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Pictures of the FEMA Boxcar-How to make a FEMA car--here http://americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com/2009/02/unfema-prisoner-boxcars-with-shackles.html |
Reflections on A Boxcar (here was the beginning of this awful tale)
If you want to get to French camp you have to go by train. That's why there is a yard full of
Chinese boxcars stored at US Military Bases. Keep the
engine running. I
won’t be a minute. The expandable containers of population
control and higher consciousness reduction gave evidence
of some two hundred million plastic
grave liners our government is saving - talk about government waste. Only 50 million are needed since one coffin is large
enough for at least four (normal) bodies. These leave their Fusion
Centers on regular schedules. The captives gather at physical locations without addresses, a post office box or generic government
building for pick up. If physical distance diminishes moral judgment, such as Adam Smith said, then how much more diminished will be physical locations be when they have disappeared? Eisenhower’s Treaty of 1954 revealed a whole new wonder of “implantation techniques” to be tested when humans were exchanged for this technology. This is all rather behind the scenes. That old conundrum, where the gods give immortality in
exchange for one
life to torture forever wonderfully elaborates the reflections of Smith, who said, "if he was to lose his little finger to-morrow, would not sleep at all that night, but provided he
never saw them, could snore with the most utmost security over the
ruin of a hundred million of his brethren, which destruction of that
immense multitude would seem plainly an object less interesting to him, than
this paltry misfortune of his own." (Theory of Moral Sentiments. The Mandarin,).
Of course this has all been kept out of sight. The Greada Treaty for adrenal glands and Rocky Mountain high was not synthesized. Many mysteries occur. Schneider found wrecked boxcars among the 129 Bases in the Ten Sectors of the Underground Cities and Residential Centers, Archuleta, Greenbrier and the Capitol. The muse is not totally silent on this, but one caveat occurs, courtesy of Mr. Schneider, whose Sky Station Senators raise their middle fingers in welcome to the toy of Saturn. Not a rocket, but a train and a beast, animated by its cargo within, its prisoners manacled in high ceiling rows with a guillotine at one end. It sounds a lot like a Death Ship but it is a Train. The guillotine had to have been added by designers later to complete the lust of liquidation. Rocketing down the tracks by night, hermetically sealed, no cracks in the floors like Nazi boxcars had, no Weissmandel could cut a hole in that floor with a dull knife and escape out the bottom before Auschwitz. the tale, Weissmandel was the rabbi of Slovakia who three times visited the Bodleian Library at Oxford, a sign of high erudition. This privileged man married the daughter of his master but lost his entire family after cutting with a blade through the bottom of a boxcar entering Auschwitz, colluding with those in the boxcar to deliver his infant son to him through the hole: they reneged. Yod He. Weissmandel's wife and five children went to their deaths, and after that, when he remarried in Mount Kisco NY, and had roughly the same aged children as he had before, how could he live another day except to blame himself continually? Out of this he blamed Ben Gurion and forged the question of Ben Gurion's inquisition from his own pain (Teveth, 4).
Now regeneration, at least in its commencement, is a work of the mind, and when it first takes place, it has the lusts of the flesh, yea, all the evil inclinations to war against; and even ignorance itself, together with the temptations and allurements from without. Abraham Godshalk
Whoever passes these coliseums of corporate Rome and hears their chariots --They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle -- should not think the victims unenlightened martyrs. They are the only ones for whom the veil lifts, who see the world as it is, not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to entertain citizens in the cheap seats. The Books of martyrs are full of what Stephen Spender saw after living in post-WeimarGermany, when he said, “after you worship Saturn you must make a portable Moloch to carry around its gods.” Actually he didn't really say that, the Prophet Amos did (5.26).
Uric Defense: Phil Schneider, Ed Abbey, Iron Lions.
But Stephen Spender on the Weimar before Hitler is our best shot at understanding the prelude which, according to Phil, constitutes the worst part of the mythical horrors as they connect to the FEMA trains above and the underground bases below. He got in the worst trouble one day by innocently rappelling down into Archuleta cavern to encounter the *Eisenlians, iron lions, if such a neolog can be allowed. It sounds nonsensical, but surely not more so than the rest of these mythical horrors, for when the battle of Archuleta was all but lost, as his wife has reported, and he had sustained injuries - His body was covered with “shrapnel” wounds (about 500), he had burns and skin grafts and missing fingers and his private part was cut down the center. Part of one of his ears was replaced. He had a metal plate in his head and part of a lung - “he peed in his hard hat and threw the pee at the aliens which killed some of them. Many years later I would see a fictional program on TV where aliens were highly allergic to ammonia and would die from it” (here).
