Murder of the World
Once upon a
time there were six nukes.
A momma nuke,
a poppa nuke and a MOX nuke baby.
They lost
their cores in the earth.
Who’s been
stealing my core, said number four.
Who knows
where they are?
flows from them like an issue of blood.
That woman is
the earth, the north Pacific beyond.
What's wrong with him?
undergone a complete sea change
something rich and strange.
I could tell you about the world if it
comes to that,
Sea nymphs ring his bell.
that here were forests ancient as the
sunny spots of greenery
where gardens bright with sinuous rills,
many an incense-bearing tree;
I see the panes of glass set back to back.
Call it
Fancy, & shut the gates of sense, & in their chambers, Sleep.
moust foul, as in the berst it is, most foul,
and unnatural juice of cursed plutonium
into the
porches of the ear(th).
It's a parable of Adam. Can you hear the
Fiery the Angels rose, and deep thunder
roll’d Around their shores,
indignant fires burning with the fires of
The trumpets
Where had
they been before?
Death has
always come for the world.
You know what
it makes us think?
Yeshua has also come for the world.
They sent in the
homeless to harness up,
To dive the
radioactive reef,
Boston, Seattle and
LA were gone,
except for the eyes.
WHAT'S THAT Tritium! Tritium! Tritium!
Radiation burns human tissue like atomic fuel.
The elite are going underground
to be contaminated in their tombs.
The golden age sang
Twice Five times of
fertile ground
with walls and towers
girdled round,
a perfect path to the
North Canadian coast from Japan.
Everything long since
d. and birds starved.
as many atoms in one
of C137 in the world,
10 to the 21
bio-magnifies the food line all the way up.
Berries and mushrooms
Good news C137 decay
emits gamma radiation so that the number of Bq per body weight can be sought
there in a chair, a Cesium chair available for this (Steven Star).
Those who ate potassium iodide at Chernobyl died. Those who
ate sea kelp lived.
the worlds reflect their own strange fantasies
But skip a pane and you get another view.
How many of these are there now?
A Human
fire fierce glowing, as the wedge
Of iron
heated in the furnace; his terrible limbs were fire.
The man replaced by a new machine in hahoo land didn't quite turn out.
Here's a number for you to call numerologists to compare
the twice five miles in Kubla Khan.We all did that
Spectre glowd his horrid length the temple long with beams of blood;
& thus
a voice came forth.
The real question comes if you break the panes,
go down the lane hammering.
You wouldn't believe the answer.
Crash, bang, ca ching. But watch your feet.
A dragon
form clashing his scales at midnight arose,
And flam'd
red meteors round the land beneath His voice,
locks, his awful shoulders, and his glowing eyes,
Watch your feet, your
hands, your eyes.
if the brain gets
blown to smithereens.
148 natives and 169
migratory species drawn up for krill,
but now no krill, no
urchins, no marine.
A third part of the
ocean died. What's the cause of the bird die?
Empty stomachs! Why
did all the salmon die? No snow pack on the mountains.
Art thou
not Orc, who serpent-form'd
Stands at
the gate of Enitharmon
devour her children?
Oh where oh where has the thousand year ice pack gone?
Fathom all circles piled atop each
to each and the panes on either side, only try to tell the truth. It's nothing
you believe. Why I believe is it found out me! You won't believe the circles I
can name, some seventy right here on this page. The birds went on a hunger
strike and died. Ate too many bananas.
inwrap the earthly globe, yet man is not consumd;
Amidst the
lustful fires he walks: his feet become like brass,
His knees
and thighs like silver, & his breast and head like gold.
He gloweth irradiant.
Must have flew too high and got radiate at
40,000 feet. After die off be no more. They starve.
His eyes
have turned to pearls.
nothing left of him.
Except the eyes. Geiger counter sales are banned in the
Tokyo Olympics 2020.
Olympians will eat vegetables from transformer gardens.
Like to that sangine flower
inscrib'd with woe,
the daisies aren't deformed, they're just Facin-formed!
Sardines? Some hormonal imbalance.
Snails? random genetic disappearance. On Fiji, they died of
heat stress.
