Sunday, March 10, 2013

11. Future of Humanity Institute. Artificial Intelligence Reptile Brain Function. Countdown Oops Cycorp.

  In a paper, "motivation selection in intelligent agents," that got Daniel Dewey hired at the Future Humanity Institute, thoughts were butterflies. Working memory was analogized as the brain’s butterfly net, "to scoop our scattered thoughts into its attentional gaze." But the net needed to be bigger. Quantitatively, more is better, right? So since "the average human brain can juggle seven discrete chunks of information simultaneously; geniuses can sometimes manage nine," the idea was to multiply by ten. Dewey posed a "hard cap on the complexity of thought. If we could sift through 90 concepts at once, or recall trillions of bits of data on command, we could access a whole new order of mental landscapes." You can see the numbers churning, 7, 9, 90, until Kurzweil's trillion, trillion singular artilect, femotect brain comes online.

Human cognition is a problem  because it is built of  "biochemical impulses" such as empathy..."not an essential component of intelligence." So,--if you can split off intelligence from being and make it an entity to itself you can have an artificial intelligence, emphasis artificial, a project derived from Nietzsche, human fission, split down the middle and divide the consequences: but here come the ants again: "AI as a primordial force of nature, like a star system or a hurricane — something strong, but indifferent" (Nick Bostrom), "a super intelligence that might not take our interests into consideration, just like we don’t take root systems or ant colonies into account when we go to construct a building."

 The perennial ant man mouse butterfly analogy explicit in Existential Risk decrees that lower creatures exist only to serve the higher functions of intelligence and may be discarded at will, including the man himself when super man comes. Hugo de Garis, Kurzweil, Dewey, Bostrom. It's easy for them to imagine an insane machine:

" ‘One day we might ask it how to cure a rare disease that we haven’t beaten yet. Maybe it would give us a gene sequence to print up, a virus designed to attack the disease without disturbing the rest of the body. And so we sequence it out and print it up, and it turns out it’s actually a special-purpose nanofactory that the Oracle AI controls acoustically. Now this thing is running on nanomachines and it can make any kind of technology it wants, so it quickly converts a large fraction of Earth into machines that protect its button, while pressing it as many times per second as possible. After that it’s going to make a list of possible threats to future button presses, a list that humans would likely be at the top of. Then it might take on the threat of potential asteroid impacts, or the eventual expansion of the Sun, both of which could affect its special button. You could see it pursuing this very rapid technology proliferation, where it sets itself up for an eternity of fully maximised button presses. You would have this thing that behaves really well, until it has enough power to create a technology that gives it a decisive advantage — and then it would take that advantage and start doing what it wants to in the world."

As in the replacement of being with thought, memory, contradiction with reason, and the ant man mouse analogy, Existential Risk worries that the artificial brain might suddenly go soft: "it is tempting to think that programming empathy into an AI would be easy, but designing a friendly machine is more difficult than it looks. You could give it a benevolent goal — something cuddly and utilitarian, like maximizing human happiness, except an AI might think that human happiness is a biochemical phenomenon.

 Benevolence is ruled out of these straw arguments as a condition of existence. Also happiness, equivocated as biochemical, as necessary to survival. Survival is the only necessity to super intelligence so conceived. A machine that endangered itself against its own survival by seeking happiness or benevolence would be just like the human who thinks that empathy and benevolence enhance life and without it life is pointless.

The eRisk taker says, "Let’s say you have an Oracle AI that makes predictions," which they do, dozens of  Web Bots, -but this knowing, predicting the future is a smoke screen for something else: "Bostrom and I discussed the Curiosity Rover, the robot geologist that NASA recently sent to Mars to search for signs that the red planet once [?] harbored life." Which is ridiculous considering that outer science, sanitized white science pretends  a 19th century views of Mars. Unless you wish to wait until the press conference you should not believe. What it adds up to is what it has been about for a century and more of a concoction of life other than human, whether from Nietzsche, the Red Planet, the galaxies, the aliens, the dolphin, all substitutes for the real. That's why Toby Ord, another great mind who says,- ‘I am finding it increasingly plausible that existential risk is the biggest moral issue in the world.’


One could approach the Study of Existential Risk with the knowledge that that very Centre to study it was the central risk itself. Existential Risk has invented a specialized language and mindset to give it identity. The identity of Existential Risk there defined by its nature must reject other identities of Risk, rule out, not incorporate into dissent of their own study.  Persons opposed to these assumptions, excluded from the Centre, would be exterminated as it were like pesky ants. The funding for the Centre, the minds of the Centre, its techniques are the risk. The Risk to ourselves is that we at least consider that the cure for ourselves must be ourselves not another, whether alien or machine. Also we'd like to see the center confront the even Realer Risk of all the black budget science that it denies exists. If Nick Bostrom is the handmaid of CIA and Uni-Corp, he embodies the Risk.
Dismiss ordinary empiricism, no access to secret information. The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk does not examine its own nuances of existence, but assumes them. Ordinary empiricism can know something a hundred, two hundred years after of the purpose behind chemtrails, underground bases, the quantum leap of science in 50 years. Too late. But for now the debasement of culture, government and society, weather wars, the effects of HARP, GMO hybrids, mutation invite salvation from without as a forced choice. Civilization has lost its inner life. The best comfort the boundless can minister is ayahuasca for knowing and the hope that the infrared Lucifer telescope in Arizona finds the answer fast. New science believes the aliens will be like Social Democrats for the good of mankind. New science believes Earth will be saved  from pollution and overcrowding, that Nietzsche and Schopenhauer represent truth, even if Hawking suspected  the putative alien (like the scientist), might not harbor opposition or dissent any better than Spanish priests among the Aztec.