Ill equipped as we are for space flight in pointing up to the stars, for which there is no defense, there is yet hope that we may defend the planet by pointing down, as it were, with this same uric defense celebrated by Ed Abbey, who sighting Grand Canyon for the first time indicated, “the first thing I did was urinate off the rim onto a little aspen” (One Life at a Time Please, 124). Phil's research, or should we say survival tactic, suggests that what is noxious to an aspen is also noxious to a grey alder. Beyond however the power of this weaponization, the question remains whether suffering at a distance of time and space matter to an onlooker. Does one feel implicated in the fate of another, either long ago or long ahead? That is, shall the Chinese Mandarin be executed with impunity by the European for some putative good, or the Mexicana in her maquiadora for cheap refrigerators because our distance from the past, present and future inoculates us - to dismiss the pile of buffalo bones or whatever from the future is repugnant? As Eric Hayot tells it, there is no end of sacrifice of the foreigner, the alien, the guinea pig in the nightmare of science. Those of his own exploration party may be disenfranchised for the good of the whole to establish control in the new United State, our global amok, where utilitarianism only pretends to be the choice, good for the greatest number, but there is only good for power!
Whoever passes these coliseums of corporate Rome and hears their chariots --They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle -- should not think the victims unenlightened martyrs. They are the only ones for whom the veil lifts, who see the world as it is, not infinite and holy as Blake and Ginsburg said, but a warfare to entertain citizens in the cheap seats. The Books of martyrs are full of what Stephen Spender saw after living in post-WeimarGermany, when he said, “after you worship Saturn you must make a portable Moloch to carry around its gods.” Actually he didn't really say that, the Prophet Amos did (5.26).
Uric Defense: Phil Schneider, Ed Abbey, Iron Lions.
But Stephen Spender on the Weimar before Hitler is our best shot at understanding the prelude which, according to Phil, constitutes the worst part of the mythical horrors as they connect to the FEMA trains above and the underground bases below. He got in the worst trouble one day by innocently rappelling down into Archuleta cavern to encounter the *Eisenlians, iron lions, if such a neolog can be allowed. It sounds nonsensical, but surely not more so than the rest of these mythical horrors, for when the battle of Archuleta was all but lost, as his wife has reported, and he had sustained injuries - His body was covered with “shrapnel” wounds (about 500), he had burns and skin grafts and missing fingers and his private part was cut down the center. Part of one of his ears was replaced. He had a metal plate in his head and part of a lung - “he peed in his hard hat and threw the pee at the aliens which killed some of them. Many years later I would see a fictional program on TV where aliens were highly allergic to ammonia and would die from it” (here).
Ill equipped as we are for space flight in pointing up to the stars, for which there is no defense, there is yet hope that we may defend the planet by pointing down, as it were, with this same uric defense celebrated by Ed Abbey, who sighting Grand Canyon for the first time indicated, “the first thing I did was urinate off the rim onto a little aspen” (One Life at a Time Please, 124). Phil's research, or should we say survival tactic, suggests that what is noxious to an aspen is also noxious to a grey alder. Beyond however the power of this weaponization, the question remains whether suffering at a distance of time and space matter to an onlooker. Does one feel implicated in the fate of another, either long ago or long ahead? That is, shall the Chinese Mandarin be executed with impunity by the European for some putative good, or the Mexicana in her maquiadora for cheap refrigerators because our distance from the past, present and future inoculates us - to dismiss the pile of buffalo bones or whatever from the future is repugnant? As Eric Hayot tells it, there is no end of sacrifice of the foreigner, the alien, the guinea pig in the nightmare of science. Those of his own exploration party may be disenfranchised for the good of the whole to establish control in the new United State, our global amok, where utilitarianism only pretends to be the choice, good for the greatest number, but there is only good for power!
Now here some will perhaps say, how dost thou know a road which thou hast not travelled at full length--to which I say, that we can see a road pretty correctly a considerable distance before us, and if we could not see before us at all, we should be stumbling almost at every step. (v).
