Thursday, October 18, 2012

Countdown 5: Woman and the World Against the Gods: Humiliation of Intercourse: DNA Resurrection

Woman and the World Against the Gods: Humiliation of Intercourse

 The humiliation of intercourse by imitation in statues is not an honor. This mockery displays the pledged DNA revival of extinct mammoths, the DNA resurrection of Ramses the Great without intercourse. Dead Osiris would impersonate new life by impregnating the Capitol Dome to mock Messiah, a reverse order of corporate science bringing to life not only the dead, but new species of clones, mutants and hybrids.One thing sure these creatures must die, a man with bull's head, a bull with a mans head, a semivirumque  bovem, myth and demons, biform monsters, that topple the masses over which one descends to the lower hell, image of a beast berserk, appropriated from classical sources to their own.

Messiah does not need the Washington Monument to incarnate power in the last president to come again. He comes in his own power. Corp Sci does not believe.
As Dante says, “we made our way across that heap / of stones, which often moved beneath my feet / because my weight was somewhat strange for them. Dante moves what he touches because he is the only living person in hell. Virgil elaborates “that other time/that I descended into lower Hell, / this mass of boulders had not yet collapsedThat was just before Christ’s descent. His walk changes the rabble world, so all the myths change because their supports crumble from the moment of Christ’s death. Empedocles: “ all the elements of the universe fire, air, water, earth, formerly held apart by discord were fused by love, recreating the original Chaos. At that time “these ancient boulders toppled, in this way  xii, 45. “all the bridges passing to the further ditches or pouches are revealed to have been destroyed by this same earthquake.

 These are the background forces that afflict the world and the woman. This word from all eons comes to surface in ours. Woman stands for the world. She is treated as the world. Men stand for institutions and forces, commercial, political and religious adversaries of the natural world and woman. Thus the masculine phrase, "take over the world."

Nothing is so important as to realize that the intercourse of steles, obelisks and domes of planned apotheosis of ancient religions is a mock imitation of the intercourse of  man and woman. “Where is the man?” when he is not casting the feminine as the spiritual transgression of nations?  The feminine gathers momentum not as a patrilineal controversy, or to represent sin, but because  angels seek to corrupt and impregnate her to start their own race.  Nothing is more repugnant than the notion of the bad serpent seed, that Satan did so with Eve, producing Cain,  The consequent rebreedings of beings and history in the work of Farrell with the Annunaki and the O’Brien golden age shiners (the Raelians), take the feminine as both spirit and body too. Seeing the man as their adversary, these want woman for their own purposes, to make a new race, but it will not be the golden one they say. How do we all not know these things?

The Imitation of Life

The sometime gods want to know the Name Above Names written in hearts of flesh, but cannot believe in the name the bodies bear, so they killed them. That was hubris. Of  300 or a thousand names they think worth knowing, as with Borges, the page burns just a little faster than they can read, as if, where they go looking for death, each is summoned back to life. This Orbis Tertius is the Book of their Imaginary Being. It was called magical realism, all politics, history, science.
The last phase of this war began in the noble cause to hatch artificial life, to give children to infertile couples through invitrio fertilization, but then to feed the children to Moloch. If you do not see this being done all around you (800,000 missing children each year in the U.S.) take it symbolically. Moloch the corporation, Moloch the government, Moloch the experiment. If anybody were to notice, children also come in handy for wars and experiments. Experimenters needed bovine humans turned to lab animals and mocked.  That there are races bred for experiment you will deny. So many mockeries of the man and women occurred in so little time none of it was believed. This tree of knowledge substituted for the tree of life among philosophers. The names of the Lesser Key of Solomon substituted for the real name the Cumaean sybil could not speak. In Virgil's 4th eclogue the eon of Osiris it is no more the age of Osiris than Apollo. Flourishes of many names come from devotees.We leave it dark except that hubris would speak the unknown unspeakable Name. Buñuel had these guys crying out Adonai! in his Exterminating Angel but it did no good. Those who escaped the dining room were caught in the Church when the angel came down, and  it was a good angel! Do good angels do bad things? Do bad angels do good things? Read a book sometime. Only where good is equivocated.
Theologians, astronomers, "researchers" announced the arrival of  these gods would start a new golden age, an end to overpopulation, degradation of resources, threats of revolution. But whether Hades or heaven, the golden that pretended health, three harvests and long life with ease was always a state of tyranny and death. The opposite of what they said was true. The Golden Age would usher in the greatest age of tyranny ever known.

Fantasy and reality! Americans living in the golden all their lives were proud, called it the American dream. Then dream became fact, like bad wine. Things turned opposite. Golden turned goden. The allegedly hungry benighted farmer, ignorant of higher math, who had music and art and even community, like the Chinese, was free until business science made communities into commodities. New digital forms of retribal society lived in a biosphere. This took about a hundred years.

Compare the number of days and nights those peasants spent in air, under sun and star to the modern who is more like an escapee. When living failed, this Caucasoid built a planetoid and settled off Mars. No ocean there, no air. Boys didn’t tan. Compare that to that the dream of the Santa Monica pier. Worse than any prison, shut off from life, the analogy held for people secluded in rooms. Saturn captures by flickering screens lost their health contemplating images that reflected only themselves. There was no weather or grandparents.

