to substitute it with another, but it is just this, the anguish of choice:

“Man, with no support and no aid, is condemned every moment to invent man.”

“I ought to know that if I do not choose, I am still choosing.”

“The most terrible situations of war, the worst tortures do not create a non-human state of things; there is no non-human situation. It is only through fear, flight and recourse to magical types of conduct that I shall decide on the non-human, but this decision is human, and I shall carry the entire responsibility for it.” (Sartre)

What happens in the case where the invention is of man, but of the not man, of death not life, Camus must answer in his myth of Sisyphus, but the choice of life is equal to species continuation. Have there been efforts to prevent extinction in buffalo but none to be made for man himself? Does it seem synchronistic that while hunters extinguished 100 million buffalo on the American plains form critics at that same time made extinct the Law of Moses and the prophets?

In what he calls the complicity of all consumers Hayot says, “would you accept the death of a slave or two in return for cane sugar and cheap cotton? 14 Would you, today, admit that the miner occasionally maimed in an industrial accident is the unfortunate compensation for reduced prices on computer motherboards? Most Westerners alive in the past two centuries have answered yes to questions like those, if only by the passive fact of living in an economic system devoted to the production of surplus value.”

Nike sweat shops?

Hayot adds that “it matters that the Mandarin is Chinese, because his being Chinese means that his being Chinese doesn’t matter. The function of Chineseness is thus, paradoxically, to force the transformation of the instance into a universal that retains the instance in fossil form. It appears by disappearing; it disappears by appearing.”

We rewrite this as: it matters that his being human means that his being human doesn’t matter. The function of humanness is thus, paradoxically, to force the instance into the universal. The difference between the Chinese person and the truly universal generic man is that the universal man doesn’t matter when another, not the European, the Transhuman comes on scene to reduce the human back to a particular and not a universal.

 Now the Man is the human removed in space and time and considered by the future transhuman to be a reduced price for a motherboard, cheap cotton and shoes made by maquiadores of Ciudad Juarez.

 The New Orleans example after the fact inclines the audience to vote to do it, save more lives. The results of divination before the effect are unknown. Reckonings after the fact justify themselves, but who can doubt the value of saving  thousands while millions die?  Do you think that was typed backwards, that thousands and millions were reversed? Not so, this is the science ethic. Under cover of saving the world millions are to be eliminated while thousands are saved, the DNA of every organism is to be rewritten. In the bargain of supernatural powers in exchange for the soul the mandarin meets Faust.

28 June 2012

Fait accompli

 Twittering about the woodpacker grid

For maximum effect, the flying elephants were invented by the Russians, Niburu, the Russians are coming, come in, the Russians from Niburu are coming, Niburuians  twittering along the grid, the earthquakies, volcanoes, the cold explosions in ocean those Russians.

 Tesla Domes, the Tesla Notebooks, the Russians, occult forces and their timing Russian Professors who run physics, the dudd of the missiles duding the Americans, the grid duding of physics, the grid, the Russians and their borsht, pickles, cabbage a little red cabbage in sputnik, the Russians duding, falling to earth, Tesla twittering.

Even Texas fell to the Russians, Weinberger fell, and Chomsky, no Russian, no Texas, he fell, who did not fall to the Russians and why for Russians are coming along the newspaper grid, with their first generation. Celebrating de Chardin and his Future, celebrating Kurzweil in his Ra sunboat, celebrating Liam, and Harry, Bill Joy, and Huge de Gar, Oxford Nick would lyve forever just when the Russians were coming and all the grid watchtower there must be some confusion, the thief he finally spoke. Run

 yes of course you do well to ferret along the grid where the woodpeckers are nesting, but there are big black bumblebees too and gold ones that my chow pup barks are. He will eat them, the chow will eat the bumblebees where the peckers are pecking. They peck on the knot in your brain, the Russians, the woodpeckers, the dudders, the physicists, the little godlings hatching there in the grid. I admit the tree is dying. Too much sunny aluminum reflective aren’t we today, what do you see in the mirror grid, what do you see in the grid, the beast that devoured the bright little flower that likewise devours itself, all the world that the beast has contained and all of the home that it is, soon to be changed from its home to its grave, who can help it, who knows it, nobody cares for its name. They would not believe the Russians settled the United States, the Nazis won the war, the scalar dynamics were wrong I will be so relieved if the Russians destroy it not the Americans entering a woodpecker nest cavity in a dead conifer at 2100 m

somewhat off-the-grid and using ... A menagerie of woodpeckers and pocket gophers were brought in to attack the poles. ... or sites of experimentation and simulations, here is the rack map of concrete slabs these

Picturesque-esque visualary:

7 July 2012

The confusion of tongues at Babel was a confusion of thought. It still exists under the confusion of the doomsayer grid of rumor mongers up and down their evolutionary chain. Bearden thinks the Russians have Scalar tech but doesn’t know about the flying saucer run abouts, thinks they come from Outer Space. Jim Keith thinks they are from earth, some potter’s studio turns them out. In the OT the prophets were to be stoned when they miscalculated. Bearden is worse then the charismatics in this. By his accounts CA went into the sea years ago, add to that all the repetition of sentences and runoff thoughts, all catastrophes were to happened two years after publication of his oblivion, the electric grid was to go out, and here we are still waiting. What are we waiting for? Like men who wait for their master we discern the face of the sky. How is we do not discern the time? Babel again. What is the time? There are as many plots as phone books. After the beans of Orion, Andromeda, every galaxy, thought control, weather control, the only one they do not expect to come is the Desire of All Nations. That’s what Babel did to the scientific mind, for we could tolerate confusion in poets, even call it enlightenment. Science is out to be salvation all right, just the way Mr. Obama will, except like the lady of Akron, we might not survive the outing. Nobody would read this as a sign of course, to suggest it is is wrong. The signs are being manipulated, but there they are in the heavens too. But no, turn on the tube.


Viewed from the outside it’s only by way of Bearden’s notion of the Scalar weapons used by the Yakusa against the US in the budo custom that Japanese manga and mecha take understanding. Viewed from the inside the customs of manga fans are entirely self absorbed, Honeigman

I was looking up the direc sea model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy, properties of vacuum and found it used in Jampanese anime mange fiction, cartoon, Neon Genesis Evangelion , Visual Novel Chaos;Head, by by Ryu Mitsuse and but for Bearden would not have realized it is yakusa scalar weaponary encoded philosophically in Manga


Attack of Angels, “Nerve HQ, a biomechanical weapon named Evangelion, a monster piloted by 14 year old Shinji…keystone for the resurrection of the world” Neon Genesis Evangelelion I, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Gainax) tr, /Fred Burke 1998.

- Were there any title proposals other than "Evangelion"?
One of the names proposed by Anno was "Alcion (Arushion)".  But a  
robot story title that doesn't have a voiced consonant sound in it  
just isn't catching.  So I pushed "Evangelion", which had been  
rejected once, as sounding stronger.  We had talked a lot in the  
beginning about wanting a title like "Space Runaway Ideon (Legendary  
Giant God Ideon)", so I think I did push that.  And to tell the  
truth, the story composition is also similar.  For example, Nerv can  
be considered the same as the Solo Ship fighting a lonely battle  
against both humankind and the Buff Clan, and then there are the  
incomprehensible robots that can only communicate with children and  
tend to geo berserk, etc.  It might not be an exaggeration to say  
that if you add "Ideon" and "Devilman" together and divide by two,  
you get "Evangelion". (laugh)
And the interview goes on and on for pages...
But that is the relevant part.
So there you have it:
- A boy for the main character
- The character designs and personalities
- The title "Evangelion", which from an etymological viewpoint was  
quite possibly the cue for the use of Judeo-Christian symbolism  
including the entire structure of Adam, Lilith and the Angels
- Dead mothers (souls) in robots piloted by mental/psychical links  
with their children via the A10 nerve
- Strained/parched parent-child relationships
- Pushing for a TV series instead of an OVA
The manga based on the series, written and illustrated by series character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, has been serialized in Shonen Ace since 1995. The serialized and volumized editions are both published by Kadokawa Shoten. The manga exists as a separate entity from the anime, and features a number of distinct differences (examples: Shinji\'s eyes are brown instead of blue; Shinji and Rei\'s relationship is strengthened more; not all of the Angels that were in the anime appear in the manga). Drawing from the original story outline, the completed anime series, as well as his own artistic freedom, Sadamoto has portrayed an account of the story that has both distinct convergence and divergence with the anime version. The series is still in production, and Sadamoto has stated that he is planning to end the series in the 12th or 13th volume.
The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.
projects include Open Library, &


Hideaki Anno (庵野秀明 Anno Hideaki) is the director of Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, and Rebuild of Evangelion. Anno is the creator of the Evangelion story, and wrote or co-wrote the script for every episode of the TV series (except for Episode 04). He was one of the founding members of Gainax anime studio. Anno eventually left animation to work on several live action films, only to return to animation in 2006 with the formation of Studio Khara to produce the Rebuild of Evangelion films.


Anno:” "The year: 2015. A world where, fifteen years before, over half the human population perished. A world that has been miraculously revived: its economy, the production, circulation, consumption of material goods, so that even the shelves of convenience stores are filled. A world where the people have gotten used to the resurrection-yet still feel the end of the world is destined to come. A world where the number of children, the future leaders of the world, is few. A world where Japan saw the original Tokyo destroyed, discarded and forgotten, and built a new capital in Nagano Prefecture. They constructed a new capital, Tokyo-2, then left it to be a decoy-then constructed another new capital, Tokyo-3, and tried to make it safe from attack. A world where some completely unknown enemy called the "Angels" comes to ravage the cities.



“The End of Evangelion (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に[?], "Shin Seiki Evangerion Gekijō-ban: Air/Magokoro o, Kimi ni") is a 1997 Japanese animated film written and directed by Hideaki Anno along with Kazuya Tsurumaki; it ended the anime releases in the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise until the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy remakes were announced in 2006.

As in the original anime series, the first four volumes of the manga deal with the Angel invasions, but from a much different angle. Moreover, several more mundane sub-plot tropes common to Japanese manga occur at the same time at the invasions, such as: here


The film is divided into two approximately 45-minute episodes, each given an secondary or English title by Gainax, just as with the original series episodes: Episode 25': Air (secondary title: "Love is Destructive") and Episode 26': My Purest Heart for You (まごころを、君に[?], "Magokoro o, kimi ni", secondary/English title: "ONE MORE FINAL: I need you."). They can be regarded as either an alternate ending to the popular animated series Neon Genesis Evangelion or a more detailed, "real world" account of the series' original ending in episodes 25 and 26, which takes place almost completely in the minds of the main characters (the style being largely shaped by time and budget restraints).[1] Gainax originally proposed to title it Evangelion: Rebirth 2.[2]  here

Episode one the angels are back



Angels Summary: In the year 2000, an expedition team led by Dr. Katsuragi, Misato's father, discovered their God of Gods, Adam. When they attempted to capture Adam by regressing him back to his embryo form, he fought back and enacted the 2nd Impact, which melted the ice cap, whipped out half of earth's population, and flooded the shorelines of the continents. Misato was the only member of the team to survive, and was saved by her father with the last of his strength, who put her in an escape pod before Adam melted the cap. Adam's embryo was found in the red waters years later by SEELE, and delivered to NERV by Kaji Ryoji.


 Search Attack of the Angels


People of Sodom Attack Angels

Evangelions a thing created by man in mans' own image

Why do angels attack Tokyo 3


Under the aegis of the UN the Evangelions are monster machines concocted to fight the angels of judgement assuming that thie scens turns on its head and side the biblical which it twists.


In the Unit epidssode wabout the Submaine Red Clover Mission the psych is asked, she has said unconscious transfrerrenace occurs with the wives and that’s how the mssion name surfaced: can we use thought control as a weapon? Not yet


“paramilitary organization NERV to fight monstrous beings called Angels, primarily using giant humanoids known as Evangelions piloted by select teenagers.

Events in the series refer to Judeo-Christian symbols from the Book of Genesis and Biblical apocrypha among others.[9] Later episodes deconstruct the themes and motifs of the mecha genre[10] and shift focus to psychoanalysis of the main characters, who display various emotional problems and mental illnesses;[11][12] the nature of existence and reality are questioned in a way that lets Evangelion be characterized as "postmodern fantasy".[13] Hideaki Anno, the director of the anime series, suffered from clinical depression prior to creating the series, and the psychological aspects of the show are based on the director's own experiences with overcoming this illness.[14] The anime is an early example of the genre/concept "sekai-kei",[15][16] anime/manga/light novels which mirror their protagonists' lives with the end of the world.”  The anime here

“However, the deeply pessimistic nature of the series as well as the rarely seen huge array of problems in all the characters has drawn curiosity on why there is no real happiness in the setting's world

“the climax would deal with the defeat of the final 12 Angels and not with the operation of the Human Instrumentality Project. As well, Kaworu Nagisa's initial design was a schoolboy who could switch to an "Angel form", accompanied by a pet cat.[


For more details on this topic, see Psychoanalysis.

Evangelion has long been taken as a deeply personal expression of Hideaki Anno's personal struggles.[34] From the start, Evangelion invokes many psychological themes. Phrases used in episodes, their titles, and the names of the background music frequently derive from Sigmund Freud's works,[35] in addition to perhaps some Lacanian influences in general.[36] Examples include "Thanatos", "Oral stage", "Separation Anxiety", and "Mother Is the First Other" (the mother as the first object of a child's love is the basis of the Oedipus complex). The scenery and buildings in Tokyo-3 often seem laden with psychological import, even in the first episode.[37]

The connection between the Evas and their pilots, as well as the ultimate goal of the Human Instrumentality Project, bear a strong resemblance to Freud's theories on internal conflict and interpersonal communication.[38]

The hedgehog's dilemma is a concept described by philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and later adopted by Freud. It is the subtitle of episode 4 and is mentioned in that episode by Misato Katsuragi as descriptive of her relationship with Shinji.[39]

“—probing psychological questions."[40] The questions elicit unexpected answers, particularly the ones dealing with Shinji's motivation for piloting the Eva—he feels worthless and afraid of others (especially his father) if he is not piloting the Eva.[41] Asuka and Rei are also depicted in deep introspection and consideration of their psyches. Asuka comes to the realization that her entire being is caught up in being a competent Eva pilot and that without it, she has no personal identity: "I'm the junk… I'm worthless. Nobody needs a pilot who can't control her own Eva."[42] Rei, who throughout the series has displayed minimal emotion, reveals that she does have one impulse; it is Thanatos, an inclination to death: "I am Happy. Because I want to die, I want to despair, I want to return to nothing."[42] In episode 25 Shinji and Asuka both show that they in fact suffered similar pasts and found different ways of dealing with it.

These death wishes very much part of Mishima and Budo culture. How much a part honorable death in writers, swords…


The destruction of some Angels caused explosions which were cross-shaped: an example of Christian icons being used in Evangelion.

The most prominent symbolism takes its inspiration from Judeo-Christian sources and frequently uses iconography and themes from Judaism, Christianity, Gnosticism,[44] and Kabbalism, in the series's examination of religious ideas and themes.[45]

Assistant director Kazuya Tsurumaki said that they originally used Christian symbolism only to give the project a unique edge against other giant robot shows, and that it had no particular meaning,[46] and that it was not meant to be controversial (like it was[47]). Anno has said that Eva is susceptible to multiple interpretations.[48] Hiroki Sato, head of Gainax's PR department, has made similar statements,[49] as has Toshio Okada.[50]

References, with multiple equally plausible interpretations which exist, include:

  • The Christian cross is often shown, frequently represented by energy beams shooting up skyward.[51]
  • The Angels are a reference to the angels of God from the Old Testament (in Japanese, the word used is the same one used for apostle (or messenger), as in the New Testament). They are named after angels from Biblical angelology, including Sachiel, Shamshel, and Arael.[51] The first Angel is named Adam, just as the biblical Adam is the first man created by God.[52] The second Angel is named Lilith, a reference to the Jewish folklore in which Lilith is the first wife of Adam.[52] Lilith is shown crucified and impaled with a spear named the "Lance of Longinus", the same lance used to pierce the side of Jesus during his crucifixion,[52] according to the Gospel of Nicodemus. Eve or Eva comes from Adam's rib; similarly, most of the Evas come from the Angel first identified as Adam.[53]
  • The Magi supercomputers are named Melchior, Balthasar and Caspar after the names traditionally given for the Magi who were mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew as having visited Jesus in Bethlehem.[54] (often called "the three wise men", though the number of visitors is not recorded in the Gospel)
  • The Tree of Sephiroth (Tree of Life) is mentioned, as well as shown in the opening title sequence and on the ceiling of Gendo's office,[55] with Hebrew inscriptions on it (the terms written there are mostly Kabbalic). It also appears in The End of Evangelion during Seele's version of Instrumentality.
  • The Marduk Institute is a front organization for Nerv, tasked with finding the teenagers suitable for piloting Evangelion units. Marduk was the name of the chief Babylonian deity and patron god of the city of Babylon.[51]


Existential themes of individuality, consciousness, freedom, choice, and responsibility are heavily relied upon throughout the entire series, particularly through the philosophies of Jean-Paul Sartre and Søren Kierkegaard. Episode 16's title, "The Sickness Unto Death, And…" (死に至る病、そして Shi ni itaru yamai, soshite?) is a reference to Kierkegaard's book, The Sickness Unto Death. The Human Instrumentality Project may be inspired by the philosophy developed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.[56] The title of Episode 4, "The Hedgehog's Dilemma", is a reference to the Hedgehog's dilemma, Arthur Schopenhauer's analogy about the challenges of human intimacy.

“Many of the characters share their names with Japanese warships from World War II (such as the Sōryū, Akagi, and Katsuragi; though the ship names and character names are written with different kanji, they share the same pronunciations.) Other characters' names refer to other works of fiction, such as the two characters named after the protagonists of Ryu Murakami's Ai to Genso no Fascism ("Fascism in Love and Fantasy"; the two main characters are named Aida Kensuke and Suzuhara Toji; Anno later directed a Murakami adaptation, Love & Pop).

Other fiction allusions Philip K. Dick's The Divine Invasion, and "The Prisoner, Thunderbirds, Ultra Seven, UFO, The Andromeda Strain, even The Hitcher."[

Human Instrumentality Project

Neon Genesis Evangelion and particularly the Human Instrumentality Project show a strong influence from Arthur C. Clarke's novel Childhood's End, an influence Anno acknowledged.[65] Similarities between the works, such as the larger themes and the declining birth rate after the Second Impact, were gleaned from this work.[citation needed]

Evangelion shows influences from the science fiction author Dr. Paul Linebarger,[65] better known by his pseudonym, Cordwainer Smith. Linebarger's science fiction novels revolve around his own concept of the Instrumentality of Mankind, an all-powerful central government of humanity.[66] Like Seele, the Instrumentality of Mankind see themselves "to be shapers of the true destiny of mankind."[67] Although Anno insisted that Hokan (補完?, complementation, completion) be translated as "Instrumentality" in English, perhaps as a way to pay homage to Linebarger, the two authors' conceptions of "instrumentality" are extremely different.



Probabilities of improbabilities 100%. Put it this way when tracking the opposite of reality, call it appearance, expect to find not the opposite but the unknown,  wildly fantastic. That's no reason to deny the track in front of the eyes even if nobody else would say it is there, not that they look, hardly that. So take the Direc sea, model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy as the starting point, something really interesting and track from there.


July 8, 2012

 Jeremiah lived in Babylon among the greatest evils of all time celebrated as good. We do too and no better examples occur that Burroughs and Stockhausen, our prophets of bad weather, nano tech and scalar weapons, as if these were the scales of the crocodile but they are not. Both Burroughs and Stockhausen together prefigure the evil of the manga of Japanese pop. Burroughs was a trust fund baby, and while each baby is innocent, they quirkly become more. That’s why some think Burroughs was not persecuted for shooting his wife in the head in Mexico, as an exemption of state, star gate and craft since these same think he was a part or full time assassin for  groups unnamed.


They say it is the CIA but that is just a handy monster. Burroughs skill at weapons must have increased if measured by the number of guns he owned, a gun in every room, near to hand. But his imagination was armed worse, even if he was “a sweet guy” who wouldn’t hump Kurt Colbain. Like all mass murdering serial killers with a  friendly face and heart-fire demeanor, the ravenings of Naked Lunch absorb, full of language as it is, of the transliterations of Baal and Mammon, Saturn and Baal Peor. Burroughs swallowed these whole, a metaphor he would have liked, the death in life so much sought b the desperate from Coleridge, Baudelaire, Huysmans, Rimbaud and idolized therefore by those who entrain them, even if they know it not, what Mr. Obama calls the mass murderers of his watch.


The worshipers of evil do not do as much as their gods, or their controls in murder. Lanza, Holmes, Loughner…are more of a chorus, not actors, but woe to those who do not oppose them. If it be said that these were actors at least in the play, and the current academics are the chorus, still a cut above the audience, consumers utterly passive who parrot remnants of the death in life in their inward minds are thoroughly entrained.

Stockhausen, you’d think he just made odd noises, stray bits of sonar, radio, static and be done, how could that offend? But they all have two selves, the public celebrant who receives the accolades, well burnished like an idol by the lips of those who kiss, and the degraded one hidden in the reclused hearts. What if we find Stockhausen’s sounds are the accompaniment of Burroughs words? And that is not to say that they do not speak the truth about themselves or the audience, but they do not defame the woeshipers with their guns. Maybe the best use of these two is that together they give in western tones the science of the Manga.



It all sounds so wonderful, imaginative and at the same time as Burroughs was godfather of beat: “ From an interview with the composer at It sounds like gunfire if we remember that gunfire sounds like popcorn:
"I Composed Kreuzspiel, or Crossplay [1951], and I knew when I wrote it that it would sound like nothing else in the world. People were quite upset when they heard it for the first time at the national summer courses for contemporary music in Darmstadt, where I conducted the piece; it was violently interrupted by the public. And since then I have composed works from one to the next, always waiting until I've found something that I had never imagined before, or that sounded like anything existing."


Stockhausen can be found on the cover of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper Hearts Club Band, and the cover of the first EP of Sonic Youth, "TV Shit", contains a reference to GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE. John Lennon appears to have used HYMNEN as a model for his "Revolution 9". Since the end of the Sixties Miles Davis, the famous jazz/rock-jazz trumpetist, was influenced by Stockhausen's music. In some circles Stockhausen is called "The Father of Techno", an honorary title which he reluctantly responds to, saying that use of new technical means is one thing and musical innovation another. Björk is a huge Stockhausen fan and has made a very good interview with him to be found on the Stockhausen web page (

 Albrecht Moritz

We would call him the father of Bilbao, except Bilbao is a Triumvirate, a Triumphant Gehry, Stockhausen, Burroughs. I wish he’d not reminded about the Sgt Pepper cover, itself a who’s who of the cyclotronic entrained. Bad as the music is the philosophy of the portraits on the cover pales with the prophets of death.


“Stockhausen was also a writer, even as Ginsburg was a composer.

irius is the key work that leads to his magnum opus LICHT (LIGHT), a cycle of seven operatic/theatre works, some lasting up to 5 hours, each representing a 'day' of the week which Stockhausen expects to complete in the first years of the 21st century.” Malcolm Ball


Sirius is of course a code word for something under culture, some like the Indestructibles of Ancient Egypt: “Licht is a summation of musical and religious thought that draws inspiration from many sources including cosmology and in particular, elements drawn from 'The Urantia Book' ,a cosmogony of the Urantia Brotherhood of Chicago USA. In it, the persona of Archangel Michael is described as the "visage of Christ" and "Creator Son", ruler of our local universe, and in Stockhausen's plot represents the progressive forces of development; Lucifer is the antagonist, and Eve works towards a renewal of the 'genetic quality' of humanity through the re-creation of an essentially 'musical' human race, whereas it was political theories and racial domination that preoccupied Wagner's compositional life. As Licht progresses, it becomes evident that it is Stockhausen's wish to bring cosmic music to humans and visa versa.” Ball


KS In 1977 I was commissioned to compose a work for the National Theatre of Tokyo, and I composed 'The Course of the Years' (Der Jahreslauf)' for gagaku orchestra and gagaku dances, and during the work on this, one day the vision came to me that this 'Course of the Years' could become one scene in a large work and I made sketches while in a temple in Kyoto of Licht. At that time I had called 'The Course of the Years' Hikari which in Japanese means 'Fast Light'.

The sketches that I made are still valid because I composed what I call now a 'super-formula' , a musical nucleus in which three formulas are vertically connected. The 'super-formula' in its original form lasts one minute and has all the chromatic tempi between 60 and 120, 12 steps of metronomic tempi which are important, and then it has 3 times 12 pitches. If one analyses all three formulas vertically, the three formulas have three very different characters. One I call the Michael formula which is a descending melody and has mainly descending and ascending fourths. Second is the Eve formula which ascends with a break in the middle and then descends and is predominantly major thirds . The third formula is called the Lucifer formula; it starts with an ascending major seventh very aggressively , descending, ascending and descending again with several tritones (dissonant intervals).


There is no Adam


KS Monday from Light deals with all the different states of water and when we performed it at La Scala Milan the stage designer and the technicians of the opera house tried to realise what was written in the score but it was very hard for them because it starts with the ocean at the beach where an enormous figure of Eve like a monument, sits in the sand and is washed and cleaned by women (female choir) after the winter and they prepare it for a spring festival. Later Eve gives birth to children and they are washed. Three sailors come with a boat and Lucifer comes out of the ocean as a Lucipolyp.


KS: Tuesday-Very strange transparent beings from the beyond appear, singing, and the musicians are so amazed that they don't dare go any further.


Wednesday from Light - The first scene is called World-Parliament. Delegates from all over the world come together for a World Parliament, they sit at tables and sing and the president is a singer himself and they all sing comments on the subject of what Love is. So they make different statements and the president responds by singing comments.


The second scene is even more difficult and nobody knows at the moment how to do it. For example 12 musicians are flying in from afar and they hover above a city, so first an oboe hovers in over a vast acoustical and optical church and then it transforms into a scene above airports, then the second musician arrives (a cello) and so on and so forth until finally there is a scene above an African jungle where you hear also all these sounds of the animals associated with these musicians, but on a different panoramic level, so you hear the sounds at different positions and the musicians play in contacts with these scenes and disappear to the back where they are flying around in a half circle.


The third scene is even more complicated. It is the Helicopter String Quartet where the four musicians of a string quartet are presented then driven to an airport or even walk to a helicopter landing place near to the opera house such as the one in Bonn with a lane around the opera house where four helicopters are waiting and the musicians board the helicopters with their instruments. They fly into the air and the music is transmitted by four times three microphones and four cameras providing a video link to the auditorium where multiple video screens are set up so the public can watch and hear the four musicians playing perfectly synchronously in four helicopters. This is possible through click track and inter-com technology. We presented this scene in Amsterdam two years ago and for the first time people were confronted with the fact that music doesn't always need to be performed in one room, but that these musicians were flying off in different directions above the city of Amsterdam, and you could see through the windows of the helicopters, the city below. All of a sudden the public realises that the musicians play perfectly synchronously a very polyphonic and demanding music. It is a wonderful feeling to envisage music in the future which can happen in completely different places synchronously for example in space -ships where performers could be playing with other performers in other space -ships! So this is the first time in history where musicians have been flown for a performance in order to perform synchronously for a public who are watching and listening in an auditorium.

The religion of pop should not be wondered at, it is space and Urantia in place of earth and Yahshua.

The next scene which I am composing now is probably the most demanding musically. It is called Michaelion a sacred futuristic meeting place of delegates from different galaxies where first a camel communicates via a short wave receiver, short wave events, to delegates who are dressed in different ways and sing in different styles and in different dialects not of this planet and they present themselves from where they come from (e.g. Alpha Centauri etc., many star names are used). Finally the camel transforms in a humorous way by fighting with its assistant, a trombone player. The two pretend to have a bull fight and finally the bull sits on the Torero and all laugh. Then the women open the zips of this camel and out comes a zen monk who is put on a stool and he begins to imitate with his voice, short wave programmes that he receives from all over the universe from noises to Morse code to languages of all kinds and also sounds that we don't know where they come from . The choir singers learn from him and imitate what he does, in solos, duos, trios and different groupings, when finally six go around the public and sing the final message.

So, he 'trains' his pupils to bring the news to the world, the news that he tries to translate to them. He is called the 'operator', [like a Scientologist] so that is his new function after having been a camel. caneli

His Divine Weeks, all a substitute of space and beings for earth and the human.

Friday from Light which was premiered last year, definitely needs a new auditorium. Friday is so limited in an opera house, though there were a lot of objects flying in the air at the Liepzig opera ,but everybody new that it was impossible to realise this part of Licht around the public with the twelve very different objects like rockets flying, a woman in the moon, a giant syringe moving towards a woman, a huge pencil sharpener about 4 metres high as a woman and a man who is a pencil pushing himself into the pencil sharpener; an enormous male raven flying around a woman nest - how can we do all this in the 'box' of an opera house? I can imagine an auditorium but it should be built specifically for Friday from Licht. (Friday from Light is driven entirely by time-code on the tape which includes lighting cues and cues for the soloists, dancers and mimes etc. together with a 12 channel speaker distribution for the electronic music)

Saturday from Light is so special that in Milan, Ronconi, an excellent director and Gai Aulenti who did the stage design and costumes, had to go into the sports palace which usually seats 36,000 people for sports events, but the auditorium was in a way good for this part of Licht as the public were sitting in the centre on cushions which were arranged to look like the beard of Lucifer and around the public the first scene took place half left, the second scene took place at the right where two giant mandalas about 9 metres in diameter were, and the black cat (flautist) is moving around the numbers on the mandalas which are 1 - 12 & 13 - 24 . It is very necessary to use these visual elements in order to make the music become clear. The third scene (Lucifer's Dance) was again very difficult to realise. It is a huge human face 25 metres high and divided into five floors (levels) above each other with 82 musicians. The musicians sit at various points of the face: for example left eye, right eye, left eye brow, left cheek,

right cheek, nostrils. All these parts of the giant face begin to move musically as well as visually. The musicians had to learn the choreography and movements with their instruments. Just to build that in the sports hall needed such an effort that a special hall should be built just for Saturday from Light.

Sunday from Light is not yet composed but I see an enormous planetarium system with a sun in the centre and the planets of our solar system. The planets are inhabited, with traffic between the planets, a traffic of musicians, singers, dancers and performers. So this would need an enormous auditorium like an exhibition hall. There is a new one in Leipzig now which has a glass roof in a semi circle shape . It's beautiful to see the sky through this glass roof which is at least 200 yards from left to right and 400 or 500 yards from front to back. There one could perform, and we intended to perform Wednesday from Light because the space is big enough to make objects move. Sunday needs at least such a hall if not larger. So I think the whole demand on music theatre for the future is totally different from what the traditional opera houses (even those built since the war) can provide. Licht is a very experimental undertaking.

I have to say that Pop music nowadays is not very inventive . I have several pop magazines from Germany, England, America and Scandanavia who are very interested in my work, but when I see these bands and how they look with their chains and black dress, they all look the same. I imagined that they would all look incomparably different, but their grim look is the same all over the world now, it's so uniform and I don't like uniformity. Then the public become uniformed so to speak, by these public images or models. Art is based on invention and incomparable originality and newness.

MB Thinking about this brings to mind Harry Partch and corporeality. Not just making music but making ritual.

[Originality and newness here imbibe of of Egypt and Babylon and urantia. Partspace opera of the fall and rise of man, part twisted on its side the biblical account]

KS. The movement of sound and the speed of sound in space is very important .In 1954 Gesang der Jünglinge which is a 5 track composition already has diagonal movements in a hall from speaker group to speaker group and also what I call rotations - clockwise or counter-clockwise.In Kontakte this increased enormously. I found a new technique to make movements possible. Sirius was a fantastic step forward with a completely new device allowing sounds to move sometimes up to a maximum of 20 revolutions per second, so you cannot hear the revolutions anymore because they are too fast but the sound is in your body and you don't realise any longer that there are speakers involved, but the sound is everywhere and when you move yourself in space, you change the sound because you move the ears and through that you have different timbres all the time due to movements of your head.

The next step was electronic music for Friday from Light which is for 12 channels, not octophonic but in a true sense dodecaphonic which means you have 12 points in space, 12 directions. In front these move up to the highest point above the stage like a pyramid, from rear left to front ,going up and coming down to rear right, and between these 12 channels, all sorts of sound movements have been composed. This is quite fantastic but one cannot hear it if one is not in such a hall equipped.

[dodecahedron, because it is viz, the tree of life aurally translated] Frater Achad


In Octophony I have created timbres with small melodic loops which are produced electronically in a computer and then sped up with enormous speeds, let's say you have a melodic figure (already rhythmatised) which lasts 2 seconds, and then I speed it up to such a degree that there is a regular pitch, a sustained pitch of let's say a 1000 periods per second, so I would have to speed it up 2000 times to hear a timbre, and the timbre is the result of that particular micro composition. This is my aim, like in nature, to compose timbres like in atomic physics. I started this already in 1952/3 with the concept that in the end we can compose new timbres, very characteristic timbres and their variations by composing micro waves, the micro structure of vibrations. This is naturally a totally new aspect of composition and music. The layman and indeed traditional musician has no idea about this, also my composer colleagues have no idea, maybe two or three at IRCAM have practical experience with this method but that's all. This is something that will develop in the next century. You see, the devices are not here, the conservatories still think the violin or flute is the end of musical vocabulary, but we know now this is not so. Compared to atomic physics and new discoveries in astronomy, musical progression is enormously slow in developing.


Each day from Licht has associated colours, symbols, plants and animals etc.

Monday - Eve day - opal & silver - light green - the day of birth,

Tuesday - Day of dispute - war - red - conflict,

Wednesday - Conference/collaboration day - bright yellow,

Thursday - Michael day - light blue - purple - the day of life and learning,

Friday - Eves temptation by Lucifer - orange,

Saturday - Lucifer day - Black - Day of Death and resurrection,

Sunday - mystical union of Eve and Michael - gold.

Whether we feel that this music actually puts us in touch with the cosmos or not, this new way of perceiving opera, or more accurately, creative art-full expression, must surely move the spirit of any receptive musical mind.

KS. Whenever we hear sound we are changed, we are no longer the same, and this is even more the case when we hear organised sound - music.

New - means change the method - new methods change the experience - new experiences change man.

From For a great biographical essay (followed by an interesting interview), go to:, Stockhausen’s texts



stockhausen scalar yakusa manga: of the four manga lays bare the obvious, the loss of mother, sense of unworthiness


 Eve, Michael and Lucifer, not a word for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost or Adam.

Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro



Pensinger did dolphin work:

Musculpt dolphin speech

Dance biofeedback research and Musculpt are necessary preliminaries to a new initiative in human-dolphin communications. Humans must learn to enter identity states apropos of the dolphin pod if humans are to learn to speak Dolphin and no longer insist that dolphins learn to speak Human. These identity states can be simulated and progressively assimilated by small human groups undergoing stress-oriented movement training with access to wireless transmission of biofeedback signals as well as use of Musculpt-equipped flotation tanks

John Lilly began inquiries into metaprogramming during the Korean War era with studies of indoctrination in deprivation environments. This was part of the huge Philadelphia Project on forced indoctrination. He then moved with gathering subversive potential to isolation tanks in gravity-free saltwater, and thence to whales and dolphins and dolphin-human communications.




Musculpt: Reflections 40 Years Later Derek Dillon falls through ice


U.S. and Soviet high altitude nuclear explosions  between 1958 and 1962


The novel consists of three storylines nested inside one another. The largest loop depicts the inner growth of the American protagonist, Derek Dillon, an intelligence officer working in Saigon during the Spring of 1968. Moon of Hoh Binh

µTm Scenarios, T5(M)

Dmitri Tymoczko's orbifold ChordGeometries and generalized chord-space maps are very interesting and just the sort of thing Musculptors should try as Musculpt-as-mathematical-notion evolves as a natural language

Milton Babbitt, of course, the Juilliard guru of the topological transform


To study any of this at Columbia-Princeton or with Babbitt at Juilliard would have required as prerequisites mastery of an enormous range of the totally irrelevant


One wonders why it took so long to progress to orbifold chord geometries from the 1958 Phillips Pavilion of the Brussels World Fair (the main piece, Metastaseis, a study in both spatialized relativistic Minkowski time-elasticity [on the metric] and aural-percept elasticity in combat due to stress-induced changes in time-rate perception, i.e., during firefights, described in Formalized Music was originally derived as a composition for [primarily] strings [if not superstrings] from a set of m-valued functions over Schrödinger's quantum wave equation, the static-hyperbolic, geometric-wavicle, Barbour-“Platonia”, paraboloid form of the piece being physically constructed as the Phillips Pavilion in which Varese's Poeme Electronique premiered) -- particularly given the fact that stratified, multi-sheet, orbital manifolds have been around (at least in Japan, compliments of topologist Ichiro Satake, Japan being no surprise given the role multiple sheets of kami dust coupled by temporal operations -- musically speaking, Toru Takemitsu's orbital “November Steps” over the Noh dan mosaic-manifold -- played in traditional animistic Shinto cosmology and in laying the conceptual foundations for the whole of Japanese aesthetics) since before the Brussels World Fair, but after composition of Metastaseis.




11 July 2012


James lovelock

Twins, Mengeles: The Kaznacheyev experiments- Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev is Director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk.

For 20 years he has been directing highly unusual experiments with twin cell cultures. These experiments are vital to understanding disease and healing on a more fundamental basis than is presently utilized by orthodox medical science.

The Kaznacheyev experiments (several thousand) in the Soviet Union proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically, and induced in target cells absorbing the radiation.

This is going to ruin the quartz jewelry industry

Bearden has stated that the longitudinal EM waves can have a healing effect because they always come in pairs called "phase conjugate pairs" and one of the pair is time-reversed. This enables engineering of the waves to "pump" the cells of the body (with waves from the time domain) and actually time-reverse the cells back to a previous healthy condition

Ritmedic recovery blanket. Frequently used in combination with Ritmscenar treatments. Enhances the effects of the treatment through a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Designed as a result of many years of research and development work in the field of bio-resonance therapy, the TMB is based on the principles of bio-energetics and knowledge of the body's internal mechanisms of self-regulation. The healing action of TMB is based on electrostatic film PET (healing compound TMB-01). The TMB Blanket is made of polyurethane interwoven with various metals to form a film. This screens the body from all external electromagnetic and electrostatic fields. It also reflects the body's own electromagnetic radiation in the infrared and extremely high frequency ranges. This effect helps the body to rebalance its own electrical charge and energy and thus heal itself. The Reflected infrared radiation gives a very relaxing and soothing warm feeling, which over time can re-energise the body and relieve pain. The TMB blanket can be used to prevent premature ageing. Maximum effects are achieved when the patient is wrapped completely and sleeps. The TMB blanket is used in combination with Scenar treatment for the best treatment effect. Russian researches proved the effectiveness of such combination. TMB can be used before or after the Scenar treatment.The weight and size make the blanket an easy to use take anywhere treatment. The highly therapeutic effect and wide range of indications for treatment has brought the blanket great popularity in Russia and as word spreads in the west too. Its growing appeal in the west lies in its convenience and use as a home treatment, which means patients or indeed anyone can have ongoing daily means patients or indeed anyone can have ongoing daily treatments between visits to their doctor or therapist.

the master cellular control system responds to "coming events that cast their shadows before". In short, it responds to the upper level of the "shadow state" of a disease, still in the virtual state! (Hey, virtual particles are real, virtual photons are real, virtual ST curvatures are real - just very fleeting, only for another to immediately arise). The exchange of virtual particles is known to generate all forces in physics anyway!...


"So the cellular control system responds to "shadow state" disease patterns. Enter a QP weapon application. Place a quantum potential weapon "area" on the United States, so that the entire populace is in it. The slowly introduce and bring up in the shadow state, the necrotizing fasciitis disease engine.


At some point, the cellular control systems will react, and order the immune system into action.


