Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Gates of ISIS 2008-2016

 The Ishtar Gate in front of the Pergamon Altar, the throne of Satan: Obama nominated in Denver.
 1. What's the difference between the supreme religious caliphate and Rome, Babylon, England or American empire? What side you're on?  And what of the blended, hybrid empires now out, where the 1) namesake Islamic caliphate 2) of the (Obama) ISIS White House takes the appearance of 3) Ishtar in Denver to fly its flag?
Ishtar Gate
Altar of Pergamos in Berlin

Some do-gooder runs up waving his copy of Mythology of Greek, Roman, and Norse myth but says Edith Hamilton forgot the Meso,  "Isis? Don't you mean Ishtar, the anointed queen of heaven?" 

They had a right to be confused. The Germans took the Ishtar Gate to Berlin with the Pergamon Altar of Zeus. That's where Obama first visited it, 24 July 2008. Obama has 9 trips to the Pergamon under his belt. It has great significance for him, being also the throne of Satan. It's associations with Nazis and Hitler don't bother him though, that's a German thing. Of the 120 friezes depicting a golden lion, taken before WWI, which lined Babylon's Procession Street, the Germans got 118 to add to their collection in Berlin.  Try as they might the French and British could not equal these thefts, but the British got the winged lion from the North-West Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, the Standard of Ur, and the Queen of the Night to London and more. 

Now Ishtar's likeness has appeared in a hologram in Denver for the Democratic Convention. Shouldn't the Americans get something for digging up the Euphrates River? How about the Lapis Tomb of Gilgamesh? These double, triple emboldened invitations migrated to America. When this was written in 2008 a far fancy rumored there were Islamic training camps in Mexico and mass migrations to Europe. Then that news was deleted so you did not understand that pawns are not the enemy. Back to the chess board, who's moving these things around? Who's advising the President?  

Was this just an war for alien technology? CIA Provocateurs. Would the svelte Obama like a date with the queen of heaven? 

 As Beautiful as spacious skies,

 the Inner Babylon,

 Azure Isis alone presides

 the Obama Democratic Convention.

U.S. Capitol Dome

Myth is such an acquired taste. Myth immigration more. Who are the American gods inside the capitol dome no body believes in, aliases? What's wrong with George Washington ascending to heaven there to join Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Vulcan, Demeter among the gods? That actually happens? 

Ishtar's face was embossed on crumb cookies given to captives when they herded into Babylon past the idols of stone whose earlier versions of pantheon were broken by Abraham. Only Judaeo-Christian scripture makes the breaking of these gods its prime tenet. Not only Greek gods are broken.That's why Nimrod by one take threw Abraham in the furnace. He disrespected  the gods! 

What's the connection between the Greek/Roman gods and Ishtar's Babylon in America?  Athena and Isis are the same. We get to find out in a new age of myth. Here's a preview.

2. But first the historical. I'm not saying there has been a takeover and all the pieces of this new world shunned by Abraham are in the New Washington Order that Welcomes Lincoln to Heaven. Oh no! A piece or two are missing. Some call it Osiris' "lost part.' But not to confuse the man is the city, neither Washington or John Adams or Benjamin Rush knew, who protested against Washington's deification. What do we have against these Founders, or against what they did or didn’t do back masked  E Pluribus Unum. The man is the state.

Shame on E Pluribus Unum. As Americans grope to their programed seclorum end. the motto on the dollar bill says the end of the world waits to be fitted. The capstone. Coins of ancient Israel were inscribed "Jerusalem the Holy," but the dollar bill doesn't say, "Gather Together In One All Things In The Messiah, both in heaven and on earth in Him." There is no picture on the dollar bill of the Son of Psalm 2, Kiss the Son whose kingdom is set upon the holy hill. This American seclorum is more Hosea 13.2,  the work of craftsmen where the sacrificers of men kiss the calves. Calf kissing and human sacrifice are heavily pursued downtown at the Uruk hotel at the corner of Kidney St. in the Capitol of The Severed Head where Ishtar lives, shall we say. 

Down in D. C. the Capitol  represents mythic control. If pieces of the Dome are one day sold like the Berlin Wall in the movies, there is take out at the White House and Capitol for entertainment most summers, come and buy, come and buy -- vendors will sail the many waters they've always have, to prove whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still  (Johnny Cash).

 Pieces of a New World Rising up out of the sea were once shunned along with what raises itself to heaven with George Washington in the funnel of the Capitol Dome, sucking up to the  gods. They swirl, they swirl, they swirl, but then comes the sound of their demise. 