This golden age appealed to justice and peace as a fraud. These virtues had only just disappeared, killed by scientist demagogues. Brainwashed behind appeals for justice, new golden prophets wore masks and called themselves by other names, said they would fix it with facts of their own. They overwhelmed people with artificial food engineered to make them hungry and then sick. There’s three harvests.  The golden age made them health and life suckered in. There’s fair weather in obesity. Selected facts disassociated the false into the true. There’s immortality. People herds like cows were told they were individuals. Demagogues had news men question aggressively any voice that challenged this view. See, it breaks control.

Superman, Hatman aborning Pop Mind, there were implied transgenics before 2012, Singularity by 2045. 2025 counting down, H+ viewed the past as superseded in itself. A therefore A, first law of Descartes, I think, therefore I am, assumed the I already, pre-enunciated its being, before I think, I doubt, before I doubt, I. So if I think I remember that I think, thus Singularity =  novus ordo, exists. What kind of consciousness creates over centuries gene alteration before it is dreamt? The woods come to Dunsinane! 

The transgenic myths of giants, monsters, aerial phenomena as precursors of its own, chimeras, Polyphemus, Neptune, angels didn't matter since they were shortly o’er-flown. Were there really dinosaurs revived with DNA  reengineered? If dinosaurs will Yeats be raised? Transmortals seek selective resurrection of importance? Max Planck?  Tom Gilbert begs the Transhuman agenda not to take his grandmother. “An expert in ancient DNA at Copenhagen University, who with Schuster and Webb pioneered the harvesting of mammoth DNA from hair, [Gilbert] admits that as a student of mammoths, he’d be the first to go see one trundle across a paddock…”if you can do a mammoth, you can do anything else that’s dead, including your grandmother. But in a world in global warming and with limited resources for research, do you really want to bring back your dead grandmother?” National Geographic, May 2009). To him she’s like a mouse.
Brought back by hair or bone is why the grave of Gilgamesh was found and why the Smithsonian hides the excavated giants. This sounds totally like the search for Merlin’s grave in That Hideous Strength, impacts King Ramses and whoever else  would return with plans, Orestes “come back to tell you all, I will tell all.” 

These boasts in architecture worship on the National Mall, but do not understand the import.  Maybe the Greenhouse Effect will make new/oldies feel at home. The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency of the U.S. (DARPA) will construct an enhanced, hybrid, super soldier to beat the Russian. There are as many links to this as you wish. The one cited here is 4 years old. The SEALS might be part fish. If it sounds like Swift, Gulliver according to his kind, the organic machine will be dead serious when it comes online to the 10 to the 26 trillion trillion brain. By Singular fiat, old mammoths and warriors of the past will be dug in Palestine. New hybrids, if transhuman assumptions hold, will be impossible to override, as impossible as the taunt that Isaiah gives Babylon. Oops, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Jonah,  Zechariah and Psalms taunted too. Oops again, Matthew and Revelations dismayed “the moral tragedy of not building god,” (Hugo de Garis. BBC Horizon, HumanV2.0–47.12-47:26. Hybrid Age Reverse Genesis should be obvious why the Transgenic does not sanction God. The Hybrid, the reverse of Genesis, brings back Ramses, Yeats  and the wooly Mammoth.

Many  religious are concerned to not take “the mark of the beast,” emphasizing mark, not beast. In the age of the hybrid a retrofitted  vaccine to combine animal and human DNA will cure some engineered disease. In the words of Verner Vinge (1993), “in thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.” (Abstract, The Coming Technological Singularity). Two-thirds of those years are gone. Transmorts put up Ray Kurzweil so they won’t be taken seriously. When PBS showed him on Charlie Rose he spoke of Singularity as if it were an expression of the information age that the “democratizing” technologies of cell phones and Facebook would prevent being used for tyranny because of “the wisdom of crowds.” But singularity is of the HYBRID AGE, like his rhetoric, where human organs are grown in pigs and dinosaurs reconstituted from 80 million year old DNA. This is considered fantasy to the cover civilization, an unserious effort of government and business to remake dinosaurs and pair all kinds of human and animal genes for human enhancement, parading nanobots in Kurzweil’s brain.

The masculine animus against Eve was pre-subscribed by the Greeks: "Since man had access to fire, Zeus devised woman as a general punishment, in trade. Hephaestus and Athena built woman with exquisite detail, and she was considered beautiful by all men and gods. (It is generally agreed in academic translations that this woman was Pandora.) Hesiod writes that, despite her beauty, woman is a bane for mankind, attributing women with laziness and a waste of resources. Hesiod notes that Zeus' curse, womankind, can only bring man suffering, whether by taking a woman as his wife, or by trying to avoid marriage" Hesiod, Theogony, Wikapedia
More animus against woman appears in the Book of Enoch, in the Book of Noah and the Genesis Apocryphon Sons of Jared, a putative org to battle the Watchers and descendants of the Watchers, who, they allege, are notorious Pharaohs, Kings and Dictators throughout history who have dominated mankind. Prototypes of these psychopaths are everywhere.