12 July 2012

My own power credentials are summed that by a fluke of circumstance at one time I held the keys to five UT buildings, Experimental Science, Pharmacy, Drug Garden, Parlin/Calhoun and another I forget that was torn down. Experimental Science was later disinhabited because it failed a pressure test in the gas lines. I was on that job five years, where I met Bill Lee, but Bill for some reason insisted that the Head, Dr. Lester J. Reed invite me to his Christmas parties held each year for postdocs and scientists. Dr. Reed said to him, it's just for postdocs, meaning we don't invite dishwashers to these things, but Bill prevailed, so I went to two of them, one time taking the world's largest pot of aloe so big it would hardly fit in the car. I traded observations about poetry around the punch bowl with a Hungarian quantum chemist, quoting some Shakespearean sonnets.  That may have '77 and '78. To pay the rest of the bills I had a half time sinecure at the Pharmacy Garden for three years, then took up Instructor of English in '80. One day Dr. Reed, fixed in time in my memory, came down the hall in the labs downcast. He told me his son had killed himself. Maybe I took the aloe to his home then. My response was what it would be now, but earlier I had taught the son of MK Hage in English and his parents had discovered him dead (of an overdose?) in his room in their home. Unfortunately Bill and

I had a falling out with the postdocs insistence over hundreds of one ounce bottles of radioactive xylene recycled to save money, a small amount to be sure of money. So it was arranged to open a window in a lab where I would dump the bottles down the sink and then wash them. Bill did not want to do this, but did. In a short time I began to have nose bleeds at night and felt compelled to file a workman's comp case against the labs, which since it went through personnel and not scientists, resulted in liver bilirubin test etc. Bill was upset about my action, especially since I had helped him decorate a new dojo for the Aikido club. I kept working at Experimental Science another two years or so, and gave up or had removed the keys to the other buildings as well.


14 July 2012

I don’t know what the bill is for all the gas, all the helium to pump up the Apocalypse, much the same maybe as the bill for all the gas to pump up the dream while they spray each night to complete the negative optical transfer to the rest of the world,  the demise gets out the mask. I don’t know what the bill is for all the gas, all the helium to pump up the Apocalypse, much the same maybe as the bill for all the gas to pump up the dream of superiority. So while they spray each night to complete the negative optical transfer to the rest of the world,  Japan contemplates the demise and gets out the mask. When the American wakes to realize the Hiroshima bomb was named Little Boy, and all Japan has  been little boyed so its pop art reflects revenge on the airplane that dropped its humikiation, one can ask, what would you have done in Japan as a nation of warriors?


Bearden says Japan is a criminal enterprise, just like Biden says Afghanistan. Nations regard others as criminal, their heroes terrorists, so they have to increase the helium to sustain the bubble. Each night I see trucks down the alleys spraying to decease the Schumann Resonance to put people back to sleep. You wonder why this is necessary if the helium works. Just another propogram from fail safe. Misinformation has the weather change, blaming local coal to crank up fracking, but everyone knows deep down that the weather is cracking man made, Yakusa coming down in hurricanes and tornadoes, Yakusa and the old KGB drying up the leaves, driving the blue stem jet stream. It will be some sight, Dr. Strangelove driving the storm, like Roman horses with fog breath and HAARP cloud. Electrosmog gives more to the ytransmitters, disinformation moved like hi and lo pressures. Yakusa caused the NO flood but lost the ball on downs from the  American earthquake disaster at Yakushima. We score this submarine lost on  nuke plants, suitcase scalar earthquake  and tsunami kits. In the second half blows up Yellowstone.

15 July 2012


First causes, what made Japan join Germany in the Axis of WW II. Had it not done so…the American military and intellectuals justified the bomb then and still do today. It is another case wher they don’t know what they are doing. The fallout from the flash and shock are beyond horror in the surviving society. The west thinks Japan cute but don’t think it is cute because it was bombed little boyedImages of the Little Boy, blinding white light, orange conflagration, pitch black rubble, rain of body parts


Were the costs of shock and awe known they might still be done, and that is that. But why did Japan ally with the Germans? Sure you can hear the gas. And the Chinese museums of Japan’s atrocities. But consider that this is the result of the white out, the orange sun, the total dark and the rain of body parts and that that is different from the holocaust mainly because of the shock and awe, for the Nazis delivered their murder hands on, more or less medieval for the time anyway, but Hiroshima was instantly devastated from above. That this spawned Godzilla and all the monsters and giants of pop, as Murakami shows, is just another way of showing. Compare it with the ptsd and shock of IUDs among the Afgan upon the American, the disorientation, the devastation, the shocking of the brain against bone and sound and lined light, and then think of it coming sudden and immersion complete, shock waves more than felt, producing the inane patter and chatter that followed it in America, justifying…but atrocities make more. Superflat means just that, flattened out of existence, existence being three dimensions, and superflattened peoples are the most dangerous to themselves and others, not that they are worse, but action / reaction, as in the shamed German nation of WWI, produces worse. From Godzilla the superflat to aliens, from the grotesque to normal hiding the grotesque. Preparation for the super modern, superman who never dies aborned for millenia.


16 July 2012

Pink bunny from space, after girl dressed as pink bunny at end of Diacon IV


17 July 2012

Confusion confirmation of the universal monster


20 July 2012  Nexrad


Written during the flood: that is what they meant doecomocracy felt,  fallen out of equalityity, conrrectability, sameness, monogennity, blandness

Tokyo destroyed again and again by these bombs, a “persistent vision of the future in ruins” “Akira is still alive in our minds!”


 Kaneda tells the U>N> soldiers delivering relief…”mutural misunderstanding between the rescued rescuer, cunningly the current chaos blogs. It also pomps a difficult question about the occupation after the Pacific War: out of a sense of justice, the U>S. brought freedom and eemocracy to the occupied; yet, was this rally a gift?” (48)  which is really saying it was destruction #4.


So where does  the symbolic chain of evidence in anime manga exploding art lead. Start from the beginning stylized pics of Snoopy Dog and Pretty Flower as images of La Bomba. Bomb, Bomb, Bomba, mushroom clouds ornamented with eyes and a nose, necks and arms, cute huh? Kawaii, but acht! before  bombs tot turned to washing mashings, cats, bunnies and bunnies flew around to save from Bomb. Bomba transformed preventing bomba. Transformations hun-exploding subatomic subcultures. Then bombs became space ships and aliens.


Those little figures flying around are Little bomblets, prepubescent, with smooth faces and sweet eyes like clouds. Litt Bloy, Little Girl! The Name of the Hiroshima bomb. The artist Okamote, says “art si explosion!” The sun is a bomb, rays of light  of its aura are nuclesar arms, Godzilla is a bomb, mushrooms that implode the inner world are a bomb. Godzilla Hiroshima Ultraman super hpowers, super man like a snowball rolling, getting bigger, Diacon IV Bunny Girl surfing on a sword, girl bunny bomb releasing pink clouds of radioactivity reviving the black scarred word in green otaku. Destruction # 3 or 4? Over and over so many stylized bombs everywhere you should look in your underwear for la Bomba! So after the bomba blew everyting up in noise, the atom fragments fell to earth in toys. Fallout! Anime toys, girl boy toys, cousin frog, all became mascots for the big companies, pharmacuticals, industrials and turned into Doraemon. Pokemon baby, baby sitting robots and Nobita. Hello Kitty! Hellow Killy, 100 thousand kittle products but kitty has no mouth just eyes and a nose because neither does La Bomb. Who will speak for kitty?

Settle not therefore before what youwill answer when you are betrayed for I will givy you a mouth

Paris Hilton wears Kitty, Come to think a bubble is La Bomb. La Bubble Bubba Bugel Bagel, S&L, IT, montage mortgage loan bubba. Akira (1988) of New Tokyo 2019 a new bubble military experiment, made to take psychic powers radiated with EMP drug EMT, the bomb keeps exploding, Tokyo destroyed again, first upon a new box of bubble. Openit, nuke, nuke,nuke all the dollies, explode Akira explodes into demoscracy. Dolls are voting now.




12 Aug 2012


Bizarrely sat in front of Paul van Hofwagen before he announced to the congregation the new program to background check fingerprint volunteers to safe guard children. This in the context that they cannot find a new pastor, none being available.


23 Aug 2012

 Yesterday Aey and I set brick on stand box, with Portland Cement! Very sore. Last night, 1:40 hear noise went to porch storm came white light thunder storm transfix went out to move tortoise board put there so Big Guy won’t get head caught again, in rain so house won’t flood, came in, dried off, searched for children taught not to answer, found Booklet 4, transposed Angel and Pismith to ms Letters. Exhausted today.


1 September


 There are a series of arches not in dreams but memory that dominate, the colored one of my brother, nose bleeding in the honeysuckle arbor, bees flying, yellow and white fragrant tubed flowers and tendrils lifting as he stands, but is moving, coming toward me at age 4, blood flowing from his nose, victim of the bully Chester?


But this is outranked by another arch, a whitewashed tunnel at the county home in Uniontown, pa where he for some reason worked and I visited. Was I twelve, I felt six. The whitewashed tunnel is long and extends at its end to a  padded door that swings massively open on its hinges, heavily metal where  those most difficult of inmates were kept, but in the tunnel outside ranged, sat, stumbled, moaned the  mass of others. The path was slightly elevated so that the whole could be hosed after their visitations, for they make messes where they go, but the tunnel didn’t smell, for all the disinfectant. I was going down this tunnel, felt the size of a six ear old, depravity slobbering on both sides. Why? It was a visit. Seared the memory.


Those who dread it think the worst would be to live sane among the mad. Transposed to 18th century asylums is not much different from early 1950 “homes” after lithium when the paroles were released. The release of the deranged may be a metaphor of society itself was progressively deranged thereafter. Madness seizes the sane? We call it the Aquarian age. Of madhouse scenes and prisons, not much different since both had common cells  ruled by the inmates, we have now society, highly regulated, policed, to keep us safe, but whether that is from police or ourselves is not settled. Indeed evidence mounts that experiments continue that provoke madness in order to study the brain and to promote robotic control sources for use unnamed causes. Universities, hospitals, foundations, corporations all run by functionaries, careerists of the norm. Goya’s mature madhouse, after the early ones of 1794, following his onset of deafness, are celebrated as the first depiction of fellatio (Hughes 141), which indeed provokes the notion that every madness has since been release upon society and called a class right. Porn, Namba, every sexual practice, mutation…so it goes. When weekly instances of gunfire in malls and campuses occur the bosses are at a loss to explain how the madness has been released.

The Hospicio Cabañas was built as an orphanage in the early 19th century. Its deconsecrated church was decorated with a famous series of murals by Orozco in the 1930s. Galleries surrounding the huge courtyards are often given over to temporary exhibitions.The complex is a UNESCO World Heritage site.



5 September 2012


Goya, The Black Paintings

What makes Goya great beyond the masses of color, light and dark and the dynamism of the figures is his confrontation of evil, called by its various names, viewing these from the Old Testament, the only way it makes sense. That makes it necessary to say how, what. The witch of Endor, the lusts of Midian, worship of Mammon, meaning Saturn, the giants, book of Enoch, tortures and angels. You get the drift. It will be a while in the making. Hughes knows none of this. The phantasmagoria, the delirium of sickness, old age, alienation. Goya is 72, lives in that farmhouse four years, then heads to France. If you know nothing of the supernatural contexts, the Roman emperor worship, the war between the states of dark and light, the architectural testimonies, say the Capitol Mall, the streets, the oldest conflict between the serpent and seed of the woman, the Bohemian Grove, you’re just aghast at these. He doesn’t paint Balaam but Judith. Hughes reaches for de Sade to explain the darkness, but it is darker than that. What makes Goya great beyond the masses of color, light and dark and the dynamism of figure is his confrontation of evil.
Black Paintings in Single Format Wikipedia

The last paintings on plaster of his house transferred to canvas are too much for youth to take. They are of his last and if they signify madness that is too early a presumption. Lesser travesties, forms destroyed, a lower order not carried to completion so as not to celebrate death,  after much pondering see in them depth, even if they are of giant forms.…So to transfer the thought to Goya, who did these in his seventies, the age when you know what comes, I got Hughes out, knowing. Those frescoes bloomed, whitened, darkened, cracked and spalled, as though the war with Neptune and all fight had in that moment been lost, except for the patron’s restoration (41). I was reading in the early pages of Hughes when the eye misread that phrase, war on Neptune, completely as though it were written to see. Later I went back and could not even find the spot where this mistake occurred. Yes it led to Troy and even more Caligula, nothing more suitable to contemplate with Goya’s Saturn and his Caprichos edition of plates, an edition burned by Ruskin and one seen in the Imaginary Prisons of Giambattista Piranesi. What is meant by Old Testament is a conflict  of forces of which human war is a lower order.

When the words are rods and cones maybe listen. Hear the words, but the mind, the mental fantasy is disassociation provoked by the unremembered, the unthought, the unbelieved, what you hear in the ear, shout from the housetops. The last paintings on plaster of his house transferred to canvas are too much for youth to take. They are of his last and if they signify madness that is too early a  presumption. I have wrestled travesties destroyed, not carried to completion so as not to celebrate death, but after much pondering see in them depth, even if they are of giant forms. So to transfer the thought to Goya, who did these in his seventies, the age when you know what comes, I got Hughes out, knowing those frescoes bloomed, whitened, darkened, cracked and spalled, as though the war with Neptune and all fight had in that moment been lost, except for the patron’s restoration (41).

Is not the war with Neptune the war of the Colosi (286)? War on Neptune is however nebulous. The atmosphere swims. one cannot see feet. I was reading in the early pages of Hughes when the eye misread that phrase, war on Neptune, completely as though it were written to see. Later I went back and could not even find the spot where this mistake occurred. Yes it led to Troy and even more Caligula, nothing more suitable to contemplate with Goya's Saturn and his Caprichos edition of plates, an edition burned by Ruskin and one seen in the Imaginary Prisons of Giambattista Piranesi. Is not the war with Neptune the war of the Colosi (286)? War on Neptune is however nebulous. The atmosphere swims. one cannot see feet. Hands are ideas coming and going, to translate paint into words, but to no known purpose, as if one were to hear that it should all be banned as inappropriate nonsense, a message any writer wants to hear because it validates the kick to provoke piety from the unrighteous, to no high purpose, yet if piety is provoked that is not say without sensibility, which is of a high order even if they cannot hear. Scientists cannot see that torturing a rabbit for the good of mankind is the same as making Jesus a king by force (Jn 6.15). There is both an inappropriate analogy and a comparison.

This leads to the inherent disproportion of Goya’s hand in his portraits that makes the later figures so striking in their darkness, not just Saturn but the Pilgrimage of San Isidro which Hughes likens to a cobra slithering into the face of the paint, its eye a foreground guitarist, conte jondo, (18), an assault on all hearing, silence, ocher, umber, black in the background, not the insipid green trees, white clouds, blue sky formula of the Assault of Thieves and the portraits, even the repeated ritual positions of death, face down with scrabbling hands (124). These pastel unblemished faces like the Family of the Duke of Osuna are merely insipid, but the disproportion of the long faces and noses (54, 119) prepares for the assault, the distortion war of Neptune in Gehry’s buildings that Goya wages throughout his greatness where idea is a misconceit housing its opposite. Now that sounds like earth except earth has moral absolutes, except where Neptune has rammed down, nearly everywhere. War does not contain peace the way a villain smile contains goodness. Transparent it becomes either deceit or itself. Do not listen to the words.

Not old enough to fathom Goya’s Saturn nor his witches in Caprichos, his prisons, wars, none are, they shut the mouths of insight. What happened to Goya happened to Borges. Each had a transforming sickness (127) that produced their depth. Must this happen to them all? Shut up. Goya was struck at about 46 with deafness than took the form of delirium  for several months. It changed the way he saw the world. Borges ran up a stair about age 38 and ran into a class door.  The cuts became infected and he suffered at least a month with severe infection and fever, a mort. His mother read Out of the Silent Planet to him, which had just been published, 1939. The next thing he wrote was Pierre Menard and it was off to the spaces. They looked in the face of madness, sickness, evil, depravity, war. Not recommended. No one looks unless forced. I have a son who is a natural transforming artist in his youth, before the face shall we say, who is concerned he is not transformed. None of us know it till after, long after. He daily touches the depraved, the wretched, misshapen, devastated, but doesn’t yet know in his mind what his heart compassed. It must be so of us all. We need not pray to be touched.

The continual images in Goya of doubt, night, owls, dark shapes, cannibalism, pederasty, witchery, simony, truly a demonic Dante, are all in some sort the dementias of reason which cannot understand because it wants to deny what is going on right by its nose, so invents all those theories of philosophy to explain to itself what it cannot bear to see, the depravity of the world alleviated only by the compassion of those who serve with sponges and rags and bowls of water, none worse than los desastres de la guerra, those licensed depravities committed by “our heroes,” who we hide in graves.

I don’t want to turn this apparatus on Hughes in his infantude who came to the US in 1970 from the Aussie fields, “riven” he says with certitude. He only wrote Goya after a near fatal auto accident 30 years later, where he hung between his own months and was tortured by Goya and his school with rejection, then, he wrote. That we understand. He says of ourselves that even now no voice has compassed the depravity of Little Boy, the bomb (7), or Auschwitz, but he is not Itaku. He wants the modern, irreverent attitude, skeptic against the official, the radical to deliver this insight, but turn from your wicked ways? See into the matrix, the blinding all around meaning into our own blind deaf ways? No spark of impiety against our own unrighteousness, the 50 million dead babies all good democrats want to build their homes upon. No, this doesn’t go on. There is no more. Oh no. Not never Caprichos, Black Paintings.

To get more analytical there is a triangulation in Goya, Pilgrimage of St Isidro c. 1821, what Hughes calls a cobra striking in the face of the paint, there the isosceles of St. Isidro’s Meadow is perfected in the serpentine, the sinuous motion of all progress, not the black and white oppositions of Euclid, more the gradual turns of river of Chuang Tzu. Of the compositional structures reduced to geometrical formula, “he loves the diagonal and constantly uses it as the basis of his groups and figures” (206). That and the dark masses of black, ocher,  umber bulked up against bodies and walls, both in the great paintings and Caprichos via aquatint, an assault against silence from the deaf (18) painter, or against words that cannot fathom?  In Equestrian Portrait of General Palafox, 1814, “the white part of the horse’s body forms a rough arc, tied together (as it were) at the top by the crimson loop and knot of Palafox’s sash…this major arc is echoes by a minor one above: the white fur trim of Palafox’s hat.” 278. Bottom line, Goya is a primitive, his portraits with few exceptions are caricature. He can’t help it Goya the primitive always, sometimes escaped, but back home his Water Carrier, Knife Grinder, The Forge are of the same time as The Colossus (1810), “low-class, low-origin, lowbrow” 285, just the kind of people  we like, of the earth, without pretense. The Giant above and beyond in stature is of this origin which explains its appeal.

II. The primitive is so much greater than the mannered, Pollack carrying around in his trunk the dead body of woman he killed in an alcoholic frenzy with his car. You do not want to be an artist. Get a job. Hughes cites Terence of the cosuffering of Dickens, Tolstoy, “I think nothing human alien to me.” 26 It is like so many of Goya’s paintings scraped off walls, mounted, repainted, the Aula Dei, 50f, the Saturn…all parts of the not whole, like the Inquisition, prison scenes Hughes has to cite Foxes Martyrs from, 57, nice water boarding, like the semi erect penis of Saturn the restorer Martin Cubells reshaped to public taste (17) while Saturn is following the rites of Presidents in their secret Bohemian grottoes, oh reshape that one too. It’s not the penis but the man who offends, these symbols abound, that’s why Blake was burned in his brazier to hide the equally offending black member of Milton. Not one word here about Dick Cheney, Clinton, Bush, Obama.  Misshapen.

The difference between the pornographers of England say and Goya is he is believable in suffering as Blake’s torments, but not Gillray, Rowlandson, 128, or the writers celebrated by Thomas Mish who I shared a table with in the Folger. Truth they are more the torturers than the tortured, yet who is unscathed? Rather who is aware. Of the architectural functions of Goya’s church frescoes or his tauromachies, 130f, pass over to the effects of trauma, not Kubler-Ross’s five stages, hollow lies, she became a medium, but of what, of silence, the mouth open in scream, paint dripping like blood or glaze melting down sides. Hughes says “any trauma makes you think of worse trauma: it sets the mind worrying and fantasizing about what else might be in store…what Goya had been through in his sudden illness was not a fantasy, but it was a mystery” 137.

You hear Hughes speaking from experience. Purify my heart, make it as gold, my soul does magnify my Savior. But if Hughes has been to the bed he has not been to barn where they keep the mad ‘gabbling opaquely like one of Swift’s Yahoos, 139, no lessons there from the Zaragoza Madhouse, 1812, (140) the Interior of a Prison, Manicomio o Casa de locos. Neither comprehends what means  one quarter of Caprichos concerning witches, feeble talk of satire, infant mortality, disease, poor nutrition, “only one son Javier survived beyond childhood”, 153. Child snatchers, kidnappers, Elizabeth Smart. Goya can’t explain it either. The ad in Diario de Mardrid 1799 about foibles and follies of ignorance, satire 181  has no more understanding than I of my neighbor.

After Hawthorne nothing can be understood, unless you posit all the government, ecclesiastical, social leadership are witches, hidden though, not bald like she with the gold pentagram on her door, never actually seen, moved finally by her father and mother in their 60′s, she of Wiccan clergy with a car sticker, who sat finally on the grass and watched them load. This today passes as normal. The neighbors then came and cut her lawn. The roof was falling in. The previous owner was a religion prof who died in the middle of talking. Outside the gates in Revelations 18 and beyond, where such habitat is landscape, the communal trash barrels are filled. Each pickup the can people and rag people patrol to find what they can from the barrels, but when the witch dismounted, and the portents cleaned, there were three rag pickers dead unconscious around the barrel from the smell. There were black flies at 6 AM.

Yes I used another that day, one with clean trash. You probably think this symbolic but it fact, as much fact as that a set of the 80 prints went for one ounce of gold, and 27 of 300 sets sold over four years. As said, John Ruskin burned his. Who can blame him: 52, Lo que puede un sastre, a giant, arms frighteningly raised in clerical cloth, women kneeling before, 79, Nadie nos ha visto friars gorging “unleashed cannibal orality” 195. “The old men of the Church actually eat their flock.” Desolation donkey satire 37-42, must be a parable of higher education, donkeys riding students, 42, Tu que no puedes, “the donkeys are the rich, whose burden the poor carry” so say the Obama team. How many trips to Denver has he made in this lifetime anyway? Goya thought clergy were brujos, now it is politicos, dark seminarians. I guess you don’t read those sites. Linda maestra, 68. Pederasts, rapists, demons.

7 Sept 2012

Goya was buried in Bordeaux at the cemetery of the Chartreuse in 1828. He was reburied in Madrid in 1901, then in 1929 re-reburied under the floor of Santa Maria de la Florida, missing his skull, since found enshrined near Einstein’s. Not. The point is resurrection, the raising of the dead man in The Miracle of St. Anthony of Padua, 1798, 211, I mean in the landscape itself. These colors the white, blues, browns are not the colors of death, so when I see them in the Black Paintings, the Fight with Cudgels, Procession of the Holy Office, Cabezas de paisaje, for example, they attract health, life, (and are all colors duplicated ceramically!) suggesting more than just images of death transpire, which with the overpainting of The Dog looking up at the overpainted woman in a dress, and possibly a man’s head, reaching up an arm in Peregrinacion (only seen in magnification), the subtext can be more than overpainting, which Goya did a lot of. Resurrection, reburying is a kind of overpainting, like in a way his repetition of poses (275).
There is more underpainting  in Pilgrimage of San Isidro, in “an open view of a river reflcting a three-span bridge… Saturn eating his son, there are traces of a dancing figure with one foot raised…funeral overtones at the beginning [of Leocadia Weiss as a widow leaning on a tomb] was simply a a woman leaning on a mantelpiece.” 375f.

As court painter to three Spanish kings Goya brings the Bourbon empire into relief, like celebrating presidents and hobnobbing with celebrities, strictly a pop art endeavor, producing little of the passion we seek. Maybe the “murders, kidnappings, rapes, intrigues, adulteries, deceptions, cannibalism” 216 denoting lawlessness are escapes from having to do tapestries. Goya was lucky to live in such lawlessness and that it also appealed to his macabre instincts, but that IS the essence of pop, like it or not. So the fall of the Bourbons is like a bandit poem, Bandit Stripping a Woman, Bandits Attack III, Cannibals Beholding, 220f, good TV but way more real in its prurience. Hughes offers Marat Sade, but knows nothing of the comprachicos.  It is not possible for the top of society to comprehend the bottom, unless of course it is the bottom, a la Cathy O’Brien.  As Hughes says, “nobody had painted such scenes before” 223, not that it did anybody any good, they all thought it was them other guys not themselves. Cannibalism in the Caprichos, impaled bodies in Desastres, pop art at its finest. The Horror, the horror, Poe, Conrad, who you like? “Gentility, mercy, and a sense of justice toward others are, if not false masks or lies, then certainly the product of consideration: which is to say, artifice.’ 224 They for sure are to thems as live in their hat, as Goya would know since the corrupt cabinet minister Godoy “became the most consistent and enthusiastic client Goya had in the first decade of the 19th century.” 240. See Manuel Godoy, Duke of Alcudia, “Prince of the Peace,” 1801. That’s how you get money, but nothing beside The Dead Turkey, 258. Was Godoy what they said he was. He proposed the far future plans of Johann Pestalozzi in Madrid whose pupils,”when eh paid them a visit, would chant in unison:” 232

Viva, viva, viva

Nuestro protector,

De la infancia padre,

De lat patria honor,

Y del instituto

Noble creador.

(“Viva, viva, viva, our protector, father of our childhood, honor of the countgry, and noble creator of our institute”) which with a few names change could have been chanted in Babylon, Rome and Washington D.C.

Napoleon fought Spain for  six years from 1808, producing Goya’s etchings Los desastres de la guerra, The Disasters of War, which together with his Inquisition Album are way over the line of perception, need independent study. See though Lux et tenebris, 1812 and allegory of the Constitution of 1812. Goya is as prophetic as Blake against empire, but more bloody by far, Blake without the spiritual side of vision, but with the outrage of the blood. Not one of the Disasters of War were issued in Goya’s lifetime (273). The title page reads, Tristes presentimientos. These are all such astonishing and detailed things that come with calling Goya the last master. A little like Van Gogh’s extensive drawings they must impact his later painting, but are left behind for the broad stroke that portray the ruin massively not linearly, almost not figurative. I guess we want to escape them so bad we can say they’re not paintings and take flight that way. They are etchings, but just look at This Isn’t the Least, of Disasters 67 or even more Might She Revive (303). Hughes says the Disasters portray “a pessimism so vast and desolating that can fairly be called Shakespearean” 302, but really folks, Shakespeare in this can be called Goyaean, “the greatest anti-war manifesto in the history of art” 304. It should be taught in high school. That would do it, The Third of May, 1808 (1814), “he kneels before the firing squad, but not in a posture of submission. it is more like devotion” 314,  it is an act of charism, he is praising God as the bullets fly. Will they never fire as long as his hands are raised? Ask Moses. Hughes discussion of this is excellent, 314f.

The only difference between A Process of Flagellants 1814 and the later Black Paintings is the smaller brush strokes and detail, on a panel, the same with the Inquisition scene of 1816. These horrors with the Disasters of War, the thief scenes, the Caprichos Hughes happily calls “carceral torments” 339. in this case “human consciousness beset by forces of chaos, secrecy, anonymity” 340, all of which would be taken for encouragements by those wars advertised but not yet come of apocalypse, human hybrids and robots. Hughes describes Goya at 72 in his Self-Portrait, 1815, “his forehead is like a cannonball,” 343. The last of these would be his Suenos or Dreams and Proverbios (Proverbs) of unbelievable power of this “grotesque and pathetic group…Goya talking about himself” 368.

In 1814 Ferando VII, Goya’s third king sought to stamp out all liberal French sympathizers from the mind of the populacho. This ditty was sung:

Vivan las cadenas,

Viva la opresion;

Viva el rey Fernando,

Muera la Nacion!

(Long live our chains, long live oppression; long live King Fernando, death to the Nation!) Hughes 325f.


17 Dec 2012

When events track a line they point a trend. Too good to be true, societal shaking events, 9/11 enabling the terrorist movement, Hurrican Sandy enabling the re-election of Obama, The murder of children enabling disarmerment.

19 December 2012

Consumed by appetite. Usually we say appetite consumed, but when the self  spends its resources to gain the whim of the moment, and all its resources are gone, then appetite consumes.


Undated paper Found while cleaning on top of scanner

2 women, mother /daughter naked in a limo with bed


The Name


23 December 2012


It would be like introducing German words into the French language, for the French pride them purity of language, that introduction of Celtic, words into the original pure Latin, but these are only analogues of our story of the vulgate that occurred when  myth was introduced into science, but that is not our story either, because these are all analogues to the  introduction into the human genome of  animal, plant and,  yes it is a making of hybrids we shall say.

Our fiction requires us to believe that once upon a time, at the very beginning of time, a fictional war began between the ancient origins of man and some forces opposed to him, his enemy. It was the intent of these forces to corrupt his culture, his mind, his thought, his very being into some thing foreign to his birth. The ultimate skirmish of this was at the last his genome. These forces were known as the gods.

There are no literary works written in vulgar, a hybrid of the streets of the Roman empire

31 December 2012

 Animation is a form of animism, anime pretending that a car is a girl or Disney studios, inhabiting the machine with a personality, preparation for what future event AI event. Animism says the tree has a spirit is a spirit a kind of person. Anime says that of a train.




1 Jan 2013


Having finished Road Notes and reread to some extent its three precursors, finding them incoherent, seeking a voice to tell a story I know not what, against a background of love of the lyric, I confess a love of the Elizabethans of 1580 and 1590 caused this study against all counsel and reason in a dead arena, for such a that time,  and preoccupied my desire, for which, I admit I learned very little, absorbed less, except maybe the spirit of daring, of Kyd’s Geronimo, Marlow, Donne, euphuisms, Spenser, intrigues, Raleigh, in ferment with absurd asides into the Grammars, the Schoolmaster, the propagandists, Martin Marprelate, Henry Peachum and maybe this is CS Lewis but more from Bill Ingram, the Faerie Queene and the Bible, the earlier religious history of England, the Testaments, Knox, Tyndale, the Puritans in Prison, the Coverdale versions, the bishops at bowls. Shakespeare not really at the center of it as much as could be wished, but more  the propaganda of the extreme image in the Bower of Bliss or Cervantes, absurdity ending in the lyricism, complaint and wrestling of Donne against death and Milton’s Lost Paradise, Traherene’s songs of wheat. I still care as deeply and as fully about whatever caused this as then, more so, more, more, with others like Blake and Wordsworth and Yeats and the list goes ever so forward on.


5 Jan 13

Three beheadins of the brain

1.      the message of the words is conveyed in tones, voice, all sounds, music, not in the words. The depth of meaning has been severed. In the imagination of Sarah Weddington the baby died, followed by that baby’[s still alive in there because it’s only in her imagination, the irony is severed. There is no irony, wit or nuance, ther is only sensationalism to evoke feelings. These are then rhetorically directed. There is no individual thought.


2.     “a world where nearly everything tha passes for art is tinny and commercial and often, in addition, hollow and academic (Moral Fiction, 5)


3.     Black rotting teeth down to the roots, 85% of rural El Salvador from Coke, Pepsi, Fritos in the last 30 years. Mothers are powerless against the corporate forces of addiction in commercials that destroy their children.


4.     Musician Bob Dylan has also condemned the practice, saying: "You listen to these modern records, they're atrocious, they have sound all over them. There's no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, just like—static." Loudness War, Brick Wall


To Vice, Tao Lin, Rhine Gold Giants Feed Bowl First


The Rhine gold giants of children’s books, who balloon up caps and warm canyons with fluffy heads, are clouds till beanstalks shoot out of their beds.


Giants mistake their work, that those who feed them should be their food. Tidy up bibs when they throw up, and after a hot meal clean up stuff is where the company of little dogs comes in, kept by the giants, but consumed at times like candy bits. PupPots, they are called, but the more they eat the bigger giants get and breed more.


PupPots aim to make the giants seen, but this reduces sanitation. Distracted from the cleanup of stumps and littered dens PupPots can’t say what’s not and at the same time clean up what is. Do giants want to appear or not? PupPots follow their imprints to the stalk where they chant the not, and squirm in its direction.


PupPots catch giants in a net like wind, but giant Cephalites are only visible from craters on the moon. Whenever there’s a hole PupPots cast a crater impact of those slumps. O cognentis solipsis, if you have seen them all! You might think nothing’s there, but PupPots sound the metaverse, they soar the sonar void and verse of how it breeds, what eats. This amazes only if you know.


Rhine Gold Giants and trained PupPots produce those hydrocephalic obesities on farms of readers in towns, who force their chickens and cows as we do herds, pasture feedlot libraries, slaughterhouse universities. The mind is after all the flesh the monoploid eats. As they say on buildings, “Read the Mind.”


 Disciplines and schools of Industry enlarge the dole. Eight billion today, eleven billion tomorrow, giants multiply and need more herds. Measuring population by the feed bowl  first we plead for better crops. The food base grows too slow. Giants from other planets have been assigned. There’s a need to colonize. At least that’s the line. No food is greater than this need.


6 January 2013

The bread of life projected on the screen was a loaf of Safeway bread, mass produced, puffed, tasteless so even the symbols are gone, for this is the bread of death. If water is acid and bread poison, wine must be fire, not blood and air toxic in earth.

All the children came forward with a surprise in a bag, a bow, of which the preacher said, holding it up and drawing the string at the ceiling,  if God breaks his promise we can shoot him in the heart with this bow!


8 Jan 2013

We were telling Aey Christmas Eve of the Morning Star trip. Reading Flann Obrien’s Third Policeman ch. 3, his walk on the road, his soul’s offering names, reminds me of the high pitched songs that came down from the mountain that foggy morning that burned off.

But the meditation of Judah’s wound last night and the compress, the poultice of the healing blood placed upon his blood is my rescue. It connects to all the organs, the code of the whole in each cell, the brain, the nerves, the gates to the brain, so glorious.


9 Jan 2013

Russian Futurists

Natalia Goncharova

Alexei Kruchenykh Penn Sound Readings in Russian and English

Steve McCaffery

Christian Bok, Grain Boundaries


10 January 2013

“The Sandy Hook tragedy was on a far larger scale than the past year’s numerous slaughters, including the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting and the Batman theater shooting in Colorado. It also included glaringly illogical exercises and pronouncements by authorities alongside remarkably unusual evidentiary fissures indistinguishable by an American political imagination cultivated to believe that the corporate, government and military’s sophisticated system of organized crime is largely confined to Hollywood-style storylines while really existing malfeasance and crises are without exception returned to normalcy.” Memory Hole,  The Sandy Hook Massacre, James Tracy

The Dual State, Carl Schmitt

Tuesday, November 27th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast).

Guest: Eric Wilson, senior lecturer of public international law at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and editor of the brand-new scholarly book
The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex, as well as  Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty (Pluto Press, 2009). 

Eric Wilson argues that nazi philospher Carl Schmitt (who spawned neocon guru Leo Strauss) got some things right, and some wrong...but that a serious consideration of his ideas can help us understand why the "liberal" mainstream is so blind to the reality of such phenomena as the deeply questionable events of 9/11, Operation Gladio, the JFK assassination, and so on.-Eric Wilson argues that nazi philospher Carl Schmitt (who spawned neocon guru Leo Strauss) got some things right, and some wrong...but that a serious consideration of his ideas can help us understand why the "liberal" mainstream is so blind to the reality of such phenomena as the deeply questionable events of 9/11, Operation Gladio, the JFK assassination, and so on.

-Add Eric Wilson's books to the growing list of scholarly pro-9/11-truth books published by respected academic presses, alongside those of
Peter Dale Scott (University of California Press), Paul Zarembka (Elsevier, Europe's leading scholarly publisher), Anthony Hall (McGill), Four Arrows (University of California Press), and American Behavioral Scientist. If we add the many dozens of pro-truth articles issued by scholarly publishers,

-Most of the best evidence challenging the official story has been reported in ten highly documented books by Dr. David Ray Griffin, who had taught philosophy of religion, with a heavy focus on the relation between religion and science, for 35 years. His books, videotaped lectures, and online essays are available on a website.[8]

Published articles in the scientific literature include:

  • a paper reporting the presence of nanothermite in the dust from the destruction of the World Trade Center;[9]
  • six papers in the February 2010 American Behavioral Scientist, indexed by 67 databases, and published as a whole issue on State Crimes Against Democracy, with 9/11 used as a primary example;[10]
  • an article in The Environmentalist, “Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials;”[11]
  • a paper, “Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction;”[12]
  • a science article countering popular myths about the WTC collapses;[13]
  • 59 peer-reviewed papers on the physics of 9/11 events, published since 2006 in the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and 67 letters between members of the academic community;[14]
  • 9 scholarly papers published as a compendium in 2006 by Elsevier Science Press, suggesting US complicity in a false flag operation.[15] The Hidden History of 9-11-2001 was never reviewed in the mainstream press.

Other resources include Morgan and Henshall’s 9/11 Revealed [16] and Flight 93 Revealed;[17] two books by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, America’s War on Terrorism,[18] and War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11;[19] and the Complete 9/11 Timeline investigative project.[20]

14 January 2013

What Bly feared and the anima accomplished was absorption. Both our sons were absorbed. Aey is in the middle of his now, Anu is long gone, absorbed into the mother unit, Jerri’s by adoption. Part of the mechanics of this are criticism of the native’s home, parents, siblings, even their dogs and cats, in order to sever those ties and be absorbed. What kind of colonization this makes depends.

I can remember my sons by the dents they left in my cars.


16 January 2013

Archeologyt, Biology, philosophy of myth. Beawulf’s theory of Cain and the shadowlands is evidence, maybe be better than Enoch, of something behind these monster myths.


25 Jan 2013

Every media event is staged for effect. Every public event is staged. Actors perform their lines because it gives them fame. They are for sale for Limelight, money, and the illusion of power, because people "listen" when they speak. Actors will do and say the most appalling things. Embody horror. Play Commit every worst imagined deed and then wail when somebody does it for real. Suppose this venture models for us the increasing deadness of our souls? Ask this. Why is it  necessary to be so brutal? And there's the rub. People are still living outside the media, don't actually become its virtual reality. Still. Babies are being born and men and women are marrying. People are digging gardens, talking to neighbors about the weather and the street. The stars at night and the sun during the day are yet to be overcome. The force of life defeats death every outing. Try as the actors may they cannot defeat the sun. This only needs saying in order to see.


All the occultism and search for power and control devoted by so many cabalists priests and criminals culminates in Satellite ELF transmissions



 26 January 2013 Woke up contemplating green mason stain against Jamaica un glazed.


You don’t get to decide you get to act. I ended up working in factories in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia on assembly lines among blacks, immigrants of all kinds. They don’t give you sensitivity training when they hand you a jack hammer and say, here. This is when I was still a teenager. But I grew up in Pittsburgh  in working class schools, not the mainline of Philadelphia where my parents moved when I was 17, finishing high school there as a senior. Some dislocation. I spent much formative time in Pittsburgh in factories, bars and worse impressions beyond the pale, which nobody ever knew from clandestine habit. The resulting grade point showed itself. My father had a favor coming from an official at Drexel, Rudy Vogler, so even with that grade point I was admitted. Privilege I admit, but I needed it or you’d not have a PhD but a corpse. Nobody knows, but if you live, you get a chance. The first assembly at Drexel we were told that they graduate 90% of their admissions, so look around and see your future grads. This was encouraging. So I went from making gunpowder in a basement lab in Pittsburgh,  Walking the railroad tracks with a gun, raucous untold tales of carnivals, bars, factories, fights, baseball, the Crickets, to Jim Fallon, my first college class, peering intently at the class of all males at this tech school, pushing a piece of chalk against his lower lip, delivering his first line, “I love the Greeks!” He was a PhD. candidate in philosophy at Penn as were many of the teachers there.