Existential Riskers also worry about the absence of life in space, witness Enrico Fermi's "where are they" paradox. Millions of worlds but not one visit! Konstantin Tsiolkovsky said, "if intelligent civilizations are destined to expand out into the universe, then "scores of intelligent civilizations should be crisscrossing our skies."  This is what is called the outer science. Inner science is forbidden until it is announced that everything you thought or believed, meaning what was told you, is wrong. Hook, line and sinker. In the meantime Robin Hanson, another DARPA scientist at the Future of Humanity Institute, thinks maybe the universe wears a condom, there's  some "great filter," "something about life itself that stops planets from generating galaxy-colonising civilisations."  Maybe science will be seen in our putative future as an inversion of medievalism: "Maybe technologically advanced civilizations choose not to expand into the galaxy, or do so invisibly, for reasons we do not yet understand. Or maybe, something more sinister is going on. Maybe quick extinction is the destiny of all intelligent life." Futurists are a little cloudy today.

Protector of the Indians

From this tardiness of arrival science had to go ahead and invent its own salvation, that is, super intelligence. Lack of intelligence was about the only problem left. Oh, one other, the roots and the ants. "If you had a machine that was designed specifically to make inferences about the world...a primordial force of nature, like a star system or a hurricane — something strong, but indifferent...a super intelligence that might not take our interests into consideration, just like we don’t take root systems or ant colonies into account when we go to construct a building."(Bostrom quoted by Andersen). Super intelligence shares with Aliens the instincts of the  Spanish. Who says earth is not an interesting place? Earth natives must summon a new Las Casas to represent them in the high counsels of the heaven and the low counsels of the labs as Protector of the Humans. Plan B before the aliens land? Superman! Which you think, the aliens or the AI let us live? Be grateful.

* Dissenting Views: 

1) Maybe existential riskers are in cahoots that even their big brains cannot fathom.The loss of inner life and existential risk are defeated by reason, but even yet, reason both advances and betrays with false principles of inclusion and exclusion. Thus to scientific reason the Cambrian explosion of life disproves both science and the Bible, but in a wider principle of reconciliation another paradigm, Contradiction let us say, rules in, mutually holds two conflicting truths in the mind simultaneously without choosing. Reason says that would be worse than what you've already got--says then the inner science, the black science. Pretending, moving and not moving simultaneously, but there are no Keatsians at the Centre, would have to be incorporated with the Centre in order to reach a  truly human notion of existential risk.  They exterminated them.

2) It is a mere subtext that no technology was ever invented without use, so here comes the sun bomb, the HAARP bomb, the chem bomb.

3) But there is no average human brain if it is seen as made in the image of God, or in other words, to apply descriptive techniques from analytical thought to synthesis-making is false. Another theory of the brain is that it thinks unknowing to itself and produces solutions to problems that it did not foresee. Any number of butterflies, "scattered thoughts" relative to the rest of the animal kingdom is completely arbitrary. This analogy utterly misses the human coin, which is based upon unknowing, not knowing! as the only species of intelligence. To build a machine that can fulfill the quantitative measure on an assumption that first denies the unknowing, and second rules out feeling, straw mans both machine and man. To take it as anything else is such a huge defect as to invalidate Existential survival altogether.  All these futurist scenarios are the thinking of the flawed men who rule out everything except their flaw.  Neither do they know Intelligence is relative depending on how far out you look. The wheel would have been better uninvented if it led to planetary extinction.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Rappelling Down
This appears under the title Space Alien Politics but the links are included here with an afterword. 

Note: Al Bielek talks about Phil Schneider
Must see also The True Story of Phil Schneider. 17 Aug 2017

 This "government of the People, by the People, for the People," is a Government in exile. At one time within memory the definition of what it is to be an American was that no matter what your beliefs, disagreeable as they might be, those opposing them would fight to guarantee your right to express them. This has shifted dramatically to you better say what the state and the crowd dictate or else. Thus has arisen an inherent contradiction in the oath of allegiance. The armed forces swear to defend the Constitution and obey the President and appointed officers. The Constitution assumes armies composed of citizens whose unquestioned allegiance is to their families and their freedoms. This implies a soldier has the responsibility and right to disobey any order to violate the freedoms of the Constitution. And when does the soldier realize this duty during martial law? When his conscience tells him so. Ever wonder why officers say when they take the oath of allegiance that it is done without mental reservation or purpose of evasion? It has gotten a lot beyond the Jesuits. All politics holds with the purpose of evasion. Things have gotten murky for the citizen, illustrated by the turn of phrase, "planning an attack on American soil." This is used as a terrorist alert against what ever, but no citizen is alerted to the attack on American soil by the poisoning in the aluminum, lithium, barium morning glory clouds of water, air and soil. Lithium spraying lithium carbonate, mood stabilizing, treating bipolar mania, daze, fine tremor, nausea, headache, hyperthyroidims increased, weight gain, ataxia, gait. Lithium benefits: lithium chelates aluminium! No not that. Monsanto has got a seed strain that can grow in new ordo aluminum soil. Sounds like Conspiracy Theory.

