Friday, December 9, 2016

Nephilim Spirit Pizza

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
A symbol is worth a thousand pictures, Harvey Weinstein ejaculating on potted plants in hallways is maybe not one or Kubrick's image of Bob Hope in profile in Eyes Wide Shut, absolute proof of the involvement of every entertainer, politician, businessman and preacher of net worth of 5 million or more in the wide wide world of pedophile ring.
ANOREXICS: every anorexic suspect.
However, infectious prions, which cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, diseases such as kuru, can induce abnormal folding of normal prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as coordination problems and neurodegeneration....hence spirit cooking- funerary cannibalism. Traditionally, deceased family members were cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead. So to conclude as Breitbart: "How prog-guru John Podesta isn't a household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me," said AndrewBreitbart (@AndrewBreitbart) February 4, 2011:: Death of Breitbart and coroner also here
Established news media have become more virulent than the worst archetypes of puritan fundamentalism. They will brand you with an A and accuse you of the very thing they do in spades. It is all in The Scarlet Letter about these hynocrites, hyno because they hope to detain you in their mind. It's not that the highest sources of information are not true. It's that they are designed to further emesh you. The biggest fake news of all is the imposed narrative of some months that people that voted for Trump are angry and disaffected. To question this seems ridiculous, but it is just a narrative to discredit the whole. You don't understand quantum physics let us explain it to you: CERN. You don't understand the Bible let us explain it to you: medieval Popes. You don't understand social-political issues let us explain them to you: New York Times.  +If nothing else convinces the  of the plague of Pizzagate, for Smelly pizza. They target with free range but don't like it to come back on them. They are horrified at the abuse of children so much that they do it themselves. Where's the evidence? Huh. The guilty are exposed with Joe Biden. All this has a thirty year head start, or a sixty, depending. Obama's early light says there have been no foreign terrorist attacks in the U.S. in eight years. That's fake: here's the list. There's a disorder all right and everyone of Charlie Rose's guests, and the Kennedy Center honorees are all fecaled, other news source to come on line in the Last Days, I mean the Letter to Rome in the Bible that says God gave them up to worship beasts, four footed beasts and creeping things. THEN they cry out as the rocks fall on their head, then they say give us oil for our lamps, then they shall be cut into pieces, not pizzas, cut into  pieces says the LORD who comes to judge as they cry out, all gone out of the way. There is none righteous no not one. So if the Vox publica believes the Times and the congress passes laws against fake news, the only real kind anymore, it proves what Cheryl Mills Wikileaked to Hillary:

 "I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch." Chicken in gay slang means young boy,  which Wikipedia will divulge: gay slang=chicken, other terms common on the dark web as vehicles of trafficking lingo and logo include sex bracelets, big and little, cheese=little girl under five.

An elite child trafficking network which celebrates its crimes

in code words and disturbing artworks, using food to describe their prey.

Bill Gates promises 30 million of these death pullets will die. Avian flue you know. The stock in trade of initiates in special language tokens, word and logos, secret pins, handshakes and Meryl Streep is why Scorsese thinks "it's a scary time for the world," taken literally as the rulers thereof and their pullets. They must create the fake news meme, because they are so utterly exposed. The bots are predicting major overturnings of their crimes. Pop will in many cases believe the bot, the universe so-called, instead of the  Word which condemns a land where such events occur (Leviticus 18). When  Marc Dutroux was caught, who wanted to have an under-ground city of child victims in Belgium, the (Euro) pedo rings denied Dutroux as much as the D.C. rings will deny Podesta and Tony's art of dead children and decapitated heads.  Robert H. Richards IV, a DuPont convicted of raping his 3 yr old child, will be held as aberrant as the uncaught Jody Foster of Delaware.  Innocent citizens as guilty as censoring editors like Jonathan Penton and angry killer-Buddhist Tom Goar, who have made targets for their prejudice, think only of their fake moral convictions and pussy lives. The land itself by earthquake, flood and fire will expel, spew these out of itself from their pollution.  So  though the bot is after pedophiles, it also gets financial collapse and natural catastrophe, along with the ice age of pro-science fake global warming. This statement of Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’ is naive since all the noted capitals of the world, Paris, Milan, London, connect with the sheik states to capture and manipulate, traffik the blonde blue eye east European women and children that Epstein flew around the world in his planes for the state department. Not only Hollywood, these multi-generational-initiate cultic-ritual-intake insider elite families into which to be born is the greatest damnation, for it breaks the will of the infant and child and is beyond all imagining since the families are likely leaders in community affairs and of all institutions of law enforcement, government, religion and education, posing as the good which is their strong suit, while devouring the innocent whose blood brings them the greatest rush. PizzaGate stems completely from the Wikileaks emails of Tony and John Podesta and the Anthony Weiner emails using pedophile code words in Podesta emails and perp sketches of the three with kidnapped children. Search "comet pizza" and "handkerchief" codes, as does the 14 and fish on Podesta's hands linked to spirit cooking pics. Why do so many presidents have bandages on their middle fingers? You will not likely believe any of this if you haven't been told of it first hand by a victim, one of your own family or someone you trust, and know the perps as aunt, uncle, employer, friend, etc. and never suspected  and could not believe possible, but these are the parents who also breed children for these debasements. So here's a verbal account.  

