Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dark Day Pittsburgh

The Dark Day


8/10/18 North Korea invaded South Korea in June. I have all the sense impressions of a 9 yr boy living through a grasses. I did not know the dark day was a cosmic event, however  to speak of the aesthetic it is to make something never seen before, that is until after it is recognized and called something like the spanish armada, the arc de triumph or the guns of fort Pitt. This last seems to fit on a day when  I finally identified the day in  Sept 24 1950 when the world went dark   and it is was pitch back at 2 pm, correlated also  for 27 in of snow that thanksgiving 2 months later  Nov 24 when there was the largest snow in history in Pgh and immobilization for 5 days. I have vivid memories of both but when I look at his piece, photographed in the raw because parts of it  are fallen falling off as we speak and no guaranteed it will eaven pass bisque let along fire, but will have props and maybe the glaze will hold it,

so it looks Mehy in his carriage. The occult sources of Sitwell,

-d. Thomas, Victor Neuburg

-Robt Merrill, familiar spirit Ephraim, a Greek Jew once in the court of Tiberius,  history of Atlantis, the secrets of Stonehenge, the true meaning of black holes and of the sun worship of Akhnaton, the Bermuda Triangle, and the evolution both of human life and of the universe


snowfall: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950.

Thanksgiving weekend report was wildly optimistic. Storms that began on Friday night ultimately dumped 31 inches of snow on southwestern Pennsylvania and paralyzed much of the region for the next five days. iconic

8/9/18  Dark Day Pittsburgh A Dark Day in a similar part of North America to 1780's occurred in 1950

search”dark day in Pgh, 1953” black sunday September 24, 1950 mammato forms "mammary cloud", is a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud Major League Baseball’s day games in Pittsburgh and Cleveland were played under lights

--“interstellar-interdimensional” devices in our skies—and who, in the concealing of their presence, use unknown technology to envelope themselves in massive cloud formations—so gigantic, in fact, the late American physicist William Corliss Ph.D., in his 1983 scientific research paper titled “Tornadoes, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena”, documented them being able to cover entire regions, resulting in what he called “Dark Days”, as the Sun would be completely obliterated from the sky. One of the most written about “Dark Days” associated with these “interstellar-interdimensinal” devices in near historic times, this report details, occurred on 19 May 1780 throughout the entire region of the United States known as New England—and where, shortly before Noon on that day, the sky turned yellowish, then went completely black.

most infamous “Dark Day” event occurring in recorded human history on 14 April 1561—and was when the inhabitants of the German city of Nuremberg witnessed a massive aerial battle involving hundreds of UFO’s in the skies above them—but whose cause of has never been known.

The UFOs were described as being in many different varieties, with shapes including crosses, arrows or spears, tubes, triangles, globes, crescents and other objects, variously flying and darting around the sky.  Shortly after the appearance of the large black triangle, a loud crash was heard.

Celestial phenomenon over the German city of Nuremberg on April 14, 1561 as printed in an illustrated news notice in the same month.

A news report of the incident stated the event started with objects seen on the Sun, witnessed by “many men and women.”  These various shaped and colored (mostly red or black) objects appeared to be fighting with each other.  The report further states that the “fight” lasted over an hour until the objects were “fatigued” and fell to Earth in smoke, though no mention is made of any evidence on the ground. A woodcut broadsheet illustration of the phenomenon was also made, later featured in the 1958 book by Carl Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.  Jung, the famous psychiatrist that was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, preferred to label the sightings as religious and military misinterpretations of natural events.  Natural explanations such as “Sun Dogs,” flying swarms of insects, clouds, birds, or other such normal things, have been postulated, but no definitive explanation has been made

David Keys, castastrrophe, 535 Dark years””

It was a catastrophe without precedent in recorded history: for months on end, starting in A.D. 535, a strange, dusky haze robbed much of the earth of normal sunlight. Crops failed in Asia and the Middle East as global weather patterns radically altered. Bubonic plague, exploding out of Africa, wiped out entire populations in Europe. Flood and drought brought ancient cultures to the brink of collapse. In a matter of decades, the old order died and a new world—essentially the modern world as we know it today—began to emerge.