American soldiers have turned their guns on the citizens of many countries. Will they turn them on their own countrymen? The government usurpers will assassinate Americans openly abroad and covertly at home. Nazis armed themselves against whoever the state deemed offensive, but the citizens of eastern Europe lined up to watch at the ditches to witness executions of the bullet holocaust. Today it may come that cell phone cameras do this in a massive loss of conscience. The question is not where is the good because the evil masquerades as good too, as do all morals about the earth, the poor, the minorities, to mask further depravities. The good is much more than that and rare. The wholesale importation of Nazi physicists, rocket scientists, medical doctors, chemists into the United States infrastructure  under the guise of beating Japan, then Russia, while the parallel structures of Nazi colonies in Argentina and Uruguay, not to speak of Antarctica were ignored, poisoned what morality might have existed in the war machines of Britain and the U.S. Fast forward fifty years and see the entire philosophical point of view of the Nazis subsumed into transhuman ethic in toto. This is to say nothing of the science kept out of public sight. So the Air Force, Navy, Army of the US was Nazified.

 By 1946 Nazi scientists, 1000 authorized by Truman, began to infiltrate all American science, bringing especially poisons, sarin, Klon B. They had invented mustard gas before. 9/91, tabun would benefit Dow Chemical. Nazi med science did the same for underwater survivability, benefiting from icing down prisoners in concentration camp bathtubs, and in space. LSD was brought by Kuhn to CIA psychology and that fracture machine has never stopped.  Rocketry, chemistry, med science criminality, were all sold on the basis of George Kennan and Dean Acheson threatening that Russia was in the lead in poisons, etc. Ha, in mind control, ESP too! Therein the Germans were weak. Underground cities got Nazified constructions from experience in the subterranean penal colonies of Nordhausen and gas chambers and Eagles Nest of Hitler's HQ. Intimidation architecture could also cow the untermenshen sub human classes into their experimental cell blocks. That being said this was not an American problem and there are few among the digitals who would or could do anything except die quietly, however the Russians would go a lot less gently into this good night, so we may ally with those to good effect. Those transhuman Ubermenschen were not hanged, but imported to the west much like the rats that Nazis infected with bubonic plague to land in England from U-Boats off shore. Maybe they cannot swim that well, so  DARPA has invented an aquatic rat to run the Beltway. Lesser endeavors to airlift hoof and mouth disease were  countered by the Allies dropping potato beetles. These and so many more informed Camp King subjects that the black CIA hatched with control programs of Bluebird, etc. Authorities can deny what they affirm. By the billion. When the Pope, Hillary and Barak agree that conspiracy theories have got to go, you better get going. So if the Paperclip was sold like ISIS today, by casting it as a threat, when neither were as said, any more than ISIS the invention of the Good guys in Wash, please don't expect me to prove what is Beyond Truth and Falsehood.

All this was brought into existence by a series of misnaming and card tricks. Nazi war criminals, murderers, gestapo agents were "not members of the communist party" and  "not a security threat." They gave "consenting human experiments," that is when they did not participate in nonconsenting human experiments. The double negative was  effective. All the black psy ops at Harvard, all the depersonalizing, fragmenting into different selves to prepare for modern America and its compartments were OK if students signed consent forms. That takes care of Ted K, who we don't like, but then there are multiple, daily inductions by MK Ultra look alikes in theaters, churches, stores and parking lots, lone gunmen no doubt, but look at the smile and see the Nazi under it. Shades of Black Water, the Nazis were private contractors. Murdering geneticist doctors became pediatricians,  Gestapo moved to CIA, paramilitary exterminators got jobs in police, top secret germ warfare biologists got into cancer research. This can be multiplied. No end in sight, the thousand Nazi scientists founded DARPA too. And then NASA. The yeast blew up the bread, not that American or British dough was good, just naive and superminded, unless you count Tesla an American, but you cannot. The American soul formed out of plenty, liberty and justice, took to doing what it pleased, but good luck finding out during the information blackout. What Bolivians think of you be assured is not uninformed. Nobody knows the master like the slave. The Nazis came into a soil prepared for their infection and as an object lesson to universities and government that you can do what you want and get a better job after, explore outer space and inner and everywhere between. Infection  reached epidemic proportions and spread in the upwardly mobile economic classes at the U where the tissue metamorphoses within the body, allo-toxin Nazis, were the materialists themselves. Nazi minds ruled the world as Rome. And what was their inspiration? Nietzsche, god of science. Beyond Truth and Falsehood. God of DARPA.

The real Wunderwaffe of weapon ingenuity that America, Britain, Russia airlifted by other accounts got taken to Antarctica, to Neuschwabenland, not on the record. Another skin we do not know. The allies got, not the antigravity bell that Walther Riedel, Nazi head of V-2 designs, says made short trips around the moon and to locate space mirrors, implying early Project Blue Beam stuff, but the American Raubkammer proving ground of chemical weapons at the zoo occupied by cats, dogs, horses, cows, pigs. This was later moved to ASU, adopting what all Passenger Rockets of mental take down, black hole, broken dimension populars (see Operation Paperclip, 92. Annie Jacobsen) of mind control.

Pentonville Prison

We mix in the appearances of one plane with another as if there is no above and below, merely the digital. So while you are looking at your phone very profound existence is moving. Where is it going indeed? One onion skin this world of appearance makes. But there are more and more skins and skeins to encompass them all. Which would be our goal, but to do so with impunity, without fear, with aggression, take them by force, but with humor too, and much to say, with love. So if there are 140 elements in the periodic table and hundreds of massive underground cites and bases manned by foreign troops at best, ready for dissidents funded by that 8.5 Trillion missing from the Pentagon Budget alone, and since the people are to be cast as the very untermenshen that the Nazis experimented on and exterminated, this NFL surface reality is entirely an illusion. But which is which? That was the threnody of the poet of Carmarthen, which one is this, which one is this, ask me I know them. Except he spoke of the graves. In our time things just disappear and you can make what you will of that, Desaparecidos, tunnels, multi dimensionals, but you must add, I do not know them. One day this will cease, the great surprise in store, but it will be a little late miles underground, or when the hologram comes down, if we get that far, and at worst...then who wouldn't say if only I had known, but meanwhile all anyone knows, thinking, what difference would it make, is a fatalism bred and sublimated in every TV and and digital image broadcast, microwaved, if only it could be seen. So for all the remote viewing and insider talk among the holographs