 S. H. Hooke, for instance, in his Middle Eastern Mythology, accepts that:
Behind the brief and probably intentionally obscure reference in (Genesis) 6:1-4 there lies a more widely known myth of a race of semi-divine beings who rebelled against the gods and were cast down into the underworld ... The fragment of the myth here preserved by the Yahwist was originally an aetiological myth explaining the belief in the existence of a vanished race of giants .... Myths and Legends of Giants


One early morning of that event the pages fell open to Hosea again, and the eye fell upon 2.14-23, the making of the God Plant called Jezreel with the notion that the husband and wife are the greatest human relation, that betrothal and sowing are the greatest human acts. One should be dressed in a tux to say husband and wife are the greatest human relation. Now that the gods have returned full force to rule the airways as they did once in the temples from Akkadia to Rome the lines are drawn again. Either you can have good luck with the Baal of fortune, celebrants of the wheel, or you acclaim the One forever. Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good, but good is the last thing Baalim wants. I will betroth her unto me in righteousness and faithfulness and I will sow her unto Me in the earth. Hos 2.19-23.

Bio: This primer, emerged from work at the Human Botany Review and other sites where these links and others are live.
AE Day 4+

3. Possibilities of a Conscious UnConscious.

Revelation 17:8. Blake. The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea
Unconscious Becomes Conscious       
An increased frequency of Schumann Resonance argues the unconscious becoming conscious. If consciousness raised from lower levels produces awareness, consciousness lowered from higher (beta) levels produces  unconsciousness (unawareness) which all center upon Alpha ranges, where mental programming is made easier. Any mechanisms or actions that reduce the wakeful to the semi wakeful have the purpose of increasing susceptibility of control, programmed by outside forces.
The notion of a collective unconscious that becomes conscious is analogous to the increased frequency of the Schumann Resonance, the earth brain wave. Normally at 7.83, under the condition of global warming the Schumann Resonance has increased to 8, they say, natural enough if we consider a frequency will change under increase of temperature. By this reckoning the prior frequency of the unconscious in the upper theta range at 7.83 is now superseded by a higher, or wakefulness in low alpha.
And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, Rev 13.1. 
The beast that you saw was, and is not, shall ascend out of the abyss, and go into perdition, 17.8.
There are seven kingdoms: five are fallen, and one is [Rome], and the other is not yet come; and when it comes it must continue a short space [Global] .17.10
The ten horns, ten kings have no kingdom yet, but receive power one hour with the beast.  17.12
Thou madst him to have dominion over...whatsoever passes in the paths of the sea!" Ps. 8

The collective mind is a collective delusion, as happens to Tom Kenyon: “If they are correct, we will pass through a collective planetary portal on that date and enter the Age of the Gods. Indeed, if the majority of humanity reaches the level of attaining siddhic powers, we would be very much in the Age of the Gods. Those of us engaged in spiritual practices to accelerate personal evolution are, I believe, making a tangible contribution to the future destiny of this world. Consciousness has a subtle, yet potent affect upon the environment. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated this.”

 "If due to the climatic changes on earth the natural spectrum of the Schumann waves would thus expose us on the one hand to a constantly intensifying alpha frequency, on the other hand a likewise ever more intensively becoming beta wave spectrum, appropriate to a large extent above 20 Hz, would mean that we are all going towards a condition of increased wakefulness. This is strengthened still, as we see, by the continuous decrease of the earth's magnetic field " (at the end of this piece)  

 We would like to separate the "magical" out of this by resort to Tesla's mechanical resonance. As an analogy for the electromagnetic, and of the competing forces: "It is an inescapable fact that the planet today is a complete cacophony of man-made electromagnetic fields and signals." here  See Electromagnetic fields from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation : discussion. Birds, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. See Electromagnetic fields from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation : discussion

Psychotronics converted to the supermind accelerates these demented supersouls to think their thoughts matter, as Kenyon above, as if the emanations of Blake exist because he thought it so. In making the not-made to exist by men and machines that it may become so, Psychotrons act, “in concert” to produce “entrainment” just the way the cycles per second of a brain entrain to household electronics.

“Thoughtform may be understood as a ‘psychospiritual’ complex of mind, energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously, by a sentient being or in concert. In the Dzogchen view [the natural state of mind, primordial awareness] accomplished thoughtform of the kye rim mode are sentient beings as they have a consciousness field or mindstream confluence in a dynamic of entrainment-secession and organization-entropy of emergent factors or from the mindstream intentionality of progenitor(s).” Wiki-tulpa 
Nothing of course could be less clear, but a practitioner may leave Mr. Kenyon behind and entrain to another siddhic power such as William L. Pensinger's  nirvikalpa samadhi. which like Bearden's aikido experience inspires to greatness even while invalidating his thought. Credentials must exist in expression of them and not in words about them. Siddhis named for Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) mean attainment of higher powers through Tapas (religious austerity). Siddhic powers force themselves in bursts of egoism, sexual enlightenment and self worth, not to forget drugs. Bearden says the Russians mechanized, or magnetized these processes with EM Scalar fields! Pensinger says it comes through the top of a pyramid a golden mean for a godden age (Chapter 7, New Godden Age).  But still, Bearden, Kenyon, Pensinger/Dillon are a mix. Pensinger's account of sinking through the ice is worth the time.  Note: see Frozen Music and musical architecture, musatecture of Stockhausen.