In this fascinating, groundbreaking, totally accessible book, archaeological journalist David Keys dramatically reconstructs the global chain of revolutions that began in the catastrophe of A.D. 535, then offers a definitive explanation of how and why this cataclysm occurred on that momentous day centuries ago.

The Roman Empire, the greatest power in Europe and the Middle East for centuries, lost half its territory in the century following the catastrophe. During the exact same period, the ancient southern Chinese state, weakened by economic turmoil, succumbed to invaders from the north, and a single unified China was born. Meanwhile, as restless tribes swept down from the central Asian steppes, a new religion known as Islam spread through the Middle East. As Keys demonstrates with compelling originality and authoritative research, these were not isolated upheavals but linked events arising from the same cause and rippling around the world like an enormous tidal wave.

Keys's narrative circles the globe as he identifies the eerie fallout from the months of darkness: unprecedented drought in Central America, a strange yellow dust drifting like snow over eastern Asia, prolonged famine, and the hideous pandemic of the bubonic plague. With a superb command of ancient literatures and historical records, Keys makes hitherto unrecognized connections between the "wasteland" that overspread the British countryside and the fall of the great pyramid-building Teotihuacan civilization in Mexico, between a little-known "Jewish empire" in Eastern Europe and the rise of the Japanese nation-state, between storms in France and pestilence in Ireland.

In the book's final chapters, Keys delves into the mystery at the heart of this global catastrophe: Why did it happen? The answer, at once surprising and definitive, holds chilling implications for our own precarious geopolitical future. Wide-ranging in its scholarship, written with flair and passion, filled with original insights, Catastrophe is a superb synthesis of history, science, and cultural interpretation.

6... Dark Day Pittsburgh

so if I’m called Amos as a child and Amos says the day shall be dark at noon, and it was, that Sunday, and when in jest before I knew any of anything  frollign down levering Mill I claim my middle name is Elijah to Alberta or like the day I woke up next to ann and said who’s the guy, and then we went to school and there he was walking up  the walk who I had never seen before. Must have scared her. and if I end up in Central America and Fayetteville then a Texas with a vocation, even of place, and on meet one who has one too but doesn’t know it either. Singing Psalm 8 in full voice to tame the unrighteous

 Amos 8.9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Yah-Yahweh, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.

see here-documents empty 4 recovered

Many extraordinary tokens of place occurred in the Pittsburgh coal seam at the end of the late Pennsylvanian carboniferous era along the railroad where I grew up beside the tracks. Coal smoke from the previous century began to decrease. When I arrived at age 5, 1947, the smoke  began to turn black to white. By 1954 it was largely gone with the bituminous strip mines that had creased the hills in this section from decades before. The pollution and acid wash of creek, soil and springs remained. The whole pattern of life in this time and place seem a series of pollutions if we add the events of 1950. In early summer, June, the Korean War began, in fall, September 24, the infamous  Dark Day occurred, and by Thanksgiving it was all completely buried, again black to white, with the largest 27 inches snowfall ever recorded.

Press accounts, opinions, diaries, scientific explanations pretend these three events are unrelated. proximity is not causation.  By then I was 9 and on my own remembered that Day so long that eventually it was traced to the events that coincided with it above, that correlate with each other
“beyond meaning,” wonder if it could have a greater sense of overall cohesion—so the whole thing is like a free form poem, ellipses, dips, it’s all about aggregation of information and collection for analysis to magnify not diffuse data. The events might be considered forces that just there appeared and were separate from the degradation of choices that followed them as separate from the time.  

There is nothing like the awareness and sensation of a child. From these givens the 5yr old emerged into the greater aftermath. Further real estate development of those hillsides was curtailed by all the undermined coal seams, but blink an eye and  in a decade the railroad is gone and its switching yard. The Korean war and the Dark Day are gone, leaving behind only visits with an army ranger across the street who boasted his manhood in war, leaving the question hanging for that boy who fell from the sky as he was fallen on from the sky the next year and knew he did not ever want to kill. In this way all the cave exploring and river running, Allegheny, Monongahela, Clarion not to speak of the guns of Fort Pitt where the Allegheny and Monongahela join the Ohio, join him at nine hitchhiking home for Pittsburgh after playing pinball. A quarter for the bus or another series of games? Take the games, hitchhike.

snowfall: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950.