of the tubes, the navy tubes, Ron Blackburn: holographic tech, Morgan Reynolds' lawsuit, Clark McClelland, Pilots for truth, April Gallup at the Pentagon, the Maxwell air force base holograh, Gravitational Force of the Sun: Pari Spolter, Henry Deacon on life on the planets, the Branton files,  Clifford Stone, NASA 'secret' astronaut corps, John Grace's  OH Krill Paper,  Miles Johnson on the Bases Project,  John Lear on 9/11, and here.

 There is not ever one word of the angels that outnumbered Sennacherib's men (Isaiah 37.36; 2 Kings 6), or of the fate of the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14) or the King of Tyre (Ezekiel 28) or of Pharaoh, the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, who says, My river is my own; I have made it of myself. They all say that. Nebuchadnezzar overlooking Babylon boasts it is his own. I will exalt myself they say. But the fish of the rivers will stick to the dragon's scales. EZ 29. They are afraid of the greys but not Yahweh!  So while one would say that the Nazis look alikes of NASA, DARPA and CERN are the least of our worries, even as the greatest of those beings push the switches and open the doors (Calendar, Tall Tale), I can't say there is no difference between the greys, the Nazi war chemists and the nasty NASA Nazis (John Lear) who seduced the American/British to covet tabun and test to prepare for their psycho war, no difference except propaganda, for if you were in America the bad guy was abroad.  
Maybe you think it unfair to program somebody's mind while they are under the influence, in this case of mass narcosis. Do not depend on opiates only, or time tested hallucinogens. These are too burdensome for general application when there are good substitutes that both numb brain cells and induce deterioration that mask recognized diseases  like the effects of lithium for example, or aluminum or barium. Do you feel LETHARGY. THIRST. STOMACH DISTRESS. SUDDEN WEIGHT GAIN. MUSCLE/JOINT PAIN. TWITCHING. Can’t taste your food. SLURRED SPEECH and BLURRED VISION. CONFUSION/ HALLUCINATIONS. IMPOTENCE. KIDNEY PAIN. HAIR LOSS. Government corporations can both spray for the debilitation and market the antidote in all the drugs whose names you know for these maladies. Then pretend these have always been epidemic, ADHD and autism --but only since they started spraying. I know it sounds like a total kook. Why doesn't anybody care? What's the drug that induces indifference? Stay tuned.

 The incredulous want to know who would do this instead of paying attention to its being done. Pilots, physicians, scientists are all telling them but they won't believe it unless the government and media science says so with sound bites from the Pres. Wm. Burroughs only had bad dreams and superstitions of this reality, we have the facts. The desiccation effect of lithium and its usefulness in increasing conductivity in the psychoactive/social nature of the ongoing tests, medical and sociological effects, are not the only compound in play. Useful language in measuring this: dispersal plumes, human beings and the natural environment as a laboratory, looking forward to application of a pathogen correlated with electromagnetic frequencies. The proper term is geoengineering. If your google wants you to write reengineering, OK.  When we are beneath the soil the reference is to toxic plumes like Superfund sites. When we are above consider the strip mines, polluted rivers, forest fires of days gone by.

 Shiva has gained status for its statue at CERN but its many arms read back from 2015 to 1950.  The Nazi makes a good Shiva for reaching into every American institution of government, education, medicine, physics, psychology. So if Nazis couldn't be on medical school faculties when found out  they could go to university and serve and if not there into public health. Only as a last resort were they shipped to Argentina, having as it were, indispensable knowledge (of darkness). These covert one thousand paperclip scientists compromised every department of the military and the state department up to the president. The ones that got to stay worked in public health, if you call CIA experiments in interrogation public, or health. They founded Bluebird, a la MK Ultra, all from the old premise that the Chinese and the Russians were doing it, so they had to keep up, When confronted later in the Iraq interrogations that radicalized that nation and caused its guerrilla warfare to spread to such extremes, it was only to protect the homeland, to prevent attacks on American soil, a corollary that if he's a Nazi at least he's not a communist. Of course Shiva also has third eye and a snake around its neck so expect to see more sleight of hand and spit. And, oops, Shiva has three heads and poison in his throat.

Underground Archuletta. Schneider's Death.