But who’s reading this if these boxcars and their adjuncts are to claim 5/6 to
7/8 of the human population by 2029?
Fema Trains, fema trains
there’ll be fema trains in the city,
ding a ling, hear them ding,
soon you will be Fema trained.
I was traveling late one night on the Jersey Turnpike when I first saw the mythical horrors of Carol Novak, and have since trailed them to the Montana outback, the side yards of Idaho and the Marfa flats. My luckiest lot was finding one abandoned after it wrecked, to which analogy a great beast brought down from the sky would be in order except it doesn’t fly. When I was able to get close it reminded me of that Super 8 zombie train. I came in from around the side though, that is, not from fiction or fact, but from art, after I saw an image of the thing and could not resist turning it upside down.
Talk about participation mystique! It began as another of those fables at our sister state we'd rather not believe. They have attracted demythologists so we don't plan to. But still the excess populations threaten our superiors saving the earth. So something had to be done for the 90% in this. I don't know what I was thinking.This boxcar was formed around concrete blocks. it went by truck to its finish near the bisque, two city cement blocks long end to end rubbed with iron oxides as befits an Iron Lion, then textured with whatever was at hand, which you can see traces of on the legs. Parts were waxed for accent. The whole back fell in which then had to be propped up and repaired. There are sliding doors on the sides, or marks where sliding doors and windows used to be. The whole thing looks grumpy. Everybody knows the Gundersons are near hermetically sealed. Part animal, part train, part derelict, part wreck. It only adds to the effect when after firing part of one side a leg detached. A team assembled those pieces with clamps and gorilla glue over several days and put Humpty back, which defect, bothered immensely until one realized it was after all a wreck with the broken back showing a la Le Corbusier. Reconstitute, that's the going parlance for close up and personal report of sightings.
To turn in these illegals especially endeared Ike to the Military Industrial Complex, but indeed, he sold the whole world. (Please see, Uses of Kidnapping To Improve Scientific Betterment) One silver lining, Manacled Railway Cars went way up on the exchanges and revived the boxcar industry. It save Big Steel, which made seats for millions to be hauled to "a better life," 100,000 boxcars in all, good for the economy and good for shares. No conspiracy, anyway, and there were improvements. The Gunderson cars had side vents!
Where are all the boxcars going? Where else but to FEMA camps? Wind socks blowing through double stranded barbed
wire along railroad tracks are a clue. They make a very very very fine house, but it still needs an
airport! Has Halliburton
got to do everything? No wonder Anubis
is on guard. Execution orders, executive orders, POW camp residential
centers! Biological pandemics are no excuse! We will not give the House bill
number in case of unrest. Were higher consciousness not higher crime, gods and men would work together! It would be an honor to be like Sir Thomas More and join him on a
battlement over London
Bridge, or be a subject
of Madame Tussaud in the Wax Museum. Nor should one gabble about the
millions gone before. Whatever the outcome, whatever cries of justice rise from the hood, we run toward it singing. Look at the thousand melting men, the
2501 Migrantes, the mass
nudes, the tortures of The Fixer, Solzhenitsyn, Guernica, Goya, George
Pratt, Find
Me A Voice, Paul
Ruiz. But Stay
off the Jersey Turnpike. Now hit the gas!
Goin to the boxcar and I'm
Wearing my prison shackles...
Shackled in a boxcar...and I’m
startin to get wor-r-r-ied...
Shackled in a boxcar
and its higher than nor-r-rmal,
and its higher than nor-r-rmal,
three floor boxcars...
Top tier torture transporters...
Chinese prisoner boxcars...
fitted with a guillotine...
It’s like I’m a midwife and I’m...
catching the heads as they’re falling...
catching the heads as they’re falling...
waiting for martial law that makes me...
want to be a
seated in the boxcar
Of the new world order er.
On 10 October 1789, Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a French
physician, stood before the National Assembly and
proposed the following six articles in favor of the reformation of capital punishment:
*Hatman- “Are you ready? Are your life forms not
sufficiently prepared now to receive the definitions that will terminate their
larval period?”].
