Sunday, June 5, 2016

Laurel Canyon is a Staking Horse of the Dead

 Introduction to Z Future

 The  amazing hippie counter culture programmed by the military CIA Illuminati, psy ops, Mk ultra, military intelligence, drug programming atrocities, exists the way the America-Europe press now does. Connect all the dots and the perps of Wunderland Drive, the pop and rock poets, intellectuals and government sponsors from Frank Zappa to Charles Olson, Noam Chomsky to Jim Morrison, and the entire culture is frozen, tranquilized with mass mind-staged crisis actors and requisite innocent sorts enlisted for sacrifice.

 Fast draw Hitler analogies shoot out that boundaries and borders have no place in the future. Remove religious, racial, ethnic, national entities. Universally program psyche with one parameter, the One. Contrarian speech is forbidden in the global sheep fold. It goes against the counterfeits of history and science as a means of judging truth.  That these things are true and false simultaneously is intended to preoccupy all sides with confusion until the Time. 

 Individual languages themselves may be replaced with a universal, so back to Babel again! To take one case: the white supremacist who argues "white" culture the highest and the Chinese the next is a tool of the global to produce itself. If white culture is most advanced that is the same as saying it is the most demonic, most influenced in myth and culture by fallen angels who design civilization in the first place. But you knew that.

Separation is a good to black separatists who hold that the blacks are the 12 tribes of Israel diffused under the curse for 70 generations, a time now about to expire. Obviously diffusion of genes, not concentrations of them, means loss of identity. The global argument that differences of currency and nationality produced war in the first place, hence the substitute of one new currency and one world politic to eliminate war would make peace, enables single control of the masses and their elimination according to plan. Any opposition to this, revival of nation states, separation of races, ethnic cookery is held hate speech to the nubbin, hence it is racist to believe in race, it's hate to hold your own opinions apart from the Plan.

The next generations in the Canyon are not yet historical, so in this hypothetical history of Z future in Laurel Canyon global, via Facebook and Twitter, the limerick goes:

sORoS burned down the synagogue
soROS burned down the mosque
Soros got an itchy finger
and blamed it on the cROSS.

Those without consciousness will censor you to death.  In case you're thinking REDNECKS in Dave McGowen's history of Laurel Canyon you need to read the book.

There are 85 essays at this site if you are bored.

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...