Friday, August 2, 2019

Taurobolium Susan - The United States Americo-Brahma Bull

The Pacific NW of the United States is the Head of the Americo-Brahma Bull

Know you yet what a Taurobolium is?
  Susan was so big she was like a Taurobulium of States, bigger than a cow, or a bull, a whole country. Shall I tell you of her largess? Seventeenth century wits cut land masses in analogues of woman from the universe to mountains of alpine crests to breasts.  "Is not the universe strait-laced when I can clasp it in the waist?" The purpose of these analogues is possession of the woman and the land. Here the Taurobolium of the United States  fun application occurs when the country faces east. Otherwise known as Susan, the head of Maine and the front foot of Florida are reversed. The west is the head, for this map reverses everything. The Taurobulium reverses all that has proceeded, tearing down its statues, turning self reliance into safe places. Susan is so big she is a Taurobulium of a whole country consumed, unless of course the cow is a bull and bigger than a cow, but not bigger than a country or a world, which are all the same to the oecumene, the known world.  
Shall I tell you of her largess? She welcomed whole countries and peoples to populate. Susan was so big you could find out countries in her. Census has been conducted. Was she literally a whole new world? I came and saw her consumed. Ox cries, the worship of wisdom, the group whore, signifying all wisdom religions and metaphysical societies that ever trod, summarized by the Ox that cooks St. Antipas in its kettle at Pergamon and Kepler cooks Mysterium Cosmographicum, and all those Gates of ISIS 2008-2016, Sperm Light in Egypt, Alters in the Marketplace, Time-polarized ElectroMagnetic Signatures, Werther Effects of the Angel Empires (all sites here), all which number calculates, gemetrias of Kharazian wonders everywhere in the secret mysteriums, tauroboliums surrounded by snakes,the ace of seduction,
the monas hieroglyphica in pants, Ishtar in other words, notwithstanding that Dr. Dee was one of the greatest dupes of all times when he gave his wife to Edward Kelley, which you can see at, which includes every member of every such society numerous, small and great. How else are we to gain spiritual knowledge? SELF EVIDENT. These deceptions affect the highest up with their power, the lowest down just get doped, but it's all the same.
And this is The world of Susan.

Art comes to prophecy in this way of recognition, embodied in moral states in the same manner that the States are embodied in the United  States. The topography of features of the panhandle of Florida, the tip of Maine,  the Big Bend of the Rio Grande of Texas, the Rockies become analogues of the ancient. The new Madrid fault seems to have risen to heights, which leaves us questions how this prophetic topography on one hand is also a restructuring of the morality on the other, as if geography, morality and prophecy combined. Yes there is darkness around the Mississippi, and what of some regions that look as they are  now but others that are not? What happened to the Great lakes? What is that barren bump of a plateau of parts of Ohio? Do we want to raise up Ellen White's idea that America is the false prophet of the beast and  the land mass here resembles a kind of Taurobolium sacrifice with the eye and snout in Seattle Amazonia but parts of California gone? These states represent agencies too. Besides vacancies of CA the "New Madrid" section had to be glued back on, which leaves the question, not answered, as to what the image portends.Just on the surface of the image we see the country as a cow and the cow of course has all the attributes as to why Nietzsche calls our Susan, a pied cow.
You can look for where you live in the country and figure out how it's going to go for you in the afterlife posed here. Impose a latitude and longitude map on top and look up your coordinates. What are these lakes in the dewlaps? The sea in Seattle? The land map is always moving in the sense that not 100 acres of prairie exist any more, their  ten feet of topsoil has washed into the Gulf. The impervious runoff of the desert cities might be the waste white areas, like Houston or Dallas, barren only a hundred years ago. How much is myth and how much fact? Buffalo gone, mountains behind, "carried into the midst of the sea" (Psalm 46). Can the Great Lakes drain? And what of these myth mountains exampled by the Orcopias? Are they myth or fact, and the salt flats? The Orcopedia Mts whose geology represents a physiognomy most like those tortured Orcs as written, shape a dramatic and variable terrain primarily by movements of the adjacent San Andreas Fault over millennia. The Orocopia schist, a blueschist assemblage found in that range, matches the Pelona schist found over 250 km away in the San Gabriel Mountains along the San Andreas fault. Hill and Dibblee (1953) first noted the similarity (a piercing point), and used it to construct the first estimates of the offset on the fault.[3]  So if we read the land mass according to the animal it resembles, then the continental U.S. is nicely contained in an east west rectangle figure as a bull, or a cow if you incline to the feminine constraints of geography, unlike say "Chile which is so north and south it comprises an identifiable land figure like a sea horse." 
Since these prophecies emerged from the work at hand we cannot say any of it was intended before hand, but it did appear and now we have to deal with it. If any of it is right, that the barrenness of Cleveland and Columbus are real states with plans to hollow out Ohio in the fracking, for it’s just a basin and it’s all oil, it’s all about connect, connect, as might be found in the Opoems of Ohio, which after hearing George Webb refer to fracking Ohio hollow but not consciously recording it, went back and captured the insight to connect to the D51 poems where Akron is mistaken for Gaza and Manhattan desolate is driven out of day. L.A. sees the global shaken out to tread the clay. Japan goes sleeping to the sun, but that is yet another Taurobolium to waken earth where New Jersey pulls transcendent bridges spontaneously swelling along and a nation-wide decline in body temperature connects to a drop in metabolic rate.