Of the new world order er.
is there evidence for Deep
Underground Military Bases (DUMB) which don’t exist in Kansas
and don’t exist in Nebraska, and if they did would only be for emergency to keep you safe in a
trailer. But neither are there fantasy underground cities staffed with alien
international soldiers. A lot of that comes from a
lecture by Horse Feathers.
As to the involvement of Orion or Sirius or aliens in
earth, who you gonna believe? In some sections of our downtown the falun gong meet surreptitiously and sing songs likey
FEMA is at
least to be complimented on inventing a boxcar from which there is no escape,
and probably not as unsanitary as those Nazi cars, even if there are no bathrooms,
which however leaked, proof of which is witnessed by the escape of Weissmandel.
and probably not as unsanitary as those Nazi cars, even if there are no bathrooms,
which however leaked, proof of which is witnessed by the escape of Weissmandel.
How to top
it? Here’s how, Hannah Billups, little traces of meaningful implantation
techniques, “actively searching for people that can foresee the future or have the ability to heal by touch.
Hannah claims that the entire alien abduction phenomenon exists for the sole purpose of identifying humans carrying DNA specific to the grays.” Say what dog?
techniques, “actively searching for people that can foresee the future or have the ability to heal by touch.
Hannah claims that the entire alien abduction phenomenon exists for the sole purpose of identifying humans carrying DNA specific to the grays.” Say what dog?
Why, in
these searches, does Google ask if I’m interested in crop circles?
Beyond the fire power of uric acid and its
salvation from the alien, the question is whether distance in time and space in
suffering matter to a human onlooker, that one not involved still sees oneself
as implicated in the fate of another. That is, Shall the Chinese Mandarin be
executed with impunity by the European for some putative good, merely for the
exercise of power or is that repugnant.
Indeed this
calls into question all the experimentation of modern science that, read
against the question, appear to be a nightmare out of Nazi science, where there
is no end of sacrifice of the foreigner, the alien, the Mandarin, even those of
one’s own party if disenfranchised, and all for the good of the party in power,
the established controls, so there is no sense of utilitarianism in the choice,
there is no good for the greatest number, there is good for those in power
*Hatman- “Are you ready? Are your life forms not
sufficiently prepared now to receive the definitions that will terminate their
larval period?”].
There is a big call
for this to be recorded for youtube, so watch out for that
Tussaud, "Tussaud!",
the Musical
- Article 1: All offenses of the same kind will be punished by the same type of punishment irrespective of the rank of status of the guilty party.
- Article 2: Whenever the Law imposes the death penalty, irrespective of the nature of the offense, the punishment shall be the same: decapitation, effected by means of a simple mechanism.
- Article 3: The punishment of the guilty party shall not bring discredit upon or discrimination against his family.
- Article 4: No one shall reproach a citizen with any punishment imposed on one of his relatives. Such offenders shall be publicly reprimanded by a judge.
- Article 5: The condemned person's property shall not be confiscated.
- Article 6: At the request of the family, the corpse of the condemned man shall be returned to them for burial and no reference to the nature of death shall be registered.[2]
No enlightenment, no
illumination, nothing to sit for, no powers, no occult, all the manufacture of
gods and henchmen, stone cold wood and stone lock up the masses in prison.
No better lock than persuade the elite they are most free. Little
Scientologists. Chuang
Tzu said a wise man sees his dialectics as folly and folly, and that wisdom
is vain.
Sky Net Democrats
Stephen saw all this as “they
rushed him and dragged him out of the city to lay their clothes at the feet of
a young man named Saul.” Contradiction
on contradiction, the One. You take off your cloak so it doesn’t get blood on
it, fastidious as Mengele, and get knocked on your ass.
Remember this contradiction well. If there is
none know you are being machined!
Pithy Tract
Fusion Centers Ten Sectors
Fema Trains, fema trains there’ll be fema trains in
the city, ding a ling, hear them cling, the future will be Fema trained.
To get a seat in the boxcar Of the new, new world order.
FEMA is at
least to be complimented on inventing a boxcar from which there is no escape,
and probably not as sanitary as those Nazi boxcars of old, even if there are no
bathrooms, which however leaked, proof of which is witnessed by the escape of
suggestion is stay
off the Jersey Turnpike. How to top it? Here’s how, Hannah Billups, little
traces are meaningful, like implantation techniques, but here, “actively searching for people that can foresee the future or
have the ability to heal by touch.
