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Daschle's Prayer |
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Daschle's Prayer |
"in the pride and haughtiness of heart"
Nobody connected Jerusalem and Washington or Isaiah and America until Giuliani, Pataki, Obama, Kerry, Edwards, Daschle and their figureheads--and the Blood Moons. Not lacking in pride, as soon as Nebuchadnezzar heard that his kingdom was to be great he knocked off a 90 foot gold replica of himself and made people kneel down in front of it. Worship or die. Something like that made our American figureheads draw Isaiah parallels tight about the national neck when the floodgates opened: "the princes are rebellious and companions of thieves, every one loves bribes" (Isaiah 1.23). The news media were (lying) "soothsayers like the Philistines" (Isaiah 2.6), and the American economy "full of silver and gold, has no end of treasure" (Isaiah 2.7).
"Their land is full of idols" (Isaiah 2.8) from TV to Anthony Weiner by the yard, "mankind had become degenerate as the great man debased himself" (2.9).
Some frounce their curled Hair in courtly guise,
Some pranke their Ruffes, and others trimly dight
Their gay Attire: each others greater Pride does spight. (FQ, iv)
Some pranke their Ruffes, and others trimly dight
Their gay Attire: each others greater Pride does spight. (FQ, iv)

Then came the joint resolution of the House and Senate to implicate the nation. On September 12, 2001 Tom Daschle, Senate Majority Leader, emphasizing he spoke for all, both houses, both parties, linked his remarks to the very Republic’s founding, "212 years" before. The location of that first American Capitol was bombed in abstentia. The place of the inaugural of George Washington in 1789 was only four blocks from Ground Zero. American history was bombed too. How far Daschle asked were the “symbols and structures of our economic and military strength” compromised?
His drunken Corse he scarce upholden can;
In Shape and Life, more like a Monster than a Man.
In Shape and Life, more like a Monster than a Man.
The soap opera singer of harbinger and Shemitah calls that Sheol had to expand it put up new towers from "a great depopulation in the midst of the land" (citing Isa 6.12) Alcohol and pot use doubled to bear it. Maybe America Sheol is misdirection when all along it was Shiva Babylon. That's one way to get in the Bible but Isaiah doesn't say "it," it says "we," blaming the public for the destruction. We have a corporate problem. We and they are most suspicious pronouns. You is outright accusation, but we feels inclusive. They of course only works among those who share the meaning, they...those.... So work to increase datura production... continued. The great call for the Depopulated 90% of the earth sounds from Margaret Sanger monitoring the womb. But when they change their idols into bats and summon the fly and the bee into camp from all "the holes of the rocks, upon all thorns and upon all the bushes" (Isaiah 7.19), you better see there is an even better proof that America is in the Bible. For flies had already camped on the Bushes. But matter how big the fly, there was a better Assyrian super fly invited with its modern counterpart ISIS to get in America and hug it to its breast.
That saddled sky that shook down vertical
Repeated play of fire—no hypogeum
Of wave or rock was good against one hour.
Repeated play of fire—no hypogeum
Of wave or rock was good against one hour.
The link of America with ancient Israel in the prophecy of Isaiah did not “bless the people of America;” it was a curse:
"I know that there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to us all at times like this. ‘The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled but we will replace them with cedars.’ That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover, the people of America will stand strong together because the people of America have always stood together. And those of us privileged to serve this great nation will stand with you. God bless the people of America.” Daschle here.
But the whole of this patriot hymn from Isaiah reads:
"All that say in the pride and haughtiness of heart,
the bricks are fallen down, but we will build with dressed stone:
the sycamore figs are cut, but we will replace them with cedars,
shall have adversaries set up against them
enemies joined together; the Syrians before, the Philistines behind;
and they shall swallow them with open mouth." (Isaiah 9.10)
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Sycamore root |
“I believe one of the first things we should commit to – with federal help that underscores our nation’s purpose – is to rebuild the towers of the World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid – we are defiant. John Kerry, US Senate, September 12, 2001.
The Blessing is a Curse
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Bilbao spider |
If you make a stone altar
don't make it of hewn stone
any tool that touches it pollutes it (Exodus 20:25).
To be sure the first course of government is denial and ridicule. These "coincidences" are happenstance, not collateral damage: that is saved for its own affairs. No government drones have been mounted against the harbinger.
Huge Routs of People did about them band,
Shouting for Joy; and still before their way
A foggy Mist had covered all the Land;
And underneath their Feet, all scattered lay
Dead Skulls and Bones of Men, whose Life had gone astray.
Shouting for Joy; and still before their way
A foggy Mist had covered all the Land;
And underneath their Feet, all scattered lay
Dead Skulls and Bones of Men, whose Life had gone astray.
