Tuesday, November 8, 2016

SuperFlat. Otaku, Data Base

Seen in the Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture Otaku

It was not a bombing back to stone, but to the second dimension. Were the costs of shock and awe known they might still be done, since they fit the larger demolition, but consider  the white out, the orange sun, the total dark and the rain of body parts different from the holocaust mainly from shock and awe. The Nazis delivered their murder hands on, more or less medieval for the time, but the American Hiroshima was done from above which suggests a deus ex machina metaphor, an act of heaven, but demonic in that it spawned Godzilla and all the monsters and giants of pop that frighten children in their beds at night. It was an attack on childhood, as Murakami shows, and on old age; neither could exist. Compare it with the PTSD and shock of IEDs among the American Afgan soldiers when they run over the explosives, where the earth blows up beneath them, not from above, the disorienting shock of brain against bone, sound and lined light, and then think of it coming suddenly as a complete immersion, shock waves more than felt, producing no more inane patter that followed it in America than justifying bombing with more bombing, of the homeland this time, greater by far than of Japan, American Ground Zero The Secret Nuclear War, but atrocities make more and still more.

We view this entity as the true assessment of the American election 2016, the end of pretense of democracy, the exposure of all media, gov't, corporate controls and the stifling and superflatting of the American populace. Its particulars are explored @ Tales of Silence Superflat means being flatted out  of existence in three dimensions. Superflatted peoples are thus most dangerous to themselves and all because what more can they lose, not that they are worse, but because action / reaction, as in the shamed German nation of WWI, produces worse. From Godzilla the superflat to aliens to and from the grotesque, to normal hiding of the grotesque in supermarket packages of GMO, thus began preparation for the super modern superman who never dies. Does it strike you that all the top 10 evil experiments were conducted in the 20th century? Why did Japan ally with the Germans? Sure you can hear of the gas, and the Chinese museums of Japan's atrocities.

War apologists said Japan was a criminal enterprise, just like Biden said of Afghanistan. War apologists, all the diseased anorexias of Biden, Podesta, Weiner, Bill Clinton, all the nations, all the criminals have to increase the helium to sustain the bubble so they can regard others as criminal, but their own heroes are the terrorists. Each night trucks spray down the alleys to decease the Schumann Resonance to put these people back to sleep. You wonder why this is necessary if the helium really works, or is it just another propo-gram from fail safe? Misinformation has the weather change to crank up fracking, but everyone knows deep down that the weather is cracking. Yakusa is coming down in hurricanes and tornadoes, in retribution for Little Boy, Yakusa and the old KGB drying up the leaves, driving the blue stem jet stream scalar. It is some sight with their Dr. Strangelove riding the storm like Roman chariot horses with fog breath and HAARP cloud. Electrosmog broadcasts over the transmitters, disinformation has hi and lo pressures like weather. Yakusa caused the New Orleans flood the war games think,  but lost the ball on downs from the  American earthquake disaster at Fukushima. We score this loss of  nuke plants against the second half that blows up Yellowstone, tsunamis NYC, bye bye Hoover Dam.

I don’t know what the bill is for all the gas, the helium to pump up Apocalypse much the same as the bill for all the gas to pump up the dream of superiority. So while they spray each night to complete the negative optical transfer to the rest of the world,  Japan contemplates its demise and gets out the mask. When the American wakes to realize the Hiroshima bomb was named Little Boy, and all Japan has  been LittleBoyed so its pop art reflects revenge on the airplane that dropped its humikiation, one can ask, what would you have done in Japan if you were a nation of warriors? So while Little Boy superflat plots revenge, Goodboys admire their work at being more quick and comfortable against Shinto animist technology as an extension of nature. Superflat means the eyes are expressionless as the face is unwrinkled, unaged, childed, simplified, flattened out of dimensionality. This flat affect, failure to make eye contact is a form of a subculture of autism.

“Hideako Anno, spent several years of his life essentially isolated in his room reading comic books and playing video games in a particularly Japanese affliction known as “otaku.” Otakus are defined by William Gibson as, “the passionate obsessive, the information age’s embodiment of the connoisseur, more concerned with the accumulation of data than of objects. . . Understanding otaku -hood, I think, is one of the keys to understanding the culture of the web. There is something profoundly post-national about it, extra-geographic. We are all curators, in the post-modern world, whether we want to be or not.” Quang Truong here.

“The theory that Japan’s defeat stripped the country of its independence and led to the creation of a nation of permanent children, weaklings forced to live under the protection of the American Big Daddy, is widely shared by artists and intellectuals in Japan. It is also a staple of popular cartoons, many of which feature a well-meaning government that turns out to be a facade concealing sinister and more powerful forces.

Anno pauses for a moment, and gives a dark-browed stare out the window. “I don’t see any adults here in Japan,” he says, with a shrug. “The fact that you see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being unafraid, unashamed or anything, is something you wouldn’t have seen 30 years ago, with people who grew up under a different system of government. They would have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pictures on a train. But that’s what we have now in Japan. We are a country of children.” Atlantic Monthly Interview Anno here

The comment on the above is a denial that: “I’m surprised the man who recently directed the remake of Cutie Honey, and is now busy remaking Evangelion, would go so far as to call any adult who reads manga childish.”

The gas is that strong.