To be sure June of that summer at 17, just out of high school, I had had an experience in the tent of Oliver B. Greene, which is and is not yet told, which changed my life, still though plebian, rude, a peasant. The fear was gone, replaced by certitude, scary to the nitwits and profs who don’t hold to much, unless their own. So when Jim Fallon assigned the first paper I asked what I should write about. He said how about “Over and above man there exists some super-human power or force, god or gods, fate or destiny.” the gods and immortality? I have than paper still. Immortality is spelled immorality, but he gave it an A. I don’t know whether I could have enjoyed lit without a point of view. The next years I took a long drink of the Bible, real long, went to Bible school at  night two years, while I went to college in the day. But with a point of view things came clear, especially since the Bible is the point of view of all English lit in the positive or its negation. This bible I knew so well that when later Bill Ingram, who I asked what there was to read said the FQ, assigned a paper on the allegory of evil in Book I I got all of it without trying. I just knew it, which same thing happened in grad school at Iowa, over and over with every author from Hawthorne, Milton, Spenser…. So that tent meeting also gave me a PhD as well as freedom from fear. The single most important thing in my life was the development of this point of view without which I was lost. To find it was everything and  entry into the mysteries and knowledge of  art and the imagination.


It is bleak to contemplate this notion that all is a ruse a trick, but compared to the houses we have owned all a piece. We came to Phoenix in the 1986 to a house in a area that had been cleared to make a freeway, the Papago. When you are not rich you live in such places, but it was near the hospital, which few other neighborhoods could be much better. Perhaps the agent did not properly assess the danger. So two streets to the south the next four streets had been cleared. No houses, just streets and remaining sidewalks in preparation for the whole thing to go. We walked there among derelicts. Saying hello  elected a frown from the mostly latino, Indian under classes. Syringes, baby shoes from wires, gang active signs were the thing, mixed with a lot of people who got left in the  open when the tide went out. Old ladies especially, who had lived there in priors when the orange trees pomegranates, peaches flourished. There were few fences. We bought from a widow of 80 who when she went to the store here refrigerator was stolen. Completely bracketed by these women, one across the street, Mrs. Nigh was a Baptist lady of firm character. Behind us Margaret was a jovial gadabout who had lived there 40 years. Katy corner was Pearl, same thing. To the west were Jane and her daughter who came over and sat on the berm. They had wrecked red Oldsmobiles and goats in their yard. Immediately next to Margaret was the local youth gang leader of about 14 who met with his compraroes on the corners, in the canal ditches. He considered he owned the neighborhood. Considering that he ruled the women, when we moved in, with two small kids I was soon obvious, so when they met to hash out their party I went out to water the grass by hand, fifteen kids , and got a little near them too, but that is the nature of man, who will not back down like an a old woman.


The first burglary was one night when they broke into the garage and took lawn mowers, tools, bikes. The place was insecure. There were three of these events, all of which burglars were caught. Ricardo was the first, the gang leader behind us. After the police left with the report I put on my boots and got a stick and was about to tramp the neighborhood to look and see. I asked the my master whether he had wanted the stuff first, b ut he said no. On the way Margaret happened to out walking and I saw her right away and spoke of it. She said look at Ricardo’s, since this had happened so many times to her knowledge. Sur enough when I looked over the fence there was the lawn mower. I had told the cops I was going to find out who did it, so in less than two hours they had to return and take it up. They asked we to identify the mower. I said, well I bought it from sears. Especially I got back the green tool box my father gave me when I left home! So Ricardo went to Juvie, Dobie Mountain. This and all the other burglaries would have been prevented had we a dog, which we did get later, rather he got us, but that is another story. The second B was only an attempt. My wife worked nights and slept on the wards so I had the two kids and myself. But the house had only a evap cooler, not AC , which in order to work well needed a window open to draw air. To learn the hard way, no fences, the bathroom window was open, but as a precaution I put a little glass jar on the ledge next to the screen so that if the window were opened further with the crank, first the screen had to come off and that would knock the jar to the floor. This mechanism actually worked. That night, about  11 pm I was asleep when the jar broke. Getting up I went naked to bathroom and turned on the light. The screen was on the floor and the arm of the burglar was reaching in. This elicited the story about the event. But my response was to roar, literally,, loud, which scared my neighbor so much she called 911. The burglar had an odd reaction to this and shouted back, call the police, call the police. Makes you wonder what these people are using. I had been about to grab the arm and break it off, but instead went to the phone. And the rest of the story is as told. The short of it he as caught when the police descended, I did then call, but my neighbor’s call  was sooner. They found him  one block   pretending to work on a car as if he lived there, then he went into house, opened the door to a woman with a big door, and a 357 magnum who held him at gunpoint till the police came in. They took me up the intersection to identify him. Not sure about his sentence since she had the prior claim and so he went away. I put up a fence around than west side. The third burglar came from the south. There was a cholla planted right in front of this cracked window, which did not work. I was out, about 11 AM when this happened, came home to the deed already. All my cameras gone. This time        prints were left on a metal file box which had been taken down, which the police ran and id’d the guy, who turned out to have a withered arm. His lawyer argued in court that therefore he could not have entered by the window, but that he was my friend and was invited. His prints were undeniable however. Sitting in court waiting to address the judge, I was nervous. Said over and over he shall see the oppressor caught, Psalm 32. There were three months between the event and the capture and appearance so I said that the whole time. He got 8 months, but escaped from a work detail and got three years.

All this is preventable with a dog, so when a black chow appeared and adopted us, the burglars  stopped. But also fences were up and tight. Before this there was one more event when one Sunday morning preparing to go to church, never easy with two little kids and  a wife getting ready, she was taking out much  to the mulch pile when I heard here voice raised in the yard. I went out and there were two big guys in the back yard she was yelling out to get out. I took over and walked them to the curb. They claimed they were looking for someone. Pretty lame., but they were not quite ready to deal, when a police car turned the corner and came up 27th St, as if summoned, but it wasn’t. I hailed the cop who took their info and let them go. He told me their particulars.. After that there was no trouble because of the black show.


It reminds me of our time in Dallas before this, where she went to med school and I taught at Bishop. We were in east Dallas looking for used furniture with o our little daughter, were standing outside Gossips Store, when two black young men cased me. I had my wallet in my t shirt pocket. They wanted to rip it out, such an easy target, but couldn’t quite because I could see this was ready to break their hands. Who is thinks he can break hands and arms. With a clean hand and a pure heart? I didn’t have the sheltered upbringing my children had, but then the risks were also great. The previous conditioning of factory jobs, assembly line jobs,  fighting for survival and dignity in high school against bullies also stemmed from an athleticism that was dormant much of the time, but came out early and later in life, in baseball and tennis. There was a strength and speed of hand and eye and mind, along with an aggression a that fueled these episodes.


Again being poor, not however thinking so, so  just unpampered, had to work for it, when we had decided to mover to Dallas from Austin for Med school, which some money that had been stolen and then returned, another fiasco about land in Arkansas, plus a gift from her parents, we had a 5k down payment and thought to buy a house. A big name agent  somehow got us, Fred Out law, and found a house  inhabited by drugies and their mother, all on speed, crack and coke, completely trashed, but fixable, next to lady who had prayed for deliverance many years. We offered 30 K and put 20% down and got it, lived there 5 years and fixed it nice while I taught at Bishop and she commuted to Southwerstern We had begun raking out the trash from the house onto the lawn when the son kingpin came irate, but what could have been bad was smoothed. I found a loaded pistol under the house. Some kid came by a week later for it, but didn’t get it back. This turned out good, this neighborhood nearish to White Rock Lake.

Of course the whole tenure of five years at Bishop college had many dangers and difficulties inherent, from the low ball offer of 15 K, when budgeted for 18.5 to the anger of Black History month and the offense of being virile and white and male in that situation. Not that I blame whoever. My students told of countless offenses against them in their high schools in Dallas, girls being spit upon, appalling things, over and over, which I had heard about since my tenure at Fayetteville State from faculty and students there. I just had problems with the authorities and vested interests everywhere.


A species of this occurred in our first practice in Phoenix. In a series of conundrums I married a woman like myself but more so, who had continued problems with authorities and suffered for it, especially for flouting the de rigueur standard of the emotionally withdrawn doc, calloused and hardened in defense. Many of these interns have never really lived a life outside of college, med school and privilege, get a little soul. But after completing residency and facing dislocation from this and other affects, she, we ended up running a practice of a hospital which eventuated in their divesting it upon us. It was in the shelter zip code and the coding practices of Medicare and the plans gradually made it unprofitable. Of course for us this was all a divine appointment and a rescue, but what is good for one is not for another. So we rented the building the practice was in from the previous family of docs who owned it and practiced there before it was taken over by the hospital. But the property had also a retail shop attached and the parking spots allotted arbitrarily, caused difficulty with the shop keeper, who, since it was an office of all women, continually bullied them. After a lengthy run of this it came to my attention when he had one of our assistants cars towed. The bill was 171.00 with the impounding. I met with him and the landlord, but the same desire to break arms and hands had got me by then and I picked the whole practice up and moved it four blocks down the street to anyway a quieter neighborhood, where it has been all this time. The point is the same about aggression and danger, burglars, gangs, black power and authority. We gutted the new site, rebuilt it, added plumbing for the rooms, etc. dry walled, painted, hung the office, which is a big deal for all the stuff than hangs, and moved in. We had 5 assistants then. One day after I came in at lunch and counted out five piles of 171 each for them, as recognition of the gift of aggression.


Following this trail, it was after this than my nephew moved to town to study and in the course of events said he played tennis and could beat me. I had played my last year in college as a walk on. This began a new athletic career, which was more serious than all other efforts since it involved my sons too and we spent a good ten years competing at most amateur levels. There were high points remembered, like the time I hit five home runs in a ball game in Austin on my 30th birthday, but mostly theirs, victories in most of the cities of the southwest and Ca.


This lasted until they aged out and moved out, when I began to seriously write and publish.





27 Jan 2013


Dear Elizabeth,


 I’m glad to hear from you. The argument is not that cell phones are killing us all but that we are getting symptomatic. I at least wanted you to consider some of the arguments about electrosensitivity, not to believe them especially. I guess you did not really view it so don’t know.  I am probably going to put it in front of your brothers. You are a strong minded person with formed beliefs, but why should anybody agree? You were not always as taciturn as recent years. You have gained the company of two other minds in your sisters in law. They believe their own ways and challenge ours. Different people demand different things. A family isn't a zero sum game and must allow difference. Which you seem to do in responding. It is a big family too, with many points of view.  As to whether anything can be done, about anything, I consider the news and  bought out science with politics and entertainment utter woo-woo. You in turn might consider that being willfully blind on my part. On the other hand you say you’ll wait until deciding whether to get rid of your Iphone, so that would be something you could do. The study you mention is one reason I sent the thing. I notice how much faith you put in medicine and proper scientific oligarchy. We get wrapped up in our arguments but they do not contain us. Today’s your birthday. You didn’t necessarily choose it, though years ago I thought otherwise. I wish you health. Your Mother does too. She is in SA comforting Ruth this weekend. A lot has been and is going on. Do you at all miss hearing of all of us and our little lives? I can honestly say we miss hearing from you. I don’t know whether you wish you had been better apprised of Carl’s decline. There were positive moments. He aced the end. The last thing he told Ruth was, “you’re beautiful.” Love from Mom and Dad


28 January 2013


The switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk in SA do tis with a similar code used in dating medieval deeds. Algorithms of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words  of undated ms. is compared to dated and the machine ids the undated. Some such code must be used to ferret out the unsilent talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.

-computer-automated statistical methods

-patterns in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.

-maximum prevalence technique. This is a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the training set

Gelila Tilahun and colleagues at the University of Toronto


A team of British researchers has developed an algorithm that uses tracking data on people’s phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error: just 20 meters.

That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people follow fairly consistent patterns over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of accounting for breaks in the routine.

The researchers solved that problem by combining tracking data from individual participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather than staying uptown for lunch as usual. here

Stingray, cell phone tracker

An Opte Project visualization of routing paths through a portion of the Internet here




29 Jan 2013

I woke up somewhere off Terra del Fuego swimming in  ultra clear water where I saw 2 large brown donkeys or horses walking on the bottom and swimming up.


Listened to 1984 tape of precursors to 20th ecent lit, 1984 World Lit II class. Had dreamed of the Wuantum Theory of J. Alfred Prufrock the night before, listened to both. Today Tao Lin loade to FB a tape of McKenna, The World Could be Anything, 1990 which is an mp3 essentially, with just a photo mounted as video.

But The Experiment at Petaluma is a tweated, solarized video

(William Moloney) Chromozoid-


T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

1. Tape I, side 1: Ideas of the 20th century. Science redefines reality. Copernican revolution, 17th century, Marx, Freud, Newtonian-Einsteinian physics, quantum, determinism vs. indeterminism. Structure of matter, random, atomic structure. Is matter empty? Brownian movement, photo-electric effect, special relativity. Time-space  relative to each other. Uncertainty principle. Man changes the universe, random universe. Prufrock an allegory of quantum man. Actions are mere probability. Freedom is necessity collectively. This is true only for conventional ideas. Security via Newtonian physics. Light is particle and wave. Absolutism vs. relativist thinking. Solid matter or empty space? Provisional view of the course. Quantum ideas in Prufrock. Patient etherized? Man adrift, fog, medical image of sunset. Certainty vs. uncertainty. Anything might happen.

Side 2: Cat and fog. Transformations, humanity and nature. Man and land cursed in Eliot, spirit of the time. Poets, physicists, artists are prophets. Negative transformation. What before why. Time-space, tea and chit-chat. Weather and sports. Michaelangelo, cowards. Who are they? No yes no yes. Steady state? Universal body. Running circles. Eating a peach. Decisions. Netwooking, hair on her arms. Shall I? Death Wish.


Tape 2, Side 1: Symbol of peach. Critical views on Prufrock: real character or mere allusions. Sleep, dream, time, age, water. Image of evening. Indeterminate connections. Parable of the quantum. Copenhagen theory. Objectivity-world exists independently of our observation? Observer-created reality. Indeterminate reality occurs only under observation. Wwaking up to indeterminate reality and events. CPR. Suspicious details. Hugh Kenner’s “zone of consciousness.” Caesar’s atoms. Vague congruity.

Side 2: End and beginning of The Wasteland. Arthurian legends. Fall of Fisher King, myth, April life, Merlin. Eliot’s Christian poem, Four Quartets non-quantum, place mere detail are doors, thingness, complete simplicity.


3. John Keats, Ode to Autumn. See addendum


          4. Franz Kafka. The Metamorphosis (1917)

Tape 1, Side 1 (p. 1518 Precursors of the modern investigation of consciousness. Ovid. Transformations. Rimbaud. Expansion by disorder. Mystics, drugs, the candle )turn to a bug). Visionaries, mental shackles, Rimbaud’s statement. Kafka and the reader. Wh a bug? Conscious production of madness in the  artist-soul made monsterous (want some larvae?) digressions. Vision quest. Huysmans. Sense Banquet, altered states, Bug consciousness a primitivism? Lilly and dolphins, not ET. Star Trek inside. Ordering themind, rule. Debauch.


Side 2 Medical diagnoisis of
Gregor: when, why symptoms, how? Primitive doctors, buffalo. Myth to reality—a dream? Ego disorder, bugs, indeterminate reality, special relativity, new worlds (throws a bug from a bag!)


5.     Tape 2 Bug Bromides for the bug-man. How Gregor sees himself-observor created reality, ego projection. Bugish thoghts. Forearm fur muff (1524) But cry. Angels into men/ Habitual virtue. Angel unaware. The inner man. Bug ET (1551)

6.     Side 2 The man-bug. Apple in bug. Tree roaches. Bugs or mammals? Hinduismin Germany, holy cow. Down’s syndrome. Keats. Shame an Kafka. Man/god dualism. What is human? Conscience-what are we? Duality. Psalm 8. Man’s fall. Memory wars. Adam perfected or restored? Man-animal dualism. Primitive identity. Have animals sinned? Teisitic evolution (Crow caws!)

7.     6a. Tape 3  Side 1 p. 1554. Guilt after death. Memories. Consequences of Gregor’s death. Contradiction of surviving. Scuttling. Kafka and theuncoonsciousness. Body bags. Memories and new dreams.Happy ending. Incomplete? Kafka and family. Business and money. Higher and lower mind dualism. Dream self-waking self. Divided self. Fetal unity. Birth.


a vast underground system of psychs who have been doing the bidding of CIA for decades.


4 Feb 2013


Alternating between reading the American ed. of B. Traven's Treasure of the Sierra Madre while waiting for a copy of the British, the true first and only authentic (Knopf's editors added some 70 more pages) and cutting the uncut edges of Yeats Early Poems and Stories, 1925, so to read, today I received Garbanzo Volume Two of Seraphemera Books in the mail, hand printed and bound, with appearances of Futhark (54) and Dream Song (111). The mail man had to knock. He had two Garbanzos, an archival reprint of Igra v adu  A Game in Hell and, hot dog, the 2012 annual of the Pennsylvania German Society The Heart of the Taufschein: Fraktur and the Pivotal Role of Berks County, Pennsylvania by the Earnests.


It is comforting to realize the purpose of the century was to set up singularity, break down boundaries in order to initiate earth into its new order. So we are not the causes of world pollution, disease, famine, destruction we are being held accountable for. The modern a long time preparing, so relax as we find out who we are. There are no control groups to measure global pandemics. We'd not have proved the harm of tobacco without them however, people who didn't smoke. In the midst of experiments that change the course of human existence these tapes are a kind of control group of what we thought then. We knew it was coming but now it is here. Reconstruct by contrast what we were then to know now what we are.

5 February 2013


theorists of hybridity as Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway, who have questioned the epistemological foundations of the modern scientific enterprise

The Hybrid Age is the preparation for the apotheosis of the Singularity— a Singularity-lite of sorts. (Ayesha Khanna serves as a faculty adviser to Singularity University.

Allan Bloom’s admonition in The Closing of the American Mind that Walkman headphones lead to parricide.


7 February 2013


The only thing different is I took a bath in frankincense last evening after working on the Prufrock tape of Investigations of Consciousness, a lit course at Bishop College, tape recorded. I hadn’t taught since, instead raised a family, coached tennis on the junior circuits, drew in the desert, took trips to the wilderness. Couldn’t get a job at ASU, MCCC or GC.  These tapes are all that’s left. Of course they’d not be displayed without second son’s doing and editing, so there is some payback for 30 years lost at something I was good at. It’s the old question if the figure is made of paper but the paper is cut away, or the figure is made of clay but the clay is cut away the pot becomes a sculpture, but in making of paper and of clay, pretends to be three D. So in teaching if the teaching is cut away what is the taught?


10 February 2013

I was in the middle of this war last night in my sleep. Forces were raging over my citation of the proposition that to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. I was reciting this New Testament psalm as if it were Psalm 1 of the Old when these forces surrounded me, which I cannot now say exactly what they were. Hard to fight against phantoms, but who has not felt these in the wee of night? Let us say the antagonisms were great spirits and I was defending against their attacks, but not happily or really successfully until right in the middle of the psalm saying, right in the middle of  the ebb and flow of forces I said the name, Jesus. In an instant it all stopped and there was such a palpable peace that my son's chow, staying overnight as a guest, came and lay beside my bed, there was such peace as I have not felt in sleep for many years, there was such stillness and peace that I plan to carry it through the day. Jesus!


Traven’s Sierra Madre, the British ed. -Creighton was himself a novelist, though he is better known as a translator from German of such books as Vicki Baum's "Grand Hotel" and Hermann Hesse's "Steppenwolf." Though opinions vary on the relative merits of the British and American translations (which were completely different), Traven was a fan of Creighton's translation, and once told his publisher, "Creighton has said everything I wanted, but said it so much better." This UK edition was translated by Basil Creighton from the 1927 German text. The 1935 US edition was rewritten in English by Traven himself and is about 100 pages longer. Traven himself preferred the Creighton translation.


First U.S. edition. Traven's most famous novel and his second book published in America. This edition was prepared from Traven's English-language manuscript, but supposedly was heavily rewritten by Knopf's editorial staff. The basis of the John Huston directed film classic starring Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston.


Verlag der Buchergilde Gutenberg, Berlin, 1927. Hardcover. First edition. Tall octavo. Orange decorated cloth. Text in German. Slightest sunning at the spine, a very near fine copy lacking the rare dustwrapper. This true first edition, with the correct issue point on page 19, is extremely uncommon. Basis for John Huston's masterpiece, featuring Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston (both father and son won Oscars). According to the Hollywood legend, writer/director John Huston negotiated the film rights in a seedy Mexican hotel with the author's "representative," one Hal Croves, who stayed on the set as an advisor and vanished when filming was completed. Huston later confirmed his suspicion that Croves was actually the mysterious and reclusive author, about whom little is known with certainty to this day. The mysterious and elusive author sent his agent Hal Croves to assist with the filming. Subsequently it turned out that Croves was Traven himself.


1948 Film: Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) and Curtin (Tim Holt), cheated out of promised wages and down on their luck, meet old prospector Howard (Walter Huston) in the Mexican oil-town of Tampico. They set out to strike it rich in the remote Sierra Madre mountains, searching for gold.

They ride a train into the hinterlands, surviving a bandit attack en route. In the desert, Howard proves to be the toughest and most knowledgeable; he is the one to discover the gold they seek. A mine is dug, and much gold is extracted. Greed soon sets in, and Dobbs begins to lose both his trust and his sanity, lusting to possess the entire treasure. Dobbs is also unreasonably afraid that he will be killed by his partners.

A fourth American named James Cody (Bruce Bennett) appears, which sets up a moral debate about what to do with the new stranger. The men decide to kill Cody, but just as the three confront him with pistols and prepare to kill him, the bandits reappear, crudely pretending to be Federales. (This leads to a now-iconic line about not needing to show any "stinking badges.") After a gunfight with the bandits, in which Cody is killed, a real troop of Federales appears and chases away the bandits.

Howard is called away to assist some local villagers in saving a little boy. The next day he is asked, without the option of declining, to go back to the village to be honored. However, he leaves his goods with Dobbs and Curtin. Dobbs, whose paranoia continues, and Curtin constantly argue, until one night when Curtin falls asleep, Dobbs holds him at gunpoint, takes him behind the camp, shoots him, grabs all three shares of the gold, and leaves him for dead. However, the wounded Curtin survives and manages to crawl away during the night.

Dobbs is later ambushed and killed by some of the bandits. In their ignorance, the bandits believe Dobbs' bags of unrefined gold are merely filled with sand, and they scatter the gold to the winds. Curtin is discovered by indios and taken to Howard's village, where he recovers. He and Howard miss witnessing the bandits' execution by Federales by only a few minutes as they arrive back in town, and learn that the gold is gone.

While checking the area where the bandits dropped the gold, Howard realizes that the winds must have carried the gold away. They accept the loss with equanimity, and then part ways, Howard returning to his village, and Curtin returning home to the United States.

John Huston won the Academy Award for Directing and Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay in 1948 for his work on The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Walter Huston, John Huston's father, also won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in this film, the first father-son win. The film was nominated for the Best Picture award, but lost to Laurence Olivier's film adaptation of Hamlet.

In 1990, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film was among the first 100 films to be selected.[1]

Director Stanley Kubrick listed The Treasure of Sierra Madre as his 4th favorite film of all time in his list of his top ten favorite films, director Sam Raimi ranked it as his favourite film of all time in an interview with Rotten Tomatoes and director Paul Thomas Anderson watched it at night before bed while writing his film There Will Be Blood.[3]


The Film



 I had a dream a few nights ago to put this up, as ridiculous a reason for doing it at all after thirty years as any. Why is Prufrock enjoyable? It's about nothing after all. Chuckles from the audience caught that, but then a desire to polish it occurred, and my son a sound tech, I teased him, "it's like retribution from my children for never teaching after that." The thing went back to Keats to explore nature lost, Ode to Autumn, forward again to the quantum and Kafka, back to Wordsworth's Ode,  forward to Sartre's No Exit.  There is no video or pic of the classroom. A retake is to be made and uploaded. I'm afraid there will be may be ten tapes in all.



Precursors of the Modern Investigation of Consciousness-Kafka 43.41

Precursors of the modern investigation of consciousness. Ovid. Transformations. Rimbaud. Expansion by disorder. Mystics, drugs, the candle (turn to a bug). Visionaries, mental shackles, Rimbaud's statement. Kafka and the reader. What's a bug? Conscious production of madness in the  artist-soul made monstrous (want some larvae?) digressions. Vision quest. Huysmans. Sense Banquet, altered states, Bug consciousness a primitivism? Lilly and dolphins, not ET. Star Trek inside. Ordering the mind, rule. Debauch.







Mann, Transposed Heads

Julie Taymor


Pope Benedict XVI calls for a New World Order This is a complete itinerary of now

 The Pope is the Antichrist! & a freemason! MUST SEE!

Suspicions occurred on first search of Constantine not from his own work but from all the detractiosn and mockeries that came up first. It was like a validation of a sort. Further search produced these specific details which in no way validates them but they have a unique place in the universe since no one else seems to have said them.

Chris Constantine

JFK ritual suicide, pulls open his shirt,

Holy Spirit filled testimony for Jesus Christ

Beasts, men-angels, Hercules,Alexander…

Tares. This on a site that mocks Constantine, Encyclopediadramatica…KHC switched on 9/10 08, Japan quake 9/11. Hex means six. The flying disc and the pyramid. Winged disc, horned disc, Damian Hurst, Golden Calf, mark of the beast, Free Mason

the gherkin building

ururu bolivia hat

Sun discs

Somebody choreographs these elaborate performances, but who?

-UFO Hats Let’s do the time warp again

-beyonce choreography worship of appolloyon--Beyonce put a ring on it- – dance comprised of the 666 --greek letter sigma, one upper, two lower case versions, Greek s, or DC LX VI here


Bukaka-Beatles CUM together right now over me?, Bukakke”  “In this song, Lennon extolled the joy of simultaneous orgasm, urging listeners to "come together". He added the "over me" line after Yoko introduced him to a Japanese style of pornography called bukkake.” Zoloft, Milton, WV

Bambi Muse is a cute literary corporation built on the core principles of goth babies, bukakke babies, boy bunnies, and black anne franks. Bambie Muse discriminates constantly and doesn't believe in equality. Seth Oelbaum at HTML


-Kata dance patterns of worship-

-GREEN DAY pop group
Listen at 2:52 as they sing HAO repeatedly while the crowd throw up the horned hand sign and other hand signs
HAO is Apollon (written in Greek it is XAO which break up as follows: X is a Roman IO pronounced EO, EO is Greek for SUN, Apollyon is the Pagan sun god and also "AO" which means Saint or Holy in Greek - HAO (XAO) cryptography break is: AO X = Holy IO and was also used by the satanist Aleister Crowley who preached HAO as meaning "Do as thou will"The Green Day band and the Pagans in the audience by singing HAO are singing "Holy IO" and "Do as thou will".

Isaiah 5:20 to 5:21

Anagram search engineMihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and in research conducted by Arthur J. Marr (In the Zone: A Biobehavioral Theory of the Flow Experience)

Satanic symbols in churches


When the early church departed from Christ and imbibed pagan errors she became Babylon, International Sabbath School Quarterly,  feb 29, 1896


Womb of Semiramis

Ancient temple designed as womb


17 Feb

Jonathan Gray-


The images of eating pop: Pop  will eat itself


pop as a modern pagan deity. “Initially, the characters of the ceramic Superego collection were not designed as ceramic construction, but as sick toys. The “sickness” of toys is given by corruption and human suffering. Massimo, with his objects, wants to represent the negative influence which is directly expressed in his works. The characters of his ceramics collection are like modern martyrs who wonder what happened and why things are so bad nowadays. The pop objects have shining colors and terrifying expressions.”

Massimo Giacon is a protagonist in the change of Italian cartoon bubbles. From Design Design Blog

2. Scott Musgrove is a painter / sculptor / illustrator, a prominent exponent of American pop surrealism, but I prefer to introduce him as the Honorary President of National Institute for Creative Zoology. He seeks and finds traces of never existed animals in the obscure zones of the consumer society, in the crevices of shopping centers, under the overpasses of the highways, in the cracks in the asphalt of huge American parkings. He brings to light evidence of the existence and extinction of strange animals, as the famous Hairy Brook Trout or of the Equine Elliptical, not to mention the Booted Glamour Cat. If the poor Hairy Trout probably disappeared for its delicious organoleptic qualities, Glamour Cat was hunted to extinction for it’s wonderful neck fur, appreciated especially as a male accessory.

Without Scott Musgrove these fantastic animals would not be even classified, as a result of conservative zoologists attitude, unwilling to surrealist digressions.

We, at Superego, self-appointed honorary member of that Institute, and we edited a ceramic from one of Scott’s paintings, the Glamour Cat, which, although extinct, we thought deserved a special place in the homes of our collectors. To do justice and give scientific importance to the operation, we offer it in a gold enamel finish, very bling bling, a bit flashy but rightly appropriate to an animal so glamorous and maybe even a little cocky. You can find it on

Nancy Lieder Zetatalk

Life in a DUMB is a little constrained. They want to manage us as well as possible. It is the ultimate nirvana

Two mile high pile of eyes

Great Lakes empty into the Gulf

Shackled boxcars, portland

Al Bielek went to the future


Andrew  Basiago, In 2009, the controversial “Web Bot,” an internet software program that predicts future events by tracking keywords on the internet, began describing the impending emergence of a “planetary-level whistleblower” calling for disclosure to the public of life on Mars and the existence of time travel and teleportation technology. the Pegasus project, life on mars


let the gash on mars in the Hubble Telescope do your thinking for you

I mumble enough to stand up

What about C/2012 S1 (ISON), which is coming November 2013, brighter then a full moon, can be seen in the day. This is coming around the sun, and will be seen with the naked eye. It sure seems like NASA is getting people ready to see this extra sun looking object in the sky. The article from astronomy now says, "peak brightness in late November it will remain visible without optical aid until mid-January 2014." The article said they just found this last Sept. 2012,

I was standing out side the dub gates arms and legs tossed, bound, gagged wondering if life were worth this much to be kept underground and realeased later into the nw hell. All because of a poem. I wrote in 1969 which put me on the radar but what greally got me in wass the tapes my son broadcast from twenty years later. Yes it was an enterance to a cave.cursed to survive the millennium and the tributlation.

I was reading when they came. Do you want to go with us to be saved from the end of the world. No. But they don’t take no for an answer. So I’m bound and gagged. My neighbers left behind and I’m to lecture in the humanities program at Dumbpra live. If they can get me to talk. So when all the species are pulversized by rock, but I’m numb to that. The real question is whether to tell any body ahead of the event since it is foregone it can do them no good. Instead I go over my notes for the first class. You’re here because you’ve been captured. Pop will eat itself, himself, your self and all. Pop a doddle do. I had told them they didn’t need me, that the tapes would do, the hundreds of hours of lit rebroadcast from the previous century. But no they said they wanted contemporary criticism! [the reason why this was so hard to get was, and they didn’t wanbt the the loonies they had created by imitation in the UG, was because all the patterning copied from the 20th century Beastles etc  only made zombies and they wanted a century or teaching to preserve the human soul, see Arthur Cristian image patterning. The whole purpose of contemp culture was to prevent awareness that the wipeout was coming. Bly distraction in entertainment, etc.). I was not up for a slate at the big Dumbo, the Denver Airport, the ivy boys were there. The paradigm of mindlessness to dull the senses to miss the event must be replace with mindfulness and courage in order to come out of the bunkers in a hundred years.

Jon Rappoport and Darpa

Visual cryptography, ufo taking off from  pyramid, linking Nephilim giants, great Britain, nibiur 2012 olympics, Niburu part 9

The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft
"The Superman [Satan] is living amongst us now! He is here!" exclaimed Hitler triumphantly. "Isn't that enough for you? I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him."

Tyche / DEEHee=luck NASA companion to the sun

The Greek gods are Nephilim NASA Reveal Planet X is Real Again

Planet X Earth Poleshift wheel Planet X, realign


18 February 2013


The colonies underground would be the worst gulags with no hope of escape. Compared to Noah’s ark maybe, but with a difference. First they will be run like academies and military camps, for they were set up and planned by just such people. And the operating procedures will be containment, control of thought. Imagine no silence, music piped in all places with subliminal messages of control. Imagine the use of coveret tranks ans stimimulants in the foods, microchips in all inhabitants. It is the fperfect Nazi camp. Imagine how much they will desire to real litereature that provokes thought and rebellion, yet  they must also realize that without those their population becomes less and less vibrant, able to survive once the gates are opened again.. So while gov’t and academic science plans to survive and produces the means to survive they simultaneously kill the human spirit by these controls. The corruption and totalitarian nature of these undergrounds cannot be overstated.

So what do you do underg. Can’t go out. Better to gout outside in the event to denjoy it. Raise the hads in wonder and praise, sing Psalm 46. Why they will put the Psalms on the news. Echoing fromn from every channel minerats of praise. Channel 3 has Psalm 8. Channel 5 has Psalm 91.. All the the neighbors will be out side singing, praising, O Lord our Lord, how excellent is they name in all the earth.

“a stealthy, massively funded, high-tech, underground and/or undersea power”

fdfd says:

May 16, 2012 at 1:27 pm

if the web of tunnels are extensive enough, could they constitute an earth destabilizing factor in and of themselves? sort of like a web of hugely enlarged fracking will collapse the ground it runs through?


“Richard Sauder, Hidden in Plain Sight, Oct 2011By Dr. Richard Sauder
May 15, 2012

(Part 4 in our exclusive underground base series published with permission from the author and publisher)

You can read Part 1, “Nazi Engineers, Secret U.S. Military Bases, and Elevators To The Subterranean and Submarine Depths” (Part 1) “power structures on this planet that closely interface with, and yet remain separate from, the official power establishment of any nation as publicly presented…

salt mines around 2000 feet below the surface, I have been in the Diamond Crystal Salt Mine in Detroit with around 1000 miles plus of underground tunneling. It is very large. The White Pine Copper Mine in Upper Michigan has over 10,000 miles of under ground tunneling. The 25 Salt Peter Mines by Hobbs New Mexico all are over 800 miles of under ground tunneling  in the mainstream news media.


You can read Part 2, “Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases?” (Part 2)

You can read Part 3, “Letters From the Underground Mail Bag: Subterranean Labyrinths, Underground Bases, and Hollowed Out Norwegian Mountains” (Part 3)


See Intel Hub, by same author: “And in a very brief summary at the conclusion of his most informative book, Mr. [Jason]Goodwin briefly mentions the elevators “that are never mentioned but are needed to service the extensive infrastructures that make the cities run – the power plants, refineries, factories, and underground facilities (my emphasis).”

 -consensual reality of everyday life

-The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford alludes to the mammoth computing center that lies beneath the NSA

-mag-lev trains



-“David Adair’s description (elsewhere in this book) of a mammoth, football-field-sized platform elevator supported by huge screws the size of giant sequoia tree trunks that took him underground at Area-51 in Nevada”… sub-seafloor environment via elevators in their legs, which would permit personnel to travel to the platform and then travel down below the seafloor.”


Russ Miller says:

April 17, 2012 at 11:34 pm

Re: Underground military bases.

While working for a congressman in Washington, DC, in 1982, I would travel the underground subway system connecting House offices to the U.S. Capitol. One day, with extra time, I got off with a small crowd I was not connected with and followed them through a door. Instead of following them, I stopped at an elevator, got in and pushed a down button. The door opened and I was seven levels below the Capitol. (The subways – there are two -operate seperatly at the second and third (or fourth) levels, if I remember right)

I followed hallways with doors. Went down stairways, into caverns with no markings, except coded markings. I wandered around, perhaps more than 10 to 14 levels below the capitol. As I went deeper, the walls went from stone to just cave-like, carved out rock passages. Down there were stored artifacts of some nature – statuettes, for example. I was lost. I was stuck there for hours wandering until I found stairways leading up. None of them connected from one floor to the other. Kept walking. Eventually finding stone walls. Up I go until finding an elevator. Pushed the up button and found myself in a non-public area of the Capitol. But I had my clearance tag. And when asked by security, just told them I was lost. They escorted me into one of the main hallways. I know I made it 10-14 levels below the Capitol (passages slope up and down). I wandered underground for four hours, unseen, as far as I know.

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off

Preparing For Massive Civil War, Re-Education Camps




-“So rule number one of mass extinction survival is to find an underground or underwater city, stock it with food, and wait for about a decade before poking your head out. There are at least 200 underground cities in Turkey, built between 500-1000 AD by Christians hoping to evade persecution during the Byzantine era. One of the biggest of these, Derinkuyu, could hold up to 35,000 people plus food storage and wine-making facilities. These ancient cities might be the best hope for the future in a mass extinction event.”

-“future society threatened with extinction might choose to store thousands of people in cryosleep deep underground”

-“Here are some takeaway lessons from our crash course in mass extinction survival:

1. Burrow underground or build an underwater city to shield you from the elements.
If we can't hibernate for a few centuries, we're only going to survive a mass extinction by moving into modern versions of the Turkish city Derinkuyu. We'll need massive underground complexes - perhaps like the huge underground mall in Montreal - where we can grow food and produce our own energy. We'll need air shafts with purification systems built in, and perhaps even a way to make oxygen. But most of all, we need to be prepared. Let's start building our underwater cities and subterranean farms now, before it's too late. And hope they don't turn out like the infamous science fictional cities of Ember and Rapture.

Second American revolution underground



20 Feb 2013

 Marfa base north of the city


[Editor's Note: Phil Schneider used to work for the government and was involved in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB bases). In talks given in 1995, he said that there were 129 active deep military bases in America and two more under construction, He confirmed (at that ime) that there existed a minimum of two underground bases in each state. Phil also mentioned that there were more than 1,450 DUMB bases worldwide. Ken Adachi


“We normally locate underground bases by the smog fields that they produce above ground. This happens because nuclear generators produce dense deadly orgone radiation (DOR) which forms smog by positive-charged ionization. Smog is nothing but filth in colloidal suspension in the atmosphere. The various colors of smog are determined by what kind of filth is available” Don Croft


Who gets to go to these UG bases. After the Govt athoritiess and their functionaries and the military come the illuminate and kings and dqueens and the super rich, but also included is a large sample of the gene pool previously screened. Truly for brood purposes only these , mainly women will be used to cultivate the new race of earth UG. Will there be any men at all? Will there be an society, culture? It is in doubt simply from the way these functionaries think, but in case they are more knowing, even if fueled by Stanford faculty, a human culture must be seen a prerequisite for human growth, as necessary as food, clothing, shelter, literature, music, art, as well as competition. Thus it would seem men would have to be included. Whether these gene pool men and women raise their own children…whether they are encouraged in creative free thought…

No dogs or pets, In order to get along these people will be permanently drugged, as if the model ofr the planners were 1984 and Brave New World, they will live out of their heads, emotions and bodies being controlled and if they survive and are let out again will be the diametric opposite of any proletarians who survive who will have little or no technology but fully developed skill sets and psyches of survival. Maye I can be an emmiissary to these two groups outside the walls who think they will form separately the new humanity, They can join forces to see what good that will do them.


1984 and deep underground secret bases Underground Anomalous


Dulce Base, New Mexico

Functions: Alien interface, Research of mind related functions.Levels: 1-7 Known
y Level 1 - garage for STREET MAINTENANCE.y Level 2 - garage for TRAINS, SHUTTLES, TUNNEL BORINg

y Level 3 - everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump
suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D.
card each day. change in over three pounds requires a physical
exam and X-ray.
y Level 4 - Human research in the Occult areas - Auras - mental
telepathy - hypnosis - astral traveling - etc. The technology is
apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the
Bioplasmic Body (of Man). In other works they can remove
the ¶soul¶ of the human and turn it into a vessel to be used by
another entity, in order to allow it to work and operate in the
physical realm.. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep
Sleep ¶Delta Waves,¶ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via
a Brain- Computer link. They can introduce data and
programmed reactions into your Mind
y Level 5 - Alien housing is on level 5. "...The room circular for
the (electro- magnetic) generator is nearly 200 feet diameter
and covers the fifth and sixth levels (extreme west south wing).
There (are) five entrances (plus an escape trap door on the
sixth floor) on each floor. Each portal has double door. The
security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in
addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and
eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer
of atoms.
y Level 6 - Level 6 is privately called ¶Nightmare Hall¶. It holds the
genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice
that are vastly altered from their original, forms. There are
multi- armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and
vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7-feet tall. Aliens
have taught the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful
and dangerous.
y Level 7 - Humans in cages here, usually drugged or dazed,
sometimes crying out for help. LEVEL #7 is the worst. Row
after row of 1,000¶s of humans & human-mixture remains in
cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various
stages of development. Also, many human children¶s¶ remains
in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?"y Below Level 7 - Unknown other levels unexplored by humans.
Aliens here. Exits into a vast underground cavern series,
unexplored by humans, but suspected to be a huge alien
culture area.