Isaiah is the last place any American would want to be. The history of Israel tells you that. Can we take the words back? Will the present Speaker of the House and the senate leader renounce cedar and stone? Wait for it, but in present politics the former oaths apply. So if America is Israel it can expect to have its hedge taken away (Isaiah 5.5). It can expect to be laid waste (Isaiah 5.6) and directly related to the Isaiah 9.10 curse, "swallowed with open mouth," "hell is enlarged, opens without measure. Their glory descends into it" (Isaiah 5.14).
Rest assured if that were the whole thing it would be shown a farce. Government has all power to obscure. Look for Isaiah to be anti-gay for his remark about Sodom, and anti-woman for the tinkling feet of the daughters of Zion whose secret parts are bared (Isaiah 3.17). Quibblers disallow the sycamore/cedar, brick/hewn stone analogy. They say the Isaiah tree wasn't a true sycamore like the one in New York, and that Pataki's foundation stone was disallowed anyway before the Freedom Towers were built. But the further you dig into the botany the stronger the parallel gets. The greater prophecy said,
"in the Last Days (Isaiah 2.2)...every one that is proud and lofty,
every one lifted up shall be brought low;
the cedars of Lebanon...and every high tower
...the loftiness of man shall be bowed down
...the idols utterly abolished" (Isaiah 2.12-18).
The Twin Towers were obviously the Twin Pillars of Jachim and Boaz, primordial symbols of freemasonry (here).
Isaiah Line by Line
Double down! The fundamental premise of Isaiah's judgment is repeated. Human pride shall be humbled (Isaiah 2.11), the lofty shall be bowed down (Isaiah 2.17), their boldness proves their character (Isaiah 3.9), they are as proud as Sodom of themselves, "they hide it not," meaning they have no shame. The crack about Sodom doesn't have the sting for the America that opened its bathrooms that it did for Isaiah, who took Sodom as the opposite case of Jonah's Nineveh, which changed its ways. Every day in America the top is down, bottom up, Sodom, porn, abortion. Particular idols made with hands, iPods, iPhones, laptops, toggle bunnies and video games average 64 hours screen time a week. Isaiah has these beings cast to the bats and moles (Isaiah 2.20); moles need idols too in this divestiture. Maybe the laptops are too heavy, maybe the mobiles don't work, reception poor in the clefts and tops of the ragged rocks where they hide, (Isaiah 2.21). They leave their idols behind in a scramble to survive at the tops of buildings.
A stately Palace built of squared Brick,
Which cunningly was without Mortar laid,
Whose Walls were high, but nothing strong, nor thick;
And golden Foil all over them displaid;
That purest Sky with Brightness they dismaid:
High lifted up were many lofty Towers,
Which cunningly was without Mortar laid,
Whose Walls were high, but nothing strong, nor thick;
And golden Foil all over them displaid;
That purest Sky with Brightness they dismaid:
High lifted up were many lofty Towers,
That every Breath of Heaven shaked it;
And all the hinder parts, that few could spy,
Were ruinous and old, but painted cunningly.
And all the hinder parts, that few could spy,
Were ruinous and old, but painted cunningly.
Is this mousetrap, a dead fall to catch the prey, engineered in advance by Al-Qaeda or is it just lucky? A symbolic strike of the heart, Daschle so kindly says, they didn't realize that George Washington's Inaugural and Federal Hall, first American Capital were four blocks from Ground Zero, in "the heart of the American community and the symbols and structures." Doesn't know it would be 14 buildings in all. It's almost as if the government did it to themselves, demolished its own buildings and then mocked itself for doing so, to appear innocent. Why did building 7 fall? and why straight down?
Fickle Freaks
None of this gets mentioned without the American senators bringing it up! John Edwards did it, and all Presidents echo the bigger better theme. In chapter eight, a series of ominous predictions, Isaiah says he and his children are signs and wonders. The greater signs come in a series of progressions, small warnings followed by large. The principle is that the people who resist the rising of the soft waters of Shiloh in Rezin and Remaliah will be swept up to their necks by the greater floods of the king of Assyria. ISIS is coming. We must protect ourselves. Take the citizens' guns. They fail to heed the first warning. So the second comes. Floods have no power themselves to provoke change. After the second, a third, and pretty soon America's not in the Bible again.To resist is to make them worse. Likewise in Isaiah 9, "at first He lightly afflicted that land of Zebulen and the land of Naphtali, but at last he will deal hard by the way of the sea" (Isaiah9.1). "Associate yourselves and you will be broken...gird yourselves and be broken...take counsel and come to nothing...speak a word and it will be defeated (Isaiah 8.9,10). Help is not found in the usual wisdom of diviners (Isaiah 8.19). "Let Him be your fear" (Isaiah 8.13). All avenues fail, "the living should not inquire of the dead." When the Assyrian flood comes, the conquered will be hungry, get angry and curse their president and his staff along with the paper senate deities. Instead of looking "upward for help" they "look to earth...and are driven into darkness" (Isaiah 8.21-22). This is the pattern of events the American Speaker invoked, one warning unheeded, followed by a worse.
