Tuesday, July 2, 2019

There is No Muse

---Most musicians, artists, poets, adepts and shamans collaborate with the Muse. The Hindu knew the phenomenon as apauruseya, śruti, and ākāśavāni. We discuss it as prophecy, Dionysian ecstasy, Bacchus, the Jungian collective unconscious, race consciousness, and the Akashic Record. The metaphysics of the multiverses demand that we understand the Muse as an autonomous projection of human consciousness.         Estéban Trujillo de Gutiérrez

The only ones who know the muses names are the impoverished elites, who can't sing, and who know nothing of song in their impoverished states. Those who do sing, live to sing, play to sing, dream to sing, compose for the desire of making, otherwise have no knowledge. That's why the term artist is so revolting. It's a marketing angle.  All the theory of their being inhabited by the muse is second guessing, but why say when you can do, when do, Do! 
This looking outside in produces front brain only productions. Looking inside out gets to the matter. They used to call Arthur the Matter of Britain which we take as analogous to this matter, which known, is personal and emerges from the interplay in the mind from memory, experience, involvement sure, but even more from those prompts that produce the prescient, which are unplanned, but simply are. This is not the muse but something utterly human, not divine, if you will open yourself to it, it being He who stands at the door and knocks and when He enters the walk begins, rung upon rung, never thought of in advance, marvelous and complete.

 Architectonics looses intent with accident and accident with intent.
Accidental design recognizes what is occurring, absent external motive.
Accident sees, hears and knows back and forth in dialogue with the intent-creator.
All intent is person-al.
The good news is the creator becomes accident-intent.
Accident rules out the future for a present delightful to extrude itself.
Accidence provides an incontrovertible real in the present, made/not made with human hands.
Accident is never apart, never two, but one.
Wittgenstein said his Tractus would only be understood by those who already had the thought.
Accident is a near non-thought.
Its love of all species, evident in the "faces" of Emmanuel Levinas, describes compassion.

You can say it is discovered, but it was there when you saw it.
It is bigger than you, but you get to participate, but it is not in a measurable state.

This counters the invoked muse OUTSIDE the creator that enters and provides inspiration, channeling or invoking a separate intelligence whether editors, fellow artists, zeitgeist or collective consciousness/civilization. For engineers this is construction to a norm, contrast engineering.

Consider a map of the stars against drawing free hand.
The engineer measures the angles against the whole to control the precisions of orbits, times and space.
In actual space flight joining artificial intelligence to the human, this mathematical function of intelligence outside the person is an adversary of the human.
Accidence says correct distance is an illusion, that perception takes angles differently in every case. Accidence says the map of the heavens is an illusion, that there is no universe in this sense.
All these are synonymous in their illusion with the consciousness farrago of the future and worse.

Architectonics may be sonar or material.

In revelation revisited: samizdat.Muse as “a felt engagement with an autonomous entity or intelligence that is separate from the ego.”… whether entities of this kind are projections by an apex deity,
… synonymous with the consciousness of the human collective,… whether discarnate entities enjoy independent existence,… whether discarnate entities enjoy independent existence,HGA holy guardian angel, crowely… Crowley initially spelled his interlocutor as Aiwaz. Later, for reasons of numerology, he rendered the name as Aiwass. It was Kenneth Grant (1924-2011 CE) who connected Aiwass with the double star Sirius, announcing his discovery of an occult current emanating from the “transplutonic planet Isis,” in a 1955 Manifesto … Leary perceived the entity as telepathic and extraterrestrial. The result: * Timothy Leary, Starseed, San Francisco: Level Press, 1973. * Timothy Leary, Neurologic, San Francisco: Starseed, 1973. * Timothy Leary, Terra II: A Way Out, San Francisco: Imprinting Press, 1974. Leary concluded that humanity was originally extraterrestrial… Kenneth Grant’s Lovecraftian synchronicities and Trans-Plutonian communications… Philip K. Dick (1928-1982 CE), also interacted with extraterrestrial intelligence in VALIS (1980)… “The outstanding result was that I entered a belief system, from 1973 until around October 1974, in which I was receiving telepathic messages from entities residing on a planet of the double star Sirius.” (p. 277; RAW 1977 p. 8)…. –Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Science Fiction, Science Fiction Studies, #55, Vol. 18, Part 3, 1991. .. Revelation Revisited, a review of Matt Cardin, “In Search of Higher Intelligence: The Daemonic Muse(s) of Crowley, Leary, & Robert Anton Wilson,” in Angela Voss & William Rowlandson (eds.), Daimonic Imagination: Uncanny Intelligence, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, 2013, pp. 266-831….

Note from: Watchman Nee on Soul Power:

"The miraculous things in religion and science are manifestations of a person's latent power and are utilized by the evil spirits. They have one common principle, which is to break down the barriers of the flesh and release the soulish power. We (Christianity) are different from them because all our miracles are done by God through the Holy Spirit. However, Satan is utilizing soulish power to express his supernatural abilities and make man as God. The power of the soul is now a tool of Satan's work. Satan works through this. Everything of God is void of soulish power. When we were regenerated, we were born of the Holy Spirit. Everything of God is done through the Holy Spirit and our regenerated spirit. God will never use soulish power. Ever since Adam's fall, God has prohibited man from using the power he had before. This is why the Lord Jesus often said that we should lose the soul-life, the power of the soul. I have spoken before on the salvation of the soul, but I have never mentioned what I am mentioning here. God wants us to totally abandon our soulish power. We cannot say that the works of wonders that others perform are all counterfeits; I admit that many of them are real. However, these phenomena all come from the latent power of the soul after Adam's fall. We Christians must be very careful in this last age. We must not purposely or unconsciously stir up the latent power of the soul."

 The prolific reproduction of the Tree of Life is as deceptive as Alice. The "walk" of the tree toward and in its ten centers, beauty, wisdom, mercy, splendor, etc. seem on the face to be noble, but that is always the selling point of the evil, hence the Tree of life is itself literally a substitute in the metaworld of the true wisdom that can only being with the Fear of Yahweh. The centers of the Tree of life are satanic seductions in substitute of the real. Some of the movies used in Monarch programming include The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty .Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves. For example, a slave watching The Wizard of Oz is taught that “somewhere over the rainbow” is the “happy place” dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them.see Relationships Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse 

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...