Some of you might ask what the "space shuttle" is"shuttling". Large ingots of special metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. From Phil Schneider’s May 1995 Lecture


Mount Perdido, Mt. Inyangani, Mount Hayes, Mount Ziel,


This is what happens to the dirt:

The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Energy Research and

Development Administration took out Patents in the 1970s for nuclear subterrenes. The first patent, in 1972 went to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
The nuclear subterrene has an advantage over mechanical TBMs in that it produces no muck that must be disposed of by conveyors, trains, trucks, etc.
This greatly simplifies tunneling. If nuclear subterrenes actually exist (and I do not know if they do) their presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional tunneling activities.

The 1972 patent makes this clear. It states:

"... (D)ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and
as a dispersal in cracks produced in the surrounding rock. The rock-melting drill
is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to produce and extend
cracks in solid rock radially around the bore by means of hydrostatic pressure
developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. All
melt not used in glass-lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it freezes
and remains ... (U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)

"... Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the expensive and
cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the
advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner."
(U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)

There you have it: a tunneling machine that creates no muck, and leaves a smooth, vitreous (glassy) tunnel lining behind.


A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in soft rock or wet, clayey,
unconsolidated or bouldery earth by simultaneously detaching the tunnel core
by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and forming a supporting
excavation wall liner by deflecting the molten materials against the excavation
walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and
detaching the tunnel face circumscribed by the kerf with powered mechanical
earth detachment means and in which the heat required for melting the kerf and
liner material is provided by a compact nuclear reactor. This is a $13 million
tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many government agencies, including the 'nuclear powered TBM' [NTBM] that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls. Project Camelot



Exchange Programs: secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78


“Construction work continued for several years on large underground facilities which are rumoured to extend some twelve levels below the base. Long tunnels are laid out in a pattern similar to the spokes of a wheel and extend several miles from the center of the base.’ Pine Gap Australia


Alien involvement in Australia is similar to that of the USA, Europe and Russia. For some technological rewards and minor co-operation in other areas the ET's conduct their own genetic experimentation and the exploitation of the country is generally totally unhindered by humans. They have a free hand to do what they want as there is no way of stopping them…There are indications that the technical help provided by the two initial contact groups brought about a tremendous leap forward in technology and made the development of SDI a real possibility. In return for our governments giving the groups a free hand to exploit the planet and human race, and as far as possible keep their presence a secret, they would provide the technical know how to prevent further major wars and stop any other interested extraterrestrials from invading the planet. It has been said with some authority that they are the brains behind SDI the extension of which is the HAARP (High Frequency Active Aural Research Programme) system which is aimed at creating an electromagnetic shield around the world to prevent an attack from outer space. This development never had anything to do with the threat from Soviet Russia, in fact the Russians have actively co-operated in the development programme since it's inception.


Power by nuclear sub reactor


Fort Worth explosions


1984-there are some differences, there is an outside, a sun, if colorless, but no sign Big Brother is Watching You because the eye is always watching you and nobody has to watch it because algorithms of computers sift all the data by programmed parameters. There are  cameras to spot the general, there are microchips for the particular. BP, heart rate, brain all monitored for normality. So what are Thought Police in 1984 are much more. “It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time” 3 means et tu. Turning your back to the screen means nothing to internal monitor. Of course the Pyramid of Truth must be introverted, stretching 300 levels below  surface and Newspeak might not be needed because microwave brain manipulation, reading thoughts by satellite was the rule. There is some reason to believe no people were needed at all. “In 2002, the anthropologist John H. Moore estimated that a population of 150–180 would allow normal reproduction for 60 to 80 generations — equivalent to 2000 years.” Space colonization. With in vitriol fertilization and sperm banks sexual reproduction seemed superfluous. Bodies would only be needed to perform menial tasks. Indeed less and less reason to store anything but token populations became more and more appealing of gov science., and there was no other kind. The eggheads who run it denigrate such thinking as dystopian, but we would all be prisoners. Squads with trank darts would patrol random quadrants prior to the Event, to store natives at random, as prisoners, or guinea pigs as needed, the rest be left to melt into stone and dust. Of course there is a selective service draft program based on gene records kept by gov’t of the best and brightest. These were not hard to get hold of or convince to go with their keepers. They considered if a compliment. An infrastructure was put in place to train these from all the faculties, but the programmer foresaw the need to pattern breakers, iconoclasts who however by the nature the beast would not go, so these had to be tranked as well. Literally nothing can be said to the govt or its ministries below. It is presumed you will obey and if not there are levels below where you can be made to. Do not think either of due process or dissidence, except in the class room, for the directorate is divide on whether to allow, foster this in the classes to provoke thought, but these are opposed by agencies of control.




"The Report Concerning the Cave Heavens and Lands of Happiness in Famous Mountains," by Tu Kuang-t'ing, who lived from 850 to 933 A.D.


Arizona Tunnels and Caves

y GRAND CANYON - Cave[s] near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado
rivers. Hopi legends say that their ancestors once lived underground with a friendly race
of "ant people" [not to be confused with the sinister "mantis" people described by several
abductees], but some of their kind turned to sorcery and made an alliance with lizard or
serpent men known as the "two hearts", which dwelt in still deeper caverns below. The
"flood" of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi's to the surface world. An explorer
named G. E. Kincaid claimed to have found "one of" the ancient caves, in which were
reportedly discovered Oriental, Egyptian & Central American type artifacts.
Smithsonian archaeologists S. A. Jordan and associates also explored the man-made
cavern with hundreds of rooms, enough to hold over 50 thousand people. The

underground city is about 42 miles up river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon and Crystal
Creek, and about 2000 feet above the river bed on the east wall. John Rhodes after 3
years of field research reportedly discovered the Grand Canyon city, which is now being
used as a museum for elitist groups and has lower levels that are being used by "super
secret black book operatives", which can only be entered via a stainless steel door at the
bottom of a stairwell deep within the "city" that is "guarded by a very lonely soldier staring
into the darkness... dressed in a white jumpsuit and armed only with an M16 assault rifle
to ward off his imagination."

source: ARIZONA GAZETTE, March 12, 1909 & April 5, 1909; Robert Morning Sky; John Rhodes

21 February 2013

The UG cities are a sham of tyranny and betrayal of every American political principle, that’

S why they are kept secret, or one reason. If known, proportional entrance by the canons of diversity would be de bated. But there will be no black people in the new UG society. It will be as white as the ace of spades, meaning that genocide will be perpetuated by default upon all the ethnic and racial strains of the U>S>. This secret coup detat allows it to happen. While society goes its merry way with the many entertainment sources serving up the many religions, foods, diversions. So yes there is ethnic cleansing underground. Everything else is meant to prevent debate even while those who think they are in the know assume their ticket is good. No only are there no blacks below, there are no ethnic peoples or religions. That leaves the English, again.

All this si deduced from the secret existence of a minimal 129 DUMBs in the U.S. and some 1500 world wide. Who populates those other entities is not clear. Australia’s are operated by the U.S.



John Lear, Grudge 13 does Abductions


Interview w Art Bell: get Osama out of Afghanistan because Osama - as bad as he was - he was shutting down all the heroin poppy fields and was causing a disastrous monetary loss to the illegal drug industry


Yeah! But - well that was just up to 1972 - up until 1972, there was 572 people eliminated from the program because they disagreed wtih the way it was going, but after 1972, they don't kill them anymore.  What they do - I don't know! I have my suspicions - of what they do!

A - Why do you imagine ...

J - Don't bring that into the argument ...

Project Disclosure

Here are the web links that John Lear provided in support of his data:

Entire Grudge 13 report was written as if report was geared toward preparation of defenses

During the late 60's or early 70's, MJ-12 representing the U. S. Government made a deal with those creatures called EBE's (extra-terrestrial biological entities, named by Detlev Bronk, original MJ-12 member and 6th president of Johns Hopkins University).

The "deal" was that in exchange for "technology" that they would provide to us we agreed to "ignore" the abductions that were going on and suppress information on the cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions (usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations.

In fact, the purposes for the abductions turned out to be:

Insertion of a 3 mm spherical device through the nasal cavity of the abductee into the brain. The device is used for the biological monitoring, tracking and control of the abductee.

Implementation of a post hypnotic suggestion to carry out a specific activity during a specific time period, the actuation of which will occur within the next 2 to 5 years.

Termination of some people so that they could function as living sources for biological material and substances.

Termination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity.

Effect genetic engineering experiments.

Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to procure the crossbred infant. During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known that many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed on the official abduction lists. In addition it became obvious that some, not all, but some of the nation's missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens.

According to some, there was an altercation between the U. S. military and the aliens at the Dulce laboratory. A special armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number of our people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on. According to one source 66 of the soldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.

By 1983 MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at the mistake they had made in dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly influenced, through Dr. Hynek, (formerly with the Blue Book project, who had allegedly broken ties with the Air Force in the late 60's but who in reality continued to be their informant in his cover capacity of Director of the Center for UFO Studies) "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T." (now admitted by some members of MJ-12 to have been a "drastic mistake") to get the public used to "odd looking" aliens that were compassionate, benevolent and very much our "space brothers". MJ-12 had, in effect, "sold" the EBE's to the public, and were now faced with the fact that quite the opposite was true. In addition, a plan had been formulated in 1968 to make the public aware of the existence of aliens on earth over the next 20 years to be culminated with several documentaries to be released during the 1985-1987 period of time.

The EBE's Extraterrestrial Biological Entity claim to have created Christ - which in view of the "Grand Deception" could be on effort to disrupt traditional values for undetermined reasons. [reasons are clear,

Cf. Constantine…Greys. They are definitely cybernetic organisms . They are not a "species" themselves. They work for someone else.



Bill English dictated 2 audio cassettes outlining what he remembered from the Grudge 13 report. These audio cassettes were transcribed into hand written notes by another person. The Information contained therein Indicated what had been suspected all along: that the U.S. Government was Involved In the greatest deception In the history of mankind and that not only did flying saucers exist, but that the government had several in secret storage and had captured at least 3 live aliens.

In Box, diplomatic pouch under lock and key system. Lock had been opened, pouch was easily accessed. Standard diplomatic couriers pouch marked American Embassy Couriers, contained pouch serial number JL327Delta. Inside a publication with red tape which indicated code red security precautions and an Air Force disposition form. Disposition form was standard white page copy, title was ‘Analysis Report’.


Further down was ‘Analyse enclosed report under code red measures, give abstract breakdown and report on validity. Observe all code red measures. Analysis required immediately’.


Underneath were a series of dashes then the letters NDF then another series of dashes. Below that, lower left hand corner were the initials WGB.

Publication was withdrawn from pouch. It measured approximately 8” by 11” with gray cover. Heavily bound, paper back style similar to technical manuals. Across the center front It read, “
Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13”. It was dated 1953-(1963). In the lower right hand corner was AFSN 2246-3. In upper left hand corner was the word ‘annotated’. Across the front upper right hand corner to lower left hand corner was red tape indicating code red security measures .


YY-II Los Alamos John Lear

Element 116 Uuh Ununhexium-

surely it were better to go to a fema camp then ug

    • quantum technology
    • underground bases

    • A Principle of Recognition
    • It is possible to recognize forms when they are show to us:
    • Beyonce’s dance by Chris Constantine
    • JFk’s assignation
    • DUMBs
    • the Quantum advance of science
    •  it  works by analogies, miller’s analogies, so there are many that don’t have a complement. In lit a dog’s nose and wall socket, in architecture Bilbao Guggenheim and a whale, or Jonah and Jesus, or the Vatican obelisk and the Washington monument capitol
    • The Ishtar gate and Obama’s Denver Acceptance
    • Rihanna getting high with diamonds in the sky.
    • The principle is recognized with two or more figures interact to form a match, like the target zero of auto lock
    • It can work by similitarity or opposite, Hawthorne and Poe


23 February 2013-


Re: Rihanna's MK Ultra programming type

We now refer to it as MK Ultra because of the name of the experiments which sought to create a scientific methodology out of it. In essence, they are a series of spells. Therefore, Marilyn is not the first Mk Ultra'd escort. I'd say the Canaanite women who sold sex to support the temple are some of the first documented examples of what we now see as MK Ultra Sex Slave programming. That's thousands of years ago.

10-18-2012, 03:07 AM

  #106 (permalink)

Nana Peazant

24 February 2013 these links occurred on the youtube side after uploading Ode to Autumn and adding info to it

Web-bot predictor

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology


Exposing the Matrix, Carlee Janey


ExoVaticana, Tom Horn, L.U.C.I.F.E.R. at Mt Graham, U of Arizona. Honeycomb mirror, Vatican Advance Technology Telescope, of the Max Plank Institute (Nazi arm of Mengele)

Fr. Paul Gabor developing collaborations of Lucifer with U of A.

NASA and Lucifer at Vatican Observatory looking at Nibiru and Nemesis.

Job 26 11-13 destruction of Rehab from which God drove the fugitive snake. Watching it from Mt. Graham. Malachi Martin said this.

Petras Romanus

David Flynn Collection

Raider’s News Update



top Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno stated how contemporary societies may soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.” “Did the Vatican’s top astronomer actually mean to use the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man could soon look to for salvation? This incredible assertion is only topped by what he says next. In quoting John 10:16, which says, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd,” Consolmago writes: “Perhaps it’s not so far-fetched to see the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word, Who was present “In the beginning” (John 1: l), coming to lay down His life and take it up again (John 10: 18) not only as the Son of Man but also as a Child of other races?”

Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race? [This is a Raelean belief]


Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”),


Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.


Monsignor Corrado Balducci—an exorcist, theologian and member of the Vatican Curia (governing body at Rome) and friend of the Pope—who went perhaps furthest, appearing on Italian national television numerous times to state that ETs were not only possible but already interacting with Earth and that the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it…“I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part of God’s glory,


Writing for Newsweek on Thursday, May 15, 2008, in the article “The Vatican and Little Green Men,” Sharon Begley noted…


Consolmagno’s job included reconciling “the wildest reaches of science fiction with the flint-eyed dogma of the Holy See” and that his latest mental meander was about “the Jesus Seed,” described as “a brain-warping theory which speculates that, perhaps, every planet that harbours intelligent, self-aware life may also have had a Christ walk across its methane seas, just as Jesus did here on Earth in Galilee. The salvation of the Betelguesians may have happened simultaneously with the salvation of the Earthlings.”[i][ii][xi]This sounds like a sanctified version of panspermia.


Father Funes, titled, “The Extraterrestrial is My Brother.”… “If other intelligent beings exist, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their Creator.”[iii][iv][xii] extraterrestrial species may exist that is morally superior to men—closer to God than we fallen humans are—and that, as a consequence, they may come here to evangelize us.


Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti—an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome—explains…spiritual aliens,” as every believer in God would, he argues, greet an extraterrestrial civilization as an extraordinary experience and would be inclined to respect the alien and to recognize the common origin of our different species as originating from the same Creator.


Vatican Observatory vice director, Christopher Corbally, in his article “What if There Were Other Inhabited Worlds”… While Christ is the First and the Last Word (the Alpha and the Omega) spoken to humanity, he is not necessarily the only word spoke to the universe… For, the Word spoken to us does not seem to exclude an equivalent “Word” spoken to aliens. They, too, could have had their “Logos-event”. Whatever that event might have been, it does not have to be a repeated death-and-resurrection, if we allow God more imagination than some religious thinkers seem to have had. For God, as omnipotent, is not restricted to one form of language, the human.[v][vi][xvii]

Father Domenico Grasso not only thought such beings would be “far ahead of us in science and related fields,”[vii][viii][ix] but that their version of salvation might be based on a savior other than Jesus…even a messianic member of their own race.




“Are you aware the Vatican owns better than 1/2 of all Radio Telescopes through out the world, including NASA's and The US Governments as well as all other UN Nations?”

The Vatican owns some of the world’s most powerful telescopes and has been exploring the skies since Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. The picture on the left is one of the world's most powerful telescopes at the Vatican Observatory Research Grou and is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The world's largest optical telescope is owned by the Vatican, who coincidently named it "LUCIFER" which is an acronym for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.
“With the large light-gathering power of the LBT, astronomers are now able to collect the spectral fingerprints of the faintest and most distant objects in the universe,” said LBT director Richard Green, a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory.
This telescope is located on Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona.



27 February 2013 The book written in 1974 by the priest Don Nello Castello, "CosI parlU Padre Pio" ("Thus Spoke Padre Pio"), says that someone in Padre Pio's confraternity asked him "Father, I thought Earth was nothing compared to the stars and all the other planets", to which Padre Pio replied "Yes, and if we leave the Earth we are nothing. The Lord certainly didn't restrict his glory to this little planet. On other planets, there will be beings without sin.". Many saints believed in extraterrestrial life: Vatican Monsignor


A new interpretation of limited atonement: whether to include Exos or not.

FUNES: I believe no. As a multiplicity of creatures exist on earth, so there could be other beings, also intelligent, created by God. This does not contrast with our faith because we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God. To say it with Saint Francis, if we consider earthly creatures as “brother” and “sister,” why cannot we also speak of an “extraterrestrial brother?” It would therefore be a part of creation.
LOR: And what about redemption? FUNES: We borrow the gospel image of the lost sheep. The pastor leaves the 99 in the herd for go look for the one that is lost. We think that in this universe there can be 100 sheep, corresponding to diverse forms of creatures. We that belong to the human race could be precisely the lost sheep, sinners who have need of a pastor. God was made man in Jesus to save us. In this way, if other intelligent beings existed, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their Creator. [C. S. Lewis, Perelandra]


Consolmagno hits the theological bull’s-eye: The doctrine of the incarnation could be a starting point for the church to understand the presence of intelligent life (or life forms of any kind) on other planets. - See more at:



n the middle ages, the definition of a soul was to have intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions, he said. Those characteristics may not be unique to humans. 'Any entity - no matter how many tentacles it has - has a soul,' he added. In practice, machines were unlikely to be smart or human enough to have souls. Read more:
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Funes: "Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God’s creative freedom."


Gary Bates’ book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection,


Search term-- republish Operation Mind Control:

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1 March 2013

Zephaniah 3:9

King James Version (KJV)

For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

Ps. 14 pure silver words


Request #256817


5 March

“N Korea needs to get right with the world


7Mar the same day holder says yes we will no we won’t drone attack you n. korea says we will nuke you, yup. Lawlessness in the stat


8 March 2013 counterfeit Holy Spirit movement in Rev (27.42in vid)


12 March 2013

“consecration of the whole world through evolutionary transformation and ascent to the Omega point”


“....Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the new spiritual atmosphere created by the appearance of the idea of evolution, there float, in a state of extreme mutual sensitivity, love of God and faith in the world: the two essential components of the Ultra-human.”


Noosphere “moves towards a final total unity of all minds in a “Super-Mind.” “we can all see the fantastic anatomical structure of a vast phylum [social, psychic, informational, etc.] whose branches, instead of diverging as they normally do, are ceaselessly folding in upon one another ever more closely, like some monstrous inflorescence – like, indeed, an enormous flower folding-in upon itself; the literally global physiology of an organism in which production, nutrition, the machine, research, and the legacy of heredity are, beyond any doubt, building to planetary dimensions.

He soundslike JohnRuskin, sodisappointed on his weddingnight that he could never tourch a woman again, except Teilhard is embarrassed by conception and birth, the awfulness of it, the flesh of it, the joy, feel,


13 March 2013

The level of anestheticide they are spraying must be grater than usual, people sleeping, listening to the make up news, the pseudo news projected from the dome into the dome while the skies are screaming and the rocks are weeping, the oceans/ I walk on the pavement in the suny afternoon. The irreality of it is so great, like having tear before a tsumani. Whells within wheels.


“the psychosis present in many of the citizens as a result of living in the 'shelter state' (an earlier reference to the "Corridor Riots of 1993" indicates that this is not the first time violence has burst out among the buried cities) During the riot, Agronski dies as a result of being stung by one or more genetically modified honeybees.” Summary of Part II, A Case of Conscience


14 March 2013


Sun images on high above the altar of Baalim

What made the Baal so attractive to so many kings? Must be a drug.


Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

The pagan association of the obelisk was something well understood by the church. The Jesuit scholar, Athanasius Kircher in his book Obeliscus Pamphilius, published in 1650, gives an account of the ancient views of the obelisk as the digitus solis, or "finger of the sun".

Pope Sixtus V (1585 - 1590) had the Egyptian obelisks erected all over Rome, as Counter-Reformation monuments.

The word matstsebah in Hebrew means standing images or obelisk and it can be found in many places of the Bible. Here is Strong's definition of the Hebrew word matstsebah-

H4676. matstsebah, mats-tsay-baw'; fem. (causat.) part. of H5324; something stationed, i.e. a column or (memorial stone); by anal. an idol:--garrison, (standing) image, pillar.

In the following verses matstsebah has been translated as image(s)-

Exo 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.

Exo 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:

Lev 26:1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.

Deu 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Deu 12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

1 Ki 14:23 For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree.

2 Ki 3:2 And he wrought evil in the sight of the LORD; but not like his father, and like his mother: for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made.

2 Ki 10:26 And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them.

2 Ki 10:27 And they brake down the image of Baal, and brake down the house of Baal, and made it a draught house unto this day.

2 Chr 14:3 For he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the high places, and brake down the images, and cut down the groves:

2 Chr 31:1 Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

Jer 43:13 He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire.

Micah 5:13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.

Another Hebrew word is also used for "sun images" or obelisks, the word chamman. Again, here is the Strong's definition-

H2553. chamman, kham-mawn'; from H2535; a sun-pillar:--idol, image.

Chamman is also translated as simply image(s) in the King James:

Isa 17:8 And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect that which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images.

Isa 27:9 By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up.

2 Chr 34:4 And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

15 March 2013

It is all very much about the feet of Jesus. All things under his feet, crowned with glory and honor, that is how Ps. 8 is messianic. These were the feet anointed with lavender, these the feet washed

17 March 2013

Andrew is here to earn money for a concert, but Sabrina stayed home sick. He is excavating the side garden for Pat. To dump the dirt on berms around the house I pick up a black bag with leaves with a little tortoise under it hiberenating. I put it under the bench but in looking for a bag to put over it went back to the first which I put in the mulch pile. It was a bag inside a bag so to halve it I tore it open…and found Tracey on her side inside! Hadn’t been able to find her all winter.

18 March 2013

Two things,


 light blue mediumblue background with the marooned lily plus a dark gold in the figures!


Another brown, manilla, temuku, maybe ohare figures walking across a white canvas


Here’s another. All, All human culture is infected with corruption of the adversary. It’s what they have in common. All!

In Rev 19 the Jewish Marriage custom is instituted, He leaves his Father’s house to seek her, he arranges and pays the dowry. He goes back to his Father’s house to prepare it for her, she prepares herself for the wedding. At the wedding supper bad and good with a wedding garment attend. At another feast after, for all the rest, the birds feast. Like the poem… Noah’s Ark


19 March 2013


When Joan Baez sings, all the descendants of Abaham lay down their swords in Jerusalem, the mid east is not about the Israelis and the Arabs, it is both against Babylon


In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a "control system." UFOs and related phenomena are "the means through which man's concepts are being rearranged."


20 March 2013

From 8/21/10 Ceramics: 


So it was out of this thought I considered her, for her father died when she was twelve or so, she would work with him in his workshop , he a carpenter and she loved him, him and only him, but his death then, with his insides so old they were twice the age of thirty nine, and the dismay of the news her mother gave that he was a philanderer, what the hey, all together broke her heart in that unregenerate, denying way of things, so she was never able to settle her affections on another, the great all consuming love, like Yeats in that. He never settled in his passion on another, always kept it it in. But she was made prey by this to all the men, the grad student from texas, ed aghib, bill hollis too maybe, and myself of course who insisted we be married, although she feared it with every thought and rightly so, being rh negative, not impossibly, but producing at least two miscarriages in our time together, married in the white church on the hill in red bank, not planning any part of it beyond that,  happening later that night to a romany bistro where we ate, then began the trials of negligee and marriage that she feared, but could not say no to, the passion confronted in him she thought maybe it could fulfill her too, for she longed for that, to feel the security of her father’s love, which she had lost. So it went until


26 March 2013

Words for Sons. This is how he teaches our hands to war and our fingers to do battle.

Passover began yesterday, Monday. On Sunday we purpose to give funds to clinic and Mennonites.  That night watched Rev 20, the two resurrections. Monday morning sent four explicit praises to Orion H. Still did not know it was Passover. Praying in the Spirit on the way to the club I was praying about Egypt, the escape, Pharoh, matters too far to utter, which I usually can’t remember except Mon night a TV rabbi spoke of the Passover, how the family each one killed the lamb, how they ate it  All, how they participated in the 10 plagues of Egypt until the last escape by Crossing, all this analogue to ourselves, marking our doorposts, garnishing our robes about us now, eating bread with the shoes on our feet and holding our staffs in our hands. I ate a matzah.


1 April 2013

Doorway anointed for Obama to pass through on his way to the platform to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on January 20.


The only way Descartes and John Dee are associated is in Famous Figurines

Opera, Dr. Dee


John Dee turns out to have had a makeover of the hugest kind. The Joh Dee society and countless books and internets reamblers. The point would be to be fair to a man not to be selective in his judgment making him holy or not. Dee to his embarassemnt kept meticulous diaries of everything the Society would not like to know, his magic, his “revelations” the menstruation of his wife, here trysts with Kelley. He is a lesson in demoing your work before you die. He had no Tatham like Blake to burn it for him. Micelangelo burned his, but Dee’s got kept. This compromises his traditions of master in math and magic, as if suggesting he was a lost pill.


Bacon was an early student of Dee says Peter Dawkins. Modern precursor of wife swapping. They call him an astronomer, but he was an astrologer, who talked to angels, he thought, the Enochian, scrying mirror like the Hubble space telescope! His operatics say, he was a good guy, who got demonized…like Martin Rees! Fog, smoke, knowledge, on Dee’s influence with Elizabeth it was because the designed her title deed to the new world, serving forgeries against Spanish rivals, Dee also forged the Northwest Passage along with “codebreaking” (out of Trithemius) as if he were MI5 and James Bond 007, he found the wood for English ships ten years before the Armada! The neoplatonic drive for moral perfection, hear them equivocate that one. Moral perfection scares them to death. Opera Damon Albarn, John Dee Pivotal figure in Britain of magic and science. He drew the chart for Elizaeth’s coronation. Model for Prospero, Faust! All puffery. Tlhe scandalous stories of wife swapping are the only true thing.

Bacon and Dee

The wildly various points of view on Dee stem more from a desire to rehab the occult he practice as do they, as if he had he empire of Ron Hubbard behind him. “Holyness, phoniness, feeblemindedness’ (E. M. Butler) That these “investigations” always revolve around sex is its own tale as much as Osirus and Isis (So he is praised as a scientist, savior of the fleet, and his cuckoldry is a mere scandalous story, his northwest passage, title deed to the new world not mentioned any more than the mumbo jumbo of his True Relation of which Lewis says: “for the tragic-comical human story in his True Relation has to be picked out from reams of stuff as fatuous as is reported from any modern séance.” 12 If only Mr. Lewis had lived to the internet age he could have learned how Dee then “began to write truly remarkable, albeit sublime, works that he maintained were the product of angels who spoke in language known as Enochian.” Andrew Gough That Lewis thinks these “reams of stuff fatuous.” Nobody seems to credit Dee’s Kelley’s ghost Madimi, who showed “herself all naked” (who like Dee also has her own, Bruce Wolosoff’s, opera) who Kelley said dictated this stuff off a wejee. It appears that Yeats to some extent, as well as Crowley, followed mixed species of interrogation, their wives in place of Dee’s Kelley. See Yeats and Baal. Dee kept meticulous records of Jane’s trysts with Kelley in his Dairies and Yeats was forever writing down every word of their apocalypse in place of intercourse that his Georgie really desired. Georgie it is thought used these sessions to get Yeats love, and Kelley no doubt had the same desire. Gough calls this the Apocalypse Working, taken up later by Crowley and of course Hubbard and Jack Parsons…summoning the Archons, the Babylon Working they say, as if the Apocalpyse needed to be provoked to come in its time. Will it out? It will out! But it was not to any of those that He gave the power to become the sons of God Which is not to say Dee didn’t translate Trithemius or preface Euclid, among science worshippers no one is more exalted than the pure dee mathematician who led them all to the Stargates! Holy cow. People will line up. The witch will Robert Hardy illuminate you about Dee

 Arthur's imperial conquests to argue that Arthur had established a 'British empire' abroad.[37] He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonisation and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.[38][39] Dee has been credited with the coining of the term British Empire,[40] however, Humphrey Llwyd has also been credited with the first use of the term in his Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum, published eight years earlier in 1568.[41]

Dee posited a formal claim to North America on the back of a map drawn in 1577–80;[42] he noted Circa 1494 Mr Robert Thorn his father, and Mr Eliot of Bristow, discovered Newfound Land.[43] In his Title Royal of 1580, he invented the claim that Madog ab Owain Gwynedd had discovered America, with the intention of ensuring that England's claim to the New World was stronger than that of Spain.[44] He further asserted that Brutus of Britain and King Arthur as well as Madog had conquered lands in the Americas and therefore their heir Elizabeth I of England had a priority claim there.[45][46]


His work is a farrago of true and false which his friends in the new age make over into his lauds, but he lacked discrimination of the true from the false in his northwest passage and british empire, not to speak of his continual search to know the occult. He could cast a chart, but who couldn’t. He had some powerful friends, but that is the nature of the occult politics, for such people as heads of state seek to know the results of their actions which lack integrity in themselves. Since they have doubt about their choices they seem to shore them up with certainty such as astrologers and self help gurus provide. Dee was as unable to tell the true from the false as Jimmy Swaggart visting  prostitutes sat night before church. Dee took a counterfeiter as his Virgil to the otherworld, and got thoroughly scammed, even gave him his wife to bed and raised Kelly’s child by her as his own. This is not the high sounding horn, but a hoot. A hired gun really who fueled political intrique at count in high society by feeding prejudice with high sounding rhetoric. If his admirers see this kind of self sereving rhetoric in those they despise they call it character assignation, as Dee did the Spanish title to the new world. As if reading Kierkgaard one could excerpt passages that prove him to be…just whatever you want, so why not have King Arthur establish a British Empire because one spurious Geoffrey of Monmouth says he took Ireland, certainly that justifies taking India, the English are long infected with empire, Madog of Wales, Arthur, Brutus all took lands in the new world so the Queen’s foot was in the door. Instead of lauding Dee’s prowess at chiromancy one should look at the flood of British empire over the earth and think about the brutes of Rome in this day, Obama’s drones.


When researching Restorations of the Golden Age in New World Discoveries my efforts found themselves in the British Museum holding in my hands the title deed John Dee designed for Queen Elizabeth for the new world. At that time I felt sorry for Dee because he lost his books, his estate and wandered Europe as if he had no ability to make his own home. Of course he rather forfeited that by giving his wife to Kelley. Now I feel sorry for him because he spoke the language of piety he bypassed that on the continent when it was readily available among the Mennonists and early pietists and took up magic among the rich and powerful. The truth he traded for the false as a life, but worse, he needed Kelley just because he could not fathom the spirit himself, therefore bought not just spurious spirit of Kelley, but lost it himself, for he could have had in the other, the true way as a gift. But he could not have sold it or merchandised it for power, however he would have had it. And if you know the power of God and the Holy Spirit what matter these lesser?

John Dee, Britannia online


Elias Ashmole, Dee and Osirus Bacon and Dee

CERN and Dee


As an early believer in the new world order fables of  alchemical man

Francis Yates in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment suggests that," in Bacon's writings there is nowhere to be found any mention of Dee…




I was first attracted to allegory college, Fletcher, whoever, as if it were romance to woo another under the guise of this. What the imagination is preoccupies media, medicine and art as if it were not known. If only you could teach it!  That must be why the Renaissance so attracted me, It’s all been about the imagination for me, which I never consciously knew, and only know now is some practical seizings of the moment and with repetition have a method, not that I can say what it is, or if I did would be embarrassed and disgraced. One thing I ever knew and that has not changed, anything about the universe and all that entails. I seem to have though a naïve fact of faith, or belief, that can apprehend its object and does so without wondering why or how or ho or what, just goes ahead again naively and does d not seem to need to explain itself to itself, like  current in a river or a stream or a bird. Like go to sleep, wake up, and type. I would be at a loss if to do I’d first have to know what to do, to plan. But if it is enough to just do, with no plan, then I can proceed. It’s easy to see that in the first an middle stages of this it is a fruitless gesture, unknowing, unconscious, for only when conscious can it be worked and it is only conscious after the many repetitions, not that it knows  aught then, but there is something then to do, to edit I suppose, to meditate, to stew,. So the ability to recognize the thing before your eyes, when it is birthed, is that a consciousness? If so then I am conscious. There are drawbacks to this, especially the length of time it takes, because having no purpose, no goal, you don’t know when it is reached, when finished. You can keep working however as long as the medium is plastic and malleable, which words always are before final publication, even then they are often revised. Clay remains malleable for a short time, days, then it is hard. So with writing 20 years seems an average case to figure out what a piece is about and 40 maybe many pieces together to make a book. And of course one can then extrapolate from this known, even if it is self invented,  or generalize to some greater whole, that is , make a kind of rule out of it, that this is a principle, that this works, or at least has. So when forming these things whether in words or clay, the two ways must omniscient to me, the doubt always arises, is this the time when you are defeated, when the method of not knowing ceases to work? But always out that comes the solution, not a solution really, not an answer, either, but a way is found, through faith, and it somehow works out. By faith the worlds were framed by the word of God the Testament says, by father Abraham believed the impossible and acted as if it were true. That means he fathered a son and that Sarah’s womb received his seed as if it too were fertile. Believe a thing is so and  mountains move is not a cogent or acceptable way. Believe you walk on water and it is so. All things are possible to him that believe. This just doesn’t sound plausible, any more than that other that says to as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his Name. I’m saying here that if I read these words I would quarrel with them and say, not just anything can be believed in. The object of belief must be veracious, living, real empowering. I say I would quarrel like that and conduct an inquisition with my friend to see if his object met the standard of my tests, which is absurd because as you know I already said, have admitted that I know nothing of itself and only intuit after the fact of doing any knowing. So my friend would be answering for his conduct to a riddle, somebody who knows nothing except what is done. So in another way all those who seek power by formula, whether scientific, laboratory, magic ritual, divination, drugs, I eschew them all, not that I never tried any, but they didn’t work, or I met my end in them, unlike the method above where it somehow works out—or I die. Dying is the end of it all for the one who comes up against the greater, even lesser, powers, unless his call of faith, upon the Name, the hope is clear. Now save me!


It’s all been about the imagination for me, which I never consciously knew, and only know now is some practical seizings of the moment and with repetition have a method, not that I can say what it is, or if I did would be embarrassed and disgraced. One thing I ever knew and that has not changed, anything about the universe and all that entails. I seem to have though a naïve fact of faith, or belief, that can apprehend its object and does so without wondering why or how or ho or what, just goes ahead again naively and does d not seem to need to explain itself to itself, like  current in a river or a stream or a bird. I would be at a loss if to do I’d first have to know what to do, to plan. But if it is enough to just do, with no plan, then I can proceed. It’s easy to see that in the first an middle stages of this it is a fruitless gesture, unknowing, unconscious, for only when conscious can it be worked and it is only conscious after the many repetitions, not that it knows  aught then, but there is something then to do, to edit I suppose, to meditate, to stew,. So the ability to recognize the thing before your eyes, when it is birthed, is that a consciousness? If so then I am conscious. And of course one can then extrapolate from this known, even if it is self invented,  or generalize to some greater whole, that is , make a kind of rule out of it, that this is a principle, that this works, or at least has. So when forming these things whether in words or clay, the two ways must omniscient to me, the doubt always arises, is this the time when you are defeated, when the method of not knowing ceases to work? But always out that comes the solution, not a solution really, not an answer, either, but a way is found, through faith, and it somehow works out. By faith the worlds were framed by the word of God the Testament says, by father Abraham believed the impossible and acted as if it were true. That means he fathered a son and that Sarah’s womb received his seed as if it too were fertile. Believe a thing is so and  mountains move is not a cogent or acceptable way. Believe you walk on water and it is so. All things are possible to him that believe. This just doesn’t sound plausible, any more than that other that says to as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his Name. I’m saying here that if I read these words I would quarrel with them and say, not just anything can be believed in. The object of belief must be veracious, living, real empowering. I say I would quarrel like that and conduct an inquisition with my friend to see if his object met the standard of my tests, which is absurd because as you know I already said, have admitted that I know nothing of itself and only intuit after the fact of doing any knowing. So my friend would be answering for his conduct to a riddle, somebody who knows nothing except what is done. So in another way all those who seek power by formula, whether scientific, laboratory, magic ritual, divination, drugs, I eschew them all, not that I never tried any, but they didn’t work, or I met my end in them, unlike the method above where it somehow works out—or I die. Dying is the end of it all for the one who comes up against the greater, even lesser, powers, unless his call of faith, upon the Name, the hope is clear. Now save me!


15 June 2013


“From Lyndsay’s I gather much that has made it, for me, worth reading. I learn (in answer to a question often raised) that our first parents loved par amors in Eden, delighting in each utheris bodies soft and quhyte, and no wonder, says the poet, consyderying thare gret bewete; that in the antediluvian world


The watter was so strang and yne

They wald nocht laubour to mak wyne;


That the Mediterranean and all other inland seas are relics of the flood; and that when the building of the tower of Babel was abandoned the schaddow of that hidduous strength was already six miles long.” Lewis, Sixteenth Century, 104.


17 June 2013

It takes an overweeing to  edit the text after the fact, even centuries, millennia. Who would bother, only those who have some apriori the text does not fulfill, therefore the text must be wrong, not themselves. One favorite of intellectuals is finding the true Jesus. Jefferson was so overcome with this he published his own edition, leaving out what he felt was curious. He did not so edit his personal life. For such critics life is seperate from the mind. Do they sometimes call this the Faustian split? Newton caught this too. He wanted to correct the Trinity by discrediting the”false texts” which he considered to be fabrications of Jerome. So “Newton followed a recognized source for a while and then leaped far beyond the authority on whom he was relying, often proceeding to extremes which would hav been summarily rejected” ( Manuel, Isaac Newton, Historian, 157). Even the lowly John Foxe of Foxes Book of Martyrs was not immune. After two hundred fifty years,  “the nineteenth-century tradition represents Foxe as an unscrupulous propagandist who records what he knows to be false, surpresses what he knows to be true, and claims to have seen documents he has not seen” (Lewis, 16th Century, 299). All of which revisions were later disproven (299-300)..

These overweening Jeffersonian Newtoning ego men are fun because we know them and enjoy their company, but don’t take it seriously. Their lesser editors themselves think editors wrote the Bible, indeed wrote all of Plato and most noteworthies, and this from evidence they concoct from their own isotopes of literature, who “attribute to rhythm, and indeed to style in general, more than its due” (16th Century, 214).


23 July 2013 Fait Accompli

It is certainly too much to ask that anybody believe public events are being staged for effect when one hardly believes  commercials are. To cite such unsavory sources as must be done to evidence this, as below, is only necessary because careerists in the news and public thought would find themselves marginalized if they said so. That iridescent shine in the eye of the model who takes the drug is not sincere. It is airbrushed. The events are staged so much we read them as real, having lost their opposites in the maze. So easily manipulated are staged moments we hardly believe the greater events are made in order to manipulate reactions of sympathy or anger, to manipulate minds of the masses in the greater whole. That the greater whole still needs manipulating is a comfort. The job is not complete. It’s end however is dark.