The basic harbinger info of J. Cahn had multiple shares of every sort. Members of Congress visited the sites with him and prayed. What did they pray for anyway, the prevention of disaster brought on by their own cowardice and arrogance?
O! but I fear the fickle Freaks
When JayZ, Charlie Rose, and all the monarch-monkeyed movie stars and entertainment figures plead with the government to save us, deliver us from evil, you will see government has replaced the larger thing that its senate defies. Paul Anka says that in Vegas, when he was with the Rat Pack of Sinatra, Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., they all knew they worked for the bosses of organized crime, but that didn't make them criminal and they were all right as long as they stayed in their place. Organized crime ran the big club networks, film studios, publishers. If you wanted to go you got along. This is an analogy to government.
Between his cankred Teeth a venemous Tode,
That all the Poison ran about his Jaw;
But inwardly he chawed his own Maw
At Neighbour's Wealth, that made him ever sad;
That all the Poison ran about his Jaw;
But inwardly he chawed his own Maw
At Neighbour's Wealth, that made him ever sad;
For each dissent there are a hundred thousand skulls psychoanalyzing, wringing out motive, twisting fact. Isaiah 9.10 unmasks the arrogance and its naked control. As if it were a giant toad colossus, a sumu big as a building, naked, ponderous giant, el ponderoso, if you don't like the Vegas Crime boss analogy for D.C./NY crowd try Monsanto, whose American government wants to unconvince the Europeans not to ban GMO products. All they while they are saving your life while killing you. You cannot believe anything of entertainment patriotism, entertainment news, entertainment education. Even entertainment disbelief is manipulated. To show reading the Bible is always profitable, a verse here at Isaiah 5.18 got Spenser in trouble with King James before his coronation, calling Mary Queen of Scots in the guise of Duessa, a witch and a whore.
House of Pride
Since pride is the Tower's subject, the allegory of Pride has a dual nature, moral-religious and national-political, particularly concerning Lucifera and the procession of the seven deadly sins (FQ, I, Cantos iv, v). Lucifera is not far from the daughter of Zion with her "hinder parts painted cunningly," and like our cedar and tower, "pride is an illusion with no basis in reality" ("An Examination," in Three Essays, 39), like Chaucer's House of Fame that has the names of great men inscribed on the north wall and their destruction on the south. The leprosy (Isaiah 3.17) of the Daughters and their bared secret parts are like the escapees of the House of Pride, lepers by the side of the road "in most wretched case." Literature is good to talk about the unmentionable, which Spenser did voluminously with the Tudors.
The House of Pride is ready to crumble any minute, for "every breath of heaven shaked it (FQ, iv, 5. 7). The inhabitants are illuminati sorts of people, the universality of hell no doubt which fits a nation diverse. The lords and ladies, the government await Queen Lucifera but they are only props to her appearance. There is a lot of parody of the Elizabeth's Court for Lucifera is a maiden queen. She brooks no rivals. To cast our male presidents into roles as maiden queens shows the strict controls behind them. Lucifera is the false light of pride pulled by the seven sins, which if we wanted to extend the analogy, should think to substitute our own TV shows, where gluttony and greed have been surrendered to along with pride, and lechery, envy, wrath
His ruffin raiment all was staind with blood,
Which he had spilt, and all to rags yrent (iv. 34. 1-2)
exactly are our seven deadly sins? Just to
show how prophetic the Obama age, "after the six unholy
pairs have passed in review, we see Satan the lackey, riding on the
wagon beam, lashing the beasts onward. They pass through the mass of
people, and through a "foggy mist' that covers the land, before they
find the "fresh flowering fields' and the "solace of the open air." The procession tramples over the skulls and bones of those who
had previously come this way, "whose life had gone astray." Spenser like Daschle had Isaiah (5.18) in
Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords
of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope."
In the dungeons of the palace thousands lie overcome by pride who can never leave. Sparknotes. This sounds so like the blood sacrifice basement excavations at the Ben Franklin House in London, the only remaining Franklin Home
where Franklin lived 1757-75. Most of the bones, about 200 years old,
show signs of dissection, sawed and cut. One skull has been
Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, found "a pit in a windowless basement
where sticking out of the dirt floor, a human thigh bone." The administrators of the Franklin House were sprucing it up. Animal
remains were found as well. The
House of Pride covers up its bones, counterfeit upon counterfeit. True and false are purely interchangable. Una takes Archimago to be Redcross, Redcross
takes Duessa in place of Una. Should we apply this to American
government that we might get what Edward Young calls the Mother of all Threatening.