Hong Kong fish farms fell by the red TEPCO tide.
Sea nymphs
ring his death bell every hour.
Some say it was brought by the boats.
Tasmanians got POMS, the Pacific Oyster Mortality
Shad in the Snake River got Exhausted Fish Syndrome.
Japanese thyroid cancers up 6000%. Molochs, Mollusks,
daisies, mutant rabbits put the K back in akademe
Fury! rage! madness in a wind swept through America roaring fierce around The angry shores, and the fierce rushing of th' inhabitants together:
Fury! rage! madness in a wind swept through America roaring fierce around The angry shores, and the fierce rushing of th' inhabitants together:
The citizens of New-York close their books & lock their chests;
The mariners of Boston drop their anchors and unlade;
The scribe of Pensylvania casts his pen upon the earth;
The builder of Virginia throws his hammer down in fear.
Blake. America: A Prophecy (1795)
Bacterial and virals serve the drinks.
Faciation is for radio schools in the evacuation
MOX mixed oxide
fuel of Reactor 3 atomized in aerosol, on the head of a needle, so to sprak, to
the radioactive mind made 10,000 becquerels to the foot. Infection is a chain
reaction going on.
Fiery the
Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll'd around their shores: indignant
burning with the fires of Orc And Bostons Angel cried aloud as they flew thro'
the dark night.
The big advantage to being early to a lit event, besides not having as many lesions on your face, is you say things for the time.
A lot like a bagel, it doesn't prove much.
Prescience hasn't got its eyes out of its
So many invitations to extinction have come.
The states are zinging legal pot to cover up, ameliorate the
fish. If you would color them,
fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe's wharf,
make them look like bananas. Nukesers in concert with DARPA
and MITT came up with the banana clone called BED, the Banana Equivalent
Dose, Banana becquerel! our second or third most favorite thing after
food and sex, our BED, the dose to show how little you need
worry about your murder most foul.
Bananas or potato chips give about the same. Not to worry
particular hair to stand on end,
Radioactive equivalence can stand all day
on the wharf by nukes and breathe the sea-land trans. A typical banana contains
15 Bq, which radioactivity in a truckload will cause alarm at the entry point
port when passed through a Banana Radiation Monitor.
(BAM).These banana monitors average a half gram of potassium, equivalent in the
world as Fuk'ed to about seventeen thousand a day, skins and all before
Fury comes with the abhorred shears and slits
the TV set. Then take a razor blade and
slit the eyeball of your screen. A single banana won't kill
O wicked
wit that has the power so to seduce--won to its shameful lust the will of my most
seeming wit.
priority given to homeless and disabled by
the equal opporT law.
If you ingest a radioactive hebenon,
you not going to get autoimmune for 15 years.
I got in trouble with the becquerel once
myself when Dr. Stanford at Greenhills did not like my spell: "but
who can see, who hear when we all slipped on our bananna peel. "Yakusa,
its general contractor.
Mind your business I say don't ask. Don't ask at all.
Bananas. And Daisies! I can't make u-up my my-my-nde.
Not to worry, deformed and fascinated
dandelions at Fukushima are not the loathsome encrust of all our
smooth bodies.
This is utterly without foundation and not
just disproves but cancels out the extinction of the Pacific. Daisies
"almost definitely" are not radioactive mutants. The TEPCO
Organization for Deformed and Endangered Species (TOES) was formed in 1972 to
plight vanishing plants and animals. One if by land, two if by sea! Which one
are you? That's where all the marine animals are coming, not from
dandelions, or fish, or plankton or krill or anchovies or sardines or squid,
herring, salmon, mackerel or birds. "The Fukushima plume is a nice
opportunity to test radioactivity detection," Canada said. The Pope said
Trump should not build a wall. The Pope had a wall, the Giza Pyramid had a wall
and Fukushima had a (new) wall edging ever backward as we speak.
Dude, these fuel rods burn at 6000 to 9000
Every atom
belonging to you belongs to me!
We all gonna be one Fukushima!
Comment: you do the cause of restoration
more harm than good by writing as if the whole thing were to be laughed at.