Now and then a clue comes either because for that moment we have been thrown out of the circle of expectation by some chance event, or maybe the mind skips and we see a thing differently if just for a second. That moment could have occurred in the latest of President Obama’s speeches in Denver, this time in his moving presidential and spiritual speech “to comfort the victims of the latest mass shooting,”  a model of intelligent and sympathetic mirroring of the moment, well worth seeing again, perfect in its appeal to very quietly, “do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country.” The smallest things however tip the hat if we attend, in this case the length of time he kept those two fingers against his neck, showing how pressure was applied to the gunshot wound by that girl’s friend to save her life. He kept his fingers there a full 45 seconds, so long it was startling when he finally took them away.

Each person must have a take on staging that depends on their own time, place, mood and perception, and if they were to offer their insight would have it rejected by their fellows, who however have their own, which would be equally rejected. So the placing of the two fingers against his neck as a tell suggesting that the whole speech was staged, not impromptu at all, would be universally disputed as arbitrary.

This compartmentalization, walling off the sense from the intellect because the conclusion is too too horrible, that in this case if the speech were staged then was the whole event too? What greater subtexts that question hides were better forever lost to consciousness: “I hope that over the next several days, next several weeks and next several months we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country.” If the simple detail of fingers against a neck questions it is important to realize the impossibility of bringing railing accusations against higher powers. Indeed, Michael could not bring one in his own name against the covering cherub, but still the little detail opens the eye.

Compartmentalization must wall off the sense from the intellect because the conclusion is too too horrible, utterly unthinkable. Unthinkable, its outcome must be isolated and rejected, never to be asked why, and if so, what? Chris Hedges calls moral compartmentalization Goldman Sachs’ worship of death.  He adds further unthinkable thoughts that  all institutions are inherently demonic. Such charges are countered easily in the public eye by the families of Goldman Sachs with their good deeds and patriotic shibboleths. Hedges likewise cites the purpose of the passage of NAFTA being to dispossess three million small Central American farmers of their land for agribusiness, and then to remarket their loss by attracting them to Florida and California to pick crops, bent over, irradiated, toxified by sprays and left broken and incompetent at 40 while liberals bemoan immigration policies in Scarsdale which are turned further to the advantage of Goldman futures in unspeakable speculations. We call this a win win win situation for agriculture, investments and politics. We call these situations fait accompli.

Thus is argued here that history is an engineering project in all its stages, early drafted plans, cost analysis, competitive bids, deadlines, completion and marketing the finished project. If we call it a Trojan Horse with likenesses from images in classical and modern literature and art, that is merely for  relief and because it is a fiat. There are so many of them we have begun to count, not that it matters for you, since you will have your own.

25 July 2012


So Aeyrie and I on the road @ 5.30 AM set out early to Tuba City to visit Andrew Reiff in Flag, taking the long way, maybe do a little rug thing, when we got this call just about when we entered Flag that the office was flooded (again!) so we turned round, headed back down the mountain, the worst part being not knowing, driving 100, but made it finally to a pipe fitting and its connection showering the place and flooding (4 rooms...not! Instead we canceled the Flag-Tuba event and went straight there @ 5:30 to do the roof and found the same flood water babbling out the front door. All fixed by 11:30. Fans, wet vac, towels, dry wall gutted, pipe refitted. Best birthday!



22 July Went to Boots Memorial after church. It rained an inch in an hour. Talked to John on the porch


5 Sept 2013

I have this ongoing series of visits in dreams with John Cullen that have gone on for years and years. Like the relation of philsophers or poets or scholars we talk but also share mutual concrns


4 Dec 2013

The religion of Charlie rose via plotkim zen Judah


5 December 2013 I grew up among proles, with basketball games in the Hill district, the gym lined on both sides with black people I scored the first points in that game, we took a good team but no way we were going to win. The scorers table saw to that. No prob, lots of fun. All the familes in our small town were escaped proles, into and beyond the mid class, but all their connections were back in McKees Rocks, Oakland, or where I went fishing with a friend from Poland. So there were lots of contacts with the Pirates, all Pittsburgh prole studs, and I hung in college with proles from Manyunk, went to Catholic dances at St. Denis Friday nights in Phila.,  was friends later with more escaped proles, Scaffario, McGuire, but not much with the anglos. One time we took an all star team to Cleveland from Pgh in the back of a uhaul truck, stayed there in a garage, but that was to Shaker Heights, unprole. It was all prole out door, cave explorations, Schoolhouse Cave, Delaney’s cave, canoeing down the upper Susqhehenna, Alleghany rivers, county fairs, and especially walks alone among the slag piles of stipmining remains. We lived literally a stone throw from a railroad, two tracks, going and coming from the rail yard a few miles off. Coming out of the yard, accelerating, the engines gave off immense black soot and smoke before the smoke laws in 1947, when we moved there. There was a creek, Chartiers right next to parts of the railroad that was up on an incline from it but trains had rolled down the hill into the creek and the cars and large cubes of scrap metal were still there. I walked these tracks with a .22 rifle shooting out insulators on electric lines.The little country school playground was shared with the remains of an oil well, the derrick, the platforms, oil soaked beams, spillages. When it went off the gusher hit the schoolhouse window. These hills were a little steep, up from the creek, up to the rails, then up the hills, way up to the school, then up further from there. The fires those trains sometimes set would flare high up over the trees. In winter we could walk all the way to the top of that town and sled all the way down to the tracks, over the bridge to the trolley, and down to the golf course surrounded by dikes to keep the creek out during the flood. European immigrants were proles, blacks lived in settlements set off by themselves. They went to Langely h.s. we went to Crafton, but downtown Pittsburgh was never far and no money needed except for pinball, hitch down and back.


23 Dec 13

Pat got two scholarships to college, the Principal’s Award National Honor Society one for the highest combined scores in math and English in San Antonio and one for being in Engineering. Was enrolled in engineering Science with 18 hours, plus band, got assigned to Plan II English because it was all that fit her schedule and it was this slender thread that put her in my arms. She lasted in engineering one more semester, Fall, 69. I of course was the instructor because Roseann Potter, another grad student but involved in administration, liked me and put me down for the class. There were 600 TAs in English to choose from. In those days UT was not called the elite it is now from Dell being in Austin, although classics made it the Athens of Texas. Imagine. People asked me if I was taking a gun. Look out for snakes, they said.  I settled outside town on Spicewood Spgs on a sheep ranch, venue familiar from all the outdoors of Pgh. I knew about snakes, but only applied to UT because it was cheap, ie. No application fee. Preferred it to Madison though, also a possibility, but not U of Chicago or Johns Hopkins. At least they showed good sense. At Iowa though I got the best.




12/31/14 Notes: These days health is available only at extra expense, all of which together equals what was assumed a lifetime ago. Today all corn is GMO. Milk needs to be bought without hormone additives which compromise gender. Organic milk is more expensive. You may have to give up McDonald's to afford it.

[This was the entry on FB posted to Andrew's page, written two years ago at least, that caused such furor. It affronted every value of his wife's family and they crucified him for it.]

Human Plant. Our children were raised without television until the youngest was about 10, 1998. It sounds like what everyone wants, to build from the inside out, not from the outside in. So they were read to constantly and told stories, many taped, some produced into coloring books and handed out to their friends. They were breast fed, sung to, taken on walks, hikes, esp to Grand Canyon and the AZ wilderness, driven constantly into the desert and mountains of central AZ as I went sketching, played outside constantly. We canned, gardened, froze fruit, they played in the flood, imagined cities and peoples in the sand pile. We lived in a house in the desert that had only evap cooling, polished concrete floors, made from pumice block, surrounded by pecans, apricots, pomegranates. Not only that but they were raised without moving, except after ten years to another house on the canal. They experienced the same schools, neighborhoods, churches, all attempts at community, youth sports of most kinds, regular evening meals together. All of them learned to cook and enjoy it. They all played music, all can sheet read. You want to know the result? It's as if none of it happened. They took to the digital like a drug. The youngest went from proudly wearing a hat with a cross when he competed to wearing Metallica T-shirts of every hue. They are privileged with every latest text on their phones and pics. Have not read a book in years. Put themselves at risk in every activity. Hope you do better.

12/29/14 I was disappointed in my greeting of Aeyrie when he came to get Judah last night so I purpose in the new year to greet him favorably and generously, enthusiastically, he and his brother. I learned this from Blessing.

ICD10 Ebola was planted by WHO to implement ICD 11.12/18/14  

Work up wondering the time line from David through the mostly reprobate kings to Jeremiah and the 70 years captivity so went to Young's Old Testament Introduction. Turned however to Daniel and the two languages, Aramaic and Hebrew as well as other textual issues, which however led again to Nebuchadezzar's 7 years of madness and Babylonian records of it or not. Critics especially concerned with the accuracy of Daniels's prophecy of the end of empire in last chapters had supposed, from Porphory and on, that this was written later, during Macabee times and interpolated  together with early chapters that represented the first account. However the Dead Sea scrolls, eight of them,  textualize Daniel, this about 167 BC, hence conclusively doubting that if written as a best seller in the immediate preceding years it is not likely they were chronicled in the Scrolls along with old classical elements of Exodus etc. This is compared to the Rylands ms codex of John c. 117, the oldest surviving NT ms. Before the Scrolls the oldest Daniel fragments were from 1000Ad. "The oldest manuscript of Daniel by far is 4QDanc, which Cross dated in 1961 to the “late second century BC” (Cross 1961:43). Scholars who support a date for the writing of the book of Daniel in the Maccabean crisis at about the middle of the second century BC will be able to say that 4QDanc is “only a half century later than the composition of the book of Daniel” (Ulrich 1987:17). This means for supporters of this dating that the manuscript evidence for Daniel is as close to the autograph as the Rylands Papyrus is to the Gospel of John. I quote: “It is thus, for the Hebrew Bible, comparable to the Rylands manuscript of the Johannine Gospel for the New Testament” (Ulrich 1989:3). The latter comparison means that the papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John, published in 1935, that is, Rylands 457, which was dated in the first half of the second century AD, effectively refuted claims of scholars who had attempted to date the Gospel of John to the latter part of the second century AD. The Rylands papyrus was within 25 to 50 years of the writing of the Gospel of John.  Amazing. Here is the Rylands:

The papyrus is written on both sides and hence must be from a codex, a sewn and folded book, not a scroll, roll or isolated sheet; and the surviving portion also includes part of the top and inner margins of the page. The recto consequently preserves the top left corner of a right-hand page; while the verso preserves the top right corner of a left-hand page. The characters in bold style are the ones that can be seen in Papyrus 52.

Gospel of John 18:31-33 (recto)


the Jews, "For us it is not permitted to kill
anyone," so that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he sp-
oke signifying what kind of death he was going to
die. Entered therefore again into the Praeto-
rium Pilate and summoned Jesus
and said to him, "Thou art king of the

Gospel of John 18:37-38 (verso)


...a King I am. For this I have been born
and (for this) I have come into the world so that I would test-
ify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth
hears of me my voice." Said to him Pilate, "What is truth?" and this having said, again he went out unto the Jews and said to them, "I find not one fault in him."

This ended up at Michael Lowe's Redempiton and Messiah and then Walter Benjamin's Arcade

12/14/14 I spent a lot of time with Al Cameron, went with him to buy a new car at  this vast Plymouth dealership. He  had owned a hot 58 Pontiac, ran Al's Beauty Shop, owned the bldg, rented  part to a Korean fast food restaurant, had a house in Ocean City. They had a parrot. Alberta and I used to make out at most opportunities. Later Al said we saw too much of each other and he wanted it to break off. I knew his family the way Andrew and Aeyrie know their spouses’ families. Al had a ping pong table in his basement and a Chinese friend who played, so there were some epic matches. I guess I was for a time the son he never had. He introduced me to Alex, and to the notion of the Phila College of Bible. He liked a pipe.

Today we finished the Phx Center Sale, Sun, with a flourish after lowering to 20 bucks. Then the Chow pup guy, Steve, called worried about us starting a puppy mill, but assuaged. Aey named Judah Edwin Earl

12/3/14 Kafka's father was loud, boorish philistine offending K. always, so why, around the fire at Aeyrie's did I proclaim to S that I had prevented A from being arrested many times? Is it that I wish to belittle him or that she is so impossible to converse with? It's irrelevant that it's true, the guns to school, the fits of temper, the Iphone pics, the public indiscretions. Nor is it because he has totally imbibed that family culture which I forego to characterize!

12/1/14 dreamed I was with Oscar in a reptilarium. I put him down and he and all the tortoises cavorted madly around then he disappeared. A man up the way mentioned that the males would congregate together in that section, called it the Mowby Effect or Howby?

11/19/14 Said yesterday that I now look on the out side what I used to look like on the inside, but now I am on the outside is what I used to look on the inside. This seems to go along with Elijah meaning El is Yah, vs the opposite that Joel means Yah is El.

11/12/14  Don't remember what happened before but Sat, after Pat's truck broke in the Safeway lot, we learned Robt has 70% block and they wanted to consult Pat and did. Sun I had Aey call them since he works cardiac unit, Mon I got the message in the hot tub, Tues A fixed P's medicare, eclinical, with ticket, etc., Wed they report that the doc was a fraud, so further down the road is the decision and etc. Also Tues Aey told me of S's...

10/31/14  if you drive across the united states do not take physical reality as the nation. The nation is the social political entity of Rome and Britain. Neither take the people as the nation. They are the same as people in the Ukraine and Bolivia. When you meet them. Learned Swallowtails love rue to lay eggs. This year two crops of chrysalis on rue, the second now preparing for takeoff.

10/30/14 To drive  a thousand miles across AZ, NM and TX is to know what the rest of the country cannot, the smell of creosote as a morning draught, the continued changed light and shadow,  flats in flood or salt, the little towns, the roughnecks, the flue metal grasshoppers and burrs stuck in your socks, the railroad cars, rest stops filled at night on both sides with trucks, but the Wal-Mart is a horror filled with more horribly obese old and young male and female misshapes.

10/29/14 Just back from from trip begin a week a go at 6 am Oct  21 with A. Drove to Ft Stockton, stayed at Motel 6, the only choice. Full of creosote smell, well diggers, roughnecks. Ruth said  she grew up on ranch Poppy rented owned by his father Edwin August, that it was 1500 acres and that August owned other larger tracts as well, that he was a kind of landed gentry.

9/17/14 We twice walked down the Rio Grande, first after walking miles over the desert from Glenn Springs and climbing down the canyon into it, the water then was shallowish and after some miles we hitched a ride with some rafts that  went by. The second time was the clay mud water through Mariscal Canyon after a wet season with mudholes and tanks and sinks, all the way down.

19 Aug 2014 A group of Ravens can have three different names depending on the activity of the group, a murder of crows, an unkindness, a conspiracy, a constable:
A constable of ravens refers historically to the group of ravens that congregated around the Tower of London; they were thought to be 'keeping watch' over the monarchy. Therefore, any time a grouping of these birds seems to be watching or guarding something, the group can be referred as a 'constable.'
They can also be called an unkindness or a conspiracy - likely for similar reasons. If a flock is driving off other predatory or carrion birds, or 'picking on' another species either because it is competition or prey (although they feed largely on already dead animals, they are known to work together to hunt if need be since they are extremely adaptive birds), then these are apt terms.  There is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow. an ostentation of peacocks, a parliament of owls, a knot offrogs, and a skulk of foxes. Crows recognize human faces. Comments: The state of America-that-was in what is now known as the Republic of.

 20 Aug 2014

Taxi Driver  with its rain soaked windshields of night color is too long on motive but succeeds because  the assassin hero only is a hero by failure, or accident and it cycles to its beginning at the end but not pretentiously, the opening is a cloud of exhaust. Pulp Fiction is its equal because of this ironic humor where the holdup guy is held up and has to buy the life of his adversary in the restaurant, also because of the irrelevancies of the conversations on tipping, etc.

But Apocalypse Now is marred by the lack of this irony and accident, too heavily, religiously plotted around "the horror" of Conrad. Read in concert with Collateral Damage: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds. How many faceless masks can you name of the international, military, American goon, now he has come home: convoys, checkpoints, raids, detentions, hearts and minds.

The creative process here is incessant work till it becomes meaningless, then take a break, then revisit. This repeats many times. It’s not unlike the process of ceramic sculpture. Working through the laminations which develop their own techniques, stains, oxides, confected clays, organic patterns created with prickly pear spines, cholla, etc. then wrapping them to a form, or finding some figure therein over the next days, it’s the same in writing, but longer, decades not days, though here is only about a specific year and a half specifically touching the general concerns of another site, Human Botany At the End of Biologic Civilization (and more underground sites). Never however making these for production, advancing motifs seem like they have more space, but there is no idea mostly of the piece before beginning. Excerpts of Severed appeared last year at Red Fez, Dream People, Camel Saloon, Eyeshot, Antipodean SF, Frigg and etc, but mostly I like to compose live, in danger, on blog where I can almost hear the cries, or in hundreds of versions that went up and came down at Scribd. Specifically, Building Transhuman Immortals arrived about 1 September 2011 after my wife read a collection, ThoughtGoattens,  to which I had made a revised addition of the name Gilgamesh. She wanted to know what about it, but in explaining this Severed began. I actually gave a copy of that first, printed out in booklet, to the interim pastor of our Reformed church. Scared me to death. Figured he would want to know.

 To follow the ceramic analogy there is a listening into the prose which suggests sound changes eventually conceptualizing some narrative. Other pieces are composed that way too, but Severed has more of a given narrative that science provides. AS to why any of these things were done it can only be said they were there in the sound and the moments of work when heard and put down as best as possible. I expect it to be viewed as a version of the unthinkable from Gilgamesh, Milton, Goya, Yeats,  all resonance and reference layer on layer, subject matter unsuited for bald words, but wrapped in a hundred vids like Nick Cave and a thousand celebrations of dark borders I’m not looking for.? The vid of Red Right Hand is not so good-addled fueled by fear of YHVH and anger lyrics, part Milton, part pusher, pimp, soiled industrialist mortician. People take Cave’s lyric and background it with their illuminate paranoias here, same images mostly as in General Gemineye, Bohemian Rap City  Shabazz the Disiciple, levels of pop, rap rock, vid that get a lot of play outside lit. It’s not a closed affair.

 I contemplate different sizes and type faces in the layout,  partly achieved in a recent Jingle Bell Wok,  but this needs collaboration with the company, so to speak, to bring it off. I don’t like the fact that the narrator of Severed seems to be a Thought Bot. It is said you can’t win a war against your own children.The language seems incendiary under the thought, which is unthinkable. These are not rational propositions. It has spun off a fictional treatise on distortion architecture, starchitectures, Ishtars, all because of what Gilgamesh says  to Ishtar when he defames her. Would you believe the Akkadian? Pretty sure this is more than ever anybody would want to know, AE Maybe this is a draft, considered so, for by the time you respond who knows what changes it will have seen in the lit of decapitations.

I had the misfortune of reading your interview where at the end you say…well you must know what you said. So I had something like 10 days to get the window. In order to protect against unfounded assumptions I am sending this along to fit in the 30 Dec window. There must be ms. you have dreaded getting all your life. You want to dignify this with an aesthetic. Explositions. Gasolines. Do it outside, preferably in the country. Take some gas and light it. But save the matches. This is the myth. The science is coming in Part II-II

Everythig about Road Noatses is unthinkable so its aesthetic must be data base. What that means is so…let’s not say, but do.

I’m sending this along in its present state since it seems like the old hindaerances of time have retired and we enter a period of new space.

12 January 2014

Pat’s fall in the drive, Sabrina, Shawna’s opposition, assignments against our sons, the health net all opposition confirm for us we are on the verge of a big event,  for which we have been forged over years.

11 Mar, add to that the power surge that torched the computers today and turning all records electronic, now done, but keeping a kind of parallel system withal, and now training and switch of all records to notepads.


24 April 14


Celebrating the forms of the formless


Edwardo Galeano: “I frequently receive invitations to attend the burial of capitalism.  We know quite well, however, that this system -- which privatizes its profits but kindly socializes its losses and, as if that weren't enough, tries to convince us that that is philanthropy -- will live more than seven lives.  To a great degree, capitalism feeds off the discrediting of its alternatives.  The word socialism, for example, has been emptied of meaning, by the bureaucracy that used it in the name of the people and by the social democracy that in its name modernized capitalism's look.  We know that this capitalist system is managing quite well to survive the catastrophes that it unleashes.  We don't know, on the other hand, how many lives its main victim -- the planet we inhabit, squeezed to the last drop -- will be able to live.  Where will we move, when the planet is left without water, without land, without air?  The company Lunar International is already selling plots of land on the moon.  At the end of 2008, the Russian multimillionaire Roman Abramovich made a gift of a little plot to his fiancée.”


The greatest danger lies in the possibility that the computer can program us, just like the automobile drives us.  With frightening ease, we become instruments of our instruments.


I don't make myself write.  In Santiago, Cuba, an old drummer, who played like the gods, taught me: "I play" -- he told me -- "when my hand itches." 

The books write me, they grow inside me, and every night I fall asleep thanking them, because they allow me to believe that I am the author.  And having said this I will point out to you that I write each page many times, that I scratch out, I suppress, I re-write, I tear up, I start over again, and all that is part of the great happiness of feeling that what I say is similar to, and sometimes very similar to, what my pages want to say.


Ae Reiff Irenaeus: "Gloria enim Dei vivens homo."

June 7, 2014 at 9:23am · Like

Ae Reiff viz. and continuing, "For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man in beholding God." Therefore the Son of the Father declares [Him] from the beginning, inasmuch as He was with the Father from the beginning, who did also show to the human race prophetic visions, and diversities of gifts, and His own ministrations, and the glory of the Father, in regular order and connection, at the fitting time for the benefit [of mankind]. For where there is a regular succession, there is also fixedness; and where fixedness, there suitability to the period; and where suitability, there also utility. And for this reason did the Word become the dispenser of the paternal grace for the benefit of men, for whom He made such great dispensations, revealing God indeed to men, but presenting man to God, and preserving at the same time the invisibility of the Father, lest man should at any time become a despiser of God, and that he should always possess something towards which he might advance; but, on the other hand, revealing God to men through many dispensations, lest man, falling away from God altogether, should cease to exist. For the glory of God is a living man; and the life of man consists in beholding God. For if the manifestation of God which is made by means of the creation, affords life to all living in the earth, much more does that revelation of the Father which comes through the Word, give life to those who see God.



19 Oct 2014 Forward from Poems revised:


An Issue of Blood


The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it.

 Somehow it got on a benevolence check.

It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew.

 I looked down at my feet and it was beaded in the rug.

The wine stands for blood. When I put the cup to my lips

 there was a drop. After being served

 I felt the wetness,  thought it a small crack.

Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide

 because the blood spilled at my feet. It was on my clothes,

my hands, the hymnbook. Then I saw it

 on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front.


I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I couldn’t see the screen.

Now his blood is on my hands, I am implicated in the death,

 absorbed by the rug, bowed down.


I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup.

Other people might have bled, the flood been great,

the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

I didn’t wipe it off so the stain stuck.

The problem I’m having now is there are drops everywhere.


copy An Issue of Blood

The communion cup leaked. I didn’t spill it on my finger it somehow  got on a benevolence check. It was on the hymnbook, the edge of the pew. I looked down at my feet of it beaded in the rug. the wine stands for blood you know, the blood of Christ but the cup leaked. When I put it to my lips there was none left. After serving it I felt the wetness, thought it a small crack. Then they sang a hymn but the crack must have been wide for his blood spilled at my feet, on my clothes, my hands, my check, the hymnbook. Then I saw in on the top edge of bibles in the pews in front and that blood spills yet I guess. I was unable to sing. My eyes floated  so I could not look at the screen. Its one thing to die its one thing to rise. now I am implicated in the death, his blood is on my hands. This baptism of blood, precious stones of blood absorbed by the rug, bowed down. I guess the crack was at the bottom of the cup. Others peoples might have bled, the flood could have been great, the blood now staining stuck to those who remain

I didn’t wipe it off, the stain stuck in. I am wounded, an issue of blood. But now the problem I’m having is that there are drops everywhere, rubies


Dreams are the halo of the understanding world.

This nimbus surrounds all that is known

life is intent on understanding itself,

show furniture, pottery, Chinese civilization, the wilds of the Balkans, live animal life and plants, the faces of children, the heroism of suffering, the fight of the spirit, the joy of health, make something out of nothing, celebrating the forms of the formless, sensing the leading of thought, seeing the good and persuing it,  sweeping the curbs in the street, caring for all neighbors, taking seriously the cry of all beings in distress, prayer without ceasing, cleaning and all menial tasks, parabolas, lovemaking. There is civilization and there are the forms of the formless, every plant, animal, every insect, plant, tree, cave, stream, mountain free of the inebriation of destruction, that which seeks to destroy the forms of the formless where instead of being guardians of the forms of everything there is ruination. In the midst of this dreams open up to consciousness. Night vision enters the substrate, which is love, love unseen, breath praise, gratitude for being, each gasp, each cry, each pain a prayer, when the wind is still and when giving birth, birth. History, geography, being, knowing, the thaw of nothing into the world of forms so that nothing is not nothing, so negatives are a positive, hence Something. It is the formless. So how long have you been doing this. Since eternity I was celebrating the forms of the formless that emerge in thought, hands, brains, plans trades. Figures of something then, elephants of being that wave their trunks like cyclone funnels from the ground up to their capacious heads, ears waving the trumpet of their being calls. This is a something, a little one. All little somethings gather at night in the plain to wait the coming of the one. They are a community then and there is a community then and there of bird, plant, beast, star, the same human wonder each century, decade, millennia, day, the same one pouring essence of wonder seeking knowledge until one dream comes regularly that each night the sphere forms whole where each has its place, trumpet, muscician, gardener, physician, the one who writes it all, not not the politician, the one who feels the ages run down toa mudhole in the ground and sits there in wonder, poll the masses and there they sit, maybe it will rain. This community of life.



Celebrating the forms of the formless




I am a funamentalist, to amend the word.

This is done on the premise of knowing nothing. What could I know of God myself? Shall I read Kant, the postmod knowabots or the antipods? When we build a berm, excavate a pit, berm builders find navel, excrete a bug. Or be an Ashkenazi and find God, affront Toyotas, royalists, cynics, half know its.

          Square one. God is a spirit. The spirit of a man is different from that of another man but it is a spirit so speak of the spirit of man.

          Confessions of  fun include the religion of the Jews. No funamentalist is worth salt without devotion to Jerusalem and Torah. Life is riddled with it. It must amaze critics that these guys are still writing. Keats has finished a comic novel about the afterlife. Johnson has a taxonomy of planetary embryos.

          My life as a funamentalist is concerned with being. Is the moon Christian?

Is money Christian? The orange trees of faith droop lower and lower. My neighbor’s yard is only half green. Is his yard Christian because he is my neighbor? Did the crab grass, the burr clover pulled out by the bucket, seed the tares? Why doesn’t he sweep his porch?

These things are important. Theology recapitulates sociology. Was that gold necklace, the long painted fingernails, the rings on index and middle fingers, the lewd remarks, the fraud bond program, the entrapment of widows?

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of men?




Another invention in doll phones is they talk. Do you know the person on the other end is a doll? There are three tests.  1) Drivers can put a doll on their shoulder to tell them what to do, unless they think they are telling the doll, then the shoulder will drive, or 2) when the dolls are hurting they will tell how they are made, that stiffness comes from in growing. Ingrown, outgrown, when the dolls outgrow their costumes we get more new. Grandma did this for years, but not among the Two Day Bear Dolls trendy bareness, without caps! 3) The younger the doll the less she wears.

And finally we issue Pol Pot dolls for left and right. On the left they make good counterpoint, used for darts or sworn at, ridiculed in place of life and on the right prayed to that those good days when things were simple and people knew their place were more fun to be alive than drink a beer and go out. Doll makers restore vitality to neighbors. This invigoration when you risk your life to get the paper, walk 10 miles for bread or crawl from collapsed buildings puts a meaning in things not found at penny slots. Penny slots is symbol for words of columnists, hosts and TV guests. Pol Pot includes all dictators. Here is a partial list. The names are changed to protect. The names will follow the dolls.



Soul Spinning. Gobbet Mag Experimental Word Stuffs 9 Dec
Once Like A Light. The Penny Blog. 14 Nov
Colonia. Farther Stars Than These. 12 Nov
Satan at the Supercollider. Red Fez 83. 13 Oct
Cover, Photo, Buffalo Almanack #9, 11 Sept. Now saved here
Mennonites, Muslims and Martyrdom. Camel Saloon Gallery, 2 April.

1/8/15 Instigated, she says we should spend all our kids' inheritance to have intercourse in space.

1/10/15 I haven't lived my life as a dilettante, aristocrat or any of the pockmarked shibboleths for nothing. I am surrounded by plebeians in the cut up style of Burroughs, the data base.

--The astonishing thing of Ezekiel is the verbal texture, the language, not to speak of the open, ch. 8 and 38-9. Spinoza was the first to doubt! but that it was a pseudepigraph after the second deportation or that a redactor formed it from two (or more) recensions of the text, some editor of the post exilic, notwithstanding the three hundred jars of oil, of different worlds, the Maccabean age,  notes in the margin incorporated into the text, maybe, are all preludes to  Burroughs cut-up trilogy Gsion made by accident by cutting through layers of newspaper and reassembling the layers, with all repetition, of course, for redactors always reduplicate, and with uneasy transitions, but where did it come from "the workmanship of the tabrets and the pipes, who walked up and down in the stones of fire, whose merchandise is filled with violence, the iniquity of traffick, whose blue clothes and broidered work in the promise of abundance and in the azure of pure spirituality they conceived, merchants in all sorts of things, in blue clothes, and broidered work...the ships of Tarshish were their caravans for makret (Ez, 27,24-5) which surely is attractive, except where Ezekiel calls those delivered into the hand of her loves, dressed in blue with dyed attire on their heads, clothed most gorgeously with the lustfulness of horses in the bruising of her teats,  that "they shall take away thy nose and thine ears (23.25). 

So I had to buy the British Nova Express for the red cover with the train on it and the phrase on the cover in Spanish, Spanish express, French boxcar

1/11/15 The logic of editors consumes criticism, but when did an editor comprehend the creative to understand it? The writer of I Chron used old statistical lists that survived the downfall of Jerusalem and the exile. Compare the treatment of Goliath's head in Chron to his body in Samuel! No, these epigonous imitators cannot be creative thinkers.

1/14/15 Novacaine for Nova Exp. When we were in Paris in '74 riding the underground the usual inhabitants were on vac so the population was skewed to more of what it may be today, espec. obvious were what I called N. African types, Algerians, Moroccans, Syrians, Palestinians who I met in droves at Bishop in the 80's, who ogled Cleo to the point where I turned around and confronted them.-what were called wild boy packs, maybe 6 or 8 seated on the subway bench as we went down the tracks but they eyed me with  a most shameless evil, angry and insulting, so that I knew it would not be a civilized encounter. That is Paris today for Jews who make aliyah to Israel.

A wise old rat may know a lot about traps and poison but he cannot write a text book on DEATH TRAPS IN YOUR WAREHOUSE for the Reader’s Digest with tactics for ganging up on digs and ferrets and taking care of wise guys who stuff steel wool up our holes. It would not occur to our wise old rat to assemble the young rats and pass his knowledge along... we may forget that a written word IS AN IMAGE and that written words are images in sequence that is to say MOVING PICTURES-Doktor Kurt Unruh von Steinplatz  4 vols on Authority Sickness

John Perkins: I've spent ten years myself as an executive management advisor to the World Bank and the United Nations.. to introduce the concepts of shapeshifting and tribal wisdom into the highest levels of executive thinking.

Christine Legarde 7-- you can tell I do as I'm told

French President: “The Illuminati Are Behind The Paris Attacks” - See more at:…/… - On the 9th January French President François Hollande gave a live speech on national television about the recent terror attacks in Paris. During his speech he says that “the illuminati are behind the Paris attacks“. Watch the speech and hear the President of France declare who are really behind the Paris terror attacks
- See more at:…/…

1/16 15 Woman behold thy son. Son behold they mother.

1/20/15  Entered photos in Herberger. Why isn't there any memory before birth, or from the first day. A baby could be kidnapped from its home and never know differently.


To where a page of poems brood

Outlined by, ah, the underlined, bright rood


1/21/15 I'm used to disturbed dreams his time of year, but apropos of memory making identity, dreamed that Libby had a child in old age (with Jerry) which seems what it is, but did not live with it, the child being farmed out to somebody's parents. Pat and I kibbutz about this detail and I ask her if we knew. She says we did!

Three days ago dreamed of the Bullins, driving with them in water up to the fenders and headlights, I was driving, but got through i OK, the road would disappear under the water. That was the first dream that night. the last was of a neighbor across the St at Willetta who wanted to live with us, then the scene shifted to Spicewood Sgss house, I told her this was not to happen. Then she said her  clan had ordered 1000 dollars worth of ducklings to raise!

So memory, location, time, identity all terrestrialize. If dreams can replay lives negatively and so confused, then how about dreams that celebrate victory, salvation, peace, hope!

Victor Pelevin tells the story of his character Babylen from the outside. I tell all my characters from the inside and there is maybe only one of them, myself wearing variable masks. Our gestalt he calls shared Russian ethnicity, shoes.

Speaking of memory I recall Chris Scafario in Merion with whom I went to Catholic dances at S. Dennis etc, and sang a cappella with while driving. His father ran a 7-up plant downtown which i visited. He was putting an Olds engine in a Ford in his garage  that winter. He was my social class up until the time I met the One Jesus, but the relation cooled one day after I was driving down from his house, he following with his mother in the back, but I stopped at the stop sign which I never would have done except a cop car came over the crest of the hill in front and would have given  me a ticket. But Chris was not expecting this and in his effort to stop hit the gas not the brake and rammed the back of my car, [another of those endemic life changing events, like themessage on the bus in Limon]the cop in full view. Who said, stay in the car.  Shortly after that I was on an entirely different course to which none of the old applied, as if again, it was engineered.


1/24/15 Aeyrie found a digital remake slide machine at Phx College for the slides. Yesterday SRP arranged to take out 200 ft of Oleander and one palm every two years starting now.

I free ran parcour without a name then, still do in dreams. One great one was in the Chisos. We were high above the basin exploring the salvia regla, with Anne Sims and Joe Sims and senior when it got too dark for them and they left us there to descend themselves. We over stayed till the light had waned, then free ran down over the rocks to catch them. There was a lot of skipping and double steps, hop, hop, hop, which lasted an hour till we caught them up on the plain. That half skip in aikido is very useful.

Another occasion was at s in the Big Bend Desert. We camped several days there. One morning early went upstream from the

1/26/15 Ox cries of a group whore. O cries of a group whole

Rena was telling me of the various names of EAYs business associates.


AE Reiff worked in a foundry washing the letters off of tombstones. He operated a superheated bath with caustic derivatives where the names and dates of the deceased were affixed in bronze letters with wax. Working over a vat fired by large burners, with arm length rubber gloves and steel brushes, he washed the letters off, scrubbed the plaques clean and stacked them to dry. He now delivers surfactants for the remediation of pollution sites


Nano Abzu gate, Daniel. Chandler, dating medieval ms., Lexican

Elimination Angels

Annunaki, defecations as light, Disney, Enoch, Geoffrey Hartman, Harold Bloom, James Merrill, Malebolge, Men of Renown, novus seclorum, Ouija


Nephilim Handbook

David, Days of Noah, FEMA, Gilgamesh, Lucifer, mirror Vatican, nephilim, Nimrod, supernaturalist government, transworld damnation

Tales of Saturn, the Golden Age Revealed. RE-verse and Men of Renown

Weimar Millenials

YOU Are the Blue Beam Antenna

analyzing computer dreams, antitheses, cloud spray, hieroglyphics of the future, inhaled plasma, Palantir, sentient world simulation, sky battery-antenna, space fence, thousand year stare

CERN Ports

Road Notes

Pre-Contact, Contact, Post-Contact Theology

Abenaki, Algonquian, alien, cannibals, contact, Gluskap, Hopi, Ken Morrison, transhuman

Legends of the Unconscious are Fallen Angel Run off. Collective Mind Jung/Freud

New Town Beta Tests

12/23/15 There is a preparation of the gospel of peace.   Amazingly the God of Peace shall soon crush Satan underneath your feet.

--In Zechariah's song. "the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.


12/20/15 Got up at 12.30 AM to sort perceptions. Later dreamed had it out with Sh who said Aey...because of my violence...justified, then saw him and said, say to my face which he did, ie to confirm that the FB post I had said shamed him. [this all dreamed] Then her father Mark and his friends passed in review against me and we parted company, myself thinking it best for him to find out how far wrong he has gone.


12/19/15 Back two days from ranch early from fall on first day Mon from climbing up the dam with a chainsaw in one hand to hack a limb that prevented the sun from drying the wet ground. Aeyrie's idea but mine the execution,  left foot slipping produced a backward fall on left side back on a tree stump at bottom of draw, chainsaw in hand. We kept on working three days after, cutting cedar as warmup, he hauling huge rock, concrete, me trowling and designing the whole. There were two 36 inch erosions below the base held by fibrous cedar roots that we built up to join with the dam as it had been. Odd to build the base years after, which is now an apron deep and substantial, but we stopped Thursday after a dream where I told Aey I had two broken ribs. Certainly the pain at night after working was greater each night. So we canned it early, did not visit Ruth in Hopital where she was after shattering her right femur, practically the same time I fell. Successes were the meadow filled with  small blue stem. We cut it more cedar and pushed the forest back further. Aey crawled and reset the screws of the cabin ridge cap. Judah didn't go but Zion did and went everywhere with us.


--Aey was abrasive every time conversation came around to the life of the mind, which he used to contribute to. I mentioned this on our return, he put it down to feeling crass about it in his expression but I began with G. Hartman, Scholar's Tale, which I was reading a second time, and the romantics, which led to Little Lucy, and rocks and stones and trees, he reciting it finally by heart and reading the other 4 aloud as we drove, then Kubla Khan, then asking if captions of like merit could be found for his photos which reminded of  Jacob wrestling the angel, Dickinson's "bewildered gymnist," and we sought for an hour whether the angel's touch in the hollow was not at the place where the testes descend, hence a inguanal hernia, etc. effecting the life of Benjamin, the son born after. ["little Benjamin, with their ruler, the princes of Judah." Ps 68.27] These accounts rang with sound and syntax while he said he desired the imaginative mental replay, like the white chickens beside the red wheelbarrow, which he interpreted while reading, but he saw Little Lucy, still in her coffin, being born round earth's diurnal course, so also always moving even while not. Reference to Intimitations Ode attracted him, the child father of the man, the child primal in expression and true. Peeling back the layers of culture in the history of nations, Wordsworth's year in France produced his statement that it's odd the French so supported the American revolution then deconstructed in their own, referenced in the Lucy poem where W will stay on his native soil.Somehow this implicated the whole iambic nature of the verse and whether all the English language was thus, but not slogans which skew the natural rhythms into artificial ones, but of the rhythms, he said, HE ALWAYS THOUGHT OF SHAKESPEARE AS A WALZ! This was somewhere between Las Cruces and Benson. AS A WALTZ! But when I saw the horror of a vid Sh had posted on his page of a man playing with a symbol penis I took this down.


12/17/15 Thurs. Ranch. Dreamed I told Aey, I have two broken ribs, could hardly get out of bed, felt separation and return of bone into place last night. Return today. Minimal work done.


12/16/15 Wed Ranch Right side dam, cut cedar meadown, fix roof cap.


12/15/15 Tuesday Ranch. Mist early then burnoff. repair meadow access, now full of natives, haul rock, cement, do apron and pillar left side. Kerrville for more cement.


12/14/15 Monday ranch. Fell in am from climbing up the dam to cut branch.

-- The light of your presence, rejoice in your Name, exult in your righteousness. The light of His presence is not the light of the heavens, equally defamed with man and earth by the fallen.

-- I got up to give water to Zion in the night.

--I rescued her when she went over the cliff on her chain.

--The presence is what we see by and that orders our lives. The sun, defamed in the heavens by the neph fallen annunaki Sumerian spirit rats, is the Day star that rises in our hearts, a symbol of the one who made it, as Zechariah says, "the rising sun will come to us from heaven to sine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace" (Luke 1 78,9).

--Psalm 149 The children of Zion joyful in their king, sing upon their beds, high praises, swords execute vengance to bind kings, nobles with iron, this honor have all saints.

--I said Theo had marks of character in his face and beauty. Sabrina said, what's the difference? Beauty can be corrupted, character is not. Ps 149 He will beautify the meek with salvation.