 Bearden applies his reading of Revelations but not a bit worried about "adding" to it, giving his unconscious ZARG  a sting and a tail, rather like the beast of Rev: "Humans will pray for death and not find it, the grave will"give up its dead," he says, the "beast will be defeated and cast into darkness"  "Man will have become a true God —in a strange and bizarre way constituting the second coming of God." Further, "Zarg can pull the very stars out of orbit" (250), like teeth! Man literally is and shall be god, (253) he says. This is a popular point of view of which  Blavatsky would be proud.

 And for this he blames the Soviets. "So the Soviets are on a course to evoke the full carnage of something very like the Book of Revelation. John, looking across two thousand years of history into the future, and seeing the awful cataclysm that was to come, described it as best he could in the concepts available to his day and in the belief structure in which he functioned. Thus he described Armageddon and the end of time, and wrote the Book of Revelation.""Spacetime and reality will have gone insane during the developing paroxysm." "The rousing of ZARG will initiate and accomplish thedirect linkage of the conscious minds of humans into a single giant super conscious mind — extending into billions of dimensions."

"The entire world history from beginning to end will come into simultaneous being (fourth dimensionality), and then all possible such world histories will come into being (fifth dimensionality)...The kundalini of the entire human race has 251 slowly been rising, and paranormal phenomena have been increasing. "
I missed ZARG (Scribd, p 251 f) on first reading because my copy had this page ripped out, no doubt it hides in somebody's wallet who is hoping to recognize the dragon, "the old Midgard Serpent whose awakening shatters the illusion of this reality in the old Norse myth."   Bearden ends citing I Cor 13, the love chapter. I'd like to make up for missing it by citing an equivalent of the Coltrane Church. The Electroshock, "anointed universal sound that leaped (lept) down from the throne of heaven out of the very mind of God and incarnated in one Sri Rama Ohnedaruth the mighty mystic known as Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane"   If these don't seem like proper forms you ought to read the Faerie Queene. but hey, no need for the faery, and no need for Zarg when we have already the Hobbit and Smaug, not to speak of the dragon in Revelations.
Everybody has a point of view. The one here is merely textual, not philosophical. That is, what is the best text, whether translated, etc., and without skewing what does it say? As this applies to Bearden's ZARG and Armageddon, what he calls the "bottom line in  both physics and Jungian psychology, the collective unconscious as a living entity" (247), he argues that personal consciousnesses are to it as cells to a body. This breaks down in syntactics not worth citing, but emerges with the thought that Zarg's conscious mind consists of the individual number of personal human minds, now some eight billion, but then it is argued by analogy that the collective mind has the characteristics of the personal consciousness (which when fragmented, dissociated (a la MKUltra) becomes psychotic). Hence the collective unconscious, or Zarg is insane. He is guilty of simple equivocation in this, taking the unconscious for the conscious. Further equivocation argues that the collective accretes additional dimensions for every addition beyond the first. He does not fathom that one and One are not two. If you as a grad student want to argue the point please read on. It is a false division to suggest arithmetic as an analytical tool for the whole undivided, or Euclidean geometry that A=B, B=C therefore A=C, that is Zarg is a superentity, our personal consciousness are cells of it, thus each of us is a part of Zarg. The collective has no parts. Hope his physics is better than his psych. More likely the reality distortion Steve Jobs made famous, denial of pancreatic cancer, overcomes all else.

Face to face with this alien entity of billions of soul-stolen mind souls, which to itself thinks it is all powerful, witness how everybody seems to cite Revelations to ascribe it. We have entered these Old Testament times  not as a united nation at war with another ethnic, as Israel at Jericho. No angel goes before us (Ex 33.2f) that we can see to drive out the Canaanite (scientist), the Amorite (artificial intelligence), and the Hittite (the invoked alien ET demons), and the Perizzite (the goverment manufactured super soldiers), the Hivite (the DNA revived hybrids) and the Jebusite (systems of GMO, chemtrail, HAARP technolgies), but we are at least a stiff-necked people and can "put off the ornaments" of the Canaanite world that we wear, and expect "the cloudy pillar" to descend (33.9). We have no doubt that His presence shall go before us and give us rest. So the Law given again on new tablets. YAHWEH, YAHWEH - EL will do all these marvels and destroy altars, break images and cast down  groves. Alters for altars, EMR for images, NLP for groves. But as the temptation of riches, absorption in the drugged over mind, oblivion and acceptance by the mass is  strong, some will whore their deities. No molten  (34.17) refers to "all that opens the matrix" 19 and so the law given again is analogous as we go up to Jericho, which means it is a first battle of a war until it ends at the opening of the seventh seal. Ai and Jericho controlled the ascent into the hill country. Had Joshua asked his advisors, no one would have come up with this.