Don't you know that civilization, all of Japan is at stake? Answer:
curds drop eager into milk.
Japan is going to be sent into the sun
along with all the civilizations of the world.
The natural gates and alleys allow Americans 1200 becquerels.
Japan gets 100 and Germany 5 in food.
Polly put the kettle on. If you want to know why goferments cover up the death
of North America, shut up! It 's not why, it's what.Why o why o why-o because
because because Because the greatest radioactivity of
glowworm shows the matin to be near, no reckoning made.
were ye Nymphs when the remorseless deep closed o'er his head?
These benzene
drippings set apart.
I thought the
Japanese were smart.
They built the Toyota
They built on fault
They built near the
They built their tank
farms on a hill so drips would go to the sea.
They built with GE.
Tokyo Electric built
its reactors as it did because it would not pay the full cost of a melt-down if
it did,
effect holds such enmity with the blood of man.
Reactor Three went down the China Syndrome, so did one and
100 tons melted into the earth.
The limited liability of corporate TV
studios, news and journalism schools is a weapon of defilement, gofernment for
Google GE to build the nukes to
personhood and can't be charged.
Corporate Radioactivity lives. There to
help I came, to introduce painless to pain. All spent fuel removed from pool 4
at Fukushima 1 went down,
Down swift
Hebrus to the Lesbian shore.
I flown down this brandy cask for you
myrtles in yer ivy sere.
That cough's mere nothing. It will not
Ye shall not die of a cough! Sing
electric! atomic!
They polluted Whitman. They polluted Poe.
They devastated the Pacific.
body, The Body, That's a
poem by Alaska,
quills upon the fretful porcupine, each fretful hair stand end to end.
Come pluck these berries harsh and wear
your thyroid crude.
The mass of Fukushima by 9 million one
ton bags of necklaces from the communities round,
24 Empire State Buildings collected, but
not water, air or earth connected nor jet stream quick.
Why don't USoma jump and save Reactor 4
before it goes up and annihilates the world?
ISIL! ISIl! on the wall!Revelation
First trump, take her out and treat her
like a lady.
Second trump, tell her she's the one that
you've been dreamin of.
Third trump, take her in your arms and
never let her go.
Don't you know the half life is 4.2 billion
That's the way it goes.
up soul, freeze blood, make two eyes start like stars from their spheres.
Was it always so? Principalities blazon and
Who's going to publish the news?
Murder was made to look like Atoment.
You heard that one? They's one too many.
Will people do anything to avoid the truth?
The world didn't turn into three dreams
with a car, a house you know. The general plan, to be a good consumer was in
doubt, let alone the golden age with the new live long and prosper
My tongue,
every atom of blood, Form'd from this soil, this air, Born of parents
Compare nine million bags of fear
where each reactor holds 5 million lbs, all melted down to thousands of
radioactive elements.
Pity the H in fish to compete with cocaine
and antidepressants off the coast.
Young Chinnok in Puget Sound take the H
along with MJ, Aleve and Tylenol.
Paxil, Valium, OxyContin, Darvon. Nicotine,
caffeine, Cipro.
--Blind Mouse, that's the short list, oh!
Poet of Body and Soul, whose Hiroshima
becomes the measure (H) of how many Hiroshimas to come? It depends.
Flee you
Vales, or were you transhumized, a thousand hues.
valleys low. Throw all your emerald eyes. Purple all the ground.
Fame is the first infirmity of Chernobyl's
Reactor 4 put 50 Hiroshimas (H) into
Japan will get a 10,
North America a 3
Europe a 1, according to the new Supreme
Dr. Jetstream.
Creeds in
abeyance, we got to fend for truth.
I think I did
along the miles.
Talk shows
head for Chile in the event.
Make your
reservations now for fairy tale.
Anyone with
an in will go underground and we know what that will be, total control with no
They are
hiring English teachers to go below.
Yale is going
to Denver, so no worry, get your degree.
They go to
work in the mortgage industry below, a Dante affiliate.
I see the
lame, halt and blind.
That's how
to scramble at the shearers feast.