Thanksgiving weekend report was wildly optimistic. Storms that began on Friday night ultimately dumped 31 inches of snow on southwestern Pennsylvania and paralyzed much of the region for the next five days. iconic

North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950. I have all the sense impressions of a 9 yr boy living through a Dark day. I did not know the dark day was a cosmic event, however  to speak of the aesthetic it is to make something never seen before, that is until after it is recognized and called something like the sm=panish armada, the arc de tri;umpt or the guns of fort Pitt. This last seems to fit on a day when  I finally identified the day in  sept 24 1950 when the world went dak   and it iswas pitch back at 2 pm, correlated also  for 27 in of snow that thanksgiving 2 months later  Nov 24 when there was the largest snow in hisotyr in pgh and immobalizign for 5 days. I have vivid mmores of both but when I look att his piece, photographed in the raw because parts of it  are fallen falling off as we speak and no graranteed it will eaven pass bisque let along fire, but will have props and maybe the glaze will holdit,

 All these are constants of a kind but the dark day is not. Nobody controlled it. It came and went and even if we waited for it every day after it never came again.

All the sense impressions of that nine year old lived through the Dark Day. He didn’t know it was a dark day, a cosmic event, however  to speak of the aesthetic is to make something never before seen, until after it is recognized and called something like the Spanish armada, or the Arc de Triumph or a Burchfield Event or the guns of fort Pitt. This seemed  fit on a day when identified from memory in  September 24, 1950 when the world went dark, pitch back at noon, and correlated  with the 27 inches of snow that Thanksgiving 2 months later,  Nov 24, the largest snow in history that immobilizing for 5 days. In vivid memories of both, photographed in the raw because parts of it are falling off as we speak and no guarantee it will even pass the fire, hope the props will hold.


Snowfall: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950. The Thanksgiving weekend report was wildly optimistic. Storms that began on Friday night ultimately dumped 31 inches of snow on southwestern Pennsylvania and paralyzed much of the region for the next five days. Iconic.

I searched ”dark day in Pittsburgh 1953” because I misremembered. It was called black sunday September 24, 1950 when mammato forms of "mammary cloud" in a cellular pattern of pouches hung underneath the base of a cloud cancelling the Major Leagues. Day games in Pittsburgh and Cleveland were played under lights, a Dark Day similar to part of North America in the 1780's and painted by the San Bushmen, Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg, Zimbabwe, South Africa, 3,000 Years Ago. This is NOT in the Drakensberg. And this is NOT the original picture, but a tracing published by Frobenius that makes sense that looks like a water color painting, and where the colors came from or a form of Danby’s Sixth Seal and Breughel’s Fall of the Rebel Angels,

Matopo Hills Cave Paintings


--“interstellar-interdimensional” devices in the skies—concealing their presence  to  envelope in massive cloud formations so gigantic, the physicist William Corliss  (1983) called it, “Tornadoes, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena”,  able to cover entire regions, resulting in what he called “Dark Days”, as the Sun would be completely obliterated from the sky. “Interstellar-interdimensinalon 19 May 1780 throughout New England, shortly before Noon  the sky turned yellowish, then went black. 

Nuremberg, April 14, 1561 described  this as UFOs in many different varieties, with shapes including crosses, arrows or spears, tubes, triangles, globes, crescents and other objects, variously flying and darting around the sky.  Shortly after the appearance of the large black triangle, a loud crash was heard. An illustrated news notice in the same month when the inhabitants witnessed a massive aerial battle involving hundreds of UFO’s in the skies above them—but whose cause of has never been known.  

The news stated the event started with objects seen on the Sun, witnessed by “many men and women.”  These various shaped and colored (mostly red or black) objects appeared to be fighting with each other.  The report further states that the “fight” lasted over an hour until the objects were “fatigued” and fell to Earth in smoke, though no mention is made of any evidence on the ground. A woodcut broadsheet was made for Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.  Jung could only see religious and military misinterpretations of natural events, “Sun Dogs,” swarms of insects, clouds, birds. Clearly the BBC didn’t know.