Google The Harbinger
of 9/11 and all the elaborate explanations of Isaiah 9.10 to finally get
America into the Bible. This is a new Mandela effect! It wasn't
there before. If the greatest power on earth wasn't in the last days,
what did that say? Drop America smack into chapter nine of Isaiah as
Tom Daschle does when surrounding chapters two to fourteen are the MOTHER OF ALL JUDGMENTS,
and then act as if, oh well they're just words Mr Speaker, does exactly
what Israel did in Isaiah, took every counsel of its own advising, which
all failed, and continued doing so, until finally, in chapter fourteen,
guess who comes? How art thou fallen thou son of the morning? Lucifer!
Compute that the fall of the towers and the Patriot Act and all the false flags are harbingers of the anti-Christ and it's too bad America doesn't believe in Yahweh when its leaders so sagaciously flaunt his counsel. You say you believe, but help thou my unbelief if you swallow the hook of entertainment patriotism, terrorists threats as real, if you unquestioningly swallow entertainment fugues giving you the peace sign, the devil sign, aping Horus and every jujube of Babylon. I guess you think this song is about you, don't you?
America summons all the threats but none of the blessings in these first fourteen chapters of Isaiah filled with both. It is always saying His hand is stretched out still, but it's not the hand of a beggar on the freeway, it's the hand of help to pull you out of where the waters are up at your neck. No we can't have that! America can stand on its own two feet. Two feet, four feet, six feet and holler, all our SWAT teams will bring the new order! How else talk. First warning, the Towers. Second warning the financial meltdown seven years later, says J. Cahn. Humbled. Humbled (Isaiah 5.15). Isaiah keeps saying that sheol has gotten a lot bigger from the influx (Isaiah 5.14). Woe unto them that call evil good (Isaiah 5.20) murder a woman's right, start there with Moloch. You better take a drink before we go (Isaiah5.22). Man if you read Isaiah 5.27-30 you might weep from whirlwind wheels that soothsayers call weather changes, lions, roaring sea, darkness! That was the year king Uzziah died and Isaiah saw the posts of the door move at the voice (Isaiah 6.4). That was when he began his ministry of telling "this people in hearing you listen but you will not understand" (Isaiah 6.9). They had a bad case of Fat Heart (Isaiah 6.10).
Compute that the fall of the towers and the Patriot Act and all the false flags are harbingers of the anti-Christ and it's too bad America doesn't believe in Yahweh when its leaders so sagaciously flaunt his counsel. You say you believe, but help thou my unbelief if you swallow the hook of entertainment patriotism, terrorists threats as real, if you unquestioningly swallow entertainment fugues giving you the peace sign, the devil sign, aping Horus and every jujube of Babylon. I guess you think this song is about you, don't you?
America summons all the threats but none of the blessings in these first fourteen chapters of Isaiah filled with both. It is always saying His hand is stretched out still, but it's not the hand of a beggar on the freeway, it's the hand of help to pull you out of where the waters are up at your neck. No we can't have that! America can stand on its own two feet. Two feet, four feet, six feet and holler, all our SWAT teams will bring the new order! How else talk. First warning, the Towers. Second warning the financial meltdown seven years later, says J. Cahn. Humbled. Humbled (Isaiah 5.15). Isaiah keeps saying that sheol has gotten a lot bigger from the influx (Isaiah 5.14). Woe unto them that call evil good (Isaiah 5.20) murder a woman's right, start there with Moloch. You better take a drink before we go (Isaiah5.22). Man if you read Isaiah 5.27-30 you might weep from whirlwind wheels that soothsayers call weather changes, lions, roaring sea, darkness! That was the year king Uzziah died and Isaiah saw the posts of the door move at the voice (Isaiah 6.4). That was when he began his ministry of telling "this people in hearing you listen but you will not understand" (Isaiah 6.9). They had a bad case of Fat Heart (Isaiah 6.10).
Young Knight, whatever that dost Arms profess,
And thro long Labours huntest after Fame,
Beware of Fraud, beware of Fickleness,
In Choice and Change of thy dear loved Dame;
Lest thou of her believe too lightly blame,
And rash misweening do thy Heart remove;
For unto Knight there is no greater Shame,
Than Lightness and Inconstancy in Love;
That doth this Red-cross Knight's ensample plainly prove. here
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