Good news, here is an excellent PDF of this Essay on WWII infantilizing Japanese culture such as anime and otaku. Takashi Murakami is a good hands writer. Exploding subculture is a pun. Little Boy is the name of the Hiroshima bomb. Anime is a production of Little Boy. Superflat is a societal autism. The USG Manhattan Project boys, proud physicists all, naming their bombs, or the people they were dropped on, driven into infancy and beyond, emasculated, juvenilized produced Game Boy,  Pokémon, Pocket Monsters that did to their own what they done to them, called RPGs, role playing games, not rocket propelled grenades: six hundred Japanese children got epileptic seizures watching Pokémon “Dennō Senshi Porygon“, (Electric Soldier Porygon) in season 1. There were bright explosions with rapidly alternating blue and red color patterns. This is the superflat here , here Hutsume Miku, Vocaloid, (thx Gwern Branwen).

 Data Base, Otaku, OOkuku

Tomopop Review: Square Enix Play Arts Kai Shiva bike photo
Tomopop Review
Faux is real. Data base is the real, not the original or its copy. Dolls, games, fanzines are as much data base as manga, video, film, lit. Faux is real, the comic market is a comic market,  which is to say this is real. Amateurs exist in the database as much as great writers, identity diffusion is important because it embodies the opposites of tree lineage vs the chaotic whole, problems anime revealed in Japan and the world, in essence a condition of piracy. Writers all "stripped the ancients" (Vida). This co-existence in the database begs to compare otaku with the unconscious, not imitation vs. real, where piracy is commonplace, called originality through citation and infinite imitation.

Fragmented fan groups substitute for the grand societal narrative of the tree lineage. The cause? especially the bomb blew it apart, but global culture is a bomb to nations and cultures. All get to be American in essence. What greater bomb than that?
"Anime Realism"
Blown apart, otaku create a shell for themselves from dermal fantasies, rewriting Tolkien, internalizing film, manga, another Evangelion, collecting dolls, comics, fan fic. Group affiliations replace families. Whether to say these are shut ins, cast outs or the new realists is just a game. Otaku shut in to their fandoms, hobby communities by choice replace the social to various degrees with fictional identities. Countless social standards replace the universal or grand narratives; (blank) rights. So otaku defines "neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of materials from junk subcultures." This replace the grand narrative: gangs, games, groups. Faux characters replace the real. News broadcasts are animed, flatted. Commercials are animed, eyelit styled animations. It is not far to  politics as anime, as passionate about their reality as the Obamaites,  the Akirans. Artificial reality, the faux, the moe! coin the term "anime manga-like realism." Lit, entertainment are sold in the market as video games, dolls, illustrations. Bikkuriman Sticker Parody

In this environment database is the real, not the story or the characters. The imitations, the simulacra, the outer layers with the inner are all simultaneous chaos and inundation in the database. Mutually supportive, so that if an imitation is true it is true to the database and not nature or reality, as used to be. This together makes a model of the unconsciousness,  simultaneous narratives of everything imitating themselves, sharing disparate parts. Unless you say the unconscious belongs to you either you have borrowed from it, without attribution, yes, mr. joyce, or you have stolen. What a harsh word that has such people in it.  A word, an art, an act not valued as real or true to nature, but to the database. So the gurus cited arbitrarily around Bearden's Zarg, Kenyon helping us raise our vibe by meditation, Pensinger shooting out the pyramid top in a blaze, these would-be gods are part of the displaced grand narrative, displaced because  "moe-elements have become the gods" (66, Hiroki Azuma in Fandom Unbound). All the elements of documentation, subordination, logic, custom sacrificed to this database. Piracy, not the bad guy, rules. There are no courts or law. Anime living for anime gamers. Cat Girl, Bunny Girl, Foxgirl, Dog Girl anime is not innocent. Diacon IV Bunny Girl is second in search to the  Playboy Bunny. The Catgirl Research Foundation has a disclaimer at the bottom of the home page: "While some girls may enjoy acting like cats, there are no girls who actually have long furry tails or large cat ears as parts of their body. Though this is unlikely to change in the near future...." The hybrid realities of the Singularists, full blown three decades, used to be called pathetic fallacy to attribute human qualities to nature, now subject to gene splicing, but before that  moe anthropology, which you might take from Kafka, except anime must be cute and vacant 2 D, effects which lend themselves to a combination of bestiality and pedophilia, with big boosts from Microsoft and Windows Me, girls are hybridized to guns, ships and tanks ( Mecha Musume) not unlike Donne's "oh my America, my newfoundland."  Helen's face, a dock, anthropomorphism knows no bounds once launched, "the universe strait-laced / when I can clasp it in the waist." Erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels, loving their washing machines, cell phones. The cuteness, the cuteness, says Conrad,  the causes of which are below.
How can the next step be gamedeath.

Behave more like a captive mantis society consuming each other in an orgy of consumption. That is Otaku West, consuming the consumed.
Otaku specialist Makoto Fukuda wrote in the Daily Yomiuri, “There is a tradition in Japan’s otaku culture that even such things as trains or computer operating systems can be changed into cute characters in a way that turns inanimate subjects into characters meant to inspire a 'moe' response.” Herbivores.
"Otaku describes a subculture of young, male geeks who lose themselves in a hermetic world of manga comic books and video games."

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...