Thus the prelude to New England’s dark day of 19 May 1780 seen by General Washington. Cows, believing the sun had set, wandered back to their barnyard stalls. Crickets chirped and frogs croaked. Flowers folded their petals as the forest fire theory won acceptance for another Dark Day, but the important part is the emotional frolic and enthusiasm it caused among the 9 year olds and their frolic.


so if I’m called Amos as a child and Amos says the day shall be dark at noon, and it was, that Sunday, and when in jest before I knew any of anything  frollign down levering Mill I claim my middle name is Elijah to Alberta or like the day I woke up next to ann and said who’s the guy, and then we went to school and there he was walking up  the walk who I had never seen before. Must have scared her. and if I end up in Central America and Fayetteville then a Texas with a vocation, even of place, and on meet one who has one too but doesn’t know it either. Singing Psalm 8 in full voice to tame the unrighteous

 Amos 8.9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Yah-Yahweh, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.

see here-documents empty 4 recovered

Many extraordinary tokens of place occurred in the Pittsburgh coal seam at the end of the late Pennsylvanian carboniferous era along the railroad where I grew up beside the tracks. Coal smoke from the previous century began to decrease. When I arrived at age 5, 1947, the smoke  began to turn black to white. By 1954 it was largely gone with the bituminous strip mines that had creased the hills in this section from decades before. The pollution and acid wash of creek, soil and springs remained. The whole pattern of life in this time and place seem a series of pollutions if we add the events of 1950. In early summer, June, the Korean War began, in fall, September 24, the infamous  Dark Day occurred, and by Thanksgiving it was all completely buried, again black to white, with the largest 27 inches snowfall ever recorded.

Press accounts, opinions, diaries, scientific explanations pretend these three events are unrelated. proximity is not causation.  By then I was 9 and on my own remembered that Day so long that eventually it was traced to the events that coincided with it above, that correlate with each other
“beyond meaning,” wonder if it could have a greater sense of overall cohesion—so the whole thing is like a free form poem, ellipses, dips, it’s all about aggregation of information and collection for analysis to magnify not diffuse data. The events might be considered forces that just there appeared and were separate from the degradation of choices that followed them as separate from the time.  

There is nothing like the awareness and sensation of a child. From these givens the 5yr old emerged into the greater aftermath. Further real estate development of those hillsides was curtailed by all the undermined coal seams, but blink an eye and  in a decade the railroad is gone and its switching yard. The Korean war and the Dark Day are gone, leaving behind only visits with an army ranger across the street who boasted his manhood in war, leaving the question hanging for that boy who fell from the sky as he was fallen on from the sky the next year and knew he did not ever want to kill. In this way all the cave exploring and river running, Allegheny, Monongahela, Clarion not to speak of the guns of Fort Pitt where the Allegheny and Monongahela join the Ohio, join him at nine hitchhiking home for Pittsburgh after playing pinball. A quarter for the bus or another series of games? Take the games, hitchhike.

snowfall: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950.
Thanksgiving weekend report was wildly optimistic. Storms that began on Friday night ultimately dumped 31 inches of snow on southwestern Pennsylvania and paralyzed much of the region for the next five days. iconic

North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950. I have all the sense impressions of a 9 yr boy living through a Dark day. I did not know the dark day was a cosmic event, however  to speak of the aesthetic it is to make something never seen before, that is until after it is recognized and called something like the sm=panish armada, the arc de tri;umpt or the guns of fort Pitt. This last seems to fit on a day when  I finally identified the day in  sept 24 1950 when the world went dak   and it iswas pitch back at 2 pm, correlated also  for 27 in of snow that thanksgiving 2 months later  Nov 24 when there was the largest snow in hisotyr in pgh and immobalizign for 5 days. I have vivid mmores of both but when I look att his piece, photographed in the raw because parts of it  are fallen falling off as we speak and no graranteed it will eaven pass bisque let along fire, but will have props and maybe the glaze will holdit,