12/10/15 Lloyd Pye, Everything you know is wrong.

Starchild Skull on Scribd


12/8/15 James Bartley dna is the currency of the universe, dracos, mantis, rare green grey

Occult Royalty Connections. Chris Everard




-David Hudson 1 of 12O. Nephilim Powder. orbital Rearaanged Monoactive Elements. Become a superconductor. At agua calienta spgs, black alkali, sodium  sulfate, platium group elements , lead alloy of platinium, wt changing, hydroscopic reactions -gravity is a  zero point gravitional source of poproton and neutron with vacuum energy transmutation agent, accelerant, filling your body witha spirit, meister field, aura non polar field  ki, bottled ki, Holographic Universe encoded in negative O = -1 + 1. Egyptian book of deat Whatsinisit? Manna whatis it. Hidden manna of Rev. become agod this is the mark, hydrate of oxide of gold, gold super ocnducts at boy temp, body becomes a light being  one with  the god head to read minds light obdy meizer field silica aluminia monotomic moma! Be like an angel CERN in a bottle, break boundaries Bi-locate transform body, garment of glory  Science of the Spirit Foundation. Tempe!

12/6/15 Saw many images of internet screens researching sub atomic gold seen on miles...etc. Before checking this I had the thought that increased conductivity was the last thing to desire in an environment of micro wave pollutants, etc. - the deceptive allure surrounding the use of mono atomic gold and its reputation for opening doors to other vibratory planes. the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten additional virtual DNA strands @  educate yourself David Hudson, discovered and patented white gold. reputation for opening doors to other vibratory planes He named Ormus, to enhance Proxying, a Mind-Spirit transfer, done by the 1.twinning traumas, 2. channeling, 3. telepathic communication, and 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into one single interlinked Demonic One World Mind [this is the so called 'hive mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate and interbreed with the human Illuminati..Ken Adachi]. We do not understand how white gold and iridium help the body become a semi-conductor so that the body is highly psychic. see David Wolfe David Hudson

12/5  Cybernatics

  Dr Robert Duncan, expert in Cybernetics and Cyborg technologies and author of the book Soul Catcher his site:

Doubts on Duncan Friday, September 19, 2014 hyper game theory, probability matrixes accelerated learning hive mind instinct transferred "no defense in dreams" part hman part AI-emerging minds, alien ai blended to human, new hybrid, magnetically activated nano particles to alter brain pathways, needle injected scaffolding of magnetic net into, over brain. Smart dust micro circuits act as trans liners over neurons and settle there which can be read remotely. Thinking is aural, can be listened to , spied out (as if it were spoken, but it is not), second error, Robert Duncan Confesses: “I am a perp.” I just found this published email from Robert Duncan (the original posting can be found at the link below):

-"R. Duncan" <duncan@higherorder. com> wrote:

-Young Living Essential - Daniel Penoel, M.D., a student of Jean Valnet, M.D., and the first medical doctor to research and write about the medical application of essential oils.

-The Black Virgin of Rocamadour, France

Geoffrey Hill


12/4 Miles Johnson Karen MacDonald gold? Colon hydrotherapy of deep under bases.
DIScernment. spring water rocky mountain david wolfe
vortex water: Another way is we have two different devices that will just spin the water in a vortex. So we'll put the water into a pitcher, we'll put the top on it, the top has a little paddle that spins around and it just spins the water just like if you were spinning the water in the pitcher with a spoon. You just spin it and then that will go for three minutes or so and then that vortex is the water.

releasing emotional patterns with essential oils

marajuana clothing

simon miles

hawaiian volcanic salt


12/3/15 olin perceptron physics

Daniel brad MacBolen III Cern meltdown

unacknowledged special access deep program operations

cmos technology

12/1 Laptop indigo Rick Warren illuminati destroy the evangelical movement, ritual sacrifice of his son  Darrell Hamamoto

11/30 The sense of place as in Isaac sacrificed on Mt Moriah where the angel's hand was stayed at the threshing floor after David 's people vanquished the giants as Satan tempted David to number the people causing the psetilence that took 70,000, but on which spot Solomon built the temple after David, at Gad's behest, built an altar on the threshing floor, this same place important in itself and for the vows they took there, with the subsequent loss of the temple to Babylon, then to Rome, was the place of Golgotha, definining the place generally, which leaves to consider what the meaning is indeed.

-----When, in comparison, I see pictures of the ruined American Viscose plant at Lewistown, that I audited, there is an interest in the picture beyond  itself because I was here, a memory that makes up identity.

11/28 Burroughs and Byron Gysim, Minutes to Go: "the hallucinated have come to tell you that yr utilities / are being shut off dreams monitored thought directed / sex is shutting down everywhere you are being sent / all words are taped agents everywhere / marking down the live ones to exterminate."..the next step is everyoneinto space..but it has been a long wait since the last tower of Babel..Back in No Time. See John Geiger's Life of Gysim:

11/27/15 Merrill gives answer to why in the days of Noah when the fallen watchers took their women the men did nothing about it,  no they cooperated with them the way Merrill does to deliver their message to the demented critics and award givers, two Pultizers and a national book award. all on the elite take, quid pro, scratchem. If you need proof reincarnation is a crock consult Merrill searching past lives, Allison Luries on only level 2 but Merrill is a 5: “I was flattered when Jimmy and David offered to consult Ephraim and find out where I was in the spiritual scheme and whom I had been in my last life. It turns out that I was on a rather low level: stage two, I think. (David and Jimmy had already attained level five.”) Cannella:The violent consequences implicit in Ephraim’s message (judge or annoy us, and we’ll kill you) were understandably unsettling to Lurie.

Bomb,  Thomas Bolt. Ouija board, which consists of no more than 26 capital letters, zero, nine digits, and the words YES or NO, to be the perfect metaphor for language...

--The house he lived in until he was five (“18 West 11th Street,” also the title of a poem on the subject) was blown up by the Weathermen in 1970.

Vendler interview: "what a stranger might say over the telephone.”

" Mirabell nonhuman voices are added, telling a complicated tale of evolutionary history, molecular biology, and subatomic behavior. Would you like to talk about the books you read before creating your phantasmagoria of “s.

Do you think the vocabulary, models, and concepts of science—cloning, DNA, carbon bonds, the ozone layer, protons, etc.—offer real new resources to poetry? cience”?

HV: The new mythology you’ve invented via the Ouija board—including the new God Biology, a universal past including Atlantis, Centaurs, and Angels, an afterlife which includes reincarnation—how real does it all seem to you?

HV: The intense affection that binds you to your familiar spirit Ephraim, to dead friends, and even to the inhuman Bat-Angel you talk to

HV why do you suppose the Ouija board is indispensable, in terms of the workings of your imagination?

JM: (a) It would seem not. (b) You could think of the board as a delaying mechanism. It spaces out, into time and language, what might have come to a saint or a lunatic in one blinding ZAP. Considering the amount of detail and my own limitations, it must have been the most workable method. And, as I have said, it’s made me think twice about the imagination. If the spirits aren’t external, how astonishing the mediums become! Victor Hugo said of his voices that they were like his own mental powers multiplied by five. ---"The Book of Ephraim," a 90-page narrative poem in that volume, recounted the poet's -adventures over more than 20 years in consultation with his Ouija board. Mr. Merrill took the revelations spelled out by his familiar spirit Ephraim, a Greek Jew once in the court of Tiberius, and interwove them with his personal memories to produce an oblique but richly textured self-portrait. Placed in relation to the world beyond, the poet's temporal experience took on a sheen of timelessness. "Mirabell: Books of Number" is a sequel to "The Book of Ephraim." Twice as long, it offers a good many beauties and perplexities. --Ephraim had hinted of the existence of a superior order of spirits: "SOULS OF A FORM I NEVER SAW ON EARTH/ SOULS FROM B4 THE FLOOD... MEN B4 MANKIND." The present volume was forced on the poet by these spectral beings. Breaking into the sociable, often gossipy conversations that Mr. Merrill and his friend David Jackson had carried on for years with Ephraim, they pre-empted the board to dictate messages that the poet was instructed to communicate to the world. "3 OF YOUR YEARS MORE WE WANT WE MUST HAVE/ POEMS OF SCIENCE"-thus they announce their didactic intent.

--The revelations in "Mirabell" are more abstruse and wider-ranging than any of Ephraim's, which had chiefly dealt with cycles of reincarnation. The new chief instructor covers such topics as the history of Atlantis, the secrets of Stonehenge, the true meaning of black holes and of the sun worship of Akhnaton, the Bermuda Triangle, and the evolution both of human life and of the universe itself. These spectral lessons, composed in gnomic lines of 14 syllables and printed in eye-wearying small caps, are something of a chore to absorb. Mirabell has a way of doubling back and revisiting what already has been revealed, so that details slip away from a reader attempting to grasp at a few main threads.


11/25/15 Anatony of influence, the great man becomes less great, gives himself a blow job not in the sexual sense, if it matters. He and alas G. Hartman, goes way out of his way to  again and again make sure we know he knew, names drop constantly, as a friend! Confidante. Lover?

--frank marshall davis, obama's father, joel gilbert


11/24/15  this one plane of reality that is visible is the bottom surface  of a cube that extends above it


11/23/15 R. DeRop dedication prayer at his adopted granddaughter baptism: we pray oh Lord that you will not destroy us. This is the first prayer to Satan. But he will, that's his  desire. Yahweh's desire is to rescue us, protect us, love us, and he plans to give us hope.

11/22/15 Awoke about 12, heat came on got up to turn it off in middle of clouds all over earth nuclear explosions being dodged, suggestions of culverts, ditches o/w would’t have remembered, but was it a dream or a program?

11/17/15 for your sake we are killed all the day long, Ps 44.22, Rom 8.36 For I am persuaded that neither day nor life, nor angels nor pricipalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor eight, nor depth, nor any other created things shall be able to separate us from the love Yahweh which is in Yahshua the Messiah our Savior.


11/14/15 William Mount: Cure for Cancer. We help YOU change your body chemistry so your body can heal itself. Immusist: 888-702-3315, Main Coast Sea Vegetables: 207-565-2907, Citricare: 800-622-8446, Diatamatious Earth form the feed store - 50 pounds for $30...a Life Time Supply of Minerals. Ion cleanse machine. ed skilling


11/13/15 Not the deconstruction but the conservation of text. Cardinality is a virtue of positivity and goodness that if communicated remains like one of those foundation stones, boundary lines left after all superstructure is gone. That is to have a personal experience of it, to feel it, to know it in specific.

A light came out today.

Death of Nimrod, Nebuchadazzar.  Death of the fallen. Kill the gibborim. David, Caleb, Moses, Joshua, Jonathan, Jasher


11/9/15 Antidiabatic. PewWar. Think We're All Human, Think Again 

Went to church yesterday with Christiana and sons. Justyn raised his hand. The pastor had spoken of his coming to faith at age 6.


11/7/15 Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies   Komorusan

William rutledge


Luca Scantamburlo


11/6/15 Storks wings and covetousness, against commercialism learned in Babylon in Zechariah, 5.9, Then I looked up--and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth., dr. McGee (in context with against Schmetiah Exposed) Abe Finkelstein and

Baphomet At Pope´s Festival Of Families (2015)

The secret covenant

David Jacobs, The Threat

Covert Castrophe


11/5 arguettes of meteoric diamonds


11/4 IAU names Maximilian Holl, one of a family of 22 children from his father’s two marriages. Max changed his name to Hell, entered the Jesuits, and became director of the Vienna Observatory in 1756. As with many Jesuit scientists of the era, his curiosity was intense and wide-ranging. Among his 28 scientific publications are a study of the origins of the Sami, Finnish and Hungarian languages, an exploration of magnetic therapy, and a detailed observation of the 1769 transit of Venus. He helped to prepare an encyclopedia on the arctic regions of northern Norway, which was never published


11/1/15 Double temmoku poured over the lugs? A red clay?

Gas Kimishima Very typical slips (red 赤土部 [akadobe] and black ) of Tamba were applied on local clay. The village called Tachikui [ 立杭〕 has been located in the long valley, as Tamba 〔丹波〕 pottery. So it should have been named Tachikui pottery 〔立杭焼〕 instead.. (Gas)


10/31/15 Notes: voice to skull technology, plasma conduit, chuin-saturn, capacitor-solar boat sits on a cube, tetrahedron in CERN dectectors, Model dependent, gate sealed after the flood, John Hutchinson (Dark Mission), anastomosed, smallpox ebola hybrid, ebola + measles, Bergman, Ringmakers of Saturn. Teller light, Bikina Atoll, Oppenheim banned for dissent, Third Reich Bunkers, hide in ditches, concrete pipes along highways, Davy Crockett carryon nuke, hexa quark, quantum foam, Christofilos shield, wunderwaffe, subterranean penal colony at Nordhausen, Eagles Nest Hitler's hq, intimidation architecture, raubkammer zoo unermenshcen, experimental cell blocks, dueling scars, DARPA exoskeleton, chip the rat, insectothopter, adiabatic qubits, augmented cognition, synthetic cognition, Paul Zak narrative networks, neuro economics, neuroimaging with oxytocin robot ethics, voice activated trained beasts with legs and LIDAR against fear, Licklider psycho acoustics, Predictive computer modeling of human behavior in Thailand, resettlement, defoliation, strategic hamlet, neuro prosthetics brain chip copper mesh in shoes, robo rat, robo cat, My Borgs adore you, human dyads linked machine, wireless EEG caps electrify brain increase cognition-some loss of hair at removal DSB Defense Science Board, micro electrode brain chip, composing light writter DNA programmable matter group, computer like bacteria, computer model of the living self DISABLE portal. Ken: summer-winter, relation-strangers, center-periphery, women in camp-men in forest hunting, Gluskap-cannibal giants Windigo, Kiwakwe, Chenoo: vicious, envious, selfesh nature, refuse to share, imposters pretending to be relatives in order to eat human flesh.


10/26/15 Jonathan Williams on the surrender of Cornwallis- “A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”


10/24/15 Broken texts. So often that it is relied upon as a method almost, clay sculptures fall off the table, sink in, implode being pushed too far or have any number of disasters befall them that it becomes a method of composition, which at least ensures a freshness and unexpected spontaneity to the work, but to apply this to writing makes a broken text. There are two of these, the other still to be fired, but they came as a result of a failed tapestry, then cut in half and formed into these. Like a pot I tried to make afterward which got pushed too far and totally fell, but the deal is that the clay still has to be used, so it got made into a large protuberant to be called Molly or Maggie. Maybe I think intuition is in the nature of clay.

--The Pacific goes under California and Nevada and in trying to find more deep water bases the Navy lost two nuclear powered aircraft carriers searching for the Atlantic.You nitpickers call that in doubt when you don't even know that aircraft carriers were sent in the first attempt to colonize Neptune.


10/23/15 My mother was prescient beyond finding out. While she would really only appreciate my poem Corn of Wheat, a eulogy on a death, she dressed me up as a book one Halloween. That was in the innocent days, c 1952 and in a small town where everybody knew everybody and children went trick or treating with amity and community to every home of the 300 or so. She had found a tall rectangular box and painted it green, verdant green, and cut a slit where the eyes would be when it was put down over my shoulders. I believe there was some kind of shoulder harness inside to keep it from bumping on my head. The most inspired costume for her son who in the natural consciousness she could not have predicted his future, but in the spiritual understanding, she had been born in a cowl, there it all was for anybody to see. I was a book! I do hope to achieve her dreams.


10/21/15 Jacob Neal

800 265 8825 Ext 53589

SS# 5243  On A’s debt of $2384 to Barclays' Band Delaware, Last pay Oct 2012 of $300.

Offer: flat discount by end of month of 40%. 1430.79


10/20/15 Perdition in NT translated from Appolyon! ...The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.[3] philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard


10/18/15 I awake realizing the New philosophy calls all in doubt and all of Galileo and Copernicus and their effects on the psyche of poets is a model for now, when Lear says the moon is a ship, etc and underground cities honeycomb the earth and many trillions of dollars are missing from the Pentagon alone, etc. I have been modeling all along.


10/17/15 Shades of BlackWater, the Nazis were turned into private contractors. Murdering geneticist doctors became physicians, Gestapo moved to CIA, paramilitary extermination squads got jobs as police, topsecret germ warfare Nazi biologists got into the American road, called it cancer research, The yeast blew up the bread, not that American or British were good, just naive and simpleminded, unless you count Tesla an American, but you don't. The American soul formed out of plenty, liberty and justice for all, meanwhile do what you please, but if you live there good luck in finding out what the Bolivians think of you, but be assured it is not uninformed. Nobody knows the master like the slave. When in  So the Nazis came into a soil prepared for their infection as an object lesson to universities and government that you can do what you want and get a better job after, even get to explore outer space and inner space and everywhere inbetween. The infection thus reached epidemic proportions. The worst toxin of the Nazis was the Nazis themselves, and that's saying something. Nazi minds rule the world the way Rome did. And who is their inspiration? Nietzsche, god of science.


10/16/15 There was or is no difference between the Nazi war chemists and the American British who coveted tabun and tested it live to prepare for their psycho warfare., no difference except the propaganda, for if you were in American then the bad guy was abroad.  All this is the Wunderwaffe of Nazi wonder weapons, ingenuity that America, Britain, Russia airlifted out, that is what didn't go to Antarctica Newschuabenland of which naught is given in the official record. What the allies got was surface stuff, not the antigrav and etc that (Robert B. Staver proposed) Walther Riedel, head of V-2 designs used to make short trips around the moon and locating space mirrors, early Project Blue Bean stuff. The American Raubkammer (he Nazi Zoo proving ground for chemical weapons occupied by cats, dogs, horses, cows, pigs)  adoped these Passenger Rockets into the mental takedown, black hole, broken dimension popular later (see Operation Paperclip, 92. Annie Jacobsen) for their mind control zoo. By 1946 nazi scientists, 1000 authorized by Truman, began to infiltrate all of American science, bringing especially poisons, sarin, Klon B. They invented mustard gas and 9/91, tabun all benefiting Dow Chemical. Nazi med science did the same for survivalability underwater and in space, lsd was brought by Kuhn to CIA, etc, rocketry, chemistry, med science criminality, were all sold on the basis that George Kennan and Dean Acheson threatened that Russia was on a collision course with US and were in the lead in poisons, etc, ha, what, mind control, esp too! in which the Germans were weak. Underground cities were also Nazified in construction, something the Nazi could do well from the subterranean penal colonies like Nordhausen and the gas chambers and Eagles Nest of Hitler's HQ. They were also good therefore at intimidation architecture to cow the untermenshen sub human classes into their experimental cell blocks. The Ubermenschen who were not hanged were imported to the west much like the rats infected with bubonic plague the U-boats tried to land in England, but rats couldn't swim that well. Who will invent a swimming rat along the beltway? Lesser endeavors were to airlift hoof and mouth disease countered by the allies dropping potato beetles in Normandy. All these and so many more informed Camp King where the black CIA hatched their control programs of Bluebird, etc. So the Paperclip was sold like ISIS today by casting it as a threat, when neither were as said, ISIS the invention of the Good guys in WAsh.


10/15/15 ever wonder why the office holders say I take this oath without mental reservation or purpose of evasion? It's an interesting turn of phrase, planning an attack on American soil, a terrorist used to alert us to what ever, but not alerted to the attack on American soil in the aluminum, lithium, barium clouds, water, air and soil. No no that. Monsanto has got a seed strain that than grow in that soil. Sounds like a Conspiracy Theory: Considering the extent of the bad, the nazis sure, but the onlookers of the bullet holocaust, lined up at the ditches, today it would be cell phone cameras, the qustion is not where is the good because the evil masdquerades as it too, os all the morals about the earth, the poor, the minorities only mask further depravities. No the good is much more than that and rare. The wholesale importation of Nazi physicists, rocket scientists, medical doctors, chemists into the United States infrastructure  under the guise of beating Japan, while the parallel structures of Nazi colonies in Argentina and Uruguay, not to speak of Antarctica were also acquiesced to, poison what little morality might have existed in the war machines of Britain and US. Fast forward fifty years and see that the entire philosophical point of view of the Nazis subsumed into transhumanis in toto. This is to say nothing of the science kept out of public sight. So the Air Force, Navy, Army of the US was nazied.


10/14/15 Stewart Swerdlow cern, blue beam etc. Nazi bases in south american jungle

Project Persephone

--Daniel Chandler the inevitability thesis, c. 1995 once technology is introduced, it is inevitably developed--I said this in a grant application in 1985

-CERN largest scientific consortium in world

-entemenaki, baba-alu,  opening of Abzu, gate of hell-tom horn on the path of the immortals

-students from the Portuguese  Santa Cecilia Music Academy-transparent panels containing arcane texts photographed inside CERN codes greetings, invocations in aramaic, hebrew, mandarin, sanskrit



10/13/15 lead me, guide me along the way...I heard this Katabole-- Disruption-- On the way home from the club in the truck, adjusting its radio band because it hadn't been done since the battery was changed...

--Because of the disintegration of the inhabitants instead of before the foundation of the world God took the remains of the original heavens and Earth, which had become broken down and were desolate at the time of Genesis 1:2, and though a Divine catabolic process used the remains of the old heaven and Earth to form our present heavens and Earth.

-catabole has meaning of  payment, illness, epileptic seizure

-- in the  LXX, cast down, overthrown, felled, destroyed mistranslated by its translation into Latin (Origen) as constitution

-kosmos should be translated people, inhabitants not world or earth most times.


10/12/15  the world that was, concepts of faith, foundation means disruption in heb 4.3. Flood over mts in Job first flood before Noah, confirmed by Jere 4. Foundation spoken of by Jesus in Rev 17 and 4 is disruption, lamb slain before the disruption


10/12/15 Europa riding Zeus sculpture outside of the European Council Building.

Europa riding Zeus statue in front of the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg.


10/8/15 George Kenny hypnotist


10/7/15 Morning Glory clouds everywhere


10/6/15 Lithium spraying lithium carbonate, mood stabilizing, treating bipolar mania, daze, fine tremor, nausea, headache, hyperthyroidims increased, weight gain, ataxia, gait. Lithium benefits: lithium chelates aluminium the hybrid Armilus, (Yahweh versus Yahweh) progeny of an evil spirit and a stone woman


10/5/15 Chris White  Alternative Prophetic Viewpoints

Vesuvius a 512 Qubit quantum computer

10/4/15 After camping White Mts.

9/30/15 Daniel Unsealed

Robert Anderson, The Coming Prince

9/28/15 light stimulates aggressive neurons genetically implanted in mice, charlie rose march 7, 2015

9/26/15 Virgil and Dante leave the malebolge and move toward the pit, the ninth and final circle of Hell, reserved for "when the faculty of intellect / is joined with brute force and with evil will" (XXXI.55-56). The giant Nimrod blows a horn. Other giants are chained at this rim of the circle, serving as embodiments of elemental forces. The giant Antaeus obeys Virgil by lifting the two travellers and lowering them on Cocytus, a frozen lake. "tuft by tuft" If the anatomical model for the journey is viable and we started out with references to eyes, then mouths, then bloodstreams, then intestines (the Malbolge), then Dante's enigmatic passage about "what point it was [he] must have passed" becomes disgustingly, but appropriately, clear. CANTO XXXI

Virgil and Dante leave the malebolge and move toward the pit, the ninth and final circle of Hell, reserved for "when the faculty of intellect / is joined with brute force and with evil will" (XXXI.55-56). The giant Nimrod blows a horn. Other giants are chained at this rim of the circle, serving as embodiments of elemental forces. The giant Antaeus obeys Virgil by lifting the two travellers and lowering them on Cocytus, a frozen lake.


Circle Nine: Round One (Caïna) -- Treacherous to Kin

Traitors are frozen at various depths in the lake. Mordred and various Italians are found frozen up to their necks for their acts of treahery to members of their own families.

Circle Nine: Round Two (Antenora) -- Treacherous to Country

Dante accidentally kicks a face sticking out of the ice. Those treacherous to their countries are frozen to a point that they cannot move their necks at all. Dante sees two heads emerging from one hole, one chewing on the brains of the other. These are Archbishop Ruggieri, and Count Ugolino who gnaws on him. The story is told in the next canto.


Ugolino stops chewing to tell the story of being imprisoned with his children. The implication is that they turned to cannibalism. Dante wonders about the icy wind, but he'll see its origin soon.

Circle Nine: Round Three (Ptolomaea) -- Treacherous to Guests and Hosts

Those who betrayed their own guests or hosts are frozen halfway up their faces. Their tears freeze their eyes solid. Friar Alberigo tells Dante that his soul is damned now even though his body lives on earth. This is the odd case with Branca d'Oria too. Although he had promised to, Dante does not remove the ice from the friar's eyes: "To be mean to him was a generous reward" (XXXIII.150).


Circle Nine: Round Four (Judecca) -- Treacherous to Masters

Aside from apparently the three worst sinners of all time, the worst sin you can commit is to be treacherous to your own teacher. These sinners, the treacherous to their masters, are completely frozen underneath the ice, sealed up in twisted poses. So there's not much to say here.


When we had reached the point exactly where
the thigh begins, right at the haunch's curve,
my guide, with strain and force of every muscle,
turned his head toward the shaggy shanks of Dis
and grabbed the hair as if about to climb--
I thought that we were heading back to Hell.
. . .
I raised my eyes, expecting I would see
the half of Lucifer I saw before.
Instead I saw his two legs stretching upward.
If at that sight I found myself confused,
so will those simple-minded folk who still
don't see what point it was I must have passed.

 9/24/15 image of Kali on empire state bldg

 "The end is probably not very distant; it has already been grievously shaken by the French. In 1798 the French republican army under General Berthier took possession of the city of Rome, and entirely superseded the whole papal power.

--This was a deadly wound, though at present it appears to be healed; but it is but skinned over, and a dreadful cicatrice remains. The Jesuits, not Jesus, are now the Church's doctors.

--If the papal power, as a horn or temporal power, be intended here, which is most likely, (and we know that that power was given in 755 to Pope Stephen II. by Pepin, king of France), counting one thousand two hundred and sixty years from that, we are brought to a.d. 2015, about one hundred and ninety years from the present [a.d. 1825]. But I neither lay stress upon nor draw conclusions from these dates". cu on Daniel 7.15. Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at

9/23/15 This is the day when rabbis whirl chickens over their heads three times to transfer their sin. I fasted it last year, but not this. The best news received in the interim is that we are all in a medieval, Roman system of two classes the rulers and the peasants. It is so comforting to be a restored peasant after suffering the illusion so long that I was something else. For my aunt insisted always from an early age that we are all peasants. I have come home to it, knowing that I know nothing of the world and its stratagems, time and its breaking, even if I sue the words, and that I am so unimportant that I can be left alone to life my illusions without interference. It was my own fault for ever thinking otherwise, but we also recognize that is the programming put upon us at birth practically, in schools, in society, that we matter and that we can do anything. All illusion, all chimera.

As far as I can see it there are two reigning possibilities, ET vs the Nephilim, and these have many permutations, but the best one is the simplest, that they are the same, not that the numbers of intelligent parties who have had experience of ET would accept this. Steve Greer has early had experience of contact. it became his rason detre, his reason for being, leant significance to his life, although he is a member of the ruling class and not a peasant, which should give pause. Two classes of ET emerge, the android manufacture, programmed life form, chipped and cloned (extended to most Hollywood stars) and the "real" kind that say they are from Andromeda or Sirius and come with benign intent, little Speilbergs, for who we must enter an age of peace, not war, on earth in these last generations. Having had personal knowledge of this in the Disclosure effort makes another neat bifurcation between the rl and the unreal to draw participants toward the middle. Even though the Hegelian is decried by all these groups they all use it. The Disclosure effort by all accounts is to come public in an alien war, etc. a false flag event run by the rulers to consolidate ever more power,.

-One cannot help thinking of the Tibetan benefic and malevolent our last generations before....

-I better hasten to say before it all gets lost in the details  that none of these are the fact, that being that every one of these appearances is nephilim. That every one of these black budget, black shelved, sequestered technologies that have been know for years to be thousands of years ahead of what is used on the earth, all these come from the nephilim, who can take many shapes, littley greys for the Nazis, etc. It is pertinent that it says that this was the beast that was, that is not, then that is and then that is no more, that this somehow explains the timeline, for there is plenty of history of the nephilim in ancient times entering human affairs, making fit extensions of themselves, i.e. hybrids, giants. In this there seem to be three: the first angels who fell. Their breeding of their race of nephilim. further breeding into giants.


9/22/15 Chipped and cloned. Programmed Life forms here steven greer, these scenarioes dovetail after coup de etats of all gov't into a global junta, fourth reich. Sequestered. Black shelved. MAJIC, joint intelligence committee


9/19/15 micro nuclei in the blood create by cell phone use of 24 hrs. a million hz up against the brain a 7 hz system--George Carlo

9/18/15 Social scientific remodeling, hormonal wars, endocrine destructors, the disappearing male, population redesign, estrogen BPA on receipts our chemical lives

9/1315 Yom Kippur

dementia strikes 40's,


9/12/15 there has been a long series of bizarre suicides among
British computer scientists, all of whom have had some connection to the United States Navy. NASA project
Blue Beam


9/7/15 from an image search of "orphim"  Viktor Shkovsky's förmalist theory of "defamiliarization Of reality". ·I argue · that the dissolution of language and syntax~ along with . Structural disorder ·and issues ·· ·Of perspective, such aS blended, · almost undistinguishable narrative vöices, contribute to deconstruct the trauma of 'survivorship and work towards comprehension and healing. These• extreme formal strategies · challenge · the reader to actively participate in an innovative, albeit controversial type of literariness, . which uses paradox; absurdity, repetition and specific. symbolism as further means to defamiliarise and re-order events.


9/6/15 genetically engineered gay communities, brookings

Sharon gilbert behaviorial epigenetics

evil gene, stevenson


 9/4/15 animal souls

ghost language, paul kingsnorth grey wolf press, also lapin

corruption of written text, proto-elamite

Marasu emoto, tatoos, dna by words, jacob breeding

Nephilim true story: shofar: breeding program

Nicholsen 1968 the real reason for chemtrails 1/9/15-- Blue Beam

Jacob breeding by the slats: epigenetics

9/2/15 personification of anima, anima mundi. --The structure and evolution of the exosphere on a planet involves numerous factors, including the source rate from the surface, the interaction with the regolith, the solar wind ion sputtering effect, and so on. In order to have a better understanding on the nature of the exosphere, the characteristics of the surface and the solar wind interactions are also important issues. Vice versa, the information hidden in the exosphere can give us clues on the surface properties, the solar wind ion bombardment patterns, and the heavy ion distributions. Therefore, although initially we have treated each topic separately, the ultimate objective is to apprehend the elements, with solid, gas, and plasma states, of a solar system object without an atmosphere as a whole. In this work, the surface thermal model, 2D and 3D exospheric models, and the 3D hybrid model are applied to the studies on the exosphere and the magnetosphere structures of Mercury. Through the comparisons with the observations and measurements, we have learned the exospheric features and their interactions with the surface, as well as the fundamental morphology of the magnetosphere without the inclusion of a substantial ionosphere. The thermal accommodation effects on both longer lifetime exospheric atoms, helium and oxygen, and a shorter one, sodium, are calculated with our exospheric model combined with the surface temperature distribution from the thermal model on Mercury. The surface ion precipitation rate and the magnetosphere measured from the first two flybys of MESSENGER are also learned via the hybrid simulations. The circulations of the heavy ions produced from the exosphere is also an interesting subject to discuss with the joint results from the exospheric and the hybrid computations in future.</span> The structure and evolution of the exosphere on a planet involves numerous factors, including the source rate from the surface, the interaction with the regolith, the solar wind ion sputtering effect, and so on. In order to have a better understanding on the nature of the exosphere, the characteristics of the surface and the solar wind interactions are also important issues. Vice versa, the information hidden in the exosphere can give us clues on the surface properties, the solar wind ion bombardment patterns, and the heavy ion distributions. Therefore , although initially we have treated each topic separately, the ultimate objective is to apprehend the elements, with solid, gas, and plasma states, of a solar system object without an atmosphere as a whole. In this work, the surface thermal model, 2D and 3D exospheric models, and the 3D hybrid model are applied to the studies on the exosphere and the magnetosphere structures of Mercury. Through the comparisons with the observations and measurements, we have learned the exospheric features and their interactions with the surface, as well as the fundamental morphology of the magnetosphere without the inclusion of a substantial ionosphere. The thermal accommodation effects on both longer lifetime exospheric atoms, helium and oxygen, and a shorter one, sodium, are calculated with our exospheric model combined with the surface temperature distribution from the thermal model on Mercury. The surface ion precipitation rate and the magnetosphere measured from the first two flybys of MESSENGER are also learned via the hybrid simulations. The circulations of the heavy ions produced from the exosphere is also an interesting subject to discuss with the joint results from the exospheric and the hybrid computations in future. Dissertation Institute of Astronomy, Central University

Regolith is a layer of loose, heterogeneous superficial material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, Mars, some asteroids, and other terrestrial planets and moons.

In places this covering is made up of material originating through rock-weathering or plant growth in situ. In other instances it is of fragmental and more or less decomposed matter drifted by wind, water or ice from other sources. This entire mantle of unconsolidated material, whatever its nature or origin, it is proposed to call the regolith

8/30/15 Outake from Portals: Caligula stabbed the sea he thought full of Goya's hair. Homer took a full page ad in this with Laocoön, along with the statues, paintings of El Greco. Daniel said the beast up from the sea was global, without borders, that goats would cast stars to the ground and trample them. This is the 4th letter of del Sur on the Neptune war, philosophy and circus, a global captivity of merchants multiplied above the stars and strongholds falling like figs. The eater and the eaten stuff the gates of the mind open before its enemies. No fig wants to hear. Even titanium alloys fail in defense. Simple water drawn for the siege goes in the clay. To tread the mortar, make strong the brick, locusts and worms and canker-worms, the merchants of Nahum East, 3, cast lots to own the honorable men of No-Cleveland. They bought No-York too and sold nations. Shaker Heights fell, Ohio was lost. Toward the sea the whip, the wheel, the trains, the horns, the creosote barbs, grey dawn antennas, chains not long, end Nineveh. For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at noonday, and Akron shall be rooted up.

 8/23/15 how much do these gates affect.  I had a tight dream last night, today in napping a researcher followed to the drug garden looking for some seed or other, papaya, cardamon...dream of Nightingale  gates

8/22/15 Jasher 4 18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.

--Edward Mantill: CERN’s main purpose for building the Collider was too, well it was to open a door way. 40 Tera Electron Volts

--commit two collisions, if the connection to another existence was possible, discovered some sort of portal to another world. didn’t come back alone” I saw him doing them all at the same time. He was in Section D, C, and K, in the lab, in the lounge, and in the clean room, all at the same time!”

--Yeshua against the dragon of the sea


8/19/15 today patrolling to see if Oscar got overturned again found Big Boy overturned at gate w/ cloth twisted round his front forefoot. Like the time he had wire around that same, like the time he was twisted in cloth in the side burrow, like the time he got his  neck caught in the gate and the time he was wedged in the back burrow. Now today, 9/14/15 I find him turned upside down between the logs and block of the garden by the garbage pails!

--After the dream of Douglas Bush and mythology in the Renn yesterday, following up found Mali's The Rehabilitation of Myth, who cites Michel de certeau and giambattista vico:  all pertinent to New Philadelphia revival of myth and the other: Insomma, da tutto ciò che si Š quest' opera ragionato, Š da finalmente conchiudersi che questa Scienza porta indivisiblmente seco lo studio della piet…, e che, se non siesi pio, non si può daddovero esser saggio. [To sum up, from all that has been set forth in this work, it is to be finally concluded that this science carries inseparably with it the study of piety, and that he who is not pious cannot be truly wise.]

--the fables of antiquity had always been present as decorations in the salons of upper classes Bacon thought Greek myths allegorized primordial reality, that the truth of myth lay beyond myth itself which was only a later ornamentation (mali, 142) invented by priests and poets for the expression of some truth masked in the ornament. michel de certeau, la fable mystique

 New World Encounters By Stephen Greenblatt

heterology, science of the other, was to make sense of the Indians

8/5/15 visions of Hildegaard haloes

7/30  albumin is the main protein of human blood plasma.[7] It binds water, cations (such as Ca2+, Na+ and K+), fatty acids, hormones, bilirubin, thyroxine (T4) and pharmaceuticals (including barbiturates) - its main function is to regulate the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood.

7/29/15  black science: Three parent babies legal in Britain.

7/26/15 Sent Ameryca the Beautyful to Fez. Amazon review:

"a changeling, like the face of Mercury.

This is a poem of the fictional nation called Ameryca. It is a lyric narrative, by which is meant that it tells its discovery in verse form, short lyrics, against the background of the discoverers of 16th and 17th century England. The first half of the book, the six months of the calendar year from March to September, includes in order, St. Brendan, Erik the Red, Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh and the natural origins of that world, the sun, the fly, the orphan. The second half of the calendar is a time shift describing the last six decades of 20th century America, the i instead of the y, a disillusion of the naive former months. The poem as a whole leaves us to ponder what we are and what we believe about Ameryca, America and ourselves.

7/25 "whether from clay or from metal" Sarah Connor Chrnicles, I.4, speaking of golem

  The name Tetsuo on the coltan truck and crates is a sly reference to a bizarre Japanese movie called Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989), about a man who begins finding scraps of metal growing out of his body and is gradually transformed into a perverse human-machine hybrid.[2]

  The story Sarah talks about in the beginning of the episode is a Jewish folktale in which a rabbi builds an artificial man — a golem — from clay to protect residents of the Jewish ghetto, only to have the creature turn on them. It's a variation on the archetypal story of the man-made monster, and the thematic connections to The Terminator saga are pretty clear.[3]


"When John was little, before bed I used to read him fairy tales. One night I read him a folk tale called, 'The Golem of Prague' the story of a clay monster made by a Rabbi to protect the Jews of the city. What I failed to remember was that the end of the story the Golem turns on its maker and kills him as well as the rest of the town. He didn’t sleep for months. I went to him and tried to tell him it wasn’t real, that I’d made it all up. Somehow, that made it all worse."

"Not every version of the Golem story ends badly. In one, the monster is a hero, destroying all those that seek to harm his maker. In another, the Golem's maker destroys his creature before it can destroy the world. The pride of man, of parents as well, makes us believe that anything we create we can control. Whether from clay or from metal, it is in the nature of us to make our own monsters. Our children are alloys all, built from our own imperfect flesh. We animate them with magic and never truly know what they will do."

7/16/157/15/15 Annabellah for the day.

Threnody for Kenneth M. Morrison. These ideas abound in Ken's essay Native American Other than Human Persons, reality assumptions embedded in Algonquin: the master of animals, human and animals communicate in dreams, entities who live in other space time dimensions. Animals are human beings who have donned costumes and masks that created their animal forms, green corn and harvest rituals, first salmon, buffalo renewal ceremonials, bear ceremonialism revolve around human well being gained from gifting acts to other persons where words are intentional beings that represent an objective reality as kachina masks give physical form to cosmic persons encountered in dreams.

Ken and I never conversed over these matters that mean so much to me in reality, if not in philosophy. Communication with a person is altogether different from reading his work. I never took him seriously as a an intentional being because he could not see beyond his own words or himself as if he were giving by rote things he had heard but did not know himself, this was felt. So when his garage was broken into he was nonplussed. I merely screwed a 3/4 in sheet of plywood over the broken door. H would send away for exotic  plants that could not thrive in our head, so I have him stands of aloe which still proliferate in his year long after he is gone. So we never really had a conversation, but I did hear some of his activities, helping his grad students get posts at which he was good and many students would visit him at home. But he smoked, another rote effect, which caused his demise no doubt. he had moved to Oregon to live with his brother in law Geoff Glover, also early deceased, mentioned in the acknowledgments of Kinship, who had visited many times, a person who would repair his house, and was sitting at the breakfast talking and simply up and died. At the beginning of Embattled he speaks of a cabin where he took seclusion. He had one of these here and would go to  many long weekends out of the month and much in summer outside of Prescott, on the mountain, but, another anomaly, he double and triple mortgaged his house during the fat years here to pay for improvements to the cabin, but when the evaluations crashed could not afford the increased mortgages and that was the reason for the move to Oregon. We had a wild rooster and three hens on the street then, who had chicks several times, but gradually got whittled down till only the rooster was left, he would come and roost at night in Ken's aqua vitae and make his racket in the morning so I often thought of dealing with him, but never did. He was very beautiful, but one morning I came out and he was dead in the drive as if his neck had been wrung. I was sad about this and gave him an honorable burial wrapped in a red t and in rosemary. He has a gravestone.  This is the end of that first event when we had moved in and saw them in the back yard playing canasta. You see, he did not have a woman. The house was repossessed and he recruited a woman and er taxi driver friend to live there rent free until the bank ordered them out, which took six months. So all our lives are contradicted.

