Monday, May 11, 2015

Jung/Freud. Angel Empire Run off. Legends of the Unconscious and Collective Mind.

The fallen angel mind imposed upon all human learning, early in Greek myths, late in Jung/Freud, so that all institutes of higher learning teach the archetypes, egregori thought control, begins with nursery rhymes and fairy tales, goes into teachings about animals and plants, all the Greek gods, Kabbalah paths, alchemical transformations, full moon meditations, astrological angles.

 It is the angel unconscious projected upon the human by the fallens for human myth. Jung calls them archetypes. They are imposed to supplant what really happened. A new katabole is coming. where the myths become visible in media as mutant e-men, comic characters, scientists, superstar entertainers, football players. The fallen made a universal world system just because they could, to flout it in the face of humanity and show their power, but their purpose was genetic, viz. to take women, always the spoil, and children, the sacrifice of war. 

The angel unconscious  has a word for it, egregore, collective group mind, thoughtform or collective>, an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme. But the egregore concept is itself a mask.

 If the experience of the domination by fallen angels imposes Freudian mythologies as dreams, these dreams are kakangelic (Geoffrey Hartman). We might change the term to kaka-genic to describe this false inner speech and thought control. This implies how dirty it is, the piety of the sinister. Wrestling the suspended fallen angel of the unconscious anesthesizes the human as if a body part were removed. What is the bad news Freud brings? That civilization is demonic and we wish for its death couched in terms of Oedipus, the death of the father (you are of your father the devil). The ultimate demise of this unconscious is liberating since it is the demise of trauma in the first place, replaced by peace. Viewing the mind within is not a catalog of wounds accumulated from the Fall, but a redemption unknown to Freud. 

Unmask Jung's dream interpretations and you will see they are tarot readings abstracted to Marvel Comic love of alchemy and I Ching. He is a tool, a medium for the daimon, not particular to him. This daimon is possession the same as out of Shinto where the collective fallen voice gives its one utterance in many symbols as an inversion of piety. Jung's unconscious is a series of tarot cartoons collected from similar omens in all national religions. A compendium of these inversions is offered sometimes as anthropology, sometimes as religion, sometimes as science. Jung's dissertation was a study of these as divination processes.

Freud reveals with Jung in his personal life these penchants for the fallen divine. There are gods all over his rooms just like in the trailer homes and prefab homes of witches on the heights of Jerome. Toads, frogs and owls, gargoyle pots over the darkened rooms. Such decor contrasts with the tables of a Shaker room with maple legs and unadorned tops. Freud reads true piety like the whitewashed adobe mission as repression. Fallen inner rooms need to be cleansed to be spare as the ark of the covenant, just the tablets.

Shaker room at Met
What is said of Freud's room is true of all cabala which invokes the godhood of Freud with its own cluttered magic geometry (gemetria): "Is the hidden cauldron not an enticement and a seduction of its investigator? Or, to say it even more terribly: it may be that the quarry is all the time in the pursuer" (Cynthia Ozick on G. Scholem), "hundreds of strange little gods...crowd of stone godlets...mobs and bevies...Freud wished to become a god...what the Sabbath and its emanations sought to suppress Freud meant to reveal, everything barbarous and dreadful and veiled and terror-bearing: the very tooth and claw...curiously named assistants or doubles of Satan, so Freud peopled the unconscious with the devils of Id, Ego and Superego, potent dancing ghosts who cavort unrecorded in our anatomies while we pretend they are not there.. the student of the dream life--that subterranean grotto all drowned and darkling, torn with the fury of anguish and lust  (From a Refugee's Notebook, 63-4)

Demon effigies in Freud's Study
Marie-Louise von Franz recounts in Psyche and Matter (1988) that toward the end of his life
 “Jung suggested investigating cases where it could be supposed that the archetypal layer of the unconscious is constellated*—following a serious accident, for instance, or in the midst of a conflict or divorce situation—by having people engage in a divinatory procedure: throwing the I Ching, laying the Tarot cards, consulting the Mexican divination calendar, having a transit horoscope or a geomantic reading done. If Jung’s hypothesis is accurate, the results of all these procedures should converge (Mary Greer Word Press).

Jung’s doctoral dissertation of the occult, in 1902, “On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena,” written while working at the Burghölzli Psychiatric Clinic under Eugen Bleuler (who coined the term schizophrenia), likely stems from when

"Carl Gustav Jung was between three and four he had a dream which remained with him throughout his life. The vicarage in which the family lived stood near the Laufen castle, and there was a large meadow stretching back from the vicarage's farm. The child found himself in the meadow where he found a rectangular, stone-lined hole in the ground. Having never seen it before, he curiously peered down into it. There was a stairway leading down by which he hesitantly and fearfully descended. At the bottom was a doorway having a rounded arch and closed by a green curtain. It was a big, heavy curtain of worked stuff like brocade, and it looked very sumptuous. Curious to see what was behind it he pulled the curtain aside. He saw before him a dimly lit rectangular chamber about thirty feet long. The ceiling was arched of hewn stone. The floor was composed of flagstones with a central red carpet running from the entrance to a low platform on which stood a wonderfully rich golden throne. He was not certain but perhaps a red cushion was on the seat. It was a rich throne, like a king's throne in a fairy tale. Something was standing on it which he thought was a tree trunk about twelve to fifteen feet high and one and a half to two feet thick. It was a huge thing reaching almost to the ceiling. But it was made of a curious composition: it was made of skin and naked flesh, and on top there was something like a rounded head with no face and no hair. On the very top of the head was a single eye, gazing motionlessly upward." here  