Dark Day Pittsburgh A Dark Day in a similar part of North America to 1780's occurred in 1950
search”dark day in Pgh, 1953” black sunday September 24, 1950 mammato forms "mammary cloud", is a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud Major League Baseball’s day games in Pittsburgh and Cleveland were played under lights
--“interstellar-interdimensional” devices in our skies—and who, in the concealing of their presence, use unknown technology to envelope themselves in massive cloud formations—so gigantic, in fact, the late American physicist William Corliss Ph.D., in his 1983 scientific research paper titled “Tornadoes, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena”, documented them being able to cover entire regions, resulting in what he called “Dark Days”, as the Sun would be completely obliterated from the sky. One of the most written about “Dark Days” associated with these “interstellar-interdimensinal” devices in near historic times, this report details, occurred on 19 May 1780 throughout the entire region of the United States known as New England—and where, shortly before Noon on that day, the sky turned yellowish, then went completely black. 
 The UFOs were described as being in many different varieties, with shapes including crosses, arrows or spears, tubes, triangles, globes, crescents and other objects, variously flying and darting around the sky.  Shortly after the appearance of the large black triangle, a loud crash was heard.
Celestial phenomenon over the German city of Nuremberg on April 14, 1561 as printed in an illustrated news notice in the same month.
A news report of the incident stated the event started with objects seen on the Sun, witnessed by “many men and women.”  These various shaped and colored (mostly red or black) objects appeared to be fighting with each other.  The report further states that the “fight” lasted over an hour until the objects were “fatigued” and fell to Earth in smoke, though no mention is made of any evidence on the ground. A woodcut broadsheet illustration of the phenomenon was also made, later featured in the 1958 book by Carl Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.  Jung, the famous psychiatrist that was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, preferred to label the sightings as religious and military misinterpretations of natural events.  Natural explanations such as “Sun Dogs,” flying swarms of insects, clouds, birds, or other such normal things, have been postulated, but no definitive explanation has been made.

make an analogy between the layers of plant laid down to make the coal, over and over with the pleating continual pleating of the dna of a family which prodces 1026 sources, layeres in 10 generations, every 300 years.

-- the child in the age of innocence is a great intuitive ocean that dates back wherever you like in this case to the carbonifersic  era, the Pennsyalvania period when the steep slopes were sea shore and the swamp and the water buried the vegetation again and again in waves, 300 million years ago, that dried and was covered with and and again and again. The pages of a book they call it, the book of the black rock, and then it lay there horizontal in this zone until furfil changes heaved up the slopes and planted the hills that clapped their hands for joy.

The raw rock material from just above the coal is placed on top of the piles. These piles of mixed soil and rock are left in long parallel ridges bare of vegetation and possess many extremes of site conditions. Wm bramble, reforestation of strip minded bitunemous coal lands in Pennsy
Mine soils commonly have higher bulk densities and lower porosities than native soils due to heavy traffic associated with grading. This compaction due to traffic also results in increased resistance to roots, impeded infiltration and drainage, reduced aeration, and other factors that are detrimental to tree survival and growth

Dark Day Pittsburgh A Dark Day in a similar part of North America to 1780's occurred in 1950
search”dark day in Pgh, 1953” black sunday September 24, 1950 mammato forms "mammary cloud", is a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud Major League Baseball’s day games in Pittsburgh and Cleveland were played under lights
--“interstellar-interdimensional” devices in our skies—and who, in the concealing of their presence, use unknown technology to envelope themselves in massive cloud formations—so gigantic, in fact, the late American physicist William Corliss Ph.D., in his 1983 scientific research paper titled “Tornadoes, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena”, documented them being able to cover entire regions, resulting in what he called “Dark Days”, as the Sun would be completely obliterated from the sky. One of the most written about “Dark Days” associated with these “interstellar-interdimensinal” devices in near historic times, this report details, occurred on 19 May 1780 throughout the entire region of the United States known as New England—and where, shortly before Noon on that day, the sky turned yellowish, then went completely black. 
 The UFOs were described as being in many different varieties, with shapes including crosses, arrows or spears, tubes, triangles, globes, crescents and other objects, variously flying and darting around the sky.  Shortly after the appearance of the large black triangle, a loud crash was heard.
Celestial phenomenon over the German city of Nuremberg on April 14, 1561 as printed in an illustrated news notice in the same month.
A news report of the incident stated the event started with objects seen on the Sun, witnessed by “many men and women.”  These various shaped and colored (mostly red or black) objects appeared to be fighting with each other.  The report further states that the “fight” lasted over an hour until the objects were “fatigued” and fell to Earth in smoke, though no mention is made of any evidence on the ground. A woodcut broadsheet illustration of the phenomenon was also made, later featured in the 1958 book by Carl Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.  Jung, the famous psychiatrist that was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, preferred to label the sightings as religious and military misinterpretations of natural events.  Natural explanations such as “Sun Dogs,” flying swarms of insects, clouds, birds, or other such normal things, have been postulated, but no definitive explanation has been made
8/10/18 North Korea invaded South Korea in June. I have all the sense impressions of a 9 yr boy living through a Dark day. I did not know the dark day was a cosmic event, however Image result for guns at fort pitt blockhouse to speak of the aesthetic it is to make something never seen before, that is until after it is recognized and called something like the sm=panish armada, the arc de tri;umpt or the guns of fort Pitt. This last seems to fit on a day when  I finally identified the day in  sept 24 1950 when the world went dak   and it iswas pitch back at 2 pm, correlated also  for 27 in of snow that thanksgiving 2 months later  Nov 24 when there was the largest snow in hisotyr in pgh and immobalizign for 5 days. I have vivid mmores of both but when I look att his piece, photographed in the raw because parts of it  are fallen falling off as we speak and no graranteed it will eaven pass bisque let along fire, but will have props and maybe the glaze will holdit,

