Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Wittgenstein and Language

Wittgenstein and Language
After enlisting in 1914 Wittgenstein wrote “now I have a chance to be a decent human being and stand eye to eye with death.” Wittgenstein bought the Gospels by Tolstoy on the Russian front, had them always with him, “this world exists,’…but meaning does not lie in it but outside it…good and evil are connected with the meaning of the world…
--While serving on the Eastern front, Wittgenstein did, in fact, experience a religious conversion, inspired in part by Leo Tolstoy’s The Gospel in Brief (1883), which he bought at the beginning of the war and subsequently carried with him at all times, reading and rereading it until he knew it practically by hear He was taken captive in 1918 Sunday 3rd November, 1918 and spent the remaining months of the war at a prison camp. Until Thursday 21st August, 1919:It was during the war that he wrote the notes and drafts of his first important work, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Wittgenstein in the First World War, and his detention as a Prisoner-of-War, 1914-1919
Tractatus account of logic as tautologous. “If only you do not try to utter what is unutterable,” he wrote to his friend Paul Engelmann, “then nothing gets lost. But the unutterable will be—unutterably—contained in what has been uttered.” after World War I  trained to be an elementary school teacher. Philosophy is in fact the synopsis of trivialities.” a detestation of scientism, the view that we must look to science for a “theory of everything.”

--Between "The world is everything that is the case" and "Whereof one cannot speak, we must be silent," Tractus- the relationship between language and reality. One thing is clear, the world loves to hear that the world is everything and everything is the case. Because that rules out the true man who was in the world and knew him not. The case is not either that the world is nothing. The case is the world is a counterfeit formality that binds us if we will be bound. If not then we come to a series of correlaries, that the gods think they are everything and must be overthrown. Not to install the man, at least as he is, but to install the redemption of the man. For the earth is infiltrated by these prehistoric worms that infest its thought. We have gone with flamethrowers into the dens to illumine this, but the true flame from the breath of his mouth, whose words are truth, will be their immolation. From the gods must be overthrown we could easily divert into all these gods of Ishtar, Baal, Ea and their modern counterparts in every complex of Jung, who is their fortune teller. Maybe we’ll get to it, but we also mention the installations of these gods in human form and institutions of civilization. Civilization must be overthrown. What pray tell is left? Nothing. QED. The world is nothing and nothing is the case.

We will have to say every hour on the hour that this will be understood only by one who has already thought so, which purpose will be achieved if there is one such in the world.As to its pleasuring them, for-fend, for that is what got Aristotle in such dire strait when he discovered in bed,  a woman’s breast, feeling her belly and thighs against his. We know where that will lead, but he had not said we were social or known he as social without the woman.

Some people are gifted with the future, others have to attain it. He paid his price for life in his headaches and imprisonments, exchanged for Russell’s patronage. But he met the apriori of the case when he said the world is everything. She, the world, loves to hear it. This was just a fraud complete enough to be given the Puff to Billy Graham that Randolph Hearst did, except Hearst was Russell. Think of them all together in the life singing, I love the world, I lvoe the world, their speech breaking down in incomprehensibleness. We  better ask though, what is the world to Witt? Dis Witt really think the world was a woman. We know he did, for he kept one in a walkup in Cambridge. And of course we know that Einstein thought the world was a woman for he went pursuing woman as his singularity goal. If you had the right kind of underpants Einstein was interested in you. Like in world futbol, G O A L, people running manically the turf, G O A L, the crowd screaming. You can substitute the goal for the woman and the woman for the world and be quite pleasured.

By 1962 I had acquired the Tractus, The Future of Man, The Allegory of Being, and Unscientific Postscript which justified the acquisitions by about 2022 after indulging in the relation between language and reality of the True Light in the intervening.
What is the world?
There is no special meaning to the world word, word world in W. Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist
It doesn’t help that every premise of part 1 is false: but to speak of this
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent," we must no longer be silent.
We must speak the unspeakable that hereto quietus.
 Witt had been more true to himself had he said the world is language,
 but had he the whole would have blown with the wind away.
The language atoms, the picture theory of meaning that has no picture nor meaning but exists just there where I cannot see it the way I see the chair, but I see it anyway, not with eyes, but with some faculty of perception which when I transcribe it enters into the same universe as the language of facts and chairs, but it is not language as we know it, for properly transcribed it will implode, explode, skerry about. It is letters and syntax and logic—this will be objected to by the world which wants the Welt to be everything and everything the case, but it will thereby insisting miss both the thing seen and its representation in words. 
But who can judge the world who does not know the world, or civilization? Who can judge who has not understood. And of course its adherents are greater than its detractors, and will fight to favor civilization over the anarchy they say would, Hegelly exist. 
But it is not either/or, or both/and, it is neither/neither/none for it is all a counterfeit which if revealed and acted on would destroy the world, as we think we know it. 
Witt is a good example. The world is everything, and we can only speak of the known, but he also says that everything worthwhile  of life and humanity is unspeakable. Let us begin to speak!
The world is Susan.

Tractatus Logico-PhilosophicusGermanOgdenPears/McGuinness1*
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
The world is everything that is the case.The world is all that is the case.1.
1Die Welt ist die Gesamtheit der Tatsa-
The world is the totality of facts, not of The world is the totality of facts, not of
chen, nicht der Dinge.
1.11Die Welt ist durch die Tatsachen
 be-The world is determined by the facts,The world is determined by the facts,
stimmt und dadurch, dass es a l l e Tatsa-
and by these beingallthe facts.and by their beingallthe facts.
chen sind.1.12Denn, die Gesamtheit der Tatsachen

For the totality of facts determines both
For the totality of facts determines
bestimmt, was der Fall ist und auch,
Was what is the case, and also all that is no twhat is the case, and also whatever is not
alles nicht der Fall ist.
the case.the case.
1.13Die Tatsachen im logischen Raum sind
The facts in logical space are the world.The facts in logical space are the world
.die Welt.1.2Die Welt zerfällt in Tatsachen.
The world divides into facts.The world divides into facts.
1.21Eines kann der Fall sein oder nicht der
Any one can either be the case or not be
Each item can be the case or not the
Fall sein und alles übrige gleich bleiben
.the case, and everything else remain the
case while everything else remains the same.same.
2Was der Fall ist, die Tatsache, ist das
What is the case, the fact, is the exis-What is the case

Were he not cursed with the mathematical gene Witt could have known the unspoken he considers moral, aesthetic and beautiful, or the versions of it in all of literature, which only seeks its expression.
The world is like the hood of a car in your driveway that when you wake in the morning has dents that look like the footprints of some large dog. The world like the hood of a car needs to be covered with a tarp to protect its appearance before you stand on it and look. 
The world is like driving to the Good Will thrift store to get some more sheets to cover the plants in winter, but while you were inside the vehicle goes missing, at least you think so, because when you come out it is missing. 
You start tramping the parking lot to find it, an old white pickup. Can’t find it. Reports are that the day before the the cops found a stolen car there. Thinking it was stolen, or to call help you think, if only it was the Suburu then I could beep it. But suddenly you realize it is the Sub and do beep it. 
Very strange. It talks back and you drive off. Welcome to the human family!

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...