In the 1981 documentary boys for sale  by Tom Philpott, the Franklin Coverup by John Decamp, the Jeffrey Epstein Temple of Orgy Island and the MK Ultra background obvious in #Pizzagate an epidemic of  mid and high level business, political, religious leaders. How many in this ring? Enough to fill a football stadium. Say 70,000. See this review: Worldwide C.I.A. Black Pedo-Op. Jimmy Alefontis of Comet Pizza CIA calls himself Cumpanda,  It says no cell phones are allowed in the boom-boom room (after the Thai). Along with pics from a couple connecting accounts these all occur in a row of pedophile restaurants 4 miles from Dupont Circle, along with a related construction co. camping co., and Beyond Borders where these pedos go shopping for children of Haiti. It puts a new slant on amber alert where the kidnapper of 33 Haitian kids, Laura Silsby (Silsby-Gayler) now works high up in the company of AlertSense, who makes the systems for Amber alerts.

To the NYTimes pedophilia is a disorder not a crime. Not a crime any more then murder or cannibalism or chemtrails or false flags. It was the end of  Milo Yiannopoulos  when he openly distinguished on tape between pedophilia and pederasty, saying he had been seduced by a priest, but called it his crowning glory of sex, which only revealed how tightly the noose of the victim fit over his head. Those hit pieces continually preprinted in the Wash Post prove that everything alleged is not only true but to a magnitude unimagined, like the fake Arab Spring, the fake refugee crisis, the fake Haitian earthquake to fuel the NYT pedophilia. To hire the major organ of Hillary Barack Soros must be the easiest thing in the world if you control the world and you can have Martha Raddatz and Chief Global Affairs for dinner along with Cokie and George. PizzaGate and the Clinton Foundation pedophiles use food to describe their prey by the age of children, their ethnicity, gender and characteristics as well as the atrocities committed on them. How desperate the authorities to ignoble themselves.

 If you need to be convinced Lady Gaga is one of these and can't see it yourself, that is the very lack of discrimination Comet Pizza relies on. Elite Crime Syndicates live on creating the commoner straw man who needs the elite to run him. They can't stand that the common is the elite and they are the damned.

The people on Reddit, Steemit, Youtube etc who reveal these things give apologies for art and freedom of speech as if this all were not so patently repugnant, but the practices are old cannibalism and bestiality right out of Baal Peor.  PizzaGate is foreground for Crowley's rituals cake of light, pedophilia a mask for cannibalism. These people have symptoms of kuru (as in the monsters of dream),  incurable neurodegenerative disorders prevalent among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea in the 1950s and 60s. Everyone has normal prion proteins, found mostly in the brain.[1] Anorexics: BIDEN, VAL KILMER, PODESTA, Rahm Emmanuel, Bill Clinton, so consider the suicide of Anthony Bourdain
Martin MarPrelate was the name used by the anonymous author(s) of seven Marprelate tracts that circulated illegally in England in the years 1588 and 1589. They were an attack on the Anglican Church.  Substitute Anglican Church for the whole infrastructure of American and European government which the grip of England now grasps in all the outlet malls of the internet, censoring the news and PizzaGate is the resistance to bring them down the way the Puritans did the King. I was privileged to spend a summer reading the Tracts at the Folger, but news can be written right on the sides of buildings. At one time in the 80s the sides of the  buildings of Philadelphia were covered from the sidewalk to above ten feet with long strings of apparent Arabic writing, like initials inscribed on the inside of caves with carbide lanterns. The internet is now these walls. Martin MarPrelate had secret printing presses and would leave the damaged goods of his indictments in London and around towns. Thomas Cartwright did time for this and other matters of Dissent. Their dissent did not however depend on the news. They did not activate because of some travesty. They dissented EVERYTHING of the world. Turned out they were right. Everything of the world is corrupt beyond belief. Bankers. Salesmen. Politicos. Dissenters  by principle would not agree with anything of the Mainstream Gaslight, even if on the same day the Pope and Hillary call fake news a fecal fetish. Which they did. Dissent of the Fake News