Two days after Phil Schneider's death his body was found embedded with a surgical rubber tube in his neck. This was against Oregon State Law. Detective Harris dispatched the body to a Funeral Home without the coroner's exam. The medical examiner, "Dr. Gunson made no mention of the metal plate in his head, or that his right lung had been removed when he declared the cause of death to be “strangulation by ligature asphyxiation”. In other words, “suicide.” The autopsy fell through the cracks  almost as if "it was not the body of Philip” (Schneider's wife).  Schneider is one of many conspiracy theorists to auto de fe unusually--Paul Bennewitz, Danny Casolaro, William Cooper and Jim Keith--amid incredible ET claims (01 Jun, 2011). Shipped to one of 600 pre-existing “FEMA detention camps” funded under Reagan, who Authorized Rex 84 Project “Garden Plot”, and Operation “Cable Splicer,” advanced placement for these choice spots is now allocated to those Saved From the End of the World.  Along the Jersey Turnpike Schneider's timetable is opposite the public dream of white science, vaccines, internal combustion engines and liquid fuel rockets, substitute verities that form the fail-safe backup of the black. The Last of Schneider's  texts at the Preparedness Expo of 1995-- Exogenous Underground Bases, FEMA camps and Chemtrails under the heading of Byzantine Hybridomas (From Rotten Tomatoes), secret "Black Ops" of Military, FBI and  rogue elements pertaining to the under-government, include "about 6 million to 7 million human beings slaughtered by the aliens at this present time," huge vats containing alien and human body parts floating in the plasma of ensanguinated cattle.
To summarize this Last Lecture: Deep Underground Bases:  Horseshoe aircraft  were seen in 1909 at Truth or Consequences NM. Grey demons appeared in 1933 and 1946 at Ellis AFB. Atomic explosions at Bikini Atoll attempted to destroy their shallow underwater base at Bikini Island (Operation Crossroads). Much of this has been in the movies. In the 1954 Greada Treaty, tangy alien liars treated naive authorities to their own medicine of deception. Schneider worked at 13 UG bases where 100,000 children and 1 million adults are taken each year (numbers vary). There have been a few escapes, Kurk Wold is one in point. In case martial law is required the 131 underground bases can convert to prison camps (Richard Sauder). Foreign troops are already trained in the undergrounds of which there are 3 per state among other black budget projects, as if planned by a scalene triangle, no side equal another, "planned most likely as underground prison camps and slave labor factories,"  among other "poppycock hooey and poo-poo" --the same intonations as Sheriff Joe--including eight levels under Denver Airport. Chutes, slides go down from the FEMA day camps, so take some wax paper. All 131 bases are connected by at least 2 lane roads and mag-lev trains, 5700 feet under ground, 4 1/2 cubic miles each, one 30 cubic miles in Sweden built by the UN. Martial law research training for police surrounds each base. Tesla's lab was in Colorado Springs, connected to large caverns and the city UG.

All of this controversy symbolizes that war of the conscious against the unconscious mind,  also subjects of Diversion, with constructs of many truths and falsehoods. [Please read that sentence again. It goes against everything we believe to say that consciousness is a delusion. It is believed consciousness is our liberation and that the unconscious is our true self. Both false] The manipulations that describe Black Science include what the world calls wisdom. These are stages in the plans for control.  If this is fiction, then Enders Game is the front for this war and Neon Genesis Evangelion is the back, where earth unites to defeat angels to preserve its global culture. To preserve and, propagate global culture is a delusion held in common by astrophysics, Hawking, Existential Survivalists, NBC and the Vatican. World culture is itself the predominate evil whose commerce of buying and selling is what is to be judged. No doubt you can add to the list universities, Phds, bill collectors....
 "It's a system of power always deciding in the name of humanity who deserves to be remembered and who deserves to be forgotten.

 It could be believed the Exos would conquer earth in 2029, [if that were not the year of Singularity] as Schneider says, and have been at it lo these years...if they already had. But why wait to decimate 80% of the population when it just gets harder? This implies controls already have (and we don't know it) or that there is opposition preventing.  Granted that the entertainment movies about ET  break down the parameters and distract people so they do not attend their own demise, the contradiction suggests multiple co-efficients of broken boundaries of the last hundred years.  Christians, for example, are distracted by Darby's vision of the Rapture and do not think tribulation applies to them, so they don't pay attention to their own skies. How likely shall citizens stomach the bizarre alien savior or the more bizarre Judgment of God upon the nations, especially the United States, as cast in The Harbinger?  As preface to Schneider's underground we pretend some cryptography exercises to crack the code. Phil Schneider begins many of the fact trails of the secret black science. Sometimes Bo Diddley has been documented, as with the 131 Deep Underground Military Bases further examined below.

Schneider took part in a deep drill at Dulce NM in August 1979, sinking four shafts with lasers and components of the Tunnel Boring Machine. When the TBM came up broken Schneider and other geologists went down in a bucket to check. At the bottom, 2-1/2 miles deep they met Bo Diddley. If you think this fanciful, keep reading. The facility at Archuletta occupies the 4-corners area of New Mexico with the highest levels of missing people in the country, according to Schneider, women of child-bearing age, and young men from 10 to 15, the prime age for Bo programing. They discovered an underground amphitheater of large expansive meeting rooms identical to the U.N. with a specific “raised seating area” where seven foot tall Grey DJ Buggers dictated "policy” to U.N. officials. The U.S. Constitution did not apply this far down. Citizens held no legal standing and international leaders were at the mercy of Orson Scot Card. According to Schneider, Offut AFB (Nebraska) is home to recovered angel/bugger bodies and craft with long rumored undergrounds at the WPAFB facility at Dayton Ohio.

Schneider says the aliens are related to the "New World Order" in which secret forces are conspiring to conquer the world and rule with a fascist one-world government. He claims that "the alien agenda" is "to kill off from 5/6 to 7/8 of the planet's population and completely take over by 2029," that there are U.S. "black budget projects" which cost trillions of dollars and "garner one quarter of the entire gross national product of these United States." "At least 1.023 trillion dollars is used in black budget programs," funded primarily by illegal government drug-related activities. But this is nothing compared with the 8.5 trillion dollars missing from Pentagon budgets alone in accounting up to 2013. This money is blamed on waste, but it is the funding among others of  Black Science. In all this he presents four kinds of evidence: classified photographs,  fossils, alien metal ores/Elements retrieved from the Dulce base, and his own testimony.