Ishtar Gate

It's a one stop shop: Gilgamesh 2500 B.C, Babylon 600 B.C, Berlin 1930, Denver 2008 achieved. If you think the seven hills of Washington, D. C. replace Rome, and the great whore that sits upon many waters is not Babylon but New York, it must be much comfort to finally find the United States' place in the Bible.  

Rome is there. Babylon is there.  Russia, says CIA, is there."This [American Christian nation] myth has inclined us to Christianize many pagan aspects of our culture" says Boyd (13) of the Novus Ordo Seclorum list of New Order pagan gods sprawled all over the Capitol Dome and American currency. Boyd had the good sense not to name the pagans in this awkward contradiction. 

 Constructive chaos is built into the myth of the dome. The World  Below the Dome is symbolic of all these myth politics of control we cannot see. Patriotic Americans are made to  take their godsend of revelation even if it is holding them in a hiding place of holes and rocks of caves.

 These symbols revealed the Novus Ordo Seclorum of the American seal in this sweet Golden Age. Hesiod and Homer had gone a little brass, but three expected harvests of this gold in America with Apollo, Apollyon, and Abaddon, and from Nimrod get the harvest of ISIS, ISIL come along, extend the caliphate beyond the Levant! Myth says golden Osiris was already here, inside the Washington Monument. Not only does ISIS want to visit, she wants to feel rule!

3. How did the Islamic caliphate of the ISIS White House in the appearance of Ishtar in Denver fly its flag as invitation? The Democratic nominee visited the Pergamos museum in the capital of its European Babylonian state of Germany, in Berlin, on his trip and momentous speech just before Denver. He brought Pergamos and the Ishtar Gate home in a combined act of genius.  

Baghdad, Babylon, Rome, Berlin, Denver were the  stops, but not in words. Myths and men are easy confused. Germany stole Ishtar, the public relations goddess of Babylon, and moved her to Berlin masked as an archaeological site. Who doubts they would have taken Egyptian Isis too, the Queen of Heaven whose altars and gates Jeremiah overthrew, or rather Astarte, or in other words the goddess Ishtar. All for one and all. Not to scare you, the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires native to modern Iraq that pull these boxcars, are a Cydonia to be observed. 

 Since Isis is the original queen mother but Ishtar is a strumpet, modern ISIS in Berlin is Ishtar with a confused allure.  Ishtar's sign was the lapis and the lion, blue and gold. The ancient Gilgamesh poem calls her foul, "the door through which the cold gets in." She would turn you to a frog, which explains American foreign policy. This Ishtar as Isis was invited to the Democratic national convention in Denver 2008. Her altar in blue light shines above.

Altar of Pergamos in Berlin
When our President stood in the Ishtar Gate of the Denver acceptance speech, the altar of Zeus of the Pergamon Gates behind him was a mock up of his hanuman monkey token god clutched in his pocket like an image of Shiva at CERN. It was as if the gods of caliphaty brought Ishtar's promise to the podium: "touch me here, touch me there, and I will give you riches beyond the telling." But Ishtar lied. She brought corruption, destruction and death. NOW you know why America sponsored ISIS! When the nominee had seen the Altar of Pergamos, a copy of the frieze of Gigantomachy in Berlin along with the Ishtar Gate, even though he seemed innocent of the Iraq war, further down he invoked Ishtar, Isis and Pergamos to rule.

The Obama team believed the promise of abundance in the azure of pure spirituality. Handed down to governments, conceived as merchants of all sorts in blue clothes and embroidery,  Ezekiel portrayed the ships of Tarshish, the caravans for market (Ez. 27.24-5) with the merchants of souls of Revelation 18. Ishtar didn't want to just possess Barak or Gilgamesh personally; she wanted the Office. The dandy commerce delivered with the hand of her love, dressed in blue with dyed attire on their heads, clothed most gorgeously with the lustfulness of horses in the bruising of her teats, "they shall take away thy nose and thine ears (Ez. 23.25). In other words, in the language of Gilgamesh, she is a lion in the pit, a horse hobbled in mud, a goatherd turned to a wolf, a bird that fell. The man himself would be discarded. How many likenesses we need not know. Ishtar, the beta test, said to the tempted gardener

"Now, touch me where you dare not, touch me
here, touch me where you want to, touch me here." 
(Gilgamesh, Ferry, 31),

Where is your inner Babylon? Indeed you may well ask. Back in old Jerusalem they baked cakes with Ishtar's face (Jeremiah 44). These are what the captives saw as they marched into the inner city through the Ishtar gate after the fall (of Jerusalem). Captivity has a soft side in its sweets. You will be greeted at FEMA camp with treats. Who is Ishtar that she should have a surrogate reign in America? There you go again. The president's men did not read what Gilgamesh said when Ishtar invited him into her arms. "Give me your semen; plant your seed in the body of Ishtar. Abundance will follow riches beyond the telling"  (Gilgamesh. David Ferry, 29).