When  rhetoric lost its ethical appeal

This is where the speaker lends credence to his argument by moral status and repute for honesty. Witness Walter Cronkite in the late 60's with his reports, Can the World Be Saved. Writers, newspapers shared a truth taken as moral, but these days are so far gone that any report of any mainstream organ is tantamount falsehood. It is the worst coprophilia of Obama hiding a Marxist agenda and overturning all America if he is also reported to be the hero in so doing that media claims. Pope Francis turns himself in when he says consuming false news is like eating feces, which lets us know that the opposite is true by claiming this about fake news. He said, Trump is not a Christian so the converse is Trump is a Christian hero...oh dear. The Mainstream will never admit it takes orders from the pedophile councils. Martha Raddatz and Joe Biden believe they are right. They are compartmentalized.
Death Uncovered. Bernini at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Some Sources

Ritual Abuse More Info and Tips for Hotline Workers

Strange bedfellows:  Bitcoin, David Brock, Pizzagate. If Jones thinks there is a worse problem too bad for him. Or maybe this is strategic, saving for a later time?  Some serious erasures from the Net are taking place.
Codes: Obama pizza and hot dogs from Chicago: “hotdog” = boy, “pizza” = girl“
cheese” = little girl“ pasta” = little boy, “ice cream” = male prostitute, "sauce” = orgy
Steemit, the pizzagate links, block chain,  pizzagate reddit. Pedo logos. Steve Huffman of Reddit, cannibalistic.
 Mesopotamian origin of the watchers mythology of the antediluvian sages
Dean Fougere Titus frost, steemit
Covering, uncovering the beauty of the world, Goliath and nakedness, Podesta, Jerusalem and math. Breitbart and the hundred,

The De-Occulting of John Podesta Decoding the meaning on podesta's hands  Marty Leeds. 

 ''Pedophilia scandals' reach both 'high' and 'wide' across the 'political landscape' and nearly instantly 'cross pollute' the 'business landscape'...The data sets are suggesting that the #pizzagate 'pedophilia ring exposure' is going to participate within the 'death of religion' sub sets as very large numbers of '(formerly) respected Jews and Christians' are to be 'entrapped' in the 'pedophilia exposure'. The data sets are forecasting that this subject will be 'occupying (several) years' of the 'public discussions globally' as the various 'layers (are) peeled back'....As a large portion of 'British governance' is based around 'pedophilia associations' the impact of the various spin off investigations from #pizzagate is indicated to be very impacting of 'British ruling elites'...  about 'corruption', and 'organized (sanctioned and 'sanctified') pedophilia'" (Jay Weidner. Clif High, Alta, 2016, December).

  Photos on Instagram of James Alefontis owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza, with pics of jacking off in men's room while playing ping pong, where Obama, Hillery held their $1000 a plate fundraisers, google here are pics from Alefontis' Twitter account, but you don't want to see it unless you are inoculated. Get inoculated:

  Since you have declared Lord Jesus that it were better for those who offend children to be cast with a stone into the sea, and since you also demand that vengeance is yours that you will repay, I ask you LORD to revenge all children and violate these pedophiles and all who run the Pizza ring, whether the President or his cabinet or the rich, to violate them and confuse them, to Dash Them In Pieces. All praise be to your Holy Name.

Overcoming Death Pullets and Puppet Anti-Trumthers OUTED With PEDOgate

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...