4. Hannah claims that the entire alien abduction phenomenon exists for the sole purpose of identifying humans carrying DNA specific to the grays.” Say what dog.
4. Hannah claims that the entire alien abduction phenomenon exists for the sole purpose of identifying humans carrying DNA specific to the grays.” Say what dog.
Why, in
these searches, does Google ask if I’m interested in crop circles?
Beyond the fire power of uric acid and its
salvation from the alien, the question is whether distance in time and space in
suffering matter to a human onlooker, that one not involved still sees himself
as implicated in the fate of another. That is, Shall the Chinese Mandarin be
executed with impunity by the European for some putative good, merely for the
exercise of power or is that repugnant.
Indeed this
calls into question all the experimentation of modern science that, read
against the question, appear to be a nightmare out of Nazi science, where there
is no end of sacrifice of the foreigner, the alien, the Mandarin, even those of
one’s own party if disenfranchised, and all for the good of the party in power,
the established controls, so there is no sense of utilitarianism in the choice,
there is no good for the greatest number, there is good for those in power
You conspiracy
people really need to get a life. You can count on that, but even if the wind
socks blowing inside double stranded barbed wire fences along railroad tracks
from Van Horn to Marfa TX make a very very very fine house,
a childrens’ playground with two cats in the yard, it has no airport! [you are
meant to play these songs as you read!] What’s Halliburton got to do,
everything? The Denver
Airport too? No wonder Anubis
is on guard. Execution orders are executive orders, enemy POW camps are
residential centers, biological pandemics give no excuse. I won’t give the
House bill numbers in case there is civil unrest. With higher consciousness
comes higher crime. Ain’t it wonderful when gods and men work together! Thou shalt dash them…in pieces…
No one should quibble at being so treated, privileged
to join millions and millions before us, to join giving a back to the smitters
and cheeks to them that pluck off the hair. What outcome, what justice outcries
rise from blood we hope to run toward singing. Look at the installation of the thousand melting men, the
2501 Migrantes, the mass
nudes, the prison novels of B. Traven, the tortures of The Fixer, Solzhenitsyn, did you not think that was Guernica, Goya,
George Pratt, Find
Me A Voice, Paul
There is a big call
for this to be recorded for youtube, so watch out for that.
Further Disquisition
To say this is the product of the gods disbelieved, to say there is One who overrules many disbelieves. Contradiction illustrates why the artilect, no matter what its power, will never think human, for the human is a living contradiction. To be or not to be is our question, our constant companion, doubt, faith, belief, unbelief, peace, war, logic, absurd. It’s not just that we are opposite, but contradicted opposite. If the machine can program itself to unprogram itself, that is, out of existence, it can be human. Not only can it unprogram itself, but anti-program itself. Sky Net opposes itself. And you thought the gods were cool!
To say this is the product of the gods disbelieved, to say there is One who overrules many disbelieves. Contradiction illustrates why the artilect, no matter what its power, will never think human, for the human is a living contradiction. To be or not to be is our question, our constant companion, doubt, faith, belief, unbelief, peace, war, logic, absurd. It’s not just that we are opposite, but contradicted opposite. If the machine can program itself to unprogram itself, that is, out of existence, it can be human. Not only can it unprogram itself, but anti-program itself. Sky Net opposes itself. And you thought the gods were cool!
Somebody should
remind the de
Garis transhumain of Cogito ergo sum, that I doubt therefore I think, otherwise known as
duby dooby do, is not a product of their logic. In this way there are no gods
but One, but that One works in such illogical ways as to perfectly communicate
with the essence of the contradictory human. Law and break law, not just the teleological
suspension of the ethical, but natural law as well is the scandal of
science that thought only it could break laws (making new ones).
As to the astrology of divination --which the oracle divines
as when you should go to the dentist,-- the way is now open the way is now clear! --Yeats went to the dentist, but the shrine of Moloch in every hospital stealing millions and billions of human seed and stem cells, divined to fulfill
the double need of assuaging guilt and fueling the destiny labs where animals,
humans, plants, and all earth were sated with the fire of illumination. These idols
in every grocery sang, “come, buy, come and buy,” but the subtext was, come,
"lay your pence upon my staring lidless eye." The idols of one eyed TV financed by trillions yearly in black budgets.
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