Experts by dozen are never wrong. Detonations, explosions,
releases prevent apocalypse.
Grate on
you scrannel pipes of wretched straw.
No wonder this is the second Seal or 6th.
Wormwood falls.
They thought it was Chernobyl but it is the
gory visaged 50 times Hiroshima guy who could not speak.
Wildlife extinction achieved.
Here was
once the laureate hearse of Lycidas!
He did not say the cancer results from all
the nuclear Homeland tests.
That comfort to the sacrosanct pool where
elites dumb down the law.
But nanoexperts on the ground believe this
one, Dana Dunford, took in 15,000 miles of the coast
in his fatal and perfidious barque, that found out all the life had gone
down to the microscope off the NW coast. Whocalculates the H like this:
Each reactor
had 3450 assemblies.
Each assembly
had 80 rods.
Each rod had
18 lbs so each reactor had 5 million pounds.
It's laying
egg was equivalent of 400 Hiroshima bombs in 10 days.
Fukushima was
500,000 bombs, so far.
Look homeward angel now and melt.
Its name is written on the forehead of its
bestial mind
bellowing that all myths are public
and dreams are private myths that staff the
tribulation with this collective Loosed.
Who you think invented nuclear power,
fallen angels?
These are sometimes angels, sometimes
Such was the overall sense that the doom in
things, the end-in-sight was here, that the imperfect world was to know its
master, when you came running right down to the last minute of this fire for the
ultimate disaster.
I thought it would be a meteor from
Hig a
pig a pop,
IAEA exposes all the rods.
So lust,
thought to a radiant angel linked, will sate itself.
The meditation pools were leaking. They are cracked and leaking.
TEPCO is calling.
daisy give me your answer do.
Six little
reactors were sittin' in lead,
three was
sick so the other three said.
for the doctor, and the doctor said,
get the
little meltdowns explosion bread.
I write to you Krypton 85 to make
California safe.
I write to you horticultural Cesium to
bring out the strontium tares.
Out of it make smores.
I drink Tokoy water unless it has too much
Iodine-131. Bring your 30 million Bq/mz
soil mix.
We shall grow a mysterious radish.
Deformed daises bring your bow, bring
bananas of desire!
The Hormesis hypothesis: to cure strontium you must eat strontium.
The converse say that to get chemotherapy
you must sign a waiver.
Experiment and own your genes and up to 90%
of your children!
Tritium, strontium 90, Iodine 131, Cesium
137 are tracers of the 2000 to 10 madman made elements classified. .If
the tracers are present so are all the other chain reactions, radioactive
isotopes that kill all the cells in this snowstorm to the end of
You can't see it, feel it, but shovel its
15 million year half/life
that blows
from off each beaked Promontory.
If you're a journalist in Japan you're not to report any more
the rapes of France.
Outraged animal carcasses litter the Fukushima plant.
Billions of blue jellyfish "driven by the wind"
on the beaches of Canada and Oregon.
They must
not float upon the watery bier Unwept, and welter to the parching wind.
We're not supposed to say it.
Only three million children got
disabilities from Chernobyl.
Worried about snow melt? Man it's the
Tritium prevents ice crystal not the sun who
his beams with this new-spangled Ore.
Atoms bio-accumulate immune
deficiencies preceding.
Cancer with parasites, pathogens, viruses
and diseases, the body ph acidic.
Pulse every second, "the wasting
The Longest Poem Ever Wrote
Finland now leads in nuclear waste, 250,000
tons of world high grade level storage stuff.
These 100,000 years of its sleep remain
stranded in water.
The Finns took it 1700 feet down to
BEDrock. Oh banana.
Bedrock 1.8 billion years would take the
fire that could never be put out,
stuck it down there like a treasure to be
like the ocean pyramids.
Secret societies of doubt still nuke the
nuke out, the make out-waste.
They leave a rune like rubbers to mark the
At Onkalo and its spent fuel rods this
writing the future sees:
Mark but
this flea!
It sucked
me first,
and now
sucks thee,
cloistered in these walls of jet.
not to that, self-murder added be,
Though use make you apt to kill me,
Let not to that, self-murder added be.