New CA Coastline

So now three events connect with each other where the bull is sacrificed for the welfare (salus) of the emperor, Empire: "He shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. Then he shall kill the bull before the Lord, and Aaron’s sons the priests shall bring the blood and throw the blood against the sides of the altar that is at the entrance of the tent of meeting." (Lev. 1:4–5) The Taurobolium sacrifice of the world, nations and states, George Webb fracking Ohio dry and D51, have nothing to do with each other in time since the Taurobolium was two years ago, Webb was this May, and D51 a decade and a half ago. 
That all these events connect to each other and to other events as well, is a tragical of saying such writing is “beyond meaning” which should cause us to wonder if it were possible to have an overall cohesion reduced to prophecy to the news stand. A free form poem of ellipses, dips, aggregation and collection magnifies not diffuses the data (See George Webb: 5/20/19).
Secret Drilling and Pipelines? No Problem, Rockefeller Has Butinas And Erickson. Do the two-horned beast and the United States belong together? Does the former symbolize the latter?  If America is the twohorned beast then its dehorning in the fall of the twin towers has application indicates a sacrifice by a greater global entity, sacrificed from within by these very agencies that govern it without. The slaughter of the ox is fearsome by itself, but when the ox is a nation, more. And if we start down this road of nations as animals then the bestiary of their zoo world includes even the planets with their geo-besti-ology. The human torso cast as a world, or in America as the woman's body, or as the empire of Logres stretched across Europe as a woman, America cast as a bull to be sacrificed has a certain context in the nations of revelation cast as beasts. The ox is one of the four cherubim in Genesis and throughout stands for the living creatures, but the ox is also a Taurobolium.


 We find reference also in the Revelation where the first beast government of four kings up from sea is a lion with eagle wings. It lifts on two feet, a British Royal Lion combined with an American Eagle of all democratic pretense. The second is a bear with three ribs in its mouth, not hard to see as Russia chomping down the Baltic. The third up is France's national bird, the Gallic cock surmounted on a leopard with four heads and chicken wings. Germany, shall we say, with all its Nazi survivals? What about the fourth beast, the one world government of the globe, "dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth. It devoured, and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." This comes from two informants, the first (10.5f) was a certain man clothed in linen whose loins clothed with gold with a body  like beryl, with lightning and fire for his face and eyes, and arms and legs of polished brass. When he spoke it was like the sea. The second one looked like a man and enabled speech, whether these are the same or not, the first had to fight through the prince of Persia and the second continues that fight, which also extends to the prince of Greece.
Geography, Morality and Prophecy Combined

We are being asked to consider the sacrifice of nations, the taurobolium which is more that just nations, but continents, the world, space. To be clear, it is all a concept of the segmentation set into interpretation. Sometimes this is called allegory or symbolism, but the literal facts of it allow a literal reading of events even if these are as unbelievable as if Henry Ford had started his own race of men. 
All this together would be sacrifice of space, of the cosmos, which entertainment is real, and so is its plan. By context we mean these ideas occur in an atmosphere of absolute denial and charged with irreality. That justifies them.

We are being asked to understand that animals represent nations and that nations represent a complex of states of mind of evil, not good. That their sacrifice, the sacrifice of nations by the global world priests is to serve the greater purpose of their conspiracy. So America is the bull to be sacrificed for  this world order to achieve its ends.
“The priest clad in a silk toga worn in the Gabinian cincture, with golden crown and fillets on his head, takes his place in a trench covered by a platform of planks pierced with fine holes, on which a bull, magnificent with flowers and gold, is slain. The blood rains through the platform onto the priest below, who receives it on his face, and even on his tongue and palate, and after the baptism presents himself before his fellow-worshippers purified and regenerated, and receives their salutations and reverence”.
The psych mistakes the Minotaur that hunts the soul in the labyrinth as a function of the self that the self must kill. Theseus killing himself. The Jungian archetype is the Minotaur however, another of the endless devil magics  of Greek myth wreaking upon the human from vestiges and tablets of Sumer thereabouts.


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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...