It is one of many ruses of the Neptune War that "the nations of earth must someday unite against attack by people from other planets, “ as General MacArthur told graduating West Point cadets (October 8, 1955, also 12 May 1962):  "We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy. The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war.” That is, he could have added,  "the nations of the world must unite against the Buggers!" By 2011 the “Alien Agenda” had gotten out of hand.  According to Schneider, every year of the known "white world" contained forty-four years of research and development in the unknown “black.” By this calculation Defense contractors had made 2,816 years progress in black weapons and advanced aerospace research in the 64 years from the formation of  the CIA in 1947 to 2011. Add 2816 to 2011 and you get the year 4827! Not as advanced maybe as saying drop the 0 and 2 x 7 is 14. But that's from the illumined IMF coming right out. As the King of Babylon was "shaking arrows out of his quiver, consulting images and looking into the liver" and the Times was getting investment counseling from Jonathan Cahn, Bo Diddley was diverse. By the time you read this, 1995  or later, 1,477 underground bases will have been built in the world, underground facilities served by 107,200 prison boxcars to handle an expected 15 million dissidents in case they refuse to go.

Commentary on Black Science

Reporting first the "facts," then the endless rebroadcast and analysis of the "facts," the only insight is by analogy to partial occurrences. Andre Maurois' Tragedy in France outlines how Germany almost possessed the soul of France by manipulating Vichy confederates. What got Hannah Arendt in so much trouble after her report on the Eichmann trial was her suggestion that Jewish leadership was complicit in the deaths, what is now called the "evil brainchild of the German Nazis," to manipulate the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, "charged with informing the Jewish constituency of their edicts through its official publication Het joodsche weekblad. Originally under the illusion that by negotiations it could save the Jews from the worst, the Council had in effect to select who would be sent to die in work camps and later to the concentration camps in Poland, ultimately becoming an effective tool in their own destruction." (Snapper, The Low Countries and the New World(s), "Westerbork to Auschwitz," 179). Why England Slept by JFK shows a similar appeasement in Britain before the war. Why Earth Slept, Tragedy in Earth you call it, the invention of the alien savior, fabrication, myth, propaganda and appeasement can be the new title:

There is a defense for those yet here below by pointing down that uric power initiated by Mr. Abbey sighting Grand Canyon for the first time with precipitation, “the first thing I did was urinate off the rim onto a little aspen” (One Life at a Time Please, 124). Phil Schneider's research along these lines, his survival tactic, suggests that what was noxious to the aspen is now to the infamous grey alder, les Petits-Gris. Mr. Phil constituted the worst part of the mythical horrors connected to FEMA above and underground bases below the day he innocently rappelled into Archuleta to encounter the *Eisenaliens, iron lions, if such a neolog can be allowed. This was his worst trouble, even if that sounds nonsensical, but surely not more so than the rest of these mythical horrors, when the battle of Archuleta was all but lost, as his wife has reported, and he had sustained such injuries that his body was covered with “shrapnel” wounds (about 500), and he had burns and skin grafts and missing fingers and his private part was cut right down the center and part of his ear was replaced. He had a metal plate in his head and part of a lung -  Then “he peed in his hard hat and threw the pee at the aliens and  killed some of them. Many years later in a fictional program on TV aliens were highly allergic to ammonia and would die from it” (here).


Dating medieval manuscripts / tracking cell phones: Finally some hard science for pattern recognition and patterns within patterns, this analogy between dating medieval manuscripts and tracking cell phones. The switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk do so with a similar code used in dating medieval deeds. [compare consensus algorithms of blockchain, directed algo of boodle) Algorithms of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words  of undated ms. is compared to dated and the machine identifies the undated. Some such code must be used to ferret out the unsilent talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.-Maximum prevalence technique: a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the training set (Gelila Tilahun,University of Toronto).-Computer-automated statistical methods
-Patterns in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.
British researchers developed an algorithm that uses tracking data on people’s phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error:  20 meters. That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people follow fairly consistent patterns over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of accounting for breaks in the routine.
The researchers solved that problem by combining tracking data from individual participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather than staying uptown for lunch as usual. here Welcome. Stingray, cell phone tracker

 II.  Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. 
a visit to john bedini

 Antarctic Secrets

War on Neptune
"America 21st Century equivalent to late Republican Rome' meme."
Obama Caligula youtube 

Caligula I, Claudius Summary and Analysis-by Robert Graves
Neptune has good PR as any druggie likes Neptune, You could sell quarts of seawater and get rich. Neptune is deception, distortion the way water diffracts. Water torture is after all the most highly desired. But drugs follow Neptune, and rhetoric, espolitical sppeech, slander dmt. as they say i hope you think you're Neptune.

III. Cryptography. 
First, and simplest, the cryptography of a little dance kata for the worship of Horus, Let's Do the Time Warp Again, decoded here.
Second, more complete, a kata for the worship of APOLLYON THE DESTROYER (HALIOS) in Beyonce's Put a Ring On It.
Third, HAO, IAO Green Day Live cryptography.
If you don't get these little scratches skip it.

IV. Philip J. Corso. "The Day After Roswell." Chief of the US Counter Intelligence Corps in Rome in 1961 became Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development, working under Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau. In 1964, Corso was assigned to Warren Commission member Senator Richard Russell, Jr. as an investigator into the assassination of J F K. Corso's role was to deliberately fabricate the "legend" of Lee Harvey Oswald.
In his book The Day After Roswell (co-author William J. Birnes) Corso claims he took extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Corso says a covert government group was assembled under the leadership of the first Director of Central Intelligence, Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (see Majestic 12). Among its tasks was to collect all information on off-planet technology. The US administration simultaneously discounted the existence of flying saucers in the eyes of the public, Corso says. According to Corso, the reverse engineering of these artifacts indirectly led to the development of accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material.