That marker left a feeling of thorns so no
one, no never, will go OOking, which, instead of just putting fire on top the
ground so anyone dies who goes would shorten the delivery. How do you burn
death and not dig it up.
I'll wipe
away all trivial fond records, all saws of books,
all forms
that youth and observation copied there
and this
commandment alone shall give:
RUN! Satan inorganic. Pyramids in the
Giza's death ray, put fire to sleep to
never remember thee.
Remember to remember to forever
They worry about the future who made it
what it is,
They sock in the hole. This is no
Black metal archive updates language each
predicted gen.
Legends those secret vaults of nuclear
waste Worldwide.
Worse than any who ever live, not to
renounce, repudiate the illumination of their greed.
Greater deformity in each succeeding gen, 2
worse than 1, three worse than two.
Cicadas, butterflies, pink grasshoppers,
Kodiak bears with holes in their
Chernobyl heart children with 20-30
Bq/kg Cesium heart defects.
Japan: these heart attacks in youth are
caused by too much fast food!
Five billion Strontium 90 Bq goes in
the sea EACH DAY.
The perps must
be planning to emigate to Mars
External background radiation from an x-ray
differs from inhaling or swallowing it. All the energy in inhalation goes to
one place, that of the hot particle, and terribly damages those cells. The gut
filters somewhat but the lungs don't at all. This especially affects the female
breasts because of their nearness to the lungs. All this is a consequence in
the U.S. especially of all the nuclear weapon testing of the 50s and on. It
also stems from uranium weapons, esp. used in Iraq. Particularized uranium,
depleted uranium bullets: their effect is like stabbing somebody who dies
twenty years later.
Radiation increases the rate of every other
illness, causing premature aging. Cancer death rates are artificially lowered
because people die of other diseases first, from their weakened immunity,
especially heart attack. See Chernobyl heart, Japanese youth (Nuclear Chris Busby (Fukushima Radiation Threat, 5/15/14) thinks the
obviously fake, inverted views of the nuclear industry stem from the attitude
of science, especially theoretical physics. If you doubt this go to CERN. He
argues that goferment, akademic, sciaints have just reversed Galileo's
inquisition. His accusers could not believe in the moons of Jupiter, nor in the
telescope because such things do not exist. You think them primitive, But EPA,
IAEA, NRC, UN, whole nations of Russian and Japan, who have had
"accidents" cannot find a correlation of childhood leukemia around
nuclear sites. These agencies, which base their analytical paradigm on
Hiroshima and infer an equation and formula funded by industry, find Fukushima
such a small dose as to be negligible, no matter the thyroid nodules, heart
attacks. To support science cancer registries are forbidden to release data.
When Three Mile Island's explosion penetrated its containment, it being a calm
day, the cloud of radiation settled along the Susquehanna River Valley. Dairy
farms were forbidden to sell their milk for some months so they sold it to
Hershey's Chocolates nearby, who made it into Cesium, Strontium bars. The
highest of radiation exposure among the professions are in farmers, from the
dust, but second one Km from the sea from the Sea to Land Transfer. Both causes
from inhalation. U238, Lead 210, Lungs are the air filters of the body. Masks?
The 50-150 nano meter range of particles in weaponization go thru any mask.
Only Chernobyl children with less than 10 Bq per Kg of body weight had normal
electro cardiograms (Yuri I. Bandazhevsky. Radioactive Cesium and the Heart). Not just the
heart, but the pancreas, thyroid, adrenal gland, and intestinal walls. Children
are many times more vulnerable that the 29 year old white male the industry
uses as standard. Women are also twice as vulnerable to these particles than
men. Cesium 137 mimics potassium, acting as if it were a macronutrient. (see
Helen Caldicot). Green Safe limits are set by the military
and nuclear industry. Classic hot spots like Hanford, WA, Oak Ridge, Semi
Hills, LA, the Irish Sea, the Baltic Sea.