It's not nice to think of Ishtar as a whore unless you love the orgy. Almost wrote clergy. The gardener knew not to "eat the rotten food / having been taught to eat the wholesome," so she turned the gardener into a frog. This for Gilgamesh was the symbolic choice, either have your spirit broken and your mind imprisoned, or, as happens when he too rejects her, be confronted with the bull of heaven loosed by her rage. You see he's 2/3 a god himself. These supernatural force gods were thought fairy tales in 2008 before they were unleashed. Ishtar's complaint against Gilgamesh, King of Uruk (Baghdad) was that "he has found out my foulness" (32). He said,

You are the fire that goes out. You are the pitch
that sticks to the hands of the one who carries the bucket.
You are the house that falls down. You are the shoe
that pinches the foot of the wearer. The ill-made wall
that buckles when time has gone by. The leaky
waterskin soaking the waterskin carrier.

Pergamon Altar, North Freize
Gilgamesh rejects the harlot goddess but takes every betrothed bride before her wedding. He is not a freedom saint. In the allegory America is also Gilgamesh. This means countries, Panama, Vietnam, Algeria, all nations in person or by proxy...taken from their husbands. All wives and daughters subverted. Just like the...nephilim. The difference is that Gilgamesh knows that on his end supernatural coitus with the goddess steals his manhood. The Americans think they are exempt? These temptations sheared right through the Denver stage and blew into another dimension.The president  spoke from the middle of the gate in the image  of what German archeologists had taken to Berlin. This was his Acceptance of a lot more than the Democratic nomination. "Abundance will follow, riches without telling," unless of course the procession of lapis and aurochs and cedar before the wall of lions is a tease.

Id. At least he didn't pull away like that spoil sport Daniel from Nebuchadnezzar's gods, or Abraham who broke Nimrod's. Then the lions on the Gate, symbols of Ishtar, had their mouths shut.

Abraham's Hammer 

Down here in D. C. the dome represents mythic control. If pieces of the Capitol are one day sold as the Berlin Wall (for the movies are taking out the White House and Capitol for entertainment most summers), come and buy, come and buy -- vendors will sail the many waters they've always have, that is, whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still  (Johnny Cash). Pieces of a New World Rising up out of the sea were once shunned, along with what raises itself to heaven with George Washington in the funnel of the Capitol Dome, sucking up to the miscegenate gods. They swirl, they swirl, they swirl, but then comes the sound of their demise. I'm not saying that there has been a takeover and all the pieces of this new world shunned by Abraham are the New Washington Order that Welcomes Lincoln to Heaven. Oh no! Neither is it the one John Adams and Benjamin Rush knew, who protested against Washington's deification. What could we have against our Fathers, or against what they did or didn’t do?  Back masked,  E Pluribus Unum is a strangler.

The universe began as one and became many. Global dominion of earth is only tyranny. Are you glad you were here to see it at least, in the movies of tyranny in the guise of a lizard with a four chambered heart, six fingers, toes and a spine, a  space alien from the stars its General? That's even bigger than America, the fantasy of el archon. All the flushable gods of the Capitol Dome, who swell their minds in the global play, turn human hopes to fantasy. Clown Earth politics and religion serve up in the rare Novus Ordo of myth from the bowel of this heaven. It is a toilet bowl. According to this wisdom toilet myth, government officials have no personal identity, evil is banal, and the turds are there to make the human superfluous, to hold office till Osiris comes.  

The feet of man standing on earth was Messiah's province in Psalm 8, and man's. And it still is. Ordained. 
This has become a most convoluted piece of writing. Mixing Johnny Cash and Gilgamesh, Egypt, George Washington, the Masons and Berlin, Obama and Babylon. Ishtar seems to be the main figure, meaning the invocation of Isis before the org named for her ever was thought of or existed. It's as if the East is a confetti ball of myth invoked by the West to serve some impossible to conceive purpose. To view the delusions of Pergamos, Germany and Obama with the delusions of Jonathan Cahn go here. Parts of this appeared (incognito) at the Camel Saloon Gallery. Pick it up at the Capitol Mall

Ephesians 1:10
“That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:”

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Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...