 Pop. We go down to the dock and see a little rowboat tied up, get in and gradually drift from the shore. After a while the evening news, even the weather is unfamiliar This is a pseudo parallel to way things are going, none of it believable. The land itself is a fabrication as the boat keeps moving further away. It gets more so. Many artists talk about it, but not in words, in images which are explained away. Take for instance the images of  Pop eating pop:  That “THE POP WILL EAT HIMSELF” BY MASSIMO GIACON is a foregone conclusion, pop being "the modern pagan deity," (hatched in large part by otaku and Little Boy.) “Initially, the characters of the ceramic Superego collection were not designed as ceramic construction, but as sick toys. The “sickness” of toys is given by corruption and human suffering. Massimo, with his objects, wants to represent the negative influence which is directly expressed in his works. The characters of his ceramics collection are like modern martyrs who wonder what happened and why things are so bad nowadays. The pop objects have shining colors and terrifying expressions.” Massimo Giacon is a protagonist of Italian cartoon bubbles. From Design Design Blog. These images of consuming and being consumed are analogous to the shore. They exist beneath the levels of consciousness, in art, so are subject to every psychological interpretation to confront the unthinkable. But because it's unthinkable it's outside the empirical, as if OOks.
It's the same for everyone, including Schneider, who didn't get the true info about his father until the end.As consumers consume pop they consume themselves, their lives, their consciousness.
 Black Science 

Friday, January 25, 2013

You are the Antenna. Part II. Electrosmog, Micro Hearing

 You are the Antenna. Part II. Electrosmog, Micro Hearing  Part I, You are the Antenna here

Still don't feel like you're a broadcast weapon? Electrosmog shoots situations not bullets. It is a phantasia, an inversion, a Silent Weapon for Quiet Wars-."  EEG "Silent talk detects and analyzes word-specific neural signals which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns can be generalized. [41] That is, either it intercepts before you talk or after when it tranquilizes you with radio waves (Ross Adey). Stored individual electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns are rebroadcast via digital UHF. This is the -Silent Sound Spread System SSSS which can be digitally altered so that digital hearing becomes digital speaking. Computer-enhanced EEGs identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters,’ synthesize them and store them on hard drive. In other words, scientists, Jacobin-psychopaths, have been able to identify and duplicate concomitant brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion. These modified emotion signature clusters can then be broadcast over UHF carrier frequencies directly into the brain to restimulate or synthesize those emotions. Broadcast a riot. This could be by TV and radio, but it is obviously 5G-completed. These broadcasts also can trigger the same basic emotion in another human being. (Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, the newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group.   Used in first Iraq war).

  "ELINT, RINT, MASINT and wireless weapons in use today like Acoustic Hailing Devices, Active Denial Systems (heat ray) and other systems. These weapons can be mobile and have deadly capabilities that have been publicly disclosed. One of the freakiest sonic weapons is called “Voice of God”. Check out this video by LRAD’s CEO Woody Norris explaining how his $70,000 device can transmit voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you with volumes reaching at 155dB (30dB over the “pain” threshold) from over a mile away. The sound can be “spread out” to cover the “width of a couch,” or thinned out to directly target one ear." on Bill Binny @ Centipede Nation

2. But beyond that, RFID hard chips the size of grains of rice and nano particles make every user an antenna. Organic electronic technology interfaces neurons with electronic circuitry, tracking chips on childrens' clothes, (target individuals. International Center Against the Abuse of Covert Technologies  ICAACT).

-ARGUS-IS-US - Wide Eyed--Wide Area Persistent Stare. Among several species of drone, this  "uses hundreds of cellphone cameras in a mosaic to video and auto-track every moving object within a 36 square mile area...collects pattern-of-life data and track individual people inside the footage anywhere within the field of regard... it dragnet tracks every moving person and vehicle and chronographs their movements, allowing forensic investigators to rewind the footage and watch the activities of anyone they select within the footage." Online 2014 as Gorgon Stare. 1.8 gigapix surveils 36 square mile blocks 

-Phantom DNA Effect- Searching for  Pjotr Garjajev: Grazyna Fosar And Franz Bludorf --human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of inherent DNA. [ transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns...Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light.  On screen a typical wave pattern was formed.  When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained.  Many control experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself.  This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. ] from here

Detox sodium flouride
Jill Bolte Taylor, Stroke of Insight

Eastern Washington floods
Klaus Dona

John Hall A New Breed  Satellite Terrorism, John Hall, MD--6 parts, this is part 2, experiment among crime syndicates, front companies, "agency" sterile

-frequency wave modulation to control behavior, Frey, microwave hearing effect, bio effects of nonlethal weapons, communication inside your head, hearing voices not their own to confuse. I hear voices then is a weapon of war that cannot be traced. How many times you hear that from the killers! Artificial thought!  Ad messages! Digital Silent Sound System. DSSS in soda machines! Buy coke!

Chips cause cancer in animals
Injected in Jaw (dentist), base of skull, shoulders, sternum

Electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential risks associated with the Verichip ID implant.
 Since nearly all implantable microchips are unencrypted, they are extremely vulnerable to being read by third-party scanners. By scanning secretly, someone could steal the information on a chip and clone the signal, enabling that person to impersonate a chipped individual. This could create security problems for building or computer access or potentially enable criminal misuse of a medical account held by an unrelated person. Also, the chip could easily be removed from the person, or the appendage containing the device could be removed.[7]

Colin Ross, MD, The CIA Doctors , Blue Bird here
 If you begin to hear voices in your head and think you are under surveillance, psychiatrists will partly agree, for these imitate mental illness. But if they don't hear the voices, you may lose your job. If the voices are microwave hearing effect designed to discredit and delude does it comfort to know the psychiatric profession has all along been involved? 