The Implications of The Massive Contamination of Japan
With Radioactive Cesium Steven Starr. The Scary Truth
About Fukushima, see Helen
Evacuations NOT SAFE ANYWHERE On the PLANET: A Gundersen World Uranium Symposium '15
Jerry Petermann because corps are declared a person, without a body, hence
have no soul or conscience, like machines
“The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm," says the Illumined Primate Joseph Campbell. "As well as its glory, the realization that this is just how it is and that it cannot and will not be changed, those who think they know how the universe could have been had they created it, without pain, without sorrow, without time, without death, are unfit for illumination.” Joseph Campbell But they will get lit up. It says that in my Book.
Wash far away the whelming tide to bottom your monstrous world.
"They shall all be taught," subtitles read, "there is no human illumination, only deception." “Gods suppressed become devils, Campbell said, "and often it is these devils whom we first encounter when we turn inward.” You might think I'm making this up. What is a god again, besides a devil? Look homeward angel and melt. "A god is a personification of a motivating power of a value system that functions in human life and in the universe.” The lack of a quality to that value system is troubling. “Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.” "The rise and fall of civilizations in the long, broad course of history can be seen to have been largely a function of the integrity and cogency of their supporting canons of myth. The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read, not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."--Joseph Campbell. The Power of Myth. So how the universe could have been if he had created it, "unfit for illumination" ends up as a fairy tale transcendence. The doped out Beatle said it, "nothing is real." Two grams of C137 is more radioactive than 20 tons of Potassium-40.
They say the angel pulls its partner along, a female emanation, into a future, but backwards, while looking at the past and the mounting rubble, for history rubble grows greater as time progresses. Then in this maturity the new name that should not have been given in the first place occurs and is said to join the life forces, male and female, but loses the gift of seeming human. No man now and if not, what, armored and encased, a picture up on the wall? Considered a self portrait of the masculine side, it could be anyone. "The new angel passed himself off as one of these before he was prepared to name himself" 207, but the name once given is fatal, as though both male and female, angel and man, projected into the angel, the image and the world were all the same thing that in its absence exists and oneself, once removed, let go of the forever in order to be called by the new name. But when fire from the quartz is struck that is the new human, new man whose "regeneration, at least in its commencement, is a work of the mind, and when it first takes place, it has the lusts of the flesh, yea, all the evil inclinations to war against; and even ignorance itself, together with the temptations and allurements from without." So who pulls along the new, the old or the old made new, the art on the wall or the words to describe? These images, names hanging in the eternal catalog appear miniature, but one's most important possession, as the New Angel Angelus Novus was to Benjamin (210), momento of his spiritual vocation, a living allegory, flesh into nonflesh, sea washed, uplifted falls.
While morn touches top and Sun stretches hill, rise, see Fukushima.
Durnford: Everything starved to death but they refuse to mention Fukushima.Check the Nuclear Proctologist: Dana Durnford Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands” — “A host of other freakish phenomena” (VIDEO)
Alaska Seabird Die-Off Excludes Fukushima Again Jan 4th 2016
Alaska Dispatch News, Jan 29, 2016: Scientists think Gulf of Alaska seabird die-off is biggest ever recorded… The mass of dead seabirds that have washed up on Alaska beaches in past months is unprecedented in size, scope and duration, a federal biologist said… The staggering die-off… is a signal that something is awry in the Gulf of Alaska
Heather Renner, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge: “We are in the midst of perhaps the largest murre die-off ever recorded”… [In Homer] the beaches are “littered” with murre carcasses…
Scientists think Gulf of Alaska seabird die-off is biggest ever recorded
USGS (pdf), Jan 2016: During March through September 2015, at least 25 seabird mortality events were reported across Alaska… The primary avian species reported included common and thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls, and sooty and short-tailed shearwaters… Some of these avian mortalities were concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities
Alaska Public Radio, Jan 28, 2016: [T]his event will likely be the largest and most widespread on record. And seeing the starving birds dying far inland apparently searching for food is “nearly unheard of,”
Marine Science Symposium – LIVEBLOG – Thursday
This extinction event is not being brought to you.
Believe me, that suggests the cure. Jesus healed the woman!