 so it looks Mehy in his carriage. The occult sources of sitwell,
-d. Thomas, Victor Neuburg
 -robt Merrill, familiar spirit Ephraim, a Greek Jew once in the court of Tiberius,  history of Atlantis, the secrets of Stonehenge, the true meaning of black holes and of the sun worship of Akhnaton, the Bermuda Triangle, and the evolution both of human life and of the universe
snowfall: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950.
Thanksgiving weekend report was wildly optimistic. Storms that began on Friday night ultimately dumped 31 inches of snow on southwestern Pennsylvania and paralyzed much of the region for the next five days. iconic


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Angel Dance

Each technological device is a prosthesis for the amputated mental body. Tom McCarthy, says, justifying the faith in him at  3:AM,   “every point of contact between a body and its media extension marks the site of some secret burial.” The burial is secret because the murder is. What did Tom kill? He killed the word. He killed it dead. Watchman Lee used to call dead Adam's residual soul power a secret. If you take Watchman's glosses, those oracles who lost their powers  were reduced to writing. You saw them hunting round the cemeteries by night with spades and boots,  looking for overturned earth. Trying to dig the word, McCarthy set up  to restore communication of words, novels, poems with these dead lost powers by radio, transmissions of the med, tech, word. He only talks this way as a substitute for knowing the true powers of communication with the world and worlds given by the King of Kings to sons and daughters in their spirits where He ministers to their their every need with intercessions that can and cannot be uttered, Comforts, Provisions, and yes communications, but for real, not some make up. If you want to reconnect with what has been taken from your mind you needs must associate yourself with the Deliverer. That advice alone will get you banned from 3AM. 

The short list of poets who read, influence and answer every word spoken, heard and unheard, and cried in every vision needs to hear the same thing twice, or worse, if the broadcast is remixed, then let it transfix, thinking the one primal cry, ooooo, out of which all others flow in the river of sound-light be the great hymn that beings speak.

 "A novel is not selves, but networks; what we hear in poems is not signal but noise. Rilke had a word for it: Geräusch, the crackle of the universe, angels dancing in the static.” This essence neither hears nor speaks, but is noise. To be wrong but right, that is remixing the dead, is something like "a set of signals that have been repeating, pulsing, modulating in the airspace of the novel, poem, play—in their lines, between them and around them—since each of these forms began...attune your ear to the very pitch and frequency of its own activity—in other words, enable you to listen in on listening itself...."

 The poet-fiction Romance of Geräusch Rilke’s word static angel dance, here,  here  and here, is not the same motor or angel dance. Instead, "boring a hole in the lobe of the ear and pinning it to the door. This has everything to do with hearing as one born of the spirit, or as said in another place, he wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen as one being taught. So it says further, I have more insight than all my teachers, an insight that no more transfers by words than life is known by the dead. My ear you have opened."