About all these ites ab ove the temptations written of, one from Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep:
"Her teeth parted and a faint hissing noise came out of her mouth...she hadn't move when I got back with the glasses. The hissing had stopped...I looked away. Then I was aware of the hissing noise very sudden and sharp...the hissing noise came tearing out of her mouth as if she had nothing to do with it...she called me a filthy name...her teeth chattered and the hissing noise was sharp and animal...the imprint of her head was still in the pillow, of her small corrupt body still on the sheets. i put my empty glass down and tore the bed to pieces savagely."
In all these amorphous threatenings it helps immensely to have a target against which to concentrate. Government undergrounds, HAArps, chemtrails, genetically modification, disinformation, how do you fight it, but the joining of all these into one head subsuming all individuals, freedoms, lives, Zarg in short, thus came about the slogan under which the many flags could unite. KILL ZARG! 
There are at least two Beardens, the one who predicts the utter demise of the USA by 2008 at the latest, over and over again, and the other on youtube who discusses with some interest the EM fields etc. They have one thing in common, these two, both being dogmatic. Drawn to iconoclasts, those who turn over the apple cart for whatever reason, T. E. Bearden seemed to fit the bill. I started to investigate his notion that the Standard Model of party physics was flawed some 14 ways, especially with the news last week at the report that Higgs found his Bosun at CERN and they all had another party confirming the Standard as never before. By then I was reading Bearden’s Excalibur Briefing after having sounded some of his lectures and interviews and digests.

 Besides liking iconoclasts I note he played Aikido to the third Dan, which seemed another point of contact. I was a no Dan, a failed uke who wore a judo gi, fallen into when a friend, Jim Bowman, broke his leg and asked me to sub for him on a job he then gave up completely, the boss being Bill Lee, the Aikido teacher. Eventually I became Bill's uke to be thrown about the room in front of the class. But in those years I interacted a little with the Austin players until I finally had a dream about them. Telling it to Bill he observed that many practiced out of their libidos. He also introduced me to Van de Wetering, who I later met, whose developed intuition was certainly not a crock. 

Psychotronic Manhattan Project

That said, people say a thing is Zen when they mean to explain it is off market thought. I take the first principle of Zen to be IF IT WERE AS HE SAYS / HE WOULD NOT SAY, which means that all siddhis willing to shoulder their way into the mind with ideas of grandeur; "I can read your mind," one says, are folly. Such graphic illusions, akin to images of porn, mean to distract the mind from its first course. They are to be gone through the way Christian goes through Temptation. It looks as if Bearden got stuck. Always the problem of writing is if you say too much it is revealing. He starts off saying he is interested in the”paranormal” from experiences in Yoseikan aikido where he began to experience what might be called paranormal perception, in essence seeing himself from the sidelines in the exercises, in slow time, called transcendence. He calls this “the pure zen state of aikido” (29), the complete aikido oneness state.” This connected somehow with his investigation of UFOs, materialization, thought forms (“tulpas”) and telepathy until the whole was transferred to the entire “entity nature of the collective human unconscious,” the “psychotronic Manhattan Project” of the Soviets, and finally to the belief that “by psychotronics, the minds of all men can be linked into a great supermind having absolute psychokinetic mastery over time and space–truly a godlike being, in whom the collective human unconscious has a collective conscious instead of four billion fragments individual personal conscious minds” (Excalibur Briefing, 247-253). It would be our purpose to kill this supermind. Hopefully you will take that as well meaning.

Theory of Integrity

 Having begun Bearden's Oblivion (2005), an expansion of a briefing he gave to a head of state in 2003, and while waiting to digest it, always skeptical I welcomed the introduction this gives in electromagnetic radiation, Tesla, earth fields, HAARP, psychotronics and the Schumann Resonance. As if it were important to plumb  how far off these iconoclasts are, I apply a kind of Unified Theory of Integrity. In order to judge the truth of an idea try judging the man. Bearden's ideas are based on Tesla's fallibility but how do his other ideas scan? Sane or mad? Bearden’s science his religion, his madness his sanity? For example, PKD’s Ubik is an infinitely sane piece of writing adjudging the writer sane even while he is universally thought mad. Bearden’s science and weather wars, judged by his relation of what he calls the unified collective unconscious below, are mad, even if he holds a third degree black belt in aikido, a sane art on the surface. The most flawed method of truth judges a work by the man and the man by the work. By this measure Blake’s life validates his work, but Yeats’ life invalidates his. Milton’s lack of empathy diminished Paradise Lost, but Donne’s life and work together support his greatness.