Cesium plume, Chernobyl heart, necklace,
Motive, means, opportunity. Tesla said he could split the earth. His scalar energies are the means to earthquakes. But there must be a deeper game than the Mars migration, thus the technology already exists to stop the Fukushima leaks as well as the means to use different energy, but it will not be made visible until the ET HD (hyper dimensional) comes to align the commoners to its will. Then this charade will seem a salvation. All a charade.
I shot the planet. The usual list of suspects. All the institutions are guilty. All the gofernments, corporations, militaries. All the scientists. But they will say you and I are guilty from our consumption, for attending their play, the usual ploy to attribute to commoners their own crimes, and then to blame them, thus transfer the guilt. Now you know why the Bohemian Grove consumes their care.
Talk about sea to land transfer of radioactivity, they need to assuage their guilt so they can do it some more. Vestiges of humanity and conscience remain, if only just. What they do in service of their hierarchy makes them sick sometimes. But none of us have built power plants or fired depleted uranium bullets. The Motive of save the earth is a classic bait and switch to murder it.
Calculating why serial and mass murderers did what they did never gets much beyond dementia and demons. That's why we are glad to offer another motive. The Killing of the World by radioactive poisoning is covered up to prevent all the people from turning to Yahve, to Jesus the Messiah for their salvation, a natural choice since all the world, everything we worked and suffered comes to the same end as every other human passion. But death by radiation is somehow different in the mind than all the others available, probably because the absolute certainty of it for the young is so dismal. What is life worth? Answer, faith redeems the mind and the soul and enables martyrdom alongside all the heroes of faith. So if this knowledge of World Murder is postponed, then that many fewer will not turn to faith. The salvation of the world comes with this knowledge.
When people die of sudden mishap they know what happened to them, but we don't. They however will tell if we have ears to hear. They know what happened to them and their knowledge is forever. In our knowing we are made forever. We live this tribulation in hope because what we know lasts forever and in that knowledge we last. We know what we know and if somebody's been killed they will tell it, so it wasn't done in secret because somebody knows who tells. How will they tell? We will tell.
Any philosophy of war is a philosophy of murder. War was taught by the fallen angels long ago. A psychology of war aims to demoralize, take the will. If it comes down to a philosophy of war, its cause, there is little difference between a person and a world in this, for in Adam all die. The corollary is that in Christ all shall be made alive. First off thEn death and life oppose, but what is the cause of war? Of course that must mean war on earth, for nowhere else do we know. And it must mean war in a man, for no one else do we know. Enoch says war was taught to men by the fallen angels. This impolitic saying, that heaven is at war and earth is too, involves a war in heaven meaning all the spiritual realms surrounding earth and man. No wonder even the slightest particular is involved in war, meaning its victim. So to introduce the implements of war, the Bicopters, Tricopters, Quadcopters, Pentacopters, Hexacopters, Octocopters: depleted uranium bullets 1.67 times denser than lead, that have — at a minimum — 40 percent the radioactivity of natural uranium with a half-life that can be measured between 703 million to 4.468 billion years, see, Beyond Treason. Used in Iraq, cancer rates have gone from 40 per 100,000 people prior to the First Gulf War in 1991, to 800 per 100,000 in 1995, to at least 1,600 per 100,000 in 2005. Children play in depleted uranium-contaminated fields. Depleted uranium-tainted metals are sold for scrap metal and re-used for machinery parts, cook pans, home furnishings. Salvaged vehicles accumulate depleted uranium dust from depleted uranium munitions, the ambient radiation soon to present at sea level in LA.
I ask you Father to stop the Vatican and the Queen of England, the President of the United States and Monsanto, all the corporations that buy and sell souls and destroy the world national and international, GE, to stop Fukushima and defeat CERN, to cause the EU and TPP and the Trilateral Commission to come into confusion, for evil to slay the wicked in their oppressions, to defend the poor, the alien in the world, the women, children and men of families who seek you. And let the grace that overflows from them comfort and redeem the world.
Create a problem too big to solve as pretext for inviting its sponsors.
Induce the alter by sponsoring the opposite.