Thursday, March 21, 2019

7. Joseph P. Farrell. Dogon Nommos Fish Men, Annunaki, OBrien, Godzilla

God-men Religion

God-men religion theory presumes women were the brood for space gods, “the shining ones.” Man of course was irrelevant. To this belief he was a mere byproduct of these Shiners in order they that might breed and rebreed a  race of mutants, breeds, hybrids and mulattoes, to borrow a term from their racism so inept, for example when they describe Noah is described as shining “white as snow,” long hair “white as wool” (Genes, 153). This image suggests more than the Caucasoid. It is a copy of the  Revelation, which unlike Nebuchadnezzar’s statue is alive.

 Constant borrowing mimics these appearings. The catch is that the god-ens want to breed the Kharsag text of Akkadia with their own translation, rebreed it the way they say the Shiners did the human until the words rimku and tittu  made over into sperm and ovum, sperm from above and egg from the woman below, presto-chango, make a myth of artificial insemination of Anunnaki and the Engineered Man. Which still does not tell us why the space gods are androcentric, or why they are even interested in breeding. Presumably they will say they just want a few good miners! 
Might as well say it now: the whole entire intellectual spiritual system of metaphysical thought is a pack of lies, but  “if mankind’s original owner-creators were suddenly to return,” space flight is sexually phallic, so there's that man again anyway.  This androcentric bias of the space god program coming in makes us want to ask why  it wants to be mortal. Take Zeus wanting to couple with women as also an example. Says the Hoover salesman of Genes (157-8) “Is there a code within the genetic code” to suggest who we are ? “Is there a hint of artificiality of modern man?” So many questions so little time. These confusions foisted upon man were also suffered by Hugo de Garis in his Artilect machine, but we have got used to the idea that a man might want to be a girl, like a frog changing sex, and maybe that a dog wants to be cat, or even a chicken. First destroy the gender, then the species. Human sex robots and genetic super soldiers are remedies the god-ens have already provided, except maybe in Thailand where they maybe read Chuang Tzu instead of Kharsag.  But not in the west.

Godzilla From Another Planet

Two views of the Human have come to rest among many.

1) the human oppressed by the planets and gods idolized in Sumerian-Babylonian ritual is victimized yet again with another sometime visitation, or

2)  Human origin is based on a law of the heavens that teaches liberty, where sun and moon are legislators of that law, and the man is given supervision over the work of creation, but not with the planetary astrology of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon.  As the fingers are part of hand and that Hand made the heaven, so dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea extends to Leviathan under foot below, and by extension, to the heaven. The human of this second view seems to have imploded somewhat from  origin.

A Landing Place

The God-ens, as we might call Joseph P. Farrell with his O’Brien placentas, propose a new morality for the space god landing. In place of blood, give semen, and for murder, take ovum. I hope that’s not clear. However could it be?  Ask yourself why ET’s think of nothing to do after traveling space and time but to act like men, like the Greek gods. But the gods don’t seek pleasure with a woman.

Zeus thinks any woman would vie for the privilege.  But not just any woman will do, for there are millions to be had with no fuss or mess, so why are scientists taking women to be caught in the act? We know this from YouTube.

Anunnaki and the Engineered Man

 Just in case you implicitly believe the line that:

“In genetic terms, this mixture was to be half Lordling and half Human; and since the former are stated to have provided the male elements, the female elements must have been taken from the human women” the Cro-Magnon tribes (Genes,150). A kind of bad news reincarnation theory contacts with some intelligence from somewhere, and makes immense scientific breakthroughs and many comic books of public consumption science. That these beings will reappear to possess their planet and the humans on it because… they been here before, is Contact!
According to the God-ens, their human title deed comes from artificial insemination they made in impregnating Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal women. Nobody says whether this was done one at a time or en masse, a kind of gang rape. These “Anunnaki,” who took license from a term in Genesis describing “the fallen,” are among the space gods that God-ens welcome in from The Book of Enoch, but there they are demonic fallen angels.

 Insemination of the Past

The God-en guru O’Brien does violence to Genesis and to Enoch  with his revision of the Kharsag Tablets foisting insemination upon the distant past. This allegedly yields such categories of draftable material from the Patriarchal Tribes such as:

--75% Anunnaki-25% human, outranking Gilgamesh, who was only 2/3 god, by a  full 7 %,
--50%-50 Anunnaki/hominid, even including some (“gentiles”),
--0/100 Anunnaki/hominid, not college material though.
--100% man is at the bottom and is left out as all 1.0 humans will be when Hugo de GarisArtilects rule, not even presumed fit to labor as brutes.