As comic relief for the horrors of psychiatry consider Jung's possible interpretation of a fireman sliding down his pole as a return of energy to the seminal vesicles, the shinnying fireman a symbol the intellectual's tantric sex, suppression of seminal fluid to produce consciousness of the divine, according to that fool. Seriously, the archetypes are a fraud, the unconscious chimeras of which they consist are a vision of the fall. Chimeras are not natural.  Intellectual culture recasts the demonic in psychological terms very like the gemetria of the Torah Codes which through the medium of artificial intelligence predicts the coming of Messiah. All false. Has anyone accused Jung of faking the dreams in Red Book? Making them up to prove his point? Instead of myth debunk Jung is presumed to have had a  psychotic episode. His giant underground penis is the encounter of the  individual with his own daimon: What Jung would do with Napolean's penis. ("Is the story about Napoleon’s penis true?  Did Maggs really sell it?" Interview with Ed Maggs.)

Dreams correct lopsided consciousness, i.e. give their opposites to correct. All quasi repository myth from Babylon, Rome, Sumer and the Nemo is a fraud chimera of true and false to take over the unconscious. Celebrated deconstructions of death, the death of the text, the death of the author, the death of the reader are canonized doctrines of this false religion of the death of the unconscious. The elite, having killed everything else but themselves do so in order to bring the Paleozoic to life, with the giants, and ET/AI to worship the unconscious and the stars! Ho. Ho. Their faith is as solid as Napolean's penis. You should ask if so then what is true? Like Pilate. The fallen angel unconscious is a projected melange broadcast into human thought whose mythic symbols must be destroyed.

The Interpretation of Dreams is neither science nor fiction but a confessional literature of attempted self-justification. Geoffrey Hartman says Interpretation is new text in the sense that such dream accounts, even if they existed before Freud, only exist after him in this style. It is difficult to turn thought into language. Inner experience has its own history of this exegesis in Kierkegaard. Freud's is the ultimate particular of these narratives, a style that became the standard of inner speech, a mythology of cloak and boot, espionage of the outer imposed upon the inner, except that we ask who is spying on who if the outer is drawn into this miasma. Such confessions are fiction, but they establish their own texts and are revered more than fiction, more like religion. Jung pretends his religion of the unconscious has some kind of order in its archetypes, but it is as a groom of the stool, to clean the refuse generated by an unspeakable polluted king. In Freud the dream is like a sentence without end or purpose.

Hartman cites Philip Rieff on Freud's piety of the sinister. This is called inverse piety to separate it from a true form of piety such as Johann Arndt's, Wahren Christenthem, known and practiced. Freud brings only the bad news of the psyche and offers no hope for it except more of itself and its celebration in analysis. These profanations are wrestlings with the fallen angel of the unconscious, "profanations defamation, self-slander, equivocation, distortion ambivalence, displacement, repression, censorship"(Hartman. The Critic's Journey, 214). The unmasking of Freud's method of analysis is called an interpretive sculpting in excrement  by Kenneth Burke. Sleep is just anesthetic enough to reveal this fall into the katabol remnants that remain. Visions to this effect while we live and feel the miracle of life and nature are miracles in themselves. Even in the anti authority of 20th century doctrine Freud poses a universal human nature of the fall glimpsed in dreams, a monotheism of science which considers the unified field real, but not much else. The unified field would be the one of opposites, death and life, evil and good, unconscious and conscious, for only in the unconscious do we glimpse our true desperation. Slumber, sleep walk, wish produce complacency in these numb viewers in their anesthetic, so that the mass of humanity makes religion out of dreams which Hartman calls kakangelic. "Freud brings bad (kaka) news about the psyche, and offers no cure except through the very activity-analysis- which reveals this news" (Critic's Journey, 212).

These are the freight cars of oppression that have rolled the human rails, except for the foundation of Israel to oppose them. Not that the modern Israel is not perverted. Fallen forces want to perpetuate all human guilt, to prevent the forgiveness for sin that the letter to the Romans makes so clear. Our sin can be forgiven, their's cannot, but we have to rehearse our forgiveness, its healing and hope on every occasion that those thoughts inculcated in myth, psychology and politics emerge. Constantly. This battle for righteousness taking shape in our lives is the sole purpose of our existence, for we are in a war to the death with these fallen forces. They occupied the earth long before our creation, which is intended to supplant them. Since they think as fallen ones think, they seek to restore the world to themselves by destroying the human. They own all of science, all of CERN, all of D-Wave, and all of Singularity Net, all of hybridization...and the list goes on. There only one thing they didn't count on. It was that the blood of Jesus would save us from our sins.
--John Collins, Todd tape four: half the pilgrims, tolkein, lewis members of og Golden dawn. Allegations of lewis affair with the housekeeper? J R R Tolkien C S Lewis the Inklings Narnia and the Golden Dawn
What clif high called human pychic is cia programming a la 9/11 in films. What Jung called psychic provision of the hero is suspect prediction predation. It is not that the psyche predicted it but that the psyche programmed to predict by the fallen. Acrid smoke.

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