This entries might be read together with THE IMMORTAL.
Note: My own power credentials display in a fluke of circumstances that made me hold the keys to five U TX buildings, Experimental Science, Pharmacy, Drug Garden, Parlin/Calhoun and another I forget that was torn down. Experimental Science was later disinhabited, to be torn down, the Drug Garden was torn down, so was the Pharmacy Bldg, but then I have lived in at least three other places  macrocosmically strip mined, Thornburg bulldozed for development, Austin, Hungry Hill, or free-wayed (Phoenix Willetta). Experimental Science failed a pressure test in the gas lines. I was on that job five years where I met Bill Lee. Bill for some reason insisted that the Head, Dr. Lester J. Reed invite me to his Christmas parties held each year for postdocs and scientists. Dr. Reed said to him, it's just for postdocs, meaning we don't invite dishwashers, but Bill prevailed, so I went to two, one time taking the world's largest pot of aloe, so big it would hardly fit in the car. I traded observations about poetry around the punch bowl with a Hungarian quantum chemist, quoting some Shakespearean sonnets. That may have '77 and '78. To pay the rest of the bills I had a half time sinecure at the Pharmacy Garden for three years, Henry Burlage's doing, then took up Instructor of English in '80. One day Dr. Reed, fixed in time in my memory, came down the hall in the labs downcast. He told me his son had killed himself. Maybe I took the aloe to his home then. My response was what it would be now, but I had taught the son of MK Hage in English and his parents had discovered him dead (of an overdose?) in his room in their home. Bill and I had fallen out a little over the postdocs' insistence that the hundreds of one ounce bottles of radioactive xylene be recycled to save money, a small amount to be sure of money. It was arranged to open a window in a lab where I would dump the bottles down the sink and then wash them. Bill did not want to do this. In a short time I began to have nose bleeds at night and felt compelled to file a workman's comp case against the labs, which went through personnel and not science and resulted in liver bilirubin test etc, which upset Bill, especially since I had helped him decorate the new dojo of the Aikido club. I kept working at Experimental Science another two years, but all the keys were removed, Experimental Science disinhabited, the Drug Garden plowed for an archery range, in trade for a new building. Parlin/Calhoun remains. Keyless I stopped some decades later with my youngest on a recruiting tour of sorts after the Waco Open, knocked on the door of Michael Adams, a success of the U and visited amicably auld lang syne. I am qualified by experience to witness the end of all things.
Probabilities, Improbalities
Probabilities of improbabilities 100%. Put it this way when tracking the opposite of reality, call it appearance, expect to find not the opposite but the unknown,  wildly fantastic. That’s no reason to deny the track in front of the eyes even if nobody else would say it is there, not that they look, hardly that. So take the Direc sea, model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy as the starting point, something really interesting and track from there.
Unified Theory of Integrity
1. In order to judge the truth of ideas try judging the man. His ideas are based on Tesla, fallible is he, to be sure, but how do his other ideas range? So apply these standards, do his other works seem sane or mad? Judge Bearden’s science by his religion, his madness by his sanity. PKD’s Ubik is an infinitely sane piece of writing adjudging the write sane even while he was universally thought and treated as mad. Bearden’s science and weather wars, are they mad or sane? Judged by his relation of what he calls the unified collective unconscious, that is, his Zarg, he is mad, even if he holds a third degree black belt in aikido, a sane art on the surface.

This most flawed method of truth judges a work by a man and a man by  a work. By this measure Blake’s life validates his work, but Yeats’ life invalidates his. Milton’s lack of empathy diminished Paradise Lost, Donne’s life and work together support his greatness.
2. After the work address its clarity, does it express simply?
3. Then memorability, does it continue to recur in different contexts and in memory, explaining other things we think about all the time? Sir Thomas Browne’s quincunx is an example, something that explains something else and makes sense of itself because it is observable.
4. Then, applicability and ease of it thereof.
5. Then, universality.

When I read that all personal minds were to be united I got on the line to Solzhenitsyn. He told me to call Dostoevsky, which absurdity credits Bearden, who needed a friend and editor to edit out the repetitions that the world would end in two years. By the end of Bearden's Intro to the First Edition, he has invoked the “parables in the Book of Revelation” and his new collective conscious mind becomes the new “I AM.” This siddhic talk, does not suggest anything about The Revelation, since it is not a parable. At the end of it the I AM is firmly established and declared, but it is not the same I AM.

Time-polarized ElectroMagnetic Signatures

Time-polarized ElectroMagnetic Signatures

Dedifferentiates are cellular return to an earlier state. The male is a differentiate out of the female (facetiously called by his enemies a birth defect). To Dedifferentiate would be to return him to the female state cellularly.  There’s a lot of Dedifferentiation in philosophies of the golden age, psychologically in identity quests of childhood, constitutionally ina return to what the founders intended,” but we do not go back. Note that none of these practically ever occurs.  It is the difference of focus from dilation. Focus destroys dilation of the prior state. Youth would be a dedifferentiation of age. Restorations are not dedifferentiations, but imitations of them, the thing that looks like it did. Repair is a closer dedifferentiation, it works as good as new. Of course the repair or restoration of an antique generally lessens its value. To rough out the thing and leave the specs to later, the Rife Machine thinks to cure disease by restoring healthy tissue from the diseased, either by killing its afflicting virus or some other. The tissue once was healthy and became diseased, then was again healthy, hence in some sense the tissue is being returned to an earlier state of health, provoking a dedifferentiated state, hence re-generated. Thus the disease is regressed in time which seems to be the notion behind the optical box separated by quartz lenses connected with the Kaznacheyev experiments and the affiliate idea that there is an electromagnetic signature for every disease and for health. This resembles quantum “entanglement” or spooky action where one particle interacts with another affects a third.