Effects of Microwave Hearing effect used for mind control: Directed Energy, loaded onto a satellite platform: ultra sound, particle beam, laser, microwave energy, current microwave hearing, ELF (low) wave based audio harassment, hearing in vibrations around vent fans, running water,  pumps. "I hear them in the refrigerator compressor." Low freq based audio ceiling fan. entire elf wave audio displaces air, in carrier wave, in the background of the vibration, auditory hallucinations, speechfromgod, control large populations, depopulation! 

Resonance Beings of Frequency. Microwaves through the brain. Schumann Resonance, Berger and the Alpha Wave identical. 7.83 Herz. Water memory. DNA sequences communicate with each other in water in low frequency, 7.83 H! Bee colony collapse 2006: interruption of emr. Joseph Kuhn, mobile phone, chryptochrome cells affected by manmade radio frequencies, behind eye of robins, magnetic compass, millions of times increase, electrosensitivity, shielded with metal foil, metalized glass// experiment at 35.00 and following. Five million phone masts. ICNIRP guidelines exposed. Nora Volkow experiment showed increase in glucose metabolism at cell phone site, ear. 57.00. S.A. R. Specific Absorption Rate, heating effect. SAM Phantom Head, average of 10,000 army personnel. Glioma tumors. Lennart Hardell, "increased risk of acoustic neuroma and glioma" Ten year latency period! Melatonin in pineal gland secrets only at night. free radicals defeated by melatonin, but when reduced produces an increased cancer rate. Pineal gland light sensitive. Electric fields surpressing melatonin becasue light wave are the same as radio waves to it. Melatonin controls free radicals that cause cancer. EMR inhibits melatonin. Cellular chaos. Autism. No control population.

Dr. Richard Sauder, another San Antonio native
“Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases?” (Part 2)

Robert Duncan DARPA scientist, The Matrix Deciphered
 Already in operation, personality changes overnight, fall asleep in car, shut down car computer, remote tracking, biometric signature. Homing beacon, microchip? Targeted individuals. Bio sensing satellite systems, eeg brainprint, elf wave signature, transmit f that degrades over time but can be tracked, like optical tracking, given to criminal investigative groups according to hire. At the whim of the operator. GPS your house, eeg everywhere.
These background satellite terrorism:
Weather Manipulation Haarp CDC Tech Memorandum 195. Mood manipulation of large segments of people

Leuren Moret Totalitarian Scientific Oligarchy Google, DNA, Control --US Navy, DNA frequency antennas, weaponized, DNA surveys from space, isolated populations (Amazon), global species survey from space, UN agenda 21-id all species/inventory. a chip on every person. J Gregg, Venture Instiute, to forge new life forms (Helen Wallace, Gene Watch) - depopulation initiative. Bio piracy. Win Parker microbiologist,. Puharich-ELF waves break hydrogen bonds, increase vibratory rate. nano particles are transmitters to redesign the human genome. Bertrand Russell, only 5%males, 30%females allowed to be fertile

 False Flag Alien John Todd. Turn earth into a luciferian totalitarian socialist state. Aliens to induce helplessness.
Gordon Creighton 
In short that Jack Parsons (Hubbard) conducted on Area 51 before the fact a loosing of Crowley's Lam, a typical Grey. Which is where advanced aircraft are tested. Parsons was an inventor. Precursor: John Dee invented Enochian rituals (nuptials) conjurations, (cohabitations), so called. Hyper dimensional hostiles.  Yes he let Edward Kelly his scryer take his wife Jane to bed. The spirits told him to.


Point One: These entries seem chaotic. They are a collection of sources gathered into topics. The topics often overlap. The effort to make a unified statement that accounts for all the parts continues, if all the parts are known. Point Two: Surveys define the problem only negatively. That great travesties and dangers beyond  telling pretend there is little solution or none. Go underground (UG), hide on the surface or go into space. The government seems the best, at least according to the government. Beneath all cities and in the vast hideouts of New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains untold ug bases store ready for production every means of survival. Linked by ug shuttles over thousands of miles, these are held by the greatest minds as the solution until they ultimately pop up like moles or prairie dogs in a hundred years and restart what they think of as civilization, a cybernetic variety anyway. The hideout on the surface, a proletarian pastime, is a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, told as ideally as possible by Cormac McCarthy in The Road. This dog eat dog, militia, fiefdom existence is however what has always existed in greater or less degree before nation states. The alternative to the ug, which includes undersea (us) is the takeoff leaving earth entirely to return after the dust has settled. Like doves? This fancy is older than the dugouts of forts, and appeals to that sort, but with little following.Well known underground cities of Cappadocia area are Tatlarin Underground city Derinkuyu Underground City, Ozkonak Underground City, Mazi Village Underground City, Kaymakli Underground City and Gaziemir Underground City compare to modern versions like the ug mall of Montreal, but neither ancient or modern civil ug fortresses hold a candle to Cheyenne Mountain and the hundreds of secret ug bases in the U.S.

Ideas openly sourced, stolen and mixed, connect with the poet Vida,  "Come strip the ancients." You might never know without their own attribution. But it isn't homage here, even if many of these writers are heroic and amazing, it's just that truth and fiction are bigger than property. Those who talk of "intellectual property" mostly mean catchy phrases made up for popular consumption.

Note: found in an IBM copier at a surplus sale," surreptitiously connected with the lost Borges years.


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