Ken's study is anthropological, ethno historical, sociological, but from a personal point of view that is engaging and well expressed. His writing puts his best face forward. My writing on the new world is often symbolic, facetious and opaque, but I never set out to be a scholar or professor, only a poet, which is no excuse for being neither.

A Calendar of Poems is all about contact and its effects on the land, the idealism of the new and the primitive, all of which contact destroyed, and then it destroyed itself.  Restorations of the Golden Age is about the metaphor of discovery more than discovery itself, how inflated rhetoric of poets made the new into the old, into impossible topographies of  gold, into the woman and lovemaking, into the act of love in  as a love voyage, into other world destinations, Bermuda into Hades, Virginia into heaven, or the new, new man. So myths of the gold tree, the gold man, heaven and hell, beauty and love  were preoccupied filters, metaphors of the new but as the old. This very playful but serious business preoccupied the best minds of the English Renaissance which criticized empire even while it built it and criticized commercialism even which it was the vehicle for its establishment. So while the ship captains were probing the coasts off Penobscot  and kidnapping Wakinas to take back to the King, the poets at home were laughing and chortling and not getting at all how in this the beginning of the new world they were sowing its end in its destruction. but they did get that woman was the world and the new world was the world, so in a shot 400 years they progressed civilization to ruination and the earth to apocalypse.

The Abenaki were various tribes that lived in the river basins of New Hampshire, Maine, and New Brunswick. They fought many wars against the French and English


7/1315 Dreamed of taking class with Ken, needed for a doctorate, political theory or post modern grammar, which he taught. He had a radio show, sitting next to him bvefore class, convival eitc, so I searched him looking for his authority named Sam Gill on native american religions, and foundit! His biblio is fascinatiing.

and found his pdf on baptism!

dissertation 1975: The People of the Dawn: The Abnaki and their relations with New England and New France, 1600-1727 U of Maine

Mapping Otherness: Myth and the Study of Cultural Encounter

The Cosmos as Intersubjective: Native American Other than Human Persons

Baptism and Alliance 1990

Towards A History of Intimate Encounters: Algonkian Folklore, Jesuit Missionaries, and Kiwakwe, The Cannibal Giant 1979



I lived next door to Ken Morrison for 15 years. At that time there were three professors on that half block, Ken, Professor of Religion at ASU, Lew Alquist, Professor of Art who was a positive influence on our artist son, and myself, sometime Professor of English. Ken's interests paralleled mine. His dissertation written in 1975 : The Abnaki and their relations with New England and New France, 1600-1727, had much in common philosophically with mine of the same year, Restorations of the Golden Age in New World Discoveries [1500- 1680], preceded by the faux MFA, Encouragements for such as shall have intention to be undertakes in the planting of the new found land, set forth with diverse reasons and inducements (Austin 1974). Ken  inspired two stories Christmas City and Gardens and Grapefruits. We had come to Phoenix for the medical internship at Good Samaritan Hospital, but in the first ten years in Phoenix lived south of McDowell at 24th street. We were there when the freeway was built, moved into a derelict neighborhood just a year before. All the social relations had fragmented, leaving behind, drug houses, gangs and illegals. Our immediate six neighbors on all sides were widowed single women in their 60's and 70's left over from what once was. They had pomegranates and grapefruit trees and oleanders to hide the gangs. My story from those years Secret Life of a Zonie Ninja has never appeared. We had three break ins in those years before our first black chow joined us as a stray and stayed. Those stories haven't appeared either. Finally, when the immediate neighbor lady to west went belly up (she and her daughter were inspiration for the notorious Susan) and the house was redeemed from demo by a speculator at the last minute and the people he rented to stored motor oil in five gallon bucks under their lemon trees, I had to move. The house next to Ken was the one provided for me after seeking. The day we moved in I looked over the back fence and there were four card tables set up with candles and people playing canasta! No wonder I thought it was heaven.

Obviously Ken's work on Algonquian  myth in Mapping Otherness would appeal to me, stories studied for the cultural evidence they embody, the tension between myth and history, to reverse the ethno historical dependence on European documents. Work I have an immense appreciation of from Howard Normans books on the Swampy Cree. All my writing on Pop, Susan, Wonk Yaps, Orcs, is like the Indian myths, stories with evidence of cultural encounter with the transhuman and science as if they were European conquerors. In the conflict of these cultures with the mythic origins of the native, i.e. the natural world, everything said of the European conflict with the native applies to the transhuman conflict with the natural, except there is no Gluskap who struggles the hard way to preserve against evil; there is only evil as a kind of joke. No maturation through concern for others, but there might be a killing of the giant frog that ate all the world's water. When the Algonquian were deprived of world and water they changed form into fish and bear thus became other by transplantation, but in this alienation into animal others as kin, their strategy of goodness, once transformed, they hoped to change the European into kin, which shows how wrong they were. Gluskap faced the challenge of the other, European, constructively, like kin, hence the benignity of this belief empowered their annihilation. They should have read Franz Fanon.


Cannibal giants however could metamorph negatively, pretending to be kin until killing and eating with their cannibal perfidy  People became cannibals when they hardened their hearts toward their kin. Restoration of social relation could heal these rifts, the Wabanaki thought, by  the addressing the cannibal as father or grandfather, appealing like Dr. King to its higher nature, its conscience. Kindness to the giant was their hope of transformation. Truly the primitive naive. It was European technology that the Algonquin embraced, Iphones, computers, nano parts and digital DNA, to make the analogy. The myths are pictures of the native and the alien, Algonquin European, giant, Glosknap cannibal, forces of conflict and their resolution, but these exist for a scholar in the past, after the conflict is resolved and viewed by the European for all his good intent and logic and distance, but what about when the conflict is not resolved and the viewer is the native, for in the war of  the natural vs. the digital the conflict is global, though the giants and cannibals are the same. English treachery and the greed of European morality altogether dislocated by the occasional good English altruist skewed the native just enough to ensure total extinction . So Weymouth kidnapped six Wabanakis to England. Kidnapping and technology were the two salient seductions of the native and the alien. Does it make you think at all?


This wishful thinking makes the scholar say the opposite of the fact and truth, that "from the beginning of contact the Algonquians had an informed realistic view of the challenges of the cultural encounter." 119 This is so horribly wrong since Glosknap and their theology of acceptance of the other, redemption of the other, made them miss entirely the horror of evil they encountered. Myth and folklore document this adaptability, this naïveté, in the cultural evidence of stories and poems.


Myth says one thing history another, but when they are one and the same we have apocalypse.  I love this kind of talk, that "myth is central to the study of cultural encounter precisely because it provides the template shaping people's ongoing production of identity" 120  This identity provides security with common shared public values. Contact is a decentering when people question these values. However it came

Algonquian values from the conflict of summer and winter, relatives vs. strangers, the center vs. the periphery, women in camp vs. men hunting in the forest, made for adaptive values, the critic says, trying to make a whole thought of their one world, which itself is a human misnomer. It is impossible that humans solve their contradiction even if some myth or religion they practice says it does, positive against the negative, the hero Gluskap against the cannibal giants of windigo, Kiwakwe, chenoo, seeks a solution of good and evil, but there is none, the positive sharing power of Guslap vs the negative antisocial giants of greed, that is supposed to transform the world, meaning absorb and redeem evil, for the evil is made human other tribal members. Guslap learns to be good one struggle at a time until he releases the captive animals and forbears revenge. It is a perfect little tale for society within itself, in its one world, but utterly fails when confronted with the outside; there only the Hopi view survives, implacable war with the other. Do not compassionately stay your hand against the enemy. Execute him. Every effort Glosknap made to transform the world was to bring the natural, the animal into harmony, kinship when the people sought to survive the drought by taking to the water as fish or the forest as game: "my relative of as strange race, my spouse's parents" 123. Treating animals as kin they extended the courtesy of the English, a kind of genocide by myth. To utterly oppose the English was to deny their religion and its constructive myth of the world. Read for yourself 124 the catalogue of cannibal giant English. Cannibal giants were vicious, envious, selfish in nature, refused to share,, pretended to be kin in order to eat human flesh, thus violation the paramount order of kinship. Human could become cannibals but could cannibals be human? Gluskap said yes. Since humans became cannibals when they hardened their hearts, cannibals could be human if softened in healing.  This dialectic annihilated these people.


Gluskap showed that technology should be used to socially construct the people, for human welfare, In their grasping Europeans were considered to be like the cannibal giants. How the Wabanaki were corrupted by commercial contact with Weymouth (1605) and kidnapped is  the cautionary tale of black science and the present. For you can have a new kidney and new genes if you will just get aboard ship. When the Wabanaki subsequently eliminated the Popham colony the internal pressures triggered by this weakened them substantially. 128 Hence cultural contact. Wave on wave of epidemics, liquor, factionalism and division, the cannibal virus so to speak, In post contact history Gluskap's teaching became more urgent. Europeans were identified with sinful Adam, rebaptized, etc. Post contact history we have a lot of and more is coming.


Gluskap showed that technology should be used to socially construct the people, for human welfare, In their grasping Europeans were considered to be like the cannibal giants. How the Wabanaki were corrupted by commercial contact with Weymouth and kidnapped is  the cautionary tale of black science and the present. For you can have a new kidney and new genes if you will just get aboard ship. When the Wabanaki subsequently eliminated the Popham colony the internal pressures triggered by this weakened them substantially. 128 Hence cultural contact. Wave on wave of epidemics, liquor, factionalism and division, the cannibal virus so to speak, In post contact history Gluskap's teaching became more urgent. Europeans were identified with sinful Adam, rebaptized, etc. Post contact history we have a lot of and more is coming.


Ken was an atheist or if not then a profound agnostic so I find it note worthy he cried for three days after reading Buber, as his Obit says. I took it as axiomatic that a professor of religion would be antagonistic to faith. The founder of the ASU Religion Dept was a pronounced such skeptic which he hid under his writings about spirituality. I say this from their universal rejection of supernatural paraphernalia, angels, inspiration, miracles, the Holy Spirit and denial of scriptures in various ways. In this way Ken made a perfect investigator of Indian religion.


7/12/15  yesterday feeling the effects of the run in at the kilns on Mon and due to pick up a piece Sat, so the possibility of another,  plus the toilets stopped up at office from some patient putting a diaper or something in, and having to get a plumber, but waiting to hear, (after the rock through the back window of the truck in the driveway and the break up of Char's class where I had taken refuge years before) I took a rest and saw after a while this figure which I took to be the Father, extending the slightest finger of a touch against the another figure of what was opposing me and it flying back, crumpling away. I woke from this to the exact reversal of things at the kiln and the plumber calling and appearing to fix the drain all in ten minutes! Because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him.


7/10/15 side of Pluto that always faces its largest moon, Charon, and includes the so-called “tail” of the dark whale-shaped feature along its equator. (The immense, bright feature shaped like a heart had rotated from view when this image was captured.) 


7/9/15 Yesterday and today wash office roof and coat walls and trouble spots.


7/6/15 Mon, went to pick up pieces, one cracked on refire. I threw it in the can after  Ridley says in his shrill loud accusatory voice that he likes what I do, wants to teach me, but that if I don't learn then the Phx Center is no place for me. He asked again and again who my teachers are and that there are many at the Center who could "help" me. I made plain that teachers only teach their own virus and the ones they are taught. I said I learn from my work and I admire Gareth Mason and wood fire effects and could have said Peter Callas and Voulkos, especially his attitude which is not punitive like Don. He says he's your teacher then. I reply no, I'm just glad he's in the world and I admire and identify his work. That I am seeking to split form into pieces. I don't bother saying Ridley's work is banal and commonplace because he is a tyrant and throws his voice around with his weight. He has his favorites and all the rest can skate. His teaching so called is mainly his opinions and jokes in his classes. He can't teach what he does not know, that being the essence of form, nothingness of design, flow of liquid color over earth. There was some spit off the embedded feldspar onto other pieces he said, not that he knew it was buried feldspar, and that the bottoms are "unfinished," hence unstable. I said I can glaze the surface to prevent the spit, they are hardly glazed at all, and sand the bottom. He thinks they should have feet!  He is utterly afraid of the spirit. I have offended print teachers, ceramic teachers, Mennonite teachers, English teachers and tennis bigshots. All these self righteous people are offended. I must be onto something. The outcome is that I want to tear the top off with the bottom and make the form represent the detasseled torsos of our time.


7/4/15 Beauty must pay. The Reformed are depressed over their sin. The Mennos are depressed over their need to help the world. They use guilt to motivate.


7/3/15 Venus and Jupiter close in the sky  one or two degrees, of the home, told Aey to expand his toward the front. Of memory, speaking of at pottery last night, broken proteins, seeing films twenty years later and so on again on netflix I realize I have remembered things that did not happen and omitted remembering those that did. Last night dreamed of Thornburg, driving out the road, all very different from memory , much closer, confined, so there is a third take: dreams, memory, memory corrected. There is a section of Phila that goes up into a city like in Uganda or Munrovia Liberia I have visited at least three times, this time by cab, where the streets taper off and disappear into a warren of  shacks etc, like Brasil. They were saing on TBN last night that Ps 83 precedes Ez 38-9 which precedes the tribulation. "Figures of speech function to describe not the details of what is going to happen but the seriousness of what is going to happen"

Have gotten four bids for office.


7/2/15 superposition is one version superimposed upon another, both playing simultaneously, so a palimpsest is a model of it, except the world is all the versions of itself playing simultaneously. Nina Simone's My Baby don't care for me the first version and the last as 1987 Montreux playing together, what say a song played to a different song. A lot like the levels of Jerusalem, history, archeology. This is real superposition vs theoretical. Inferences in these layers include misdirection, taking one name and using it for another, Alexander for Chaldeans;  making name into metaphor, with anachronism as when Germans are called Huns; aping archaic style, making the younger appear more truthful; rearranging the parts, as editors say a thought is out of place; using technical terms as evidence of denial to its time and place. So to take any surfaces as real is to live in pond scum not in the depths below. it is axiomatic in this that things with greater weight sink toward the bottom from their specific gravity, so the American news is the froth of pond scum.


 7/1/15 These all signal the start of tribulation: Aeyrie makes me indict society unrecognizable even in 25 years: "Marriage", Entertainment patgriotism, obesity, drugs pot, foul discourteous foul talk everywhere, disrespect, incarcerations, police, subterfuge and murder at prayer meetings, burning of black churches (Mount Zion AME Church-- All of the fires currently under investigation broke out days after the fatal shootings at Charleston's historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


6/30/15 Cognitive  or noncognitive art, love


6/29/15 I think I just remembered that Anne used to be locked into my mother's closet in Thornburg for some hours, times. This was connected to the memory that Ginger once went in that closet and tore to shreds on the floor her used kotex!


6/28/15 Nina Simone


6/27/15 The four beasts up from the sea are empires, the ten horns are nations, the little horn is...

--I don't feel comfortable at this time in letting the girls kids go without insurance, propose giving money to split the cost of their kids.


6/26/15 Char told Don I should be allowed to stay but he had no answer. Kaylie declared she is bisexual. Started to get bids for office roof.


6/24/15 Same day as window in truck, news that Thurs nite class only for beginners.

All art, literature, poetry, journalism as propaganda for empire, the world itself, and its multifarious contradictory intentions. To decontaminate this propaganda, Rom. 12 2 says be not conformed to it, but be transformed in renewing, rewiring your mind, which means rejecting patriotism and culturism, modernism, etc.


6/22/15 No call from A on Father's Day, but did get a rock through back window of black truck in the driveway last night. Summer solstice.--The tribulation started last week at the Wed night prayer meeting of Emanuel AME. My people lived in sanctuary in this country from 1717 and before, fleeing the murderous tortures of the Dutch, Swiss Reformed authorities, but I feel as if this act last Wed were done to me. So close to home. Pat has 30 or 40 ladies of just such as were killed in her practice and I have know many from Fayetteville and Dallas. That black Christians are murdered at prayer by subterfuge tells the story, for who of us at prayer does not leave the world, even if while we're in it we are vigilant.

6/20 UDAQ, Tempora, xkeyscore, Lavabit

"repeat the lie until it becomes accepted as truth" Snowden revealed that we accessed and then bounced weak attacks on ourselves off IPs in China, during that entire year we spent accusing them of hacking us

6/19 Covered with bees. At a family gathering about to leave, saying goodbyes walked down o say goodbye to Andy eating a sandwich on a wall, with Joe when notices bees buzzing all around, then walking further into knee hi, waist high clover millions of bees all over them, covering me it seemed though I couldn't see that, walking through ever higher clover, covered again then up out of the clove walking up seeing fireman in full suits, space suit regalia laying on the ground, light green suits, with helmets, then seeing my father walking slowly down towards this I tell him there are  thousands and millions of bees. Only a very slight apprehension at the second whelming.


6/18/15 Annabellah for the day yesterday.


6/17/15 It's not why have I been so isolated from what I love and enjoy, I certainly know how, but how to restore these connections, but I know as little of that as why in the first place. Ruth preventing me from restoring the ranch? Shawna preventing art activities and etc with Aeyrie.


6/16/15 Aeyrie said Andrew told him the name was Howard not Horus! Previously that he'd been handcuffed in Flag for  a half hour  suspected of a robbery until the they caught the suspect.

--Aey said to cover my tracks when I visit with Zion, meaning don't move the chairs, which is why he had said how often do I come over. S. notes every change as  intrusion. I said that if I need to hide be clandestine I only do that to avoid the person, which means I don't seek them out in the first place.


6/15/15 Eagles. Angels or butterflies forming and unforming like eagles to a silent sound played on a eight or ten ft shofar like instrument. They would reverse inside out in a dance four of them together in a circle molting remolting as I, he played, in eagle colors, golden , brown wings folding unfolding. raspberrry rpgs,

--Animal symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture

--A Man is the highest created being in the universe. Earth is the Jewel, Masterpiece of All the Worlds.


6/9 Nordart Exhibition:, Mythos vom Verlust der Menschlichkeitthe myth of the loss of the human ahmed saber


5/31 Sleep: active clearance of the by-products of neural activity that accumulate during wakefulness. /

Wind among the reeds, Wandering aegus, fish turns into a girl

 5/29 I was doing a lot of blue stake  in sleep a kind of role play of Andrew in Fla during his business trip


5/28 RDeductions and extensions of the periodic table

In movies the Americans always take their boys of 19 and land them in foreign countries.


5/26/15 Henry Woll, the MacDonaghs (Osteopaths) friends of Alex. Henry Foster. Arthur Glasser,  Dayton Roberts, Bob Stam, Dit Fenton, Dewitt Jayne. I knew so many significant men then, Foulkes, All the LAM leaders--

5/21/15 In this series of unmaskings that have been going on, of civilization, Jung, Freud, proto man, down to the signal examples, the same fine words and believing that come out of the mouth of Paula White holding hands with Benny Hinn in Rome and giving TD Jakes his 350 K car, come out of the mouth of Charlie Rose and George Clooney. Power, money, privilege. The thing is that everything they say is powerful good and true, its just that it is being used for other purposes. Inspiration used to deceive, liberation to enslave, to milk


5/20/15 You need to be prepped to be in the middle of a cosmic event like when the clouds themselves mimic art of Brueghel, become moons and wisps of hair, all sprayed down applied 8 hours before, at least when first noticed, but probably before dawn, now 3 pm. Look at the weather forecast  heavy clouds forecast, but they were not there at 6, only hundreds of streaks across the sky, so that one, the sprayers saw the forecast and sprayed to meet it, or two, they control the forecast.

--book note: It seems that this is on the back burner, at least until the buyer resolves the contradiction felt between the commercial and artistic. the buyer(s)  loves the Faulkner thought steam apart from the plot. The short sentences in V hold less interest, especially since it was noted to me that it so much resembles McCarthy's Outer Dark, with none of the flights of Old Man or even Pylon where the cosmos resolves over and over in a sentence. Im not doing justice to either this notion or to Faulkner.

 This was the blurb of Rapture: --Warning for any inquirers, the bottom of the inside is inscribed with words written in every rapture, The Lord Is My Shepherd. Sorry about that. This was done on Aeyrie's birthday. It is in the round, figures ascending in different stages and is like Opening the Fifth Seal which shows the figures as a canvas. It takes a while to understand these things, but I seem to have made countless images of  people flying up, at least since I wrote on a student's paper way long ago, what do they do at the tops of mountains, children lifting pretty heads from pillow beds? So not only here, but by interpretation of El Greco's Opening the Fifth seal and in the end in Danby's Sixth Seal, in the process of being hung.

"It was all wrapped in these children being born and flying around, "what do they do at the tops of mountains, children lifting pretty heads from pillowed beds?...Raleigh says You rose into the mountain air and nevermore were seen. I don't know if it answers what children lifting pretty heads from pillowed beds were doing at the tops of mountains, but right up until Once upon a time when it was dead and gone, when one was enough and too much to be alive and well in Ameryca, the new found land, a glory rose up into the head... Raleigh, the marigold in the sun's eye, seems to write about it in his address to Queen Elizabeth in his poems of 1596 where his "first-born love...Restless desire from my love that proceeded / leave to be and seek heaven by dying, since you, oh you, your own hope have exceeded by too high flying."...

So they are all children of St Branden who turn the cheek, spiritual children shall we say, who seek another country, full of mishap called justice. You see how fruitful the allegory is by result, even if there is so much effort in the history of America, the outer one, to find the inner. All the little pretty ones, utopias, Oneidas, so many more in two hundred years than all the world produced in its entirety... How can green know the red? I am what he was, within. It wouldn't change anything he did, not a certainty  to be within what he was without, visible from the interior but not from the exterior. That's the play. The moon has opened up her eyes, like summer stars so soon they rise. Thirty years of absolute sobriety, with love. Of course these things are, but saying so in the same parlance requires that my ears hast Thou pierced, as Messiah said. Listening, hearing the revelation, he wakens me morning by morning to listen as one being taught, as when a slave in Israel, offered freedom after seven years, to continue in that service put an ear against a board where the owner pierced the lobe to symbolize his listening to him alone. The sublime writer carries this along from Psalm 40. Lo I come...I delight to do Thy will, O my Elohim: yea, the  law is written in my heart, no certainty, and he knows nothing of the future, only the moment and past revised amid all failures and regret. Prophetic and at the same time impossible, nobody picking Calendar up forty years later would see anything symbolic in "A Conjunction of Planets," What lovers' open lips we are tonight in time the endless world, our minds unfurled. Symbol is defeated by propaganda, but propaganda cannot eradicate symbol, only neutralize it by saying it cannot be understood. These texts were to prepare the y to overcome the i, a reversal to which we all now have our attention drawn. I think Goya or El Greco said that. Souls in the egg, so all right world, Hatch and hatch. from Ameryca With a Y - Autobiography of a Poem

5/19/15 After search sent  Form of the Formless by leading. Jacob Esau, spirit flesh


5/18/15 New Moon. After reading draft of Bright Angel Trail Pat said she missed the mules. This morning I joined the two!

Dreamed John K tennis tournament not going as planned, telling him off so to speak. How bout let's not tell off anybody.


5/17/15 Been sick with acute bronchitis 8 days. Dreams are a series of transpositions, substitutions, partials transferred to other faces bodies that ask us questions, who are your mentors? This one wanted to know, claiming I had none she knew of. It was Ann saying she was leaving and to call the children. Was one George Matters she wants to know? All jumbled up. Since these are not my questions I take it that dreams are in part communications with others at some level. Last night Zion took both my socks.

Chows of N China


5/16/15 It is impossible to disentangle the strands of good and evil in social religious political personal relations. On the one hand the EN was an agency through which I  straightened out my life in a direction I wanted to go, but before that had not. I learned spiritual war there and a level of devotion I had always sought, tongues, prophecy and a means through which to show these to my children. My wife benefited because it took the rough edges off me and began the softening. That decade produced many challenges and blessings. It's true we gave about 200K to them in that period, but Pat needed and wanted to learn to be generous and I always did. It wasn't sacrificial, we lived austerely by desire.

--History is just that impossible to tell, It has to be denied like the decade  or so 1989 to 2002 story of the countless metamorphoses of the Eagles Nest. first that, then North Church, then Church for the Nations, moving countless times in that period like a kind of tumbleweed, rootless, invoking the spirits of St Jude. This case will be, has to be denied by the present metamorph empire it has become, but the maxim for me, once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. What are the odds of attracting two cases of fraud as maximum supports, elders of the same church, and back to back? Slim. This has to be denied. Except there were eye witnesses. Maybe they don't put together the pieces, like me, I was in the midst of a severe sickness when Jeanette Wilcher came to mind. What's that about? So I searched and found she was convicted of fraud with hits Galore and Life Foundation Trust. That was when it was the North Church. She was lionized from the pulpit and pleas were even made to support her in the media when her trustee ship said that her Foundation Life Trust was to invest in Hits Galore and the price spiked. All spurious. for which she did time. But she used to come into the church with the pastor's family time and time and sat on the very first row up close to Mary, one of the privileged who supported the church nth fold. In fact the address of the church was the same as her Life Trust, met in the same building, ate from the same table.

--Chuck Blodgett.I don't know it it's innocent to say it but I was minding my own business after a fashion and felt compelled to attend a prayer meeting held at this church some 20 miles away at 6 am. I did this every day for some months so you right away can tell what a borderline character I might be. People in this prayer meeting held in a big amphitheatre would wander about the rows in various states of ecstasy, some prostrating themselves on the stage. One time I sat down off to one side and completely forgot where I was and when I came to the prayer meeting was over. See after the individual part they would meet at the altar in a circle and pray holding hands. This all took about an hour, so I got home for breakfast. There were lots of occasions but the one that got me in segue after segue was the time they handed out three by five cards with prayer requests on them. We were to intercede for this person. The one I got said that somebody's son was going to marry somebody's daughter but that it was unholy for various reasons and needed to be stopped.

--The thing is that the backstory to this was so much greater than anything I could have imagined, exposing and confronting a series of turpitudes and crimes unbelieved. And the true believers are legion, but the fallen and rejected from those heights, or were they pushed, left no reports of these histories in the chats, due to primary doctrine, touch not the anointed, repeated over and over in those years and obviously still current "with their perception of CFTN. There were however press reports which touch on the players and some of their nefarious activities. "We are all part of the body and when you speak DEATH about one of its members you are speaking death to your ownself. I am a part of the CFTN family and have been embraced with love and am part of the leadership. Readers: be led by the spirit of God not by the open wounds of the offended. My hurt brothers and sisters, Please do not slander who God has called. Please do not touch Gods anointed with words of death because your will eat of them."

-This holy doctrine drummed at men's retreats, prayer meetings, offerings and always in sermons was that if you criticize the man you will be buried. Early in his career, or maybe it was high school, a cop left a scar on his forehead with a billy club, which was bandied early in the 90's with the info that the cop died.  The most favorite associate pastor of those years, a sycophant galore who continually pronounced how beautiful Mary was, finally began to question the finances and was removed. Shortly after, he died of asthma in Colorado. The chief usher of those years, named in suits, his son committed suicide.And at that time he had physical giants around him, his brother in law Randy, his youth pastor Dan and the prophet Miller. When and if the text ever came around to the facts, the devil himself came out in the sermon and the facts were defeated.


5/15/15 Navajo weaving is measured by the narrow tightness of its stitching, so many weaves per inch, the denser the harder and more desired. The boy sitting in that bus in Limon on his way to the outland uninhabited, waiting for the bus to leave, given a note at the window by a messenger from the people he knew, just preventing that trip, starting another, that saved him from what? that took him toward what? well that he knew since he went there, knew as much as anyone knows the present of their life, but not if they assume they are an independent woof on the loom. In order for this message to save him, if it did, measures had to have been set into play in impossibly close courses, his brother had to die on time and his mother had to send the message on time, and the messenger had to deliver it on time. His own response was reactive, and off he went into the weaving of his own life. The point is that in order for all this to happen it had to be predetermined long before in impossible complexity. He has evidence that this is still going on, in fact it is this evidence that makes the weaving realization possible.

--Weft threads are the horizontals that cover the vertical warps, woven over and under the warp and from side to side in the weaving. Wefts per inch are counted on both faces of a fabric. When the wefts are counted on one side, this number is doubled, as there is a corresponding weft on the other side. A count of 80 or more wefts per inch qualifies a rug as a tapestry. The weaving of this tapestry is greatly exceeded in our mystery, so that In the why and what we learn a little HOW the weaving came out of the why in the depth of riches both of the  wisdom and knowledge of Elah, unsearchable judgments and ways past finding out. For who has known the mind of Yah, or been his counselor? Of Him and through Him and to Him are all things to Whilome be glory forever now and evermore amen.


Why don't I live in all the space available to me, all these writings unpublished, unorganized so they can be inhabited. Dreamed of a the house I live in, a stranger visiting showing him the third story amphitheater room completely unused, which reminded me of another, the giant great unimproved property of dreams where the walls are partly fallen, but still the huge warehouse mass stands vacant on a large property, it is the warehouse also of Colonies, but there was also large unused spaces at Spicewood Spgs, and at Browns Mills, closets of art  and sculptures, as at Dallas the attic and under the floor, My question to the stranger visitor was why don't I use these?


5/11 Bronchitis starts. Dreamed of a passage of thousands of instances since birth, three stages, climbing up going in sliding down, but that may be error. It was at a school, Thornburg,  showing it to Pat, she had climbed up but two boys came to instruct in its use, I was behind her thinking I would know how when I got to it. Then there is another of these somewhere in more adult fashion. Makes me think of all those unconscious passages explored repeatedly in Delaney's Cave.


5/6/15 The history psychology of nations, lists of ravenous beasts of the kings of England, the list of Popes, but America unique for its one gigantic mind alter where the front alter good guy toots its horn and talks about elections while the hordes of back guys, bad guys do all the stuff the front guys report in their upbeat slanted exceptionalist manner, which themes consume pop, tv, ads totally. There is not one person in this system who not utterly disassociated, split, thinking what is not is and what is is not, unless there is somewhere someone who does not pay any attention to it at all and assumes, takes for granted all the above. The Roman emperors are ravenous, King Alfred ravenous. American life split between the real, which is the unreal, and the unreal which is the real, how the CIA is the world's largest innovator and supplier of drugs, import and export to maintain itself, just like the opium wars of England against China except  it gets multiple benefit, population, crowd control, financing, furtherance of  horror ends, like the Coen bros, another agented plant, and all pop hbo, fx, amc, esc. series on dvd and wii, pop eating pop itself, eating the mind of its nationhood with gang signs cops and ops. To Midway.


May 1 Flower in Rock at Shemer, Bustop at WHAM


5/3/15 The woman and the wife in all her faith and power of belief to bring life brings children, gardens, planted  and the husband father has to administer them, which he does because she brought them to him, and it is his to do not hers who has borne the life he must save and for what but for itself, no reason other so he looks down the long tunnel of his mind a year a month a day out, then years more and sees the dangers, or tries to, out of which she has brought the life he must guard. He gets edgy with the thought of the task and she thinks it is her doing, well it is and  it isn't, she is only doing what she is made to do, and so is he and this is Mother's Day.


4/29/15 Faulkner is Homeric except his gods are the convergence of horizontal and vertical and the swirl of a boat in a whirlpool around this cosmic. He is cosmic always looking up and out and down and in, sees earth from space. Cinematic.

Anu came and we got him two sport coats at Macy's for 200, retail 750.


4/28/15 just before waking I saw Ken Morrison, ebullient in some kind of assembly setting and as he left asked whether he still had  my draft copy of Grendel he used for...? He said he would email c/o usda? or etc. This reminded me of the take of Gerhart about the passing of Ken's Head, at ASU, which reminded me Aey wrote a  limerick on his phone straight out this world yesterday which he showed me when we spoke of Faulkner.

 Of a place that did once exist, but was also imaginary, and of the same place that does not yet exist, so is apocryphal, one hardly knows how to call such a rubric geographically and politically legitimate and illegitimate. All the more evocative when this difference lacks connection to itself. Parts of the text are therefore set apart to show the disjunctures, spectral and estranged. We come up with different phrases, physiognomies of crowd in this future construction of a literary form, inner boulevards, phantasms of interior, like a flower on a night table, an overnight rannunculus to account the creation of a new world in a world that does and does not exist, and its mundane causes. We all hanker for the flash thoughts by which we ourselves are continually remade and can hardly remember a time when we were not lost in internal meanderings. Most of this came into being between the war and the next decades when it was full blown, if unknown. That was a long decade, two of them, but time was putty. The first condition of emergence was the need of clandestines to build shadowgraphs, counterfeits, simulacrums. Fertile ground existed in the mine of religious artifacts, turned gas to light and marketed different clothings about the globe.The second condition to stimulate the new was the electronic architecture of its spread. Images obliterated the old. Pop obliterated Pop. One decade could not recognize another. It was the Annihilation of Now powered by wish images, escape from the past. Staccato extinctions of memory were relocated to some remote spot until entirely forgot. And it goes without saying that all of this would be denied, overruled by the overridden who did as their peers said. This was the unconscious collective that belonged to the sub aquean world. How can I belong to the world when I cannot belong to the city of the submarine, the old abandoned beds of rivers forced to change course, kept in their walls; the Seine, the Euphrates hardly break out their substrate, stand thesis counter thesis, a reiver here, there a bend, not the Colorado, damned as rusing down to the salt sea, elaborate idyll ambiguity that puts Hegel to the test. Who belongs to the Thames? Have you been intimate with Monongahela? Susquehanna! Claudius Drusus Germanicus! Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon?

At the same time as the sixth angel loosed the vial that dried the Euphrates for the invasion of the north, of Gog, the nations loosed their space satellites into war. For in all the discords of psuedonymity there was yet a ventriloquism, not of a puppet master, though we should consider it, but of a speaking through the present of the past, of Rosenroth speaking through Jung about alchemy. These references are many sided, come strip the ancients, and depending on sensibility some are more pregnant than others, Walter Benjamin is fertile, furtive, but there is always an alchemy of change in the remolting of the feathers, the remolding of the images, the words themselves in their sound. So Gershom Scholem says Messiah will be the last and first, philosopher of language: he will deduce Judaism from its language which doesn't say nearly enough, since by the Breath of his Mouth words come whole worlds, since he made them, and here, now, when the angel unlooses the vial and Euphrates dries up like the fig and the Kings of the east rise up and march, the utterance of language, the roots and the alphabet will be the least of the spiritual powers of the Sons. But the meaning was not in the sound, he looked in the sound The meaning was not in the syntax he looked at all the connections. The meaning was not in the language, for the words, the languages were within the still small voice what did  speak, what language that sounded, indeed they sounded, but like what luggage, all and none or one and what did say, the impossible when thou from out the boundless deep turns again home.


Heidelberg, 1923. 12 dense pages on thick handmade paper, by Benjamin, as introduction to his translation "Über die Aufgabe des Übersetzers" (Rodenberg, 5.349). Benjamin’s second ever publication, green-yellow thick paper-covered boards. Crisp and immaculate. 500 copies made. Exceedingly rare. Benjamin is suddenly read and listed and mentioned and alluded to everywhere in the last decade, 10 years prior this attention was 10% as much, in the 60’s and 70’s hardly there at all when Suhrkamp (having issued in hardback only, his letters in the mid 60’s) published the green 1971 paperback "Art in the Age of it’s Mechanical Reproducibility". It was all wrong then as it is still now, but what thought (exclamation mark), what dialectics, what mystical materialism. Benjamin gets better and better though rarely "right," and that’s as rare in the philosophy of aesthetics as in the aesthetics of philosophy. Memorable. (Meanwhile, horrible little opportunists like Adorno, with their Nazi sympathies – recently come to light – and egocentric slickness, let alone their pro-American authoritarianism in the name of its opposite, get a lot more right, and oppress with their brilliance. There’s real beauty in Benjamin’s way of trying to come to grips with life and meaning.) As always (usually for women) early death triples the effect, and the affect. Though Baudelaire might be ready for reappraisal, there’s less than meets the eye. There’s still, after all the above, more than meets the eye with Benjamin. We’ve only ever seen two other copies of this book, one sold, one in real shabby condition without a proper cover. This copy is as new – and for once the overused term means not as, but is. Bookseller Inventory # INDE-C7084



4/19/15 Charlie Rose- 18.00f : Gina Rometty, IBM: Big data the natural resource of the 21st century. refined data. prediction, Giving Watson Eyes: Watson will predict who will struggle in school, sensors  collect data in medicine, measure body invasively and precisely, Apple, Johnson and Johnson, Medronic, open platform, for every human 10% info collected will be formal med records, 20 % will be genomics, 70% exogonous data: fitbit, tracker, apple watch, what you're eating, your heart rate, 300 million books worth of data per person. Watson computer: new connections, new alloys: [try desiccated erythrocytes, filaments resembling bacteria but acting like archaea, transbiological hybrids, or gna, pna, or body electric piezo electricity]


4/18/15 New Moon

What are red blood cells doing falling out the sky? desiccated erythrocytes, filaments resembling bacteria but acting like archaea, transbiological hybrid forms, Clifford carnicon

Biodesign at ASU developed first GNA. NanoARRAYS used for dna hybridization. pEOPLE WITH MORGELLONS SYMPTOMS MAY BE REJECTING IT WHEREAS OURS ARE ACCEPTING IT. a paradigm shift in biology. singularity, artificial, robotic blood cells, made into The Hive. Gna, pna,. Upload computers into brains. Human machine, Karl Hillie. unable to connect to database! No gender, nonreproduction, tailored to specific tasks, problem reaction solution hegelian dialectic a fifth dimension tool. John and Margaret Woodall Sandy Hook Bahai benediction to consumption of Mammon. Sandy Hook a model transition ot social passivity, game changing drill, new  9/11. plethora of black and silver cars in parking lot, Christmas trees  behind firehouse ahead of time Newtown an experiment in time, tweets, time stamp to dress rehearse disaster management of nation as a whole. 1.19f - note announcement Lt. Paul Vance. Twitter is a major in Smart911, refering biometric data, names, numbers. Disaster an experiment in multiple variability. a metadata experiment, a DHS experiment upon a culture. information designed to produce the optimal future society, that is to build the fifth dimension into existence. FEMA capstone events 1.19f. Sandy Hook a Capstone event, ie. not what happened, but how the story occurs and is told in the dimensions. The parties were actors set on a stage for effects. The future or what will happen is the fifth dimension. the sixth dimension is national. body electric piezo electricity. em radiation causes hardening of eggs in girls causing sterility, 9.30; moving targets absorb less em; human energy harvesting, generated from eyelids, venous return, arterial pulse, footsteps, motion of walking, loose clothing fitted with nano batteries, 15.00, men conditioned female with estrogen products 35.00, conditioned homosexual, incomplete males, post gender, non reproductive, Agenda 21, neuter human, state takes over reproduction, worker bee, hive society, invasive jewelry to generate body energy, hooked in the veins, memory ports,


4/17/15 what is it about a boy that mystifies a mother: his uninhibited hunger.