Various and Sundry Cut and Pasted

Becker-potentials placed across intractable bone fractures directly generated such effects in red blood cells entering the injury site.  First the cells dedifferentiated back to an earlier form, growing a nucleus and shucking their hemoglobin. Then these new cells differentiated forward to form the type of cells that make cartilage. Then these cells further differentiated forward to form the type of cells that make bone. They were then deposited in the fracture site to heal the fracture. Becker was nominated for a Nobel Prize for this.

Antoine Priore discovered how to directly amplifycellular regenerative process in the laboratory, introduced a longitudinal EM wave structure inside the plasma, adding to its field structures.amplification of the body’s own cellular regeneration mechanism. Unparalleled healing occurred. In thousands of animal experiments at the University of Bordeaux time decay-blood from a rat successfully healed a terminal cancer and could then be injected into another rat with the same disease, which that would also begin to head and shed the cancer. This pass along effect lasted some weeks. The experiments showed that the necessary antiengine created in the original treated rat was present everywhere in that rat, in its blood and elsewhere, and only gradually dissipated by diffusion reactions as time passed.

 Myron Evans’ work is important. For the first time, his work will allow the direct modeling (and fitting of the model to experiment) for a large number of areas. He has shown that real EM energy can be extracted from the active vacuum. Yet there is no OBSERVABLE energy input to the charge. Hence either one must discard the entire conservation of energy law, or one must explain how the virtual state energy of the vacuum is continuously absorbed, that every charge in the universe continuously produces negative entropy.

Higgs Bosun, CERN, AEI, NLP, Scalar Broken Symmetries, Tom Bearden

Galactic Connection — CERN Whistleblower Reveals CIA Base Beneath ...
CERN entrance to CIA HQ under Lake Geneva 

Physics and psychology mirror each other. If you have a breakthrough in one it will  happen in its mirror. The mirror of physics is AEI, NLP, hypnotism, rearranging human memory, space/time altering of deep and surface structure amplitudes, language programs, collisions and decisions, all these and more occupy our inquiry as the physical analogues of  physics,and much of the psychology that begins with Milton Erikson's hypnotism.

 I had a dream about Higgs Bosun, right before they said they found it, about how it must feel to want to be god, Hugh and Tom, even Bearden, and Ray, all of them in their labs and in their underwear to find the unwanted particles at this half running of the LHC, even if it smacked of desperation. Not laconic their search for god, but earnest. What god was it, the one they could not find? and when they did they knew deep down it for themselves? Nevermore will they will be atheists again, but were never at all, but narcissists who against their own deep wishes, like Hugh at night, dreamed of a time when their work would all his work destroy. All the thing he has worked for. The work destroys the work, and be glad. It was good?

 In this dream there was a man, I call him that, but it is just a title. He was being made to do something he abhorred. This is the dream: He had a nuclear device in a Tupperware container about a quart six pack and even though he hated it, had already armed it to explode. Sloshes threatened to come out the top. He had made a reservation on Pan Am, to fly it to Costa Rica, although places in Ohio might have done, but was worried sick about the effects. Why had he armed it? Where did it come from? These were a prioris in the dream already there when at arrival. It reminds us of those Manchurian candidates amongst the movie reels who do that which they would not, as said someone, torn between the be and  end of be. In awaking I was upset, so that is how I know how the god boys feel. They have sought the Particle, and the Standard Model may be wrong but so what, access to knowledge will destroy the world. So they armed it. They made it. They stuck it with glue. In the oven their compulsion lies baking.

Mirrors of Physics

It needs a new definition of  psychopath when society is molded in the image of a psychopath. Cultural psychopaths, corporations, explain fraud and politics in the images of their faces. The natural outcome is that people in power are the most ruthless, the worst of the litter. Psychopaths rise to the top, evil becomes king.  Want to tell you how to act. Machiavelli? Control finance, communication to promote psychopathic family values. Gaslighting, making a victim doubt memory, perception and sanity. projection and introjection of psychic conflicts from the perpetrator to the victim.  .ability to resist depends on 'ability to trust her own judgements.'" Survivor, Big Brother series, manipulate through lies, deception is the winner. Mimicked in society unconscious. Selfish self centered, early 80's, culture psychopathic. auto tuning, repetitious sound clips played back to back not just in music. Behavior conflicted with culture becomes neurotic. Culture vs individual beaten dog. Genocide communicated virus of psychopathy.
Treatment: identify and detach, evade. Cold exterior to them against their playing on your humanity. Isolate yourself. YOu are food to them. Cut off the food supply. Parasitic psychopath. Any other means to treatment than this passive would be subverted by the psychopath as every other system and law.
Waking people up the only means. Psychopath derive power from complicity of the general population, they need to be spotted and distanced like a pandemic. Recognize the patterns  by cutting them off from food, money, attention, devotion. This is nonviolent. Remove their access to the power.
Characteristics: Lack of empathy, remorse, superficiality, gandoisity, irresponsibility, impulsive behaviour, compulse lying, manipulative, anti social behairor
Types: narcissists: somatic, cerebral, the victim, con artists: short and big score, malevolent, professional, secondary
Modus operandi: predictable. Interview they do a cold reading, then practice suduction on weakness. divide and conquer, fear and tyranny
advanced emotional intelligence, another scam to sell you farm and the brooklyn bridge. Kubler-Ross deny denia. See Stephan Verstappen - The Art of Urban Survival. Psychopathy Perfect Salesmen