Oppose the mark in order to teach it.
sounds like Reagan signing executive orders against liberty for freedom.
It sounds like the Pop World uniting against global warming.
Where are all the
Fallen angels?Motive, means, opportunity. Tesla said he could split the earth. His scalar energies are the means to earthquakes. But there must be a deeper game than the Mars migration, thus the technology already exists to stop the Fukushima leaks as well as the means to use different energy, but it will not be made visible until the ET HD (hyper dimensional) comes to align the commoners to its will. Then this charade will seem a salvation. All a charade.
I shot the planet. The usual list of suspects. All the institutions are guilty. All the gofernments, corporations, militaries. All the scientists. But they will say you and I are guilty from our consumption, for attending their play, the usual ploy to attribute to commoners their own crimes, and then to blame them, thus transfer the guilt. Now you know why the Bohemian Grove consumes their care.
Talk about sea to land transfer of radioactivity, they need to assuage their guilt so they can do it some more. Vestiges of humanity and conscience remain, if only just. What they do in service of their hierarchy makes them sick sometimes. But none of us have built power plants or fired depleted uranium bullets. The Motive of save the earth is a classic bait and switch to murder it.
Calculating why serial and mass murderers did what they did never gets much beyond dementia and demons. That's why we are glad to offer another motive. The Killing of the World by radioactive poisoning is covered up to prevent all the people from turning to Yahve, to Jesus the Messiah for their salvation, a natural choice since all the world, everything we worked and suffered comes to the same end as every other human passion. But death by radiation is somehow different in the mind than all the others available, probably because the absolute certainty of it for the young is so dismal. What is life worth? Answer, faith redeems the mind and the soul and enables martyrdom alongside all the heroes of faith. So if this knowledge of World Murder is postponed, then that many fewer will not turn to faith. The salvation of the world comes with this knowledge.
When people die of sudden mishap they know what happened to them, but we don't. They however will tell if we have ears to hear. They know what happened to them and their knowledge is forever. In our knowing we are made forever. We live this tribulation in hope because what we know lasts forever and in that knowledge we last. We know what we know and if somebody's been killed they will tell it, so it wasn't done in secret because somebody knows who tells. How will they tell? We will tell.
Any philosophy of war is a philosophy of murder. War was taught by the fallen angels long ago. A psychology of war aims to demoralize, take the will. If it comes down to a philosophy of war, its cause, there is little difference between a person and a world in this, for in Adam all die. The corollary is that in Christ all shall be made alive. First off thEn death and life oppose, but what is the cause of war? Of course that must mean war on earth, for nowhere else do we know. And it must mean war in a man, for no one else do we know. Enoch says war was taught to men by the fallen angels. This impolitic saying, that heaven is at war and earth is too, involves a war in heaven meaning all the spiritual realms surrounding earth and man. No wonder even the slightest particular is involved in war, meaning its victim. So to introduce the implements of war, the Bicopters, Tricopters, Quadcopters, Pentacopters, Hexacopters, Octocopters: depleted uranium bullets 1.67 times denser than lead, that have — at a minimum — 40 percent the radioactivity of natural uranium with a half-life that can be measured between 703 million to 4.468 billion years, see, Beyond Treason. Used in Iraq, cancer rates have gone from 40 per 100,000 people prior to the First Gulf War in 1991, to 800 per 100,000 in 1995, to at least 1,600 per 100,000 in 2005. Children play in depleted uranium-contaminated fields. Depleted uranium-tainted metals are sold for scrap metal and re-used for machinery parts, cook pans, home furnishings. Salvaged vehicles accumulate depleted uranium dust from depleted uranium munitions, the ambient radiation soon to present at sea level in LA.
I ask you Father to stop the Vatican and the Queen of England, the President of the United States and Monsanto, all the corporations that buy and sell souls and destroy the world national and international, GE, to stop Fukushima and defeat CERN, to cause the EU and TPP and the Trilateral Commission to come into confusion, for evil to slay the wicked in their oppressions, to defend the poor, the alien in the world, the women, children and men of families who seek you. And let the grace that overflows from them comfort and redeem the world.