Consciousness is only important to those who don't have it. I take the sphere descending in the blue sky as the moon in every child's dream of wholeness unremembered, descending into their life in just the colors Bruegel seeks, a lunar white with tones of gold, the perfect light of love and a blue sky impossible to see with such a moon perhaps, since it is day and the moon enlarged so impossibly to indicate its nearing, as though some revelation is at hand. and one is. the painting is about who owns heaven and earth and the heaven descending in the sphere in the sky indicates the lovely nature of heaven and the angels defending it, wello thay and the rebels have consumed all the talk. We have to appreciate the lunar calendar and its nature, the importance of new moon and full, the effect upon the tides of the sea and obviously upon the course of humanity, so you would think that blood moons worth attending to. The lunar calendar seems secondary among a people of the sun, the solar calendar, a people consumed with pagan, meaning Babylonian, Greek, Roman designations of the heavens, who name Sunday after the sun, what they consider the god of the heavens, dear Plotinus we love you, but, but the sun is not the Father or the Son and He who made creation. So Fall is a judgment upon the days of the week named for these gods and upon the months of the year named for these gods and even upon the way we figure time according to these gods, these false apparitions that  permeated all of literature of Greece and Rome which became our legacy in En gland and America. We are only talking about ourselves here in Antwerp and Brussels where Bruegel was made. Evening and morning make the day, not morning and evening, which matters since the day begins at dusk and dawn is mid day. Saying it that way shows how far the fall. And what are the agents of it? Whatever they were they became three footed beasts and creeping things made over into chimeras, so that is view of the reality that the angels overthrow and judge, chimeric reality, a hybrid endlessly devolving.


4/16/15 Lift up your heads oh ye gates and be lift up ye everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in!

restoration gap theory

church in coventry fall of rebel angels


4/13/15 Heard yesterday that regeneration is unconscious, conversion is conscious.

Aeyrie stopped with Judah. In the course of things since I've not seen him for a week I asked what he was doing. He said he loves visiting because it's a breath of fresh air. then I said I assumed he was getting his wife pregnant. But he said her OB required him to see a urologist before treating her for infertility, plus an ultrasound to see if her fallopian tubes were blocked. But I said it was pointless since she smokes, drinks, doesn't take counseling with him, etc. and that fertility drugs, twins, in those conditions could make for a greater pain than he imagined. She has been dealt a bad hand by him because he tolerates such things without change but to inflict the outcome on the unborn is a crime. What's the worst she could do if you stood up to her? Suicide or divorce. She has never spoken of suicide, but divorce, better to divorce before such complications than after! At least why doesn't he deal her better cards?

This also came about because he said he was sitting on his back porch since it was clean. He sold a hundred dollars at the neighborhood sale sat before he was called to work. I asked why Sh didn't continue the sale. Because she doesn't like people, he said.


4/12/15 Jung's dreams are tarot readings abstracted. a Marvel Comics abstracted from tarot, same images, acts. His daimon  is a possession the same as out of Shinto and Lowell. Jung's love of alchemy, I Ching prove him a tool, a medium for the daimon, but it is not particular to him, this collective voice that gives the one utterance. Jung's unconscious is a series of tarot cartoons set alongside similar omens in national religions, a compendium of the counterfeit. His dissertation is a study of divinations.


But Freud with Jung wants to be a god. There are gods all over his rooms just like the trailer homes and prefab houses of witches on the heights of Jerome has toads and frogs, gargoyle pots all over their darkened rooms. The decor speaks marvels just opposite the Shaker room, whitewashed adobe Spanish mission with those maple legs and unadorned tops. These internal rooms need to be cleaned, spare as the ark of the covenant, just the tablets. What is said of Freud's room is said of all cabala, trying to invoke godhood of Freud with its own magic of geometry:


 "Is the hidden cauldron not an enticement and a seduction ot its investigator? Or, to say it even more terribly: it may be that the quarry is all the time in the pursuer" (Cynthia Ozick on G. Scholem). "hundreds of strange little gods...crowd of stone godlets...mobs and bevies...Freud wished to become a god...what the Sabbath and its emanations sought to surpress Frued meant to reveal, everything barbarous and dreadful and veiled and terror-bearing: the very tooth and claw...curiously named assistants or doubles of Satan, so Freud peopled the unconscious with the devils of Id, Ego and Superego, potent dancing ghosts who cavort unrecorded in our anatomies while we pretend they are not there.. the student of the dream life--that subterranean grotto all drowned and darkling, torn with the fury of anguish and lust  (From a Refugee's Notebook, 63-4)

Marie-Louise von Franz recounts in Psyche and Matter (1988) that toward the end of his life:

 “Jung suggested investigating cases where it could be supposed that the archetypal layer of the unconscious is constellated*—following a serious accident, for instance, or in the midst of a conflict or divorce situation—by having people engage in a divinatory procedure: throwing the I Ching, laying the Tarot cards, consulting the Mexican divination calendar, having a transit horoscope or a geomantic reading done. If Jung’s hypothesis is accurate, the results of all these procedures should converge (Mary Greer Word Press)

Jung’s doctoral dissertation explored the occult.

In 1902, Jung published his dissertation “On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena,” while working at the Burghölzli Psychiatric Clinic under Eugen Bleuler (who coined the term schizophrenia.)

4/11/15 I don't know whether the statement the archetypes are a fraud has lost its power because there is no longer any fraud or because the chimeras of which they consist are now excepted. To say a chimera is not natural is no longer an argument of power. The intellectual culture permits and encourages the demonic when recast in psychological terms. Has anyone accused Jung of faking the dreams in Red Book? Making them up to prove his point? That kind of myth debunk is shouted down. Instead Jung must have had a psychic psychotic episode. His giant underground penis, the encounter of the  individual with his own daimon "When Carl Gustav Jung was between three and four he had a dream which remained with him throughout his life. The vicarage in which the family lived stood near the Laufen castle, and there was a large meadow stretching back from the vicarage's farm. The child found himself in the meadow where he found a rectangular, stone-lined hole in the ground. Having never seen it before, he curiously peered down into it. There was a stairway leading down by which he hesitantly and fearfully descended. At the bottom was a doorway having a rounded arch and closed by a green curtain. It was a big, heavy curtain of worked stuff like brocade, and it looked very sumptuous. Curious to see what was behind it he pulled the curtain aside. He saw before him a dimly lit rectangular chamber about thirty feet long. The ceiling was arched of hewn stone. The floor was composed of flagstones with a central red carpet running from the entrance to a low platform on which stood a wonderfully rich golden throne. He was not certain but perhaps a red cushion was on the seat. It was a rich throne, like a king's throne in a fairy tale. Something was standing on it which he thought was a tree trunk about twelve to fifteen feet high and one and a half to two feet thick. It was a huge thing reaching almost to the ceiling. But it was made of a curious composition: it was made of skin and naked flesh, and on top there was something like a rounded head with no face and no hair. On the very top of the head was a single eye, gazing motionlessly upward." here

What Jung would do with Napolean's penis. "Is the story about Napoleon’s penis true?  Did Maggs really sell it?"  Interview with Ed Maggs

Dreams correct lopsided consciousness, ie give their opposites to correct.

I'm saying that all quasi myth from Babylon, Rome, before is a counterfeit, a fraud, a chimera of true and false. You should ask, well if so then what is true, but you won't, since the myth view of symbolic man is unquestioned. It must be destroyed.

See Jung's interpretation of a fireman sliding down his pole, back to the seminal vesicles. Of course Jung's fireman shinnying down the pole is one of the first instances of tantric sex in psychological literature, ie suppression of seminal fluid produces consciousness according to this school.

4/6/15 why this continuing sense of foreboding?

April 2

Dreamed rice balls on plant, Lord Cecil yogananda fine books ltd eds, india, spice racks unstoppered, a hundred spices, gradually warming to them, recognizing a faith like mine, saying so, the woman warming spoke of her parents passing recently, condolences, she said not, he has me take a fine oversize book of red, gold plates, we are to work somehow with him on disease through intermediaries, me liking him too, before this, two performances of my own on tape, one audio, one vid, well done. my interest was stirred first by the balls of rice shaped like hearts on top of stalks, they called it busy rice or something, then smelling the spices which were in ranks twenty or so high in small jars with wrapping, cellophane around, but open so they could be used and last by the books I then noticed, as though this were progressive: after this I spoke to them and told my appreciation and the recognition, their softening and embracing, leaving later with the plans to work together somehow, my part I don't know, something about writing?

Kipling, The Long Trail

O the blazing tropic night, when the wake’s a welt of light

   That holds the hot sky tame,

And the steady fore-foot snores through the planet-powdered floors

   Where the scared whale flukes in flame!

      Her plates are flaked by the sun, dear lass,   

      And her ropes are taut with the dew,

      For we’re booming down on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail,

      We’re sagging south on the Long Trail—the trail that is always new.

3/30/15 Impressed by the name Zion in church, searched scion of David and got Yashanet, which led to Rev. 13... and consideration of Passover fast Friday night

The Rabbis say: In the generation in which the scion of David will come, the wise men of the generation will die and the rest will waste away with grief and sorrow and much trouble will come upon the community and cruel decrees will be promulgated, one coming on top of another.

R. Nehorai said: In the generation in which the scion of David will come, the young will insult their elders and the old will rise before the young, as it says, The daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house (Micah VII, 6), and a son will feel no shame before his father.

R. Levi said: The scion of David will come only in a generation which is full of impudence and deserves to be exterminated. R. Jannai said: If you see one generation after another cursing and blaspheming, look out for the coming of the Messiah, as it says, Wherewith Thine enemies have taunted, O Lord, wherewith Thine enemies he taunted the footsteps of Thine anointed (Ps. LXXXIX, 52), and immediately afterwards it is written, Blessed be the Lord for evermore, Amen and Amen.

Beriatic "dragon" bariatric

(Gen. 1, 2I). This verse’, he said, ‘we have already discussed, but the words “He created the great dragons” contain a yet more special and particular mystery: they refer to the Leviathan and his mate, which last was slain and is preserved by the Holy One for the regaling of the righteous (in the days of the Messiah).












3/23 Pizzolatto listed several influences on the show's first season: philosophy books such as Thomas Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, Eugene Thacker's In The Dust Of This Planet, Ray Brassier's Nihil Unbound, Jim Crawford's Confessions of an Antinatalist, and David Benatar's Better Never To Have Been. Pizzolatto also mentions horror authors Laird Barron, John Langan, Simon Strantzas, and Ligotti.[24]

In August 2014, an article alleged that Pizzolatto plagiarized Thomas Ligotti's book The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror, citing eleven examples that included word-for-word quotations.

3/23/15 Monday. There was a black swallowtail butterfly resting all night and this morning on the side of the house waiting for the sun.  I buried Tracy today near Joggie and Blessing, wrapped in scarlet, in rosemary. I thought she was gone on Friday, but she revived. On Sat she was moving with her head and feet up and that night settled in usual place against the porch wall, for the first time in weeks and a month her head was in her shell. Before she would languish in the dirt and only crawl into the shade and collapse. I always covered her at night. That Sat night she voided all the water in her body. The pavement all around her was wet and smelled of urine. Pat moved her before we went to see Theodore for the first time, so she wouldn't be damp, but I think she was gone. I covered her last nite, but she had passed. It felt like she weighed several pounds less. She had her last hatchlings this fall '14, but never settled for the winter, as if that were her last effort. Like Joggie and Blessing though she lived until the end. Pat had begun to  get on the ground and put her face up to her to encourage her. I too, but now she is gone.


3/12 Here enclosed is a draft of the promised OOps. I have all along considered illustrations for it, but these are not included. Probably because they are not done.  I guess there are a good many questions, but this has never before achieved the unity of its present form.  I cannot promise there will not be some more tightening. Yours, AE

The cover is Dekooning, don't know if it could be used. As the whole work settles into my mind, which it can now do I think, I hope to produce a cover in the usual way. I have a feel for dekooning.

3/10/15 Tuesday I worked so hard on OOps that I missed the visit with Theo Sunday, slept till 1.30 pm and convalesced the whole day after the Fri nite Barber cello concert. Yesterday, Mon, I was carrying a railroad tie the way Don Reitz did his sculptures, belly to belly, threw it down, but caught my finger against a pot, then decided not to work outside, so went in to OOp, but somehow instead produced Begin Blue from its blog and now it is shaping.

This leads to wondering what the resolution of the plot of Jerusalem can be beyond its eternal present.

3/5/15 Dr. Theodore Reiff, founding president of the Genocide Education Project, on the analogy of Nazi subversion of medicine to life termination for cost savings since 1978 in the United States. The Reiff Center at Christopher Newport University seeks to raise awareness of the horrors of genocide, human rights violations and conflict: Listen from 2.11-17.17. His point is that depending on the environment medicine is used either for horrific barbarity or healing. The dismissal of his analogy to the U.S. only shows how far the current Experiment (Robert Reiff) has progressed.

 3/3/15 Christopher Sower and Beissel

 3/2/15 Borges: I owe the discovery of Uqbar to the conjunction of a mirror and an
encyclopedia. He literally ran into this mirror and near killed himself.

 2/25/15 I think the serial depravations of Jerusalem, over and over, worse and worse are a metaphor of the earth. Hyper time.

Andrew just called. Baby breech says ultrasound of which they have had many. C section Friday scheduled.

2/18/15  Random or predestined Robert spoke to his grad prof in psych. Today I took him over the Four Peaks. Which, if fact is symbolic means...and also he saved us at least once afterward when tired, I did not immediately notice in the hghy obstacles...likewise on the way home, diverted at Shea was going south and would have cont'd...this morn, before going 3 AM I worke to soulnd of lock changing, like a clank with an echo...

2/16/15 Never so strongly perhaps but not for the first time, it is however built upon the other transitions I awoke consciously from a deep dream (Asking A whether he would pursue amore tennis in h.s.) to awakeness with a belt of strips of sunlight darkened between, protoplasmic circles on the bands of light and watched them closely  until opening. There was no light source, the curtains were drawn so the light was not exterior. This all took a few seconds 30 at most, but seemed strongly felt as an impression. Then I was back from that place. So while I have learned how to consciously fall asleep I am working on consciously waking up. I consider this in the context of lessons of precognition of last fall, and answers to prayer that must have been ordered before I prayed them!

2/15/15 My first knowledge of Rosh Hashanah was as the quintessential lost Gentile in Merion where I had moved as a senior in hs. The school buses were half empty on the September holy days. I was not a member of that group and I was not a member of the Gentile groups either. Right out of some novel.

Popism is the most sacroscant of modern beliefs. it justifies all consumption, sex, influence from billionaires on their air flights with 12 year old girls and expresidents to the legermain of dope, good dope for all people. So if it is said that pop is eating pop it must mean in some sense not cannibalism but a way of life whose purpose is to empower and enrich the producers. If I write here a critique of pop is is no small thing, for pop traces itslf back to Cobri and Israel copulating before Baal Peor. That is pops spiritual side. Its material is empire, babylon, rome britain, the states, the gold man of nebuchadezzar. We are might small compared to it.

The new sponge bob brain is receptive to such  things.

2/14/15 Govt spokesmen say jihadists hijacked Islam but the media hijacked Christians every way from scholarship disproving it to painting the only devout left as terrorists against the world of sodom, abortion. No world to this on the news.

2/12/15 Optical Lattice. Pop Tales of the Fairy Mind, Fairy Tales of Pop Mind. 300 Verses of Plantigrade.

Different methods juice and oil. Cider press. Mom putting apples to boil in cheesecloth then after all the drippings end, wringing the cloth to get the last squeezings. That 's what it feels  to get this writing. I am squeezed until the juice escapes.

I'm sending this anyway. My query would only be that, so here it is. I am interested publish a series of full length fictions out of the work I have done and am doing. If this should be of interest I would have some questions about what ensues after. This is only the typescript so to speak. The Layout of finished piece would resemble What a Dog Coyote a little.

Guilty of a series of ceramic executions.

2/11/15 "I feel like the weight on my head pressing down. Every memory, yet not all weight, the one transcendent one, some good dreams, some present helps, but I am like Adam, the list is long. How did he sustain his teeth, was it the diet, less decay in the world? I am like Noah I hope not. He had the weight press him down. I embrace Jonah the wanting evangelist who suffers the indignity of national repentance. But I have no problem with the circumstances of their texts, their lives. I don't want to be like Ezekiel, Jeremiah most close, have to witness the dissolution of all things, make the long walk from Babylon to Rome to Britain, to America, but here I am. Here I am is what Isaiah said, here I am Jahweh, send me, but I have no knowledge of vocation, mantle, just a sober, finally a sober mind following dreams and trails while the mountain of history and govt and science press down. Down down and down. I found out 300 years of this descent. That's what they call it I can and Abel descended from Adam and Eve. I Issac and Ishmael descended from Abraham. I Jacob and Esau descended from Issac. So I backtrack and go forward at the same time. Down and up, up and down, that sober. Cherubim and palm trees and every cherub has two faces, the face of a man and the face of a young lion. And the doors had two leaves and there were thick planks, three stories and other garments to put on to walk according to the appearance of the vision which I did not see where they put away the carcasses of their kings. I t is in the form of a house and there is a law of the house, let them measure the pattern. Looking east, the way of the gate where the prince shall enter, linen so they do not sweat, rest in peace spirit, no wine, the difference between the holy and the profane, Offerings, blood worship the waters rising, first to the ankles then the loins, a river risen many trees on both sides which come toward the east and flow to the desert and follow to the sea, spiritu things, waters, where all trees for food have no fall, fruit according to months, one each for food and medicine because the water flows out from the house. This house, a holy oblation four square for the possession of the city and the name of the city from that day shall be Jerusalem, for Jahu is there. He completes his vision of restoration.

But in fact I am walking on its surface, as if walking on water, in which I sink, which gives some meaning of Leviathan and Jonah. And Jesus! 45 stone courses, 28 of them  are above  and 17 underground."

2/10/15 Ezekiel reimagines the Temple and there are reimaginings of Jerusalem, of Eden, and Zion

2/9/15  I trust myself more than I trust the wheel. That is saying, I am superior to the wheel! This will not be tolerated. Everyone is on the wheel/ And I got off!~ heresy.

We will go to live in Jerusalem, city of peace, and war, after all it suits the name Reiff, and the face and there will be no partiality there.

2/8/15 It is about Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Cain and Abel

"The streets, houses, cities, underground fell into ruin, mythic constitution of our world, a kind of beauty that describes extinct volcanoes. Of course the land is fertile for it, grows the orchards of paradise fashion in the masif hotbed of festival, the million colored lights, all of which swirled around us in a series of envelops by day and let loose by night. Then the streets and recesses alive, overwriting history, tramp with marching feet, the myth of space and time sunk from millenniums to a century, to a year to this day man in a network of vein and arteries that run the body like colored threads of a map, one extreme of space in another, aware and unaware of the thought expressed before it is put into words, searched beyond comprehension in the predawn Alexander-built breastworks of Tyre that filled in time and made a peninsula. Before that Darius came down, and Nebuchadnezzar and we marched captive from Jerusalem, embroidered in all our limbs, bones in embryo, as yet none come to birth so that when I came to the end of the beginning of them and woke I was still enumerating the sleep hours of dreams and not just of the kidneys, hiding in the shrouded night, under the wonderfully made city that should not tolerate the conduct of our lives in this contrary  state. Waking existence leads down, leads up, topography after topography, built upon labyrinths, whistles in dark, lightning rods, flash cones of light in the eyes no longer of streets or sky, but of the eyes themselves, that interconnect ancient quarries and vaults, tunnels and caverns beneath, built on the  walls of Herod, the West Wall under the city where I wander with paper maps in the wind that rips their edges. Whose grave is this, this one and this? The phrase to the last planetary apogee echoes like the pilots who bombed the cities and crashed, shot down and brought to account before execution. I fall to my knees before it, for it is my destruction and loss, my culpability, mine and all others whose dust swirls in a wind still immolated and cast into air and sea. Where have remains not penetrated above and below, every element burns with incandescence of its chemical. I am carbon and gas reassembled again to pass."

2/7/15 A man is only a man if he is in conflict with evil and is devoted in humility to his faith. Confronted with the devastation he had caused the Jordanian pilot did not fall to his knees in acknowledgment, proving himself morally dead. I sent a copy of the Isis vid to Robt because I believe he has an inherent disgust at the spiritual decay of this civilization, even if he partakes of it. I hear this decay every day where I train, in the mouths of the men, many elder, who mouth vulgarities, boast their inebriation, mock women and are obese of mind and heart. The conflict of Muslim austerity with this worldliness, sexuality, mind control and consumption, the solo call to prayer in a single human voice vs. the cacophony of noise in every American media shows the rottenness of the European west, which demands that everyone bow to its right to exist but respects no one but itself and its own beliefs in sodom, child murder, drugs, and lust. When a fruit falls from its tree it lies in rottenness, food for wasps who feed off its sweet decaying flesh. It is the vision of the birds of Ezekiel 39.17, a version of which appeared in the 20th anniversary of Ygdrasil, the Banquet of God:

First in the soles of feet, up into legs and groins,

The crux that leaps, forbidden flower employed

Enflames a sleep. Throw out those books,

Torn papers encrust stone, one walking looks


12/27/15 The REAL confession of Stanley Kubrick -

Must Watch Stanley Kubrick's Secret Movie: Being There

Elohim and Adam

12/28/15 Who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever I Tim 6.16.

--Zechariah's breakfast. Cut: The light of His presence is what we see by and that orders our lives. That sun, defamed in the heavens by the neph fallen annunaki Sumerian spirit rats, is the Day star that rises in our hearts, a symbol of the one who made it, as Zechariah says, "the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace" (Luke 1 78,9). Irenaeus: "Gloria enim Dei vivens homo."


12/29/15 The Wright AFB of Dayton Ohio stores woo artifacts


12/30/15 NASA Insider Everything was a lie NASA symbolism. chevrons, vectors

--Karel Appel. Picasso and Greek fresco. Picasso's distortion of the eyes.

-- I don't know whether to say it is a benefit to show us all the distortion we don't see around us, or that it causes it!

--Forgive my sin, my -unclean compliments of you. The unclean in greater or less measure occcupies the thoughts of a man. Hartman's Midrash angels created to sing each day as if a day were a meaningful measure of time and all the self acknowledgments homages to this uncleanness, nothing compared to Harold Bloom of course, but Gunkel is consumed with Abraham's guile in Egypt hiding behind that the beauty of his wife, how the three ethics (like muses) did not find approval in later times in Genesis. It as if Gunkel speaks of himself in this, they don't meet his approval and not his really but the artificial standard of critics of his time, like Robert Cole's Neibuhr wants Bonhoeffer not to go back to Germany, to deny the only hope of courage and real virtue, flawed as it is, to Germany. It's always about stilling the one voice. If the voice speaks it has one  option, to die or be spared. Considering all the forces arrayed against us we have no hope except to be delivered not by might or power, by allies or horses, or weapons but by the salvation of Jesus. No other hope. (to Legend)


12/31/15 the old currency, now in use, would be worthless but to be exchanged for a certain rate of exchange, as if for a foreign currency, for the new currency at locations for a designated time after that it will be defunct, as in India, so which real goods are most valuable in a deflation?

A Theodicy of Hell Charles Seymour. Molinism.Transworld depravity is the property a person has if he would committ a sin in any of the circumstances in which he was created. Plantinga: Transworld damnation "is possessed by any person who freely does not respond to God's grace and so is lost in every world feasible for God in which that person exists." Craig. Qure Quirks




16 Jan

Naming Sons

You want a name his wife adores at night
like a landscape of hawk and bear
Like a whale where you put out my mouth
and called out deep,

 consonant, waking all vowel.


Don’t take to long to sing,
our mother flows the ice.
This day snow blind,

like living on the sun,
children slid down glaciers

 waving scarves.


Sea lions crawled the rocks

 when he was born.
We called him,

 but a silent one needs song.
Fox to the window,

 wolves on the hill,
one who stands where herds sleep

 and old age forms.


--From a volume aging in its cellar to maturity

11 Feb Aging in the cellar. My sons used to go to the Media cellar to view the rock collections and dazzle over the rare stones. I have a cellar where I keep these poems.

Region of the Summer Stars

First time contestants respond
Like wood. They clap their hands
For the fire of themselves,
thank the thanker, praise the praiser.

In the cup of what we want
in every tree and dance,
A sign of opposites like breath
Will clap its hands.

New verses persist for all.
You have to long to explain
Fragments that neither were.
Live long to be plain.

12 Feb

It's never too late to Collide!

16 Feb Being from Marfa I get questions about Justice Scalia. The point of view is that when you don't believe the news at all, take it automatically as a twisted facade, your first thought of an event is its deception, hence Scalia was murdered in his sleep. These setups are everywhere, suspicions, counter suspicions, all meant to function together as one mass self contradicting puzzle to provoke the one end, but do not ask what it is.

BOTH THINGS IN PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING ARE TRUE. Scalia was BOTH declared dead by phone by a woman named Cinderela, embalmed immediately without autopsy AND we are supposed to think him murdered at the same time as we have no proof to debate these causes. It is all SymBOLIC! Thus the next ruse occurs under our noses while we debate. The pillow found over Scalia's face is meant to symbolize the self contradicting puzzle, but there is more to the muffle of the pillow since Scalia's notion that the constitution be taken literally and read as purposed, not as a series of reinterpretations, must be muffled (symbolically) along with all text, as all authorship and even readers must be in the destruction of meaning outside the controls. Biblical and constitutional issues combine in his body found on the unruffled bed.

19 Feb The day before Scalia's death. On 12 February, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York City, received a “delivered by hand” “communication package” from The Trump Organization that contained a private letter from Donald Trump to President Putin, and requested its immediate “secure transmission” to Russia’s leader in Moscow. Trump to Putin: “I can promise you this, I will NEVER hold a meeting with you in Texas, neither one of us might come out alive!”

20 Feb Ever hear this? No longer shall violence be heard in our land or ruin and destruction be within our borders,
but we shall call our walls salvation and our gates praise!

Now you have.

23 Feb To all intercessors: From The Stammering Century, by Gilbert Seldes. Written of the 19th century, this seems both prophetic and impossibly understated in light of Sam Gaincana, Double Cross and Smedley Butler Nazi Coup, the Nazi war machine as an American business, nothing compared with the Gabriel Box.

"The American leaders created grandiose illusions for themselves: illusions of purity or perfection, of economic justice, of physical or spiritual happiness. Most of them rejected the common means of salvation, and having persuaded themselves of their own superiority, they infected others with their illusions, to fortify their own faith or to multiply their personality. That was their way of seeking power."

 2 Mar

Fukushima Is Not Mutating the Daisies

 11 Mar Standard SOP to ignore the victims of genocide of the world. In Turkey, Germany, Sudan, Rwanda, Cambodia, when the victims get noticed then beware, for something is afoot, as in Syria. Hence we can both worry and not worry about the genocide of the whole world that began with the Murder of the Pacific, this day, five years ago.

20 Mar

As Beautiful as spacious skies,
Inner Babylon
Azure Ishtar as Isis to preside
At the Democratic Convention

Anagrammatic Old New News.

21 Mar To look beneath the concept of martyrdom to the state,
symbolic disappearance of investigative reporting
in absence in the quick, to cover the ears, put a
pillow on the head, the events, none of which true,

sworn by all parties in the non news
of Destruktion, the deconstruction
of every European metaphysic -
morality to sanction murder
with a clear conscience -
defamiliartization of
reality, dissolution
of public order
and myth

 22Mar The doctrine of Wm. Burrough's Nova is that each 'Anthropocene' epoch engineers one crisis after another TO SUBVERT ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE FACT, always seeking to create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and to always aggravate the existing ones (Nova, 53). WHAT IS THE FACT? THE EXPERIMENT ITSELF.

23 Mar Invite them in to justify surveillance even more as Germany is dismantled. But R-selected groups vs. K-selected Germans who have lost their spine don't win, they are further mistreated in the pawn game. We lost the Pacific Ocean. We lost Germany. We lost Europe. Guess what's coming to St. Paul?

25 Mar CIVILIZATION in the raw, unglazed, so there will be another, hardened view. If a symbol picture is worth a thousand words, this culpture can be called Civilization after a quote from Rubino del Sur:

"A 6000 year old cult that broadcasts its images into every mind, called archetypes, every person born in the world. Many parts of the world share similar images because civilization is fostered by higher beings, devils. Of course they think highly of themselves for that, being more intelligent and able to pass dimensional walls through their portals. Devil signifies the lowest of their hierarchy that reaches to the skies where they pose as gods. Hence goes religion, government philosophy skewed to the devil mind, and artfully too, so it seems as if it were true. Isn't that nice? Shall we expose the devils for what they are? Only if we have the truth, which is not hierarchical." Rubino del Sur, The Argentine-Antarctic, p. 35.

31 March Metal fatigue, embrittlement. Wigner Dust, Fukushima dust, radioactive nano particulates. airline anomalies, flying through fallout, aircraft emergencies and crashes post-Fukushima. Accelerated metal fatigue, increased entropy of all life forms, glass, electrical components, computer systems DWARF all cognitive changes scheduled 21st century.

5 Apr Number six Psalm. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, 37.17, the missiles and the bombs, Thou shalt dash them--in pieces! The judgment of the world's armies and arms, its builders and destroyers, its planners and their budgets cast down not able to rise, 36.12, cut down like the grass, and wither, 37.2, for Monsanto evil doers cut off, 37.9, thou shalt diligently consider his place but it shall not be, 37.10, Yahve shall laugh, for He sees Monsanto's day coming, 37.13, the Vatican shall fall, and GE, their sword shall enter their own heart, 37.15, The President and the Queen that consume as the fat, into smoke shall they consume away, 37.20, and here is the better part, for the best is that Yahve forsakes not His saints, they are preserved forever, 37.28, but the better part, and we have chosen it, is to serve as the Potter designs, that When the wicked are cut off you shall see it, 37.34, which means we will be there When the mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom and his tongue talks about judgment, 37.30, of the EU and TPP and the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve and FEMA, the ships and planes. He will shut down Fukushima's reactors and topple CERN, for the transgressors shall be destroyed together, 37.38. There's your E. Pluribus Unum come to fruition, the seven headed hydra of the Trilaterals losing its heads.

Antidote for all the things that are being said. 12 Mar-15 Mar 2016

I ask you Father to stop the Vatican and the Queen of England, the President of the United States and Monsanto, all the corporations that buy and sell souls and destroy the world national and international, GE, to stop Fukushima and defeat CERN to cause the EU and TPP and the Trilateral Commission to come into confusion, for evil to slay the wicked in their oppressions, to defend the poor, the alien in the world, the women, children and men of families who seek you.


14 Apr Science is a group of chemists working on advanced experiments in protein DNA, Pyruvate phosphatase, in a building that's just about to be vacated before it blows up from leaking gas lines. Just the position of the Experimental Science Bldg in Austin where I worked five years. It couldn't pass the pressure test. I'm saying this is the situation for all science and all of us. And that's why they demoed the bldg, not because of the radioactive refrigerators after all. Bye bye. This is the background of Space Alien Politics.


17 Apr Cortana is the virtual assistant designed to give you cancer from its-her rays. It pretends to be a woman. To develop Cortana the team interviewed human personal assistants. At the start-up, a Harvard theater grad is tasked with deciding whether its scheduling bots, Amy and Andrew, should use emojis or address people by first names. Behind Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana poets and fiction writers ENGINEER PERSONALITIES for a fast-growing crop of artificial intelligence tools. By 2025, 12.7 million new U.S. jobs will involve building bots or automation software. Writers try to put personality quirks into the most rote activities. NLP seeks rapport with thee. This is NOT A WARNING. THIS IS NOT a recording. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? EVEN THE PIGS WILL BAIL.


Out in the Texas hills these people make a living with bare hands. We have encountered them in the wild, loppers dangling at their knees, chainsaws roaring. They are also called stump cutters and when they come out of their limestone caverns are excellent fodder for the CEO. Yes, these still exist.


7 May If rapture means holocaust for the world, chemtrailed skies, irradiated seas, sudden weight gain-Mass narcosis-Lithium, aluminum, barium-Impotence-Kidney pain, ADHD, autism-geoengineered weird, better read RED FEZ.


11 May Cyrano de Bergerac.
French novelist, playwright, duelist and libertine, perfect representative of the Aquarian American Age. Also know as the Weimar Here:


-from 26 May 2013, #5: HEAR this: LIVE EACH DAY AS THE LAST AND FIRST. Start new projects, have babies, get married, get new jobs, plan with confidence. But be tankful, oh be thankful for the next breath in faith.


29 May Some aspects of a minute


1 Jun As Rex said, who runs the saw where these 12 slabs 1x12 to 3 in thick were cut, what did the Romans use to cut these trees? Meaning the giant Aleppos of Syria that were the largest trees of the east and hardly exist in Aleppo now at all.


3 Jun Orc speaking, itself a surprise, being of bird origin, ostrich or egret, articulates from the epiglottis out the beak. Stops occur in the back and front of mouth due to its odd shaped tubular jaw with side tunnels.


18 Jun A nephew says some of these are monstrous. They are not meant to express the artist's intent or person. They reflect the world. The world does not like to look at itself hence we color this image with verbal association. Does anybody like calling it Hillary? Or how about Hillary at the Philadelphia Dolphin Convention coming up in July. Or if you like something sooner, how about Brexit EU? I hate it when art reflects the world and we have a thing about it.


24 Jun

Boris Johnson Trump.
The snake is squeezing, Rothschild is fleeing.
His eye is teasing.
Will Obama resign?




30 Jun The simian arms make this look like a Jackboot Democrat, but the pose of The Thinker suggests Republican. These Conventions raise their heads in caucus stalks, transcendent cops. Seven ballots take the crown that Reptile bands make sculpture heads time warp around (Dante). Always good for the beholder, a closeup is included to check. In The Lime Rat Probe the choices were either 1) a Drupe 2) a Jack or 3) a Prod. See for yourself:

8 Jul Prayer, ecstasy, ordinary all of the same creation


10 Jul What could be better than a good morning at the BEACH!


27 Jul No blood, no bullet holes, no windshield, no truck.


30 Jul They are good for making.


7 Aug This represents the last in a summer series (so far) of what must be called EMOTICONS to confront the mindlessness of those tongue tied idiots who use them, configured as they are to Disnify  their relations. And if these images don't seem recognizable to you that's because they are the real misshapen twisted faces that the elites produce for consumption in the commoner terrorist media. This one could be called Khizar Khan. Most of these Emoticons are two faced, even three to show the duplicity and hypocrisy of their users. It won't be glazed for some weeks though. Its back story, illustrative of the make or break, demo and rebuild philosophy controlling our time is "the last piece of summer fell, but not off the table. It landed on its side improving the whole nicely after it was retrieved. The inner stakes helped. The plastic around it helped. That BMix paper is brittle. Had to remove the top story. Then it toppled to the floor. Which has not happened exactly before. So the whole 30 lbs was reconstituted, wedged, rolled, thrown into the present state."


19 Aug How's this for all you zen Baptists?

20 Aug Pants-fit a little loose

29 Aug Meditations on Torah. Day Two. Today. The Firmament and the Waters.

15 Sept Peacock

17 Sept Marilyn Unglazed


2 Oct I see such shelves housing the all but unmoldied collection of the present, to speak of them as they are thus accounted for.


13 Oct Aloe grows wild in the tropical climates of shopping centers and business courts, but when they change over to fountain grass our spotters, alert in the forest and out, arrange this redemption.


23 Oct These are the Monarch eggs that gre

w from spores on the Asclepias curassavica, a couple days old.


4 Nov





Ubiquitous DemObot

They call Ubstitious DemoBots them Fools of Ardor
in the great Phil Heg,
that trifectic superlete of Golden Soups in verse,
the MAN TURNED UBERNOT, called Not Believe.

Such BE the closest we can come to Is, Is Is
Which is to say, Is not, No, Not.
Them bein' Not be Demo-bots believe the Sup-stud Man Who Not Make two nots three.

But once the dude sent packing,
a Second Indubiate scientist conceived THE SUPER boob
Pisean Eggward trumpet bro, a Superblast IconAnt
Disbo. Mo!

There bes and not bes ION WIGS
oF spider vented Otherhood Be nots achieve.
A PERP-In-Perp, what others think Top Turve, SHE not,
but supposed First Imminent, not first class stud.

This unconcocted orb which Said pretend the second thought Un-worth, for who would know but She,
Ha, ha. So First uptooted right and ended Thud. That Ud.

7 Nov Comey

9 Nov


10 Nov


and buzzed around.
One landed in a small dish.
I got a fly swatter, covered the dish,
took the fly outside and let it go.


13 Nov  With tomato?


14 Nov Historical event with AB, T, their father and ourselves. Got 5 seats together in the balcony in front of the soundboard, with room to dance, at the last minute. But the sound up there is twice that below. Extraordinary.


18 Nov The effigies of Trump burning are a thousand times more noble than Bernie Sanders live or Hillary d.


22 Nov Thought Catalog: 20 Means of Entrainment


24 Nov I'm giving thanks for the humanity of Benjamin's walk over the Pyrenees to escape, for his balcony around Saturn where he stands to survey the universe. I'm giving thanks for the humanity of Levinas held in French Concentration who finds such compassion for the Face. I'm giving thanks for the humanity of Kierkegaard's beginning Either/Or as a mystery of the inner worlds which he constantly holds to the light. I'm giving thanks for the humanity of Viktor Frankl in the camps looking at a bird look back at him. And I'm giving thanks for The Burnt Book of Marc-Alain Onaknin which says so much about the humanity of the sacred text.


25 Nov Demolition Outbreak Derby

30Nov Hashtag Pizzagate

"We're glad to see you back in Aol Mail! It looks like you haven’t logged in for more than 180 days so we had to freeze and purge your account due to inactivity which means you're returning to an empty inbox. Unfortunately there's no way to retrieve your emails once they've been purged but we hope you'll start fresh with us and remember to login more frequently to keep your account active."


8 Dec

My sister was born Pearl Harbor Day.

My brother was born 9/11.
I was born the 9th of Av, the worst day of the year,
The Fall of Jerusalem,The Temple, Twice!
I guess you could call us War Babies.
Here we are, still waiting...


11 Dec Bob Dylan at the Nobel Prize Great performance by Patti Smith even if she forgets the words on the bleeding babe:
"I saw the branch with blood that kept drippin
I saw the babe that was just bleedin...
rite in the middle of the illuminati stronghold
with the blood of the children drippin from the words
the wealthy display with their flawless performance,
they saw a newborn babe with wolves all around it,
and they made a billion, made a trillion,
made a thrillion tortures before they all fall."


12 Dec The Tweets are saying:
--ALL MAINSTREAMERS ARE GASLIT. They tell themselves before TAKEOVER: "I guess I can’t really see what color the sky is.’"
-WAKE UP! THE REICHSTAG IS BURNING. It's time to reread the Oracle:
--“When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red;’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast," but you can't tell Congress and CIA overthrow free speech and the election?


14 Dec The two a's in the name connote romance, openness, innocence so it seems natural to begin with St Brendan, Erik the Red and Columbus and a celebration of the natural and the human, even if later they are swept under. Likewise the innocence of Blake's lamb is there first when later America becomes his Tyger-Orc. The symmetry of romance balanced by terror is fearful once we know it. We remember the romance in dreams where the double a shines, which depends upon our openness in desire for the unseen but felt garden of ourselves. So many participated in that novel of dream that still resides in itself, remembered in the midst of its dissolution.


15 Dec Starchitect Baking. Frank Gehry in the kitch, these domestics. La Cornea!

16 Dec These are banned, so read them all.

20 Dec These are the eyes on the cover of Blinders Journal Winter 2016, called Plice on a whim not to express the artist's intent or person. The intent however is to see that society behind events where grandiose supernaturalism consumes all public events. The latest of these is Antarctic Timeline 2016.


28 Global chaos, gasoline on the fire (Un anti Israel petition)


ALL AMERICANS SHOULD BE ALARMED BY OBAMA'S ACTIONS. Once you get Hegel you can read the implicit triangle of truth. Thesis/antithesis, supply the truth. The speaker is the danger, always revealing his deep deceit.



Here's Prince Charles calling POPulism a "deeply disturbing echo of the dark days of the 1930s...My parents’ generation fought and died in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and an inhuman attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe." The Royals had pizza in Canada as early as the 50s:“the abduction of ten fellow residential school children by the Queen of England and her husband in October, 1964 at the Catholic school in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.”(1964). DEEPLY DISTURBING ECHOES? HIS PARENTS! The Royal family was unquestionably pro-Hitler in the 1930s. POPulism is a danger BECAUSE it is the belief in the power of people to have control their government and follow their own beliefs, rather than a small group of pizza-lovers.


When the candles are lit it is a reminder of prayer against the enemy and avengers who would steal our reprieve. We are asking they be confused, they turn upon each other, they be judged and their plans revealed, that they fall upon one another and betray themselves, that they be dashed into pieces and that the Lord himself from heaven will come with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of Yahve.


Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...