Submodality memory. The purpose of  Neuro Linguistic Programing is a glorified positive thinking, or tinkering with our specific thoughts and memories-to change their impact. It is a kind of editing of the deep structure, a semantic rewrite using techniques of substitution. So visually there are three tests, size: brightness, color, distance: associating, dissassociating assuming the memory image is static and single. Blow it up, reduce, build it or annihilate it, this expansion and contraction of image is supposed to evoke feeling. The changed or manipulated feelings are the entry to the change of the subconscious changing of the impact of the memory.I don't know that a painter or a potter's bright colors could be done. NLP assumes you are not one.

Auditory: tone (Barry White) turn the internal negative voice into a pleasing tone; volume up and down; location. Find it and move it to the other side.

Kineaesthetic-move good memory feeling around in location in body, move bad to hand or feet, diminish it and kick it out, burp it out; movement and direction, cycle its phases, reverse, speed up, slow down

There is an NLP meta stream capture where undesired thoughts are captured and sent down another path. As with memory, these thoughts represent forces that if blocked, even redirected, must resurface another way, plus they deny the conscious mind opportunity to face itself, especially when thoughts and patterns of thought recur around specific themes. That's the whole point of neutering a male dog, to change its thoughts.
So what to do with unwanted thoughts. First recognize and identify them.

Scalars, DEW Directed energy weapons, EMBW electromagnetic biological warfare

Russian WOODPECKERS, scalar electromagnetics- unified field theory of electromagnetics and gravitation
“Clandestine, slow BW attacks can be so insidiously hidden and cleverly employed that the Western nations — because of their present scientific and intelligence shortfalls and biases — will not even comprehend that the BW “slow strike” — on several fronts and employing differing agents and methodologies — was deliberate, until it is far too late to do anything about itI firmly believe that, one way or another, such a clandestine “slow biological warfare strike”, using viral and bacteriological agents and EM BW DEW augmentation as well — is already well underway against us. Further, it is still totally unrecognized as such by the West. Tom Bearden, Gravitobiology, 12 (1991)
after the initial operational capability (IOC) advent of the Soviet Woodpeckers in 1976, the weather over North America was highly anomalous. In fact, the prestigious journal Science eventually pointed out that such an anomalous weather decade couldbe expected only once in 1200 years 13
In this paper we present a more technical explanation of the biological effects of scalarelectromagnetics 13
1985 was the specific Soviet target year to have all these weapons online and ready to go, 14
the” whole banana” of Soviet gravitobiology 17
electromagnetic induction of earthquakes confirmed by Defense Sec Cohen (1997)

 Bearden, Applied Scalar Wave Technology 1 0f 8 

2/8 Source Charge problem-an input of energy not observable

Curved space time is a broken equilibrium. Prediction of broken symmetry 1957 Nobel, Lee and Yang

The world is a multilayered, multicolored, cosmic superconductor.
Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate

Microwave congruence with schizophrenia
Street theater and gaslighting. So, in the end with gaslighting, if physics mirrors psychology, NLP and AEI come into play.
 Gaslighting is a technique of AEI. Gaslighting, making a victim doubt memory, perception and sanity. projection and introjection of psychic conflicts from the perpetrator to the victim.

To interpret, we don’t think they are pursuing particle physics. The paradigm of the Standard Model is incomplete if not false, flat space time but not curved. So while they pursue the half speed LHC dream of Higgs, their thinking is skewed, as if it were being done to them and they deny the existence of the longitudinal wave.

Item: after removing all the gases there is radiation in the vacuum  that persists even if the temperature could be lowered to absolute zero. Therefore, it was simply called the “zero point” radiation.” here This is time energetics or scalar electromagnetics. So the “emptiness” of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of energy.

Tom Bearden, Broken Symmetries

Any electric charge is automatically a broken symmetry, a release of energy. All the air, a leaf is charged, all manifest ion is broken symmetry charged with what Hopkins would call the grandeur of God. “shining out like shook foil.” The current manifest! This increases 150 to 300 volts per meter as you go up  to the electrosphere from the surface of  the  earth. In the average thunderstorm the bottom of the clouds are charged oppositely to the electrosphere.  So as a storm moves in the 150  at surface it decreases to 0 then reverses when the thundercloud is overhead. This reversal cleans biological systems.

[When we consider that the ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged whilst the earth's surface carries a negative charge, we must conclude that this amounts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earth/ionosphere cavity. This tension is discharged when thunderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other, are called ball condensers, or capacitors.] earthbreathing

Potential pure voltage is an influx of energy from the time domain, says Bearden, after Tesla, a 4th axis and translation of it as output  as longitudinal wave energy into three space. Potentials involve a very powerful set of changes between the time energy.  Do not assume flat space time. Polarity is driven by charge and charge distribution. Then we know that we have broken symmetries everywhere.

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...