O’Brien says, “early scholars had given too little weight to those deification processes to which the later Sumerians, and the Babylonians, were fanatically prone…making gods where none had existed” (Genes, 142). How, you ask, can anybody give too little weight to their own godhead? Dare to be all you can be, Robert Heinlein said, “Thou art god.” Who said what?  Which is why we call it science fiction.

Why are the space gods androcentric and why they are interested in breeding? Just doing a good deed honey.

The Anunnaki, who pass as beings of Genesis gigantic in stature, are meant to lend credence to the God-en breeding program, but the mention of Genesis hurts more than it helps them, since there the Anunnaki were put to death because they were demons opposed by everybody except their own quislings. This tidbit got left out of the Goden scenario just as their citation in the Book of Enoch of the lineage of Noah’s white skin forgets to mention the discredit of the nephilim by “Enoch,” that is, their being put to death (Genes, 152). [O’Brien’s] God-en “genetic experiments” were the cause of the Flood that wiped out these “researchers,” or intended to. Neither substantiates a reason to rape a woman, new gods or old, whether Shining or alien.

The Babylonians made gods right. “Centered on the supremacy of Marduk and the creation of humankind for the service of the gods.” The Babylonians were consumed by their gods daily. Don’t take that literally, only their children were eaten by Moloch, that is when not being used for experiment. Farrell of  Genes, Giants, speaking for O’Brien, Genius of the Few is not immune from this connection, as though the Anunnaki were Joseph Mengele. As historian J. Bottéro (Mesopotamian Religion) says, the gods were perfect little Egyptian slave holders,  “the gods were not viewed mystically, but were instead seen as high-up masters who had to be obeyed and feared, as opposed to loved and adored.”  

Instead of confirming a Babylonian source of Genesis, the correspondences between Babylonian (Sumerian) notions of creation and the flood of Genesis repudiate “the divinization of nature and the attendant myths of divine origins, divine conflict, and divine ascent. Even the great Marduk, who was said to be born of the gods, victorious over chaotic forces, and elevated to supremacy among the gods, was no god at all” (Conrad Hyers).

Abraham overthrew them with that prophetic line of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, but the O’God-ens never stop. They want to prove Israel the offspring of the Anunnaki and not of Abraham, which sounds a little racist and exceptionalist, being as it is likewise anti-human.

God-men want the Anunnaki to hold legal title to humanity under patent law. This would be their corporate title deed, though arguably you might hold a common law title to yourself, although in the United States you do not hold common law title to your genes. In theCosmic Court if you’re lucky, your genes identified in common law override their proprietary interest! Then you may call your life your own. Farrell calls these “disturbing questions” (Genes, 157) which are laughable, not only because he hasn’t read The_Rebel and understood the impossibility of human submission to the gods, but because the one who owns humanity lock, stock and barrel gave complete freedom in perpetuity, with release from bondages just such as those the Anunnaki would seek to impose.

Christian and Barbara O’Brien, The Genius of the Few: The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden (1999) and Joseph P. Farrell in Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men (2011) represent this Godzilla from another planet. To them “it is clear that mankind is an engineered being, created for the explicit purpose of servitude by a genetically related species, which may accordingly have a ‘legal’ claim upon humanity” (Genes, 187). Similar thinking was applied to black slaves in the American south. Don’t think the gods can’t package their product. One thing they got right was the high school jive of halls opposed to all the eunuch intellect — everybody must get swived.

 Why are the space gods androcentric? Why they are interested in breeding? How does Godzilla land? What would you do when the tow truck stops at your door: who wants the Anunnaki to come down from Phobos moon of Mars, Saturn’s Iapetus, or wherever, but they’re really coming up from the floor,  from the basement of GenTech. Hoover is not looking for Jesus though. He will grant an outside chance the Anunnaki hold ownership of  Celera Corp, so look too for Celera.
See David M. Jacobs. The Threat. 1998. For the hybrid breeding program.

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...